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Managing the Laboratory Animal Facility

by Jerald Silverman

Praise for the Previous Editions "The author brings in management wisdom from the world outside laboratory animal medicine and veterinary medicine. As a result, there is a rich mixture of the experience of a seasoned professional and the theoretical framework used by schools of management …. I recommend this book to managers and laboratory animal specialists at any stage of their careers." —Franklin M. Loew, DVM, PhD, DACLAM, JAVMA, Vol. 222, No. 6, 2003 "… This book is a good informational resource for any new manager to the field of laboratory management. The information is presented in a way that will keep your interest and stimulate you to think how it can benefit you and the facility in which you work." —Susan K. Cutter, BS, RVT, RLATG, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, LAMA Review Written in Jerry Silverman’s trademark style, Managing the Laboratory Animal Facility, Third Edition provides the reader with sound management theory and associated management practices that are easy to read, easy to understand, easy to implement, and pertinent to the daily management and leadership of laboratory animal facilities. Maintaining the practical focus of previous editions, this greatly expanded volume presents the critical knowledge needed to help you make efficient and effective use of the key resources that are used every day by vivarium managers – people, time, money, and information. New to the Third Edition Incorporating the latest developments in management theory and application, the edition contains approximately 100 pages of new and expanded material. This more detailed coverage: Discusses lean management concepts and practices and their application to laboratory animal science Adds information on many essential topics, especially in human resources management in its treatment of negotiations, influence, and performance reviews Provides a large number of revisions and updates to Appendix 2 in its presentation of Per diem calculations Includes an extensive list of references for further study of specialized topics

Manatee Blues: Brenna (Vet Volunteers #4)

by Laurie Halse Anderson

Each of these exciting stories, told in the voice of one of the 11-year-old volunteers at the Wild at Heart Animal Clinic, offers a first-hand account of animal emergencies and rescues. This series is sure to win the hearts of readers who are wild about animals!<P><P> Dr. Mac takes Brenna, Maggie, and Zoe to Florida to visit a manatee rescue center. Shortly after they arrive, Brenna goes on a rescue mission and helps nurse an injured manatee back to health. She also learns the center is in desperate need of money. She'll do anything to keep it from closing -- and to save the manatees.

The Manatee (Endangered in America)

by Alvin Silverstein Virginia Silverstein Robert Silverstein Laura Silverstein Nunn

From the Book Jacket: ENDANGERED IN AMERICA More than 300 kinds of North American anil endangered or threatened - at risk of dyini are taking action to help them, sometimes success. These books present the stories oi animals, and of the efforts to save thei The Spotted Owl The Red Wolf The Black-Footed Ferret The Peregrine Falcon The Sea Otter The Manatee Other books in this series are available from Bookshare.

Manatee Summer

by Evan Griffith

In this poignant middle grade contemporary debut that New York Times bestselling author Katherine Applegate calls “by turns heartbreaking and heart-healing,” Evan Griffith beautifully captures all the tenderness and uncertainty that come with caring for family, friends, and the natural world.Peter and his best friend, Tommy, have a goal for their last summer before middle school: finish their Discovery Journal, a catalog of the wildlife around their Florida town. When they spot a manatee in a canal, Peter knows they’ve found something special—and when the manatee is injured by a boat, something to protect!As Peter joins the fight to save Florida manatees, he also finds himself taking care of his ailing grandfather and facing an unwelcome surprise that jeopardizes his friendship with Tommy. Soon Peter is adrift, navigating shifting tides and realizing that he has as much to discover about himself as he does about the world around him.

Manatees: Natural History and Conservation (World Life Library)

by James Powell

From the Book jacket: These large, herbivorous marine mammals have calm, inquisitive natures that have endeared them to many. Curious legends are associated with manatees and dugongs, and they are central to many cultural traditions around the world. These remarkable animals are at risk throughout most of their range, from hunting, collisions with water craft, entanglement in fishing gear, habitat alteration, and disease. This up-to-date study examines their origins, life cycles, and present distribution, and discusses the problems facing conservationists in their efforts to protect these gentle giants. Discover the world's animals and the physical world in the World Life Library from Voyageur Press. This highly acclaimed series brings you the latest research from leading naturalists, along with stunning color photographs of your favorite animals and of our fascinating natural world.

Manatees (Animals)

by Martha E. Rustad

Manatees are huge sea mammals. These big, wrinkly creatures are strong but swim through the ocean slowly. Learn all about these amazing mammals.


by Sally M. Walker

Describes the physical characteristics, life cycle, behavior, and conservation of manatees, also known as sea cows.

Manatee's Best Friend

by Sylvia Liu

Perfect for fans of Catherine Hapka -- a heart-warming story about a girl who must find her voice, with lots of manatee and dolphin fun along the way!Becca Wong Walker may be so shy that most people at school think she doesn't speak at all, but why should she care? She has more important things to worry about. Missy, the manatee who visits the dock in Becca's backyard, and Becca's only friend, hasn't been seen for a long time. When Missy finally does return, she has a new baby with her! Becca wants to be excited, but more than ever inconsiderate boaters are speeding through the river, putting the lives of Missy and her baby in terrible danger.One day, Becca spots a dolphin in the river too! By bonding over the dolphin and manatees, Becca finally starts to make friends at school. But when Becca takes a video that goes viral, it seems like it will be harder than ever to save the manatees... and trying might just tear Becca's new friendships apart.

