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Aging, Aging Populations and Welfare (International Perspectives on Aging #40)

by Jason L. Powell

As the world experiences a rapid increase in the aging population, it is essential to address the challenges and opportunities that arise as a result. This book explores the significant impact of aging on individual well-being, societal welfare systems, and the global economy. By examining the multifaceted aspects of aging, demography and welfare, the book aims to provide a comprehensive and critical narrative to navigating these challenges and achieving better outcomes for both older individuals and society as a whole. The book has a critical approach running through it; despite this, there is a need to do something with the critical questions and focus on sustainable solutions to problems and issues an aging population poses to researchers, policy makers and older people themselves. In essence, the primary purpose of this book is to shed light on the complexities surrounding aging, demography and its intersection with welfare systems. By delving into various perspectives, such as social, economic, and healthcare considerations, this book highlights the holistic understanding needed to address the challenges associated with an aging population effectively.

Agrifood Transitions in the Anthropocene: Challenges, Contested Knowledge, and the Need for Change (SAGE Studies in International Sociology)

by Allison M. Loconto Douglas H. Constance

The greatest challenges of the twenty-first century stem from the fact that we are now living in a new epoch: the Anthropocene. The human footprint on the planet can no longer be denied. One of the greatest and most essential human innovations, agriculture, is being increasingly recognised as a leading contributor to climate change. According to global governance bodies, the world will need to feed a predicted nine billion people by 2050. However, in this Anthropocene, we must address the environmental inequalities in how these people will be fed. This book explores our current societal struggles to transition towards more sustainable agrifood systems. It suggests that debates around sustainable agriculture must be social as well as technical, exploring the growth of social movements campaigning for more democratic food systems. However, as each chapter demonstrates, both the problems and the solutions in sustainable agriculture are highly contested. Using the term ′agrifood′ to capture the nexus between research, governance and the environment knowledge-environment-governance, this book provides an in-depth and wide-ranging account of current research around agricultural production and food consumption. The book introduces the Anthropocene along with the fundamental question that it poses about human-nature interactions. It outlines the core concerns related to agriculture and food and the debates around the need for agrifood system transitions. Each chapter investigates controversies in the field through case studies. These contributions offer a call for sociologists of agriculture and food to engage with the controversies unfolding in the Anthropocene.

Agrifood Transitions in the Anthropocene: Challenges, Contested Knowledge, and the Need for Change (SAGE Studies in International Sociology)

by Allison M. Loconto Douglas H. Constance

The greatest challenges of the twenty-first century stem from the fact that we are now living in a new epoch: the Anthropocene. The human footprint on the planet can no longer be denied. One of the greatest and most essential human innovations, agriculture, is being increasingly recognised as a leading contributor to climate change. According to global governance bodies, the world will need to feed a predicted nine billion people by 2050. However, in this Anthropocene, we must address the environmental inequalities in how these people will be fed. This book explores our current societal struggles to transition towards more sustainable agrifood systems. It suggests that debates around sustainable agriculture must be social as well as technical, exploring the growth of social movements campaigning for more democratic food systems. However, as each chapter demonstrates, both the problems and the solutions in sustainable agriculture are highly contested. Using the term ′agrifood′ to capture the nexus between research, governance and the environment knowledge-environment-governance, this book provides an in-depth and wide-ranging account of current research around agricultural production and food consumption. The book introduces the Anthropocene along with the fundamental question that it poses about human-nature interactions. It outlines the core concerns related to agriculture and food and the debates around the need for agrifood system transitions. Each chapter investigates controversies in the field through case studies. These contributions offer a call for sociologists of agriculture and food to engage with the controversies unfolding in the Anthropocene.

