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Permission to Dream: Stepping Stones to Create a Life of Passion and Purpose

by Lisa Hammond

Trade secrets and inspiration from one of America's top women entrepreneurs. What would we do if we knew we could not fail? With our busy and oft over-booked lives, it is sometimes difficult to discern what our true dreams and passions are. Permission to Dream is designed to help you discover your dreams and aid you in achieving them. Lisa Hammond, author and founder of Femail Creations, brings her own success and wisdom to the table with Permission to Dream, a set of forty-eight motivational cards. Each card contains a quote from an inspiring woman -- Oprah Winfrey, Dolly Parton, Helen Keller, Eleanor Roosevelt, and more--who has followed her dreams and achieved success, along with Lisa Hammond's own practical tips and quotes. This deck is sure to encourage your dreams and help make them happen. Keep it on your desk for motivation or in your purse for a quick pick-me-up.

Permission to Come Home: Reclaiming Mental Health as Asian Americans

by Jenny Wang

&“Dr. Jenny T. Wang has been an incredible resource for Asian mental health. I believe that her knowledge, presence, and activism for mental health in the Asian American/Immigrant community have been invaluable and groundbreaking. I am so very grateful that she exists.&”—Steven Yeun, actor, The Walking Dead and MinariAsian Americans are experiencing a racial reckoning regarding their identity, inspiring them to radically reconsider the cultural frameworks that enabled their assimilation into American culture. As Asian Americans investigate the personal and societal effects of longstanding cultural narratives suggesting they take up as little space as possible, their mental health becomes critically important. Yet despite the fact that over 18 million people of Asian descent live in the United States today — they are the racial group least likely to seek out mental health services. Permission to Come Home takes Asian Americans on an empowering journey toward reclaiming their mental health. Weaving her personal narrative as a Taiwanese American together with her insights as a clinician and evidence-based tools, Dr. Jenny T. Wang explores a range of life areas that call for attention, offering readers the permission to question, feel, rage, say no, take up space, choose, play, fail, and grieve. Above all, she offers permission to return closer to home, a place of acceptance, belonging, healing, and freedom. For Asian Americans and Diaspora, this book is a necessary road map for the journey to wholeness. .

Permission Granted: Changing the Paradigm for Women in Leadership

by Marcia A. Coné

A clear, accessible approach to aligning your thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors with what you truly want so you can live the best life you deserve. Do you feel like you’re waiting for something to happen? Waiting and hoping that someone or something will transform your current situation? Many successful leaders find themselves frustrated and stuck. You work hard, do the right thing, play by the rules, and still feel like you don’t know how to shift gears to achieve what you really want. Writing with warmth and insight, Marcia Coné shares an inspiring and supportive approach for managing your professional growth. Building on her insight and experience in leadership, Marcia offers opportunities for discovering and understanding your current situation from a different, more aligned perspective. When you tap into your ability to change your circumstances, you can much more easily achieve what you most want. Permission Granted is profoundly actionable. It is imbued with a positive outlook about change—why it can be difficult, how to engage on a personal level, and how to reframe your success. Experience the magic that happens when you align your thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors with what you truly want.

Permission Granted: Kick-Ass Strategies to Bootstrap Your Way to Unconditional Self-Love

by Regina Louise

Live unapologetically, fearlessly, and fabulously! Get ready to discover and implement practical, fierce, and fun ways to manifest your desires in every personal and professional sphere. With verve and heart, Permission Granted illustrates proven paths from &“you couldn&’t possibly&” to &“just watch me!&” You&’ll begin to deeply understand who you are and what you have been through, moving toward self-compassion and learning to give yourself the care and support you may have lacked. Author Regina Louise took herself from a childhood in solitary confinement in a residential treatment center to college and the creation of several successful businesses. She now works to show others how to dream and do no matter what. Her book is undeniably inspirational for anyone striving to get out from under limiting beliefs — their own as well as others&’.

