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Showing 21,526 through 21,550 of 21,911 results

Across the Floor (Orca Limelights)

by Natasha Deen

Luc Waldon always figured he knew what his passion was: football. He lives it, he breathes it--and he thinks he has what it takes to go all the way to the NFL. So when his football coach orders him to sign up for contemporary-dance classes to improve his game, Luc's less than thrilled. When he realizes that dance might actually be his true passion, he faces a tough decision. Is he willing to leave behind the field and a real shot at professional sports, and disappoint his parents, his coach and his teammates, in order to pursue a new dream?

Across The Great Divide: A History of Professional Football in Dundee

by George Wilkie Jim Wilkie

Dundee. To football fans, it has been the subject of great curiosity for as long as the game has been played professionally. How does a relatively small and economically challenged city manage to sustain two senior clubs which, perversely, play across the road from one another? And why has this rivalry not suffered the scourge of sectarianism which has blighted football elsewhere in Scotland? When Dundee United reached the semi-final of the 1983-84 European Cup it meant that, with the exception of Glasgow, Dundee was the only British city to have provided two semi-finalists in that great competition. Since then Dundee United have gone on to reach a UEFA Cup final and to win the Scottish Cup. For Dundee FC, things have been slightly different. There are many fans with long enough memories to recall their glory days, and the silence of their suffering has been punctuated only by boardroom upheaval and the threat of closure. It is only recently that the club's fortunes have taken an upturn, with an influx of exciting, tenacious foreigners.Things are changing. The economic, cultural and academic life of the City of Dundee has flourished in recent years. Meanwhile, as revolution sweeps the international footballing world, the scales of success - which determine the balance of soccer power on Tayside - are showing faltering signs of movement. The Jim McLean era has ended, but will Dundee's Italian risorgimento succeed? Should there be only one team? First published in 1984, Across the Great Divide has been revised to update the historical perspective on professional football in the City of Discovery.


by Joe Putignano

Follow the author as he goes on a harrowing journey from the US Olympic Training Center to homeless shelters to shooting heroin on the job to being declared dead. This story goes beyond addiction. It is about the fragility and tenacity of the human spirit and how that spirit can redeem each and every one of us by helping to push us through the darkness, whether the darkness is from death, divorce, or the disease of addiction.Acrobaddict is a story about the close relationship between athletics and drug addiction-how the same energy, obsession, and dedication that can create an Olympic athlete can also create a homeless drug addict.PUBLISHERS WEEKLY (Starred review) After reading former Olympic gymnastics hopeful Putignano's sinister yet intoxicating memoir of addiction, recovery, and more addiction, you wind up feeling like one of his closest friends. The first-time author, who now portrays Crystal Man in Cirque du Soleil's traveling production of Totem, divulges what must be nearly every significant detail of his journey from the basement of his parents' Massachusetts home, where as an 8-year-old he taught himself flips using old couch cushions; to the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, where the author's insane quest for perfection exposed his insecurities and triggered his self-loathing; and finally to a seemingly never-ending series of addict escapades throughout his college and post-college years that somehow did not even climax after he was twice declared clinically dead. Putignano's homosexuality plays a crucial role in his story, and it is the one topic here he handles delicately. Elsewhere, his prose is unfiltered: graphic and intimate. Prone to hyperbole to the point of distraction, Putignano nevertheless writes so vividly about his highs that readers practically experience them with him. Similarly, his lows drop them into the private circles of hell on earth he created. A more powerful anti-drug missive would be tough to find. (Sept.)LIBRARY JOURNAL (July 22, 2013) Dale Farris, Groves, TX-Former star acrobatic contortionist and gymnast of the Cirque du Soleil's "Totem," performer in Twyla Tharp's musical The Times They Are A'changin, and guest on Dr. Sanjay Gupta's CNN show Human Factor, Putignano, shares his heartfelt, emotionally wrenching story of addiction to heroin. Putignano's memoir takes readers on an unsettling journey from his experience in the U.S. Olympic Training Center to homeless shelters to shooting heroin on the job, and even being declared dead. His vivid, brutally honest story begins with his realizing at an early age his innate talent for gymnastics, followed by his obsession with becoming an Olympic gymnastic champion, how he abandoned his Olympic hopes to chase his love of heroin, and ultimately how he managed to overcome his addiction and move into long-term recovery and stability. The narrative is replete with colorful descriptions of his many harrowing experiences, and deep musings that have formed the foundation for his commitment to remain free of drugs and a shining light for others who may be seeking guidance. VERDICT Putignano's honest memoir of drug abuse is a valuable addition to substance-abuse literature. His status as a successful gymnast and performer helps connect readers, and his impressive, erudite style results in a highly credible addition to this rapidly saturating genre.

