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Embodied Performances

by Beatrice Allegranti

Drawing from the author's unique interdisciplinary experience Embodied Performances, now available in paperback, responds to the feminist call for advances in conversations across disciplines. Through a pioneering integration of performance, psychotherapy and feminist philosophy it offers an understanding and critique of embodiment and proposes expansive ways of deconstructing (undoing) and re-constituting (re-doing) sexuality and gender and thus more embodied and ethical ways of 'doing' life. Embodied Performances presents innovative ways of 'knowing' and 're-visioning' which evolves the contemporary zeitgeist by: allying digital media with established forms and considering the socially constructed and biological body at the forefront of theory and practice in both the arts and humanities. In addition, it provides practice-based evidence in the form of thirty-six short online film episodes and stills, forming an integral part of the unfolding discussion in each chapter.

Mandamientos imposibles: Cómo obedecer a Dios cuando no parece posible

by Jonty Allcock

Cuando los mandamientos de Dios suenan imposibles, la mayoría de nosotros buscamos excusas, optamos por no obecer, o pretendemos que nos va mejor de lo que estamos. En Mandamientos imposibles, el autor Jonty Allcock nos muestra que la obediencia puede ser una alegría que da vida en lugar de ser trabajo, un placer en lugar de un deber.Como creyentes, nos esforzamos por complacer a Dios a través de nuestra obediencia, pero a menudo fallamos. Por mucho que lo intentemos, el cumplimiento de los mandamientos bíblicos como «regocíjate siempre», «no tengas miedo», «da alegremente» y «ámense los unos a los otros» puede ser fácilmente eludido. Pero imaginen una vida donde la obediencia a Dios es una fuente de alegría profunda y satisfactoria. Imaginen una vida donde la obediencia no es una carga, sino el deseo y el anhelo de nuestros corazones. ¿Suena eso como un sueño imposible? Le sorprenderá saber que este es el tipo de vida que la Biblia nos anima a seguir. En este libro, el pastor Jonty Allcock nos guía a través de un proceso de cuatro pasos que nos ayudará a mirarnos menos a nosotros mismos y a depender más de Dios, permitiendo una obediencia alegre guiada por el espíritu. Los cuatro pasos implican admitir a nosotros mismos y decir lo siguiente:No puedo (honestidad sobre nuestra propia impotencia)Lo siento (pena por nuestra obstinada negativa)Por favor, ayuda (llamada esperanzadora a nuestro Padre celestial)Vamos (levantándonos y empezando a obedecer)Al enfrentarnos a las imposibles órdenes de Jesús, llegamos al final de nuestra propia voluntad y determinación, y terminamos a los pies de Jesús. Escapamos de la esclavitud de lo imposible y nos encontramos en las manos de un Dios que puede hacer todas las cosas. Donde no obedecemos, hay gracia. Donde logramos obedecer, allí encontramos el milagro de la obediencia guiada por el Espíritu.Impossible CommandsWhen God's commandments sound impossible, most of us look for excuses, choose not to obey, or pretend we are doing better than we are. In Impossible Commands, author Jonty Allcock shows us that obedience can be a life-giving joy instead of work, a pleasure instead of a duty.As believers, we strive to please God through our obedience, but we often fail. No matter how hard we try, the fulfillment of biblical commands such as "rejoice always," "be not afraid," "give cheerfully," and "love one another" can easily be circumvented.But imagine a life where obedience to God is a source of deep and satisfying joy. Imagine a life where obedience is not a burden, but the desire and longing of our hearts. Does that sound like an impossible dream? You may be surprised to learn that this is the kind of life the Bible encourages us to follow.In this book, Pastor Jonty Allcock guides us through a four-step process that will help us look less at ourselves and depend more on God, allowing for joyful, spirit-led obedience. The four steps involve admitting ourselves and saying the following:I can't (honesty about our own helplessness)I'm sorry (sorry for our stubborn refusal)Please help (hopeful call to our heavenly Father)Let's go (get up and start obeying)

