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Class: The Stone House (Class #1)

by Patrick Ness A. K. Benedict

One of three thrilling companion novels, set in the universe of the new Doctor Who spin-off show, Class, created by #1 New York Times bestselling novelist Patrick Ness, author of The Rest of Us Just Live Here and the Carnegie Medal-winning A Monster Calls. Don't go near the house, whatever you do. It wants the lonely, the lost, the vulnerable. It wants you. Tanya keeps having bad dreams about the old stone house around the corner from Coal Hill School—and a girl trapped there, screaming and terrified. When Tanya and her friends go to investigate the strange house covered in cobwebs, they stumble onto their own worst nightmares come to life. But there is a presence haunting the house that is even more powerful than their individual horrors. A presence that may not want to let them go... In spite of the danger, Tanya is determined to free the mysterious girl in the house. But they are running out of time—the house is scheduled for demolition. With the help of their teacher Miss Quill, Tanya and three other kids prepare to fight their nightmares, and whatever other monsters they hear scuttling around in the walls. But how can they fight against monsters that are supposed to exist only in their dreams?

Class: What She Does Next Will Astound You (Class #3)

by Patrick Ness James Goss

One of three thrilling companion novels set in the universe of the new Doctor Who spin-off show, Class, created by #1 New York Times bestselling novelist Patrick Ness, author of The Rest of Us Just Live Here and the Carnegie Medal-winning A Monster Calls. “There’s no such thing as oversharing”…right? Everyone at Coal Hill School has become obsessed with completing exciting dares posted on a strange new website, run by the charismatic vlogger Seraphin. Soon the challenges become more dangerous and competitive, yet even broken arms and fistfights don’t stop the craze for them. And then students start to disappear…As April’s fragile group of friends starts to fracture, she decides she’s going to uncover the truth behind this site herself. Whatever it takes, whomever she hurts, April’s going to win. But then, to her horror, she wakes up and finds her whole world is changed. What she does next will astound you.

A Clash of Steel: A Treasure Island Remix (Remixed Classics #1)

by C. B. Lee

Two intrepid girls hunt for a legendary treasure on the deadly high seas in this YA remix of the classic adventure novel Treasure Island. <p><p> 1826. The sun is setting on the golden age of piracy, and the legendary Dragon Fleet, the scourge of the South China Sea, is no more. Its ruthless leader, a woman known only as the Head of the Dragon, is now only a story, like the ones Xiang has grown up with all her life. She desperately wants to prove her worth, especially to her mother, a shrewd businesswoman who never seems to have enough time for Xiang. Her father is also only a story, dead at sea before Xiang was born. Her single memento of him is a pendant she always wears, a simple but plain piece of gold jewelry. But the pendant's true nature is revealed when a mysterious girl named Anh steals it, only to return it to Xiang in exchange for her help in decoding the tiny map scroll hidden inside. The revelation that Xiang's father sailed with the Dragon Fleet and tucked away this secret changes everything. Rumor has it that the legendary Head of the Dragon had one last treasure—the plunder of a thousand ports—that for decades has only been a myth, a fool's journey. <p><p> Xiang is convinced this map could lead to the fabled treasure. Captivated with the thrill of adventure, she joins Anh and her motley crew off in pursuit of the island. But the girls soon find that the sea—and especially those who sail it—are far more dangerous than the legends led them to believe.

Clash: Includes Crash, Clash And Crush (Crash #2)

by Nicole Williams

The second book in the New York Times bestselling Crash trilogy!Their Romeo-and-Juliet-level passion is the only thing Jude and Lucy agree on. That, and fighting all the time . . .Also not helping? Lucy's raging jealousy of the cheerleader who's wormed her way into Jude's life.While trying to hang on to her quintessential bad boy and also training to be the top ballet dancer in her class, Lucy knows something's going to give . . . soon.How can she live without the boy she loves? How can she live with herself if she gives up on her dreams? If Lucy doesn't make the right choice, she could lose everything.

