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Anxious Politics

by Bethany Albertson Gadarian Shana Kushner

Emotions matter in politics - enthusiastic supporters return politicians to office, angry citizens march in the streets, a fearful public demands protection from the government. Anxious Politics explores the emotional life of politics, with particular emphasis on how political anxieties affect public life. When the world is scary, when politics is passionate, when the citizenry is anxious, does this politics resemble politics under more serene conditions? If politicians use threatening appeals to persuade citizens, how does the public respond? Anxious Politics argues that political anxiety triggers engagement in politics in ways that are potentially both promising and damaging for democracy. Using four substantive policy areas (public health, immigration, terrorism, and climate change), the book seeks to demonstrate that anxiety affects how we consume political news, who we trust, and what politics we support. Anxiety about politics triggers coping strategies in the political world, where these strategies are often shaped by partisan agendas.

Decluttered: Mindful Organizing for Health, Home, and Beyond

by Jenny Albertini

Have you ever wondered why you can't summon the energy to declutter those piles of clothes on the floor? Do you wish you knew what policies your workplace could offer so everyone can think more clearly and feel better at work? Or maybe you've felt confused about which ideas even deserve your attention right now? You're not alone. And if you are ready for a change, this book is for you.Coming from a public health expert who spent over two decades designing health initiatives around the world, Decluttered is a mindful exploration of how and why clutter manifests in our lives–and what we can do about it. Jenny Albertini invites readers to explore decluttering from personal and empathetic angles while acknowledging how clutter does not only manifest as "stuff" in our homes, but also in our relationships and in our everyday lives. Blending stories and science with writing prompts and creativity exercises, this book will motivate readers to examine their relationship to their surroundings while reducing clutter for their health, in their homes, in their workplaces, and beyond. Jenny shares her own transformative journey of working in clinics in Africa and training under Marie Kondo, along with inspirational moments with clients from her years as professional organizer. Decluttered will leave its readers feeling: • Enlightened about underlying health issues related to clutter; • Aware of what to prioritize for their decluttering journey; and • Ready to take tangible steps that improve their work lives, home environments, and relationships.A refreshing addition to the well-being and home genres, Decluttered helps to reduce shame and supports readers to transform their cluttered lives and spaces into foundations for healthy, balanced and intentional living.Welcome to your world, decluttered.

The Freedom Paradox: Is Unbridled Freedom Dividing America?

by Bobby Albert

Cutting through the haze of hatred and polarizing politics of our time, The Freedom Paradox offers an unexpected solution to re-unite America. It was the best of times, and it now seems like the worst of times. The chaos, discord and hostility gripping America today are evident to all. The root cause of these woes, however, is not so obvious. Using his keen sense of cultural awareness, Bobby Albert answers the questions that are on our hearts and minds, “What happened to the America of our youth?” and “How can we re-claim it?”. Many are fighting for and celebrating their freedoms, but few realize that unrestrained freedom today results in chaos and constraints tomorrow. Within The Freedom Paradox, readers discover:The “Life and Liberty Equation” and why it’s out of balanceThe competing approaches of principle and expediency The contrasts and consequences associated with scarcity and abundance mindsets The impact of what they say and how they say it The root cause of the problems of their great nation and how they can help

Hanger Management: Master Your Hunger and Improve Your Mood, Mind, and Relationships

by Susan Albers

The complete program for mastering your "hanger," from mindful-eating pioneer Dr. Susan Albers -- with 45 tips to turn hanger into happiness. It happens to all of us. One minute you're happily going about your day, and a few seconds later you're a snappy, illogical version of yourself. The culprit? Hanger. We're living busier lives than ever before, and when we forget to eat -- or accidentally overeat -- hunger can make us angry, unreasonable, and dull, with big impacts on our emotional and psychological well being. And hanger can become a cycle. When we get too hungry, we're more likely to make food decisions we regret, which sets us up for another hanger crash later on. The good news: when we make better decisions about food, we think more clearly, connect better in our relationships, and improve our performance. Hanger Management is the book that can help you break this cycle and create healthy habits that fuel and empower you.In Hanger Management, New York Times bestselling author and clinical psychologist Susan Albers sheds light on the causes of hanger, and shares 45 of her best tips for managing it well. By learning to stay on top of your hunger cues, cultivating a better understanding of your appetite, and creating a better overall relationship with food, you'll become happier -- and healthier -- for life.

