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All You Have To Do

by Autumn Allen

Powerful, thought-provoking, and heartfelt, this debut YA novel by author Autumn Allen is a gripping look at what it takes (and takes and takes) for two Black students to succeed in prestigious academic institutions in America.In ALL YOU HAVE TO DO, two Black young men attend prestigious schools nearly thirty years apart, and yet both navigate similar forms of insidious racism.In April 1968, in the wake of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination, Kevin joins a protest that shuts down his Ivy League campus...In September 1995, amidst controversy over the Million Man March, Gibran challenges the &“See No Color&” hypocrisy of his prestigious New England prep school...As the two students, whose lives overlap in powerful ways, risk losing the opportunities their parents worked hard to provide, they move closer to discovering who they want to be instead of accepting as fact who society and family tell them they are.

Cendres aux Cendres: Une mini aventure Brandywine (Une mini aventure Helena Brandywine #3)

by Greg Alldredge

Située dans l'univers d'Helena Brandywine, cette histoire est la troisième aventure des Slaughter Sisters. New York est vivante de magie. Au cœur de Chinatown, les ruelles cachent un secret. Il y a un bâtiment qui utilise la magie pour se masquer aux mortels banals qui vivent autour de lui. Un bon ami a demandé aux Slaughter Sisters de trouver une fiancée rebelle. Jusqu'où sont-ils prêts à aller? Quel nouveau monstre tente les hommes, jeunes et vieux, à leur disparition? Dans Ashes to Ashes, les soeurs Slaughter trouvent un évadé de l'enfer lui-même. Vont-ils survivre?

Cenere alla Cenere: La storia delle sorelle Massacro (Una piccola avventura di Helena Brandiwine #3)

by Greg Alldredge

Nel cuore di Chinatown, i vicoli nascondono un segreto. C’è un edificio che adopera la magia per nascondersi dagli occhi indiscreti dei comuni mortali. Una cara amica chiede alle sorelle Massacro di pedinare un fidanzato che si comporta in modo strano. Fin dove sono disposte a spingersi? Quale nuova mostruosità sta attanagliando gli uomini, sia giovani che maturi? In Cenere alla Cenere le sorelle Massacro troveranno una via d’uscita dall’inferno. Ma sopravvivranno?

Cenizas a las Cenizas: Una mini aventura de Brandywine (Miniaventuras de Brandywine, #3 #3)

by Greg Alldredge

Ambientada en el universo Helena Brandywine, esta historia es la tercera aventura de Las Hermanas de la Matanza Nueva York está viva con magia. En lo profundo del corazón de Chinatown, los callejones esconden un secreto. Hay un edificio que usa magia para enmascararse de los mortales mundanos que viven a su alrededor. Un buen amigo les pidió a las Hermanas de la Matanza que buscaran una novia rebelde. ¿Hasta dónde están ubicados a llegar? ¿Qué nuevo monstruo está tentando a los hombres, jóvenes y viejos a su muerte? En Cenizas a la Cenizas, las Hermanas de la Matanza encuentran un escape del infierno. ¿Sobrevivirán?

Cinzas às Cinzas (Uma mini aventura Brandywine #3)

by Greg Alldredge

Situado no universo de Helena Brandywine, esta história é a terceira aventura de Das Irmãs Slaughter. Nova York está viva com magia. No coração de Chinatown, os becos escondem um segredo. Há um prédio que usa magia para se mascarar dos mortais mundanos que vivem ao redor dele. Uma amiga pediu às Irmãs Slaughter que encontrassem um noivo desobediente. Até onde elas estão dispostas a ir? Que novo monstro está atraindo os homens, jovens e velhos, para a sua morte? Em Cinzas às Cinzas, as Irmãs Slaughter encontram um fugitivo do próprio inferno. Elas irão sobreviver?

