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Love Is an Inside Job: Getting Vulnerable with God

by Romal Tune

Faith in God plus therapy are the combination that leads to wholeness. Tune's story of his faith/therapy path to authenticity with God will empower you for your own life journey. Tune is the son of a drug-addicted single parent mother, who herself, inherited deeply ingrained obstacles to self-love. He found his way out of poverty via the military. He graduated from Howard University and Duke School of Divinity. He was a minister, a sought-after speaker, and social entrepreneur. Outwardly, he was successful, an overcomer. Yet, his past, hidden childhood trauma would sometimes revolt, causing self-sabotage that threatened to destroy the life he was creating. He worked hard to keep the emotional brokenness caused by the challenges of his upbringing carefully hidden -especially from the church. His mother, with whom he successfully reconciled after she was finally free from addiction, died of lung cancer. Then he divorced--a second time. Feeling like a failure, questioning his faith and will to live, he made a choice not to give up but to examine his life and seek counseling. Dubbed "Brother Brown" (a Black man's Brene Brown), his book shares his process of applying therapy and faith to anger, shame, self-doubt and plaguing memories. Romal learned that the pursuit of success was not the key to healing the inner turmoil but it was in learning to accept the love of God and learning to love the wounded child within. His past pain was redeemed as self-worth and he finally found inner peace. No longer carrying the weight of secrets, guilt and shame, he emerged emotionally free and more powerful than ever. His book will empower others to stop living a past driven present by healing their stories, embracing the love of God, and learning to truly love themselves.

Love Is All Around: And Other Lessons We've Learned from The Mary Tyler Moore Show

by Paula Bernstein

A fun and inspirational homage to The Mary Tyler Moore Show -- now 50 years after its debut -- with "life lessons" on how Mary Richards serves as an icon and inspiration for generations of women to "make it after all." When the character of Mary Richards walked into the WJM News Room in the fall of 1970, one of the most beloved shows in television history was born. The Mary Tyler Moore Show would win 29 Emmys over its 7-year run, and would later be lauded as one of the most influential TV shows of all time. Not only that, but Mary Richards would become an icon and inspiration for future generations of women (for example, Oprah Winfrey, Andrea Mitchell, and Tina Fey have all credited Mary with inspiring their careers). Now entertainment writer Paula Bernstein writes this charming celebration of this groundbreaking show, offering not only fun trivia and history, but also the "lessons" we've gleaned, including:Make the Most of a Small Space. Mary's adorable nook in a Victorian home became TV's most famous bachelorette pad -- and, with Mary's "M" on the wall, inspired thousands of women to adopt their own first initial as home décor.Get Along with Everyone at Work. Lou Grant was grumpy, Ted Baxter a blowhard, and Murray an all-around nice guy. Mary worked with all her colleagues with grace and style. (And at the time, Mary's position as Associate Producer at WJM was glass-shattering!).You Can Have the Town -- Take it!: How Mary's famous "hat throw" was an inspiration to independent, working women everywhere.And many more!

Love is Action: How to Change the World with Love

by Rhonda Sciortino

Authentic love is scarce, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Too many people suffer from the terrible sadness of feeling unloved. The good news is that there is a remedy that is readily available. We can show our love by doing what comes naturally to us, our “no big deal.” Loving actions don’t need to be impressive or costly, and they shouldn’t come with a price tag of expectations attached.Love is Action is full of rich wisdom and practical tips that will lift your spirit, give you hope, and most importantly, inspire you to action. Become part of a community of love, one that is working together to find new and meaningful ways to show kindness, improve the world, and live lives full of hope, generosity, mercy, and, above all, love.LOVE IS ACTION is a community initiative that connects community stakeholders, including businesses, the faith community, nonprofit social service organizations, education, mental health, civic groups and clubs, and concerned individuals, to help prevent child sex trafficking, child abuse, suicide, homelessness, and other societal ills.

Love Is a Decision

by Gary Smalley John T. Trent

In this practical book, family counselor and best-selling author Gary Smalley, with John Trent, reveals a simple yet profound plan for a marriage of depth, warmth, and excitement. Guide your marriage for a lifetime by learning how to make your spouse feel truly honored, keep courtship alive, rebuild trust, and become best friends with your family. According to Smalley, good marriages are no accident. And deciding to love--in the practical ways outlined here--can result in relationships that are tougher than tough times.

