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29 claves para encontrar pareja

by Manuel Turrent Tere Díaz

Buscas una pareja estable pero ¿realmente buscas la relación sostenida que dices, o más bien buscas relaciones ligeras y laxas para dejarlas en cualquier momento? Este libro te ayudará a comprender lo que realmente quieres y necesitas, y cuál será el proceso para obtenerlo. Para las personas casadas es común pensar que matrimonio es "un mal necesario" y que la verdadera felicidad se encuentra en otro lado. Los solteros, por su parte, piensan que la dicha llegará al encontrar pareja y se dan a la "caza" de un "alma gemela". Mientras tanto, otros pasan la vida desilusionados de sus relaciones y del amor por cada desencuentro amoroso vivido. Con este libro entenderás cómo viviste esa relación y cerrarás una etapa dolorosa para dar cabida a un nuevo proyecto de pareja. Y si estás en busca de un buen amor, ésta es la lectura que te ayudará a reflexionar sobre lo que realmente quieres y necesitas. 29 claves para encontrar pareja te permitirá reconocer emociones desconcertantes, generar ideas útiles y desafiar viejas creencias rígidas. Al mismo tiempo te hará reflexionar y cuestionar tus propios obstáculos para elegir el tipo de persona con la que realmente quieres compartir experiencias, así como el tipo de relación que deseas construir de acuerdo a tus necesidades, intereses y valores.

28 rulemanes

by Lolità

Quiero dedicar esta aventura a todos los que me han alojado en su vida y a todos los que se han hospedado en la mía. Me lo enseñó un árbol: que desde su copa la perspectiva era hermosa y que todo el esfuerzo y los desafíos de la trepada cobraban sentido desde la cima. ¿No creen que es excitante pensar que mañana es un día nuevo para alojar a nuevos pasajeros? Gracias. A todos los que han pasado, a los que están y a los que vendrán. Enhorabuena. Ha sido un placer. Puedo decir, por primera vez, que tengo amarras y que me sujetan cuerdas. A decir verdad, aun así, me siento libre. Quizá sea porque el mundo es quien sujeta esas cuerdas y porque, precisamente, depende de cómo me sienta. Me pregunto cuáles serán las coordenadas específicas donde se encuentran atadas esas sogas que sostienen mi columpio. Quizás una esté en la China y la otra en Marruecos. Tal vez Alaska y Calcuta. Italia y Tokio. Conservar el misterio lo hace aún más mágico. Mágico. Como mi propio universo, mi anatomía de estrellas y mi galaxia entera que crece incontrolablemente adentro de mí. Columpiarme me ha movido y trasladado de un lugar a otro; pero, quieta, tiesa o en movimiento, el planetario siguió dando a luz. La escenografía alrededor del mundo ha maravillado cada esquina de mis pupilas; pero quien ha encandilado mis retinas ha sido aquella ilustración interior, que alumbra el viaje al centro de mi constelación. Me pregunto si seré astronauta o si habré desarrollado la capacidad de flotar con mi propia gravedad. Pues mis pies han sido la nave espacial más eficaz y quizá la NASA podría probar para sus próximos cohetes la voluntad, pues en mí ha resultado ser la pieza más valiosa. Supongo que mi órbita comenzó a formarse desde aquel destello de luz que creció en mi meteorito nacimiento y mi guerra de las galaxias peleó contra todos los satélites artificiales para acabar dándole exclusividad a mis Plutones, Saturnos, Neptunos y Mercurios, que custodian y acompañan mi paso por la Tierra. ¿Acaso este telescopio podría ampliar la evolución de mi Vía Láctea? Pues, de ser así, le quito el modo "fugaz" a mi columpio y presento a cada estrella.