Que el hambre no te devore

by Susan Albers

Domina tu apetito, mejora tu ánimo y tu relación con la comida. Es probable que alguna vez se te haya pasado la hora de comer, así que seguro reconoces esa sensación de estar primero en completa calma a luego convertirte, repentinamente, en una criatura ansiosa e irracional que sólo busca satisfacer, a como dé lugar, ese apetito feroz. Y esto se puede convertir en un círculo vicioso, porque estar hambrientos y enojados al mismo tiempo nos hace propensos a tomar decisiones alimenticias de las que nos arrepentimos enseguida, pues “llenamos la tripa” con lo primero que nos pasa enfrente. Que el hambre no te devore — escrito por la autora bestseller de The New York Times y doctora en Psicología, Susan Albers — es un libro que te ayudará a reconocer correcta y oportunamente tus señales del hambre, a cultivar un mejor entendimiento sobre tu apetito y a crear una relación con la comida mucho más saludable y consciente. Además, incluye45 consejos prácticos para mejorar tu estado de ánimo, recobrar energía y claridad mental, así como para ponerle punto final a ese ciclo tóxico que tanto afecta tu bienestar emocional y psicológico.

Impact: Great Leadership Changes Everything

by Mark Albers Tim Irwin

New York Times bestsellerFor more than 25 years, organizational psychologist and management consultant Dr. Tim Irwin has worked with thousands of leaders in well-known global companies. He knows most leaders work for recognition and advancement and they want more challenge and responsibility. He's also found this to be true: Most of us want to make a positive difference through our work and to have our lives count for something more than simply making a living. We want to make an impact.Yet when we look around our organizations, we don't see many leaders who have real impact. We see them just managing the daily rat race. Somewhere along the line, many began working for money instead of for meaning, for status instead of for a lasting legacy.In Impact, Irwin identifies the principles and beliefs that lead to great leadership-ways in which you can grow and thrive and be trusted by others. Learn how to be the kind of leader that motivates others in meaningful work and great accomplishments and what you can do to stay on track so you avoid a path of personal destruction so many leaders go down today.Accessible, humorous, and engaging, Irwin's latest book shows you how to live the vision you began your career with and then finish strong for a lasting impact, the hope of every great leader.

Mood Crystals: A Hands-on Guide to Managing your Emotional Wellbeing with Crystals

by Christel Alberez Nerissa Alberts

Organized by emotional states, this book will help you cultivate emotional intelligence as you develop greater awareness of your current mood and practice consciously with crystals. A thorough questionnaire allows you to assess what you’re feeling and decide which crystal or combination of crystals will be most beneficial to you.

El sueño del millón de dólares

by Piter Albeiro

La historia del famoso comediante Piter Albeiro quien de manera entretenida y divertida nos cuenta su historia como empresario y emprendedor y da consejos para tener éxito en estos campos. Iniciar un negocio exitoso requiere inversión,compromiso, conocimiento y, con frecuencia, muchos, muchos# ¡fracasos! Sí, así como lo leen. Piter Albeiro, uno de los comediantes más reconocidos de Colombia, comparte en este libro sus anécdotas de negocios fallidos, que van desde la vez que inauguró un puesto de fresas con crema hasta cuando creó un club exclusivo para taxistas. Todo esto para aprender a las carcajadas lo que NO hay que hacer para ganar dinero. El sueño del millón de dólares reúne todos los aprendizajes, los tropiezos y los triunfos del autor, con el propósito de hacernos saber que ser exitosos requiere dedicación pero, sobre todo, pasión y mucho amor. Porque los sueños realmente no se cumplen: ¡se trabajan!

El sueño del millón de dólares

by Piter Albeiro

La historia del famoso comediante Piter Albeiro quien de manera entretenida y divertida nos cuenta su historia como empresario y emprendedor y da consejos para tener éxito en estos campos. Iniciar un negocio exitoso requiere inversión,compromiso, conocimiento y, con frecuencia, muchos, muchos# ¡fracasos! Sí, así como lo leen. Piter Albeiro, uno de los comediantes más reconocidos de Colombia, comparte en este libro sus anécdotas de negocios fallidos, que van desde la vez que inauguró un puesto de fresas con crema hasta cuando creó un club exclusivo para taxistas. Todo esto para aprender a las carcajadas lo que NO hay que hacer para ganar dinero. El sueño del millón de dólares reúne todos los aprendizajes, los tropiezos y los triunfos del autor, con el propósito de hacernos saber que ser exitosos requiere dedicación pero, sobre todo, pasión y mucho amor. Porque los sueños realmente no se cumplen: ¡se trabajan!