Acquiring Skill in Sport: An Introduction (Student Sport Studies)

by John Honeybourne

This user-friendly, accessible text will enable new students to understand the basic concepts of sport skills acquisition. Each chapter covers important theoretical background and shows how this theory can be applied through practical examples from the world of sport. The book also examines the ways in which skills can be developed most effectively and addresses issues such as: characteristics and classifications of abilities and skills in sport information processing in sport motor programmes and motor control phases of learning presentation of skills and practices. A valuable resource for students and teachers in physical education, sport studies and sports science courses as well as for coaches who want to develop their theoretical knowledge.

Acoustic-Based Applications for Vertebrate Vocalization (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Ramashini Murugaiya Manisha Milani Mahagammulle Gamage Krishani Murugiah Madhumathy Perumal

​Acoustic-Based Applications for Vertebrate Vocalization is designed to help researchers improve their findings and knowledge of vertebrate vocalization by focusing on the integration of acoustic features with new technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and virtual and cognitive reality. The book addresses the most common challenges in vertebrate vocalization-based research via suitable audio signal processing techniques, data collection, data pre-processing, acoustic feature engineering, extraction, and selection for multidisciplinary applications, i.e. feature classification, vertebrate communication, behavioral analysis, and signal pattern analysis. The book is an important reference for scholars, researchers, industry practitioners, teachers, and students across a number of disciplines, including bioengineering, audio engineering, systems engineering, biotechnology, signal processing, biology, zoology, and animal sciences.

ACL Injuries in the Female Athlete: Causes, Impacts, and Conditioning Programs

by Frank R. Noyes Sue Barber-Westin

Nearly a million anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries occur each year worldwide, causing long-term problems in the knee joint. This textbook examines the short- and long-term impacts of ACL injuries on the basis of hundreds of published studies. Risk factors for such injuries are explored using data from hypothesis-driven investigations, and possible causes of the higher risk of noncontact ACL injuries in female athletes are analyzed. Neuromuscular training programs shown to reduce the rate of these injuries in female athletes are described in step-by-step detail with the aid of numerous color photographs and video demonstrations. In addition, detailed descriptions are provided for rehabilitation programs to be used after ACL reconstruction in order to reduce the risk of a future injury. The book will be of value to orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, athletic trainers, sports medicine primary care physicians, and strength and conditioning specialists.

ACL Injuries in the Female Athlete: Causes, Impacts, and Conditioning Programs

by Frank R. Noyes Sue Barber-Westin

This successful book, now in a revised and updated second edition, reviews all aspects of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in female athletes, with the focus on complete, noncontact ACL injuries. The opening section discusses anatomy and biomechanics and explains the short- and long-term impacts of complete ACL ruptures, including long-term muscle dysfunction and joint arthritis. Risk factors and possible causes of the higher noncontact ACL injury rates in female athletes compared with male athletes are then discussed in depth. Detailed attention is devoted to neuromuscular training programs and their effectiveness in reducing noncontact ACL injury rates in female athletes, as well as to sports-specific ACL injury prevention and conditioning programs of proven value. Rehabilitation programs after ACL injury and reconstruction that reduce the risk of a future injury are explored, and the concluding section looks at worldwide implementation of neuromuscular ACL injury prevention training and future research directions. The book will be of value to orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, athletic trainers, sports medicine primary care physicians, and strength and conditioning specialists.

The ACL Handbook

by Martha M. Murray Patrick Vavken Braden Fleming

ACL injuries affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of people each year. Treatment is far from perfect, and physicians and patients face challenges such as high failure rates in adolescent athletes and the inability to slow the accelerated progression of arthritis after an ACL rupture, for example. The ACL Handbook takes a complete view of ACL injuries and treatments, discussing: - Normal ACL and knee mechanics - The body's response to ACL injury - Development of new treatment methods Ideal for orthopedists, sports medicine physicians, and physical therapists, The ACL Handbook is a unique resource for information on the basic and applied science of ACL injury, repair, and the future of treatment.

