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Showing 126 through 150 of 36,437 results

Go For It!

by Judy Zerafa

Now with over 284,000 copies in print, here is the guide that helps teenagers set specific goals and gain control of their lives. Judy Zerafa knows teenagers' needs and desires, and explains clearly how to fulfill them. In Go For It!, self-respect is the key. Judy encourages teenagers to respect themselves, to realize they are special and fully capable of becoming the person he or she wants to be. Systematic ways to tap individual potential are detailed, and tips on developing attitude, image, and imagination are explained. Like an easy-to-talk-to friend, Judy sprinkles her commonsensical text with colorful anecdotes, cheerful reminders, to-the-point checklists. Whether the goal is landing a job, becoming popular, creating a winner's image, or facing and solving a problem, Go For It! shows young people and others how to claim their right to their own dreams.

Teoría de todo, de Jed McKenna--La perspectiva iluminada

by Maria-Teresa Zenteno Jed Mckenna

Los libros de Jed McKenna son lectura obligada para cualquier persona que no tenga miedo de ir donde la investigación honesta le conduzca, y nadie que sea serio acerca de su espiritualidad puede permitirse no leerlos. El lema de Wisefool Press es "La búsqueda ha terminado". Hay buenas razones para decir eso. Algunos lectores se han referido a los últimos libros de Jed como "los últimos libros espirituales que una persona necesitará leer", y también hay buenas razones para ello. La conclusión es que la espiritualidad tiene una cuestión fundamental que responder y Jed nos muestra dónde se encuentra.

The Unspeakable Loss: How Do You Live After a Child Dies?

by Nisha Zenoff

A guide to hope and healing after the death of a child, from a grief counselor and psychotherapist who has been there.Nisha Zenoff lost her son in a tragic accident when he was just seventeen years old. Now, with decades of experience as a grief counselor and psychotherapist, she offers support and guidance from her own journey and from others who have experienced the death of a child. The Unspeakable Loss helps those who mourn to face the urgent questions that accompany loss: "Will my tears ever stop?" "Who am I now without my child?" "How can I help my other children cope?" "I lost my only child, how do I live?" "Will my marriage survive?" "Will life ever feel worth living again?"No matter where you are in your grieving process, The Unspeakable Loss provides a space to mourn in your own way, and helps you understand how the death of a child affects siblings, other family members and friends, recognizing that we each grieve differently. And while there is no one prescription for healing, Zenoff provides tools to practice the important aspects of grieving that are easily forgotten--self-compassion and self-care.The Unspeakable Loss doesn't flinch from the reality or pain caused by the death of a child, yet ultimately it is a book about the choice to embrace life, love, and joy again. As Zenoff writes in the Preface: "Our relationships with our children do not end with their deaths. Our relationships change, they're transformed, but our children will always be with us."

Red Team: How To Succeed By Thinking Like The Enemy

by Micah Zenko

An international security expert shows how competitive organizations can get—and stay—ahead by thinking like their adversaries

Méditation: Comment Mediter

by Tao Zen Martin Florence Akshat Agrawal

Ce livre présente 7 puissantes techniques de méditation qui feront de vous un pro en un rien de temps. Ce livre n’est pas comme les autres livres de méditation qui ne parlent que philosophie et ne donnent pas lieu à une action réelle. Ce livre fera de vous un «moine zen" si vous avez une heure à y consacrer chaque jour. Ce livre est court, simple et un guide léger pour la méditation. Je vais vous apprendre quelques-unes des techniques puissantes telles que: - La nouvelle méditation visuelle La technique de la matrice mondiale (Cette technique peut augmenter votre QI au-delà de 180) Jamais entendu parler avant de la conscience totale Une méditation respiratoire très puissante Des exercices de concentration puissants et bien plus! J'ai essayé de gardé ce livre direct jusqu’à la fin. . Contrairement à d'autres livres, je ne vais pas continuer à parler de la méditation. Vous ne voulez pas de cela! Vous voulez des résultats. Vous voulez voir des changements radicaux dans votre vie. Vous voulez quelque chose à pouvoir mettre en marche. Ce livre fait exactement ce qu'il dit. Il révélera 7 techniques de méditation les plus puissantes qui vont changer votre vie. J'ai même mis au point une «routine Zen» qui est puissant et terriblement simple. Ce livre est votre guide pour commencer un voyage spirituel. AGISSEZ DÈS MAINTENANT !!

