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ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life: Strategies that Work from an Acclaimed Professional Organizer and a Renowned ADD Clinician

by Kathleen Nadeau Judith Kolberg

Acclaimed professional organizer Judith Kolberg and Dr. Kathleen Nadeau, renowned ADHD clinical psychologist, are back with an updated edition of their classic text for adults with ADD. Their collaboration offers the best understanding and solutions for adults who want to get and stay organized. Readers will enjoy all new content on organizing digital information, managing distractions, organizing finances, and coping with the "black hole" of the Internet. This exciting new resource offers three levels of strategies and support: self-help, non-professional assistance from family and friends, and professional support; allowing the reader to determine the appropriate level of support.

Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief

by David Winston

An updated and expanded edition of the definitive guide to adaptogenic herbs • Includes a Materia Medica with monographs covering 25 adaptogens, including eleuthero, ginseng, rhodiola, schisandra, ashwagandha, licorice, shatavari, reishi, and holy basil, as well as complementary nervines, restorative tonics, and nootropics • Explains how adaptogens increase the body’s resistance to adverse influences, increase energy and stamina, and counter the effects of age and stress on the body • Details the actions, properties, preparation, and dosage for each herb and their uses in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine and as remedies for animals Every day our bodies strive to adapt and stay balanced, energized, and healthy, yet chronic stress and the resulting elevation of stress hormones such as cortisol have been shown to be major factors behind not only fatigue and weight gain but also many chronic and degenerative diseases. In this updated edition of the definitive guide to adaptogenic herbs, clinical herbalist David Winston and researcher Steven Maimes provide a comprehensive look at adaptogens: non-toxic herbs such as ginseng, eleuthero, and ashwagandha that help the body “adapt” to the many influences it encounters and manage the stresses it experiences. They also increase stamina and energy, boost cognitive function, restore the immune system, and counter the effects of aging, especially when used in appropriate combinations. Beginning with a history of the use of adaptogens, including in Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, and Russian medicine, the book examines how these herbal remedies work and why they are so effective at combating stress-induced illness and ailments. The extensive Materia Medica includes monographs on 25 adaptogens, including eleuthero, ginseng, rhodiola, schisandra, ashwagandha, shatavari, reishi, and holy basil, as well as complementary nervines, restorative tonics, and nootropic herbs, such as milky oats, astragalus, St. John’s wort, and ginkgo. Each monograph presents the latest scientific research and details the origin, traditional and clinical uses, actions, properties, preparation, and dosage for each herb. The book also includes guidance on adaptogenic remedies for our animal companions. Aimed not only at herbalists but also those interested in natural health, this guide to adaptogens will allow you to safely and effectively use these herbal remedies to enhance your health and improve your chances of living a longer, healthier, and well-balanced life.

Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief

by David Winston Steven Maimes

The definitive guide to adaptogenic herbs, formerly known as “tonics,” that counter the effects of age and stress on the body • Reveals how adaptogens increase the body’s resistance to adverse influences • Provides a history of the use of these herbal remedies and the actions, properties, preparation, and dosage for each herb We all deal with stress every day, and every day our bodies strive to adapt and stay balanced and healthy. In Adaptogens, authors David Winston and Steven Maimes provide a comprehensive look into adaptogens, non-toxic herbs such as ginseng, eleuthero, and licorice, that produce a defensive response to stress in our bodies. Formerly known as rejuvenating herbs or tonics, adaptogens help the body to “adapt” to the many influences it encounters. They increase stamina and counter the normal effects of aging and thus are becoming important tools in sports medicine and in the prevention and treatment of chronic fatigue and other stress-related disorders. Winston and Maimes present the historical uses of these herbal remedies in India, Russia, China, and the Americas and explain how they work and why they are so effective at combating stress-induced illness. Monographs for each adaptogen also present the latest scientific research and include the origin, traditional use, actions, properties, preparation, and dosage for each herb.