De la Poussière à la Poussière: Une Mini Aventure Helena Brandywine (Une Mini Aventure Helena Brandywine #2)

by Greg Alldredge

Une mini aventure Brandywine Trois soeurs chassent des monstres en 1899 New York City. Se déroulant dans l'univers d’Helena Brandywine, cette histoire est la deuxième aventure des Slaughter Soeurs. Ce que puisse faire une fille? Les soeurs de Chastity l’ont laissé seule chez elle pendant une semaine, que ferait un bricoleur américain de sang rouge? Pourquoi inventer bien sûr. Dommage que la marieuse fouineuse Mrs.Katz est amené un futur mari et un mystère pour que Chastity s’y mette les dents. Qui pourrait tourmenter une synagogue locale ? Comment est la morte du Rabbin précédent, c’est quoi cette créature mi-homme mi-cochon qui rôde? Dans De la Poussière à la Poussière C’est à Chastity Slaughter de le découvrir pendant l’absence de ses sœurs.

Le Belle Ragazze In Attesa: Un'avventura di Helena Brandywine (Helena Brandywine #1)

by Greg Alldredge

Ci sono mostri che sono ancora umani. In una magica San Francisco del 1899, il nuovo millennio è alle porte. Ovviamente le nuove invenzioni sono all'ordine del giorno, alcune sono magnifiche, altre mondane mentre tra le strade fioccano nuovi omicidi ogni notte. Sullo sfondo di questa ambientazione una ragazza dell'alta borghesia scompare e la giovane e intraprendente Helena Brandywine si avventura, insieme alle sue guardie del corpo, per scoprire cosa è successo. La ragazza era forse in fuga dai Tong di Chinatown? Che orrori deve aver dovuto sopportare? Riscopri l'Età d'Oro mentre Helena svela i segreti della sua famiglia. Il bene e il male, dove il pericolo è dietro ogni angolo. Riuscirà Helena Brandywine ad affrontare gli orrori che porterà alla luce? Venite a cercare le Belle Ragazze in Attesa Libro primo di nove della serie di Helena Brandywine

Meseras Bonitas: La aventura de Helena Brandywine Book 1 (A Helena Brandywine Adventure #1)

by Greg Alldredge

En un mágico San Francisco de 1899, el nuevo milenio se acerca rápidamente. Por supuesto, nuevos inventos ocurren cada día, algunos maravillosos, otros mundanos mientras las calles producen un nuevo asesinato cada noche. Con este telón de fondo desaparece una joven de la alta sociedad, Helena Brandywine, se encargará, junto con su criado de confianza, de descubrir lo que ha pasado. ¿La mujer se enfrentó a las bandas del Barrio Chino? ¿A qué horrores pudo haberse expuesto? Descubre esta Era Dorada mientras Helena descubre los secretos de su familia. El bien y el mal, donde el peligro acecha en cada esquina. ¿Puede Helena Brandywine prepararse para los monstruos que descubrirá? Descrubrelo en Meseras Bonitas.

Pó ao Pó (Uma mini aventura Brandywine #2)

by Greg Alldredge

Situado no universo de Helena Brandywine, esta história é a segunda aventura das Irmãs Slaughter. O que uma garota pode fazer? As irmãs de Chastity a deixaram em casa sozinha por uma semana, o que faria qualquer funileiro americano viril? Inventar, claro. Que pena que a casamenteira curiosa Sra. Katz tenha trazido um candidato a marido e um mistério em potencial para a Chastity afundar seus dentes. Quem poderia estar atormentando uma sinagoga local? Como a morte do antigo rabino entá envolvida e o que há com a criatura metade porco e metade homem espreitando? Em Pó ao Pó cabe a Chastity Slaughter descobrir enquanto suas irmãs estão fora.

