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Body Language: Come Migliorare La Tua Relazione Usa Il Linguaggio Del Corpo Nascosto

by Christopher Cuddy

Ti piacerebbe capire cosa sta succedendo dentro la testa di qualcun altro? L'autore parla di tutto, dai gesti, alla postura, allo spazio personale e fisico. Sin dai tempi antichi, abbiamo usato il nostro linguaggio del corpo per comunicare, trasmettendo le nostre emozioni e pensieri a coloro che ci circondano. Ogni persona là fuori ha un linguaggio del corpo diverso, che comprende non solo espressioni facciali ma anche posture e gesti del corpo. Anche il movimento degli occhi è considerato parte della comunicazione non verbale, essendo strettamente seguito dal tatto e usando il proprio spazio personale. Se sei pronto per agire e cambiare la tua vita in meglio, questo libro ti guiderà sicuramente nella giusta direzione!

Body Language Basics: How To Analyze And Recognize The Subtle Messages Sent By Someone's Body

by Shelly Hagen

Stare or glare—which is it? If you can&’t read the visual clues of body language, you could lose a lot in the translation. Body Language Basics makes you fluent in no time. Whether you&’re trying to get a read on a new client&’s willingness to make a deal or wondering if your date&’s down-turned gaze indicates disinterest or coyness, Body Language Basics shows you how to get a better read on the subconscious signals people send your way.

Body Language: Learn how to read others and communicate with confidence

by Elizabeth Kuhnke

What does your body language say about you? From strangers on the street, to your closest friends and family - even if you're not speaking, you're saying a lot with your body. Body Language explores the way we use our bodies to communicate, the way we hold ourselves, the way we sit, stand, and point our hands, feet and eyes can all reveal how we are feeling in any given situation. This book explores the body language we use in a wide-range of business and personal-life scenarios, from delivering a presentation at work to how you should act on a first date! Packed with images to clearly demonstrate each of the scenarios discussed, Body Language will help you understand the way others around you choose to communicate and also what you are saying with your own body. These valuable skills will improve your day to day communication, helping you to judge situations and understand how others around you are feeling. Use Body Language to: Harness the power of your own body language Communicate confidently to all of those around you Dip in and out of useful scenarios to find the best advice for you Understand people's hidden emotions and learn what you are hiding yourself Tackle those important life events, such as interviews, first dates, important meetings and more!

Body Language: Writers on Identity, Physicality, and Making Space for Ourselves

by Nicole Chung and Matt Ortile

A kaleidoscopic anthology of essays published by Catapult magazine about the stories our bodies tell, and how we move within—and against—expectations of race, gender, health, and abilityBodies are serious, irreverent, sexy, fragile, strong, political, and inseparable from our experiences and identities as human beings. Pushing the dialogue and confronting monolithic myths, this collection of essays tackles topics like weight, disability, desire, fertility, illness, and the embodied experience of race in deep, challenging ways. Selected from the archives of Catapult magazine, the essays in Body Language affirm and challenge the personal and political conversations around human bodies from the perspectives of thirty writers diverse in race, age, gender, size, sexuality, health, ability, geography, and class—a brilliant group probing and speaking their own truths about their bodies and identities, refusing to submit to others&’ expectations about how their bodies should look, function, and behave. Covering a wide range of experiences—from art modeling as a Black woman to nostalgia for a brutalizing high school sport, from the frightening upheaval of cancer diagnoses to the small beauties of funeral sex—this collection is intelligent, sensitive, and unflinchingly candid. Through the power of personal narratives, as told by writers at all stages of their careers, Body Language reflects the many ways in which we understand and inhabit our bodies. Featuring essays by A.E. Osworth, Andrea Ruggirello, Aricka Foreman, Austin Gilkeson, Bassey Ikpi, Bryan Washington, Callum Angus, Destiny O. Birdsong, Eloghosa Osunde, Forsyth Harmon, Gabrielle Bellot, Haley Houseman, Hannah Walhout, Jenny Tinghui Zhang, Jess Zimmerman, Kaila Philo, Karissa Chen, Kayla Whaley, Maggie Tokuda-Hall, Marcos Gonsalez, Marisa Crane, Melissa Hung, Natalie Lima, Nina Riggs, Rachel Charlene Lewis, Ross Showalter, s.e. smith, Sarah McEachern, Taylor Harris, and Toni Jensen.