The Honest Life: Living Naturally and True to You

by Jessica Alba

As a new mom, Jessica Alba wanted to create the safest, healthiest environment for her family. But she was frustrated by the lack of trustworthy information on how to live healthier and cleaner—delivered in a way that a busy mom could act on without going to extremes. In 2012, with serial entrepreneur Brian Lee and environmental advocate Christopher Gavigan, she launched The Honest Company, a brand where parents can find reliable information and products that are safe, stylish, and affordable. The Honest Life shares the insights and strategies she gathered along the way.The Honest Life recounts Alba's personal journey of discovery and reveals her tips for making healthy living fun, real, and stylish, while offering a candid look inside her home and daily life. She shares strategies for maintaining a clean diet (with favorite family-friendly recipes) and embraces nontoxic choices at home and provides eco-friendly decor tips to fit any budget. Alba also discusses cultivating a daily eco beauty routine, finding one's personal style without resorting to yoga pants, and engaging in fun, hands-on activities with kids. Her solutions are easy, chic, and down-to-earth: they're honest. And discovering everyday ways to live naturally and authentically—true to you—could be honestly life-changing.

Emotional Bullshit: The Hidden Plague that Is Threatening to Destroy Your Relationships-and How to S top It

by Alasko Carl Paul

An invisible disease is affecting every aspect of your life. Insidious and creeping, it shapes you everyday – from the bedroom to the boardroom, from your shopping splurge, to the extra helping at your holiday dinner, to the dangerous liaison at work. It’s called emotional bullshit, and it’s encroaching on your happiness. In Emotional Bullshit: The Hidden Plague That Is Threatening to Destroy Your Relationships – AND HOW TO STOP IT , Carl Alasko, Ph. D. sheds light on the stealth disease of Emotional BS: that is, the Toxic Trio of denial, delusion and blame that we fall back on when faced with difficult situations. These three dynamics work together to distort and manipulate truth, create a delusional reality, and shift blame when things fall apart. With the toxic trio in action, it’s all but impossible to get at the heart of the problem. The result, however, is obvious – no one can achieve happiness and fulfillment. And when used in the world of business, Emotional BS can lead to financial ruin. In his over twenty years working with individuals, couples and families as a psychotherapist, Dr. Alasko has come to recognize the same problem underlying all his patients’ unhappiness. When confronted with an unpleasant or inconvenient reality, they fall prey to the TOXIC TRIO: DENIAL: “My girlfriend enjoys a ‘good time’ at parties, sure. But she doesn’t have a drinking problem. ” Decoded: There is no problem. Everything is okay. You’re exaggerating See: the drinker, the overweight, the wallet full of maxed-out credit cards (pg 12) DELUSION: “Working late isn’t a problem. My family will understand when I get that big promotion. ” Decoded: I’ll tell you what’s true. Don’t believe what you see – believe me. See: the demanding boss, the neglected partner, the alienated friend (pgs 63, 138) BLAME: “She knew I hated sloppiness when she married me. Why can’t she pick up after herself?” Decoded: You’re the problem. I was forced to do it; I had no choice. See: the clean freak, sub-prime mortgages, Napoleon Bonaparte (pgs 45, 84) When the Toxic Trio works together, we become stuck in a cycle of emotional BS, preventing us from moving on or learning from our mistakes. Emotional bullshit’s pervasiveness in society can be found everywhere, from rising divorce rates, weight gain, and debt, to angry outbursts at work, loss of control over our children, and a lack of fulfillment in our lives. The solution is deceptively simple: You focus on your Core Needs, which is any behavior that advances your long-term best interest, and ask yourself the Master Question—“What do I need from this situation?”. Honestly addressing the larger issue – not just in the short term – cuts the BS in every relationship: between friends, co-workers, couples, in parenting and especially in business. Frank, concise and unapologetic, EMOTIONAL BULLSHIT sheds light on this hidden plague, and provides concrete advice to keep it from infiltrating your relationships. .

