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36 Princípios do Coaching Transformacional

by Rosie Kuhn

Demorei anos para descobrir sobre que diabos eu estava realmente a trabalhar e a viver - como em quais são meus princípios e valores que foram fundamentais para o meu trabalho, antes mesmo de me tornar uma coach. Este pequeno livro mostrará o que está disponível quando vamos para além do nosso paradigma atual. Neste livro, distingo os muitos princípios nos quais esse modelo de coaching transformacional se baseia. Esses princípios fornecem uma base sobre a qual construir uma prática sólida de capacitar a si mesmo e àqueles que você apoia.  Os princípios descritos aqui presumem desde o início que, em primeiro lugar, todos nós estamos a pensar e a agir poderosamente, sempre. A segunda presunção é que somos seres espirituais a ter uma experiência humana.  A terceira presunção feita através desses princípios é que estamos sempre a escolher.  Convido-o a trabalhar com esses princípios para torná-los seus. Quanto mais claro você estiver com as suas fundações exclusivas, mais eficaz será como agente de transformação e mais fortalecedor será para os seus clientes; você capacitá-los-á a encontrar e viver de acordo com os seus próprios princípios e apenas com os seus princípios. Aqui tem para o cumprimento do seu espírito humano e o dos seus clientes!

36 Principios de Coaching Transformacional

by Dr Rosie Kuhn

Cada coach necesita saber estos principios por los cuales sirven a sus clientes. Aquí hay algunos que pueden ser útiles. Me tomo años descubrir de qué estaba realmente trabajando y viviendo – en qué principios y valores basaba mi trabajo como coach. Este pequeño libro te dará una idea de lo que está disponible para ti cuando te extiendes más allá de tu paradigma actual. En este libro, distingo los muchos principios sobre los cuales se basa este modelo de coaching transformacional. Estos principios proporcionan una base sobre la cual construir una práctica sólida de empoderamiento a sí mismo y a quienes apoyas. Los principios descritos aquí suponen desde el principio que, en primer lugar, todos pensamos y actuamos poderosamente, siempre. La segunda presunción es que somos seres espirituales teniendo una experiencia humana. La tercera presunción hecha a través de estos principios es que siempre tenemos elección. Te animo a trabajar con estos principios para hacerlos tuyos. Mientras más claro estés con tus bases únicas, más efectivo serás como agente de transformación y más empoderado serás para tus clientes; los empoderarás para encontrar y vivir bajo sus propios principios y solo sus principios. ¡Esto es para cumplir su espíritu humano y el de sus clientes!

36 principi del coaching trasformazionale

by Dr Rosie Kuhn

Se un conto è pensare, considerare le possibilità e, magari, essere ispirati a leggere qualche libro sul diventare un coach trasformazionale, un altro è attraversare realmente la soglia ed essere un coach trasformazionale. Il salto può essere più grande di quanto si pensi! Occorre, innanzitutto, individuare i costrutti di base, le fondamenta della filosofia e dell'immaginazione di un processo di tale portata, per poi mettere tutto in pratica. Parlo proprio di voi; delle fondamenta, dei principi e della filosofia che state mettendo in atto e del modo in cui questi vi permetteranno di dare a voi e ai vostri clienti il potere di esprimere ciò che affermano di volere. Benvenuti in questo viaggio! Ho impiegato anni a comprendere a che diamine stessi lavorando e di cosa stessi vivendo, quali principi e valori fossero alla base del mio lavoro di coach trasformazionale. La parte destra del cervello non sentiva il bisogno di creare una struttura o un modello per quello che stavo facendo; tuttavia, la parte sinistra, l'insegnante e il mediatore, aveva bisogno di fornire agli studenti e ai tirocinanti una struttura all'interno della quale comprendere i parametri di questo nuovo campo di studi. Le grandi menti volevano sapere! In qualità di creatore e mediatore del Transformational Coaching Training Program presso l'Institute of Transpersonal Psychology di Palo Alto, CA, ho integrato la mia formazione e la mia esperienza nei campi della transpersonalità, della spiritualità e della terapia per creare un modello di coaching che si estende ben oltre la maggior parte degli standard corsi di coaching. Questo breve manuale è un assaggio di ciò che è raggiungibile quando si va al di là del proprio paradigma. È un mondo sorprendente quello che si può esplorare attraverso questo nuovo paradigma. Nel libro, distinguo i numerosi principi su cui si basa questo modello di coaching trasformazionale. Tali principi offrono una base su cui costruire una so