The ACL-Deficient Knee

by Joan Carles Monllau Vicente Sanchis-Alfonso

This book approaches the ACL deficient knee from a different perspective than those of the previous classical ways. The common approach is the analysis of closed compartments; anatomy, biomechanics, physical findings, imaging, surgical treatment and rehabilitation. The approach of this book is completely opposite, focusing on questions, controversies, problem analyses and problem solving, besides analyzing the possibility of prevention. Therefore, in each chapter, the biomechanics, anatomy, and other areas that are relevant to the topic are reviewed. There are chapters where highly specialized surgical techniques are presented (acute ACL repair, double bundle reconstruction, chondral lesions treatment or meniscal transplant). These chapters are written by internationally renowned specialists that are pioneers in the topic analyzed. Another interesting aspect of this book are the step by step surgical techniques videos, that will allow a knee specialist to perform the technique presented by the author. Moreover, the videos will include anatomy and physical therapy techniques.

Achtsamkeitstraining im Sport: Das Übungsprogramm zur Förderung der sportlichen Leistungsfähigkeit

by Darko Jekauc Lea Mülberger Susanne Weyland

Der Kreislauf der Emotionen kann wie kaum ein anderes Phänomen unsere Leistungen im Sport stark beeinflussen. Aus diesem Grund setzt eine Vielzahl an Spitzensportlern auf das Achtsamkeitstraining als eine Form des Trainings der mentalen Stärke und Emotionsregulation. Prominente Beispiele sind Novak Djokovic im Tennis, Phil Jackson im Basketball oder Malaika Mihambo in der Leichtathletik. Seit einigen Jahren werden die Vorteile eines achtsamkeitsbasierten Trainings ebenfalls in der Wissenschaft diskutiert und erste Studien belegen die positiven Effekte aus der Praxis. Insgesamt kann die Schlussfolgerung gezogen werden, dass Achtsamkeitstraining ähnlich wie Krafttraining wirkt: Die Fähigkeiten, die Konzentration aufrechtzuerhalten und die eigenen Emotionen zu regulieren, lassen sich wie ein Muskel trainieren.Dieses Buch erläutert anhand anschaulicher Praxisbeispiele die Bedeutung von Emotionen im Sport, die Geschichte der Achtsamkeit im Sport und die Wirkmechanismen von Achtsamkeitstraining für Sporttreibende. Im Fokus steht ein wissenschaftlich evaluiertes Achtsamkeitsprogramm für Freizeit- und Leistungssportler, das allein oder in einer Gruppe durchgeführt werden kann. Die acht Einheiten des Programms beinhalten praktische Übungen und Informationen zu den Hintergründen und Wirkungen dieser. Werden Sie Ihr eigener Mentaltrainer, um Ihre sportliche Leistungsfähigkeit nachhaltig zu steigern.

Achtsamkeit im Sport: Theorie und Praxis zu achtsamkeitsbasierten Verfahren in Freizeit, Training, Wettkampf und Rehabilitation

by Petra Jansen Florian Seidl Stefanie Richter

In vielen Lebens- und Berufsbereichen spielt die Achtsamkeit eine große Rolle, wenn es um die Reduktion von Stress und die Fokussierung der Aufmerksamkeit geht. Auch im Sport gewinnt das Konzept der Achtsamkeit zur Leistungssteigerung zunehmend an Bedeutung. Gerade in Wettkampfsituationen gilt es, den Kopf frei zu bekommen, wobei Achtsamkeit helfen kann.Dieses Fachbuch stellt zum einen die theoretischen Grundlagen der Achtsamkeit, des Sports und der Leistung dar. Es macht darüber hinaus auf die Vielfältigkeit des Sportbegriffs und auf die bereits bestehenden achtsamkeitsbasierten Sportprogramme aufmerksam. Der anschließende Praxisteil greift die unterschiedlichen Facetten des Sportbegriffs auf und bietet somit auf den Kontext des Sports bezogene praktische Achtsamkeitsübungen, die in Training, Wettkampf, Rehabilitation und im Freizeitsport eingesetzt werden können.