The 28 Laws of Attraction

by Thomas J. Leonard

In the Bestselling Tradition of The Secret: Master the Universal Laws of Attracting Success Would you like to learn how to recognize a good opportunity when it presents itself to you? Do you want to discover your true passions and make them work for you? Would you like to find the people in your life who can help you achieve your goals, dreams, and aspirations? Do you find yourself wishing you had more time with your family and friends? If you've been seeking fulfillment and felt that it has always eluded you, these 28 Laws will show you how to stop chasing success and let it chase you. With Thomas Leonard's time-tested, power-packed system, you will learn how to maximize the brilliance and energy you already possess to create a thoroughly satisfying life based on what's best about you. As you apply these 28 Laws, you'll gain the ability to define what success is for you, and learn how to attract the things that matter the most in life.

28 Days to a More Magnetic Life

by Sandra Anne Taylor

The powers of magnetism are not as mystical as you might think. You can learn to switch your energy like flipping a switch on an electrical current, changing the very direction of your life. Every single day you can establish a new, consistently positive life force—one that will propel your intentions with focus, optimism, and personal power. The world exists in a constant state of flow, and your consciousness can shift in the blink of an eye. This handy little book will help you make that shift and attract brilliant results in return. The Universe longs to make your dreams a reality. See what a difference 28 days can make!

269 Sex Tips and Tricks For Her

by Anne Hooper Phillip Hodson

A collection of tips and tricks for better sex.

269 Amazing Sex Tips & Tricks For Him

by Anne Hooper

<p><em>A saucy new edition of the perennial seller, with fresh photography and updated content, from sex guru Anne Hooper (more than 1. 75 million sex books sold). </em></p><p>Everything is covered (or should we say "uncovered") from head to toe and beyond, for the most mind-blowing sex you've ever had!</p><p><strong>269 Amazing Sex Tips and Tricks for Him</strong>gives men everything they need to be an amazing lover and to turn on and satisfy their woman. </p>

26 Steps to Succeed In Hollywood...or Any Other Business: ... Or Any Other Business

by Ben Stein Al Burton

"Hollywood is a small town. We don’t like strangers here." So said a character in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel of Hollywood, The Last Tycoon. And it’s true. Breaking into Hollywood and riding to success there are no easy tasks. But Ben Stein and Al Burton have created a road map for succeeding in Hollywood. Twenty-six simple rules from "There Is No Quitting Time" to "Keep Your Eyes on the Prize" to "Be Seen" tell you how to make it in Tinseltown. Anyone with eyes and ears and discipline can follow them . . . and this advice applies to every other kind of lucrative, difficult business as well—finance, politics, law—everything. These are rules for making it in a difficult world—by two men who know the rules, know the pitfalls, and have climbed the greasy pole to the top rung of success.

26 Reasons to Run: Inspirational Running Stories from Women Like You

by Ruth Field

I wouldn't go to my husband's Christmas party because I had nothing to wear that fitted me and refused to buy anything. I vowed that night that I would shift the excess weight. It was shortly after this that I read Run Fat B!tch Run - and it has changed my life around completely. Now five-and-a-half stone lighter I am now training to compete in The Dublin Marathon in October of this year. Are you suffering from Motivation Meltdown? Have your well-worn-in trainers lain dormant for a few months, or are you simply looking for that first push to get up, lace up and RUN?Then look no further, for here are the stories from 26 women who have been exactly where you are (on the sofa, right?) and fought back . . . with a little help from The Grit Doctor. Their stories are all here to give you a Motivation Marathon every time you're tempted to give up and give in to the takeaway menu. Funny, moving and incredibly inspiring, each of these women found their own reasons to get running and beat the bulge and so can you.