Ansia: Ansia: Mettete fine all'Ansia Sociale, allo Stress e alla Depressione e Fuggite Oggi

by Tao Zen

Ciò che ho scoperto durante il mio viaggio è che la semplicità è la chiave. C'è una tendenza a credee che dal momento che i nostri problemi sono rimasti con noi così a lungo, la soluzione ad essi deve essere complessa e/o difficile da applicare. In base alla mia esperienza, posso dire con sicurezza che la vera ragione per cui non siamo in grado di trovare una soluzione ai nostri problemi è che le soluzioni sono così semplici da essere da noi completamente sottovalutate. Solo perchè qualcosa suona semplice non significa che non sia efficace. Tieni questo a mente quando leggi il resto di questa guida. Cara Ansia è un resoconto in prima persona dello straordinario viaggio di guarigione di John da una crisi esistenziale così profonda lasciata da molti terapeuti incapaci da dove era iniziata. Dopo molti anni di tentativi infruttuosi di risolvere l'ansia debilitante e la depressione che è seguita, John finalmente incontrò un terapeuta di talento che desiderò e fu capace di andare con lui nelle profondità complesse del recupero necessario per la guarigione, ed egli condivide quel viaggio con noi in dettagli a volte rivelatori e altre volte inquietanti.

Amazed and Confused: When God's Actions Collide With Our Expectations (InScribed Collection)

by Heather Zempel

Most people have prayed for something or someone in earnest, seeking God's will, only to be left confused by God's response. Sometimes we ask, "Why would a good God allow bad things to happen to good people?" In Amazed and Confused, Heather Zempel tackles this question head-on by exploring the book of Habakkuk. When the prophet Habakkuk prayed that God would bring change to the backsliding nation of Israel, this issue came to the forefront. Habakkuk begged God for revival and that He would turn the hearts of faithless people back to Him. God's answer to Habakkuk was, "Take a look at the nations and watch what happens! You will be shocked and amazed" (1:5, The Voice). The vision God gave Habakkuk was one of warfare and exile. How do you respond when God answers your prayers in a way that seems out of line with his character and promises? Amazed and Confused proceeds systematically through the book of Habakkuk, exploring the prophet's prayer, God's response, and the prophet's journey from confusion to worship. This interactive Bible study is the perfect choice for those who are hurting and confused about God's responses to their prayers.Features include:Helpful guidance on a question without an easy answerPractical tools for studying the Minor ProphetsEasy-to-understand, accessible language

Relaxercise: The Easy New Way to Health and Fitness

by David Zemach-Bersin Kaethe Zemach-Bersin Mark Reese

The Extraordinary Exercise Program based on the Revolutionary Body-Improvement System developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. With these brief (ten to thirty minutes) exercises, anyone can learn to improve their posture, flexibility, and physical comfort, and end the energy drain caused by muscular tension. This popular application of techniques -- never before available in such an easy-to-use form -- targets such key areas as the lower back, shoulders, neck, spine, eyes, feet, and jaw. Enhanced vitality and elimination of pain and stress will be yours through these thoroughly researched and patient-tested techniques that actually reprogram the neuromuscular system.

Becoming Ageless: The Four Secrets To Looking and Feeling Younger Than Ever

by Strauss Zelnick

Four secrets to looking and feeling younger than ever. Becoming Ageless presents a three-month, detailed diet and exercise plan to create a leaner, more muscular and happier you. Developed by business mogul and fitness buff Strauss Zelnick--founder of the private equity firm Zelnick Media Capital and president and CEO of Take-Two Interactive, the company behind blockbuster video games such as Grand Theft Auto and NBA2K-- the strategies contained in Becoming Ageless are the same tactics that allowed Zelnick to evolve from a skinny, out-of-shape business executive (a workaholic wunderkind who headed the film studio 20th Century Fox in his early 30s) to one of the world's fittest and most physically active executives who reached his best-ever shape in his late 50s! "If you believe my fitness buddies," Zelnick writes, "I have a body that's aging in reverse...And Becoming Ageless is filled with the amazing tips and unique principles you'd find if you trained with me."

Effective Time Management In a Day For Dummies

by Dirk Zeller

Get the know-how to manage your time effectively--in a day!Effective Time Management In a Day For Dummies helps you to effectively set up a time management system to regain control of your days and responsibilities. It showcases the importance of maximizing effectiveness and reveals why (and how) time management is the key to organizing hectic lives.Focusing efforts and blocking your timePrioritizing for daily successSetting up a work environment that is conducive to being productiveMinimizing distractionsThe e-book also features links to an online component at that extends the topic into step-by-step tutorials and other "beyond the book" content.