Permission Granted: Be Who You Were Made to Be and Let Go of the Rest

by Melissa Camara Wilkins

From award-winning blogger Melissa Camara Wilkins, come and find a stunningly simple path to confidence and clarity. All you have to do is give yourself permission to show up as your gloriously imperfect self.Trying to fix yourself is exhausting. But being yourself - that is both possible and life-giving. The key is a simple heart-shift from chasing after perfection to learning to tell a truer story about ourselves, the world, and our place in it.Melissa Camara Wilkins invites you into her journey of discovering the profound simplicity of dropping the pretenses and allowing ourselves to be fully human - flaws and all. This is a story about making life simpler by letting go of who you think you're supposed to be and becoming who you really are.With wit and compassion, Melissa explores how to be present, show up as your real self, and get comfortable in your own skin by aligning the truth inside you with the life you live on the outside. Gain confidence with the freeing practices of dropping the mask, abandoning the experts, and understanding your real assignment. With refreshing honesty and insight, Melissa invites you to move from the either/or dichotomy into a spacious freedom of embracing the both/and - brave and scared, messy and real, gloriously imperfect and absolutely enough. This is your permission slip to be your whole, human self.For everyone who feels the pressure to fit in, measure up, and get it together, Permission Granted is a life-giving invitation to soul-level simplicity.

The Permanent Weight Loss Plan: A 10-Step Approach to Ending Yo-Yo Dieting

by Janice Asher Jae Rivera

We lost 170 pounds and kept it off! It&’s not a diet, but you will lose weight with this proven path to developing better eating habits and building a healthy relationship with food. Diets come and go, and the scale needle swings as you drop pounds and then gain them back. But what if there were a weight loss solution for forever? Not another fad diet based on deprivation and restriction, but a holistic system for shedding pounds and maintaining your weight? In The Permanent Weight Loss Plan, Janice Asher, MD, and Fulbright Open Research Fellow, Jae Rivera, reveal (from their own first-hand experiences) that it&’s not just about the food you eat or don&’t eat—it&’s about a mindset and lifestyle change. After collectively losing 170 pounds and maintaining their weight for years, Janice and Jae share scientific evidence, personal experiences, and practical insights on how you can successfully reframe your relationship with food. It&’s about stopping the shame associated with body size, recognizing instances of disordered eating, equipping yourself with the knowledge of what behaviors contribute to lasting weight loss, and making use of proven strategies. Get actionable tips on how to: Overcome barriers like stress, shame, and emotional eatingEscape the comfort food circle of hellEat food that nourishes your intestinal microbiome and brainReplace unhealthy habits with new ones that will treat your body wellBoost your metabolism by eating during the right times of the dayCommit to an exercise regime you can enjoyTransform your kitchen from danger zone to a safe spaceSurvive potential landmines like holidays and partiesDevelop strategies for not gaining back the weight you loseStop the cycle of fat-shaming and treat yourself with kindness Complete with 26 recipes for cauliflower quinoa puttanesca, &“umami bomb&” roasted portabella mushrooms, blueberry breakfast smoothie, curried lentil salad, and more, The Permanent Weight Loss Plan encourages readers, with gentle humor and compassion, to embrace a paradigm shift and transform their lives for good.

Permanent Partners: Building Gay and Lesbian Relationships That Last

by Betty Berzon

Psychologist offers counseling from her practice with long-term gay and lesbian couples. Topics, such as compatibility, internalized homophobia, communication, power and control issues, jealousy, fair fighting, money, sex, family, writing wills, etc, are all covered.

Permanent Marker: A Memoir

by Aimee Ross

“Aimee’s story reminds us that even when our truths don’t reveal themselves in the ways we wish they would, we can always choose how those truths shape, rather than define, our lives.”-Darin Strauss, author of Half a Life“Aimee Ross possesses an indomitable spirit and fierce humor that breathe new life into every page.”-Jill Christman, author of Darkroom and Borrowed Babies: Apprenticing for MotherhoodAimee Ross was living a perfectly normal life raising three kids, married to her high school sweetheart, and teaching at her high school alma mater. Life was perfect—right until it wasn’t.Unhappy in her marriage, Aimee asked for a divorce. Three days later, she suffered a heart attack at age forty-one. Five months after that, she survived a near-fatal car crash caused by an intoxicated driver. Her physical recovery took months and left her body marked by scars. The emotional recovery, though, would take longer, as Aimee sought to forgive the man who almost killed her—and to forgive herself for tearing apart her family.Aimee Ross writes with candor, wit, and humor as she finds the power in her story and chronicles her transformation into the woman she was always meant to be.Permanent Marker takes readers on a journey of healing, proving that from darkness can come new light, new love, and a renewed purpose for life.“A remarkable story of healing, courage, and finding the strength it takes to rewrite your life’s story.”-Tina Neidlein, humor writer and author of The Girl’s Guide and It’s a Mom Thing