26 Marathons: What I Learned About Faith, Identity, Running, and Life from My Marathon Career

by Meb Keflezighi Scott Douglas

Four-time Olympian Meb Keflezighi shares lessons learned from each of the 26 marathons he's run in his storied career. <P><P> When Meb Keflezighi ran his final marathon in New York City on November 5, 2017, it marked the end of an extraordinary distance-running career. As the first person in history to win both the Boston and New York City marathons as well as an Olympic marathon medal, Meb’s legacy is forever cemented. <P><P> Meb's last marathon was also his 26th, and each of those marathons has come with its own unique challenges, rewards, and outcomes. In 26 Marathons, take on those legendary races alongside Meb—every hill, bend, and unexpected turn of events that made each marathon an exceptional learning experience, and a fascinating story. <P><P> 26 Marathons offers the wisdom Meb has gleaned about life, family, identity, and faith in addition to tips about running, training, and nutrition. He shows runners of all levels how to apply the lessons he's learned to their own running and lives. <P><P>Equal parts inspiration and practical advice, 26 Marathons provides an inside look at the life and success of one of the greatest runners living today.

25Days: A Proven Program to Rewire Your Brain, Stop Weight Gain, and Finally Crush the Habits You Hate--Forever

by Drew Logan Myatt Murphy

Celebrity trainer and cast member of NBC’s Strong, Drew Logan shows us how to rewrite our neurological patterns and break the habits that prevent us from losing weight and living a healthy life.What if we could train our brains to stop weight gain in our quest to be lean, healthy, and fit? Well, we can. Celebrity trainer and cast member of NBC’s Strong, Drew Logan knows firsthand how the brain affects our ability to perform and function at our best. After dying three times in three hours—becoming the world’s only known medical case to survive three sudden cardiac arrests—he lost his short-term memory. He could no longer follow the complicated diet and fitness regimens he’d used on himself and his clients. He needed to create something simpler. He was shocked to discover that the resulting program was even more effective than his complicated regime of the past. In 25 Days, Drew outlines a unique, multifaceted approach that helps readers rewrite their neurological patterning—what lies underneath those pesky habits that get in our way over and over again—so that the brain’s neural pathways, biochemistry, and hormones work together effectively, seamlessly, and efficiently. He defines what neurological patterns are, how they form, and the reason they’re secretly behind why most people fail to lose weight and get in shape. He breaks down these “unhealthy” patterns and shows how to erase them by creating healthier ones with diet, exercise, and a reward system. Included in the book are the 25 Days Grading System, Diet, and Workout Plan, as well as tools that will alert and assist readers throughout the book. 25 Days is one of the easiest—and effective—diets to follow, and Drew will show you that all you need is to adjust your diet and retrain your brain to be in peak shape.

2500 Years of Wisdom

by D. W. Brown

In carefully selected and arranged quotations 2500 Years of Wisdom combines classic insights from writers and thinkers like Plato and Confucius, with aphorisms from the likes of Montaigne and Goethe. Both poetic and immensely practical, it provides inspiration, solace, and a deeper understanding of the human condition. 2500 Years of Wisdom is a magnificent and harmonious symphony of humanity's deepest convictions, crossing the boundaries of culture and time.

250 Ways to be Romantic

by Barry Rosen

250 great ideas on how to be creative in the game of love

The 250 Retirement Questions Everyone Should Ask

by David Rye Kori Bowers

Plan well, and you will truly enjoy retirement. Plan poorly, and you could suffer a financial disaster. The 250 Retirement Questions Everyone Should Ask makes sure your retirement is enjoyable and worry-free. Filled with specific tips and abundant resources, this book is the quick-and-easy answer to your retirement concerns, including: How much money do you really need to retire? Is it better to sell your existing home and buy a cheaper one when retiring? How can you keep taxes from devouring your estate? What kinds of insurance do you need? What are your best investment options during retirement? The 250 Retirement Questions Everyone Should Ask is all you need to make sure you plan correctly-and enjoy retirement! Book jacket.