Agroforestry as Climate Change Adaptation: The Case of Cocoa Farming in Ghana

by Mette Fog Olwig Aske Skovmand Bosselmann Kwadwo Owusu

This open access book provides multidisciplinary perspectives on the potential of agroforestry to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change on cocoa production. Against the backdrop of increasingly precarious farmer livelihoods, it focuses on cocoa-agroforestry in Ghana – the second largest producer of cocoa in the world. Taking the reader on a journey across experimental plots and on-farm studies, the book delivers a holistic understanding of cocoa-agroforestry. Chapters examine historical yield and climate interactions, the effects of heat and drought on cocoa plants and the role of differing shade trees on soil fertility, yields, pests and diseases. The book discusses the socioeconomics of shade tree management, including cost-benefits, tree rights and competition for natural resources emphasizing policy implications and recommendations.Taking a multidisciplinary approach to climate-agriculture interactions, the book provides an innovative understanding of agroforestry and perennial cropping systems that goes beyond the Ghanaian cocoa belt. It is of relevance to students, researchers, farmers, practitioners and policymakers working with agroforestry and climate change adaptation.This is an open access book.

AI and the Future of Creative Work: Algorithms and Society (Algorithms and Society)

by Michael Filimowicz

This book focuses on the intelligent technologies that are transforming creative practices and industries. The future of creative work will be more complicated than “the robots will take our jobs.” The workplace is becoming increasingly hybridized, with human and computational labor complementing each other. Some economic roles for the former will no doubt fade over time, while new roles are created to produce artificial intelligence (AI)-related technologies and implementations for productivity. New tools for the generation and personalization of content across platforms will be as ubiquitous as the automation of repetitive tasks in content creation workflows. Cultural conceptions of what it means to be a creative worker will necessarily change as a result of these transformations in human-machine labor. The volume covers the possibilities of humans and robots developing collegial relationships, creative cybernetics as machines and artists become co-creators of art, the reconcentration of corporate power as AI transforms the music industry, the rhetoric of algorithm-driven cultural production in streaming media, and how artisans provide a model of counter-hegemony to automation processes. Scholars and students from many backgrounds, as well as policy makers, journalists and the general reading public will find a multidisciplinary approach to questions posed by creative labor and industry research from communication, philosophy, robotics, media, music and the creative arts, informatics, information science, and computer science and engineering.

AI Approaches for Designing and Evaluating Interactive Intelligent Systems: Selected and Revised Papers from RoCHI 2022 (Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems #36)

by Christophe Kolski Marian Cristian Mihăescu Traian Rebedea

Designing, building, and evaluating Interactive and Intelligent Systems (IIS) has highly impacted the progress of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques due to advancements in the fields of Deep Learning (DL) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). This book presents in a structured way several practical use cases of the interplay between IIS and DL/NLP, from cognitive assistants, adaptive navigation systems, virtual reality, offensive comment and cyberbullying detection, 3D modelling, and driving behaviour detection. The convergence of AI and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has been proven to foster the IIS development that nowadays represents the most used context by actively integrating AI techniques in merely any layer of modern applications.The main goal of this book is to provide a practical reference with a rich set of approaches and applications consisting of selected and revised papers from the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (RoCHI) 2022 thatwas held on 6-7 October 2022 at the University of Craiova, Romania. The book addresses researchers and practitioners with experience in IIS and AI (mainly DL and NLP) who want to study successfully developed workflows and applications that may be useful in their attempts to tackle issues from their contexts.Although the book nicely integrates concepts from various areas, each chapter may be considered a standalone topic with its research issue, proposed approach, experimental results, and discussions.

Akademische Subjektivierung im Dispositiv neoliberaler Gouvernementalität (Subjektivierung und Gesellschaft/Studies in Subjectivation)

by Alexander Lenk

In diesem Open-Access Buch wird die Transformation von traditionellen zu unternehmerischen Hochschulen unter einer neoliberalen Wissens- und Identitätspolitik untersucht. Vor dem Hintergrund einer Ökonomisierung der Gesellschaft geraten deutsche Hochschulen und ihre Angehörigen ab den 1990er Jahren zunehmend unter Druck, sich unternehmerisch-manageriale Denk- und Handlungsweisen anzueignen, um den wissenschaftspolitischen Forderungen nach einer höheren Wettbewerbs- und Leistungsfähigkeit, einer Qualitätssteigerung sowie nach mehr Transparenz und Effizienz Rechnung zu tragen. Mithilfe der Forschungsperspektive der Soziologie des individuellen Widerstands werden die Subjektivierungsweisen von Wissenschaftler*innen mit den Subjektivierungsformen des Managementdiskurses kontrastiert und (Ent-)Subjektivierungsprozesse in der deutschen Hochschullandschaft rekonstruiert.