36 principes de coaching transformationnel

by Dr Rosie Kuhn

Il m'a fallu des années pour comprendre de quoi diable je vivais et travaillais, quels étaient les principes et les valeurs à la base de mon travail, bien avant que je ne devienne une coach. Ce petit livre vous donnera un avant-goût de ce que vous aurez sous la main lorsque vous irez plus loin que votre paradigme actuel. Dans ce livre, je dégage les nombreux principes fondateurs de ce modèle de coaching transformationnel. Ces principes proposent une base sur laquelle ériger une pratique de coaching solide. Les principes présentés ici partent de trois suppositions, la première étant que nous pensons et agissons tous de manière puissante, toujours. La deuxième supposition est que nous sommes des êtres spirituels vivant une expérience humaine. La troisième des suppositions sur lesquelles se fondent ces principes est que nous avons toujours le choix. Je vous encourage à travailler avec ces principes pour vous les approprier. Plus vos fondations uniques sont claires pour vous, plus vous serez efficace en tant qu'agent de transformation et plus vous serez stimulant pour vos clients et clientes ; vous les pousserez à trouver leurs principes et uniquement leurs principes et à vivre en accord avec eux. Ils nourriront votre esprit humain et celui de vos clients et clientes !

35 Tecniche (e Curiosità) Mentali: Perché anche la mente deve evolvere

by Danilo H. Gomes

In tanti momenti della vita sentiamo il bisogno di conoscere qualche trucco che possa risolvere un problema. Ci fanno conoscere pochissime informazioni sul potere della mente. Nel corso della storia, molte tecniche furono scoperte riguardo alla mente umana che possono trasformare qualsiasi stilo di vita. 35 TECNICHE (E CURIOSITÀ) MENTALI offre diverse tecniche efficaci per soluzionare impasse quotidiani semplici e complessi, oltre a perfezionare certe capacità mentali. Metti in pratica queste tecniche e strategie mentali per migliorare le tue abilità e rendere più facile la tua vita quotidiana.

35 Técnicas (y Curiosidades) mentales: Porque la mente también debe evolucionar

by Danilo H. Gomes

Existen varios momentos en la vida en los que precisamos de un truco que nos pueda ayudar a resolver un problema. Se nos enseñó muy poco con relación al poder de la mente. A lo largo de la historia, se han descubierto muchas técnicas que pueden transformar cualquier estilo de vida. '35 Técnicas (y Curiosidades) mentales' le enseña varias técnicas efectivas para resolver problemas cotidianos, simples o complejos. Ponga en práctica diversas técnicas y estrategias mentales para mejorar sus habilidades y facilitar su vida diaria.

35 Questions for Those Who Hate the Prosperity Gospel

by Jonathan Shuttlesworth

Jonathan Shuttlesworth Boldly Confronts the Critics, Skeptics, and Misconceptions Surrounding the Prosperity GospelIf you're tired of hearing baseless criticisms of the prosperity message, this book is for you. "35 Questions for Those Who Hate the Prosperity Gospel" equips you with the knowledge and insight to boldly and confidently receive God's plan for your prosperity.As someone who has experienced poverty firsthand, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher, Jonathan Shuttlesworth knows that God did not create us to be poor or sick. With unwavering conviction, he challenges misguided beliefs that hold many Christians back from experiencing the abundant life God has promised. With his no-holds-barred approach, Shuttlesworth tackles the critics head-on with a series of thought-provoking questions they often struggle to answer.Discover:• Why God never intended for anyone to live in poverty.• How the Bible itself supports a message of wealth, abundance, and stewardship.• The real reasons behind the criticisms of prosperity teachings.• The profound impact of prosperity on the Church and the world.• A fresh perspective on how prosperity can be a force for good.If you've ever struggled to reconcile Christianity with prosperity, this book is your guide to breaking free from misconceptions and embracing God's abundant blessings.About the Author:Jonathan Shuttlesworth is an evangelist and founder of Revival Today, a global ministry dedicated to reaching lost and hurting people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is also the pastor of Revival Today Church, a Holy Spirit-filled, Bible-believing church that blesses families and the nation.