Perlas de luz: Pensamientos para cada día del año

by Walter Dresel

Cada día de tu vida naces nuevamente. Walter Dresel te propone un pensamiento para cada jornada del año sobre el que podrás reflexionar para cultivar ese maravilloso jardín que es tu existencia. En este viaje de 365 días el autor te acompañará con propuestas frescas y breves, pensadas para estimularte en tus desafíos e inquietudes. Comienza tu jornada en positivo, leyendo estas perlas de luz antes de iniciar tu actividad. Comprobarás que tu armonía y equilibrio emocional dependen de la actitud con que abordas tus días.

Peritos de una fuga

by Lolità

Peritos de una fuga es una cirugía sin anestesia, le corre el velo a la verdad, para dejar de colaborar con este sistema donde los abusos de poder, las mentiras, los bloqueos, las consecuencias orgánicas y las perpetuidades continúan su fluidez sin que nadie haga nada al respecto. Desde la prisión de mi silencio, privada de mi verdad y de mi libertad, describí el escape maestro del alma fugitiva que hoy, después de tanto, tanto, vive en celeridad de la transformación de su propia realidad. ¿Serían jazmines? ¿Amapolas? ¿Magnolias? ¿Peonías? ¿Margaritas? ¿Calas? ¿Cuáles sería las flores más prudentes y atentas para dejar encima de mi significativa lápida? Me entusiasmé seleccionando mis favoritas: algunas por su perfume, otras por su color o textura, y otras por su significado. El florilegio de mis silvestres favoritas fue un éxito y, una vez recolectadas, las dejé colgadas con el tallo hacia arriba durante un tiempo. Mi intención era que se secaran, para que quedaran hermosas, como cuando las elegí. Deseaba que un sentido ramo acompañara mi simbólico epitafio, para agradecerle como corresponde a la Helena que había vivido hasta aquí, su camino recorrido, el esfuerzo, la valentía, su perspicacia, su aguante, su sonrisa, todas sus lágrimas, sus brazos, su aceptación, su tenacidad, su alegría a pesar de todo y su amor como arma letal. Mi antigua Helena, la que me trajo hasta aquí, merecía las flores más bonitas, una leyenda que homenajeara su trayectoria y dejara un misterio para que resolviera toda la sociedad. Después de presenciar una persecución policial en una autopista brasileña y ver representado en ella cómo me había sentido toda la vida, perseguida por una sociedad, un sistema automatizado e invertido que quería volver a encerrarme, ponerme detrás de barrotes para morir en silencio, elegí el epitafio. Peritos de una fuga relata la exitosa liberación de mi alma, mi alegórica muerte y mi apuesta a una resurrección. Dentro de este sarcófago libro en el que dejé morir mi pasado para resucitar en mi ahora, libre y llena de verdad, podrán hacer el peritaje conmigo y festejaremos juntos este victorioso escape.

Periodization Training For Sports Third Edition

by Tudor Bompa Carlo A. Buzzichelli

Sport conditioning has advanced tremendously since the era when a "no pain, no gain" philosophy guided the training regimens of athletes. Dr. Tudor Bompa pioneered most of these breakthroughs, proving long ago that it's not only how much and how hard an athlete works but also when and what work is done that determine an athlete's conditioning level. Periodization Training for Sports goes beyond the simple application of bodybuilding or powerlifting programs to build strength in athletes. In this new edition of Periodization Training for Sports, Bompa teams with strength and conditioning expert Carlo Buzzichelli to demonstrate how to use periodized workouts to peak at optimal times by manipulating strength training variables through six training phases (anatomical adaptation, hypertrophy, maximum strength, conversion to specific strength, maintenance, and tapering) and integrating them with energy system training and nutrition strategies. Coaches and athletes in 35 sports have at their fingertips a proven program that is sure to produce the best results. No more guessing about preseason conditioning, in-season workloads, or rest and recovery periods; now it's simply a matter of identifying and implementing the information in this book. Presented with plenty of ready-made training schedules, Periodization Training for Sports is your best conditioning planner if you want to know what works, why it works, and when it works in the training room and on the practice field. Get in better shape next season and reap the benefits of smarter workouts in competition. Own what will be considered the bible of strength training for sport of the next decade.