Body Kindness: Transform Your Health from the Inside Out--and Never Say Diet Again

by Rebecca Scritchfield

Imagine a graph with two lines. One indicates happiness, the other tracks how you feel about your body. If you’re like millions of people, the lines do not intersect. But what if they did? This practical, inspirational, and visually lively book shows you how to create a healthier and happier life by treating yourself with compassion rather than shame. It shows the way to a sense of well-being attained by understanding how to love, connect, and care for yourself—and that includes your mind as well as your body.Body Kindness is based on four principles. WHAT YOU DO: the choices you make about food, exercise, sleep, and more HOW YOU FEEL: befriending your emotions and standing up to the unhelpful voice in your head WHO YOU ARE: goal-setting based on your personal values WHERE YOU BELONG: body-loving support from people and communities that help you create a meaningful life With mind and body exercises to keep your energy spiraling up and prompts to help you identify what YOU really want and care about, Body Kindness helps you let go of things you can't control and embrace the things you can by finding the workable, daily steps that fit you best. Think of it as the anti-diet book that leads to a more joyful and meaningful life!

The Body Is Not an Apology, Second Edition: The Power of Radical Self-Love

by Sonya Renee Taylor

"To build a world that works for everyone, we must first make the radical decision to love every facet of ourselves. . . . ‘The body is not an apology' is the mantra we should all embrace."—Kimberlé Crenshaw, legal scholar and founder and Executive Director, African American Policy Forum Humans are a varied and divergent bunch with all manner of beliefs, morals, and bodies. Systems of oppression thrive off our inability to make peace with difference and injure the relationship we have with our own bodies.The Body Is Not an Apology offers radical self-love as the balm to heal the wounds inflicted by these violent systems. World-renowned activist and poet Sonya Renee Taylor invites us to reconnect with the radical origins of our minds and bodies and celebrate our collective, enduring strength. As we awaken to our own indoctrinated body shame, we feel inspired to awaken others and to interrupt the systems that perpetuate body shame and oppression against all bodies. When we act from this truth on a global scale, we usher in the transformative opportunity of radical self-love, which is the opportunity for a more just, equitable, and compassionate world—for us all.This second edition includes stories from Taylor's travels around the world combating body terrorism and shines a light on the path toward liberation guided by love. In a brand new final chapter, she offers specific tools, actions, and resources for confronting racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, and transphobia. And she provides a case study showing how radical self-love not only dismantles shame and self-loathing in us but has the power to dismantle entire systems of injustice. Together with the accompanying workbook, Your Body Is Not an Apology, Taylor brings the practice of radical self-love to life.

The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love

by Sonya Renee Taylor

The Body Is Not an ApologyThe Power of Radical Self-LoveAgainst a global backdrop of war, social upheaval, and personal despair, there is a growing sense of urgency to challenge the systems of oppression that dehumanize bodies and strip us of our shared humanity. Rather than feel helpless in the face of oppression, world-renowned activist, performance poet, and author Sonya Renee Taylor teaches us how to turn to the power of radical self-love in her new book, The Body Is Not an Apology. Radical self-love is the guiding framework that transforms the learned self-hatred of our bodies and the prejudices we have about other people's bodies into a vision of compassion, equity, and justice. In a revolutionary departure from the corporate self-help and body-positivity movement, Taylor forges the inextricable bond between radical self-love and social justice. The first step is recognizing that we have all been indoctrinated into a system of body shame that profits off of our self-hatred. When we ask ourselves, “Who benefits from our collective shame?” we can begin to make the distinction between the messages we are receiving about our bodies or other bodies and the truth. This book moves us beyond our all-too-often hidden lives, where we are easily encouraged to forget that we are whole humans having whole human experiences in our bodies alongside others. Radical self-love encourages us to embark on a personal journey of transformation with thoughtful reflection on the origins of our minds and bodies as a source of strength. In doing this, we not only learn to reject negative messages about ourselves but begin to thwart the very power structures that uphold them. Systems of oppression thrive off of our inability to make peace with bodies and difference. Radical self-love not only dismantles shame and self-loathing in us but has the power to dismantle global systems of injustice—because when we make peace with our bodies, only then do we have the capacity to truly make peace with the bodies of others.