The Achilles Tendon: Pathology, Treatment and Rehabilitation

by Samuel B. Adams

Pathology of the Achilles tendon is one of the most commonly written about topics in foot and ankle surgery, yet there is no clear consensus on the management of these injuries; in addition, pathologic aspects of the Achilles tendon are not well understood. This up-to-date resource addresses all aspects of Achilles tendon pathology, management, rehabilitation and complications, including novel aspects of Achilles tendon treatment as well as more detail on operative techniques for Achilles tendon surgery. Sensibly divided into four thematic sections, part I presents general considerations such as anatomy and pathology, the physical exam and imaging modalities, and patient-reported outcomes. The following sections describe current management strategies for acute and chronic injuries and complications, respectively. Both nonoperative and operative techniques are highlighted, from minimally invasive techniques to tendinoscopy and open debridementand biological augmentation. Generous intraoperative photos and figures enhance the presentation, and operative algorithms are clearly elucidated. Bringing together the latest in the diagnosis and management of these common injuries, The Achilles Tendon will be a valuable reference for orthopedic foot and ankle surgeons, sports medicine surgeons, podiatrists and fellows and residents in these areas.

The Achilles Tendon

by James A. Nunley

This techniques-oriented text is a comprehensive guide to managing Achilles tendon problems. Readers learn the latest less invasive and nonoperative treatment approaches, in addition to traditional treatments, from internationally renowned contributors. Introductory chapters provide essential background on basic anatomy, physiology, and pathomechanics. Subsequent sections cover the spectrum of Achilles tendon injuries. Acute and chronic conditions are addressed, as well as problems specific to both adolescents and adults. The book also takes a practical approach to sports training in relation to the role of the Achilles. Rehabilitation is highlighted with an emphasis on quicker return to play. Case studies tie the book together and aid with the ready application of concepts to daily practice.

Achieving a Dream: Independent Reading 18 (Reading Champion #453)

by Jill Atkins

Ruby awakes to find herself in a hospital bed, but how did she get there? Through a series of flashbacks her memory slowly recalls how she injured her leg so badly. Can she recover in time to achieve her dream of being a high jump champion at the next junior championships?This first colour chapter book is a perfectly levelled, accessible text for Key stage 2 readers aged 10-11 or in year 6. Reading Champion offers independent reading books for children to practise and reinforce their developing reading skills.Fantastic, original stories are accompanied by engaging artwork and activities to provoke deeper response and encourage writing. Each book has been carefully graded so that it can be matched to a child's reading ability, encouraging reading for pleasure.The Key Stage 2 Reading Champion Books are suggested for use as follows:Independent Reading 11: start of Year 3 or age 7+Independent Reading 12: end of Year 3 or age 7+Independent Reading 13: start of Year 4 or age 8+Independent Reading 14: end of Year 4 or age 8+Independent Reading 15: start of Year 5 or age 9+Independent Reading 16: end of Year 5 or age 9+Independent Reading 17: start of Year 6 or age 10+Independent Reading 18: end of Year 6 or age 10+

Ace of Diamonds (Gents #3)

by Bruce H. Thorstad

The fourth installment of Bruce H. Thorstad's boisterous "Gents" series finds incorrigible scoundrels Cass McCasland and Riley Stokes in another lawless town and another heady situation. This time it's the mining village of Buckshot, Colorado, where the boys hope to find fortune in the underground caves belonging to Riley's Uncle Rufus. But once they arrive, they realize that their get-rich-quick scheme has turned into a get-suited-up challenge for their wits and their baseball skills. When Uncle Rufus' mine floods, the only way to save it--and their hides--is to win the big game against the Jersey Invincibles--a ball team in from the East with their throwing arms ready and their noses in the air. The Invincibles are serious challengers and the game is looking like a lose-lose situation, unless the Gents can pull off one of their signature miracle plays!

Ace of Diamonds (Gents #3)

by Bruce H. Thorstad

The fourth installment of Bruce H. Thorstad's boisterous "Gents" series finds incorrigible scoundrels Cass McCasland and Riley Stokes in another lawless town and another heady situation. This time it's the mining village of Buckshot, Colorado, where the boys hope to find fortune in the underground caves belonging to Riley's Uncle Rufus. But once they arrive, they realize that their get-rich-quick scheme has turned into a get-suited-up challenge for their wits and their baseball skills. When Uncle Rufus' mine floods, the only way to save it--and their hides--is to win the big game against the Jersey Invincibles--a ball team in from the East with their throwing arms ready and their noses in the air. The Invincibles are serious challengers and the game is looking like a lose-lose situation, unless the Gents can pull off one of their signature miracle plays!