35 Mental Techniques (and Curiosities): Because the mind must also evolve

by Danilo H. Gomes

They give us very little information about the power of our mind (unless you go through a psychology faculty, for example). There are no classes on "how to improve memory" or "how to increase the production of certain hormones" at school. We need to have access to the techniques that humanity discovered when it comes to the mind and its incredible powers, as studying them will lead us to transform our lifestyles. Get this work and venture out knowing a part of what your brain can do.

33 Stratégies Chrétiennes Efficaces pour Développer une Entreprise Prospère

by Sesan Oguntade

Principes Chrétiens et bibliques pour développer une petite entreprise prospère en tant que Chrétien. Si vous souhaitez connaitre des principes Chrétiens pour développer une entreprise prospère, alors ce livre est pour vous. Vous pouvez vraiment faire passer votre petite entreprise à un autre niveau grâce à ces principes commerciaux bibliques éprouvés et bien présentés. En tant que Chrétien, je regarde vers la Bible pour obtenir des stratégies réalisables pour gérer le fonctionnement de mon organisation parce que je crois que tous les bons principes de réussite sont représentés dans la Bible. Je n'ai pas été surpris lorsque j'ai commencé à voir ces principes de réussite commerciale dans la Bible. J'ai commencé à en prendre note et j'ai également commencé à les utiliser. J'ai éprouvé une grande satisfaction a utilizer de ces principes. J'ai pris la décision de mettre ces principes dans ce livre sous une forme simple et lisible afin que d'autres personnes puissent également en bénéficier énormément.

33 Strategieën van Kama Sutra: laat haar schreeuwen - langer duren

by Adidas Wilson

Een van de meest kwetsbare dingen die met de tijd kunnen verslijten, is intimiteit. De meeste paren maken moeilijke tijden en verplichtingen door, die hun intimiteit op de proef stellen. In de meeste gevallen, wanneer genegenheid tussen geliefden wordt gedragen, is de ene persoon meestal getroffen dan de andere. Als een van de partners niet het initiatief neemt om intimiteit in de relatie te herstellen, is de kans groot dat je relatie zal breken als een van jullie of jullie beiden intimiteit van buiten zoekt. Er wordt aangenomen dat het menselijk lichaam een ​​kleine atoomfabriek is waar chemische elementen die in het lichaam nodig zijn, voortdurend worden vervaardigd met behulp van lage hoeveelheden energie. Bovendien is er ook voldoende energieproductie voor buitengewone verschijnselen. Deze omvatten hogere bewustzijnstoestanden, paranormale vermogens, sublimatie van bepaalde energieën en hogere intelligentie. Anderen zijn verhoogde niveaus van geluk en euforie, om er maar een paar te noemen. Als je helemaal kunt vrijen, verdwijnt het ego, omdat je op de hoogste piek, op het hoogste hoogtepunt van vrijen, pure energie bent.

33 Meditations on Death: Notes from the Wrong End of Medicine

by David Jarrett

AS FEATURED ON BBC RADIO 4 'Start the Week' : 'very moving - brilliant and profound'"Brilliant - a grimly humorous yet humane account of the realities of growing old in the modern age." - Henry Marsh"A remarkably likeable guide to a grisly subject ... daunting, yet ultimately life-affirming" - Independent What is a good death? How would you choose to live your last few months? How do we best care for the rising tide of very elderly? This unusual and important book is a series of reflections on death in all its forms: the science of it, the medicine, the tragedy and the comedy. Dr David Jarrett draws on family stories and case histories from his thirty years of treating the old, demented and frail to try to find his own understanding of the end. Profound, provocative, strangely funny and astonishingly compelling, it is an impassioned plea that we start talking frankly and openly about death. He writes about all the conversations that we, our parents, our children, the medical community, our government and society as a whole should be having. And it is a call to arms for us to make radical changes to our perspective on 'the seventh age of man'.-More praise for 33 Meditations on Death:"This book will stay with you." - Derren Brown"Bursting with empathy, common sense and humour." - Professor Dame Sue Black