Adapte-se A Tudo

by Dada Bhagwan

Será que reclamamos quando um esgoto cheira? Da mesma maneira as pessoas que são desagradáveis ??e negativas são como os esgotos. Tudo que cheire mal, nós chamamos de esgoto e tudo o que cheira bem chamamos de flor. Adapte-se a ambos. Ambas as situações estão dizendo: “Torne-se Vitarag (sem qualquer apego ou aversão) conosco”. Você sofre por causa de suas opiniões sobre o bem e o mal. Você deve mantê-las sob controle. Quando dizemos que algo é bom, outras coisas por comparação tornam-se más e começam a nos incomodar. Se nós nos colocamos acima das opiniões, boas ou más, não há sofrimento. ’Adaptar-se a Tudo’ é minha sugestão. Não importa o que as pessoas digam, seja verdade ou não, devemos nos adaptar. Se alguém me diz que eu não tenho noção, eu me adapto imediatamente, dizendo: “Você está certo. Eu sempre fui um pouco lento. Você só percebeu isso hoje, enquanto eu tenho conhecimento disso desde minha infância.” Se você responder assim vai evitar o conflito. Eles nunca irá incomodá-lo novamente. Se você não se adaptar, quando você vai chegar a ’sua casa’ (moksha, libertação do ciclo de nascimento e morte)? Com os pais e as crianças há ajustes a cada passo do caminho. Se nós adaptarmos com compreensão, haverá paz e não vamos vincular qualquer karma. Se não nos adaptarmos às pessoas ao nosso redor, vamos convidar problemas. Esta estratégia de ’Adapte-se a tudo’ é a chave mestra do Dadashri, que abre todas as portas na vida. Se usarmos a máxima de ouro do Gnani Purush Dadashri ’Adapte-se a tudo’ e a aplicarmos em nossa vida, então nossa vida cotidiana se tornará bela.

Adaptate En Cualquier Situación

by Dada Bhagwan

¿Acaso nos quejamos a la alcantarilla cuando ésta huele mal? De la misma manera, hay gente que es desagradable y negativa como una alcantarilla. Todo lo que huele mal lo llamamos alcantarilla y a todo lo que huela bien lo llamamos una flor. Adáptate a ambos olores. Estas dos situaciones te están diciendo : “Conviértete en un Vitraag (en un ser libre de apego y de aversión) con nosotros (el mal y el buen olor)” Todos nosotros nos hemos tenido que adaptar muchas veces en nuestra vida a circunstancias desagradables. Por ejemplo, utilizamos un paragüa cuando llueve. Cuando llueve no nos ponemos a discutir o a luchar contra la lluvia. De la misma forma , tanto si nos gusta estudiar como si no, tenemos que adaptarnos y ponernos a estudiar. .Pero, cuando encontramos a una persona difícil , no sólo no la cuestionamos, discutiendo u oponiéndonos a ella, sino que incluso acabamos generando un conflicto con ella ¿Por qué ocurre esto? Param Pujya Dadashri (maestro de la ciencia espiritual) nos reveló la siguiente verdad ; “ ADAPTATE A CUALQUIER SITUACION” como la fórmula definitiva para ayudarnos a resolver todas las circunstancias que constantemente están cambiando , previniendo así conflictos lo que a su vez nos proveerá de paz y de felicidad. Esta frase tan sencilla pero a la vez tan poderosa tiene el poder de cambiar tu vida,... sigue leyendo para ver cómo se hace.


by Max Mckeown

All success is successful adaptation. All failure is a failure to adapt. Adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win. Fascinating real-world examples from business, government, and sport, military and wider society bring the rules of adaptability to life. From the world's most innovation corporations to street-level creativity emerging from the slums. From McDonalds to Sony, from post-war Iraq to the revolutions of the Arab Spring, from the bustling markets of Hong Kong to the rubber marked circuit of the Monte Carlo Rally. With insightful rules, Max Mckeown shows you how to increase the adaptability of your organization to create winning positions. Human history is a story of competition to adapt between groups and individuals. It has never been more important to understand how to think better and adapt.