The Ace

by Rhonda Shaw

Book two of Men of the Show "Love 'em and leave 'em" has been real estate agent Karen Bently's motto for as long as she can remember. She doesn't need a man, except to make her toes curl. Or so she thought, until her longtime crush, Ace pitcher Jerry Smutton, sets his sights on her.After signing one of the largest baseball contracts in history with the Detroit Rockets, Jerry enlists Karen to help him find the house of his dreams. Their connection is instant and electric, but neither of them is the relationship type. When Jerry proposes a friends-with-benefits arrangement, that suits Karen just fine.Passionate sleepovers soon turn into long, romantic evenings... Still, Karen and Jerry refuse to acknowledge they're a couple. Karen insists that she's immune to Jerry's heart-melting charm. Jerry's not ready to settle down. Denial is the name of the game, until one pitch changes everything...Meet Jerry's teammate Chase Patton in The Changeup!76,000 words

The Accurate Handgun

by Robert K. Campbell

With the popularity of IDPA, IPSC and silhouette competition, and a variety of available choices for hunting and concealed carry, handgun accuracy has never been more important. In the personal defense field, accuracy and precision could mean the difference between life and death. Gun Digest Media's newest title, The Accurate Handgun by author Robert Campbell, details how to make any handgun more accurate--from choosing the best revolvers and autoloaders, to honing shooter mindset and skill. Serious target shooters, hunters and armed citizens demand accurate handguns. The upgrades and accessories covered in The Accurate Handgun are invaluable to make any sidearm perform better. In addition, the author illuminates the road to expert marksmanship. Readers learn how to perfect the human component of accuracy. Inside the book:Handgun shooting techniques that will immediately improve accuracy for any shooterReloading tips and tricks to make more reliable and precise loadsExpert insights into handgun ammo selection--from rimfire to big boreDIY projects to improve handgun function and accuracy in popular makes and modelsFrom in-depth accuracy tips and gun tests of handguns from Glock, Colt, SIG, CZ, Springfield Armory and many more, to honest evaluations of the latest handgun ammunition, The Accurate Handgun highlights the technical aspects of the handgun, which shooters must understand to achieve truly high performance and precision. Plus, how to interface human ability and biomechanical aspects such as hand fit and trigger action with shooting technique.

Accro d’la planche: (Skate Freak) (French Currents)

by Lesley Choyce

Dorf is all about skateboarding, and so far that's worked out fine. But now that he's in a new city, the terrain has changed. He's no longer free to skateboard where he wishes, school is more difficult, and his passion for skateboarding garners him the nickname and reputation of a freak. With daring stunts he gains the grudging respect of local troublemakers, but he needs to tap into another kind of courage to effect real change.

Accidental Ironman: How Triathlon Ruined My Life

by Martyn Brunt

Having spent 10 years scaling the lower echelons of the sport, the time has come for one of Britain's least successful athletes to reveal all about how he got involved in all this nonsense in the first place. Marvel as he reveals: His sporting history - how being last pick at school football in the 1970s set him on course for a lifetime of being rubbish at team games. How he took up triathlons in the first place (for a bet, and the cow who made it with him never paid up). How he overcame a crippling lack of talent and a chorus of complete indifference from his family to complete 10 Ironmans, all outside the top 500 finishers. The many triathlon adventures he has experienced over the past 10 years (cow pats, Ironmans, incontinence, driving bans, broken bones, public nudity, spending entire redundancy payments on a new bike, Belgian portaloos, German knocking shops, sunburnt arse cheeks, channel swimming, fights with chavs, obsessions with weather and the nutritional value of Jaffa Cakes, 3 hour marathons, chronic dehydration and so on). The many and varied idiots he's got to know as a result of taking up the sport (aka his mates). The typical training (hell) he goes through to take part in a race given he has absolutely no ability whatsoever. How triathlons ultimately caused him to sell his Mercedes, give away his expensive suit, chuck in his job in the City and become, as his father put it, a "god-damned hippy" (A cycle path designer who owns a camper van).