The 250 Job Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked ...and the Answers That Will Get You Hired!

by Peter Veruki

<p>Why do you want this job? Why should I hire you? Why do you want to leave your current job? <p>Do you have convincing answers ready for these important questions? Landing a good job is a competitive process and often the final decision is based on your performance at the interview. By following the advice of prominent career planning and human resources expert Peter Veruki, you'll know you have the right answers at your job interview.</p>

The 25 Sales Habits of Highly Successful Salespeople

by Stephan Schiffman

Now you can join the hundreds of thousands of salespeople who have followed Stephen Schiffman's advice and watch your performance soar. Schiffman lets you in on the industry's best-kept secrets. Learn how to convert leads to sales, motivate yourself and motivate others, give killer presentations, and keep your sense of humor. This new edition includes: New examples using the latest advances in sales presentation technology Up-to-date cases of these successful habits in action Five bonus habits showing readers how to overcome mistakes, set sales timetables, and reexamine processes to shore up weaknesses If you're a salesperson looking to succeed, this is the book for you!

The 25 Sales Habits of Highly Successful Salespeople

by Stephan Schiffman

Now you can join the hundreds of thousands of salespeople who have followed Stephen Schiffman's advice and watch your performance soar. Schiffman lets you in on the industry's best-kept secrets.Learn how to convert leads to sales, motivate yourself and motivate others, give killer presentations, and keep your sense of humor.This new edition includes:New examples using the latest advances in sales presentation technologyUp-to-date cases of these successful habits in actionFive bonus habits showing readers how to overcome mistakes, set sales timetables, and reexamine processes to shore up weaknesses If you're a salesperson looking to succeed, this is the book for you!

25 Powerful Promises From God: Proclamations for Supernatural Transformation

by Mike Shreve

God Never Breaks His Promises There are 7,487 promises in God&’s Word—unbending pledges He has made to His covenant people that are designed to give you victory in every circumstance. In this unique book, you will discover 25 primary promises that open the door to the supernatural power of God, miraculous breakthroughs and real spiritual transformation in your life. Some of the promises include:Impartation of divine revelationAngelic interventionHealing for your body, soul and spiritThe hundredfold returnInheriting God&’s kingdomTurning curses into blessingsDreams, visions and the gift of prophecyHow to move the mountains in your lifeWeapons of warfare that are mighty through GodAnd much more! Once you realize the commitments God has already made, you will be praising Him in advance for the fulfillment of His promises, instead of reminding Him of the problems you are facing. This is the most powerful and effective way to pray and live!

25 Lessons

by Judith A. Proffer Nancy Mehagian

She would age without whining. (Most of the time). She would read until her eyes were blurry. She would love fiercely, laugh ferociously, and let tears fly unabashedly. She would go to nature to heal. And travel with Gayle to let loose. And she would say good-bye with grit and humor and without regret. 25 Lessons: What We Learned from Oprah is an intimate and often lighthearted look at how some of the teachings of The Oprah Winfrey Show influenced the personal lives and career paths of the authors, Southern California friends who, like Oprah, love their dogs, their close friends, a good book, Mother Nature, "aha" moments, and reeeeeaaaaalllly good food. Nancy Mehagian is a teacher, healer, epicurean, and writer (Supernatural Kids Cookbook, Siren's Feast: An Edible Odyssey). Judith A. Proffer is a former newspaper publisher (LA Weekly, Sun Community Newspapers), entrepreneur (Magpie Gourmet Mini Pies), and writer. As unlikely as it is that a dirt-poor girl from Mississippi would become buddies with the booty-shaking star of Saturday Night Fever are the odds of these two friends ever meeting up. Nancy was a spirited hippie who would open the first vegetarian restaurant on the island of Ibiza, hanging out with the likes of Joni Mitchell and Taj Mahal. Judith was raised in Michigan with corn-fed sensibilities and big-city dreams, longing to meet Walter Cronkite (she did) and own her own newspaper (she did that, too). Along the way, they each got a little lost, they each got a little found, and they happened upon an adventurous and everlasting friendship in each other. And it was Nancy, a frequent Oprah viewer, who encouraged Judith, a decided non-viewer, to watch the pull-out-all-the-stops emotional, engaging, enlightening, and entertaining twenty-fifth and final season. Inspired by the lightning-paced illumination they have each embraced and tried their best (sometimes successfully, sometimes not) to emulate over the years, this book was birthed to offer simple and practical lessons that can offer readers the keys to make changes in their own lives. From the searing reality of the importance of forgiveness (essential, but painful and rarely easy) to the creation of a vision board (fun, fun, fun), 25 Lessons delivers tales of compassion, courage, and evolution. Not to mention the smack in the face of instant karma. Oprah taught the world to live, love, and laugh. With 25 Lessons, Mehagian and Proffer share practical tools for living out loud, loving ourselves, and laughing with the whole of our hearts.