Love Is a Choice: The Definitive Book on Letting Go of Unhealthy Relationships (Minirth-meier Clinic Ser.)

by Robert Hemfelt

These bestselling doctors walk you through their ten proven stages to recovery from codependency that results from external circustances. Humans are susceptible to codependency because of our sinful tendency to use defense mechanisms to fool ourselves. In codependent relationships, deceitful games are played, and important Christian principles are often taken out of context and abused. God wants us to have healthy relationships with a balance between being dependent and independent. The doctors describe how the most effective means of overcoming codependent relationships is to establish or deepen a relationship with Christ Himself. They describe the causes of codependency, pointing out the factors that perpetuate it, and lead readers through their ten stages of recovery.

Love Is . . .: Meditations for Couples on I Corinthians 13

by Parrott Les

For those who want to grow in the art of loving well Reflections on 1 Corinthians 13 featuring 16 different translations and paraphrases of the Bible's beloved "Love Chapter"

Love in the Time of Impermanence

by Matthew McKay

• Shows how the certainty of change and loss can support rather than diminish love • Shares practices and meditations to help love endure in the face of loss, disappointment, change, or any of the ways relationships and circumstances are altered by time • Explores how to cultivate gratitude for every expression of love we encounter, strengthen compassion for others, and recognize the power of love after life Collaborating with his late son, Jordan, psychologist Matthew McKay offers five ways to keep love alive in a world of impermanence. He explores how to see and know what we love, how to actively care for what we love, how to have compassion for the suffering of others, how to set the daily intention to act with love, and how to turn toward rather than away from the pain of impermanence. McKay shares practices and meditations to help love endure in the face of loss, disappointment, change, or any of the ways relationships and circumstances are altered by time. He examines what love is and is not, including how not to mistake yearning and neediness for love, sex for love, and attraction to beauty for love. He shows how to cultivate gratitude for every expression of love we encounter, learn to care for things we don&’t like, and recognize the power of love after life--a love that reaches beyond death. He also provides concrete exercises for communicating with and channeling messages from loved ones who have crossed over. Ultimately, McKay shows that, by running from pain, we run from love. By avoiding pain, we lose the pathway to connection. Yet, by recognizing love in the heart of pain and loss, by knowing that change and impermanence are inevitable, we can navigate life with a compass pointing to love as true north, learning to love more deeply and making what we love more cherished.

Love in the Time of Colic

by Ian Kerner Heidi Raykeil

Sex. After. Baby.These three words are spoken in hushed voices over playdates and at playgrounds. But while we may whisper them to our closest girlfriends, or joke about them after one too many beers with the guys, when it comes to talking with our partners about what's really going on (or not going on, as the case may be) in our child-proofed bedrooms, more and more of us find ourselves tongue-tied and tiptoeing. Are you part of the "sleepless, sexless" club?You just might be, ifYou'd rather just go to bed than go to bed with your partner. The mind-blowing sex you once had now just blows.The TV is turned on more than you are.A playdate sounds better to you than yet another bad date night.The baby gets more kisses and cuddles than you do.You're beaten down from always having to initiate sex.Foreplay has become chore-play."Let's get it on" are now fighting words. But it doesn't have to be this way. According to bestselling author Ian Kerner, Ph.D., and "naughty mommy" Heidi Raykeil, it really is possible to do the hokey pokey and keep up the hanky panky. Ian and Heidi often bring very different perspectives, but they agree that sex matters . . . a lot. It's the glue that holds couples together and keeps lovers from becoming simply roommates or co-parents. Funny and frank, Love in the Time of Colic will help parents take the charge out of this once-taboo subject, and put it back where it belongs--in the bedroom.