Beyond Blame

by Alasko Carl

The inspiring new book from the author of Emotional Bullshit reveals why no one is to blame-but everyone's accountable. For many, a rare day goes by in which the need to blame does not arise-be it to cover one's own errors or just to assign an unfortunate event some kind of name (i. e. , "If only X hadn't said X, we wouldn't be in this mess. ") And even for those who are somewhat better at keeping the impulse in check-it is still there. According to psychologist Carl Alasko, blame is such an intrinsic part of how we humans communicate that we rarely take a look at what we're actually doing-and how it can affect our relationships. In this book, Alasko reveals that the need to assign blame when something bad happens stems from a very deep desire we all share to "see justice done". Understandable when a grave crime has been committed, but it can become a dangerous habit if we begin to operate as though placing blame were somehow necessary if we want to change something or someone in our world. Yet this feeling that "someone has to pay" is seldom productive in initiating positive change. In Beyond Blame, Alasko teaches readers to recognize destruction that blame causes in their lives-oftentimes without their even being aware-and to put an end to it once and for all. The path to eliminating blame is not a quick or easy one but, as Carl Alasko demonstrates, it is a road that must be traveled if we hope to achieve true peace in our lives. .

Say This, Not That

by Carl Alasko

Do you words often crate the opposite effect of what you were hoping for―escalating tensions rather than solving problems? The author of Emotional Bullshit, Carl Alasko, believes that anyone can learn effective communication skills. In Say This, Not That, he provides simple instructions for what to say―and what not to say―in the moments when it really counts 9and not after the fact, when it doesn't). Accompanying each set of statements is a brief discussion about what makes one statement negative and destructive, and the other positive and effective. Guiding you in cultivating the ability to say what you really want to say in all areas of life―from dating and relationships to parenting and the workplace―Say This, Not That, is the ultimate resource for anyone who longs to consistently say the right thing at the right time. 'There's been a lot of conversation about holding better conversations, but in Say This, Not That, Carl Alasko takes you to a new level of practicality. With content your can apply immediately, you'll discover ways to enhance all of your relationships. ' John G. Miller, author of QBQ! The Question Behind the Question, Outstanding! and Parenting the QBQ Way'This straightforward, easy-to-use guide will help you find the right words to say in the trickiest of situations. ' Laurie Puhn, J. D. , author of Fight Less, Love More

As We Understood: A Collection of Spiritual Insights

by Al-Anon Family Groups

This book is a collection of spiritual writings by members of Al-Anon Family Groups. Al-Anon Family Groups is for those who have been effected by someone's drinking. From the preface: "What gives hope to Al-Anon/Alateen members? Many have experienced situations that others would find unbearable, yet they develop strength and hope for the future. "I looked around me at group meetings and saw a few people as hurt and bitter and angry as I was," said one member, "but most were facing life as it came. They were able to accept what I thought were outrageous situations. And I wanted to learn how they did it."

Courage to Change: One Day at a Time in Al-Anon

by Al-Anon Family Groups

This daily meditation book shares the experience, strength and hope of those who are recovering from the effects of another's drinking. Those who work the Al-Anon program practice the twelve steps of Alcoholics Annonymous and apply them to their daily lives. For more information on Al-Anon call 888-4al-anon.

Paths to Recovery: Al-Anon's Steps, Traditions and Concepts

by Al-Anon Family Groups

This comprehensive volume will guide Al-Anon members worldwide as they study the program's three legacies and put them to work in their lives.

Opening Our Hearts: Transforming Our Losses

by Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters

From Contents - Grief as a Process; Living with the Family Disease of Alcoholism; Loss of the Dream; Grieving for Our Childhood; Loss in Relationships; Death of a Loved One; Dealing with Our Feelings; Taking Care of Ourselves Spiritual Growth from Grieving.

The Little Vanilla Book

by Lux Alani

Lace up your corset and embrace your stiletto swagger with this unblushing guide to personal growth using the virtues of (gasp!) S&M.Offering mighty insights on everything from whipping negativity into submission to breaking the bondage of bad self-body image, The Little Vanilla Book gives you the tools you need to awaken the heroine deep inside and open your life to a scintillating new world of self discovery. Within the pages of this loving and bawdy exploration of all things you, former dominatrix Lux Alani uses her personal experiences and research to uncover the surprising truth that some of the primary lessons and practices found in the world of kink aren't just for the kinksters--with the right mindset they're for you too. But wait! If you're nervous that you'll need to buy a paddle and latex catsuit to get your transformation on, don't worry! This isn't about getting into the kink scene or practicing BDSM. Looking at five key aspects of every woman's life: authenticity, confidence, body image, resilience, and fear, The Little Vanilla Book is truly about taking a unique journey to self-love and empowerment--one that shows you how to unchain your courage, reclaim your awesome self, and live your truth with gusto.