Polvo al Polvo: Una Mini Aventura de Vino Brandy (Uma mini aventura Brandywine #2)

by Greg Alldredge

Ambientada en el universo Helena Brandywine, esta historia es la segunda aventura de Slaughter Sisters. ¿Qué puede hacer una chica? Las hermanas de Chastity se fueron solas de su casa durante una semana, ¿qué haría cualquier calderero americano? ¿Por qué inventar, por supuesto? Lástima que la casamentera entrometida Sra. Katz trajo un futuro esposo y misterio para que Chastity le hundiera los dientes. ¿Quién podría estar atormentando a una sinagoga local? ¿Cómo está involucrada la muerte del anterior Rabino, qué pasa con la criatura mitad hombre, mitad cerdo, acechando? En Dust to Dust It is up to Chastity Slaughter to find out while her sisters are away.

Polvere alla Polvere (Una piccola avventura di Helena Brandywine #2)

by Gredd Alldredge

Ambientato nell’universo di Helena Brandywine, questa è la seconda avventura delle sorelle Massacro. Cosa deve fare una ragazza? Chastity è sola in casa, e cosa potrebbe fare una tuttofare gagliarda come lei? Inventare, di sicuro. Peccato che la signorina Katz abbia portato con sé un futuro marito e un mistero in cui Chastity possa affondare i denti. Chi potrebbe tormentare una sinagoga locale? Come è coinvolta la morte del rabbino precedente, cosa c'entra la creatura mezzo-uomo mezzo-maiale in agguato? In Polvere alla Polvere tocca a Chastity Massacro scoprirlo mentre le sorelle sono via. Ambientato nell’universo di Helena Brandywine, questa è la seconda avventura delle sorelle Massacro. Cosa deve fare una ragazza? Chastity è sola in casa, e cosa potrebbe fare una tuttofare gagliarda come lei? Inventare, di sicuro. Peccato che la signorina Katz abbia portato con sé un futuro marito e un mistero in cui Chastity possa affondare i denti. Chi potrebbe tormentare una sinagoga locale? Come è coinvolta la morte del rabbino precedente, cosa c'entra la creatura mezzo-uomo mezzo-maiale in agguato? In Polvere alla Polvere tocca a Chastity Massacro scoprirlo mentre le sorelle sono via.


by Max Allan Barbara Collins

Fired from her job, baby boomer Joyce Lackey needs her youth back and is willing to do anything to get it. But she discovers a new identity comes with a very high price.

Playing with Picturebooks

by Cherie Allan

Offers new insights into the continuing influence of postmodernism on a wide range of international picture books for children published between 1963 and 2008. Its chapters include metafiction; disruption to narrative conventions; interrogation of 'truths'; historiographic metafiction; difference and ex-centricity; globalisation and media.

Blizzards (Dangerous Weather)

by Michael Allaby

Remain where you are . . . Dig a cave in the snow and shelter in it until conditions improve"-- this is Michael Allaby's advice to anyone caught outdoors in severe blizzard conditions known as "whiteouts." Wandering in search of shelter in such a storm would subject the pursuer to a featureless, disorienting whiteness, rendering senses useless and familiar landmarks unidentifiable. Blizzards describes what distinguishes a blizzard from an ordinary snowstorm, explains how blizzards develop and how they can deliver building-crushing volumes of snow, and chronicles dramatic blizzards of the past and the peculiar counter-intuitive measures required to survive these great white storms. The Dangerous Weather series imparts fundamental weather science to readers through author Michael Allaby's vivid descriptions of extreme weather systems. The series focuses on the five most dangerous kinds of weather activity; diagrams related meteorological, climatological, and environmental basics in clear, compelling language; chronicles the history of each form of dangerous weather; and offers safety precautions for extreme weather conditions. Fully illustrated and indexed, the Dangerous Weather series is an invaluable tool for student research. Other volumes include: hurricanes, tornadoes, floods droughts. Michael Allaby is the author of more than 40 books, mainly on science, natural environmental topics. A few of his previous works include Basics of Environment, The Weather: How It Works, The Environment, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Ecology.

