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Glória: Aumentando a Presença de Deus

by Bill Vincent

Deus quer tirá-lo do deserto e levá-lo para as fontes de glória. Bill Vincent seguramente incita o fogo de Deus nesse livro poderoso GLÓRIA: AUMENTANDO A PRESENÇA DE DEUS. Se você deseja descobrir mais da presença de Deus, esse livros é para você. Aqui está um pouco da revelação que você receberá • Restaurando princípios espirituais • Do deserto às fontes • Restaurando a Presença de Deus • Indo para trás das Cortinas • Como ser poços de Deus

Glória: Em Busca da Presença de Deus

by Bill Vincent

É hora de nos chegarmos ao abraço de Deus, entrando no Seu coração de amor e permitindo que Ele nos convença do pecado para que possamos ser limpos e perdoados. Deus está a realizar uma grande obra em todos nós. Não se concretizará sem um preço. Quero que todos entendam que alcançar a Glória de Deus tem um preço a pagar. Mas esse preço é altamente justificado. Este livro procura explicar como nos chegamos mais próximos de Deus e como isso nos transforma.

Glória: Segredos para nos Tornarmos Embaixadores de Cristo

by Bill Vincent Jander

Neste livro, todos precisamos de nossas mentalidades para sermos um Embaixador do Céu. Deus está criando uma nova geração de homens e mulheres de Deus. O Reino de Deus pode parecer uma gigantesca fronteira espiritual inexplorada! Consequentemente, precisamos de uma mentalidade do Reino para discernir com razão e aproveitar tudo o que Deus quer nos revelar, especialmente em dias como esses - dias da colheita. Você será abençoado pelas revelações de poder de Bill Vincent sobre a Glória de Deus e o Reino de Deus sendo liberados na Terra.

Globalization, Fear and Insecurity

by Sophie Body-Gendrot

Fear is ingrained in the history of cities but our short-sightedness prevents us from grasping its evolution over time. Increasingly, risk and fear are experienced, portrayed and discussed as globalized phenomena, particularly since 9/11. This research puts urban insecurity in perspective, with a comparison of world cities in the North and South.


by Harold L. Sirkin James W. Hemerling Arindam K. Bhattacharya

Globality primarily involves large western corporations expanding their operations and moving aggressively into new overseas markets. GLOBALITY radically defines a 'post-globalization' world, where companies from India, China, Russia, eastern Europe, Brazil and Mexico are expanding beyond their home base, entering and building new markets, creating whole industries, and competing for customers, resources, market share and attention. In short, the tide has turned. As a result, western companies need to understand these emerging new businesses and the economies they come from in order to stay ahead and stay alive.

The Global War on Tobacco: Mapping the World's First Public Health Treaty

by Heather Wipfli

The first in-depth review of the World Health Organization’s groundbreaking Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.The tobacco industry has capitalized on numerous elements of globalization—including trade liberalization, foreign direct investment, and global communications—to expand into countries where effective tobacco control programs are not in place. As a consequence, tobacco is currently the leading cause of preventable death in the world. Each year, it kills more people than HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis combined. Amid evidence of an emerging pandemic, a committed group of public health professionals and institutions sought in the mid-1990s to challenge the tobacco industry’s expansion by negotiating a binding international law under the auspices of the World Health Organization. The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)—the first collective global response to the causation of avoidable chronic disease—was one of the most quickly ratified treaties in United Nations history. In The Global War on Tobacco, Heather Wipfli tells the engaging story of the FCTC, from its start as an unlikely civil society proposal to its enactment in 178 countries as of June 2014. Wipfli also reveals how globalization offers anti-tobacco advocates significant cooperative opportunities to share knowledge and address cross-border public health problems.The book—the first to delve deeply into the origin and development of the FCTC—seeks to advance understanding of how non-state actors, transnational networks, and international institutionalization can impact global governance for health. Case studies from a variety of diverse high-, middle-, and low-income countries provide real-world examples of the success or failure of tobacco control. Aimed at public health professionals and students, The Global War on Tobacco is a fascinating look at how international relations is changing to respond to the modern global marketplace and protect human health.