by M. J. Ryan

Learn the secrets to takinganychange in stride. “Change is hard,” we say, and it is even harder when change is thrust upon us. In today’s tough times, we may be forced to reinvent our career or downsize our lives; at any point in life, we may lose a love or a dream. Our first reaction to change we didn’t ask for may be to rail against fate. But what if we could see past today’s turmoil and spot the opportunities that lie within unasked-for change? That is the promise ofAdaptAbility,bestselling author and executive coach M. J. Ryan’s paradigm-shifting new book on not merely surviving but thriving when change is required. Why is it so hard to accept change? Paradoxically, it is for the very reason that our brains usually work so well; we are designed to learn something and make it automatic. The problem is that when circumstances change, our “efficient” brains keep trying to do things the same old way. InAdaptAbility,Ryan provides strategies to retrain your brain and optimize your response to change, step by step: by first accepting the new reality, then expanding your options, and finally, taking effective action. She offers cutting-edge tools for becoming calmer, less fearful, and more flexible, creative, and resourceful in your thinking. Best of all, as your “adapt-ability” increases, so does your confidence that you will be able to face whatever life sends your way and find new ways to flourish. M. J. Ryan,internationally recognized as a leading change expert, is one of the creators of theNew York Timesbestselling Random Acts of Kindness series and the author ofThis Year I Will . . . , The Happiness Makeover, The Power of Patience, Trusting Yourself,andAttitudes of Gratitude,among other books. A member of Professional Thinking Partners, she specializes in coaching individuals and teams around the world. She has appeared on theTodayshow and CNN, and is a contributing editor toGood HousekeepingandHealth. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and daughter. Visit her website at www. mj-ryan. com . From the Hardcover edition.

Adán y Eva. Sexo alquímico

by Guillermo Ferrara

Cómo potencializar el encuentro amoroso y hacer de la experiencia erótica una explosión de sensibilidad. El maravillosos libro de teoría y ejercicios del autor del best seller El secreto de Adán.Adán y Eva: sexo alquímico es un sorprendente libro que descubre los secretos más hondos de la nueva sexualidad, define la esencia del sexo alquímico, en qué consiste y cómo se logra una entrega poderosa, explica la relación de los chakras con la sexualidad y responde de forma contundente a las preguntas secretas del sexo: ¿Por qué la humanidad perdió la inocencia sexual? ¿Es la mujer más poderosa sexualmente? ¿Atracción, sexo, deseo y amor, son lo mismo? ¿El sexo es el árbol de la vida? Entre otras, fundamentales para la comprensión de la sensualidad, el deseo y la magia del sexo alquímico.Con el tono frontal, ameno y revelador que lo caracteriza, Guillermo Ferrara señala, además, la importancia de amarnos con todas nuestras fuerzas, practicar respiraciones sexuales y yoga sexual; insiste en la necesidad de conocer nuestra naturaleza física y espiritual y nos dice cómo superar complejos y tabúes sexuales. Por sus rituales eróticos, la lúcida explicación de la danza de los amantes y la invitación a ser partícipe de la revolución energética derivada del encuentro íntimo, entre muchas otras prácticas, consejos y revelaciones, Adán y Eva: sexo alquímico es, sin duda, una invitación increíble a transformar tu vida.Guillermo Ferrara es un escritor sensible, contemplativo y profundamente amoroso. Preocupado por compartir la forma en que la meditación y los ejercicios espirituales nos pueden conducir a una vida de realización y plenitud, ofrece en este libro el camino para hacer de la existencia un centro vital también de armonía y proyección espiritual en el ámbito de la sexualidad y la convivencia en pareja.