Successful Time Management for Dummies

by Dirk Zeller

No matter how hard employees in the workplace try to get things done, there's never enough time. "Successful Time Management For Dummies" shows readers how to squeeze optimal efficiency-and satisfaction-out of their workday in order to: Reduce anxiety and stress in the workplace, identify and avoid time traps, create a time block schedule Establish and carry out priorities, establish deadlines and stick to them, cure the procrastination problem, recognize how human nature is usually the root cause of dwindling time, and pinpoint and combat the 20 most tenacious time-wasters.

Your First Year in Real Estate: Making the Transition from Total Novice to Successful Professional

by Dirk Zeller

Classic Insight into Building a Fabulous Career in Real Estate. Welcome to the world of real estate sales! Now, you control your destiny. A career in real estate offers endless opportunities, the freedom of flexible hours, and the potential to earn fabulous amounts of money. But to reach your goals you need to be prepared. Before you dive in, you must learn everything you can and discover the edge that will take you to the top. Inside, experienced and top-notch real estate professional Dirk Zeller presents the secrets to success that will allow you to excel from day one. Full of practical answers and step-by-step solutions to the field's most common obstacles and challenges, Your First Year in Real Estate will help you build a solid foundation for a lifetime of real estate success. Be a real estate champion from day one by knowing how to: ·Select the right company and get off to the right start ·Develop valuable mentor and client relationships ·Master your sales skills ·Achieve the financial results you desire ·Set--and reach--important career goals "Dirk Zeller's approach is brilliant! He gives the best basic marketing techniques to his students. I applaud this book. " --Bonnie S. Mays,vice president, Reality World America, and executive director, Reality World Academy "Follow the advice in this book and you will join the growing list of real estate professionals who call Dirk Zeller their mentor!" --Rick DeLuca,nationally recognized real estate speaker.

Die beste Zeit Ihres Lebens: Glücklich, wild und frei in den Ruhestand starten

by Ernie J. Zelinski Andreas Schieberle

Die Rente ist der Anfang vom Leben und nicht sein Ende! Das Buch von Ernie J. Zelinski bietet inspirierende Ratschläge, wie man sein Leben auch noch im Ruhestand voll auskosten kann. Dabei geht es dem Autor nicht um das Sichern adäquater finanzieller Ressourcen. "Die beste Zeit Ihres Lebens" zeigt, dass ab 60 plus der Spaß erst richtig anfangen kann: mit interessanten Freizeitaktivitäten, kreativen Tätigkeiten, physischem und mentalem Wohlergehen sowie stabiler sozialer Unterstützung. Ernie J. Zelinski, Weltklasse-Autor und Innovator, zeigt dem Leser, wie er: - den Mut aufbringt, früh in den Ruhestand zu gehen; je früher desto besser. - das Geld ins rechte Licht rückt, damit er nicht eine Million Dollar für den Ruhestand braucht. - Sinn in seinem Leben als Rentner durch kreative Tätigkeiten findet. - seinen eigenen Traum verfolgt, anstatt den eines anderen. - sich um seine mentale, physische und spirituelle Gesundheit kümmert. - sich besser seine Ruhestandsziele vergegenwärtigt - inklusive der Entscheidung, wo er leben möchte. - seine Jahre im Ruhestand zu den besten seines Lebens macht. Was das Buch von Ernie J. Zelinski von anderen Büchern unterscheidet, ist seine ganzheitliche Herangehensweise an die Ängste, Hoffnungen und Träume, die Menschen bezüglich ihres Ruhestands haben. Die vermittelten Weisheiten sind wichtiger für das Erreichen eines aktiven, erfüllenden und glücklichen Ruhestands als die Antwort auf die Frage, wie viel Geld angespart wurde.

Real Success without a Real Job: There Is No Life Like It!

by Ernie J. Zelinski

Career success is much more than having a real job and earning a decent income. Real career success is truly enjoying what you do for a living and having the personal freedom to perform your work virtually any time you want. This one-of-a-kind guide challenges and inspires you to: Create your own dream job or operate an unconventional business. Find your own important mission, true calling, or passionate pursuit with which you can make a great living. Gain courage to escape the corporate world so that you don't have to spend the rest of your life trapped in a cubicle. Be creative and have fun in your work. Restructure your life so that it has meaning, direction, and joy. Take charge of your physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual well-being. Experience true personal freedom in all areas of your life. Above all, get the most out of your life--personally and professionally! This revolutionary book is for those millions of organizationally averse people who would like to break free of corporate life so that they have complete control over their lives. Throughout the book you will read about several ordinary individuals who have attained extraordinary success without a real job. International best-selling author Ernie Zelinski also uses experiences from his own life to show how the powerful success principles emphasized in this book can help you joyfully avoid the shackles of the corporate world for the rest of your life. Positive, lively, and captivating, REAL SUCCESS WITHOUT A REAL JOB is designed to help you live an extraordinary lifestyle that is the envy of the corporate world--there is no life like it!