Aktuelle Diskurse in der Sozialwirtschaft V (Perspektiven Sozialwirtschaft und Sozialmanagement)

by Ludger Kolhoff

Aktuelle zentrale Fragen der Sozialwirtschaft und des Sozialmanagements werden auch 2022 und 2023 auf Tagungen der in Deutschland Ton angebenden wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, der „Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialmanagement / Sozialwirtschaft BAG SMSW“ diskutiert.Die vorliegende Publikation dokumentiert die Beiträge der Tagungen:· Sozialunternehmen im internationalen Vergleich (In Zusammenarbeit mit der Hochschule XXX)· Gender und Sozialwirtschaft (In Zusammenarbeit mit der Hochschule XXX)· Digitalisierung in der Sozialwirtschaft (In Zusammenarbeit mit der Hochschule XXX)Die Zielgruppen· Studierende und Lehrende der Sozialen Arbeit/der Sozialwirtschaft/des Sozialmanagements· Fach- und Führungskräfte aus dem Bereich der Sozialen Arbeit/der Sozialwirtschaft/des Sozialmanagements

Alfred Schutz, Phenomenology, and the Renewal of Interpretive Social Science (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)

by Besnik Pula

In recent decades, the historical social sciences have moved away from deterministic perspectives and increasingly embraced the interpretive analysis of historical process and social and political change. This shift has enriched the field but also led to a deadlock regarding the meaning and status of subjective knowledge. Cultural interpretivists struggle to incorporate subjective experience and the body into their understanding of social reality. In the early twentieth century, philosopher Alfred Schutz grappled with this very issue. Drawing on Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology and Max Weber’s historical sociology, Schutz pioneered the interpretive analysis of social life from an embodied perspective. However, the recent interpretivist turn, influenced by linguistic philosophies, discourse theory, and poststructuralism, has overlooked the insights of Schutz and other phenomenologists. This book revisits Schutz’s phenomenology and social theory, positioning them against contemporary problems in social theory and interpretive social science research. The book extends Schutz’s key concepts of relevance, symbol relations, theory of language, and lifeworld meaning structures. It outlines Schutz’s critical approach to the social distribution of knowledge and develops his nascent sociology and political economy of knowledge. This book will appeal to readers with interests in social theory, phenomenology, and the methods of interpretive social science, including historical sociology, cultural sociology, science and technology studies, political economy, and international relations.

The Algorithm: How AI Decides Who Gets Hired, Monitored, Promoted, and Fired and Why We Need to Fight Back Now

by Hilke Schellmann

Based on exclusive information from whistleblowers, internal documents, and real world test results, Emmy‑award winning Wall Street Journal contributor Hilke Schellmann delivers a shocking and illuminating expose on the next civil rights issue of our time: how AI has already taken over the workplace and shapes our future. Hilke Schellmann, is an Emmy‑award winning investigative reporter, Wall Street Journal and Guardian contributor and Journalism Professor at NYU. In The Algorithm, she investigates the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in the world of work. AI is now being used to decide who has access to an education, who gets hired, who gets fired, and who receives a promotion. Drawing on exclusive information from whistleblowers, internal documents and real‑world tests, Schellmann discovers that many of the algorithms making high‑stakes decisions are biased, racist, and do more harm than good. Algorithms are on the brink of dominating our lives and threaten our human future—if we don't fight back. Schellmann takes readers on a journalistic detective story testing algorithms that have secretly analyzed job candidates' facial expressions and tone of voice. She investigates algorithms that scan our online activity including Twitter and LinkedIn to construct personality profiles à la Cambridge Analytica. Her reporting reveals how employers track the location of their employees, the keystrokes they make, access everything on their screens and, during meetings, analyze group discussions to diagnose problems in a team. Even universities are now using predictive analytics for admission offers and financial aid.