Claro de luna: . (Los Gatos Guerreros | La Nueva Profecía #Volumen 2)

by Erin Hunter

Los cuatro guerreros regresan a sus clanes llevando un mensaje de vital importancia. No te pierdas Claro de luna, segunda entrega de «Los Gatos Guerreros | La Nueva Profecía». Han pasado varias lunas desde que los cuatro clanes enviaron una expedición para averiguar el significado de la nueva profecía, y ahora, el pequeño grupo vuelve a casa con un mensaje sombrío: los Dos Patas se disponen a arrasar el bosque y destruir así el hogar de los clanes. Además, en su camino de regreso a través de las montañas, los gatos se toparán con una tribu de felinos salvajes que los someterá a una dura prueba. Así, mientras en el bosque las temibles máquinas de los Dos Patas inician su actividad destructora, ¿llegarán a tiempo los valientes expedicionarios para salvar a los clanes? «La Nueva Profecía» es la segunda saga de «Los Gatos Guerreros», una serie que se ha traducido ya a 36 idiomas, lleva vendidos más de 30 millones de ejemplares en todo el mundo y ha permanecido durante más de dos años en la lista de grandes éxitos de The New York Times.

Clarity: A Clarity Novel

by Kim Harrington

When you can see things others can't, where do you look for the truth?This paranormal murder mystery will have teens reading on the edge of their seats.Clarity "Clare" Fern sees things. Things no one else can see. Things like stolen kisses and long-buried secrets. All she has to do is touch a certain object, and the visions come to her. It's a gift. And a curse.When a teenage girl is found murdered, Clare's ex-boyfriend wants her to help solve the case--but Clare is still furious at the cheating jerk. Then Clare's brother--who has supernatural gifts of his own--becomes the prime suspect, and Clare can no longer look away. Teaming up with Gabriel, the smoldering son of the new detective, Clare must venture into the depths of fear, revenge, and lust in order to track the killer. But will her sight fail her just when she needs it most?

Clarion Call (The Ravensong Series)

by Cayla Fay

Neve faces her vengeful cousin, the leader of the legions of hell, forcing her to decide where her loyalties truly lie in this thrilling sequel to Ravensong that&’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Celtic mythology.Neve and her sisters failed in protecting the mortal world against the legions of hell when the Veil they had spent their lives guarding split and the vengeful cousin they forgot ever existed, Aodh, managed to slip through. Dangerous and bitter, Aodh is on a mission to free the rest of their family still trapped behind the veil and set them loose on the mortal world. Still injured from her last battle, Neve is not only working to track Aodh, but also trying to navigate painful memories that keep rising to the surface. Memories of her past lifetimes protecting the Gate…and of her first life, before she and her sisters scrubbed it from their minds. More questions arise when a new family member reveals themself, someone Neve and her sisters have been missing. Someone who might just be able to save them all. Neve must face the sins of her past while navigating the dangers of the present. The more she remembers, the more it seems like everything she was raised to believe was a lie, and the fallout might decimate everything she has worked so hard to build in the present, including her relationship with Alexandria. Caught between humanity and divinity, the past and the present, Neve must try to strike a balance between the warring forces both within and without, because if she doesn&’t, it might not just be her relationship at stake, but the whole world.

Clara Barton: Angel Of The Battlefield

by Anna Prokos Time for Kids Editors

Take a close-up look at Clara Barton, who bravely nursed soldiers during the Civil War. Interviews with experts and lively writing deliver the accurate reporting you expect from Time For Kids®. Historical and contemporary photographs capture the life of this caring woman and show how her legacy—the American Red Cross—assists people today.