Reality Transurfing. Steps I-v

by Vadim Zeland

Transurfing is a powerful tool for managing reality. Apply it and life will begin to change according to YOUR order. When you use Transurfing goals are not reached, so much as realised for the most part of themselves. It seems impossible to believe but only at first. The ideas presented in the book have already received practical confirmation. Those who have tried Transurfing, experience surprise bordering on delight as the world of the Transurfer inexplicably changes before their very eyes.What is the book about?Transurfing is the art of controlling reality using our freedom of choice. The world always reflects our perception of it. People can choose any variant of the development of current reality and thereby find themselves in circumstances they find desirable . To learn how to do this, you have to learn how to establish mutual understanding between the soul and mind, formulate intention and avoid the influence of destructive pendulums. Why should you read this book? Most people who have read "Transurfing", note that from the very e first pages, the book completely reverses their view of the world and the role of the individual in their own life.

The Poetry of Everyday Life: Storytelling and the Art of Awareness

by Steve Zeitlin Bob Holman

This is a book of encounters. Part memoir, part essay, and partly a guide to maximizing your capacity for fulfillment and expression, The Poetry of Everyday Life taps into the artistic side of what we often take for granted: the stories we tell, the people we love, the metaphors used by scientists, even our sex lives. A folklorist, writer, and cultural activist, Steve Zeitlin explores how poems serve us in daily life and how they are used in times of personal and national crisis. In the first book to bring together the perspectives of folklore and creative writing, Zeitlin explores meaning and experience, covering topics ranging from poetry in the life cycle to the contemporary uses of ancient myths."This convergence of poetry and folklore," he suggests, “gives birth to something new: a new way of seeing ourselves, and a new way of being in the world.” Written with humor and insight, the book introduces readers to the many eccentric and visionary characters Zeitlin has met in his career as a folklorist. Covering topics from Ping-Pong to cave paintings, from family poetry nights to delectable dishes at his favorite ethnic restaurants, The Poetry of Everyday Life will inspire readers to expand their consciousness of the beauty that resides in everyday things and to use creative expression to engage and animate that beauty toward living a more fulfilling awakened life, full of laughter. To live a creative life is the best way to engage with the beauty of the everyday.

The Champion Mindset: An Athlete's Guide to Mental Toughness

by Joanna Zeiger

An in-depth mental motivational book for all athletes from Olympian Dr. Joanna Zeiger that offers game-changing strategies for programming your brain to achieve physical excellence.Champions, as the familiar adage preaches, are not born—they're made. Reaching the top of any sport, or any aspect of life, takes years upon years of dedication and proper preparation. But if there's a huge pool of individuals who have undertaken the same commitment and steps towards becoming the best, what truly separates the winners from everyone else? Joanna Zeiger believes proper mental preparation is the answer. The Champion Mindset is a much-needed and long overdue look into how to program a competitor's mind to achieve optimal success. Changing behaviors and ways of thinking are never easy, but the chapters in this book aim to simplify this process to make it manageable and achievable. This book is for every athlete—from the weekend warrior, who wants to complete in his or her first 5k running race, to those who have aspirations of one day becoming Olympians and world champions.The Champion Mindset is a compendium of Zeiger's own personal journey from struggling novice swimmer to Olympian and World Champion. Through steps including: Proper Goal Setting, Keeping it Fun, Building Your Team, Intention in Training, Improving Motivation, Promoting Self-Confidence, and Mind/Body Cohesion, among others, Zeiger uses her decades of personal experience, doctoral-level research, and professional success, to prepare readers to go all-in with their mental game.