Accidental Ironman: How Triathlon Ruined My Life

by Martyn Brunt

Having spent 10 years scaling the lower echelons of the sport, the time has come for one of Britain's least successful athletes to reveal all about how he got involved in all this nonsense in the first place. Marvel as he reveals: His sporting history - how being last pick at school football in the 1970s set him on course for a lifetime of being rubbish at team games. How he took up triathlons in the first place (for a bet, and the cow who made it with him never paid up). How he overcame a crippling lack of talent and a chorus of complete indifference from his family to complete 10 Ironmans, all outside the top 500 finishers. The many triathlon adventures he has experienced over the past 10 years (cow pats, Ironmans, incontinence, driving bans, broken bones, public nudity, spending entire redundancy payments on a new bike, Belgian portaloos, German knocking shops, sunburnt arse cheeks, channel swimming, fights with chavs, obsessions with weather and the nutritional value of Jaffa Cakes, 3 hour marathons, chronic dehydration and so on). The many and varied idiots he's got to know as a result of taking up the sport (aka his mates). The typical training (hell) he goes through to take part in a race given he has absolutely no ability whatsoever. How triathlons ultimately caused him to sell his Mercedes, give away his expensive suit, chuck in his job in the City and become, as his father put it, a "god-damned hippy" (A cycle path designer who owns a camper van).

The Accidental Footballer

by Pat Nevin

***THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'A heroic outsider - a pleasure to read.' - The Guardian'A fulsome evocation of football before the Premier League.' - The i'Such a good storyteller...joyous.' - Financial Times'Honest, raw, revealing and very funny. How to live a life and career to the full. Insightful book about the most successful outsider inside football ever...' - Henry Winter, Chief Football Writer, The Times'Pat is a wonderful one-off...and this is the story of why that is.' - John Murray, Chief Sports Correspondent, BBC Radio 5 Live'Unusually vibrant and elegant with heroic doses of humour, insight and self-effacement, this is an absolute must-read for the football connoisseur.' - Omid Djalili 'The biggest influence of my professional career both on and off the pitch.' - Graeme Le Saux'I grew up captivated by Pat Nevin the player. As a man he taught me even more about the beauty of the game. One of football's great mavericks, and Chelsea's greatest players. And he can spin a mean tune too.' - Sam Matterface 'I used to walk miles to see Pat Nevin play football and I'd do the same now to read his thoughts. Always challenging, always entertaining.' - Lord Sebastian Coe'A refreshingly honest and thought-provoking autobiography. As deftly delivered as some of Pat's ball skills in his 1980's heyday.' - ToffeeWeb Pat Nevin never wanted to be a professional footballer.His future was clear, he'd become a teacher like his brothers. There was only one problem with this - Pat was far too good to avoid attention. Raised in Glasgow's East End, Pat loved the game, playing for hours and obsessively following Celtic. But as he grew up, he also loved Joy Division, wearing his Indie 'gloom boom' coat and going on marches - hardly typical footballer behaviour!Placed firmly in the 80s and 90s, before the advent of the Premier League, and often with racism and violence present, Pat Nevin writes with honesty, insight and wry humour. We are transported vividly to Chelsea and Everton, and colourfully diverted by John Peel, Morrissey and nights out at the Hacienda.The Accidental Footballer is a different kind of football memoir. Capturing all the joys of professional football as well as its contradictions and conflicts, it's about being defined by your actions, not your job, and is the perfect reminder of how life can throw you the most extraordinary surprises, when you least expect it.