Algorithmic Ethics: Algorithms and Society (Algorithms and Society)

by Michael Filimowicz

This book focuses on how new technologies are raising and reshaping ethical questions and practices that aim to automate ethics into program outputs. With new powerful technologies come enhanced capacities to act, which in turn require new ethical concepts for guiding just and fair actions in the use of these new capabilities. The new algorithmic regimes, for their ethical articulation, build on prior ethics discourses in computer and information ethics, as well as the philosophical traditions of ethics generally. Especially as our technologies become more autonomous, operating alongside us in the home, workplace or on the roads, ethics has the potential to limit negative effects and shape the new technical terrains in a more humanly recognizable way. The volume covers a critique of human-centered AI, the effects of AI and the Internet of Things in the domain of human resource management, how decentralized finance applications on the blockchain encode ethical norms into “smart contracts,” and the personal surveillance risks of audio beacon technology operating invisibly in our cellphones. Scholars and students from many backgrounds, as well as policy makers, journalists and the general reading public will find a multidisciplinary approach to questions posed by research in algorithmic ethics from the fields of management, sociology, social policy, public service, religion and interactive media.

Algorithms: Technology, Culture, Politics

by Tobias Matzner

Algorithms: Technology, Culture, Politics develops a relational, situated approach to algorithms. It takes a middle ground between theories that give the algorithm a singular and stable meaning in using it as a central analytic category for contemporary society and theories that dissolve the term into the details of empirical studies. The book discusses algorithms in relation to hardware and material conditions, code, data, and subjects such as users, programmers, but also “data doubles”. The individual chapters bridge critical discussions on bias, exclusion, or responsibility with the necessary detail on the contemporary state of information technology. The examples include state-of-the-art applications of machine learning, such as self-driving cars, and large language models such as GPT. The book will be of interest for everyone engaging critically with algorithms, particularly in the social sciences, media studies, STS, political theory, or philosophy. With its broad scope it can serve as a high-level introduction that picks up and builds on more than two decades of critical research on algorithms.

Alltägliche Bewältigungs- und Widerstandspraktiken Schwarzer Menschen in Deutschland, Frankreich und Kanada: Eine anerkennungstheoretische Studie (Frankfurter Beiträge zur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie)

by Annette Hilscher

In diesem Buch wird die Fragestellung untersucht, inwiefern Schwarze Menschen soziale Missachtung erfahren und welche Bewältigungs- und Widerstandspraktiken sie dabei entwickeln. Die Studie wurde in Deutschland, Frankreich und Kanada durchgeführt, drei Rechtsstaaten im Globalen Norden. Die der Untersuchung zugrundeliegende Vorannahme bestand darin, dass sich Missachtungserfahrungen Schwarzer Menschen von Land zu Land unterscheiden sowie in Abhängigkeit von den jeweiligen politischen Normen zu verstehen sind, welche ihren Ausdruck unter anderem in der aktuellen Gesetzgebung zu Antidiskriminierung und Gleichbehandlung finden. Die Studie arbeitet mit der Theorie der Anerkennung nach Axel Honneth. Diskriminierungserfahrungen werden im Anschluss an diese Theorie als Erfahrungen sozialer Missachtung verstanden. Diesem Verständnis nach ist die Missachtung nicht möglich, ohne zuvor gesehen zu werden – jedoch nicht adäquat gemäß den durch gelungene Sozialisation erworbenen normierten Regelnsozialer Interaktion, sondern als „Wahrnehmungsdeformation“. Missachtung wird folglich als negative Form der Anerkennung verstanden. Den Kern der Arbeit bildet eine eigene empirische Studie, die auf einer Reihe ausführlicher Gruppendiskussionen und biographisch-narrativer Interviews mit Schwarzen Menschen basiert.