Franchising: Aspects of the Market Economy

by Philip F. Zeidman Hanns Peter Muth Richard Lloyd Frederick H. Gerlach

SPECIAL NOTE: The original text of this book is in a format similar to an outline but without an outline's conventions. In order to follow the author's intent the following has been adopted to clarify sentences and paragraphs that are subordinate to preceding text. A chapter's primary sentences and/or paragraphs are preceded by a single asterisk(*). A sentence or paragraph that is subordinate to the single asterisk sentence/paragraph will have two asterisks(**). A sentence that is subordinate to the one with two asterisks will have three asterisks(***) and so on. Ask most people what a franchise is and they will likely reply McDonalds or Burger King. This book outlines the many types of franchises available and serves a a primer for anyone interested in going into business for themselves. It includes information on both domestic and international franchising and provides guidance on getting in to franchising as a franchisor or a franchisee. It also provides insights about potential pitfalls.

Dieta Cetogénica: . Plan para perder peso rápidamente por James Zehren

by James Zehren

El problema en el pasado era probablemente que no tuviste tiempo para un ejercicio extenuante y rutinario o la fuerza para un plan dietético ridículamente limitado. Bueno, en este libro de cocina cetogénica te lo aseguro, no sugiero horas de ejercicio u horarios de alimentación inviables. Prometo que esta rutina puede encajar en CUALQUIER estilo de vida o horario; quizás más fácilmente que su rutina dietética actual. La Dieta Cetogénica, es una forma de comer baja en carbohidratos y alta en grasas, notablemente eficaz para transformar la vida de las personas, ayudándoles a perder peso y a encontrar alivio en las afecciones de salud comunes. Una exploración de lo que dice la Biblia sobre la obesidad junto con los pasos para garantizar una pérdida de peso saludable. . Una descripción detallada de la popular dieta Keto junto con un plan de comidas de dos semanas y más recetas bajas en carbohidratos. Si está listo para tomar medidas y cambiar su vida para mejor, este libro definitivamente lo guiará en la dirección correcta!

Little Book of Contemplative Photography: Seeing With Wonder, Respect And Humility

by Howard Zehr

Restorative justice pioneer Howard Zehr is also an accomplished photographer. He begins his latest book with a confession-"I have written this book in part to encourage myself to slow down, to heighten my imagination, to renew myself while I gain a new view of the creation and the creator." With this book, Zehr makes a gift to anyone who would like to couple photography with seeing and thinking more deeply. In each chapter he offers a Purpose, a Problem, and an Activity with a camera in order to "practice mindfulness." You'll not need a fancy camera, but if you have one it won't hurt. Zehr's chapter-by-chapter exercises are aimed at heightening visual awareness and imagination-all while doing good and working for justice. A title in The Little Books of Justice and Peacebuilding Series.

Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers: A Retirement and Aging Roadmap for Single and Childless Adults

by Sara Zeff Geber

A practical yet humorous guide to aging solo gracefully and achieving a happy retirement. In Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers, certified retirement coach Sara Zeff Geber coins the term &“Solo Ager&” to refer to the segment of society that either does not have adult children or is single and believes they will be on their own as they grow older. This book explores the path ahead for this group. That includes choices in housing, relationships, legal arrangements, finances, and more. Geber reviews the role of adult children in an aging parent&’s world and suggests ways in which Solo Agers can mitigate the absence of adult children by relationship building and rigorous planning for their future. Geber shares her expertise on what constitutes a fulfilling older life and how Solo Agers can maximize their opportunities for financial security, physical health, meaning and purpose in the second half of life, and, finally, planning for the end game. Through real-life stories and anecdotes, the author explores housing choices, relationships, and building a support system. You will learn about:· different levels of care and independence in various types of living arrangements· how to initiate discussions among friends and relatives about end-of-life treatment· &“what if&” scenarios· who to talk to about legal and financial decisions And it&’s not just the Solo Ager that can learn from this book. Financial advisors, elder law and estate attorneys, senior care managers, and others whose clientele is on the far side of sixty will benefit as well.

The Only Constant: A Guide to Embracing Change and Leading an Authentic Life

by Najwa Zebian

Most people want something in their life to change, whether it's their job, their personal relationships, or their ability to live authentically. And sometimes, unwanted change comes all too swiftly. In The Only Constant, celebrated poet and educator Najwa Zebian guides her reader through the changes we must make (or those we need to endure) on the journey to our most authentic lives. She quiets the noise, teaches us to accept ourselves as we are now, and focuses on the necessity and beauty of those messy transitional times.This is a profound guide to embracing the impermanence, and celebrating the fact that change is what puts the life in life. Written with poetic wisdom, Najwa shares her personal experiences with change (for example, rejecting her culture's definition of what constitutes a "good woman" so that she could live more honestly). She guides us through the changes we choose, like embarking on a new career or setting boundaries, and changes we don't choose, like the loss of a loved one, a relationship, or a job.Ultimately, Zebian teaches that the purpose of change is to step into the world as your most authentic self. A highly practical guide to unfamiliar terrain, The Only Constant is here to assure us that uncertainty is natural. Yes, change is scary. But it's the path to living as your true self.

