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Showing 36,126 through 36,150 of 36,608 results

The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth

by M. Scott Peck

Ways in which confronting and resolving our problems, and suffering through the changes, can enable us to reach a higher level of self-understanding.

Alerting Kids to the Danger of Abuse and Neglect

by Joy Berry

People used to believe that children should be kept ignorant for their own sake. In our rapidly changing world, this simply isn't realistic any more. Your children need to know as much as they can about life and its danger zones. Since their imaginations can create fantasies worse than any actual situation, they need correct and comprehensible information. The more children know, the better they will be able to protect themselves should they encounter a dangerous situation. All responsible, caring adults want children to be safe. Unfortunately, our society is becoming increasingly unsafe for children. Young people ware being physically abused and neglected in alarming numbers. Recent statistics estimate that approximately one million cases of abuse and neglect occur in schools, day care centers, camps, baby sitters' homes, and other "safe" places.

The New Existentialism

by Colin Wilson

Wilson's new existentialism is an attempt to show how recent developments in understanding of consciousness provides 20th and 21st century man with a relevant and sastisfying philosophy.

When To Say Goodbye To Your Therapist

by Catherine Johnson

If you feel you've fallen into a "therapy trap" this book will help you take an impartial look at your progress, and will give you the resources to leave with the time is right.

I Feel Scared (How do You Feel?)

by Kelly Doudna

Other books in the "How do You Feel?" series are available from Bookshare.

Self Hypnosis for a Better Life

by William W. Hewitt

From the book: WE HAVE the ability to solve most, if not all, of our problems in life if we know how. Self-hypnosis is one tool that can help us solve our problems and create better lives for ourselves. This book gives actual word-for-word self-hypnosis scripts for twenty three major problem-solving situations. Most of them will most likely apply to you at some point in your life. ... This book also includes very understandable explanations of what hypnosis is and how it works.

The Last Word on Power: Re-Invention for Leaders Who Must Make the Impossible Happen

by Tracy Goss

Written for people who have already achieved a high level of personal and/or business success, this book is an invitation to anyone who desires to accomplish something so extraordinary that it currently seems impossible, either in the business world or in life. The author encourages readers to move beyond their comfort zone, even if they have found it to be a place of success, prestige, and power.

The Power in Prayer

by Charles Haddon Spurgeon

An excellent guide to effective prayer written by the famous 19th-century preacher.

We Are the Beloved: A Spiritual Journey

by Kenneth Blanchard

"My hope is to clear up your amnesia and help you remember what you once knew in childlike innocence: that there is something or someone out there bigger than you who has a divine purpose for your life. The first step in any spiritual journey is a longing for home, a yearning to reconnect with something bigger than you. The focus in this book is on "suiting up"- deliberately accepting on faith God's unconditional love for us as manifested in His gift of grace. ... Rather than trying to persuade you what to do, I'd simply like to share what I believe is an incredibly good deal. It answers the questions about self-esteem once and for all, for it's the realization that once you receive the Lord's forgiveness through grace, you have all the love you will ever need. No amount of striving for approval or achieving greater and greater things will give you more love and acceptance than you already have."

The Shattered Lantern: Rediscovering a Felt Presence of God

by Ronald Rolheiser

Rolheiser gently guides us into spiritual contemplation, and awakening.

The Abundance Book

by John Randolph Price

Consciousness is the key to life, and nothing is impossible, including the manifestation of unlimited wealth.

Healing Digestive Illness: Root Causes and Solutions; A Step-By-Step Intestinal Regeneration Program

by Russell Mariani

This book, "spotlights the importance of a healthy functioning digestive system, its central role to health and well being, and how we choose to cooperate with or insult this dynamic healing system by the food and lifestyle choices we make. [The book] carefully outlines a step-by-step journey to optimize the body's self healing process leading to total dietary freedom." (from the back cover)

The Bible Cure for Back Pain

by Don Colbert

If you have back pain, your body may be trying to tell you something. In this easy-to-read little book, you'll discover physical conditions and spiritual roots that may be contributing to your discomfort. Learn how to take care of your spine as you apply these proven strategies and God-breathed answers for eliminating your back pain. You want to be healthy. God wants you to be healthy. Now at last here's a source of information that will help you get healthy--body, mind and spirit.

Wisdom Distilled from the Daily: Living the Rule of St. Benedict Today

by Joan D. Chittister

Sister Joan Chittister presents the Benedictine lifestyle as a way to live a balanced life even outside the monastery. She provides insight into how the Rule of St. Benedict applies to the modern person's everyday lifestyle and decisions.

The Attractor Factor

by Joe Vitale

Joe Vitale is a well-known and widely respected internet marketer with both experience and results to back up the ideas in this book. He teaches readers how to apply both spiritual practices and common sense to building a business, creating wealth, or reaching other important goals. This is a must-read for anyone who wants to start a business, especially an online business.