Clar i català: Els barbarismes (i barbaritats) més freqüents i com pots evitar-los

by Jo Aprenc Català @joaprenccatala

Ara és l’hora de parlar clar i català! Descobreix els barbarismes més comuns i com evitar-los en un llibre imprescindible. 100 BARBARISMES PER APRENDRE A PARLAR MILLOR LA LLENGUA (CATALANA) Parles sovint en català, però de tant en (quant) tant deixes anar un barbarisme? Et (dona apuro) fa vergonya cometre errors però no saps com evitar-los? (Menos mal) Encara sort que tens aquest llibre!Deixa't de (tonteries) ximpleries i comença a (exprimir) esprémer la llengua com mai. Descobreix 100 barbarismes de la llengua catalana, aprèn les seves formes en català i enriqueix el teu vocabulari amb les expressions més genuïnes i divertides de la nostra llengua. HA ARRIBAT L'HORA DE DONAR UNA (PATADA) PUNTADA DE PEU ALS BARBARISMES I PARLAR LA LLENGUA COM CAL!

Clap When You Land

by Elizabeth Acevedo

In a novel-in-verse that brims with grief and love, National Book Award-winning and New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Acevedo writes about the devastation of loss, the difficulty of forgiveness, and the bittersweet bonds that shape our lives. <p><p> Camino Rios lives for the summers when her father visits her in the Dominican Republic. But this time, on the day when his plane is supposed to land, Camino arrives at the airport to see crowds of crying people… <P><P>In New York City, Yahaira Rios is called to the principal’s office, where her mother is waiting to tell her that her father, her hero, has died in a plane crash. <p> Separated by distance—and Papi’s secrets—the two girls are forced to face a new reality in which their father is dead and their lives are forever altered. <p> And then, when it seems like they’ve lost everything of their father, they learn of each other. <p><p><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Clancy Races (The Alphabet Series, Volume 2 #31)

by Frances Bloom Mary M. Geiger

How did Tracy and Cody get Clancy to run fast? How do you think dogs are trained to compete in a dog sled race? Tell about your favorite winter outdoor sport. You may find an answer to these questions after you read the book.

A Clan Of Novaks

by Bella Forrest

A new era has dawned for the Novak clan. An era in which The Shade has become such a fortress that threats to the island are no longer possible. They have become protectors; fighters, warriors, every one a hero. Witness the Novaks in all their strength and in all their glory. In all their love and all their friendship. Embark on a breathtaking new journey with an exhilarating fresh romance, while reuniting with all your favorite characters and meeting exciting new ones. A Clan of Novaks is the beginning of a BRAND NEW adventure that will have you swooning, gushing, and clinging to the edge of your seat!

El clan de la foca: Crónicas de la prehistoria II (Crónicas de la Prehistoria #Volumen 2)

by Michelle Paver

Segunda entrega de la apasionante serie de aventuras prehistóricas «Crónicas de la Prehistoria». Acompaña a Torak en su viaje hacia la isla del Clan de la foca. Meses después de derrotar al oso sanguinario que mató a su padre, Torak cree haber encontrado por fin en el Clan del Cuervo un entorno seguro y a salvo de los Devoradores de Almas. Sin embargo, su tranquilidad dura muy poco: una misteriosa enfermedad empieza a propagarse por el Bosque y el pánico cunde entre los clanes. Desesperado, Torak opta por emprender un peligroso viaje hacia una lejana isla, donde al parecer se conoce un remedio secreto contra la terrible epidemia. Tras superar azarosas peripecias a riesgo de su propia vida, en la isla del Clan de la Foca lo esperan el enigmático hechicero Tenris, el anhelado reencuentro con Lobo y su amiga Renn y, más importante aún, un sorprendente descubrimiento sobre sí mismo.

Clan Castles

by Evan Jacobs

Ninety-nine levels. That's how tough it is to win the video game Clan Castle. Jake and his best friend, Kyle, have been playing the game for months. Now they're at Level 99. The toughest and most challenging. With luck and skill, they clear it! What happens next is unbelievable. They get transported inside the game. And they're back at Level 1. Will they ever be able to get out?