Forty Things I Wish I'd Told My Kids: Mindful Messages About Success, Happiness, Leather, Pickles, and the Use and Misuse of Imagination

by John Allcock

In Forty Things I Wish I’d Told My Kids, John Allcock presents the essentials of mindfulness—not as something special and exotic, but as practical, down-to-Earth principles for living. Written in clear, simple language, Forty Things I Wish I’d Told My Kids is for anyone interested in living a fuller, happier life—including parents, young adults, and readers of Anna Quindlen’s A Short Guide to a Happy Life or H. Jackson Brown’s Life’s Little Instruction Book.

Indoor Edible Garden: Creative Ways to Grow Herbs, Fruits, and Vegetables in Your Home

by Zia Allaway

Make the most of your space, from balconies and windowsills to countertops, walls, and even ceilings, to grow herbs, vegetables, and flowers in your home that look amazing and taste even better.Featuring 28 innovative step-by-step projects, Indoor Edible Garden is a highly visual guide full of practical tips and stylish ideas for how to create edible indoor gardens using whatever space you have available. Use your space and light in clever ways, brightening your home with unique living decorations. Inspiring from the start, this book shows off its lush garden projects through beautiful design and full-color photographs.Reference more than 30 profiles of the top herbs, edible flowers, fruiting plants, and vegetables. Follow DIY project templates to grow your gardens into beautiful home decor. The step-by-step instructions include how to create a hanging chili and basil ball, how to grown your own tea leaves, how to sprout microgreens in cupcake liners, and more. Plus, this guide also includes straightforward explanations of scientific methods such as artificial lighting and hydroponics and key techniques for planting, drainage, and harvesting.Indoor Edible Garden helps create stunning and edible home decor so your living space will be fruitful—and beautiful—all year round.

You Can Do All Things: Drawings, Affirmations and Mindfulness to Help with Anxiety and Depression

by Kate Allan

&“Combines wisdom, humor, and beautiful, whimsical artwork that can be your daily companion when you feel anxious, inadequate, and overwhelmed.&” —Susyn Reeve, author of Heart Healing#1 Bestseller in Mental Health, Depression—Mindfulness, Drawings and MeditationsDaily meditations to help with depression and anxiety. Mental health is a topic that affects everyone, though few are eager to discuss it. You Can Do All Things is a compendium of knowing, yet supportive, illustrations from The Latest Kate, whose thoughtful quotations encourage you to be mindful of your own mentality and to take care of yourself, regardless of image or lifestyle. Calming and supportive, the illustrations are also candid about the internal problems many face in our hectic modern world.Inspirational, gentle drawings of animals. Kate Allan&’s inventive pairing of whimsical colors and friendly, smiling animals is the spoonful of sugar that makes the heavy subject matter approachable and nonthreatening. You Can Do All Things is a welcome addition to any reading list, and its messages are equally applicable to adults and children. Anxiety sucks, but you don&’t. This book will show you how to get through the worst of it.In this supportive book you&’ll find:· Beautiful, whimsical, and colorful art· Expressions of encouragement for any hardship you face· A how-to guide for dealing with anxiety and depression· Understanding and validation for your struggles· Tips for every time you feel inadequate, overwhelmed, or down on yourself· Cute animals that believe in you! &“You Can Do All Things is like a best friend: real, raw, and generous in its support.&” —Margarita Tartakovsky, PsychCentral

