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Ethiopian Migrant Domestic Workers: Migrant Agency and Social Change (Mobility & Politics)

by Bina Fernandez

This book tells the stories of the Ethiopian women who migrate to work as domestic workers in the Middle East. Drawing on qualitative research in Ethiopia, Lebanon and Kuwait, the author reveals how women’s aspirations to migrate are constituted within unequal gendered structures of opportunity in Ethiopia and asks us to consider how gender, race, class and nationality intersect in the construction of migrant subjectivities and agency. By analysing the impact of migration on social reproduction both in Ethiopia and the destination countries, the book offers fresh empirical and theoretical insights into the largest stream of women’s autonomous international migration from Africa.

Ethiopian Jewish Immigrants in Israel: The Homeland Postponed

by Tanya Schwarz

This is an ethnographic study of Ethiopian Jews, or Beta Israel, a few years after their migration from rural Ethiopia to urban Israel. For the Beta Israel, the most significant issue is not, as is commonly assumed, adaptation to modern society, but rather 'belonging' in their new homeland, and the loss of control they are experiencing over their lives and those of their children. Ethiopian Jewish immigrants resist those aspects of the dominant society which they dislike: they reject normative Jewish practices and uphold Beta Israel religious and cultural ones, ideologically counteract disparaging Israeli attitudes, develop strong ethnic bonds and engage in overt forms of resistance. The difficulties of the present are also overcome by creating a perfect past and an ideal future: in what the author calls 'the homeland postponed', all Jews will be united in a colour-blind world of material plenty and purity.

Ethiopia Photographed: Historic Photographs of the Country and its People Taken Between 1867 and 1935

by Richard Pankhurst

Following the very successful Ethiopia Engraved, an illustrated book of engravings by foreign travellers from 1681 to 1900, Ethiopia Photographed covers the period from the inception of photography in the country up to the Italian Fascist invasion in 1936. The people, terrain, buildings and rulers of Ethiopia - such as Emperor Melenik, Lej Iyasu and Emperor Haile Selassie - make it a highly photogenic country, as this lavishly illustrated book reveals. Situated in lofty, often inaccessible mountains between the Red Sea and the Blue Nile, and extending far into the Horn of Africa, it is a complex and mysterious country which as always exercised an extraordinary fascination for the outside world. The book begins with an introduction which gives a brief history of Ethiopia in this period, and describes the role of photography at this time. The richly captured images of Ethiopia Photographed bear witness to many personalities and places not previously seen and, in many cases, now lost for all time but for the photogenic memories recorded here.

Ethiopia Electoral, Political Parties Laws and Regulations Handbook: Strategic Information, Regulations, Procedures

by International Business Publications Usa

Ethiopia Electoral, Political Parties Laws and Regulations Handbook: Strategic Information, Regulations, Procedures

Ethiopia and the Red Sea: The Rise and Decline of the Solomonic Dynasty and Muslim European Rivalry in the Region

by Mordechai Abir

First Published in 1980. An important waterway for international trade, the Red Sea is about 2000 kms. long and generally between 200-300 kms. wide. In its southern part the Arabian peninsula approaches the Horn of Africa to a distance of about 25 kms. This book is partly the outcome of research for the chapter called 'Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa' (from the middle of the sixteenth century until the middle of the eighteenth century), published in the fourth volume of the Cambridge History of Africa. The extensive research conducted for several summers between 1967 and 1971 for a forty-page chapter resulted in substantial material in order to create this volume.

Ethik in den Ingenieurwissenschaften: Eine Annäherung

by Uta Breuer Dieter D. Genske

Die Ingenieurwissenschaften tragen wesentlich zur Gestaltung unserer Zukunft bei. Umso mehr überrascht es, dass ethische Fragen in ingenieurwissenschaftliche Curricula kaum einfließen. Auch praktizierenden Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren bleibt die Thematik zumeist fremd. In dieser Edition wird der ethische Anspruch der Ingenieurwissenschaften historisch aufgearbeitet, neu definiert und an aktuellen Beispielen wie dem Dieselskandal, der Klimakrise, den Suchmaschinen und sozialen Netzwerken, der künstlichen Intelligenz und der Covid19-Pandemie verdeutlicht. Dabei sollen sowohl Studierende als auch Praktizierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften angesprochen werden