Perilous Pursuits: Overcoming Our Obsession with Significance

by Joseph M. Stowell

Ever since birth we've been told, 'we're nobody unless we're number one.' But now that we've so dutifully mastered the ability to defend our self-worth, this book shows why we must learn to forget it and redirect search for significance to the one true source of value - Jesus Christ.

Perhaps: Reclaiming the Space Between Doubt and Dogmatism

by Joshua M. McNall

The Christian life requires faith. That means that believers are sometimes faced with uncertainty. But is all uncertainty bad? Theologian Joshua McNall encourages readers to reclaim the little word "perhaps" as a sacred space between the warring extremes of unchecked doubt and zealous dogmatism. To say "perhaps" on certain contested topics means exercising a hopeful imagination, asking hard questions, returning once again to Scripture, and reclaiming the place of holy speculation as we cling to a faith that stands distinct from both pervasive skepticism and abrasive certainty. In this day especially, it's time Christians learned to say "perhaps."

Pergunte: As Questões Que Trazem Poder À Sua Vida

by Michael Jenet Mafalda Pinto

PORQUÊ? Porque é que algumas pessoas vivem mais felizes, são mais bem-sucedidas e têm vidas mais preenchidas, enquanto outras se sentem infelizes, em esforço constante e vazias? "PERGUNTE" dá-lhe a resposta. Como diz Jenet, "A vida é suposto ser vivida, não suportada". Num estilo coloquial, de fácil leitura e bem-humorado, salpicado com explicações lógicas, passos simples e exemplos da vida real, Michael Jenet mostra como obter mais da vida, independentemente de onde se encontra neste momento. A resposta à pergunta do "porquê" está nas questões que residem na nossa mente. Aprender a controlar essas questões, para elevar as nossas QI (Questões Intencionais) é o segredo por trás daqueles que vivem mais felizes e com vidas mais preenchidas, ao contrário dos que apenas sobrevivem. Este livro inclui uma caixa de ferramentas para o orientar e ajudar a melhorar de imediato: a sua carreira, o seu relacionamento, a sua saúde, a sua espiritualidade, o seu valor, a sua felicidade, a sua vida. Não importa em que fase da vida esteja, se quiser obter mais de cada dia, viver com mais alegria, mais sucesso, mais felicidade e, de facto, viver a vida e não apenas suportá-la, este livro irá ensiná-lo como o fazer.

Performing Under Pressure: The Science of Doing Your Best When It Matters Most

by J. P. Pawliw-Fry Hendrie Weisinger

Nobody performs better under pressure. Regardless of the task, pressure ruthlessly diminishes our judgment, decision-making, attention, dexterity, and performance in every professional and personal arena. In Performing Under Pressure, Drs. Hendrie Weisinger and J.P. Pawliw-Fry introduce us to the concept of pressure management, offering empirically tested short term and long term solutions to help us overcome the debilitating effects of pressure. Performing Under Pressure tackles the greatest obstacle to personal success, whether in a sales presentation, at home, on the golf course, interviewing for a job, or performing onstage at Carnegie Hall. Despite sports mythology, no one "rises to the occasion" under pressure and does better than they do in practice. The reality is pressure makes us do worse, and sometimes leads us to fail utterly. But there are things we can do to diminish its effects on our performance. Performing Under Pressure draws on research from over 12,000 people, and features the latest research from neuroscience and from the frontline experiences of Fortune 500 employees and managers, Navy SEALS, Olympic and other elite athletes, and others. It offers 22 specific strategies each of us can use to reduce pressure in our personal and professional lives and allow us to better excel in whatever we do. Whether you're a corporate manager, a basketball player, or a student preparing for the SAT, Performing Under Pressure will help you to do your best when it matters most.

Performance Reviews (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

by Harvard Business Review

Conducting performance reviews can be stressful. But these conversations are critical to your employees' development, allowing you to formally communicate with them about their accomplishments relative to their goals. Performance Reviews guides you through the basics. You'll learn to: Gather and analyze the right information Document your assessment Address performance problems Set challenging goalsAbout HBR's 20-Minute Manager Series:Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic.Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives-from the most trusted source in business. Also available as an ebook.