You're Strong, Smart, and You Got This: Drawings, Affirmations and Comfort to Help with Anxiety and Depression

by Kate Allan

Eating Out Can Be Healthy TooThe ultimate guide for dining out guilt-free. The Restaurant Diet, now in its second edition, offers a diet plan that takes pressure off dieters who don’t always have time for healthy cooking. Using his easy-to-follow plan, author Fred Bollaci lost 150 pounds—and kept them off.The secret to a plan you can maintain. Fred Bollaci grew up in an Italian family. When his parents divorced he developed eating compulsions. He tried every fad diet and every new food recipe book, but failed to find a lasting solution. With the help of his doctor, a nutritionist, a trainer, and a psychologist, he was able to devise a four-phase diet and exercise plan?that worked! In this book Fred reveals the real secret: it’s about why one overeats in the first place. Fred shares how to tackle emotional issues that lead to compulsive overeating through an integrated spiritual approach.Why integrating spirituality is so important. After a “near death” experience and “spiritual awakening,” Fred learned to like and eventually love himself enough to get his priorities straight, lose a ton of weight, eat better, exercise, and adopt an attitude of gratitude for his miraculous second chance. He has discovered his life’s purpose, found true happiness and contentment, improved every area of his life, and lives a life he never could have imagined. Fred has helped coach and inspire hundreds of clients to lose thousands of pounds with his compassionate approach. He looks great, feels great, and can enjoy a healthy gourmet lifestyle wherever he is. If he can become his best self, then you can too.Tips in The Restaurant Diet include how to:Read a menuAsk key questions of the restaurant staffIntegrate a spiritual component into your diet and exercise planReaders who have tried books like Keto Meal Prep by FlavCity, Keto Restaurant Favorites or Eat What You Love will appreciate the tips and advice in The Restaurant Diet, 2nd Edition.

A Little Bit of Intuition: An Introduction to Extrasensory Perception (Little Bit Series #19)

by Catharine Allan

Discover, understand, and develop your extrasensory perception with this accessible introduction to the power of intuition. Intuition is something we’re all born with and use every day. But few of us consciously explore this innate ability. In A Little Bit of Intuition, spiritual life coach Catherine Allan teaches readers how to not only recognize their intuitive sense, but also to strengthen it like a muscle. With the right work, we all can increase our intuitive ability. Drawing on real-life examples from more than two decades of practice and teaching, Allan shows readers how to listen to their intuition, act upon it, and discover the resulting flow and magic that comes from living life intuitively.

Unf*ckology: A Field Guide to Living with Guts and Confidence

by Amy Alkon

Amy Alkon presents Unf*ckology, a “science-help” book that knocks the self-help genre on its unscientific ass. You can finally stop fear from being your boss and put an end to your lifelong social suckage. Have you spent your life shrinking from opportunities you were dying to seize but feel “that’s just who I am”? Well, screw that! You actually can change, and it doesn’t take exceptional intelligence or a therapist who’s looking forward to finally buying Aruba after decades of listening to you yammer on. Transforming yourself takes revolutionary science-help from Amy Alkon, who has spent the past 20 years translating cutting-edge behavioral science into highly practical advice in her award-winning syndicated column. In Unf*ckology, Alkon pulls together findings from neuroscience, behavioral science, evolutionary psychology, and clinical psychology. She explains everything in language you won’t need a psych prof on speed-dial to understand—and with the biting dark humor that made Good Manners for Nice People Who Sometimes Say F*ck such a great read. She debunks widely-accepted but scientifically unsupported notions about self-esteem, shame, willpower, and more and demonstrates that: - Thinking your way into changing (as so many therapists and self-help books advise) is the most inefficient way to go about it. - The mind is bigger than the brain, meaning that your body and your behavior are your gym for turning yourself into the new, confident you. - Fear is not just the problem; it’s also the solution.- By targeting your fears with behavior, you make changes in your brain that reshape your habitual ways of behaving and the emotions that go with them.Follow Amy Alkon's groundbreaking advice in Unf*ckology, and eventually, you’ll no longer need to act like the new you; you’ll become the new you. And how totally f*cking cool is that?