Ethik des Computerspielens: Eine Grundlegung (Techno:Phil – Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Technikphilosophie #4)

by Samuel Ulbricht

Trotz der steigenden Zahl an Computerspielern weltweit markiert die moralische Einordnung von Computerspielhandlungen ein bislang ungelöstes Rätsel der philosophischen Ethik. Angesichts der Brisanz der Thematik im Alltag (zu sehen an der ‚Killerspiel-Debatte‘) ist augenfällig, dass es einer differenzierten fachlichen Klärung des Phänomens bedarf: Kann das Spielen von Computerspielen unmoralisch sein? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage erörtert der Autor zunächst, was wir überhaupt tun, wenn wir Computerspiele spielen: Über welche Art von Handlung sprechen wir? Im zweiten Schritt erfolgt eine moralische Einordnung, die erschließt, ob (und wenn ja, warum) manche Computerspielhandlungen moralisch problematisch sind. Die hier angestellten Überlegungen gewähren einen grundlegenden Einblick in die normative Dimension des Computerspielens.Samuel Ulbricht hat in Stuttgart Philosophie und Deutsch auf Lehramt studiert und dort sein erstes Staatsexamen mit Auszeichnung absolviert. Für seine Abschlussarbeit zur Ethik des Computerspielens erhielt er den „Preis der Freunde der Universität Stuttgart“. Aktuelle Forschungsschwerpunkte sind normative Unterschiede der Moraltheorien, Problembereiche der angewandten Ethik sowie die Ästhetik und Ethik des Computerspielens. Derzeit unterrichtet er die Fächer Deutsch und Ethik am Liselotte-Gymnasium in Mannheim.

Ethik der mediatisierten Welt

by Matthias Rath

Der Band erweitert die Medienethik über Medieninhalte und Medienpraxis hinaus zur ,,Ethik der mediatisierten Welt". Er fußt dabei einerseits auf der Einsicht in die grundsätzliche Medialität des Menschen sowie die daraus folgende Prägung seiner gesellschaftlichen Realität und überbrückt andererseits die Kluft zwischen normativer Ethik und deskriptiven Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften. Eine Ethik der mediatisierten Welt muss dabei nicht nur die eigenen philosophischen Wurzeln bedenken, sondern die medienethischen Grundbegriffe auch interdisziplinär beherrschen. Sie wird daher als integrative Disziplin zwischen Philosophie und Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften verstanden.

Ethik der mediatisierten Welt: Grundlagen und Perspektiven

by Matthias Rath

Der Band erweitert die Medienethik über Medieninhalte und Medienpraxis hinaus zur „Ethik der mediatisierten Welt“. Er fußt dabei einerseits auf der Einsicht in die grundsätzliche Medialität des Menschen sowie die daraus folgende Prägung seiner gesellschaftlichen Realität und überbrückt andererseits die Kluft zwischen normativer Ethik und deskriptiven Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften. Eine Ethik der mediatisierten Welt muss dabei nicht nur die eigenen philosophischen Wurzeln bedenken, sondern die medienethischen Grundbegriffe auch interdisziplinär beherrschen. Sie wird daher als integrative Disziplin zwischen Philosophie und Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften verstanden.​

Ethics, Society and Politics: Themes from the Philosophy of Peter Winch (Nordic Wittgenstein Studies #6)