Body Intelligence

by Joseph Cardillo

From the holistic psychology expert and author of the mind-body-spirit classic Be Like Water, comes a guide filled with revolutionary methods to help you find the physical and psychological energy you need to live a vibrant life.Have you ever told yourself to power through, "fake it until you make it," put mind over matter--and found yourself hitting a wall, day after day after day? We're all familiar with this "positive thinking" approach for managing our lives and getting through rough times. Ironically, these methods often fail us because we end up wearing ourselves down by the effort it takes to constantly maintain such an upbeat outlook. So what if instead of working to fix our mindset for better energy, we synced our body's energy to create a better mind? In Body Intelligence, Joseph Cardillo, PhD, combines Western science, technology, psychology, and holistic medicine to show that we must first balance the body's energies before we can enhance the mind. Based on cutting-edge ideas, this perennial guide teaches us to tap into our energetic "sweet spot" and identify specific steps we must take to remove energy blocks. Packed with exercises, self-tests, and step-by-step instructions, Body Intelligence provides all the interactive tools for beginners and experienced energy-balancing practitioners alike to improve and understand the specific energy needed to live a happy, healthy, fulfilling life. So open the door to a vivacious, vivid life and start living the matter-over-mind way--your best way!

The Body Image Workbook: An Eight-step Program for Learning to Like your Looks (Second Edition)

by Thomas F. Cash

This revised edition of The Body Image Workbook notably integrates the new and popular disciplines of mindfulness, acceptance, and expressive writing with well established, effective cognitive and behavioral procedures for body image change.The book offers a comprehensive program to help you stop focusing on your perceived imperfections and start feeling more confident about the way you look. It incorporates new scientific knowledge about body image and about contemporary cognitive behavioral approaches to human change. It is for people who are dissatisfied with their looks and want to do something about it. This book is for women and men, teenagers and adults. It is for average-looking folks and for those who "look different"--whether fat or thin, tall or short, disfigured or a "perfect 10."

The Body Has a Mind of Its Own: How Body Maps in Your Brain Help You Do (Almost) Everything Better

by Sandra Blakeslee Matthew Blakeslee

Your body has a mind of its own. In this book, two generations of science writers explore the exciting science of body maps in the brain and how startling new discoveries about the mind-body connection can change and improve our lives.

The Body Has a Head

by Gustav Eckstein

"The intent of this book is to make the human body more familiar to anyone who owns one." How our bodies function...

Body for Rent: The terrifying true story of two ordinary girls sold for sex against their will

by Olivia Smit Anna Hendriks

Growing up in a quiet, middle-class suburb outside of Amsterdam, childhood best friends Anna and Olivia had their whole lives ahead of them. But every parent's worst nightmare came true when the teenagers fell in with the wrong crowd. Eleven years their senior, Ricardo was charming and good-looking - and Anna and Olivia easy prey. Blind to his grooming, the girls were soon trapped in a terrifying cycle of sexual and physical abuse. But their nightmare was only just beginning.Trafficked to the neon-lit windows of Amsterdam's Red Light District, Anna and Olivia were forced to work as prostitutes, servicing countless men night after night against their will. Body for Rent reveals the disturbing truth behind Amsterdam's Red Light District, and the shocking ease with which ordinary girls can be exploited. But despite the unimaginable horrors they endured, the damage done to their bodies and their minds, their friendship remained as strong as ever, giving them hope that one day, they would escape...