Love in the Age of Ecological Apocalypse

by Carolyn Baker

Given the daunting, dire predicament in which we find ourselves on this planet, what is described by social critic James Howard Kunstler as a "Long Emergency" may in fact become a "Last Emergency" for humanity. Whether we encounter a "long" or a "last" emergency, Carolyn Baker seeks to offer inspiration and guidance for inhabiting our remaining days with passion, vitality, empathy, intimate contact with our emotions, kindness in our relationships with all species, gratitude, open-hearted receptivity, exquisite creations of beauty, and utilizing every occasion, even our demise, as an opportunity to invoke and "inflict" joy in our world. Love in the Age of Ecological Apolcalypse addresses an array of relationships in the Last Emergency and how one's relationship with oneself may enrich or impede interactions with all other beings.Drawing upon her deep experience as a life coach, Baker writes of the specific need to understand our key relationships in a society in collapse, and how to navigate through differing levels of acceptance of collapse, trauma, and grief. Key relationships include those with our partners, children, friends, neighbors, as well as relationships with our work, our bodies, our natural resources, food and eating, animals, future generations, Eros, and indeed, the powers of the universe. Baker's writing is engaging, inspiring, and often beautiful in its depth and candor. She introduces a variety of spiritual practices facilitate our developing a relationship with the deeper Self. With these practices and giving and receiving support from others who are walking a similar path, we begin to live more frequently from the deeper Self, or at least are able to access it more quickly when we find ourselves becoming embroiled in the ego.Table Of Contents * Introduction * Chapter 1: Living, Loving, and Preparing With A Reluctant Partner * Chapter 2: Children And Collapse * Chapter 3: Friends, Neighbors, and The Community * Chapter 4: Work and The Creative Soul * Chapter 5: Our Relationship With Resources * Chapter 6: Loving The Body As The World Falls Apart * Chapter 7: Our Relationship With Food: Mindful Eating As A Spiritual Practice * Chapter 8: Loving The Time Of Your Life * Chapter 9: What An Animal You Are! * Chapter 10: Darkness Matters * Chapter 11: Ensconsed In Eros, Bathed In Beauty * Chapter 12: Our Relationship With The Powers of The Universe * Chapter 13: Near-Term Extinction And Waking Up To Death * Chapter 14: Empire, I Wish I Knew How To Quit You * Chapter 15: Grief And Love In A Culture Of Congestive Heart Failure * Chapter 16: Our Relationship With Future GenerationsFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

Love in Every Stitch: Stories of Knitting and Healing

by Lee Gant

In her inspiring book, Love in Every Stitch: Stories of Knitting and Healing, master knitter, teacher, and widely published knitwear designer Lee Gant shares real-life stories about the power of knitting. As an employee of three different yarn stores, a teacher of countless knitting classes, and a volunteer with at-risk youth, Lee has had the opportunity to gather diverse stories. The stories Lee shares about herself and fellow knitters from around the world illustrate how each stitch and purl can comfort and calm, heal and renew. A suicidal teenager crochets through pregnancy. A dying woman finds comfort in the company of knitters. A woman finds the courage to face her estranged parents. A woman going blind realizes she can still knit -- and experience life. And Lee's life, riddled with more than just anxiety, has at last become stable and productive. This book includes stories of women, men, and teens who have experienced profound change and enlightenment through knitting and crochet.

Love Hurts: Buddhist Advice for the Heartbroken

by Lodro Rinzler

Buddhism has a lot to say about suffering--and there are likely few times we suffer more intensely than when we break up with a romantic partner. It feels like you may never recover sometimes. But Lodro Rinzler has wonderfully good news for those suffering heartbreak: the 2,500-year-old teachings of the Buddha are the ultimate antidote for emotional pain. And you don't need to be a Buddhist for them to apply to you. In this short and compact first-aid kit for a broken heart, he walks you through the cause and cure of suffering, with much practical advice for self-care as you work to survive a breakup. The wisdom he presents applies to any kind of emotional suffering.

Love Hunger

by Frank Minirth

Based on the premise that overeating is linked to emotional and spiritual deprivations, Love Hunger begins with a relationship inventory that will help you understand how disappointments with your family, spouse, or self can result in obesity. It then provides a comprehensive program that helps identify whether or not you are using food as a substitute for love, career fulfillment, or friendship and shows you how to break that addiction. Once you begin dealing with the psychological basis for your eating problems, you'll be ready to lose weight healthfully, with a dietitian-designed food plan, that includes daily menus and recipes, as well as strategies for relapses, maintenance, motivation, and more. This is a complete plan for body, mind, and soul.