by Michael Campbell Lynette Reid

This volume is a reappraisal of the work of Peter Guy Winch (1926 -1997), one of the most important philosophers of the 20th Century. Winch faded into relative obscurity compared to his contemporaries due to a mistaken belief that there are no systematic connections between the different aspects of his work. This volume corrects that presupposition and reintroduces Winch's work to a new generation of scholars. By showing how ethical, political and social issues are interrelated in Winch's work, and by making clear the connections between these issues and themes in metaphysics and the philosophy of mind, the volume demonstrates both the breadth and the unity of Winch's approach. It discusses topics such as ethics, political philosophy, social science, the philosophy of action, the philosophy of mind, metaphysics, and the philosophy of language. Despite this apparent variety of topics, the contributors to the volume share Winch's conviction that the different areas of philosophy are interdependent. As a result, the volume as a whole shows unity in diversity and provides an example of a manner of philosophising in which different approaches and sub-disciplines are placed in dialogue with each other. Peter Guy Winch is most famous for his early work on the philosophy of the social sciences. His On the Idea of a Social Science and its Relation to Philosophy (ISS) generated controversy within both philosophical and social scientific circles. In that work and subsequent publications Winch argued against the presupposition that social relations could be understood using the conceptual tools of the natural sciences. Winch would later describe ISS as a 'young man's book' and would come to regret the reputation it garnered him - a mixture of roughly equal degrees fame and infamy. Alongside his work on the philosophy of social sciences, Winch was an interpreter and exegete of Wittgenstein. He also published a ground-breaking study of the philosophy of Simone Weil, entitled Simone Weil: The Just Balance. Winch also published numerous essays on issues in ethics, political philosophy and the philosophy of religion, and at his death was working on a book manuscript on the problem of political authority.

The Ethics Rupture: Exploring Alternatives to Formal Research-Ethics Review

by Ann Hamilton Will C. van den Hoonaard

For decades now, researchers in the social sciences and humanities have been expressing a deep dissatisfaction with the process of research-ethics review in academia. Continuing the ongoing critique of ethics review begun in Will C. van den Hoonaard's Walking the Tightrope and The Seduction of Ethics, The Ethics Rupture offers both an account of the system's failings and a series of proposals on how to ensure that social research is ethical, rather than merely compliant with institutional requirements.Containing twenty-five essays written by leading experts from around the world in various disciplines, The Ethics Rupture is a landmark study of the problems caused by our current research-ethics system and the ways in which scholars are seeking solutions.

Ethics on the Laboratory Floor

by Simone van der Burg Tsjalling Swierstra

This volume unites ethicists and social scientists to contribute to a new type of technology ethics. Cooperation with scientists makes it possible to anticipate ethical questions and problems at a stage when the technology can still be changed.

The Ethics of Witness: Dailiness and History in Hou Hsiao-hsien’s Films

by Xiao Cai

This book explores the aesthetic and ethical ways in which history and daily life are filmically represented and witnessed in Taiwanese director Hou Hsiao-hsien’s movies. From the era of the Japanese Occupation to the White Horror and then to the lifting of martial law, the author shows how Hou Hsiao-hsien uses visual media to evoke the rhythms of daily life through the emotional memory of the characters and communities he explores. In particular, the book focuses on the ways in which Hou Hsiao-hsien seeks to reflect the strong dilemmas of identity and the traumatic emotions associated with witnessing history. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, it investigates the concepts of daily life, representation and historical trauma in order to focus on how these films represent history and political trauma through the nature of daily life and personal memories, and the resulting historical responsibility and ethics. This is the first academic monography about Hou Hsiao-hsien’s films.

The Ethics of What We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter

by Peter Singer Jim Mason

Peter Singer, the groundbreaking ethicist whom The New Yorker calls the most influential philosopher alive teams up again with Jim Mason, his coauthor on the acclaimed Animal Factories, to set their critical sights on the food we buy and eat: where it comes from, how it is produced, and whether it was raised humanely. The Ethics of What We Eat explores the impact our food choices have on humans, animals, and the environment. Recognizing that not all of us will become vegetarians, Singer and Mason offer ways to make healthful, humane food choices. As they point out: You can be ethical without being fanatical.

The Ethics of War in Asian Civilizations: A Comparative Perspective

by Torkel Brekke

This book explores how issues of ethics in war and warfare have been treated by major ethical traditions of Asia. It opens a discussion about whether there are universal standards in the ideologies of warfare between the major religious traditions of the world. While the chapters are written by specialists in Asian cultures, some of the conceptual apparatus is drawn from the scholarly discourse on just war, developed in the study of the ethical tradition of Christianity. Taking a comparative approach, the book looks at six different Asian religious, philosophical and political traditions: Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, China and Japan; and is organized according to geography. This innovative approach opens a new field of research on war and ideology, and extends the debate on modern warfare, universalism and human rights.