33 Estratégias do Kama Sutra: Faça-a gritar - durar mais tempo

by Adidas Wilson

Entre as coisas mais vulneráveis ​​que podem se desgastar com o tempo é a intimidade. A maioria dos casais passa por momentos difíceis e compromissos que afetam sua intimidade. Na maioria dos casos, quando o afeto se aplica entre os amantes, uma pessoa é geralmente afetada em relação à outra. Se algum dos parceiros não tomar a iniciativa de restaurar a intimidade no relacionamento, é provável que o seu relacionamento acabe quebrando quando um ou ambos buscam intimidade de fora. Acredita-se que o corpo humano é uma pequena fábrica atómica, onde os elementos químicos necessários no corpo são continuamente fabricados usando baixas quantidades de energia. Além disso, há também a produção de energia suficiente para fenómenos extraordinários. Estes incluem estados mais elevados de consciência, habilidades paranormais, sublimação de energias particulares e inteligência superior. Outros são níveis elevados de felicidade e euforia, para mencionar apenas alguns. Se consegue adentrar totalmente o ego, o ego desaparece, porque no pico mais alto, no clímax mais elevado do ato sexual, você é pura energia.

33 estrategias de Kama Sutra: haz que grite - Dure más tiempo por Adidas Wilson

by Adidas Wilson

Libro interesante que trata sobre las diferentes posiciones sexuales establecidas en el KAMA SUTRA, con detelles cientificos y cotidianos que ayudaran al lector en una forma sencilla y amena, a facilitar la comprension te tecnicas , a la hora de hacer el amor, de practicar el sexo y de conocer un poco mas su sexulaidad .

33 Estrategias Cristianas Efectivas para Hacer Crecer un Negocio Exitoso: Principios cristianos y bíblicos para operar un pequeño negocio exitoso como una persona de fe

by Sesan Oguntade

33 Estrategias Cristianas Efectivas para Hacer Crecer un Negocio Exitoso por Sesan Oguntade Principios cristianos y bíblicos para operar un pequeño negocio exitoso como una persona de fe Si a usted le gustaría tener algunos principios llenos de poder cristiano para manejar un negocio exitoso, entonces este libro es para usted. Realmente usted puede llevar su pequeño negocio al siguiente nivel con estos principios bíblicos de negocios comprobados y bien presentados. Como cristiano, recurro a la Biblia para que me provea estrategias viables para operar mi organización porque creo que todos los buenos principios de éxito están representados en la Biblia. No me sorprendió cuando empecé a ver estos principios de éxito empresarial en la Biblia. Comencé a tomar nota de ellos y también comencé a usarlos. He experimentado una gran satisfacción a partir del uso de estos principios. Tomé la decisión de poner estos principios en este libro en una manera sencilla y legible para que otras personas también puedan beneficiarse inmensamente de ellos. Género: RELIGIÓN / Vida Cristiana / Crecimiento Personal Género Secundario: RELIGIÓN / Educación Cristiana / Adulto Idioma: Español Palabras Clave: Evangélico, negocio, principios cristianos, éxito comercial, pequeño negocio, principios comerciales Número de palabras: 15250 Información de ventas: 1,809,145 Texto de muestra: ¿ESTÁ POR INICIAR UN NUEVO NEGOCIO? ORE POR PERSPICACIA ¿Ha visto alguna vez a un cazador buscando sus presas en el bosque? ¿Ha visto también a un aventurero buscando un tesoro? Van por sus presas con toda su atención y con todo lo que tienen. Esta debe ser la actitud de usted al orar pidiendo perspicacia al iniciar un nuevo negocio. Algunas personas no creen que sea necesario orar pidiendo perspicacia o entendimiento o discernimiento antes de iniciar un nuevo negocio. Usted debe realizar e

33 Estratégias Cristãs Eficazes para Crescer um Negócio de Sucesso: Princípios Bíblicos e Cristãos para gerir um pequeno negócio como Cristão

by Sesan Oguntade

Se tu gostarias de ter alguns princípios Cristãos para gerir um negócio bem sucedido, então este livro é para ti. Tu podes na realidade levar o teu pequeno negócio a outro nível com estes provados, bem apresentados, princípios de negócio bíblicos. Como Cristão, eu vejo a bíblia para me providenciar com estratégias funcionais para gerir a minha organização, porque eu acredito que todo princípio de sucesso bom esteja representado na bíblia. Eu não fiquei surpreendido quando comecei a ver princípios de sucesso de negócio na bíblia. Eu comecei a tomar notas dos mesmo e comecei também a usa-los. Tomei a decisão de por estes princípios neste livro de froma simples e legível para que outros possam também beneficiar imenso deles.