Glitter Every Day: 365 Quotes from Women I Love

by Andy Cohen

The Instant New York Times BestsellerFrom Andy Cohen, the New York Times bestselling author and host of Watch What Happens Live comes an inspiring collection of daily quotes from the larger-than-life women that defined his life, offering inspiration, affirmation, and (just enough) intoxication to make any day shine bright – the perfect gift for the holidays! Andy Cohen has made a career, and a life, out of making the ordinary extraordinary. The inspiration for this fabulous view of the world has always come from the incredible women (from his mother to Madonna) he loves. In Glitter Every Day Andy shares his most needed words of wisdom from his favorite icons for every day, just in time to kick off the new year!Andy not only gathers 365 sayings and quotes from the icons, thought leaders, Real Housewives and legendary celebs that fuel his fun, he writes about the people and experiences that have made him live one of the most joyous lives that any little boy growing up in St. Louis could dream of so that you can, too. And like Andy himself, Glitter Every Day is irresistible, infusing your day with a laugh, a pep talk and a shot(ski) of fun.So pour a drink, put on your heels, and always remember to let yourself shine.

Glimpses of the Devil: A Psychiatrist's Personal Accounts of Possession, Exorcism, and Redemption

by M. Scott Peck

The legendary bestselling author and renowned psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, whose books have sold over 14 million copies, reveals the amazing true story of his work as an exorcist -- kept secret for more than twenty-five years -- in two profoundly human stories of satanic possession. In the tradition of his million-copy bestseller People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil, Scott Peck's new book offers the first complete account of exorcism and possession by a modern psychiatrist in this extraordinary personal narrative of his efforts to heal patients suffering from demonic and satanic possession. For the first time, Dr. Peck discusses his experience in conducting exorcisms, sharing the spellbinding details of his two major cases: one a moving testament to his healing abilities, and the other a perilous and ultimately unsuccessful struggle against darkness and evil. Twenty-seven-year-old Jersey was of average intelligence; a caring and devoted wife and mother to her husband and two young daughters, she had no history of mental illness. Beccah, in her mid-forties and with a superior intellect, had suffered from profound depression throughout her life, choosing to remain in an abusive relationship with her husband, one dominated by distrust and greed. Until the day Dr. Peck first met the young woman called Jersey, he did not believe in the devil. In fact, as a mature, highly experienced psychiatrist, he expected that this case would resolve his ongoing effort to prove to himself, as scientifically as possible, that there were absolutely no grounds for such beliefs. Yet what he discovered could not be explained away simply as madness or by any standard clinical diagnosis. Through a series of unanticipated events, Dr. Peck found himself thrust into the role of exorcist, and his desire to treat and help Jersey led him down a path of blurred boundaries between science and religion. Once there, he came face-to-face with deeply entrenched evil and ultimately witnessed the overwhelming healing power of love. In Glimpses of the Devil, Dr. Peck's celebrated gift for integrating psychiatry and religion is demonstrated yet again as he recounts his journey from skepticism to eventual acknowledgment of the reality of an evil spirit, even at the risk of being shunned by the medical establishment. In the process, he also finds himself compelled to confront the larger paradox of free will, of a commitment to goodness versus enslavement to the forms of evil, and the monumental clash of forces that endangers both sanity and the soul. Glimpses of the Devil is unquestionably among Scott Peck's most powerful, scrupulously written, and important books in many years. At once deeply sensitive and intensely chilling, it takes a clear-eyed look at one of the most mysterious and misunderstood areas of human experience.

