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Showing 36,101 through 36,125 of 36,608 results

Becoming: Basic Considerations for a Psychology of Personality

by Gordon W. Allport

Allport outlines the need for a psychology of becoming, of growth and development of personality, one that can best be discovered by looking within ourselves.

What to Expect in Seminary: Theological Education as Spiritual Formation

by Virginia Samuel Cetuk

Anyone who is thinking about a career in pulpit ministry will want to read this book. It explores the challenges and needs of becoming and then serving as a pastor.

Water With Lemon

by Stephen Moss Zonya Foco

Power of One Good Habit Water with Lemon is the first health novel in the Power of One Good Habit series. Introducing A New Genre: The Health Novel 60 extra pounds. An unhappy marriage. Food for comfort. Karen's life is falling apart. Then she meets an unlikely neighbor who reveals how a series of simple choices have the power to shape the life we have - into the life we want. Karen's story of weight loss and personal transformation will touch your heart and open your eyes! It will reveal how eight powerful, core habits, when mastered one at a time, create an invisible force that will literally - change your life. What do you get when you cross a nutritionist with a novelist? A health novel! Where nutrition, health and weight-loss information are woven into the story. Each challenge the characters face not only teaches you what to do - it inspires you to actually do it. Zonya Foco, America's Nutrition Leader, and Stephen Moss, America's Health Novelist, have joined forces to create this exciting new genre. Stephen's compelling story will keep you turning the pages while Zonya's surprisingly simple approach to mastering weight control is revealed. You'll discover that this is not another fad diet book. In fact, it's not a diet book at all. There is no diet mentality. Nothing to calculate. And never a reason to feel guilty!

How A Shy Guy Like Me Earned Over $1 Million in Network Marketing

by Joe Brown

Explains the system the author developed that earned him a big incum in network marketing.

How to Get What You Want in Life with the Money You Already Have

by Carol Keeffe

Are you living paycheck to paycheck? You don't need a belt-tightening budget. You don't need a second job. You don't even need a raise. What you need is the down-to-earth money strategies explained in this book. Carol Keeffe has helped thousands of people take control of their financial future and realize their fondest dreams. Her money solutions are inspiring, easy to do, and instantly practical. She explains how you can: get out of debt by paying the minimum on your credit cards save money by paying yourself first, not your creditors and much more . . .

Stressed is Desserts Spelled Backwards: Rising Above Life's Challenges with Humor, Hope and Courage

by Brian Luke Seaward

Seaward says: "One of the most important lessons I've learned is that it's not what happens to us, but our reaction to what happens to us that causes us stress." He shows us how to learn this lesson, too. Then he continues: "And that means we have the power to control our level of stress. We, in fact, have the power to choose not to react at all to that which happens around us. It is not what life brings to us that determines our level of happiness and self-fulfillment. It is the attitude we bring to life. The most important decision we can make each day is our choice of attitude. It is what will spur us on or stand in our way." Since we are in charge of our attitude, we are the architects of our lives."

Whoops! I'm In Business: A Crash Course In Business Basics

by Lisa Guerin Richard Stim

If your pastime and passion has started bringing in money, you may be wondering, "Am I in business-and if so, how do I run it?" Feeling nervous? Don't! Thousands of people who knew absolutely nothing about business are now reaping the benefits of their hard work, and experiencing the satisfaction of succeeding on their own. You can, too-and Whoops.' I'm in Bus/ness will show you how. Let it guide you through the issues all entrepreneurs face, from deciding whether this is the right kind of work for you, to making a tidy profit. Packed with practical tips, resources and the stories of people who made the transition from business newbie to successful entrepreneur!

Please Don't Hurt Me

by Leonard W. King

Book helping the wounded find healing and wholeness

Prodigals and Those Who Love Them

by Ruth Graham

Graham's daughter says of this warmly written book: Mother does know about prodigals, and this book reflects her search for God's comfort during those times in her life when her prodigals were running away from her love and care and only God could look out for them. These stories and readings have been a great source of help to me--her daughter--who has also had to deal with a prodigal. May you receive comfort, strength, courage, and hope as you read these pages lovingly written for you . . . for us. Gigi