Love Heals

by Thomas Nelson

Love heals us.We all have a story. Whether written from the hardships of deep wounds, grief, or longing for justice, yours can overflow with hope. In Love Heals, you’ll find principles that have transformed lives. Each chapter brings encouragement and practical steps for anyone going through a difficult season or searching for a deeper faith.Love heals by the mercy of God.Love heals with compassion.Love heals during the act of forgiving.Love heals past our fears.Love heals across the world.Along with other ways that love heals, read true stories of healing and joy, where brokenness is transformed into compassion. And believe the truth that you, too, can be changed and grateful for this life you live.You are loved.Becca Stevens is the founder and the president of Thistle Farms, the largest social enterprise in the U.S. run by survivors. She has been featured in the New York Times, on ABC World News, NPR, and PBS, and was recently named a 2016 CNN Hero. In 2011, the White House named Becca a “Champion of Change.” She lives in Nashville with her husband, Grammy-winning songwriter Marcus Hummon, and their three sons, Levi, Caney and Moses.

Love Has Wings

by Isha Judd

Isha Judd has taught thousands of people a simple system that shows how to find the luminous state of mind she calls "love-consciousness," in which every moment of life; even the most challenging and frustrating -- can be filled with love, peace, and self-acceptance. In these pages, Isha will teach you to: * Free yourself from the most common fear-based illusions we cling to out of habit, illusions such as "there is not enough," "comfort is king," and "being passive protects me from making mistakes" * Empower yourself to permeate all your roles and responsibilities with love-consciousness, to joyfully become the best woman or man, partner, parent or child, and employee or boss you can be * Soar above fear, boredom, impatience, jealousy, insecurity, loneliness, and the uncertainty of a world in crisis

Love Has Seven Colors: Heart-Centered Practices for the Energy Centers

by Jack Angelo

A guide to restoring your connection to the wisdom of your soul and returning to heart-centeredness• Explains how unconditional love allows the 7 main energy centers to create the human rainbow• Describes how each energy center processes life and reflects physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being• Includes 29 breathing, relaxation, meditation, and visualization exercises to reconnect with the heart center and access soul guidanceEach of us has a light body connecting the spiritual, emotional, and physical levels of our being. When we live in a heart-centered way and choose love as the basis for our actions rather than fear, each of the 7 energy centers of the light body opens to the wisdom of our souls and radiates with a different color, making us walking rainbows of unconditional love and soul guidance.Presenting the Inner Circle Teachings on heart-centeredness from the ancient mystery schools, Jack Angelo explains how unconditional love positively affects our subtle energy system and allows our 7 energy centers to form the full rainbow of connection between our hearts, minds, and souls. Describing the location and color of each energy center and the ways they can affect our physical, emotional, and mental well-being, he shows how the 7 energy centers control the flow of energy to and from the multiple levels of our being and process the energies generated by specific life issues. Providing 29 breathing, relaxation, meditation, and visualization exercises, the author explores how to open each energy center to the intelligence of the heart and retrain the mind to approach life with love instead of fear. He explains the role of the heart center in healing and how to balance the masculine intelligence of the mind with the feminine intelligence of the heart. Once the energies of these two polarities are balanced, we become truly heart-centered, radiating the 7 colors of love and following the wisdom of our soul to discover the spiritual reality of our sacred self.