Gli insegnamenti della mia migliore amica: Una storia pelosa...

by Adrian Salama

Possiamo imparare dai nostri animali domestici? La risposta è in questo libro, Gli insegnamenti della mia migliore amica. Tutto ciò che un bambino può imparare dal suo animale domestico è contenuto in questo libro. È un libro che i padri e le madri possono leggere ai loro figli e in tal modo creare valori e apprendimenti che daranno loro una vita migliore e aumenteranno la loro intelligenza emotiva. Prefazione (scritta nel libro) È un libro scritto in modo creativo e intelligente da Adrián che, nonostante la sua giovane età (o meglio, grazie alla sua giovinezza), ci regala esperienze quotidiane unite a una profonda saggezza, dovuta alla sua inesauribile curiosità scientifica e alla sua attitudine ad aiutare il prossimo. È un libro da leggere e rileggere molte volte poiché, ad ogni rilettura, compaiono nuovi elementi che portano pace e amore nella nostra vita quotidiana. Pochi libri possono essere letti oggi con lo stesso piacere con cui ho letto questo libro. L'autore ci prende per mano con una prosa aggraziata, leggera, invitante e semplice, per avere sempre più successo nella nostra vita.

Gli Esami di Megan: Una Guida Spirituale, Una Tigre Fantasma e Una Mamma Spaventosa! (La Serie di Megan #4)

by Owen Jones

Megan è una ragazzina di tredici anni che si rende conto di avere poteri psichici che altri non hanno. All'inizio, cerca di parlarne con sua madre, ma con conseguenze disastrose, così ha imparato a tacere. Tuttavia, alcune persone la aiutano e un animale ha mostrato un'amicizia speciale, ma questi non sono "vivi". Megan ha tre amici del genere: Wacinhinsha, la sua guida spirituale, che era stato un Sioux nella sua ultima vita sulla Terra; suo nonno materno, e un'enorme tigre siberiana chiamata Grrr. Wacinhinsha è estremamente ben informato su tutte le cose spirituali, psichiche e paranormali; suo nonno è un 'morto' novellino e Grrr può parlare solo il linguaggioTiger, inintelligibile per gli umani. In "Gli Esami di Megan", Megan è preoccupata per i suoi primi esami scolastici. Si preoccupa talmente tanto da ammalarsene, ma Wacinhinsha, la sua guida spirituale, le fa un discorso d'incoraggiamento e le da il coraggio di superarli.

Gli Angeli di Wakán Tanka: una ternera storia per capire la relazione tra uomo e cane

by Orlando Eijo

Orlando Eijo ci offre un nuovo modo di comprendere il rapporto tra uomo e cane, e con esso la nostra stessa natura di esseri umani, sia sotto l’aspetto biologico che spirituale. Questa volta è attraverso una tenera storia che lascerà nel lettore la sensazione di una deliziosa brezza primaverile. Francisco, un uomo vedovo desideroso di dare sempre di più, è appena andato in pensione dopo aver lavorato tutta la vita. Con i figli ormai indipendenti, la sua casa solitaria diventa una prigione silenziosa che lo deprime. I figli decidono così di regalargli un cucciolo di border collie per fargli compagnia. Questo cucciolo lo porterà ad iniziare una nuova attività, il disc dog, approfondendolo al punto di incontrare il volto spirituale e profondo della relazione tra uomo e cane sin dal suo inizio quando, secondo la leggenda Sioux, fu il Grande Spirito, Wakán Tanka , che inviò i lupi come suoi angeli per aiutare l'essere umano a percorrere questo passaggio della vita. Con le profonde conversazioni di Francisco con suo figlio Jorge, psicologo, il lettore troverà l’opportunità di apprendere concetti di psicologia canina e umana in un modo chiaro e bello, non solo comprendendo i nostri comportamenti, ma approfondendo l'amore per la vita come il Grande Spirito volle insegnare con i suoi inviati a quattro zampe. Il piccolo border collie porterà grandi cambiamenti nella vita di Francisco e in quella di altri personaggi della storia, una storia che il lettore divorerà dall'inizio alla fine avidamente e senza sforzo. Recensioni Il consacrato poeta, narratore, critico, insegnante alle Università di Belgrado, Lubiana e Venezia, Octavio Prenz, scrisse da Trieste (Italia) su questa prima opera narrativa di Eijo "la sorpresa è stata più che piacevole, perché sa raccontare con una prosa fluida che suscita l'interesse del lettore e lo invita a continuare a leggere. Mi ha fatto scoprire cose che ignoravo e che arricchiscono, (Orlando Eij

Glencoe, Succeeding in the World of Work

by Grady Kimbrell Ben S. Vineyard BusinessWeek

Succeeding in the World of Workprepares your students for the 21st century workplace. This updated program integrates academic standards-based acitvities with real-world workplace connections. The ninth edition emphasized workplace skills, technology, and understanding and working with cultural differences. This text provides Real-World Connection which provides a real-life anecdote or passage that deals with issues of work, including soft skills such as interpersonal communication.