America Last: The Right's Century-Long Romance with Foreign Dictators

by Jacob Heilbrunn

A leading journalist and public intellectual explains the long, disturbing history behind the American Right’s embrace of foreign dictators, from Kaiser Wilhelm and Mussolini to Putin and Orban. Why do Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and much of the far Right so explicitly admire the murderous and incompetent Russian dictator Vladimir Putin? Why is Ron DeSantis drawing from Victor Orbán’s illiberal politics for his own policies as governor of Florida—a single American state that has more than twice the population of Orbán’s entire nation, Hungary? In America Last, Jacob Heilbrunn, a highly respected observer of the American Right, demonstrates that the infatuation of American conservatives with foreign dictators—though a striking and seemingly inexplicable fact of our current moment—is not a new phenomenon. It dates to the First World War, when some conservatives, enthralled with Kaiser Wilhelm II, openly rooted for him to defeat the forces of democracy. In the 1920s and 1930s, this affinity became even more pronounced as Hitler and Mussolini attracted a variety of American admirers. Throughout the Cold War, the Right evinced a fondness for autocrats such as Francisco Franco and Augusto Pinochet, while some conservatives wrote apologias for the Third Reich and for apartheid South Africa. The habit of mind is not really about foreign policy, however. As Heilbrunn argues, the Right is drawn to what it perceives as the impressive strength of foreign dictators, precisely because it sees them as models of how to fight against liberalism and progressivism domestically. America Last is a guide for the perplexed, identifying and tracing a persuasion—or what one might call the “illiberal imagination”—that has animated conservative politics for a century now. Since the 1940s, the Right has railed against communist fellow travelers in America. Heilbrunn finally corrects the record, showing that dictator worship is an unignorable tradition within modern American conservatism—and what it means for us today.

American Democracy and Disconsent: Liberalism and Illiberalism in Ferguson, Charlottesville, Black Lives Matter, and the Capitol Insurrection

by Daniel Monti

This volume is a thorough re-examination of civil unrest and discontent in the United States, particularly the intersection of democracy and violence. The work argues that unrest and violence are embedded rituals of social and political "disconsent" and are constitutive features of citizen-based democracy.As such, they are part of how democratic life works: unrest is the eruptive, visible grammar of citizens in a democratic society. Democracy and citizen unrest and violence in the United States are set within a deeper history. The author traces the roots of American democracy – and the rituals of disconsent – to their sources in ancient Mediterranean political society, demonstrating that early democratic theory and practice understood unrest and revolt as morally grounded. Featuring case studies of recent episodes of political and social "disconsent" in the United States, the volume contextualizes the Black Lives Matter protests, unrest around police and institutional violence, and the Capitol insurrection on January 6.Through this, the book provides an important social theoretical lens through which to understand American discontent around racial injustice, political suppression, and citizen disillusionment.

American Education (Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education)

by Joel Spring

Featuring current information and challenging perspectives on the latest issues and forces shaping the American educational system—with scholarship that is often cited as a primary source—Joel Spring introduces readers to the historical, political, social and legal foundations of education and to the profession of teaching in the United States. In his signature straightforward, concise approach to describing complex issues, he illuminates events and topics that are often overlooked or whitewashed, giving students the opportunity to engage in critical thinking about education. Students come away informed on the latest topics, issues and data and with a strong knowledge of the forces shaping the American educational system. Updated throughout, the 21st edition of this clear, authoritative text remains fresh and up-to-date, reflecting the many changes in education that have occurred since the publication of the previous edition. New coverage includes: Discussion of “culture wars” and critical race theory Parental rights versus the goals of common education LGBTQIA+ students’ rights Discussion of the current administration’s educational policies

American Journal of Sociology, volume 129 number 4 (January 2024)

by American Journal of Sociology

This is volume 129 issue 4 of American Journal of Sociology. American Journal of Sociology (AJS) presents pathbreaking work from all areas of sociology, with an emphasis on theory building and innovative methods. AJS strives to speak to the general sociology reader and is open to contributions from across the social sciences—sociology, political science, economics, history, anthropology, and statistics—that seriously engage the sociological literature to forge new ways of understanding the social. AJS offers a substantial book review section that identifies the most salient work of both emerging and enduring scholars of social science. Commissioned review essays appear occasionally, offering readers a comparative, in-depth examination of prominent titles.