The Ethics of Vulnerability: A Feminist Analysis of Social Life and Practice (Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory)

by Erinn Gilson

As concerns about violence, war, terrorism, sexuality, and embodiment have garnered attention in philosophy, the concept of vulnerability has become a shared reference point in these discussions. As a fundamental part of the human condition, vulnerability has significant ethical import: how one responds to vulnerability matters, whom one conceives as vulnerable and which criteria are used to make such demarcations matters, how one deals with one’s own vulnerability matters, and how one understands the meaning of vulnerability matters. Yet, the meaning of vulnerability is commonly taken for granted and it is assumed that vulnerability is almost exclusively negative, equated with weakness, dependency, powerlessness, deficiency, and passivity. This reductively negative view leads to problematic implications, imperiling ethical responsiveness to vulnerability, and so prevents the concept from possessing the normative value many theorists wish it to have. When vulnerability is regarded as weakness and, concomitantly, invulnerability is prized, attentiveness to one’s own vulnerability and ethical response to vulnerable others remain out of reach goals. Thus, this book critiques the ideal of invulnerability, analyzes the problems that arise from a negative view of vulnerability, and articulates in its stead a non-dualistic concept of vulnerability that can remedy these problems.

The Ethics of Tourism Development (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility)

by Rosaleen Duffy Mick Smith

Drawing upon a variety of important philosophical traditions, this book develops an original perspective on the relations between ethical, economic and aesthetic values in a tourism context. It considers the ethical/political issues arising in many areas of tourism development, including: the profound cultural and environmental impacts on tourist destinations the reciprocity (or lack of) in host-guest relations the (un)fair distribution of benefits and revenues the moral implications of issues such as sex tourism, staged authenticity and travel to oppressive regimes. The book concludes with a detailed investigation of the potential and pitfalls of ecotourism, sustainable tourism and community-based tourism, as examples of what is sometimes termed 'ethical tourism.'Until now, the ethical issues that surround tourism development have received little academic attention. Explaining philosophical arguments without the use of excessive jargon, this fascinating book interweaves theory and practice, aided by the use of text boxes to explain key terms in ethics, politics, and tourism development, and drawing on contemporary case studies from South Africa, Mexico, Zambia, Honduras, Ethiopia and Madagascar.

The Ethics of the New Eugenics

by Calum Mackellar Christopher Bechtel

Strategies or decisions aimed at affecting, in a manner considered to be positive, the genetic heritage of a child in the context of human reproduction are increasingly being accepted in contemporary society. As a result, unnerving similarities between earlier selection ideology so central to the discredited eugenic regimes of the 20th century and those now on offer suggest that a new era of eugenics has dawned. The time is ripe, therefore, for considering and evaluating from an ethical perspective both current and future selection practices. This inter-disciplinary volume blends research from embryology, genetics, philosophy, sociology, psychology, and history. In so doing, it constructs a thorough picture of the procedures emerging from today's reproductive developments, including a rigorous ethical argumentation concerning the possible advantages and risks related to the new eugenics.

The Ethics of Survival in Contemporary Literature and Culture

by Rudolf Freiburg Gerd Bayer

The Ethics of Survival in Contemporary Literature and Culture delves into the complex problems involved in all attempts to survive. The essays analyze survival in contemporary prose narratives, short stories, poems, dramas, and theoretical texts, but also in films and other modes of cultural practices. Addressing diverse topics such as memory and forgetting in Holocaust narratives, stories of refugees and asylum seekers, and representations of war, the ethical implications involved in survival in texts and media are brought into a transnational critical discussion. The volume will be of potential interest to a wide range of critics working on ethical issues, the body, and the politics of art and literature.

