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A la sombra del tiempo, libro 1: Sueños oscuros

by Jen Minkman Sara Bueno Carrero

Lo único que necesita Hannah tras su primer año como profesora de Francés en un instituto son unas buenas vacaciones. Por ello, decide pasar el verano con su hermano Ben en la cabaña de su madre, en una reserva navaja de Arizona. Allí volverá a encontrarse con Josh, el amigo de la infancia de Ben. El pequeño navajo ya se ha hecho mayor y Hannah no puede contener un sentimiento que va más allá de la amistad. Pero el destino le depara algo más, y no es precisamente paz y tranquilidad. Noche tras noche, a Hannah le atormentan extrañas pesadillas sobre el pasado del pueblo navajo y sombras terroríficas que la persiguen. Cada vez están más cerca. ¿Y por qué siempre aparece Josh en sus sueños? A veces el pasado consigue darte alcance. Romance gratis en español !

À la poursuite de Seth (Véritables compagnons #1)

by Bénédicte Girault J. R. Loveless

Véritables compagnons, numéro hors sérieLe vétérinaire, Seth Davies arrive à Senaka, Wyoming, en quête de paix et d'anonymat pour échapper à son passé. Depuis toujours, il n'est qu'une cible pour les problèmes et la douleur et Seth en a déjà eu plus que sa part. Kasey Whitedove, après un coup d'œil à Seth en déduit le pire. Aucun homme blanc ne peut aimer les animaux de la manière dont s'attend la population Cheyenne et Kasey rend le premier jour de Seth à Senaka plus que pénible. Puis, un accident met Kasey dans la position inconfortable de devoir revoir ses croyances - tout en désirant ardemment Seth - en dépit du danger de se révéler en tant que loup-garou et des sombres secrets de la vie de Seth. Poursuivre Seth et le tenir à l'abri de son passé va devenir le rôle le plus important de la vie de Kasey.

A la Luz de un Bosque Oscuro

by J. W. Goodwin

El viaje de campamento de Evelyn toma un giro sorprendente cuando es atrapada en el bosque durante una tormenta de nieve. Después de que un extraño extraño acude en su ayuda, Evelyn se apresura a seguir su ejemplo. Pronto, ella se da cuenta de algo inusual sobre el hombre extraño. Después de que él conduce a Evelyn a un mundo de invierno eterno, se pone en marcha una cadena de eventos que cambian su vida para siempre. De lo que no se da cuenta es que el mayor descubrimiento de todas las mentiras dentro de ella ... algo que ha estado durmiendo en su interior todo el tiempo.

A la deriva

by Errin Stevens

Para Kate Sweeting, el amor no está en el aire. Está en el agua. Desde la muerte de su padre, la vida familiar de Kate Sweeting está en la ruina, su bienestar con respiración asistida. Su futuro parece desolador hasta que ella y su madre, Cara, trazan otro plan: abandonar su marchita existencia por unas perspectivas más prometedoras en la costa, donde Cara puede jugar a la soltera-bibliotecaria de pueblo y Kate puede averiguar qué pasa con esa reservada familia Blake de la playa. Todo el mundo está extrañamente cautivado por Kate y su madre, y Cara es la primera en darse cuenta de por qué cuando el hombre de sus sueños llega todo empapado y entregado y con la boca cerrada sobre lo que pretende. Kate está dispuesta a seguir con su subterfugio durante un tiempo, pero finalmente se lanza al agua para descubrir lo que esconde su madre. Gabe Blake la está esperando... y también alguien bastante menos amistoso. Cuando Kate regrese a casa, todo habrá cambiado para ella: lo que siente, lo que quiere y lo que arriesgará para estar con el hombre que ama.