Claire at Sixteen (The Sebastian Sisters #3)

by Susan Beth Pfeffer

When Claire fears her family might be falling apart, she knows she&’ll have to fight her own battles—and she plans to win Always the beauty of the family and often the most ambitious, Claire Sebastian doesn&’t feel sixteen, and she doesn&’t dream of romance—she dreams of diamonds. Diamonds and emeralds and anything else that will pay for the best doctors to treat her sister Sybil, now an invalid after a terrible accident. Claire knows that her cheekbones and charm are her best assets, but she&’ll also need a shrewd strategy if she&’s going to save her family from their financial troubles. And she&’s on her own: Her parents, Nicky and Megs, are completely wrapped up in Sybil&’s recovery, and Claire&’s sisters just aren&’t as ruthless as she is. A visit with Aunt Grace and a chance look at an old photograph give Claire the ammunition she needs to pull off her plan. But as it starts to unfold, she realizes that people are going to get hurt . . . and one of them may be her.

Claiming My Place: Coming Of Age In The Shadow Of The Holocaust

by Planaria Price Helen Reichmann West

A Junior Library Guild selectionClaiming My Place is the true story of a young Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust by escaping to Nazi Germany and hiding in plain sight.Meet Barbara Reichmann, once known as Gucia Gomolinska: smart, determined, independent, and steadfast in the face of injustice. A Jew growing up in predominantly Catholic Poland during the 1920s and ’30s, Gucia studies hard, makes friends, falls in love, and dreams of a bright future. Her world is turned upside down when Nazis invade Poland and establish the first Jewish ghetto of World War II in her town of Piotrko´w Trybunalski. As the war escalates, Gucia and her family, friends, and neighbors suffer starvation, disease, and worse. She knows her blond hair and fair skin give her an advantage, and eventually she faces a harrowing choice: risk either the uncertain horrors of deportation to a concentration camp, or certain death if she is caught resisting. She decides to hide her identity as a Jew and adopts the gentile name Danuta Barbara Tanska. Barbara, nicknamed Basia, leaves behind everything and everyone she has ever known in order to claim a new life for herself. Writing in the first person, author Planaria Price brings the immediacy of Barbara’s voice to this true account of a young woman whose unlikely survival hinges upon the same determination and defiant spirit already evident in the six-year-old girl we meet as this story begins. The final portion of this narrative, written by Barbara’s daughter, Helen Reichmann West, completes Barbara’s journey from her immigration to America until her natural, timely death. Includes maps and photographs

Civil Wars

by Rosellen Brown

An idealistic couple, Teddy and Jessie Carlls, former activists in the civil rights movement in the 1960s and deeply committed to racial tolerance and equality, live with their children as virtually the only whites in a black development. When Teddy's racist sister and her husband are killed in an automobile accident, the Carlls are named as guardians of their two children--budding racists in their own right--and the expanded family finds it necessary to move. Teddy and Jessie reluctantly move to a larger house in a white, middle-class neighborhood. The novel focuses on Jessie's desperate efforts to help her in-laws' children adjust both to their loss and to the atmosphere of racial tolerance the children must confront in their new family.

The Civil War: From Fort Sumter to Appomattox (The United States at War)

by Zachary Kent

The Civil War, the bloodiest conflict in American history, forced neighbor to fight neighbor and brother to fight brother. More Americans lost their lives in this conflict than in any other war. From the hallowed battlefield at Gettysburg to the surrender at Appomattox, author Zachary Kent explores this pivotal time in American history, when a nation on the brink of destruction was reunited and permanently rid of slavery.

Civics - Government and Economics in Action Active Citizen Projects 6th Grade

by Pearson Prentice Hall

Civics - Government and Economics in Action Active Citizen Projects 6th Grade

Civics: Participating in Government

by Phyllis Ferlund James Davis

Connect citizenship to your students' world.

Civics: Responsibilities and Citizenship

by David C. Saffell

Civics is the study of citizenship and government. The word comes from the Latin word civis, meaning "citizen' In ancient Rome, where the word was first used, only wealthy landowners were allowed to be citizens. As such, they enjoyed special privileges that the common people did not share. Today the word citizen --a member of a community with a government and laws --applies to most people.