Body for Rent: The terrifying true story of two ordinary girls sold for sex against their will

by Olivia Smit Anna Hendriks

Growing up in a quiet, middle-class suburb outside of Amsterdam, childhood best friends Anna and Olivia had their whole lives ahead of them. But every parent's worst nightmare came true when the teenagers fell in with the wrong crowd. Eleven years their senior, Ricardo was charming and good-looking - and Anna and Olivia easy prey. Blind to his grooming, the girls were soon trapped in a terrifying cycle of sexual and physical abuse. But their nightmare was only just beginning.Trafficked to the neon-lit windows of Amsterdam's Red Light District, Anna and Olivia were forced to work as prostitutes, servicing countless men night after night against their will. Body for Rent reveals the disturbing truth behind Amsterdam's Red Light District, and the shocking ease with which ordinary girls can be exploited. But despite the unimaginable horrors they endured, the damage done to their bodies and their minds, their friendship remained as strong as ever, giving them hope that one day, they would escape...

Body For Life For Women: A Woman's Plan for Physical and Mental Transformation

by Pamela Peeke

Millions of people have already achieved a complete physical and mental transformation with the BODY-FOR-LIFE program. Now, women's health expert and best-selling author Dr. Pamela Peeke shows you how to apply the winning principles of the program to the unique obstacles women face, to help you remove weight and gain lifelong physical and mental health.

Body Drama

by Nancy Amanda Redd

"You'd think a Miss America swimsuit winner would feel completely confident about her body, right? Not always! So I decided to write the book I wish I'd had as a teen and in college--an honest, funny, practical, medically accurate, totally reassuring guide to how women's bodies actually look, smell, feel, behave, and change. Alongside real-deal photographs of women just like you and me (no airbrushing, no supermodels, no kidding) you'll find medical pictures of things you need to be able to recognize, true confessions by yours truly, and the encouragement you need to appreciate the uniqueness, strength, and beauty of your body. What are you waiting for?"--Nancy Redd From fashion magazines to taboo Web sites, curious young women have access to tons of old wives' tales about and thousands of airbrushed and inaccurate images of the female body--misinformation and harmful portrayals that can lead to low self-esteem, self-destructive acts, or even disturbing plastic surgery procedures. Teaming up with a leading physician specializing in adolescent health issues, Harvard graduate and former Miss Virginia Nancy Redd now offers a down-to-earth, healing, and reassuring response to those damaging myths. In Body Drama, Redd gives girls insight into the issues they're often too ashamed to raise with a doctor or parent. She also reveals her own experiences with the culture of "American beauty," and shows readers all the many versions of "normal." From body hair and bras, to acne and weight issues, along with crucial issues such as the importance of a healthy self image, Body Drama is a groundbreaking book packed with informative fast facts, FYIs, how-tos, and moving personal anecdotes as well as hundreds of un-retouched photographs. A highly visual book, it's the first of its kind for women: filled with real information and real photographs of real bodies, to celebrate all our different shapes and sizes. Named by Glamour magazine as one of America's top-ten college women "most likely to succeed--at anything," Redd has spent the most recent years of her life on a mission to tackle the issues least discussed but most significant in young women's lives. Celebrating the many versions of "normal," and replacing seriously erroneous information with the honest, medically proven truth in a language all girls can understand, Body Drama dares to empower a new generation--with facts instead of fantasies, and the priceless gift of self-knowledge.

The Body Deva: Working with the Spiritual Consciousness of the Body

by Mary Mueller Shutan

A step-by-step guide to accessing the body deva, your body consciousness, for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing • Details how to dialogue with the consciousness of your body to heal a variety of issues, from physical pains to limiting beliefs • Explains how our bodies, consciousness, and spirit are interconnected and how our physical bodies hold emotions and past traumas • Explores how to work with the body deva to heal spiritual patterns through the physical body, including techniques of ancestral healing, past life healing, and karmic resolution We are not our pain or our disease, nor are we defined by our limitations, restrictions, or the labels given to us. We are a whole body, a consciousness, and a spiritual being. As a holistic, interconnected being, our emotions, beliefs, physical pain, past traumas, and even imbalances created through spiritual issues are held within our physical form. By accessing them through the physical body with the body deva--the spiritual consciousness of our human body--we can heal the continuum of mind, body, and spirit. Understanding this is the true key to healing. In this step-by-step guide to understanding and working with the body deva, the consciousness of your body, Mary Mueller Shutan explains how our bodies hold the traumatic energies, emotions, physical issues, and restricting beliefs that cause us pain and feelings of disconnection. She details how to make contact and dialogue with your body deva to heal a variety of issues, from physical pains to ancestral and past life patterns to limiting ideas about what we can accomplish in this world. By working with the body deva, she shows how we can discover the reasons why our pain, beliefs, or imbalances developed and resolve them to heal mind, body, and spirit, every layer of our being. She explores how to work with the archetypes, labels, limiting beliefs, and myths that underlie our unique history and reasons for being. Shutan also examines how to work with the body deva to heal spiritual patterns through the physical body, including techniques of ancestral healing, past life healing, and karmic resolution. By learning to dialogue with the body deva, you can understand who you are on the deepest levels. You can learn why your pain and imbalances came to be and what lies unhealed within you. You can evolve beyond the limitations and restrictions in your body and your life and evolve into greater health, connection, joy, and consciousness.