Chronology of Weather (Dangerous Weather)

by Michael Allaby

From the Book Jacket: A Chronology of Weather presents an overview of the dangerous weather described in preceding volumes in the series. It includes a time line of catastrophic weather events from c. 3,200 B.C. to 1997, as well as a chronology of meteorological discovery-comprising the lives and inventions of great weather scientists-from c. 340 B.c. to 1995. A Chronology of Weather also contains weather experiments that students can perform at home using ordinary household supplies, a glossary of meteorological terms, charts for wind measurement and cloud classification, and further readings suggested by the author. The Dangerous Weather series imparts fundamental weather science to readers through author Michael Allaby's vivid descriptions of extreme weather systems. The series focuses on the five most dangerous kinds of weather activity; diagrams related meteorological, climatological, and environmental basics in clear, compelling language; chronicles the history of each form of dangerous weather; and offers safety precautions for extreme weather conditions. Fully illustrated and indexed, the Dangerous Weather series is an invaluable tool for student research. Other volumes include: hurricanes tornadoes droughts blizzards floods Other books in this series are also available from Bookshare.

Ajanma Snehitharu

by Paisal Alkarji

A small short story for childrens.

The Grimoire of Grave Fates

by Hanna Alkaf Margaret Owen

Crack open your spell book and enter the world of the illustrious Galileo Academy for the Extraordinary. There's been a murder on campus, and it's up to the students of Galileo to solve it. Follow 18 authors and 18 students as they puzzle out the clues and find the guilty party.Professor of Magical History Septimius Dropwort has just been murdered, and now everyone at the Galileo Academy for the Extraordinary is a suspect.A prestigious school for young magicians, the Galileo Academy has recently undergone a comprehensive overhaul, reinventing itself as a roaming academy in which students of all cultures and identities are celebrated. In this new Galileo, every pupil is welcome—but there are some who aren't so happy with the recent changes. That includes everyone's least favorite professor, Septimius Dropwort, a stodgy old man known for his harsh rules and harsher punishments. But when the professor's body is discovered on school grounds with a mysterious note clenched in his lifeless hand, the Academy's students must solve the murder themselves, because everyone's a suspect. Told from more than a dozen alternating and diverse perspectives, The Grimoire of Grave Fates follows Galileo's best and brightest young magicians as they race to discover the truth behind Dropwort's mysterious death. Each one of them is confident that only they have the skills needed to unravel the web of secrets hidden within Galileo's halls. But they're about to discover that even for straight-A students, magic doesn't always play by the rules. . . .Contributors include: Cam Montgomery, Darcie Little Badger, Hafsah Faizal, Jessica Lewis, Julian Winters, Karuna Riazi, Kat Cho, Kayla Whaley, Kwame Mbalia, L. L. McKinney, Marieke Nijkamp, Mason Deaver, Natasha Díaz, Preeti Chhibber, Randy Ribay, Tehlor Kay Mejia, Victoria Lee, and Yamile Saied Méndez

Queen of the Tiles

by Hanna Alkaf

They Wish They Were Us meets The Queen&’s Gambit in this &“stunning…unforgettable&” (Publishers Weekly) thriller set in the world of competitive Scrabble, where a teen girl is forced to investigate the mysterious death of her best friend when her Instagram comes back to life with cryptic posts and messages.CATALYST 13 points noun: a substance that speeds up a reaction without itself changing When Najwa Bakri walks into her first Scrabble competition since her best friend&’s death, it&’s with the intention to heal and move on with her life. Perhaps it wasn&’t the best idea to choose the very same competition where said best friend, Trina Low, died. It seems that even though Najwa is trying to change, she&’s not ready to give up Trina just yet. But the same can&’t be said for all the other competitors. With Trina, the Scrabble Queen herself, gone, the throne is empty, and her friends are eager to be the next reigning champion. All&’s fair in love and Scrabble, but all bets are off when Trina&’s formerly inactive Instagram starts posting again, with cryptic messages suggesting that maybe Trina&’s death wasn&’t as straightforward as everyone thought. And maybe someone at the competition had something to do with it. As secrets are revealed and the true colors of her friends are shown, it&’s up to Najwa to find out who&’s behind these mysterious posts—not just to save Trina&’s memory, but to save herself.