25 Aromatherapy Blends for De-Stressing: (Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletin A-244) (Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin Ser.)

by Victoria H. Edwards

Since 1973, Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins have offered practical, hands-on instructions designed to help readers master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily. There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popularity reflects the common desire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life.

The 24 x 7 Marriage: Smart Strategies for Good Beginnings

by Vijay Nagaswami

Nagaswami points, with skill and humour, to some popularly posed questions - and their somewhat startling solutions - that couples must ideally address before they affix a date to their wedding invitations... or as soon as possible after.

24 Karat Etiquette: Golden Rules from the World's Most Glamorous Zip C

by Lisa Gache

In Beverly Hills, fame and wealth can buy everything--except class, grace, and sophistication. In 24 Karat Etiquette, Lisa Gaché offers a behind-the-scenes look at Beverly Hills residents' unique social dilemmas through the eyes of an etiquette expert, tasked with transforming her awkward, boorish, and sometimes challenging clients into social virtuosos. Not only does Lisa rule the roost at her in-town manners school, but her services are also in demand across the globe. From Saudi princesses to Oscar winners, talent agents to intelligence operatives, child actresses, butlers, and football players, Lisa has amassed an astounding roster over the years.In today's technological world, Lisa counsels clients on more than their table manners. Thanks to the explosion of social media, netiquette is a vital new discipline. If a tweet hits the fan, it doesn't matter if you're a "nobody" or a "somebody"; repercussions are real and sometimes devastating.Everyone, regardless of their proximity to the Hollywood stars, can pick up something to apply to their own lives through the stories Lisa shares about her experiences with her most amusing, clueless, and stubborn clients. The inquiries never cease to amaze her.Teaching an Oscar nominee how to successfully navigate the red carpetInstructing sixty sorority girls how to use a fork and knife properlyTutoring a child actress requiring formal instruction on interacting with "normal" peopleCounseling an overnight rags-to-riches success story without a clue how to fit inTraining soldiers specializing in interrogation how to assimilate back to their home lives

The 24 Hour Woman: How High-Achieving, Stressed Women Manage It All and Still Find Happiness

by Cheryl Liew-Chng

Think you can have it all? Think again. Then stop thinking and do something different. In this always-on global world with increasing work-life demands and career opportunities, the 24-Hour Woman has the wisdom to know that managing it all does not mean having it all. Rather, it means consciously designing a life of happiness and fulfillment. All women experience STRESS—whether they are working professionals, entrepreneurs, or stay-at-home moms. It's what they do with it that matters. Instead of trying to have and do everything, the 24-Hour Woman masters the art of navigating life successfully by focusing first on the legacy she wants to build. Only then can she live a life most excellent—defined by joy and vibrancy. Written by Cheryl Liew-Chng, award-winning global HR consultant on work-life issues and professional development, The 24-Hour Woman offers wisdom and tools from successful women around the globe. The 24-Hour Woman shares strategies for navigating life by focusing first on legacy. Then it lays out case studies and simple daily changes to help you thrive—starting today—and extending through every 24-hour period you live. You will discover: • The myths of the 24-Hour Woman and how to get ahead of them • The five Foundational Pillars that every woman must build into her life • What a legacy can do to keep you focused and passionate about your day • How to create growth friends to nudge you forward • What a show host, ceramics artist, and corporate CEO have in common Learn the secrets and strategies of The 24-Hour Woman—and discover how to thrive in all areas of life. The clock is ticking...what are you waiting for? Visit for details on claiming your gifts from Cheryl.