The Holy Longing: The Search for a Christian Spirituality

by Ronald Rolheiser

Rolheiser does not assume that the reader is conversant with the language of the Church, nor does he insult the reader's intelligence. He presents the aspects of faith in God in a readable of friendly way. He covers the mysteries, the elements of worship, and the average person's struggles to be churched in a straightforward manner. This is a must read for those who want to make converts and for those who think they might want to be converted. Although the author's perspective is Roman Catholic, his explanations are useful in any nondenominational or denominational setting.

Tongue Fu! How to Deflect, Disarm and Defuse Any Verbal Conflict

by Sam Horn

From the book cover: "Looking for just the right words to cut your opponents off at the knees? Ms. Horn will probably convince you there's a better way. She teaches tactics for handling bullies, complainers, rude children, and angry people of every stripe. Her weapons are kindness, empathy, and a bit of detachment. Her anecdotes get to the bottom of conflicts with the same humor she urges on her readers."-The Dallas Morning News "If you use the strategies outlined by Horn, Tongue Fu! will change your attitude and the attitude of others. It will also change the way others treat you. This book is filled with diplomatic ways to deflect conflicts." -Foreign Service Journal "Sam Horn is a verbal black belt who knows how to counter oral attacks . . . her new book Tongue Fu! doesn't explain how to defeat opponents with linguistic karate chops. Instead, it teaches how to kill conflict with kindness."-The Seattle Times "This self-help book focuses on communication-specifically, how to see through your anger, embarrassment, and frustration to deal constructively with other people. Anecdotes and action plans . . . enliven the book."-Honolulu Star Bulletin "By focusing on real-life responses to verbal challenges instead of theories and platitudes, the author has delivered a convenient handbook for the mental martial art of verbal self-protection. Horn's book is a lively, positive guide that can be returned to time and again. A popular title for all public library collections."-Library Journal

No One is Unemployable: Creative Solutions for Overcoming Barriers to Employment

by Debra L. Angel Elisabeth E. Harney

Explains a 10-step process to overcome either the employer's or employee's barriers such as criminal record, lack of education, immigration, etc.

Our Stories: The Soul Of Sign Language Interpreting

by Marianne Decher

Short vignettes of real life sign language interpreting experiences that left a mark on interpreters' souls. Some pieces are funny, some serious. A few are written by Deaf and Deaf-Blind consumers.

Beating The Blues: New Approaches to Overcoming Dysthymia and Chronic Mild Depression

by Susan S. Lang Michael E. Thase

Discusses what thysthemia is and what makes a person susceptible to mild ongoing depression. Also outlines various possibilities for ongoing coping, not all having to do with drugs and counseling.

A Volcano in My Tummy: Helping Children to Handle Anger--A Resource Book for Parents, Caregivers and Teachers

by Eliane Whitehouse Warwick Putney

From the book jacket: Children often have problems with anger. Teachers often have problems with anger. Parents often have problems with anger. Why? Because we're afraid of anger. It may mean that someone is out of our control. It may mean that someone won't like us. It may mean that someone acts violently. This book is about living successfully, healthily, happily, nonviolently, with motivation, without fear and with good relationships. An accessible resource book for teachers, parents and all who care for children, it is full of stories, and easy-to-use games and exercises designed to encourage children to see their anger and to deal constructively with it. A Volcano in My Tummy includes sections on key concepts, building a child's self esteem, what adults can do when a child is angry, developing an anger management program, troubleshooting, and a special section for teachers that integrates the resource with other curriculum areas. Exercises are clearly described, indicating appropriate age levels, teaching strategies, materials and procedures to follow, with worksheets for the childrens' use. All are easily adaptable for use by teachers, parents or other caregivers.

The Grief Recovery Handbook: The Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Losses (revised edition)

by Rusell Friedman John W. James

are you suffering from grief and pain from loss? This book will help you move through the pain and look forward

A Children's Book About Being Bullied

by Joy Berry

This book is part of the HELP ME BE GOOD series by Joy Berry. Picture descriptions add to the enjoyment of this book. Other books by this author are available from Bookshare.

Tell It Slant: Writing and Shaping Creative Nonfiction

by Suzanne Paola Brenda Miller

When the poet Emily Dickinson wrote, "Tell all the Truth but tell it Slant," she provided today's writers of creative nonfiction some sound advice: tell the truth but don't become mere transcribers of day-to-day life. Artistic truth offers a depth and vibrancy that goes beyond the everyday. But how do we, as writers, move beyond cold fact to create elegant nonfiction that makes the most of our individual "slant" on the world we live in? The award-winning authors of Tell It Slant stretch your writing muscles as they reveal the specialized art of creative nonfiction. Whether you are writing a memoir, researched essays, or investigative reporting, the authors will guide you along your journey, using intensive instruction and an abundance of writing exercises to show you how to: Gain access to your own memories; Look for material outside of yourself; Address ethical issues when writing about other people; Tackle (and enjoy) background research; Avoid cliches and discover fresh language; And keep the passion of writing alive.

Fresh Faith: What Happens When Real Faith Ignites God's People

by Jim Cymbala Dean Merrill

Discusses ways to increase one's faith in God

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