A la caza del duque

by Celeste Bradley

Para Phoebe Millbury, la única manera de heredar la fortuna familiar es encontrar un duque. Así lo dispuso su difunto abuelo. Pero eso no es todo: Phoebe, que todavía intenta recuperarse de un escándalo amoroso, tendrá que competir contra sus dos primas. La contienda es por el mismo dinero, y quizá por el mismo hombre... hasta que ella reconoce al mejor partido en el tremendamente guapo y encantador Rafe Marbrook, marqués de Brookhaven y futuro duque.Cuando el marqués de Brookhaven le pide la mano, Phoebe apenas puede creerlo, aunque... la petición no la hace Rafe, sino Calder, su hermano mayor, que además no es tan agraciado. Pero al contrario que Rafe, ¡no es un hijo ilegítimo! Ahora Phoebe se encuentra al borde de un nuevo escándalo, porque debe enfrentarse a una elección desesperada: casarse por dinero y posición, o seguir el dictado de su corazón.

A.L.F.A. Mates

by Milly Taiden

Two A.L.F.A. adventures—Elemental Mating and Mating Needs—are available in one volume for the first time and feature two of the hottest shifters agents around. ELEMENTAL MATING Brilliant scientist Melinda Caster has discovered a new strain of the Zika virus that stimulates synaptic growth in embryos, causing neuron development beyond normal human levels. When her lab is broken into, Melinda realizes that someone has been keeping tabs on her research and wants it for themselves. A.L.F.A. sends in jaguar-shifter Agent Parish Hamel to help Melinda discover who is after the virus and why. But the attraction between Parish and Melinda may be the real discovery. MATING NEEDS Amerella Capone is the great-grandniece of the infamous Al Capone, and she won't let anyone in the Las Vegas Mafia forget it. When Amerella unintentionally stumbles upon bad family business that she wants no part of, she becomes a star witness for a high-profile government case. A.L.F.A. is called in to keep Amerella safe, but cougar-shifter Agent François Dubois has history with his charge, and the secrets between them might do more damage than any gun pointed at his head.

A.L.F.A. Instincts (An A.L.F.A. Novel)

by Milly Taiden

A.L.F.A. agent Bryon Day and Director Josh Tumbel find their mates in this 2-in-1 volume set in the A.L.F.A. series by the New York Times bestselling author of A.L.F.A. Mates.An undercover mission goes awry in Dangerous MatingShifter agent Bryon Day has been deeply undercover for over a year. A.L.F.A. hasn't heard from him for months, so they fear he's been outed and killed. A shifter team, including newbie agent Kari Tomlin, is sent to bring back news of his mission or a body. Only Kari's search for answers gets her on the wrong side of a local prince--and tossed into a dungeon, where she discovers Byron--a man she's been looking for in more ways than one...A.L.F.A. headquarters is under fire in Fearless MatingShifter Director Josh Tumbel is up for a challenge when he has to protect A.L.F.A. from Shifter Candy Obermier who's sent in to determine the agency's value to the U.S. government. When headquarters is taken in a hostage situation, Josh does what he can to protect his team and keep Candy from pissing-off the suicide bomber...

A.I. Apocalypse (Singularity Series, Book #2)

by William Hertling

[from the back cover] "When seventeen-year-old Leon Tsarev is coerced into writing a computer virus, the evolutionary virus he creates based on biological principles is successful--a little too successful. All the world's computers are infected. Everything from cars to payment systems and, of course, computers and smartphones stop functioning, and with them go essential functions including emergency services, transportation, and the food supply. Billions of people may die. But evolution never stops. The virus continues to change, developing intelligence, communication, and finally an entire civilization of A.I. called the Phage. Some may be friendly to humans, but others most definitely are not. Leon and his companions must race against time and the military to find a way to either befriend or eliminate the Phage and restore the world's computer infrastructure."