The Weight of Our Sky

by Hanna Alkaf

A music loving teen with OCD does everything she can to find her way back to her mother during the historic race riots in 1969 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in this heart-pounding literary debut.Melati Ahmad looks like your typical movie-going, Beatles-obsessed sixteen-year-old. Unlike most other sixteen-year-olds though, Mel also believes that she harbors a djinn inside her, one who threatens her with horrific images of her mother&’s death unless she adheres to an elaborate ritual of counting and tapping to keep him satisfied.A trip to the movies after school turns into a nightmare when the city erupts into violent race riots between the Chinese and the Malay. When gangsters come into the theater and hold movie-goers hostage, Mel, a Malay, is saved by a Chinese woman, but has to leave her best friend behind to die.On their journey through town, Mel sees for herself the devastation caused by the riots. In her village, a neighbor tells her that her mother, a nurse, was called in to help with the many bodies piling up at the hospital. Mel must survive on her own, with the help of a few kind strangers, until she finds her mother. But the djinn in her mind threatens her ability to cope.

Solstice: A Tropical Horror Comedy

by Lorence Alison

"Part teen drama, part horror story... Readers will want to finish in one sitting." —Kirkus ReviewsA music fest goes wrong in Lorence Alison's comic YA thriller Solstice as selfie-mad concert-goers wake up to realize their tropical island fantasy is a deadly nightmare.When Adri is offered an all-expenses-paid trip to the exclusive Solstice Festival, she throws caution, her prestigious summer internship, and her parents goodwill to the wind. She just wants to live a little before the first day of the rest of her life, planned and scheduled in accordance with her parents’ law school dreams.But when she and a horde of affluent, entitled teen partiers arrive at the island paradise, it looks nothing like the luxury vacation they were promised. There’s barely any food, nowhere to stay, and not nearly enough porta-potties. Pretty soon, the festival is trending on social media for all the wrong reasons, and the music acts are cancelling left and right.And then the first dead body washes up on the beach.Adri has a front-row seat as everything devolves into chaos—and she's in a prime position to put together the clues to who—or what—is killing off the helpless attendees. But even if she finds the killer, how can she hope to stop them?Check your privilege at the door—before it gets you killed. This is one vacation you can’t escape.An Imprint Book"Topical, tropical—and terrifying! A fast-paced read that will have you on the edge of your seat."—Caleb Roehrig, author of Death Prefers Blondes

The Story of Johnny Appleseed

by Aliki

Retells the wandering of John Chapman whose devotion to planting apple trees made him a legendary figure in American history.

The Teenage Girl's Guide to Living Well with ADHD: Improve your Self-Esteem, Self-Care and Self Knowledge

by Sonia Ali

Have you ever been told you are chatty or fidgety at school?Do you have a constantly whirring mind? Do you 'tune out' and daydream or find it hard to pay attention?ADHD can impact your life in many ways. This positive, self-affirming guide will increase your knowledge about ADHD and empower you in your daily life.The chapters are full of tips, tricks and life hacks so you can better manage your time, harness your creativity, energy and enthusiasm, and make more time for fun! Reflection activities and quizzes will help you better understand yourself and learn strategies on how to manage the intense emotions of rejection sensitivity. You'll learn the fundamentals of great self-care and how to look forward to life beyond school.Learn how ADHD brains work, and tricky concepts like executive functioning. Quick chapter summaries let you pick which sections are most relevant to you right now, and the strategies and visuals are designed for ADHD brains and can be used with support from parents, mentors or teachers.The Teenage Girl's Guide to Living Well with ADHD gives you all you need to build on your strengths and overcome challenges to fully embrace who you are and live your best life.