Grace and Tranquility

by Eric Alan

Grace and Tranquility maps a shared journey down natural paths of ease and calm found in stillness and the world's persistent beauty. Through exquisite nature photography and meditative wisdom, Grace and Tranquility guides readers into a daily practice of peace, even in the midst of conflict and uncertainty.Chapter topics range from "Inside the Living Storm" to "Walking Softly Beyond," and author Eric Alan's explorations include "The Beauty of Doubt,""Aligning with Purpose," and "Intimate with Integrity." Alan approaches relationships with the Earth, people in our lives, and even politics and money with equal candor and clarity.The photography uniquely enriches the words, expanding the readers' understanding of the text.Additionally, Grace and Tranquility is available with the CD of the same title by Gypsy Soul. "Cilette Swann's voice is haunting, and Roman Morykit's musicianship is superb. Their music stirs the soul and moves the spirit."- Monica Rizzo, People MagazineGypsy Soul has been listed as a "TOP PICK / CRITIC'S CHOICE" in 40 publications - LA Times, SF Chronicle, LA Almanac, OC Register, OC Weekly, Pacific Sun. Park Record, Desert Post Weekly, Performing Songwriter, Monterey County Herald, Coast Weekly, Jefferson Monthly, Where Magazine, Medford Tribune, San Francisco Herald, Standard Examiner, SLC Weekly, The Deseret, Bass Player, Ashland Daily Tidings & others.

Grace and Tranquility

by Eric Alan

Grace and Tranquility maps a shared journey down natural paths of ease and calm found in stillness and the world's persistent beauty. Through exquisite nature photography and meditative wisdom, Grace and Tranquility guides readers into a daily practice of peace, even in the midst of conflict and uncertainty.Chapter topics range from "Inside the Living Storm" to "Walking Softly Beyond," and author Eric Alan's explorations include "The Beauty of Doubt,""Aligning with Purpose," and "Intimate with Integrity." Alan approaches relationships with the Earth, people in our lives, and even politics and money with equal candor and clarity.The photography uniquely enriches the words, expanding the readers' understanding of the text.Additionally, Grace and Tranquility is available with the CD of the same title by Gypsy Soul. "Cilette Swann's voice is haunting, and Roman Morykit's musicianship is superb. Their music stirs the soul and moves the spirit."- Monica Rizzo, People MagazineGypsy Soul has been listed as a "TOP PICK / CRITIC'S CHOICE" in 40 publications - LA Times, SF Chronicle, LA Almanac, OC Register, OC Weekly, Pacific Sun. Park Record, Desert Post Weekly, Performing Songwriter, Monterey County Herald, Coast Weekly, Jefferson Monthly, Where Magazine, Medford Tribune, San Francisco Herald, Standard Examiner, SLC Weekly, The Deseret, Bass Player, Ashland Daily Tidings & others.

Getting Good at Being You: Learning to Love Who God Made You to Be

by Lauren Alaina

With a little bit of country, a whole lot of faith, and a healthy dose of sass, award-winning singer-songwriter Lauren Alaina's debut book, Getting Good at Being You, invites you to take the road less traveled as you step right up to who God calls you to be.After years in the spotlight on American Idol and Dancing with the Stars, country music star Lauren Alaina has learned a thing or two about fighting self-doubt and feeling at home in her own skin. In Getting Good at Being You, Lauren shares stories about everything from lost loves to getting a nose ring to battling an eating disorder to grieving a loved one&’s death. Each story leads to practical tips, take-it-on-the-road strategies, and encouragement for your own personal and spiritual growth.In this book, you will be inspired to:speak to yourself with kindness and compassionchase the dreams that light your spirit on firecultivate rich relationships with family and friendsidentify self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviorsoffer forgiveness for yourself and othersThroughout the book, you will find:behind-the-scenes photos from Lauren's career in country music.lists, tips, and strategies to boost your self-confidence.prompts to help you dream big and run toward who you are.This beautiful book is a perfect gift forwomen who celebrate other womenbirthday celebrations or career promotionshigh school and college graduationsfans who want to know more about country music stardomEach of us deserves head-over-heels, can't-get-enough, shout-it-from-the-mountaintops self-love. By the final page of Getting Good at Being You, that's just the kind of confidence you'll have. As Lauren discovered, maybe life is getting good after all.