Love Hacks: Simple Solutions to Your Most Common Relationship Issues

by Kelli Miller

Indispensable Tips for Better Relationships After years of counseling couples and writing an advice column, Kelli Miller identified fifteen common relationship challenges and devised three innovative “hacks” for each. Designed to address problems immediately for long-term improvement, Kelli’s solutions are simple, effective, and usable anywhere and anytime. Best of all, her clients have field-tested these techniques with excellent results. Topics include: • strategies for effective communication, such as the “fast-food technique” of repeating what someone says to ensure it’s been understood • tips for dealing with sexual issues, from lack of interest to infidelity • what to do when kids affect the relationship • advice for coping with addiction, anger, and past trauma • ways to rekindle deep love and connection

Love Gone Wrong: Living Happily Ever After as Survivors of Abuse

by Laurel Bahr Lynn Johnson Jillian Adams Mary A. Dietzen

Throughout Love Gone Wrong, the familiar fairy tale, Cinderella, is used to outline and tell the unfamiliar journey of a victim who repressed years of childhood sexual abuse. Laurel Bahr’s step-by-step account of discovery, opposition, and lessons learned is interwoven with the “behind closed-door” stories of two friends who were ultimately inspired to follow in her footsteps. Their remarkable journey highlights the power of close, authentic, long-term relationships and proves that change is possible, dreams do come true if one only believes. With the goal to inspire and offer hope to victims, their families, and those who care about them, Love Gone Wrong chronicles the stereotypical aspects of emotional, verbal, sexual, and physical abuse. Clinical insights from a psychologist and other health professionals occur at key junctures to explain, validate, and support their experiences.

Love, God, and the Art of French Cooking

by James F. Twyman

Imagine meeting a French chef who is much more than what he seems. In this true story, James Twyman enters the mystical world of Roger Dufau, the owner of a bed-and-breakfast outside Toronto, who dishes out lessons on love and God just as easily as he does the most delicious cuisine. Follow James as he undergoes a profound transformation, exploring his past relationships and dissolving negative patterns. In this remarkably personal account, James learns to release his fears and fully open his heart-perhaps for the first time. "Food is one of the closest things we have to real spirituality," Roger explains, then goes on to teach the true meaning of abundance, and how our passion can be used to create new worlds and serve humanity. This is a book that will stir your heart as well as offer hints on how you too can become a master chef-not only of French cuisine, but of your own life. It is a recipe for living, and speaks with an intimacy that everyone can appreciate and understand.

Love, God, and Everything: Awakening from the Long, Dark Night of the Collective Soul

by Nicolya Christi

• Explores how to consciously evolve, heal our generational trauma, and awaken to the amazing potential we each hold for transformation • Shares unique maps and models for psychospiritual integration, spiritual awakening, and evolving consciousness • Examines the evolutionary continuum of the soul and catalytic astrological events that will influence humanity in the years and decades ahead Humanity is undergoing a planetary wake-up call: in order to survive the global spiritual, ecological, and cultural crises we now face, the long, dark night of the collective soul, we need to consciously evolve, heal our generational trauma, and awaken to the amazing potential we each hold for profound transformation. In this sweeping exploration of love, consciousness, and awakening, Nicolya Christi offers a deep investigation of the Great Shift of Ages that is now occurring. She shares detailed personal accounts of the extraordinary metaphysical, psychic, and out-of-body experiences she has had throughout her life along with the direct spiritual insights she gained as a result. She explores what consciousness is and examines the evolutionary continuum of the soul--including the voyage of the incarnate soul, the metaphysical-spiritual reality of the excarnate soul, and the beyond-soul reality. She also shares maps and models for psychospiritual integration, awakening, and evolving consciousness that she has pioneered. Examining the personal and collective human shadow, the author looks at the central role epigenetics play in our current fear-based reality and explores the impact of stories of wounding from a personal, ancestral, and karmic perspective. Focusing on healing generational and collective trauma, she shows how by changing our &“story,&” we can change the world and transcend the shadow of human experience. She explores spiritual wisdom from ancient cultures spanning millennia, especially the Classic Maya, and highlights evolutionary astrological events that will influence humanity in the years and decades ahead as we more fully awaken. Sharing her vision for the New Earth, Nicolya reveals how deeply feeling and envisioning our post-transformation future as if it has already happened will help bring it into being. She also shares a look into the new epoch of wellness, regeneration, psychology, biology, and technology that will unfold as humanity transitions from the dysfunctional old paradigm into a conscious and awakened new world.