American Journal of Sociology, volume 129 number 5 (March 2024)

by American Journal of Sociology

This is volume 129 issue 5 of American Journal of Sociology. American Journal of Sociology (AJS) presents pathbreaking work from all areas of sociology, with an emphasis on theory building and innovative methods. AJS strives to speak to the general sociology reader and is open to contributions from across the social sciences—sociology, political science, economics, history, anthropology, and statistics—that seriously engage the sociological literature to forge new ways of understanding the social. AJS offers a substantial book review section that identifies the most salient work of both emerging and enduring scholars of social science. Commissioned review essays appear occasionally, offering readers a comparative, in-depth examination of prominent titles.

American Journal of Sociology, volume 129 number 6 (May 2024)

by American Journal of Sociology

This is volume 129 issue 6 of American Journal of Sociology. American Journal of Sociology (AJS) presents pathbreaking work from all areas of sociology, with an emphasis on theory building and innovative methods. AJS strives to speak to the general sociology reader and is open to contributions from across the social sciences—sociology, political science, economics, history, anthropology, and statistics—that seriously engage the sociological literature to forge new ways of understanding the social. AJS offers a substantial book review section that identifies the most salient work of both emerging and enduring scholars of social science. Commissioned review essays appear occasionally, offering readers a comparative, in-depth examination of prominent titles.

American Zion: A New History of Mormonism

by Benjamin E. Park

The first major history of Mormonism in a decade, drawing on newly available sources to reveal a profoundly divided faith that has nevertheless shaped the nation. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 in the so-called “burned-over district” of upstate New York, which was producing seers and prophets daily. Most of the new creeds flamed out; Smith’s would endure, becoming the most significant homegrown religion in American history. How Mormonism succeeded is the story told by historian Benjamin E. Park in American Zion. Drawing on sources that have become available only in the last two decades, Park presents a fresh, sweeping account of the Latter-day Saints: from the flight to Utah Territory in 1847 to the public renunciation of polygamy in 1890; from the Mormon leadership’s forging of an alliance with the Republican Party in the wake of the New Deal to the “Mormon moment” of 2012, which saw the premiere of The Book of Mormon musical and the presidential candidacy of Mitt Romney; and beyond. In the twentieth century, Park shows, Mormons began to move ever closer to the center of American life, shaping culture, politics, and law along the way. But Park’s epic isn’t rooted in triumphalism. It turns out that the image of complete obedience to a single, earthly prophet—an image spread by Mormons and non-Mormons alike—is misleading. In fact, Mormonism has always been defined by internal conflict. Joseph Smith’s wife, Emma, inaugurated a legacy of feminist agitation over gender roles. Black believers petitioned for belonging even after a racial policy was instituted in the 1850s that barred them from priesthood ordination and temple ordinances (a restriction that remained in place until 1978). Indigenous and Hispanic saints—the latter represent a large portion of new converts today—have likewise labored to exist within a community that long called them “Lamanites,” a term that reflected White-centered theologies. Today, battles over sexuality and gender have riven the Church anew, as gay and trans saints have launched their own fight for acceptance. A definitive, character-driven work of history, American Zion is essential to any understanding of the Mormon past, present, and future. But its lessons extend beyond the faith: as Park puts it, the Mormon story is the American story.