The Joy of Science

by Jim Al-Khalili

Quantum physicist, New York Times bestselling author, and BBC host Jim Al-Khalili reveals how 8 lessons from the heart of science can help you get the most out of lifeToday’s world is unpredictable and full of contradictions, and navigating its complexities while trying to make the best decisions is far from easy. The Joy of Science presents 8 short lessons on how to unlock the clarity, empowerment, and joy of thinking and living a little more scientifically.In this brief guide to leading a more rational life, acclaimed physicist Jim Al-Khalili invites readers to engage with the world as scientists have been trained to do. The scientific method has served humankind well in its quest to see things as they really are, and underpinning the scientific method are core principles that can help us all navigate modern life more confidently. Discussing the nature of truth and uncertainty, the role of doubt, the pros and cons of simplification, the value of guarding against bias, the importance of evidence-based thinking, and more, Al-Khalili shows how the powerful ideas at the heart of the scientific method are deeply relevant to the complicated times we live in and the difficult choices we make.Read this book and discover the joy of science. It will empower you to think more objectively, see through the fog of your own preexisting beliefs, and lead a more fulfilling life.

Decision Time: How to Make the Choices Your Life Depends On

by Laurence Alison Neil Shortland

An inspirational self-help book to identify and fight off the common enemies of good decision-making—inertia, procrastination, and indecision—and empower you to make the choices that matter the most using growth mindset.Should I change careers? Is it time to end my relationship? Can I move halfway across the world?We have to make choices every day, big and small, but it's the life-changing ones that often cause us to freeze or react too quickly, without thinking. What can we do differently?Laurence Alison and Neil Shortland have spent over 20 years helping soldiers, police officers, doctors, and other professionals in high-stakes environments make tough decisions when lives are on the line. In Decision Time, they show us how those same decision-making techniques apply to everyday life, whether that's deciding to take a new job or change careers later in life, end a relationship, move across the world, or declare your undying love for your best friend.Highly accessible and interactive, Decision Time will guide you through each step of the decision-making process so next time you a find yourself at a crossroads, you'll be able to make your way with confidence.Praise for Decision Time:"A highly readable and entertaining book... The authors have managed the trick of applying their work with military and security professionals to the high-consequence choices people face in everyday life. This is a thought-provoking and stimulating contribution."—Gary Klein, author of Seeing What Others Don't and The Power of Intuition

Meander, Spiral, Explode: Design and Pattern in Narrative

by Jane Alison

"How lovely to discover a book on the craft of writing that is also fun to read . . . Alison asserts that the best stories follow patterns in nature, and by defining these new styles she offers writers the freedom to explore but with enough guidance to thrive." ―Maris Kreizman, VultureA Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2019 | A Poets & Writers Best Books for WritersAs Jane Alison writes in the introduction to her insightful and appealing book about the craft of writing: &“For centuries there&’s been one path through fiction we&’re most likely to travel― one we&’re actually told to follow―and that&’s the dramatic arc: a situation arises, grows tense, reaches a peak, subsides . . . But something that swells and tautens until climax, then collapses? Bit masculosexual, no? So many other patterns run through nature, tracing other deep motions in life. Why not draw on them, too?"W. G. Sebald&’s Emigrants was the first novel to show Alison how forward momentum can be created by way of pattern, rather than the traditional arc--or, in nature, wave. Other writers of nonlinear prose considered in her &“museum of specimens&” include Nicholson Baker, Anne Carson, Marguerite Duras, Gabriel García Márquez, Jamaica Kincaid, Clarice Lispector, Susan Minot, David Mitchell, Caryl Phillips, and Mary Robison.Meander, Spiral, Explode is a singular and brilliant elucidation of literary strategies that also brings high spirits and wit to its original conclusions. It is a liberating manifesto that says, Let&’s leave the outdated modes behind and, in thinking of new modes, bring feeling back to experimentation. It will appeal to serious readers and writers alike.