À feu et à sang (THIRDS #2)

by Charlie Cochet Ingrid Lecouvez

Suite de Contre vents et maréesTHIRDS, tome 2Quand une série de bombes explosent dans un Centre de Jeunesse Therian, blessant les membres du THIRDS de l'équipe Destructive Delta, et provoquant un désaccord entre les agents Dexter J. Daley et Sloane Brodie, la paix semble impossible à atteindre. Plus encore quand un nouveau groupe semant la terreur, l'Ordre d'Adrasteia a toujours l'air d'avoir une longueur d'avance. Avec la panique et l'intolérance qui se propagent, et les rues jonchées de la propagande de l'Ordre, l'hostilité entre humains et Therians croît à mesure que les jours passent. Dex et Sloane, avec le reste de l'équipe, sont déterminés à faire tomber l'Ordre et à rétablir la paix, sans parler de régler un différend personnel. Mais plus l'équipe s'investit dans l'enquête sur les attentats, plus ils croient à un motif plus sinistre que le simple désir de répandre le sang et semer le chaos. Quand il découvre l'horrible vérité derrière les intentions de l'Ordre, Sloane est forcé de faire face aux secrets d'un passé qu'il pensait avoir à tout jamais laissé derrière lui, un passé qui pourrait non seulement le détruire, ainsi que sa carrière, mais aussi la réputation de l'organisation qui a fait de lui ce qu'il est aujourd'hui. Maintenant plus que jamais, Dex et Sloane ont besoin l'un de l'autre, et, avec la confiance, la force de leur lien fera la différence entre la justice et la guerre totale.

À Espera de Vingança: Pode a Liberdade ser para todos? (Da Série Silrith #1)

by P. J. Berman

“Mãe de muitos, Mãe de ninguém, uma Rainha ruirá, e uma Guerreira surgirá.” Uma espada. O mundo. A relíquia sagrada. Como você lutaria para recuperar sua liberdade? O Rei está morto. Uma prisão foi decretada. O trono foi usurpado. Bennvika é uma terra envolvida em turbulência e incerteza. Silrith, a Princesa exilada de Bennvika, permanece lado a lado com seus seguidores, espada na mão, pronta para defender aqueles que precisam de sua proteção. No entanto, ela sabe que se falhar, outros milhares também perecerão. Ezrina, da tribo Hentani, arde de desejo de vingança contra aqueles que oprimem seu povo, mas mais do que tudo, ela deve lutar para proteger a mulher que poderia ser executada por amá-la. Zethun, um jovem político ambicioso, anseia por um mundo mais justo, com maior voz para os pobres. No entanto, para ele e seus seguidores, dizer a palavra "república" pode ser uma jogada fatalmente perigosa em uma terra governada por um tirano. As facções rebeldes terão sucesso? Ou no caos indiscriminado da guerra, sua desunião será sua queda, provocando a destruição de seu mundo como o conhecem? "Este é o começo de algo verdadeiramente especial" Comentários de Don Jimmy "Uma das melhores histórias que eu já li sobre personagens femininas fortes" Fee Roberts, FeeRtheDragon

A dónde van los dragones

by Bruno Puelles

Cuando un dragón se cruza en tu camino es imposible olvidarte de él... y el protagonista de esta historia hará lo que sea por volver a encontrarlo. «Al aterrizar había clavado las garras en el suelo, haciendo mella en la roca. Sus cuernos eran enormes, ¡cuernos!, allí estaban, tan evidentes, y yo me sentí avergonzado porque siempre los olvidaba cuando dibujaba dragones. Él me examinaba. Sus ojos, dos ranuras naranjas, parecían hostiles. Me asustó. Di un paso hacia atrás, resbalé. Mi cuerpo tiró de mí hacia abajo, pero no había suelo allí. Sentí que me precipitaba al vacío.» Dicen que encontrarte con un dragón te cambia la vida para siempre. Henre es incapaz de olvidar a ese dragón sin jinete que se cruzó en su camino, y esto le impulsa a enrolarse en el Ejército del Aire, con la esperanza de que le asignen uno. Volar es lo único que le importa; la guerra es algo secundario y lejano. Cuando ésta cae sobre él, desestabiliza su vida y le enfrenta a preguntas desconocidas hasta entonces. ¿Basta el miedo a caer para quitar las ganas de volar? ¿Puede ser el amor una vía para la supervivencia? ¿A dónde van los dragones sin jinete?