Body Clutter: Love Your Body, Love Yourself

by Marla Cilley Leanne Ely

In Sink Reflections, Marla Cilley -- the FlyLady -- helped hundreds of thousands of her fans combat overwhelming household C.H.A.O.S. (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome). Taking a "baby-steps" approach, she offered little chores to do every day, to wipe out clutter and feelings of inadequacy. Now, in Body Clutter, the FlyLady and Leanne Ely, the Dinner Diva and creator of the Saving Dinner series, team up to teach readers how to handle and erase the clutter they carry on their bodies and minds when it comes to body image. The FlyLady and Leanne say that it's not about finding the perfect diet, it's about the way you feel about food and your body and understanding sound nutrition. With warm voices, unique lingo, and no preaching, they apply a step-by-step technique, coaching the readers from beginning to end and sharing their own success stories along the way.

Body by Science: A Research-based Program for Strength Training, Body Building, and Complete Fitness in 12 Minutes a Week

by John R. Little Doug Mcguff

Building muscle has never been faster or easier than with this revolutionary once-a-week training program. In Body By Science, bodybuilding powerhouse John Little teams up with fitness medicine expert Dr. Doug McGuff to present a scientifically proven formula for maximizing muscle development in just 12 minutes a week. Backed by rigorous research, the authors prescribe a weekly high-intensity program for increasing strength, revving metabolism, and building muscle for a total fitness experience.

Body, Brain, Love: A Therapist's Workbook for Affect Regulation and Somatic Attachment

by Karen Rachels

This book is a first-of-its-kind contribution to the dynamic and unfolding world of body-brain integration. This workbook accessibly integrates three critical areas of therapeutic work brought to us by the Decade of the Brain: 1) brain-based attachment theory, 2) the neuroscience of affect regulation, and 3) practical somatic skills to grow clients' brains. Therapists have the opportunity to view their own experiences through the lens of neuroscience including their own dysregulation and how their attachment strategies interweave with the attachment strategies of clients. By offering a more experiential and somatic way to absorb the information, learning is easy and immediately applicable for therapists seeking to effect transformation with clients. This book bridges mindfulness and neuroscience-based self-help books with the more academic, didactically-focused books for therapists. It uses a self-help format but is, in fact, for therapists. Post-tests, charts with clarifying exercises, specific self-focused exercises, games, case vignettes, and a complete session transcript all facilitate learning in both a cognitive and experiential manner. The author has brought this vital information to therapists in a style that easily teaches practitioners necessary and effective 21st Century skills which enhance compassion and self-compassion, and create authentic therapeutic relationships.

Body Bizarre, Body Beautiful

by Nan Mcnab

Tattoos, body piercings, wild hairstyles -- people all over the world have been decorating and changing their bodies for as long as anyone can remember. This book fills you in on the how, why, and when of what people have done in the past, and what they're doing now. Author Nan McNab has always had a particular fascination for the incredible variety of ways in which people decorate themselves, and why they want to do it. Here she includes chapters on skin, face paint, body paint, tattoos, piercing, scars, hair, dress up, reshaping the body, and safety first. Numerous illustrations, including B&W and color photos, provide examples of the great variety of ways that humans adorn their bodies.