The Ethics of Staying: Social Movements and Land Rights Politics in Pakistan (South Asia in Motion)

by Mubbashir A. Rizvi

The military coup that brought General Pervez Musharraf to power as Pakistan's tenth president resulted in the abolition of a century-old sharecropping system that was rife with corruption. In its place the military regime implemented a market reform policy of cash contract farming. Ostensibly meant to improve living conditions for tenant farmers, the new system, instead, mobilized one of the largest, most successful land rights movements in South Asia—still active today. In The Ethics of Staying, Mubbashir A. Rizvi presents an original framework for understanding this major social movement, called the Anjuman Mazarin Punjab (AMP). This group of Christian and Muslim tenant sharecroppers, against all odds, successfully resisted Pakistan military's bid to monetize state-owned land, making a powerful moral case for land rights by invoking local claims to land and a broader vision for subsistence rights.The case of AMP provides a unique lens through which to examine state and society relations in Pakistan, one that bridges literatures from subaltern studies, military and colonial power, and the language of claim-making. Rizvi also offers a glimpse of Pakistan that challenges its standard framing as a hub of radical militancy, by opening a window into to the everyday struggles that are often obscured in the West's terror discourse.

The Ethics of Sightseeing

by Dean Maccannell

Is travel inherently beneficial to human character? Does it automatically educate and enlighten while also promoting tolerance, peace, and understanding? In this challenging book, Dean MacCannell identifies and overcomes common obstacles to ethical sightseeing. Through his unique combination of personal observation and in-depth scholarship, MacCannell ventures into specific tourist destinations and attractions: "picturesque" rural and natural landscapes, "hip" urban scenes, historic locations of tragic events, Disney theme parks, beaches, and travel poster ideals. He shows how strategies intended to attract tourists carry unintended consequences when they migrate to other domains of life and reappear as "staged authenticity." Demonstrating each act of sightseeing as an ethical test, the book shows how tourists can realize the productive potential of their travel desires, penetrate the collective unconscious, and gain character, insight, and connection to the world.

The Ethics of Seeing: Photography and Twentieth-Century German History (Studies in German History #21)

by Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann Paul Betts Jennifer Evans

Throughout Germany's tumultuous twentieth century, photography was an indispensable form of documentation. Whether acting as artists, witnesses, or reformers, both professional and amateur photographers chronicled social worlds through successive periods of radical upheaval. The Ethics of Seeing brings together an international group of scholars to explore the complex relationship between the visual and the historic in German history. Emphasizing the transformation of the visual arena and the ways in which ordinary people made sense of world events, these revealing case studies illustrate photography's multilayered role as a new form of representation, a means to subjective experience, and a fresh mode of narrating the past.

An Ethics of Science Communication

by Fabien Medvecky Joan Leach

This book presents the first comprehensive set of principles for an ethics of science communication. We all want to communicate science ethically, but how do we do so? What does being ethical when communicating science even mean? The authors argue that ethical reasoning is essential training for science communicators. The book provides an overview of the relationship between values, science, and communication. Ethical problems are examined to consider how to create an ethics of science communication. These issues range from the timing of communication, narratives, accuracy and persuasion, to funding and the client-public tension. The book offers a tailor-made ethics of science communication based on principlism. Case studies are used to demonstrate how this tailor-made ethics can be applied in practice.

The Ethics of Research with Children and Young People: A Practical Handbook

by Priscilla Alderson Virginia Morrow

A practical guide to carrying out ethical research with children and young people, this practical handbook examines the ethical questions that arise at each stage of research, from first plans to dissemination and impact. Illustrated with case studies from international and inter-disciplinary research, it offers advice for addressing each ethical question, issue or uncertainty. Including: • A showcase of the best practice on a range of topics including data protection • Practical guidance for responding to recent global changes in policy and practice in ethics and law • Discussion of the challenges and opportunities of digital research with children The updated second edition continues to provide an excellent resource for those exploring the old, current and new consensuses on the ethics of researching with children.

The Ethics of Research with Children and Young People: A Practical Handbook

by Priscilla Alderson Virginia Morrow

A practical guide to carrying out ethical research with children and young people, this practical handbook examines the ethical questions that arise at each stage of research, from first plans to dissemination and impact. Illustrated with case studies from international and inter-disciplinary research, it offers advice for addressing each ethical question, issue or uncertainty. Including: • A showcase of the best practice on a range of topics including data protection • Practical guidance for responding to recent global changes in policy and practice in ethics and law • Discussion of the challenges and opportunities of digital research with children The updated second edition continues to provide an excellent resource for those exploring the old, current and new consensuses on the ethics of researching with children.

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