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills (Discovering Life Skills Series)

by McGraw-Hill Education

Discovering Life Skills prepares students for the future and putting them on the path towards discovery and excellence. Students are encouraged to discover exciting career paths, determine goals, and manage their lives. <P><P>Differentiated teaching involves all students and allows teachers to better understand the needs of the classroom. Discovering Life Skills contains a wealth of information! The trick is to know where to look to find all of the information. <P><P>The book contains Scavenger Hunt to preview the text and help you get the most out of this book.

Glaucoma: A Guide from Dr. Harry Quigley

by Harry Quigley

If you or a member of your family has been told that you have glaucoma, or, if you have glaucoma and want to be sure that the treatment you're receiving is right for you, this patient-oriented guide was designed to answer the many questions you may have. The guide gives authoritative answers, easily understood explanations, helpful suggestions, and life-style advice. It won't matter if you are not a medical specialist, since it is written in plain English. Most glaucoma patients retain good vision and live a normal life. The solutions given can take the stress out of dealing with glaucoma and should maximize the chance that no further injury to your ability to see will occur. There is good evidence that patients who try to learn more about their medical care do better in the long run. The author is Dr. Harry A. Quigley, Director of the Glaucoma Center of Excellence of the Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. He has 40 years' experience caring for glaucoma, researching its treatments, and has performed 10,000 medical and surgical procedures for this disease. His 350 published papers on glaucoma represent the work that is most quoted by other eye doctors in the last 30 years. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the premier vision research journal, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. No other living ophthalmologist has received the Friedenwald Award (ARVO), the Doyne Medal (Oxford Ophthalmological Congress), the Jackson Lectureship (AAO), and the American Glaucoma Society Lectureship. The guide has quick "Take Home" summaries at the start of each section with the most important information. For those wishing to know much more, detailed explanations, drawings and photographs follow. The sections are designed to answer the questions that patients ask, as well as the questions that they should have asked. For those who know little about their glaucoma, it begins with a simple introduction to the disease. However, those who want in depth information will find discussions of how the disease is diagnosed, what the treatment options are, and how to live a normal life with glaucoma. There are not perfect answers to every question about glaucoma. Where there is controversy, the different sides of the issue are presented to help you and your doctor to make the better choice. There is consideration given to alternative approaches to therapy. There is no cure for glaucoma, and we cannot yet restore vision once it is lost. The guide presents ways to continue life at a high level, whatever the stage of glaucoma.


by Dion Fortune

A description of Glastonbury that remains one of the most evocative and poignant accounts of this wild yet holy place; a power center polarizing with distant Jerusalem and linking and harmonizing the Christian way with the primeval and pagan past of England.

Glass Half Full

by Lucy Rocca

In April 2011, Lucy Rocca woke up in a hospital bed with no memory of how she had ended up there. After accepting that her drinking had spiralled out of control, she made the decision there and then to never touch alcohol again. However, the early days were a challenge, and Lucy began recording her journey in a blog as a way of helping herself move forward to a happy and sober future. For someone who defined herself by her love of drinking for over twenty years, letting go of the booze crutch was initially a challenge, but over time, Lucy began to realise how much happier she was living alcohol-free. Glass Half Full is the story of her journey from hopelessly devoted wine fiend to sober and truly happy for the first time in her adult life. As the founder of, Lucy's blog also provides motivational and inspirational support for those seeking an alcohol-free life.