Ciudades de papel (Vintage Espanol Ser.)

by John Green

Una joven desaparece dejando una serie de pistas que solo su mejor amigo de la infancia podrá descifrar... En su último año de instituto, Quentin no ha aprobado ni en popularidad ni en asuntos del corazón. Pero todo cambia cuando su vecina, la legendaria, inalcanzable y enigmática Margo Spiegelman, se presenta en mitad de la noche para proponerle que le acompañe en un plan de venganza inaudito. Después de una intensa noche que reaviva el vínculo de una infancia compartida y parece sellar un nuevo destino para ambos, Margo desaparece dejando tras de sí un extraño cerco de pistas que solamente Quentin posee la clave para descifrar. Con un estilo único que combina humor y sensibilidad, John Green, el autor de Bajo la misma estrella, teje una emotiva historia a la que da vida un inolvidable elenco de personajes. Ganadora del prestigioso premio Edgar, Ciudades de papel aborda los temas de la amistad, el amor y la identidad para plantearnos una pregunta: ¿vemos en los demás, y en nosotros mismos, solamente aquello que queremos ver?

Ciudadano de la galaxia

by Robert A. Heinlein

Un gran clásico de la ciencia ficción de todos los tiempos, ahora en edición coleccionista para el lector joven. En una galaxia lejana, donde sigue vigente la esclavitud, otro niño huérfano es vendido en una subasta. Se trata de Thorby. Su nuevo dueño, Baslim, no es el mendigo lisiado que parece ser: tras adoptar a Thorby como si fuera su hijo, lucha sin descanso como espía abolicionista. Pero cuando las autoridades se acercan a Baslim, Thorby debe viajar a través de los mundos de una galaxia hostil y armarse de coraje para buscar su camino desde el último peldaño de la sociedad. En su lucha por ser reconocido como ciudadano de la galaxia, Thorby cambiará para siempre cuando descubra la verdad sobre su propia identidad. Esta novela, originariamente escrita en 1957, es un clásico indiscutible de la ciencia ficción, pero también una novela juvenil que, desde entonces, ha iniciado a varias generaciones de lectores en la literatura de género. Su autor, Robert A. Heinlein, es uno de los mayores creadores de la ciencia ficción clásica. La crítica ha dicho...«Tan satírica como provocativa... un protagonista que descubre los valores de la sociedad libre y del individuo.»Kirkus Reviews «Una poderosa combinación de ciencia ficción y misterio.»School Library Journal

La ciudad del agua (Mystic City #Volumen 1)

by Theo Lawrence

Una ciudad dividida, un amor destinado a durar para siempre y una mentira que puede cambiarlo todo... Una historia para los fans de Los Juegos del Hambre, X-Men, Juntos o Blade Runner. Dos familias enemigas, los Foster y los Rose, mueven los hilos invisibles de Nueva York. Tras años de ardiente confrontación, ahora la ciudad va ser testigo de un acontecimiento inaudito: Aria Rose y Thomas Foster, los primogénitos de cada familia, van a casarse, y su matrimonio simbolizará la unión inquebrantable de los dos linajes. Mientras tanto, en las Profundidades, un grupo de rebeldes trama una virulenta rebelión política que podría hacer temblar los pilares de la ciudad y acabar con todo lo que los Rose y los Foster han construido...

Ciudad de pesadillas

by Holly Race

¿QUÉ PASARÍA SI PUDIÉSEMOS ENTRAR EN LOS SUEÑOS? Hay sueños que se hacen realidad...Algunas pesadillas también. En un Londres alternativo, donde los sueños y las pesadillas se hacen realidad mientras dormimos, lo único que protege a los Soñadores de los peligros que lo habitan es una orden de caballeros que arriesgan sus vidas todas las noches. Fern hará todo lo posible para ser una de ellos, aunque para conseguirlo deba enfrentarse a su hermano gemelo Oliver, la persona a la que más odia y que la traicionó cuando más lo necesitaba. La joven no tardará en descubrir que este nuevo mundo está tan repleto de maravillas como plagado de peligros, y que alguien ha destapado un secreto mucho más terrorífico que cualquier pesadilla: QUIEN CONTROLA TUS SUEÑOS TE CONTROLA A TI.

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