The Performance Paradox: Turning the Power of Mindset into Action

by Eduardo Briceño

Discover how to balance learning and performing to bolster personal and team success with this revolutionary guide from a world-renowned expert on growth mindset. &“An essential read for fostering learning, performance, and a growth mindset . . . I wholeheartedly recommend it.&”—Carol Dweck, bestselling author of MindsetA Next Big Idea Club Must ReadTo succeed in a fast-changing world, individuals and companies know they must create a culture of growth, where experimentation and feedback are encouraged, and learning is integrated into the everyday. Yet we often get stuck in a well-worn pattern of habits that don&’t move us forward. Why?Because many of us get trapped in the Performance Paradox: the counterintuitive phenomenon that if we focus only on performing, our performance suffers.How can we give ourselves the space to experiment and grow while also delivering high-level results?Fostering growth mindset to elevate performance is Eduardo Briceño&’s specialty. As CEO of Mindset Works and in his work with Fortune 500 companies, he discovered that mastering growth—personal, organizational, and financial—hinges on navigating the crucial balance between learning and performing.In The Performance Paradox, Briceño reveals how to• avoid falling into the chronic performance trap that stagnates growth• identify when and how to unlock the power of mistakes• integrate learning into daily habits in ways that stick• lead teams that constantly improve and outperform their targets• grow your skill level and output simultaneously and for the long term We can achieve more tomorrow than we do today if we develop the belief that we can change and the competence for how to change. With Briceño&’s innovative and refreshing framework of balancing learning and performing, individuals and companies can reach their boldest aspirations.

The Performance Mindset: 7 Steps to Success in Sport and Life

by Anthony J. Klarica

Learn the lessons of elite athletes to reach your full potential From acclaimed psychologist Anthony Klarica, The Performance Mindset: 7 steps to success in sport and life reveals the lessons of high-performing athletes and shows how you can build strategies to apply for greater success in sport, business or in your personal life. High performers are made, not born. High performance occurs through putting a careful and deliberate focus on growing mindset, and science proves that high-performers intentionally build these mindset skills and habits to maximise their opportunities. Talent and hard work are simply not enough. Through candid, in-depth interviews and stories from a wide variety of Australian athletes, you’ll learn how to: harness and maintain your motivation become resilient stay focussed and present lead yourself and others protect your mental health and wellbeing.Natural talent doesn’t necessarily equal high performance. With The Performance Mindset: 7 steps to success in sport and life, you’ll discover how to unleash your inner-champion and realise your full and unbridled potential, whether in sport, in business, or in life.

Performance Management Success

by Anthony L. Barth Wiaan De Beer

This book provides managers, leaders and practitioners with a dynamic framework that links several variables associated with performance management which can be applied across organizations and industries worldwide. Based on empirical evidence and experiences, this book provides a critical understanding of the interrelationship of organizational culture with performance management process (PMP) planning and implementation. The elements of the framework are approached from a macro-level-view and are balanced with conciseness and realism based on applied success studies, making this book a valuable educational, training and development resource tool for leaders and managers at all levels. The topic of performance in organizations is like the weather--everyone likes to talk about it, but few understand what is truly happening--or understand why? Individuals and organizations are no different when it comes to performance, regardless of performance level of focus: individual, team, unit, or organization-wide. Teams and organizations often miss opportunities to not only improve performance, but also leverage and sustain high performance. Organizational performance, organizational culture and organizational success are interrelated and should reinforce one another. This can be achieved through an effective performance management process (PMP) that lives, functions and thrives at multiple levels within institutions. This book will help organizations and institutions achieve performance management success by identifying comment elements, along with some patterned variation, that are applicable to a successful PMP. Featuring hands-on resource reference tools for immediate use and application, this book is useful for leaders, managers, scholars, students and policy makers in management, leadership, and organizational culture.

Performance Driven Thinking: A Challenging Journey That Will Encourage You to Embrace the Greatest Performance of Your Life

by Joel Comm Bobby Kipper David L. Hancock

A turbocharged handbook to reaching your fullest potential professionally and then maintaining it for the rest of your life. Did you know you were born to perform beyond your wildest expectations? Performance Driven Thinking will serve as your personal coach to a life of personal and professional prosperity. This journey will take you to a feeling of embracing life in the winner’s circle. It will assist you in overcoming the simple challenges of everyday issues to existing at a level which will benefit those who choose to take it. The key to this journey will begin when you discover the desire to perform and will end up with you embracing the will to perform. Non-performance in your life is no longer an option. Your stage is set. You have had a lifetime to prepare. Performance Driven Thinking will be your ticket to your personal and professional performance of a lifetime. What’s stopping you? You were born to perform.