Adam's Peak

by Heather Burt

Runner-up for the 2008 Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize On a stifling August day, six-year-old Clare Fraser and seven-year-old Rudy Vantwest make eye contact from opposite sides of their street. For an instant they are connected, then each turns away Clare to the shelter of the garden sprinkler, Rudy to the excitement of his brother’s impending birth. Twenty-five years later, Clare and Rudy, strangers living continents apart, fixtures of each others memories and imaginations, are connected again. Overturning the guarded, insular lives they both lead, two events one an accident, the other an act of terror transform them both and bind the Vantwest and Fraser families irrevocably. Adam’s Peak weaves back and forth between a Montreal suburb and a Colombo private school, between a Ceylon tea estate at the end of the Second World War and a small Scottish town in the early 1960s, its characters struggling desperately to come to terms with themselves and with their powerful connections to the people and places they have tried to escape.

Acupressure's Potent Points: A Guide to Self-Care for Common Ailments

by Michael Reed Gach

With your hands you have potential to relieve everyday aches, pains and ailments without taking drugs, to improve your health, and to increase your vitality. Acupressure is an ancient healing art that uses the fingers to stimulate key points on the skin that, in turn, activate the body's natural self-healing processes. With this book, it is a skill you can learn now--and use in your own home. In Acupressure's Potent Points, Michael Reed Gach, founder and director of the Acupressure Institute of America, reveals simple techniques that enable you to relieve headaches, arthritis, colds and flu, insomnia, backaches, hiccups, leg pain, hot flashes, depression, and more--using the power and sensitivity of your own hands.This practical guide covers more than forty ailments and symptoms, from allergies to wrist pain, providing pressure-point maps and exercises to relieve pain and restore function. Acupressure complements conventional medical care, and enables you to take a vital role in becoming well and staying well. With this book you can turn your hands into healing tools--and start feeling good now.

Acuaponía en el hogar

by Amber Richards Gloria Cifuentes Dowling

¿Se ha preguntado alguna vez de qué se trata la acuaponía? ¿Se adapta a su estilo de vida? Este libro representa una buena alternativa para ayudarle a responder estas y otras interrogantes. La acuaponía es una innovadora ciencia por medio de la cual las plantas crecen en agua en lugar de hacerlo en tierra. En esa misma agua también se crían peces. Los desechos producidos por ellos y por otros animales acuáticos proporcionan los nutrientes que requieren las plantas y estas, en retribución, purifican el agua donde viven los peces. Cuando la acuaponía se implementa de manera correcta puede resultar autosustentable y representar un ambiente saludable para peces y plantas. "Acuaponía en el hogar" es una guía para el principiante que desee incursionar en este pasatiempo. Le proporcionará las bases para montar este maravilloso y apasionante sistema de cultivo, indicándole los componentes que se requieren y los métodos para la implementación de su propio sistema acuapónico saludable que le brindará alimento seguro, fresco y delicioso durante todo el año. Descargue ahora su ejemplar.

El Actual Tirthankara Viviente Shree Simandhar Swami

by Dada Bhagwan

Las escrituras dicen que en este tiempo no es posible para nadie la liberación final directamente desde este mundo nuestro. De todas maneras hay una via abierta a Mahavideha kshetra (un mundo en otro universo) que ha sido abierta por un periodo largo de tiempo. Tendremos que ir a Mahavideha kshetra y después de hacer Darshan (adoración) del Tirthankar vivo (completamente iluminado) Shri Simandhar Swami, entonces podremos conseguir Moksha. Dadashri pone a los aspirantes en este camino de liberación dándoles primero la Realización del Ser y así quedan establecidos en el camino a Mahavideha kshetra con toda certeza. En este planeta y en esta era no hay un Tirthankar vivo presente,pero en Mahavideha kshetra vive el Tirthankar Shri Simandhar Swami. Simandhar Swami puede dar la liberación a los buscadores espirituales del planeta tierra. El Gnani (Maestro de la ciencia espiritual) ha transitado este camino y pone a los buscadores en el mismo camino. Reconociendo al Tirthankar vivo (Dios vivo) despertando nuestra devoción por él, establecemos esta conexion a través de su adoración, dia y noche, para así conseguir su darshan y obtener Keval Gnan (absoluta iluminación)para obtener la liberación Esto es lo que dicen los Gnanis(Maestros espirituales) Así que nuestra devoción por Simandhar Swami se incremente y nuestras conexiones con El sigan creciendo, serán vinculantes para la siguiente vida. En última instancia este vínculo se vuelve tan fuerte que uno finalmente llega a los pies del Señor y se libera para siempre.