Love from the Inside Out: Lessons and Inspiration for Loving Yourself, Your Life, and Each Other

by Robert Mack

Find True Love… Inside and Out!#1 New Release in Television Reality, Game Shows & Talk ShowsRobert Mack has helped millions of people transform their love lives on and off television. In his most recent release, he shares a fresh, new perspective on the meaning of true love.A distillation of profound insights on love and happiness. With warmth and wisdom, Mack explores the frustration and futility of seeking love from others, instead of yourself —and in the future, instead of in the present. In short-form meditations, Love from the Inside Out invites you into an intimate conversation about relationships and into your own personal inquiry on love. Inside, some of your most cherished thoughts, opinions, and beliefs about love and relationships will be questioned and challenged —if not refashioned and revised.A love book that goes deeper than other books on marriage and relationships. If you are looking for something other than —or in addition to —your typical relationship book, psychology book, positive thinking book, self-help book, or spirituality book, look no further. Using the powerful pointers and transformative teachings in this book, you will finally discover the happy, healthy, and harmonious experience of true love you so deeply desire.In Love from the Inside Out, find answers to questions like:How can I end my loneliness?How can I overcome my fear of being alone?How can I finally learn to love myself?How can I attract a partner faster?How can I create healthier relationships of all kinds? How can I keep my love life sexy, fresh, and alive?How can I set better boundaries?If you enjoyed ground-breaking love books like The Vortex by Abraham-Hicks; A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson; Loveability by Robert Holden; or Love, Freedom, and Aloneness by Osho…You will love Robert Mack's uplifting, profoundly practical message in Love from the Inside Out.

Love from Heaven: Practicing Compassion for Yourself and Others

by Lorna Byrne

Bestselling author and mystic Lorna Byrne teaches us how to have more compassion for both ourselves and others and to see all the love around us in this powerful and moving book—perfect for fans of Louise Hay and Doreen Virtue.Lorna Byrne, an Irish mystic, has been seeing angels since she was a baby, but she sees even more than that. In Love from Heaven, she reveals for the first time that she sees love as a physical force. Lorna first became conscious that the angels were teaching her about love when she was five years old, and today she can see how love manifests in each of us. She sees that newborn babies are full of pure love and that many teenagers and adults seem surrounded at the heart level by a transparent but ironlike band, which restricts that love. We are all pure love, but nine out of ten of us have locked away most of this love within ourselves. This love remains there, though—indestructible and ready to be released, if only we can learn to love ourselves first.Love from Heaven will transform the way you think about love, stir up the love within, and make you more compassionate, leading to a happier life for you and those around you.

Love For No Reason

by Marci Shimoff

Following on from New York Times bestseller Happy for No Reason, Marci Shimoff introduces a new paradigm of love in Love For No Reason, describing it as a state of being that doesn't depend on external circumstances. When a person experiences love for no reason, they don't need to get it from other people, the right partner, the perfect body or a great job. They bring love to the world around them, rather than expect love from it. In short, they aren't looking for love - they are love. Supported by the latest findings in neuroscience, Love For No Reason offers readers breakthrough methods to experience unconditional love in every area of their lives. The book begins by defining this new paradigm of love, underscoring why there has never been a more important time to cultivate it. It then outlines a practical programme to develop and nurture this love from the inside out. Love For No Reason introduces the groundbreaking concept of the 'Love Body' - a positive energy field that encompasses and enriches the body and mind. This revolutionary programme is based on the most recent scientific research on the biochemistry of love - including cutting-edge studies and interviews with experts such as Dr Mehmet Oz. In the final section of the book, Marci supplies readers with strategies for maintaining unconditional love in the face of everyday challenges in the areas of relationships, work and overall health and wellbeing.