Rapport: The Four Ways to Read People

by Emily Alison Laurence Alison

'Laurence Alison is one of my academic heroes. He does what every writer longs to do. He makes the difficult clear - without losing his rigour.' Malcolm Gladwell'They are quietly revolutionising the study and practice of interrogation... Their findings are changing the way law enforcement and security agencies approach the delicate and vital task of gathering human intelligence.' GuardianGet what you want from even the most difficult charactersAll of us have to deal with difficult people. Whether we're asking our neighbour to move a fence or our boss for a pay rise, we can struggle to avoid arguments and get what we want.Laurence and Emily Alison are world leaders in forensic psychology, and they specialise in the most difficult interactions imaginable: criminal interrogations. They advise and train the police, security agencies, the FBI and the CIA on how to deal with extremely dangerous suspects when the stakes are high. After 30 years' work - and unprecedented access to 2,000 hours of terrorist interrogations - they have developed a ground-breaking model of interpersonal communication. This deceptively simple approach to handling any encounter works as well for teenagers as it does for terrorists. Now it's time to share it with the world.Rapport reveals that every interaction follows four styles: Control (the lion), Capitulate (the mouse), Confront (the Tyrannosaur) and Co-operate (the monkey). As soon as you understand these styles and your own goals you can shape any conversation at will. And you'll be closer to the real secret: how to create instant rapport.

Money Like You Mean It: Personal Finance Tactics for the Real World

by Erica Alini

Wrestle debt to the ground. Figure out whether you should rent or buy. And determine if a side hustle is really worth the hassle.Get a job, buy a house, spend less than you make, and retire at sixty-five. That’s advice for a world that has largely disappeared. Even good jobs today often have no guarantee of stability. Home prices have reached the stratosphere. Meanwhile, student debt drags you down just as you're trying to take off in life.To survive and thrive in today’s reality, you need a whole new personal finance tool kit.Global News money reporter Erica Alini blends the big picture with practical advice to give you a deeper understanding of the economic forces that are shaping your financial struggles and how to overcome them.Packed with concrete tips, Money Like You Mean It covers all the bases: from debt to investing and retirement, plus renting versus buying, and even how to tell whether a side gig is really worth the effort. It’s the essential road map you need to make it in the current economy.“The first personal finance book for the 2020s: expensive housing, BNPL, side hustles, negotiating a raise, and much more. Erica is one of Canada’s top personal finance pros, and this book shows it.” —ROB CARRICK, Globe and Mail personal finance columnist

Achtsamkeit für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Shamash Alidina

Sind Sie müde, gestresst, antriebslos oder ständig unter Strom? Leiden Sie unter Bluthochdruck, Depressionen oder chronischen Schmerzen? Dann helfen Ihnen Achtsamkeitmeditationen dabei, störende Gedanken loszulassen und gelassener zu werden. Die Wirkung von Achtsamkeitsübungen ist wissenschaftlich bewiesen: Sie werden dadurch ruhiger, selbstbewusster und können sich von unrealistischen Erwartungen an sich selbst befreien. Shamash Alidina zeigt Ihnen leicht durchzuführende Übungen für ein glückliches und gesundes Leben, die Sie auch als Download zum Buch finden.

Become More Relaxed In A Day For Dummies (In A Day For Dummies)

by Shamash Alidina

Discover how relaxation can help you reduce stress and calm your mind Become More Relaxed In a Day introduces you to a range of relaxation techniques and exercises that can help you to keep your life in balance, and stop stress from taking over. Designed to contain a day’s reading, this handy guide helps you to discover the benefits of relaxation for your mind, body and spirit. Open the book and find: How to make relaxation a part of your daily routine Top tips for using exercise to help you relax Advice on using massage and self-massage to help you relax Ways to ensure you have time and space to relax at home Guidance on maintaining your work-life balance

Mindful Way through Stress

by Shamash Alidina

Take a deep breath. Feeling less stressed already? Bestselling author Shamash Alidina shows just how simple it is to master the proven techniques of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) in this engaging guide. MBSR has enhanced the physical and emotional well-being of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. In as little as 10 minutes a day over 8 weeks, you'll be taken step by step through a carefully structured sequence of guided meditations (available to purchasers for download at the companion website) and easy yoga exercises. Vivid stories, everyday examples, and opportunities for self-reflection make the book especially inviting. Science shows that MBSR works--and now it is easier than ever to get started.