À contre-courant (THIRDS #5)

by Ingrid Lecouvez Charlie Cochet

Suite de Grandeur et décadenceTHIRDS, tome 5Ash Keeler, l’agent Défense le plus féroce du THIRDS au sein de l’Unité Destructive Delta, est grossier et a mauvais caractère, mais son approche musclée est toujours synonyme de résultats, comme le démontre sa récente infiltration au sein de la Coalition. Grâce à ses compétences et avec l’aide de son équipe, il met fin aux agissements du groupe extrémiste meurtrier, non sans prendre une balle pour sauver son coéquipier Cael Maddock. En conséquence de son geste, les secrets d’Ash refont surface et il ne peut ignorer plus longtemps ce qu’il a dans le cœur. Cael Maddock n’est pas étranger aux peines de cœur. En tant qu’Agent Recon pour Destructive Delta, il a manœuvré avec succès dans la jungle urbaine qu’est la ville de New York, glanant ses propres cicatrices en cours de route. Pourtant, rien de ce qu’il a déjà affronté ne s’est révélé un plus grand défi que le cœur d’Ash Keeler, son coéquipier soi-disant hétéro. Être amoureux n’est pas le seul danger qu’Ash et lui affrontent alors que des blessures se rouvrent et que de nouveaux secrets émergent, les forçant à s’interroger sur de vieilles loyautés.

A bocados

by Lucía Moya

Vampira y licántropa, libros y bosque, Vivian y Ekaitza. Dos chicas que se encuentran y una diosa que acecha desde las entrañas de la tierra. Cuando Vivian se muda a un pequeño pueblo de Euskadi, lo hace buscando la paz que su hermana necesita y que ella misma desea. Sin embargo, el destino hace que su camino se cruce con el de Ekaitza. Y lentamente, entre clases y libros, ambas empiezan a comprenderse de una forma inesperada. Temerosas de que sus secretos salgan a la luz, sin saber que la otra no es tan humana como parece, las dos ocultan su verdadera esencia. Ekaitza no sabe cómo decirle que es una licántropa, y Vivian siente que debe ocultar su vampirismo. Mientras tanto, en el bosque, ambas se encuentran en sus cuerpos animales. Bajo la cómplice luz de la luna, forjan una silenciosa amistad que les brinda consuelo incluso cuando sus formas humanas no logran conectar del todo. Entre ellas, un mar de celos y secretos, de buenas intenciones y malentendidos, que las une y separa con sus caóticas olas hasta el día en que llega una tormenta...

A, B, C: Three Short Novels

by Samuel R. Delany

A, B, C: Three Short Novels contains the first three novels of Samuel R. Delany's long and illustrious career. The Jewels of Aptor is a science-fantasy story about a seafaring quest that sets out to find powerful magic jewels on a mystical, forbidden island where unimaginable danger lies. The Ballad of Beta-2 is about a future academic searching for the true story behind an interstellar voyage, a journey over multiple generations that ended in tragedy. They Fly at Çiron is a fantasy about the clash between a marauding army and a peaceful village at the foot of a mountain from which a race of winged people oversees both sides. Presenting these three novels in this omnibus volume for the first time, along with a new foreword and afterword by the author, A, B, C showcases Delany's masterful storytelling ability and deep devotion to his craft.

The 9th Annual Of The Year's Best SF

by Judith Merril

Judith Merril's collection of stories and poems some by renown authors.

99 Coffins (Laura Caxton #2)

by David Wellington

Laura Caxton vowed never to face them again. The horror of what the vampires did is too close, the wounds too fresh. But when Jameson Arkeley, broken and barely recognisable, comes to her with an unfathomable, unholy discovery, her resolve crumbles. Arkeley leads Caxton to a tomb in Gettysburg recently excavated by a local archaeology professor. While the town, with its legendary role in the Civil War's worst battle, is no stranger to cemeteries, this one is remarkably, eerily different. In it lie 100 coffins - 99 of them occupied by vampires, who, luckily, are missing their hearts. But one of the coffins is empty and smashed to pieces. Who is the missing vampire? Does he have access to the 99 hearts that, if placed back in the bodies of their owners, could reanimate an entire bloodthirsty army? How did the vampires end up there, undisturbed and undiscovered for 150 years? The answer lies in Civil War documents that contain sinister secrets about the newly found coffins - secrets that Laura Caxton is about to uncover as she is thrown into a deadly, gruesome mission of saving an entire town from a mass invasion of the undead . . .