Glass Half Full (Addiction Recovery Series #3)

by Lucy Rocca

In April 2011, Lucy Rocca woke up in a hospital bed with no memory of how she had ended up there. After accepting that her drinking had spiralled out of control, she made the decision there and then to never touch alcohol again. However, the early days were a challenge, and Lucy began recording her journey in a blog as a way of helping herself move forward to a happy and sober future.For someone who defined herself by her love of drinking for over twenty years, letting go of the booze crutch was initially a challenge, but over time, Lucy began to realise how much happier she was living alcohol-free. Glass Half Full is the story of her journey from hopelessly devoted wine fiend to sober and truly happy for the first time in her adult life.As the founder of, Lucy’s blog also provides motivational and inspirational support for those seeking an alcohol-free life.

Glass Half Full (Addiction Recovery Ser. #3)

by Lucy Rocca

In April 2011, Lucy Rocca woke up in a hospital bed with no memory of how she had ended up there. After accepting that her drinking had spiralled out of control, she made the decision there and then to never touch alcohol again. However, the early days were a challenge, and Lucy began recording her journey in a blog as a way of helping herself move forward to a happy and sober future.For someone who defined herself by her love of drinking for over twenty years, letting go of the booze crutch was initially a challenge, but over time, Lucy began to realise how much happier she was living alcohol-free. Glass Half Full is the story of her journey from hopelessly devoted wine fiend to sober and truly happy for the first time in her adult life.As the founder of, Lucy’s blog also provides motivational and inspirational support for those seeking an alcohol-free life.

The Glass Half Full: How Optimists Get What They Want From Life - and Pessimists Can Too

by Suzanne C. Segerstrom

Rose-colored glasses may look silly, but they're actually quite practical. In The Glass Half Full, psychologist Suzanne Segerstrom surveys the scientific data on optimism (including her own award-winning research) to reveal that it's not what you believe about the future that matters, but what you do about it. While pessimists debate whether their goals are attainable, optimists are out there trying to achieve them. Without insisting that you learn to "think positive," The Glass Half Full teaches you practical ways to appropriate the habits and skills that optimists use to get what they want from life. Segerstrom - who reluctantly admits her research on the topic has transformed her into an optimist -imparts the lesson with a mix of humor and intelligence that will convince even the most cynical readers that a brighter tomorrow might be just around the corner.

A Glasgow Kiss

by Sophie Gravia

There's nothing romantic about dating...A Glasgow Kiss [n.]A headbutt or a strike with the head to someone's sensitive areaMeet Zara Smith: 29, single and muddling her way through life as a trainee nurse in Glasgow. With 30 fast approaching, she's determined to do whatever it takes to find love - or at least someone to sext! Cheered on by best friends Ashley and Raj, Zara embarks on a string of dating escapades that are as hilarious as they are disastrous. From online dating to blind dates, hometown hook-ups to flirty bartenders, nothing is off limits.But when Dr Tom Adams, aka Sugar Daddy, shows interest, it's a game-changing moment. Zara has had a crush on Tom since her very first day at the aesthetics clinic she works at part-time. As things heat up between them, Zara can't help but wonder: is this it? Or is it another disaster waiting to happen?Filthy, hilarious and painfully relatable, Zara Smith is Bridget Jones for the millennial generation, from the writer of the Sex in the Glasgow City blog. Fans of Fleabag, Girls and Lucy Vine will love A Glasgow Kiss. Readers can't get enough of A Glasgow Kiss:'The story is relatable to at least 99% of the female population. It was heartwarming to know I'm not the only female who checks 'read' receipts and 'last active' on WhatsApp and social media platforms. I cried with laughter throughout the full book and the ending is soo fitting.''A group of us are all reading this at the moment as part of our newly formed and made up book club and honestly we couldn't have chosen a better book to start with... this is serious belly laugh, snort out loud material... we can't put it down!!! EVERY GIRL NEEDS TO READ THIS!!!''I loved this book so much, I couldn't put it down and finished it in two days. I laughed so much and it was definitely what 2020 needed! I hope hope hope there's a sequel on the cards - can't recommend enough!'