33 efficaci strategie cristiane per sviluppare la tua piccola azienda

by Sesan Oguntade

33 efficaci strategie cristiane per sviluppare la tua piccola azienda ti mostrerà semplici strategie per avviare e sviluppare la tua piccola azienda. Questi consigli Cristiani ti aiuteranno a far crescere la tua azienda passo dopo passo. Questo libro unisce in modo pratico i principi che vengono dalla parola di Dio e i metodi attuali che gli imprenditori possono usare per le loro piccole aziende per quanto concerne l'amministrazione e lo sviluppo. Oltre 33 suggerimenti semplici ed efficaci condivisi in questo libro ti aiuteranno ad avere successo nella tua vita e negli affari.

32 Ways to Be a Champion in Business

by Earvin Magic Johnson

Former NBA star and current successful businessman, Earvin Magic Johnson knows how to become--and stay--a champion. This book will inspire and enlighten readers who wish to make an impact with their careers and business endeavors.

The 32 Principles: Harnessing the Power of Jiu-Jitsu to Succeed in Business, Relationships, and Life

by Rener Gracie Paul Volponi

Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller Overcome any obstacle life throws at you by thinking and responding like a world-class martial artist—without ever setting foot on the mat.Jiu-jitsu is more than a martial art; it is a lifestyle that promotes health, confidence, self-determination, and balance. Famed jiu-jitsu instructor Rener Gracie, who has coached more than 350,000 students in 196 countries, presents the core teachings of jiu-jitsu and explains how they can apply to all of our daily lives, including:• The Pyramid Principle: the importance of investing in a strong foundation • The Acceptance Principle: recognizing when it&’s better to yield than to resist • The Pivot Principle: the value of changing your perspective to increase your effectiveness • The Redirection Principle: using unfavorable circumstances to create favorable outcomesIntended for both longtime fans and practitioners of jiu-jitsu as well as those completely unfamiliar with martial arts, The 32 Principles—and 32 companion videos on each principle&’s physical application for self-defense from Rener himself—will help you take control of your personal and professional pursuits, supercharge your entrepreneurial spirit, and balance your relationships at work and at home.Along with multi-award–winning author Paul Volponi, this book features contributions from more than 40 champion athletes, topflight coaches, and others who have benefited from the everyday life applications of these timeless jiu-jitsu principles.

31 Words to Create an Organized Life

by Marcia Zina Mager

Books about organizing the clutter that plagues most people can be as daunting as the clutter itself. 31 Words to Organize Your Life streamlines this process to its essence by tapping the power of a single word. Drawing from a variety of spiritual traditions, ancient wisdom, and contemporary psychologists, the book helps readers uncover and cultivate their own hidden powers of focus, determination, and concentration to eliminate clutter in their lives. Each entry includes a single word, an accompanying essay, along with three thoughtful tips or exploratory questions, plus an affirmation or meditation. Whether the challenge is in time management, office clutter, or disorganized closets, 31 Words to Organize Your Life shows how to harness the power of a single word to transform a project -- and a life -- from the inside out. Designed for portability, the book helps even the most disorganized person conjure peace and order from chaos.

31 Words to Create a Guilt-Free Life

by Karen Bouris

Feeling guilty is an emotion that never goes out of vogue, whether induced by eating a carton of ice cream or plopping the kids in front of the television. With essays and meditations illuminating words such as Self-Care, Unwind, and Mastery, this heartfelt and wise guide helps readers to shine their brightest light -- with no apologies. While juggling work, home, and "me-time," this everyday companion offers expert tips and entertaining, inspiring anecdotes to demonstrate how to eliminate the inner critic and live to your fabulous potential for a guilt-free life.

31 Dates in 31 Days

by Tamara Johnson

On the eve of her 31st birthday, after yet another painful breakup, Tamara Duricka Johnson decides it’s time to overhaul her dating habits. When a friend jokingly suggests that she embark on a "dating project,” inspiration strikes: in honor of turning 31, she'll go on 31 dates in 31 days - and resist the urge to turn each date into her next relationship. Instead, she’ll have to wait until the 31st date to pick one of the 30 men to go out with a second time. Some dates are awful, while others are amazing-but all of them help change her attitude about dating and men in general. She opens up to the world around her and develops a handful of crushes, making it difficult to decide who will be the lucky final date. In the end, though, she realizes there’s only one man of the entire thirty that she can see herself marrying - and one year later, she does. Chatty, fun, and confessional,31 Dates in 31 Daysis an entertaining journey that offers astute insights into the modern dating scene.