Acts of Power: Daily Teachings for Inspired Living

by Lynn V. Andrews

Acts of Power, compiled from Lynn Andrews&’s extensive publication history, is a brilliant daily companion offering 365 days of wisdom and inspiration. These short daily teachings will assist you in being present with your desires, nurture your spiritual growth, and encourage you to remain grounded every day of the year.Lynn Andrews&’s new book Acts of Power is an intensely personal document that has assumed a special individual significance for contemporary readers, providing them with 365 daily inspirations that offer pivotal insights for living a joyful life. Andrews has distilled twenty-one books into this daily companion edition to support and inspire you in a small, easy-to-follow, yet very important and powerful tool for living well. Transcending the borders of age and background, Acts of Power&’s spectrum of experience, thought, and wisdom invites direct identification and a sense of recognition, a sharing of concerns and solutions.

Acts of Kindness: Inspirational Stories for Everyday Life

by Adam Mayers

Small things can often mean a great deal. For the past five years readers of the Toronto Star's website have been telling each other that, as they shared their stories in a feature called "Acts of Kindness." The common thread is that a stranger helped when it was needed most, without thought of a reward and often without leaving a name. Since its debut in December, 2004, "Acts of Kindness" has become a daily fixture at About four thousand stories have been submitted and two thousand have been published. Acts of Kindness, the book, represents the best of the best - a collection of 200 of the most memorable tales. The stories are a reminder that goodness is non-denominational, non-political, and transferable across race and language. They also remind us that although our lives are full of hard realities, the smallest gesture can raise a spirit or lift a heart, and the time to do it is now.

Acts of Kindness: 101 Ways to Make the World a Better Place

by Rhonda Sciortino

Random or otherwise, acts of kindness and generosity are essential to making our world a better place. A celebration of humanity at its best, author and motivational speaker Rhonda Sciortino inspires and delivers in Acts of Kindness, a powerful little book, rich with love. Through the simplest act of kindness, all of our lives are improved. Genuine human sentiment is best expressed through helping others, in ways big and small. It enables us to rely on one another for strength and happiness. But in the confusion and chaos of the modern world, even small acts of kindness are often overlooked and ignored. Acts of Kindness shines a spotlight on the best that humanity has to offer, one good deed at a time.

Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation

by Eboo Patel

Patel (founder and executive director, Interfaith Youth Core, "a Chicago-based international nonprofit building the interfaith youth movement") is an Indian Muslim who grew up outside of Chicago. In this memoir, he explores the evolution of his own religious and cultural identity as he gradually came to reject anger at being excluded from mainstream American society in order to promote interfaith awareness with a focus on younger generations.