Mindfulness For Dummies: Foreword By Steven D. Hickman, Psy. D.

by Shamash Alidina

Breathe deep, declutter your mind, and start leading a healthier, happier life The worry won’t stop. You’re feeling stressed out, the day-to-day seems overwhelming, and it seems difficult to do the simplest things. How can you escape this continual negative feedback loop? Mindfulness is the answer. Practiced by millions of people worldwide, mindfulness puts you back in a healthy relationship with yourself by teaching techniques that allow you to maintain a moment-by-moment awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and environment. Clear your mind of distracting thoughts Focus on breathing and other self-control techniques Change the wiring and makeup of your brain Free yourself from the stress With this expert, easy-to-follow guide, there's never been a better time to get to grips with mindfulness and the many ways it can help you lead a happier, healthier life.

Relaxation For Dummies

by Shamash Alidina

New ways to embrace relaxation every day!Relaxation For Dummies provides a straightforward guide to understanding the importance of relaxation in our readers' day-to-day lives. Covering a variety of simple relaxation techniques, including meditation, breathing techniques, hypnotherapy, guided imagery and yoga, this book shows readers how to use physical and emotional relaxation to combat a range of issues including stress, anxiety, phobias and fears. The book is accompanied by an audio CD that provides accompanying relaxation exercises for readers to follow.Relaxation For Dummies:Shows readers how to understand the meaning of relaxationProvides relaxation strategies to help you take it easyTeaches the benefits of healthy breathingAllows the reader to harness the powers of Yoga and Tai Chi to increase well-beingNote: CD files are available to download when buying the e-Book version

Love Will Find You: 9 Magnets to Bring You and Your Soulmate Together

by Kathryn Alice

You Can Attract the OneThis book shows you Kathryn Alice's magical formula that has resulted in thousands of people finding their "person". Learn:How to bring love right to your door using the Law of Attraction . . . easilyThe secret to turning "crazy love" into a soulmate love that will lastWhy you may not even know your biggest block to love, how to find it and get rid of itThe way you repel people (and love) and how to fix this instantlyWhy this work has resulted in thousands of weddings & is the most effective way of attracting love available5 simple proven methods to rev up your dating life even if you haven't dated in years, have had huge dating drama or constant dating disappointment. Be sought after by the ones you're interested inAn easy, inspired read, Love Will Find You offers practical steps, simple exercises and love stories from all walks of life to ensure you are not single much longer.

Your Money and Your Life: A Lifetime Approach to Money Management

by Robert Z. Aliber

Your financial health is more than a mere collection of debits and credits on a balance sheet. In fact, the numbers on a financial statement represent a series of decisions that, if made strategically, can ensure that each of us maintains our desired standard of living at every age and stage of life. Many people think that key financial choices are too complicated to make on their own. However, with the right information and guidance, we can all secure our own financial future. Your Money and Your Lifeis more than your average guide to financial planning and retirement. Acclaimed author and speaker Robert Z. Aliber helps readers to make efficient and effective financial decisions at key moments throughout their lives, such as where to go to college; if and when to buy a home; how much insurance, if any, to buy; how to manage savings and retirement; when the time is right to approach a professional advisor; and how to proceed with estate planning. With an eye toward the issues that are most pressing in today's economy, Aliber clearly explains the sophisticated concepts that underpin everyday money management-with the goal of making this guide the go-to reference in your financial planning library, regardless of your age or wealth. Readers of this book will come away with the sense that Aliber is their own financial planner, offering strategies that will help to guide them toward security in the present and the future. Your Money and Your Lifeis filled with examples to which readers will be able to relate, as well as checklists of "actionables" to help make their plans realities.