97 Ways to Train a Dragon #9

by Kate Mcmullan

Wiglaf's supposed to be a dragon slayer, but he's more like a dragon babysitter when he finds a baby dragon and decides to keep it! Back in his first new adventure in four years, Wiglaf is as funny and appealing as ever. In keeping with the reissue of the original books in the series, the ninth book is 112 pages long and includes a hilarious bonus yearbook section that will have kids laughing out loud.

911 Vampire

by Caleb James

A vampire succubus created during the Black Plague, Godfrey works as a Boston paramedic and battles loneliness and exhaustion as he fights to keep humanity safe from twin COVID and opioid epidemics. <p><p>He has always pursued that which provides him hope—medicine, the cello… love. But yielding to his feelings for his work partner, Trevor, would conflict with Godfrey’s complicated moral code. Instead he feeds on sexual energy when he must and investigates a drug ring in his spare time. <p><p>But even a vampire can’t ignore his feelings forever.

9 Tales of Raffalon

by Matthew Hughes

In an age of wizards and walled cities, Raffalon is a journeyman member of the Ancient and Honorable Guild of Purloiners and Purveyors. In other words, a thief.His skills allow him to scale walls, tickle locks, defeat magical wards. He lifts treasures and trinkets, and spends the proceeds on ale and sausages in taverns where a wise thief sits with his back to the wall.But somehow things often go the way they shouldn't and then Raffalon has to rely upon his wits and a well calibrated sense of daring.Here are nine tales that take our enterprising thief into the Underworld and Overworld, and pit him against prideful thaumaturges, grasping magnates, crooked guild masters, ghosts, spies, ogres, and a talented amateur assassin.Includes "Inn of the Seven Blessings," from the bestselling anthology, ROGUES, and "Sternutative Sortilege," which appears only in this collection.Praise for Matthew Hughes:"Criminally underrated" - George R.R. Martin"Heir apparent to Jack Vance" - Booklist"Hughes's boldness is admirable"- New York Review of Science Fiction"Hughes effortlessly renders fantastic worlds and beings believable"- Publishers Weekly"A towering talent"- Robert J. Sawyer

9 Tales of Henghis Hapthorn

by Matthew Hughes

Here are nine tales of Henghis Hapthorn, foremost freelance discriminator of Old Earth in the planet's penultimate age. Included are the six stories that ran in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (and were previously collected in The Gist Hunter and Other Stories), leading up to the events that began the first Hapthorn novel, Majestrum, plus three more.

9 Tales of Henghis Hapthorn

by Matthew Hughes

Here are nine tales of Henghis Hapthorn, foremost freelance discriminator of Old Earth in the planet's penultimate age. Included are the six stories that ran in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (and were previously collected in The Gist Hunter and Other Stories), leading up to the events that began the first Hapthorn novel, Majestrum, plus three more.Praise for Matthew Hughes:"Criminally underrated" - George R.R. Martin"Heir apparent to Jack Vance" - Booklist"Hughes's boldness is admirable"- New York Review of Science Fiction"Hughes effortlessly renders fantastic worlds and beings believable"- Publishers Weekly"A towering talent"- Robert J. Sawyer

9 asesinos

by Alex J. Santamaría

Diez relatos que harán viajar al lector a distintas épocas y lugares, donde podrá sumergirse en las vidas extraordinarias de los personajes y sus emociones. Descubriremos el mal en muchas de sus formas y también cómo los protagonistas tendrán que luchar contralos designios de su destino.