The Only Constant: A Guide to Embracing Change and Leading an Authentic Life

by Najwa Zebian

Most people want something in their life to change, whether it's their job, their personal relationships, or their ability to live authentically. And sometimes, unwanted change comes all too swiftly. In The Only Constant, celebrated poet and educator Najwa Zebian guides her reader through the changes we must make (or those we need to endure) on the journey to our most authentic lives. She quiets the noise, teaches us to accept ourselves as we are now, and focuses on the necessity and beauty of those messy transitional times.This is a profound guide to embracing the impermanence, and celebrating the fact that change is what puts the life in life. Written with poetic wisdom, Najwa shares her personal experiences with change (for example, rejecting her culture's definition of what constitutes a "good woman" so that she could live more honestly). She guides us through the changes we choose, like embarking on a new career or setting boundaries, and changes we don't choose, like the loss of a loved one, a relationship, or a job.Ultimately, Zebian teaches that the purpose of change is to step into the world as your most authentic self. A highly practical guide to unfamiliar terrain, The Only Constant is here to assure us that uncertainty is natural. Yes, change is scary. But it's the path to living as your true self.

The Only Constant: A Guide to Embracing Change and Leading an Authentic Life

by Najwa Zebian

A wise and tender guide to coming to terms with impermanence and recognizing that change is the force that allows you to become you—from the celebrated author of Welcome Home&“I&’ve always known that change is hard, whether it&’s a change I choose, or one life chooses for me. I&’ve also always known that change is one of life&’s only constants. Not just that, change is one of life&’s most beautiful truths. Change is what puts life in our lives. Change is the gateway to authentic transformation.&”Whether it&’s your job, your relationships, or just the way you move through the world, if you&’re like most people you have something in your life you&’d like to change. And sometimes, unwanted change comes all too swiftly: a breakup, a death, an upheaval to the everyday reality you thought you could rely on. Dr. Zebian guides you through the changes we must make and those we must endure on the journey to our most authentic lives. She quiets the noise, teaches us to accept ourselves as we are now, and helps us focus on the necessity and beauty of those messy transitional times.With timeless wisdom, Najwa shares her personal experiences with change (for example, rejecting her culture&’s definition of what constitutes a &“good woman&” so that she could live more honestly). She guides us through the changes we choose, like embarking on a new career or setting boundaries, changes we don&’t choose, like the loss of a loved one, a relationship, or a job.Ultimately, Dr. Zebian teaches that the purpose of change is to step into the world as your most authentic self. A highly practical guide to unfamiliar terrain, The Only Constant is here to assure us that uncertainty is natural. Yes, change is scary. You may want to hide from it by clinging to your past. But embracing change is the path to shedding old ideas of who you are and living your life as your true self.

The Only Constant: A Guide to Embracing Change and Leading an Authentic Life

by Najwa Zebian

You can become the change driver of your own life. The celebrated poet, educator, and author of Welcome Home shows you how in this practical, wise, and tender guide to all of life&’s changes.&“Change is hard—but Najwa shows you what&’s on the other side, and she&’s the one you want to lead you through it.&”—Melissa Urban, New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Boundaries In The Only Constant, Najwa Zebian guides you through the changes we must make and those we must endure in life, offering support, stabilizing practices, and step-by-step guidance to make it through the uncertainty. With timeless wisdom, Najwa shares stories of change from her own life, including the bonds to the past she needed to break so that she could live more honestly, the loss of a loved one, and accepting the changes required to manage chronic illness. She also guides you through changes like:• The end of a romantic relationship or friendship• Setting boundaries with a friend or family member• Changing your educational and career path• Grieving the death of a loved one• Breaking trauma bonds • Venturing outside of your survival mode• Living an authentic life• Practicing radical acceptance A highly practical guide to unfamiliar terrain, The Only Constant teaches that the purpose of change is to be true to yourself. Zebian simplifies change, teaches us to accept ourselves as we are now, and helps us focus on the necessity and unexpected beauty of those messy transitional times. And she guides you through it so that you can not only reach the better life that awaits you on the other side, but also so that you can take the wheel and become the driver of change in your own life.

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