The Leader Phrase Book: 3,000+ Powerful Phrases That Put You In Command

by Patrick Alain

Easily find the right words to respond like a leader in any situation, communicate effectively, and make your way to success.The Leader Phrase Book contains more than 3,000 dynamic phrases that will enable you to prevail in virtually all of life’s important situations. You will be in command of your words and always stay ahead of the game. With this passport to success, you will begin a new journey on which you are among the charismatic, the untouchable . . . the elite.This easy-to-use reference book will give you a new image you can take pride in helping you to quickly reach your full leadership potential. You will have all the weapons to effectively succeed whenever vibrant, forceful language is required. It works like magic!The Leader Phrase Book will teach you how to:• Speak like a leader• Master all conversations• Attain a charismatic presence• Gain the respect of others• Achieve a lightning-fast rhetoric• Find the right phrases instantly• Argue effectively• Be the envy of all you meetThe Leader Phrase Book is the culmination of ten years of Patrick’s personal research on how leaders communicate. It is the summation of his efforts to share one of the most invaluable skills in life: “how to put yourself in command.”Praise for The Leader Phrase Book“This refreshing and practical tool will help to enlarge, promote, and articulate the world of communication.” —Cristina Roggero, Pepperdine University professor of literature“An indispensable tool to help you become quickly fluent in phrases that put you ahead in the marketplace.” —Tony Azar, Homeland Security Chief Engineer“A must read for anyone who wants to move ahead in business.” —Jami Levesque, technical director of 300 and Transformers 3

Over the Influence: Why Social Media is Toxic for Women and Girls - And How We Can Take it Back

by Kara Alaimo

This essential book is a rallying cry for women to recognize and reject the ways social media is being weaponized against us — and instead wield it to empower ourselves.In Over the Influence, communication professor and CNN Opinion contributor Kara Alaimo reveals how social media is affecting every aspect of the lives of women and girls—from our relationships and our parenting to our physical and mental well-being. Over the Influence is a book about what it means to live in the world social media has wrought—whether you&’re constantly connected or have deleted your accounts forever. Alaimo shows why you&’re likely to get fewer followers if you&’re a woman. She explains how fake news is crafted to prey on women&’s vulnerabilities. She reveals why so much of the content we find in our feeds is specifically designed to hold us back. And she explains how social media has made the offline world an uglier place for women.But we can change this. Alaimo offers up brilliant advice for how to get over the influence—how to handle our daughters&’ use of social media, use dating apps to find the partners we&’re looking for, use social networks to bolster our careers, and protect ourselves from sextortionists, catfishers, and trolls. She also explains what we need to demand from lawmakers and tech companies.Over the Influence calls on women to recognize and call out the subtle (and not-so-subtle) sexism and misogyny we find online, reject misinformation that is targeted to us because of our gender, and use our platforms to empower ourselves and other women.

The Money is Coming: Your guide to manifesting more money

by Sarah Akwisombe

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERWhat if you could attract more money just by changing how you think?In The Money Is Coming, Sarah Akwisombe, founder of No Bull Business School, gives you an easy-to-follow, ten step system to manifest more money into your life. By using a unique blend of Sarah's no bullsh*t style and an honest, inquisitive look at the universe and the law of attraction, you will learn to re-programme your brain to work for you, breaking down negative money blocks to replace them with new thought patterns for a positive money mindset. This book will have you seeing new money opportunities, feeling excited about your financial future and on the road to living your best life.

The Money is Coming: Your guide to manifesting more money

by Sarah Akwisombe

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERWhat if you could attract more money just by changing how you think?In The Money Is Coming, Sarah Akwisombe, founder of No Bull Business School, gives you an easy-to-follow, ten step system to manifest more money into your life. By using a unique blend of Sarah's no bullsh*t style and an honest, inquisitive look at the universe and the law of attraction, you will learn to re-programme your brain to work for you, breaking down negative money blocks to replace them with new thought patterns for a positive money mindset. This book will have you seeing new money opportunities, feeling excited about your financial future and on the road to living your best life.

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