Body Awareness as Healing Therapy: The Case Of Nora

by Moshe Feldenkrais

Classic study of the author's work with Nora, a woman who has suffered a severe stroke and lost her neuromuscular coordination, including the ability to read and write

Body Aware: Rediscover Your Mind-Body Connection, Stop Feeling Stuck, and Improve Your Mental Health with Simple Movement Practices

by Erica Hornthal

An at-home mindful movement practice--cultivate resilience, dispel emotional blockages, and live your best life with the power of movement.When we talk about movement, most of us think &“exercise.&” But the way we move our bodies--how we walk, roll, dance, stretch, connect, and take up space--is about so much more than physical fitness. Our movements impact our mental and emotional health...and when we change the way we move, we can change the way we live.Licensed clinical professional counselor and board-certified dance and movement therapist Erica Hornthal--aka &“The Therapist Who Moves You&”--takes readers on a step-by-step journey, showing how a mindful movement practice can:Help ease symptoms of depressionBuild a greater sense of connection and intimacy with loved onesSlow down thoughts to lessen anxiety and panicImpact how--and what--we feelReaders will learn to identify where they physically hold their emotions; understand and interpret their body&’s unique language; explore bodily sensations; identify emotional blockages; and upgrade harmful thought cycles to patterns that instead foster resilience, emotional regulation, and productivity. With a chapter on disability and movement diversity, Hornthal&’s guide begins to move dance therapy to a more inclusive, non-prescriptive space, helping each of us discover the kind of movement that works best for us.Broken into three sections, &“How You Move,&” &“How Movement is a Catalyst for Change,&” and &“Transforming Your Life Through Movement,&” Body Aware is a revelatory transformational practice and an easy-to-use introduction to the mind-body power of intentional movement.

Body And Soul

by Loïc Wacquant

When French sociologist Loic Wacquant signed up at a boxing gym in a black neighborhood of Chicago's South Side, he had never contemplated getting close to a ring, let alone climbing into it. Yet for three years he immersed himself among local fighters, amateur and professional. He learned the Sweet science of bruising, participating in all phases of the pugilist's strenuous preparation, from shadow-boxing drills to sparring to fighting in the Golden Gloves tournament. In this experimental ethnography of incandescent intensity, the scholar-turned-boxer dissects the making of prizefighters and supplies a model for a "carnal sociology" capable of capturing "the taste and ache of action. " Body and Soul marries the analytic rigor of the sociologist with the stylistic grace of the novelist to offer a compelling portrait of a bodily craft and of life and labor in the black American ghetto at century's end, but also a revealing tale of self transformation and social transcendence. And, by fleshing out Pierre Bourdieu's signal concept of habitus, it deepens our theoretical grasp of human practice.

Body And Earth: An Experiential Guide

by Andrea Olsen Bill McKibben Caryn McHose

“Body is our first environment,” writes Andrea Olsen. “It is the medium through which we know the earth.” In a remarkable integration of environmental science, biology, meditation, and creative expression, Olsen, a dancer who teaches in the environmental studies program at Middlebury College, offers a guide to a holistic understanding of person and place. Part workbook, part exploration, Body and Earth considers the question of how we can best, most responsibly inhabit both our bodies and our planet. Olsen displays an easy command of fields as diverse as geology, biochemistry, ecology, and anatomy as she explores the ways in which our bodies are derived from and connected to the natural world. But Body and Earth is not just a lesson, it is also an investigation. Arranged as a 31-day program, the book offers not only a wealth of scientific information, but also exercises for both exploring the body and connecting with place; illustrations and works of art that illuminate each chapter’s themes; and Olsen’s own meditations and reflections, connecting the topics to her personal history and experience. Olsen insists that neither body nor landscape are separate from our fundamental selves, but in a culture which views the body as a mechanism to be trained and the landscape as a resource to be exploited, we need to learn to see again their fundamental wholeness and interconnection. Through hard data, reflection, exercises, and inspiration, Body and Earth offers a guide to responsible stewardship of both our planet and our persons.

Bodily Harm: The Breakthrough Healing Program for Self-Injurers

by Karen Conterio Wendy Lader Jennifer Kingson Bloom

Discusses causes of and successful treatment for physical self-injury.

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