Don't Let Jerks Get the Best of You

by Paul Meier

From the book: The driver who pulls out in front of you in traffic. The intimidating boss who chews you out for every mistake. Parents or in-laws who manipulate you through your children. We are all jerks in one degree or another, says Dr. Paul Meier-we all tend to be selfish or take advantage at times, without meaning any harm, of course. "I'm qualified to write this book not only because I am a psychiatrist, but because I have experience as a jerk," says Dr. Meier. "I don't want to be a jerk! I don't like being a jerk. But it comes automatically, like breathing and sleeping." Dr. Meier combines years of counseling with a light-hearted look at his own life in this handbook on human relationships to help you Be aware when you are being manipulated or abused Understand how your past can influence your reactions to people now Identify your own "jerk" tendencies Develop and nurture mature relationships based on respect With Don't Let Jerks Get the Best of You, you can begin to take control of your life and develop relationships that will build confidence, trust, and joy

Climbing the Mountain: My Search for Meaning

by Kirk Douglas

The famous actor's quest not only for the meaning of life and his own relationship to God, but for his own identity as a Jew.

The Green Belt Movement

by Wangari Maathai

When Kenyan environmental and democracy activist Wangari Maathai became the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004, she capped a life full of firsts. She was the first African woman to earn a Ph.D. in Eastern and Central Africa, and the first woman to attain associate profes¬sorship and to hold a department chair at the University of Nairobi. In 1977, shocked at the environmental devastation caused by deforestation in her beloved Kenya, Maathai founded the Green Belt Movement (GBM). For twenty-seven years, GBM has enabled many people-particularly women-to plant trees in their regions, providing them with food and fuel, and halting soil erosion and desertification. GBM became much more than that, however. It became a movement for representative democracy that led to Kenya's 'first fully democratic elections in a generation, during which Maathai was elected to Parliament and made a minister for the environment. The Green Belt Movement: Sharing the Approach and the Experience is the story of the Green Belt Movement in Wangari Maathai's own words. It reveals the struggles and the structure of this extraordinary effort to reforest a vast region and free a people. Over the course of its history, nearly 30 million trees have been planted, and tens of thousands of people have earned a livelihood. The Green Belt Movement is the inspiring story of people working at the grassroots level to improve their environment and their country. Their story offers ideas about a new and hopeful future for Africa and the rest of the world.

Essential 55: An Award-winning Educator's Rules for Discovering the Successful Student in Every Child

by Ron Clark

The runaway bestseller that's a must-have for every parent and teacher. How many authors would travel coast to coast on a bus to get their book into as many hands as possible? Not many. But that's just what Ron Clark, author of The Essential 55, did to keep his book and message in the public eye. And it worked. After his Oprah appearance, sales skyrocketed: we've sold more than 850,000 copies in six months! The book sat tenaciously on the New York Times bestseller list for 11 weeks. Ron Clark was featured on the Today show, and in the Chicago Tribune, Good Housekeeping, and the New York Daily News--not to mention the calls we've received from teachers and parents who want to get their hands on Ron's guidelines for teaching children.

The 10 Minute Guide to Working with Financial Advisors

by Barbara Hetzer

Finding the right person to provide guidance on important financial decisions can be difficult. This book explains the differences between the various types of financial professionals and discusses how to find them and how to check their credentials and references.

Iluminación. Las Siete Lecciones del Golf para el Juego de la Vida

by Deepak Chopra

En Iluminación, Deepak Chopra da vida a los conceptos que ha trabajado en sus obras previas. Valiéndose de un novedoso método que incluye siete lecciones de golf -deporte que recientemente practica el autor-, Chopra presenta igual número de lecciones para la vida, por medio de las cuales el lector aprenderá a vivir con plenitud y tranquilidad aun en medio del caos cotidiano. En esta obra, el autor relata la historia de Adam, un jugador de golf que, al parecer, está conforme con su vida, pero no con su juego de golf y quien conoce a una golfista profesional, Wendy, con la que aprenderá no sólo a mejorar su juego, sino a conocerse a sí mismo y a transformar su vida. A lo largo del relato, el lector aprenderá, junto con Adam, a integrar su mente, vivir en el presente para encontrar el tiro perfecto, jugar con el corazón y apreciar el triunfo sin estar sometido a él. Como dice el autor, cualquier momento o actividad es propicio para iniciar una nueva vida, para conocernos y dejar atrás los obstáculos que nos impiden ver que, en realidad, la felicidad está a nuestro alcance por el simple y sencillo hecho de que es parte de la naturaleza humana. Iluminación es una obra en la que se muestra la madurez de pensamiento alcanzado por un hombre que ha transmitido con gran facilidad su particular visión del mundo, la cual conjunta sabidurías milenarias y actuales para brindar a todos la oportunidad de cambiar desde este momento.