88 Names: A Novel

by Matt Ruff

The critically acclaimed author of Lovecraft Country returns with a thrilling and immersive virtual reality epic—part cyberthriller, part twisted romantic comedy—that transports you to a world where identity is fluid and nothing can be taken at face value.John Chu is a “sherpa”—a paid guide to online role-playing games like the popular Call to Wizardry. For a fee, he and his crew will provide you with a top-flight character equipped with the best weapons and armor, and take you dragon-slaying in the Realms of Asgarth, hunting rogue starships in the Alpha Sector, or battling hordes of undead in the zombie apocalypse.Chu’s new client, the pseudonymous Mr. Jones, claims to be a “wealthy, famous person” with powerful enemies, and he’s offering a ridiculous amount of money for a comprehensive tour of the world of virtual-reality gaming. For Chu, this is a dream assignment, but as the tour gets underway, he begins to suspect that Mr. Jones is really North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, whose interest in VR gaming has more to do with power than entertainment. As if that weren’t enough to deal with, Chu also has to worry about “Ms. Pang,” who may or may not be an agent of the People’s Republic of China, and his angry ex-girlfriend, Darla Jean Covington, who isn’t the type to let an international intrigue get in the way of her own plans for revenge.What begins as a whirlwind online adventure soon spills over into the real world. Now Chu must use every trick and resource at his disposal to stay one step ahead—because in real life, there is no reset button.


by Claire North

From one of the most powerful writers in modern fiction and World Fantasy Award winner comes a dystopian vision of a world where money reigns supreme, and nothing is so precious that it can't be bought.... The penalty for Dani Cumali's murder: £84,000. Theo works in the Criminal Audit Office. He assesses each crime that crosses his desk and makes sure the correct debt to society is paid in full. These days, there's no need to go to prison - provided that you can afford to pay the penalty for the crime you've committed. If you're rich enough, you can get away with murder. But Dani's murder is different. When Theo finds her lifeless body, and a hired killer standing over her and calmly calling the police to confess, he can't let her death become just an entry on a balance sheet. Someone is responsible. And Theo is going to find them and make them pay. Perfect for fans of speculative fiction such as The Handmaid's Tale and Never Let Me Go, Claire North's moving and unnerving new novel will resonate with readers around the world.Previous books by Claire North:The First Fifteen Lives of Harry AugustTouchThe Sudden Appearance of HopeThe End of the DayBy the same author, writing as Kate Griffin:A Madness of AngelsThe Midnight MayorThe Neon CourtThe Minority CouncilThe Glass GodStray Souls

84K: 'An eerily plausible dystopian masterpiece' Emily St John Mandel

by Claire North

'AN EERILY PLAUSIBLE DYSTOPIAN MASTERPIECE' Emily St. John Mandel, author of STATION ELEVEN'AN EXTRAORDINARY NOVEL . . . with echoes of The Handmaid's Tale' Cory Doctorow***SHORTLISTED FOR THE PHILIP K. DICK AWARD***From one of the most original new voices in modern fiction comes a startling vision of a world where you can get away with anything . . .Theo Miller knows the value of human life - to the very last penny. Working in the Criminal Audit Office, he assesses each crime that crosses his desk and makes sure the correct debt to society is paid in full. But when his ex-lover is killed, it's different. This is one death he can't let become merely an entry on a balance sheet. Because when the richest in the world are getting away with murder, sometimes the numbers just don't add up.From the award-winning Claire North comes an electrifying and provocative new novel which will resonate with readers around the world. Praise for 84K:'Another captivating novel from one of the most intriguing and genre-bending novelists' Booklist'Claire North goes from strength to strength . . . A tense, moving story' Guardian'Absolutely breath-taking... An early and compelling candidate for best novel of 2018' SciFi Magazine'A dystopian anthem for the modern activist . . . 84K is an important book but also a cracking thriller . . . Quite simply, North's best book so far' Starburst'North is an original and even dazzling writer' Kirkus'North's talent shines out' Sunday TimesWorks by Claire NorthNovels:The First Fifteen Lives of Harry AugustTouchThe Sudden Appearance of HopeThe End of the Day84KThe GameshouseThe Pursuit of William Abbey

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