Love For No Reason

by Marianne Williamson Carol Kline Marci Shimoff

What if you could live in a state of unconditional love all the time? If you could love people, not because they fill your needs or because they love you, but because you're connected to a state of pure love within yourself? What if you could bring the highest and best part of yourself to your family and friends, to your work, to your community, and even to the things that you find most challenging in your life? You can, when you learn to Love for No Reason.In this compelling and life-changing follow-up to her New York Times bestselling book Happy for No Reason, transformational expert Marci Shimoff now offers a breakthrough approach to experiencing unconditional love--the kind of love that doesn't depend on another person, situation, or romantic partner. This is the deepest and truest form of love and is the key to lasting joy and fulfillment in life.Love for No Reason introduces a new paradigm--love as an inner state of being that you can access at any time and in any circumstance. In this state, instead of trying to get love from the outside, you bring love to everyone and everything around you. Supported by the latest scientific research on the biochemistry of love along with ancient, time-tested wisdom from cultures across the globe, Shimoff offers a revolutionary 7-step program to develop and maintain unconditional love from the inside out.Combining practical tools and cutting-edge methods, this program empowers you to bring an open heart and unconditional love to every aspect of your life, including your relationships with yourself, your family, your friends, and your work. You'll learn how to break through the boundaries that block love's flow--whether these are past negative experiences, limiting beliefs about love, judgments, or self-doubt. You'll also gain insights from Marci's interviews with 150 Love Luminaries--world-renowned scientists, spiritual leaders, psychologists, and other experts on love, as well as people living in the state of Love for No Reason in their everyday lives. Many of these people--including a Grammy Award-winning singer, a woman who has lost and gained over a thousand pounds, and a man whose loving actions have made him a national icon--share their extraordinary and moving personal stories.Whatever your experiences of love have been in the past, you can begin to love at a higher level today. Love for No Reason is your essential guide. This one-of-a-kind book shows you how to strengthen the foundation of love within to become an unshakeable source of love for yourself and everyone around you.

Love for Imperfect Things: How to Accept Yourself in a World Striving for Perfection

by Haemin Sunim Lisk Feng

Susan Cain, New York Times bestselling author of Quiet: "The world could surely use a little more love, a little more compassion, and a little more wisdom. In Love for Imperfect Things, Haemin Sunim shows us how to cultivate all three, and to find beauty in the most imperfect of things--including your very own self."A #1 internationally bestselling book of spiritual wisdom about learning to love ourselves, with all our imperfections, by the Buddhist author of The Things You Can See Only When You Slow DownHearing the words "be good to yourself first, then to others" was like being struck by lightning.Many of us respond to the pressures of life by turning inward and ignoring problems, sometimes resulting in anxiety or depression. Others react by working harder at the office, at school, or at home, hoping that this will make ourselves and the people we love happier. But what if being yourself is enough? Just as we are advised on airplanes to take our own oxygen first before helping others, we must first be at peace with ourselves before we can be at peace with the world around us.In this beautiful follow-up to his international bestseller The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down, Zen Buddhist monk Haemin Sunim turns his trademark wisdom to the art of self-care, arguing that only by accepting yourself--and the flaws that make you who you are--can you have compassionate and fulfilling relationships with your partner, your family, and your friends. With more than thirty-five full-color illustrations, Love for Imperfect Things will appeal to both your eyes and your heart, and help you learn to love yourself, your life, and everyone in it.When you care for yourself first, the world begins to find you worthy of care.

Love Food and Live Well: Lose Weight, Get Fit, and Taste Life at Its Very Best

by Chantel Hobbs

Go ahead. Get passionate about the food you eat. You don&’t have to hide it. You can love food and lose weight at the same time! The secret, which you&’ll learn about in Love Food and Live Well, is to know when to have carrot cake and when it&’s time for just a carrot. For most dieters, food is the daunting factor that trips up our best intentions to lose weight and get fit. Let Chantel Hobbs teach you that food is not the enemy! It&’s our attitudes toward it that defeat us. Losing weight does not require being deprived of the foods you love and being forced to eat boring, tasteless meals, and left feeling hungry most of the time. Turn food into your ally by following Chantel&’s 80/20 rule: A full 20 percent of the time, splurge on the foods you love and incorporate them into celebrations and social occasions. The remaining 80 percent of the time, choose food on the basis of delivering maximum fuel for your body and ultimate health. Simply by having freedom in what you eat, you can train yourself in self discipline and achieve sustainable weight loss, being free from food anxiety. Using personal inventories, original recipes, food plans, and new, detailed exercises for strength training and aerobic fitness, Chantel will inspire you to live well in every area of life. What are you waiting for? Start the pursuit of a life lived well and healthy: body, mind, and spirit.

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