by Leslie F. Brandt

"Psalm 23: The Lord is my constant companion. There is no need that He cannot fulfill. Whether His course for me points to the mountaintops of glorious ecstasy or to the valleys of human suffering, He is by my side, He is ever present with me. He is close beside me when I tread the dark streets of danger, and even when I flirt with death itself, He will not leave me. When the pain is severe, He is near to comfort. When the burden is heavy, He is there to lean upon. When depression darkens my soul, He touches me with eternal joy. When I feel empty and alone, He fills the aching vacuum with His power. My security is in His promise to be near to me always, and in the knowledge that He will never let me go." Brandt brings to the contemporary reader a rewriting of the Old Testament Psalms which is encouraging, devotional, inspiring, and majestic.

The Sexy Years: The Secret to Fabulous Sex, Great Health, and Vitality, For Women and Men

by Suzanne Somers Robert A. Greene

An enlightening exploration of hormone replacement for both men and women

Breaking Generational Curses

by Marilyn Hickey

Do you and/or members of your family find yourself trapped in patterns of behavior that you don't want to do or don't like? Does your family have a history of infighting, addictions, eating disorders, suicide, child abuse, frequent bursts of anger, or bouts with deep depression? These are just some of the family patterns that may be impacted by a generational curse... a pattern of sin that creates bondage. While this concept may be new to you, it may also contain the key to unlock your prison of bad feelings and self-defeating behavior. So read this book to find out how to be free as God created you to be.

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff at Work: Simple Ways to Minimize Stress and Conflict While Bringing Out the Best in Yourself and Others

by Richard Carlson

The author reveals tips that will transform your outlook at the office, easing stress there, and also leading to a happier life at home.

The Human Touch: Today's Most Unusual Program for Productivity and Profit

by William W. Arnold Jeanne M. Plas

How to improve employee motivation and morale, labor productivity and leadership.

If I Am So Smart, Why Can't I Lose Weight? Tools to Get It Done

by Brooke Castillo

From the book: If you want to win at weight loss, you need a great coach! In warm, inspiring prose, weight loss mentor Brooke Castillo will empower you, teaching you the skills you need to get the body you want, and giving you the tools you need for continuing on your own. Based on the same unique process she uses with her private clients, Brooke Castillo teaches you to find, challenge, and change the emotional issues that keep you from achieving your ideal weight. You'll learn why you shouldn't exercise for results and how to pinpoint what's keeping you from losing weight. And you'll discover the best and most effective ways to really feel your feelings, which can help you start to notice other things beside your weight-like desires, dreams and goals. Humorous and insightful, If I Am So Smart, Why Can't I Lose Weight? Tools to Get it Done gives you the map you need to get your life-and your weight-going in the right direction.

The Greatest Networker in the World

by John Milton Fogg

John Fogg shares his experiences. His techniques will change how you approach networking for ever. This book addresses the differences between conventional marketing and multilevel marketing.

Guerrilla Selling: Unconventional Weapons and Tactics for Increasing Your Sales

by Bill Gallagher Orvel Ray Wilson Jay Conrad Levinson

Guerrilla Selling presents a psychological model to better understand prospects, yourself as a salesperson, and approaches to the sale which can bridge the differences in personality types. It also gives suggestions and examples for turning a cold call warm and eventually closing the deal by building trust and confidence.

Tailgating, Sacks, and Salary Caps: How the NFL Became the Most Successful Sports League in History

by Mark Yost

Table of contents for the book includes: 1. "In the Best Interest of the League": The NFL Builds Its Future on Its Past 2. Anything but "Free": Playing for the NFL 3. Any Given Sunday: How Bert Bell Built the NFL's Even Playing Field 4. A Perfect Team: Television and the NFL 5. The NFL Goes Prime Time: Monday Night Football and Mainstream Audiences 6. Sports Bars, Satellites, and Fantasy Football: New Media, New Markets 7. NFL Merchandising: The Empire's New Clothes 8. The Super Bowl: Who Really Wins? 9. Stadium Fever: Who Plays and Who Pays? 10. Down to the Wire: Inside the 2006 Negotiations 11. Super Teams, Savvy Owners, and the Future of the NFL

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Showing 36,101 through 36,125 of 36,608 results