24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day a Week

by Tiffany Shlain

In 24/6, Tiffany Shlain explores how turning off screens one day a week can work wonders on your brain, body, and soul. Internet pioneer and renowned filmmaker Tiffany Shlain takes us on a provocative and entertaining journey through time and technology, introducing a strategy for living in our 24/7 world: turning off all screens for twenty-four hours each week. This practice, which she’s done for nearly a decade with her husband and kids (sixteen and ten), has completely changed their lives, giving them more time, productivity, connection, and presence. She and her family call it “Technology Shabbat.” Drawn from the ancient ritual of Shabbat, living 24/6 can work for anyone from any background. With humor and wisdom, Shlain shares her story, offers lessons she has learned, and provides a blueprint for how to do it yourself. Along the way, she delves into the neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, and history of a weekly day of rest across cultures, making the case for why we need to bring this ritual back. A compelling personal story and a fascinating, far-reaching examination of the complex world we’ve created, 24/6 is a call to rebalance ourselves and our society.

23 Hábitos Anti-Procrastinación Cómo Dejar De Ser Perezoso Y Tener Resultados En Tu Vida.

by Marcela Gutiérrez Bravo S. J. Scott

23 Hábitos Anti-Procrastinación: Cómo dejar de ser perezoso y tener resultados en tu vida es la útlima guía para hacer las cosas y ser más productivo.La verdad es que nos gustaría hacer todo y ser más productivos. Pero lo que sucede continuamente es que posponemos tareas importantes y las dejamos que se escurran por las endiduras. ¿El resultado final? Nos agobiamos por la cantidad de cosas por hacer. En otras palabras, "la procrastinación" te causa que te sientas estresado cuando no has completado taeas de una manera sistemática.La solución es simple. Desarrolla una "mentalidad anti-procrastinación" en el que emprendas de manera diaria y NUNCA te agobies por tu lista de pendientes.En el libro 23 Hábitos Anti-Procrastinación. Descubrirás un catálogo de ideas que te ayudarán a vencer la procrastinación de manera diaria. Mientras muchos libros proveen una simple lista de tips.Aprenderás por qué una estrategia específica funciona. qué creencia limitante la elimina y cómo puede ser inmediatamente aplicada a tu vida. En breve, aprenderás las causas clave de tu procrastinación y acabarás con ellas.No tienes que ser controlado por la procrastinación. Puedes vencerla formando una colección de hábitos positivos que te llevan a emprender.

23 Abitudini Per Non Procrastinare

by Eugenia Franzoni S. J. Scott

"23 abitudini per non procrastinare: Come smettere di essere pigri e arrivare a dei risultati nella vita" è la guida definitiva per riuscire a portare avanti i vostri progetti e per essere più produttivi. La verità è che a tutti piace fare le cose e diventare produttivi, ma quello che spesso accade è che lasciamo da parte i compiti importanti e che ce li perdiamo senza accorgercene. Il risultato? Siamo sopraffatti dalla quantità di cose da fare. In altre parole, "procrastinare" ci causa dello stress se non completiamo i nostri compiti in modo sistematico. La soluzione è semplice: sviluppare uno stato mentale che eviti il procrastinare, in cui si agisce di giorno in giorno e che ci permetta di non essere MAI sopraffatti dalle cose da fare. Nel libro "23 abitudini per non procrastinare" scoprirete un elenco di idee per aiutarvi a superare ogni giorno la tentazione di procrastinare. Anche se molti libri danno un semplice elenco di suggerimenti, con questo imparerete perché una strategia specifica funziona, quali concetti limitanti elimina e come può essere applicata immediatamente alla vostra vita. In breve, imparerete le cause fondamentali per cui procrastinate, e come superarle. Non c'è bisogno di essere controllati dal procrastinare; lo si può superare formandosi una serie di abitudini positive che ci spingono ad agire.

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