The Self-Love Workbook for Teens: A Transformative Guide to Boost Self-Esteem, Build Healthy Mindsets, and Embrace Your True Self

by Shainna Ali

Discover how to change your attitude, build confidence in who you are, and genuinely love yourself through the guided activities and real-world advice in this easy-to-use, friendly workbook for teens and young adults. As a teen, life can be stressful, whether from worrying about looks, performance in school, relationships with friends and family, or societal pressures. It is easy for you to lose focus and feel like you&’re not good enough. The Self-Love Workbook for Teens gives you the tools to conquer self-doubt and develop a healthy mindset. It includes fun, creative, and research-backed exercises, lessons, and tips, including: Interactive activities Reflective exercises Journaling prompts Actionable advice Self-love is a journey, but it is the first step on the path to a happier, more fulfilling life.

Love from Mecca to Medina

by S. K. Ali

On the trip of a lifetime, Adam and Zayneb must find their way back to each other in this surprising and romantic sequel to the &“bighearted, wildly charming&” (Becky Albertalli, New York Times bestselling author) Love from A to Z that&’s a &“contemplative exploration of faith, love, and the human condition&” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review).Adam and Zayneb. Perfectly matched. Painfully apart. Adam is in Doha, Qatar, making a map of the Hijra, a historic migration from Mecca to Medina, and worried about where his next paycheck will come from. Zayneb is in Chicago, where school and extracurricular stresses are piling on top of a terrible frenemy situation, making her miserable. Then a marvel occurs: Adam and Zayneb get the chance to spend Thanksgiving week on the Umrah, a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, in Saudi Arabia. Adam is thrilled; it&’s the reboot he needs and an opportunity to pray for a hijra in real life: to migrate to Zayneb in Chicago. Zayneb balks at the trip at first, having envisioned another kind of vacation, but then decides a spiritual reset is calling her name too. And they can&’t wait to see each other—surely, this is just what they both need. But the trip is nothing like what they expect, from the appearance of Adam&’s former love interest in their traveling group to the anxiety gripping Zayneb when she&’s supposed to be &“spiritual.&” As one wedge after another drives them apart while they make their way through rites in the holy city, Adam and Zayneb start to wonder: was their meeting just an oddity after all? Or can their love transcend everything else like the greatest marvels of the world?

Love from A to Z

by S. K. Ali

&“The bighearted, wildly charming, painfully real love story I&’ve been waiting for.&” —Becky Albertalli, New York Times bestselling author of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda &“Heartfelt and powerful.&” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review) From William C. Morris Award Finalist S.K. Ali comes an unforgettable romance that is The Sun Is Also a Star meets Anna and the French Kiss, following two Muslim teens who meet during a spring break trip.A marvel: something you find amazing. Even ordinary-amazing. Like potatoes—because they make French fries happen. Like the perfect fries Adam and his mom used to make together. An oddity: whatever gives you pause. Like the fact that there are hateful people in the world. Like Zayneb&’s teacher, who won&’t stop reminding the class how &“bad&” Muslims are. But Zayneb, the only Muslim in class, isn&’t bad. She&’s angry. When she gets suspended for confronting her teacher, and he begins investigating her activist friends, Zayneb heads to her aunt&’s house in Doha, Qatar, for an early start to spring break. Fueled by the guilt of getting her friends in trouble, she resolves to try out a newer, &“nicer&” version of herself in a place where no one knows her. Then her path crosses with Adam&’s. Since he got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in November, Adam&’s stopped going to classes, intent, instead, on perfecting the making of things. Intent on keeping the memory of his mom alive for his little sister. Adam&’s also intent on keeping his diagnosis a secret from his grieving father. Alone, Adam and Zayneb are playing roles for others, keeping their real thoughts locked away in their journals. Until a marvel and an oddity occurs… Marvel: Adam and Zayneb meeting. Oddity: Adam and Zayneb meeting.

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