Acts of Faith: Meditations For People of Color

by Iyanla Vanzant

Beloved Friends, Acts of Faith, more affectionately known as "the purple book," has truly taken on a life of its own. It has crossed gender lines to foster understanding, racial divides to create peace, religious barriers to encourage tolerance, and has become somewhat of a lantern for those seeking a better way of life. I have been told it has saved lives, renewed faith, created vision and healed wounds. Some day it has comforted them. Others say it has enlightened them. It has changed perspectives for some, directions for others and lives for many. I can take no credit for any of this. In fact, I give the credit to those of you who were willingly seeking, open and easy for whatever blessing you received from your interaction with this book. My goal in writing the book was to provide a service. At that time I never imagined how greatly I would be served. The kindness, generosity and love I have received in a response to this book has been, at times, overwhelming. Because we live in a world and during a time when we are untrusting, almost afraid of one another; we can forget how loving and supportive people can be. We also live in an environment where we tend to think of one another as them and us; the haves and the have nots. My experience during both the writing and promotion of Acts of Faith has served as a valuable reminder of how alike we all are. We all cry. We all hurt. We all want to do better. We all learn and we all grow. I have grown tremendously since the publication of Acts of Faith. In both my personal and professional life, I have grown in the realization of just how precious life is and how blessed we are to be alive. I have grown to appreciate the delicate balance between surviving and flourishing. I have grown in the realization of the awesome responsibility one undertakes when they seek to serve. More important, I have grown stronger in my faith and belief that God is happy when His children are happy. You and I are God's precious children. Acts of Faith has brought an incredible amount of happiness into my life. For this, I am grateful. I am happy that so many are searching for the truth about life and about themselves. I am happy that people from all walks of life, all social backgrounds are developing a deeper sense of awareness and connection to the beauty of life and the glory of God. I am grateful that from a very rocky beginning in life, I have been entrusted by the Creator to bring forth a message of truth and healing. I am grateful that healing is available and that many have found the healing that they sought in the pages of this little purple book. People often ask me, "What are your plans for the future? What will you do next?" They are somewhat taken aback by my casual response, "I haven't got a clue!" Acts of Faith has taught me the value of surrender and the wisdom of not getting bogged down in all the details of life. I know that God has a plan for me and for us. I know that when you have pure intent and a loving desire, God will not forsake you. I wanted to show my appreciation to you by offering this gift edition of Acts of Faith as a special way of letting you know how much your love and support has meant to me. Give it to a friend or a loved one, or present it to yourself as a reminder that when you act on faith, you rarely go wrong and you are always blessed. Thank you for blessing me with your love. Iyanla

Acts of Faith: Daily Meditations for People of Color

by Iyanla Vanzant

Beloved Friends,Acts of Faith,more affectionately known as "the purple book," has truly taken on a life of its own. It has crossed gender lines to foster understanding, racial divides to create peace, religious barriers to encourage tolerance, and has become somewhat of a lantern for those seeking a better way of life. I have been told it has saved lives, renewed faith, created vision and healed wounds. Some day it has comforted them. Others say it has enlightened them. It has changed perspectives for some, directions for others and lives for many. I can take no credit for any of this. In fact, I give the credit to those of you who were willingly seeking, open and easy for whatever blessing you received from your interaction with this book. My goal in writing the book was to provide a service. At that time I never imagined how greatly I would be served. The kindness, generosity and love I have received in a response to this book has been, at times, overwhelming. Because we live in a world and during a time when we are untrusting, almost afraid of one another; we can forget how loving and supportive people can be. We also live in an environment where we tend to think of one another as them and us; the haves and the have nots. My experience during both the writing and promotion ofActs of Faithhas served as a valuable reminder of how alike we all are. We all cry. We all hurt. We all want to do better. We all learn and we all grow. I have grown tremendously since the publication ofActs of Faith. In both my personal and professional life, I have grown in the realization of just how precious life is and how blessed we are to be alive. I have grown to appreciate the delicate balance between surviving and flourishing. I have grown in the realization of the awesome responsibility one undertakes when they seek to serve. More important, I have grown stronger in my faith and belief that God is happy when His children are happy. You and I are God's precious children. Acts of Faithhas brought an incredible amount of happiness into my life. For this, I am grateful. I am happy that so many are searching for the truth about life and about themselves. I am happy that people from all walks of life, all social backgrounds are developing a deeper sense of awareness and connection to the beauty of life and the glory of God. I am grateful that from a very rocky beginning in life, I have been entrusted by the Creator to bring forth a message of truth and healing. I am grateful that healing is available and that many have found the healing that they sought in the pages of this little purple book. People often ask me, "What are your plans for the future? What will you do next?" They are somewhat taken aback by my casual response, "I haven't got a clue!"Acts of Faithhas taught me the value of surrender and the wisdom of not getting bogged down in all the details of life. I know that God has a plan for me and for us. I know that when you have pure intent and a loving desire, God will not forsake you. I wanted to show my appreciation to you by offering this gift edition ofActs of Faithas a special way of letting you know how much your love and support has meant to me. Give it to a friend or a loved one, or present it to yourself as a reminder that when you act on faith, you rarely go wrong and you are always blessed. Thank you for blessing me with your love. Iyanla