The Accidental Footballer

by Pat Nevin

***THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'A heroic outsider - a pleasure to read.' - The Guardian'A fulsome evocation of football before the Premier League.' - The i'Such a good storyteller...joyous.' - Financial Times'Honest, raw, revealing and very funny. How to live a life and career to the full. Insightful book about the most successful outsider inside football ever...' - Henry Winter, Chief Football Writer, The Times'Pat is a wonderful one-off...and this is the story of why that is.' - John Murray, Chief Sports Correspondent, BBC Radio 5 Live'Unusually vibrant and elegant with heroic doses of humour, insight and self-effacement, this is an absolute must-read for the football connoisseur.' - Omid Djalili 'The biggest influence of my professional career both on and off the pitch.' - Graeme Le Saux'I grew up captivated by Pat Nevin the player. As a man he taught me even more about the beauty of the game. One of football's great mavericks, and Chelsea's greatest players. And he can spin a mean tune too.' - Sam Matterface 'I used to walk miles to see Pat Nevin play football and I'd do the same now to read his thoughts. Always challenging, always entertaining.' - Lord Sebastian Coe'A refreshingly honest and thought-provoking autobiography. As deftly delivered as some of Pat's ball skills in his 1980's heyday.' - ToffeeWeb Pat Nevin never wanted to be a professional footballer.His future was clear, he'd become a teacher like his brothers. There was only one problem with this - Pat was far too good to avoid attention. Raised in Glasgow's East End, Pat loved the game, playing for hours and obsessively following Celtic. But as he grew up, he also loved Joy Division, wearing his Indie 'gloom boom' coat and going on marches - hardly typical footballer behaviour!Placed firmly in the 80s and 90s, before the advent of the Premier League, and often with racism and violence present, Pat Nevin writes with honesty, insight and wry humour. We are transported vividly to Chelsea and Everton, and colourfully diverted by John Peel, Morrissey and nights out at the Hacienda.The Accidental Footballer is a different kind of football memoir. Capturing all the joys of professional football as well as its contradictions and conflicts, it's about being defined by your actions, not your job, and is the perfect reminder of how life can throw you the most extraordinary surprises, when you least expect it.

The Accidental Footballer

by Pat Nevin

***THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'A heroic outsider - a pleasure to read.' - The Guardian'A fulsome evocation of football before the Premier League.' - The i'Honest, raw, revealing and very funny. How to live a life and career to the full. Insightful book about the most successful outsider inside football ever...' - Henry Winter, Chief Football Writer, The Times'Pat is a wonderful one-off...and this is the story of why that is.' - John Murray, Chief Sports Correspondent, BBC Radio 5 Live'Unusually vibrant and elegant with heroic doses of humour, insight and self-effacement, this is an absolute must-read for the football connoisseur.' - Omid Djalili 'The biggest influence of my professional career both on and off the pitch.' - Graeme Le Saux'I grew up captivated by Pat Nevin the player. As a man he taught me even more about the beauty of the game. One of football's great mavericks, and Chelsea's greatest players. And he can spin a mean tune too.' - Sam Matterface 'I used to walk miles to see Pat Nevin play football and I'd do the same now to read his thoughts. Always challenging, always entertaining.' - Lord Sebastian Coe'A refreshingly honest and thought-provoking autobiography. As deftly delivered as some of Pat's ball skills in his 1980's heyday.' - ToffeeWeb Pat Nevin never wanted to be a professional footballer.His future was clear, he'd become a teacher like his brothers. There was only one problem with this - Pat was far too good to avoid attention. Raised in Glasgow's East End, Pat loved the game, playing for hours and obsessively following Celtic. But as he grew up, he also loved Joy Division, wearing his Indie 'gloom boom' coat and going on marches - hardly typical footballer behaviour!Placed firmly in the 80s and 90s, before the advent of the Premier League, and often with racism and violence present, Pat Nevin writes with honesty, insight and wry humour. We are transported vividly to Chelsea and Everton, and colourfully diverted by John Peel, Morrissey and nights out at the Hacienda.The Accidental Footballer is a different kind of football memoir. Capturing all the joys of professional football as well as its contradictions and conflicts, it's about being defined by your actions, not your job, and is the perfect reminder of how life can throw you the most extraordinary surprises, when you least expect it.(p) 2021 Octopus Publishing Group

An Accidental Athlete: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Middle Age

by Bingham John

Known by fans as "The Penguin" for his back-of-the-pack speed, John Bingham is the unlikely hero of the modern running boom. In his new book, the best-selling author and magazine columnist recalls his childhood dreams of athletic glory, sedentary years of unhealthy excess, and a life-changing transformation from couch potato to "adult-onset athlete." Overweight, uninspired, and saddled with a pack-and-a-half-a-day smoking habit, Bingham found himself firmly wedged into a middle-age slump. Then two frightening trips to the emergency room and a conversation with a happy piano tuner led him to discover running--and changed his life for the better. Inspiring, poignant, hilarious, and heartbreaking, An Accidental Athlete is a warm and engaging book for the everyday athlete. Bingham tells stories of the joys of running--the pride of the finisher's medal, a bureau-busting t-shirt collection, intense back-of-the-pack strategizing. An Accidental Athlete is about one man's discovery that middle age was not the finish line after all, but only the beginning.

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