Performance Breakthrough: A Radical Approach to Success at Work

by Cathy Rose Salit

Break through to your peak performance!Whether you're navigating your way on a new team, expanding your leadership role, or just trying to get heard in a meeting, you're facing the kind of workplace challenge we all run into sooner or later: you need a new performance.In Performance Breakthrough, Cathy Salit presents the revolutionary strategies that she's proven successful through over twenty years' experience custom-creating workshops for powerhouse clients including American Express, Nike, Coca-Cola, and DIRECTV. Artfully blending techniques from theatrical performance with the new science of performative psychology, Salit guides readers through forging new relationships guaranteed to yield greater success and satisfaction. Performance Breakthrough outlines proven techniques, including taking an emotional inventory; crafting new scripts for greater confidence, stronger relationships, and better outcomes; building ensembles; improvising; and listening--really listening--including accepting others' criticism and input.No matter what your challenge, Salit's innovative philosophy, case studies, practical exercises, and inspiring advice will help you deliver your own top performance.

Perfil de tres monarcas: Saúl, David y Absalón

by Gene Edwards

Estudio sobre el Quebrantamiento, la Sumisión y la Autoridad. Este bello, sencillo y enérgico relato, narrado por uno de los mejores novelistas norteamericanos, se convirtió en drama, representado por actores profesionales en el teatro y por aficionados en los templos. Algunos pastores han leído a sus congregaciones todo el relato desde el púlpito. Varios líderes cristianos y directores de movimientos religiosos han animado a sus miembros y a sus empleados en todo el mundo a que lean este libro. Por toda la tierra los cristianos han sidos ayudados, consolados y sanados del dolor, el daño y la angustia que han sufrido como resultado de un tratamiento injusto por parte de otros creyentes. Este libro es extraordinariamente útil para motivar a la reflexión y discusión en reuniones de pastores y otros líderes espirituales sobre el liderazgo aprobado por Dios.

Perfetta così come sono: Asma Elferkouss

by Asma Elferkouss

Esci dalla morsa di un pervertito narcisista e mettiti in piedi ... Come superare le tue paure per raggiungere questo obiettivo?

Perfekt so wie ich bin: -

by Asma Elferkouss

Wie kann man sich aus der Umklammerung eines perversen Narzissten befreien und auf eigenen Füßen stehen? Wie kann man seine eigenen Ängste überwinden, um dies zu erreichen?

El perfecto cerebro imperfecto

by Eduardo Calixto

Descubre cómo tu cerebro te ayuda a superar temores e incertidumbres y a lograr bienestar y felicidad. ¿Cómo reacciona nuestro cerebro ante pandemias o catástrofes naturales? ¿Qué ocurre en su interior cuando se presentan momentos de alegría, ilusiones o gratitud? Descubre en estas páginas lo que no sabías acerca de su funcionamiento. Con el tono más accesible, las investigaciones científicas más avanzadas y la amenidad que lo caracteriza, el doctor Eduardo Calixto explica qué ocurre en nuestro cerebro cuando enfrentamos crisis existenciales, cómo ayudan algunos alimentos a tener mejor salud cerebral, por qué es importante no saltarse el desayuno y hacer ejercicio. Además, en este libro sorprendente descubrirás: -Cómo la música influye para el bienestar físico y emocional. -Ejercicios como caminar en reversa para activar la memoria y los recuerdos. · Dequé forma el cerebro entiende la muerte y cómo se comporta ante la violencia, las mentiras o la tristeza. -Cómo reacciona ante el confinamiento o el síndrome de fatiga crónica. -Cómo entender los beneficios de la nostalgia y procurar siempre la risa. El perfecto cerebro imperfecto es una guía insuperable para enfrentar los tiempos difíciles, vencer la angustia y la incertidumbre, evitar la depresión y la ansiedad, así como para lograr una salud mental positiva. El autor bestseller nos invita, a partir del conocimiento de las funciones del cerebro, a ser más inteligentes, ¡sí es posible!, a dormir mejor, a controlar nuestros impulsos y, sobre todo, a buscar una vida llena de felicidad en cualquier circunstancia.

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