Actively Caring for People in Schools: How to Cultivate a Culture of Compassion

by E. Scott Geller

Seven research-based lessons from psychology—the science of human experience—inspire the development of an actively caring for people (AC4P) culture. The education/training purpose: to enhance long-term positive and sustainable relations between teachers, students, school administrators, and SROs, and in turn cultivate an optimal teaching/learning climate and prevent interpersonal conflict and bullying behavior. Both education and training are provided. Each research-based principle for AC4P intervention is explained and followed by questions or scenarios to facilitate group discussion. Behavioral exercises are given to practice each principle and receive supportive and corrective feedback for continuous improvement.

The Active Life: A Spirituality of Work, Creativity, and Caring

by Parker J. Palmer

The Active Life is Parker J. Palmer's deep and graceful exploration of a spirituality for the busy, sometimes frenetic lives many of us lead. Telling evocative stories from a variety of religious traditions, including Taoist, Jewish, and Christian, Palmer shows that the spiritual life does not mean abandoning the world but engaging it more deeply through life-giving action. He celebrates both the problems and potentials of the active life, revealing how much they have to teach us about ourselves, the world, and God.

Active Hope (revised): How to Face the Mess We’re in with Unexpected Resilience and Creative Power

by Joanna Macy Chris Johnstone

The challenges we face can be difficult even to think about. Climate change, war, political polarization, economic upheaval, and the dying back of nature together create a planetary emergency of overwhelming proportions. This revised, tenth anniversary edition of Active Hope shows us how to strengthen our capacity to face these crises so that we can respond with unexpected resilience and creative power. Drawing on decades of teaching an empowerment approach known as the Work That Reconnects, the authors guide us through a transformational process informed by mythic journeys, modern psychology, spirituality, and holistic science. This process equips us with tools to face the mess we’re in and play our role in the collective transition, or Great Turning, to a life-sustaining society.

Active Hope

by Joanna Macy Chris Johnstone

The challenges we face can be difficult even to think about. Climate change, the depletion of oil, economic upheaval, and mass extinction together create a planetary emergency of overwhelming proportions. Active Hope shows us how to strengthen our capacity to face this crisis so that we can respond with unexpected resilience and creative power. Drawing on decades of teaching an empowerment approach known as the Work That Reconnects, the authors guide us through a transformational process informed by mythic journeys, modern psychology, spirituality, and holistic science. This process equips us with tools to face the mess we're in and play our role in the collective transition, or Great Turning, to a life-sustaining society.

Active Dreaming

by Robert Moss

As the success of the recent film Inception shows, dreams are a source of perennial fascination. Robert Moss has advanced our understanding of the phenomenon with his visionary and down-to-earth synthesis of contemporary dreamwork and venerable shamanic methods. His "active dreaming" involves re-entering dreams, exploring their possibilities, and directing the subconscious to illuminate and solve problems. He blazes a new trail, guiding readers to use the powers that govern their night dreams to pursue their ideal waking "dream lives." Based on Moss's decades of teaching, the techniques he shares in these pages are proven, powerful, and even playful. Readers learn to understand and utilize synchronicity, shared dreaming, children's dreams, and healing dreams. The examples Moss shares encourage readers to face fears and tap into dormant power. The result is the freedom to choose -- and then revel in -- the life of their dreams.