300 Things I Hope

by Iain S. Thomas

"A whole book of &“I hope this...&” and &“I hope that...&” and you think, blah blah, blah, until you read that particular hope which is just for you, it must be just for you it is so perfect, and the whole book opens like a window onto a sunny day."–Joey Comeau, Author of A Softerworld, Lock Pick Pornography, One Bloody Thing After Another and Overqualified, amongst other things This collection of hope will move you and remind you of what's important in life as you live it. From Iain S. Thomas, the creator of I Wrote This For You, and artist Carla Kreuser comes a collection of 300 things they truly and sincerely hope for you: from wishing you always have a pen, to hoping you're never lonely, and everything in-between. This collection of inspiring prose and illustrations will move you, and remind you of what's important in life as you live it. Or, that's what they hope.

30 Things Everyone Should Know How to Do Before 30

by Siobhan Adcock

Competence. Now in convenient book format 30 must-have life skills every capable adult should perfect before turning 30. You’re old enough to own property and have a family, but can you safely open a bottle of champagne? Or change a flat tire?30 Things Everyone Should Know How to Do Before Turning 30provides idiot-proof instructions for mastering these and other essential, face-saving, and possibly life-saving skills. You’ll learn how to. . . 1. wrap a present 2. start a successful fire in a fireplace, at a campsite, and in a barbecue 3. finish a piece of furniture 4. get a raise 5. order wine at a restaurant without getting stiffed 6. parallel park in three breathtakingly beautiful movements 7. dance a “slow dance” without looking like an idiot 8. use a full place setting properly, including chopsticks and Asian soup spoons 9. clean your place in under 45 minutes, when friends, relatives, or prospective lovers are coming by unexpectedly, and soon 10. hold your liquor 11. cure a hangover 12. do the Heimlich Maneuver 13. use a compass 14. change a flat 15. jump start a car 16. open a champagne bottle 17. send a drink to someone’s table 18. cook one “signature meal” 19. whistle with your fingers 20. take good pictures 21. fold a fitted sheet 22. remove common stains 23. sew a button 24. carve turkey, lasagna, and birthday cake 25. hold a baby 26. change a diaper 27. keep a plant alive for more than a year 28. make dogs and cats love you 29. help someone (an older or ill person, a woman you’re trying to impress, your mother) out of a car 30. write superior thank you notes

30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30

by Pamela Redmond Satran The Editors of Glamour

Featuring advice, wisdom, and observations from an array of prominent and beloved women, 30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30 is an essential guide (and perfect gift) for women on the brink of thirty--and for those who are already there! Fifteen years ago, Glamour published a list of distinctive yet universally true must-haves and must-knows for women on the cusp of and beyond the age of thirty titled, "30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30." It became a phenomenon. Originally penned by Glamour columnist Pamela Redmond Satran, The List found a second life when women began to forward it to one another online, millions of times. It became a viral sensation, misattributed to everyone from Maya Angelou to Hillary Clinton--but there's only one original list, and it stands the test of time. Quirky and profound, The List defines the absolute must-haves (#11: "A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra") and must-knows (#1: "How to fall in love without losing yourself") for grown-up female happiness. Now, Glamour magazine has gathered together its editors and an incredible group of notable women to expand on each of the items on The List in wise, thoughtful, and intimate essays. Kathy Griffin meditates on knowing when to try harder and when to walk away. Lisa Ling explores the idea that your childhood may not have been perfect, but it's over, and Lauren Conrad shares what she has learned about what she would and wouldn't do for money or love. Other personal insights come from Maya Angelou, Rachel Zoe, Taylor Swift, Katie Couric, Portia de Rossi, Kelly Corrigan, ZZ Packer, Bobbi Brown, Padma Lakshmi, Angie Harmon, and many more. Along with essays based on The List, writers share their feelings about what the milestone of turning thirty meant to them. 30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30 is the one book women of all ages will turn to for timely and timeless wisdom.

30 Steps to Finding Yourself: An Interactive Journey to Self-Discovery

by Sally Hope

This 30-step journal will take you on a unique journey to discover who you are and who you want to be. With interactive CBT-based activities, journalling prompts and actionable advice to deepen your self-awareness, this book will be your guide to understanding and empowering the most important person in your life: you.

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