America’s Psychological Now: Enlivening the Social and Collective Unconscious in a Time of Urgency.

by Mardy Ireland Teri Quatman

This book explores the causes behind Trump's victory in the 2016 US presidential election and asks how a psychoanalytic understanding of the social unconscious can help us plot a new direction for the future in US politics and beyond.It first describes the social/psychological threads that are the now of American culture. Seeds of hope are discovered through an in-depth examination of the American idea of excess as represented by Trump, its archetypal figure. Essential psychoanalytic ideas such as, the fundamental human condition of living with both individual and social unconscious, the psychic feminine principal, the notion of psychic valence and more are illustrated as psychic integrations necessary for America to move towards a redemptive positive social change. This book combines feminist exploration with playful illustrative imagery and mythic story—aiming to awaken minds across generations.America’s Psychological Now is key reading for psychoanalysis, psychologists, political theorists, and anyone wishing to understand better how the social and political systems could be changed for the future.

Analysing Intersectionality: A Toolbox of Methods

by Keming Yang

How can we analyse the intersectional effects of multiple factors on experiences of disenfranchisement? This book equips you with the methodological tools to uncover new insights. First providing a critical examination of long-standing methodologies in intersectionality research, it then shines a spotlight on analytical techniques such as qualitative comparative analysis, multilevel models, mediation and moderation, and mixed methods designs. With chapter objectives, real-world research examples, further reading and reflective questions, it will equip you with the methodological tools to understand intersectionality in specific social settings. The book: · Bridges the gap between intersectionality as a theory and an empirical research practice. · Extends existing approaches to analysing intersectionality in a traditionally qualitative field. · Inspires creativity and celebrates a variety of effective methods for studying intersectionality. Innovative and thought-provoking, this book is ideal for any student or researcher looking to harness the power of empirical evidence to explore inequality and injustice.

Analysing Intersectionality: A Toolbox of Methods

by Keming Yang

How can we analyse the intersectional effects of multiple factors on experiences of disenfranchisement? This book equips you with the methodological tools to uncover new insights. First providing a critical examination of long-standing methodologies in intersectionality research, it then shines a spotlight on analytical techniques such as qualitative comparative analysis, multilevel models, mediation and moderation, and mixed methods designs. With chapter objectives, real-world research examples, further reading and reflective questions, it will equip you with the methodological tools to understand intersectionality in specific social settings. The book: · Bridges the gap between intersectionality as a theory and an empirical research practice. · Extends existing approaches to analysing intersectionality in a traditionally qualitative field. · Inspires creativity and celebrates a variety of effective methods for studying intersectionality. Innovative and thought-provoking, this book is ideal for any student or researcher looking to harness the power of empirical evidence to explore inequality and injustice.

Analysing Representation: A Corpus and Discourse Textbook

by Frazer Heritage

Analysing Representation: A Corpus and Discourse Textbook guides readers through the process of researching how people and phenomena are represented in discourse and introduces them to key tools they can use from corpus linguistics and (critical) discourse analysis. This book takes a step-by-step approach to introducing each concept and includes exercises and further reading to help readers check their progress and prepare for independent research. It is unique in introducing readers to a range of experts representing the full range of work in this area. This book is aimed at final-year undergraduate, taught postgraduate and doctoral level students. It wil also be useful to scholars who are new to combining corpus and discourse methods in investigations of representation.

The Anarchist Turn in Twenty-First Century Leftwing Activism: The Anarchist Turn In Twenty-first Century Leftwing Activism (Elements in Contentious Politics)

by null John Markoff null Hillary Lazar null Benjamin S. Case null Daniel P. Burridge

Leftwing activism of recent decades exhibits an anarchist turn evident in quantitative indicators like mentions of anarchists in news reports and by activists adopting anarchist modes of organization, tactics, and social goals-whether or not they claim that label. The authors of this Element argue that the very crises that generated radical mobilizations since the turn of the millennium have both led activists to reject other strategies for social transformation and to see anarchist practices as appropriate to the challenges of our time. This turn is clearly apparent in the Americas and Europe, and has reverberations on an even broader transnational, perhaps global, scale. This suggests the need for research on social movements to consider anarchists and other marginalized radical traditions more fully, not just as objects of study, but as important sources of theory.

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