The Glam Guide

by Fleur De Force

Fleur De Force is a YouTube fashion and beauty sensation with more than one million followers. A two-time winner of the Cosmopolitan "Best Vlogger' Award," Fleur started a video blog in 2009 to share her passion for everything beauty and fashion. What started out as a hobby evolved into something much bigger, and she has since become known as one of the most influential young personalities in the online fashion and lifestyle vlogging community. Over the past five years, Fleur has sought out the best beauty products, style tips and shortcuts to share. In The Glam Guide, she spills all her secrets and discoveries, from makeup tips, to wardrobe advice, to healthy lifestyle motivation, to first-date pointers.

The Glam Guide

by Fleur De Force

Fleur De Force started making YouTube videos in 2009 out of a passion for everything beauty and fashion related. What began as a fun hobby quickly turned into something much bigger, and she's spent the past five years seeking out the best products, top tips and easiest ways for us all to look and feel more fabulous. In The Glam Guide she shares all of her secrets and discoveries so whether you're looking for makeup tips, wardrobe cheats, first-date pointers or healthy lifestyle motivation, this is the book for you.

The Glam Guide

by Fleur De Force

Fleur De Force started making YouTube videos in 2009 out of a passion for everything beauty and fashion related. What began as a fun hobby quickly turned into something much bigger, and she's spent the past five years seeking out the best products, top tips and easiest ways for us all to look and feel more fabulous. In The Glam Guide she shares all of her secrets and discoveries so whether you're looking for makeup tips, wardrobe cheats, first-date pointers or healthy lifestyle motivation, this is the book for you.

Gladiators, Pirates and Games of Trust: How Game Theory, Strategy and Probability Rule Our Lives

by Haim Shapira

A bestselling Israeli author offers a delightful take on decision making for non-experts and non-mathematicians. Written in simple language, the book is essential reading for business professionals and anyone interested in cognitive psychology and economics.Shapira provides humorous anecdotes and insightful examples of how our daily lives are affected by Game Theory. Game Theory is the mathematical formalization of interactive decision-making – it assumes that each player's goal is to maximize his/her benefit, whatever it may be. Players may be friends, foe, political parties, states, or anyone that behaves interactively, whether as a group or as an individual. One of the problems with game analysis is the fact that, as a player, it’s very hard to know what would benefit each of the other players, some of us are not even clear about our own goals or what indeed might actually benefit us. Haim Shapira uses multiple examples to explain what Game Theory is and how the different interactions between decision makers can play out. • Meet the Nobel Prize Laureate John F Nash and familiarize yourself with his celebrated equilibrium • Learn the basic ideas of the Art of Negotiation • Visit the gladiators’ ring and apply for a coaching position • Build an airport and divide inheritance • Issue ultimatums and learn to trust

The Gladiator Mindset: Push Your Limits. Overcome Challenges. Achieve Your Goals.

by Adam Peaty

Think like Britain's greatest living Olympian: Ten steps to push your limits and achieve the impossible from the one of the world's greatest swimmers'The most dominant sportsperson in Great Britain today - and perhaps ever' TelegraphFrom one of the best elite athletes on the planet comes a book bursting with no-nonsense advice on how to locate your inner gladiator, and first-hand wisdom to help you push yourself beyond what you thought was possible.We are all capable of locating greatness within us and achieving hitherto unimaginable feats. Whether you are old and wise or young and bursting with energy, there are limits you are imposing on yourself that this book will help you reconsider.Adam Peaty shows you how to take more control of your life and helps you both discover and develop your talents. He shares his own ten secrets to a winning mental attitude, whether it be at home, at work, on the sports field, or within ourselves.This is an inspirational handbook for personal achievement and positive living. THE GLADIATOR MINDSET will inspire you to find and develop your talent and have the confidence to believe in yourself.Let's be better than we were yesterday."Hopefully, this is a catalyst for not only Team GB but also the people back home to go to another gear, to say: 'We've been through a tough time, there's been a lot of complaining, a lot of excuses, a lot of negative things, but now we've got to switch our mindset.'" - Adam Peaty

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