How to Learn Almost Anything in 48 Hours: The Skills You Need to Work Smarter, Study Faster, and Remember More!

by Tansel Ali

Shortcuts and brain hacks for learning new skills fast! Three-time Australian Memory Champion Tansel Ali reveals the secret to learning new skills fast--easy-to-learn memory strategies, including mind mapping, visualization techniques, and mnemonic devices. If you'd like to study for exams efficiently, speak a foreign language, memorize a speech, learn to play a new musical instrument, or improve your general knowledge, memory-training expert Tansel shows you how to do it quickly and effectively with the aid of a few memory tricks. Packed with practical exercises for honing memory and training your brain to learn well and learn fast, this is the ultimate book for sharpening your mind and expand your knowledge.

Designing Healthy Boundaries: A Guide to Embracing Self-Love, Building Better Boundaries, and Protecting Your Peace

by Shainna Ali

Take control of your relationships with this all-in-one guide to identifying, setting, and—most of all—maintaining healthy boundaries with your family, coworkers, friends, partner, and self.Well-designed boundaries are an essential component of living a happy, healthy, and balanced life. But while you may know that boundaries are important, it can often be confusing and intimidating to understand where, when, how, and with whom to build and maintain boundaries. To help, Dr. Shainna Ali, mental health counselor, educator, and best-selling author of The Self-Love Workbook offers Designing Healthy Boundaries, a comprehensive guide to incorporating self-love into building your boundaries. How you perceive, value, and respect yourself all influence the effectiveness of your boundaries. This approach will help you set limits that are more deeply aligned with your personal values, yourself, and your relationships. Through interactive activities, reflection prompts, and case examples, this workbook will help you explore what boundaries look like in your life and create more meaningful, rewarding connections through the art of boundaries.

The Self-Love Workbook: A Life-Changing Guide to Boost Self-Esteem, Recognize Your Worth and Find Genuine Happiness

by Shainna Ali

Experience the life-changing magic of self-love!You need love from yourself as much as from others. When you have low self-esteem, low confidence or even self-hatred, it&’s impossible to live life to the fullest. It&’s time to build your self-love and transform your attitude, emotions and overall outlook on life! This helpful workbook allows you to become aware of your own unique needs and goals while discovering how to better accept and love your true self. It includes a variety of constructive and actionable tips, tricks and exercises, including: • Interactive Activitiesexplore a variety of fun and creative ways to love yourself• Reflection Promptsunpack your experiences and connect them to new lessons• Helpful Advicedeepen your understanding of self-love and utilize it in the real worldSelf-love allows you not only to see your true self, but to truly accept who you are wholeheartedly. With this acceptance comes the freedom and confidence to live your life to its fullest. It&’s time to conquer self-doubt and self-sabotage. It&’s time to love yourself!

I'm Rich, You're Poor: How to Give Social Media a Reality Check

by Shabaz Ali

The world is full of books about how to be rich. This is not one of them.Today, many of us are feeling the pinch - and being bombarded with portrayals of social media 'perfection' is making that pinch feel more like a punch.We may know that social media - with all its billionaires and beauty queens - is just a highlight reel. So why is it still making most of us feel so low?Comedian Shabaz Ali wants to help you see the funny side of social media again. Because while it looks nice to live up in an ivory tower, this book reminds us that it is much more fun to be part of the baying mob that surrounds it.This laugh-out-loud deep-dive into social media's ridiculously rich, will help you love your own penny-pinched, rough-around-the-edges, extraordinarily ordinary life.

Not Without a Fight: Ten Steps to Becoming Your Own Champion

by Ramla Ali

Ramla Ali's life inside and outside the ring represents her ruthless refusal to quit and passion to fight for what she believes in.In her first book, Ramla details ten key fights - a combination of life's constant challenges and real bouts she's endured both in and outside of the ring - that have shaped her remarkable rise to date.From her arrival in England as a refugee to being drawn to the energy and spirit of her first boxercise class; from the adrenaline of her first amateur fights to how she often powered on alone, searching for a community of women like her, and her biggest win of all: letting love into her life.Each relatable lesson is packed full of honesty and urgency, powering the reader on to become their own champion.

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