Activating Your 5D Frequency: A Guidebook for the Journey into Higher Dimensions

by Judith Corvin-Blackburn

A guide to navigating the transition from 3D to 5D and reclaiming the ancient powers of love, creativity, and unity consciousness lying dormant in our DNA • Details what is happening psychologically, emotionally, and socially with the dimensional shift and provides a vision of life on 5D Earth • Offers transformative activations and tools to meet the psycho-spiritual demands of this transition, including identifying and integrating the shadow self, healing emotional wounds, and discovering higher frequencies • Explains how to navigate the Ascension process, especially in terms of handling emotions, resistances, and fears, and how to welcome these new frequencies We are in a time of great transition. Higher frequency light is flooding our planet, awakening large numbers to reclaim our original nature as fifth-dimensional humans. As 5D humans, we live from our heart&’s wisdom, from Unity Consciousness, unconditional love, and unbridled creativity. 5D humans have highly developed inner senses of empathy, telepathy, clairvoyance, and clairsentience--qualities that are opening for many as we go through this dimensional shift. While this journey is exciting, its demands can be overwhelming. In this hands-on guide to activating the 5D potential lying dormant in our DNA, Judith Corvin-Blackburn shows us how to navigate the Ascension process, including how to handle emotions, resistances, and fears and welcome our 5D frequencies. Using the 9-dimensional-axis theory first explored by Barbara Hand Clow, the author details what is happening psychologically, emotionally, and socially with the dimensional shift, including revealing the denser, pain-inducing frequency of being a 3D human and the challenges of the 4th dimension. She offers transformative activations and tools to explore and master the psycho-spiritual demands of this transition, including identifying and integrating the shadow self, healing emotional wounds that hold us back, and discovering higher frequencies and the cellular vibration of unconditional love and Oneness. Once we reclaim ourselves as loving, conscious, creator beings and realize we are part of a global 5D team, together we can consciously help co-create a New Earth by anchoring the 5D frequency in both our inner and outer worlds.

Activate Your Super-Human Potential: The Ultimate 5D Toolkit

by Jerry Sargeant

• Explores how to prepare the mind and body for 5D, create a unified Heart Field, manifest with the Merkaba, protect yourself from psychic attacks, reprogram yourself for abundance • Provides a Star Magic Qi Gong sequence to clear, connect, and energize the body, allowing it to recalibrate and self-heal • Explains how to activate the pineal gland through the Merkaba Matrix, uniting star frequencies from Sirius with Earth&’s energy from the planetary grids, which leads to activation of your 5D Light Body Would you like to wake up every day with joy as your natural default state, bouncing around Earth loving every moment? In Activate Your Super-Human Potential, Jerry Sargeant presents a specific set of protocols that enable you to step fully into your power, kickstarting a new way of operating in this human reality. Combining qigong, breathwork, meditation, exercise, pineal gland activation techniques, nutrition, mindset, healing, light codes, high-frequency energies, and more, Jerry has blended a unique recipe that offers you the opportunity to create a life of sovereignty and freedom. In addition to raising our vibration, for one to truly ascend we must activate our DNA, our original 12-strand template, and be able to run enough frequency through our body that we can move through the Planetary and Galactic Star Gate systems. This is real ascension. In this guide you find the tools to realign your inner geometry, upgrade your levels of consciousness, and prepare your body to hold the necessary frequency. You will activate courage and confidence, connect to Source, and feel love in your heart always, generating waves of enthusiasm that flow from every cell in your body, catalyzing your own radical uniqueness with new codes never seen before, merging the divine feminine and divine masculine energies into wholeness. Every moment on this planet is a gift and by using this Super-Human toolkit, you will seize every moment, feeling happy, living in wonder, using the manifestation tools to create a life of abundance and establish new ways of unifying our human family here on Earth. You are about to embark on a life-changing journey. Are you ready?

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