Manchester Terrier

by Muriel P. Lee Michael Trafford

"Long thought to be the oldest of all terrier breeds, the sleek and sturdy yet elegant Manchester Terrier is prized as a beloved companion dog and an eye-catching show dog. Fearlessness, keenness and endurance made this muscular little breed from England a storied hunter of vermin during the Industrial Revolution, though today he is rarely used as a working dog. A descendant of the original Black and Tan Terrier from England, the Manchester Terrier is regarded as the foundation of various other breeds, including the popular Doberman Pinscher. Though other black and tan dogs have surpassed the Manchester in popularity, no breed excels this gentleman's breed in agility, elegance or devotion. This Special Limited Edition, written by terrier expert and breeder Muriel P. Lee, surveys the Manchester's history in England and traces the breed to the shores of the United States, where it is separated into two varieties, Standard and Toy, identical except for size and ears. The author also discusses the Manchester Terrier's characteristics and breed standard. New owners will find advice on choosing a breeder and well-bred puppy as well as information on feeding, exercise, house-training and basic obedience. A thorough, up-to-date chapter on canine healthcare, written by veterinarian Dr. Lowell Ackerman, covers topics including veterinarian selection, vaccinations, preventive care and parasite control."

Manfried Saves the Day: A Graphic Novel (Manfried the Man #2)

by Caitlin Major

In this hilarious graphic novel, the roles of cats and humans are reversed, putting humanoid felines in charge of tiny, dimwitted little man-pets. Manfried the Man was named one of the Best Comics of 2018 by A.V. Club and PasteCan a pet man who spends most of his time eating and sleeping take first prize at the Manflower Man Show? If not, the local shelter for stray men will be forced to shut down forever! Based on the hilarious webcomic, this sequel to Manfried the Man is an all-new stand-alone story that can be enjoyed by followers of the series and new fans alike.

Mango, Abuela, and Me

by Meg Medina Angela Dominguez

Mia’s abuela has left her sunny house with parrots and palm trees to live with Mia and her parents in the city. The night she arrives, Mia tries to share her favorite book with Abuela before they go to sleep and discovers that Abuela can’t read the words inside. So while they cook, Mia helps Abuela learn English (“Dough. Masa”), and Mia learns some Spanish too, but it’s still hard for Abuela to learn the words she needs to tell Mia all her stories. Then Mia sees a parrot in the pet-shop window and has the perfectoidea for how to help them all communicate a little better. An endearing tale from an award-winning duo that speaks loud and clear about learning new things and the love that bonds family members.

Mango Malformation

by D. K. Chakrabarti

Malformation disease of mango (Mangifera indica) initially noted in patches in India has now turned into a global menace wherever mango is grown. The challenge posed by the problem attracted interest of Scientists from various disciplines, continue to do so, and will attract their attention until the problem is understood threadbare, and resolved. For a long time, due to complex nature of the disease, the cause and causal agent was both hotly debated. Only in recent years, the issue of the etiology of the disease has been resolved, epidemiology has been worked out to a large extent and silver bullet control measures have been replaced by IPM strategy based on the information generated on the physiology of pathogenesis and epidemiology of the disease.

A Mango-Shaped Space (Little Brown Novels)

by Wendy Mass

Mia Winchell seems to be a typical teenager, but shes keeping a huge secret from everyone who knows her: sounds, numbers, and words appear in color for her. Mia has synesthesia, the mingling of perceptions whereby a person can see sounds, smell colors, or taste shapes. When trouble in school forces Mia to reveal her condition, her friends and family cant relate to her, and she must look to herself to develop an understanding and appreciation for her gift. Spiced with wit and humor, A Mango-Shaped Space is a poignant coming-of-age novel that will intrigue readers long after they've turned the last page. Praised by reviewers and award-winning authors alike, A Mango-Shaped Space has brought renewed attention to the fascinating world of synesthesia, which includes famous artists such as Vincent Van Gogh and Serge Rachmaninoff.

Mangroves: Biodiversity, Livelihoods and Conservation

by Sudhir Chandra Das Pullaiah Thammineni Elizabeth C. Ashton

This contributory volume is a comprehensive collection on the mangrove forest eco-system and its ecology, the resources and potentials of mangroves, conservation efforts, mangrove eco-system services and threats to conservation. The book is an all-inclusive compilation on the status, conservation and future of mangroves. Mangroves are a unique ecosystem providing several ecosystem services. They are formed in the inter-tidal areas of large rivers and coastal islands. Mangroves thrives due to constant interaction with the terrestrial and marine ecosystem. These are the species dynamics, varying tidal amplitudes, plant succession, changing floral pattern of the channels of the estuary, the varying sediment transportation. There was 20% decline in mangrove forest area in the last 25 years due mainly to conversion and coastal development. Lengthy recovery periods required for the degraded mangrove forests. Hence there is an urgent need to take stock of the updated information on these mangroves at global level. It is of immense value to scientific community involved in teaching, research and extension activities related to mangrove conservation.

Manifest animalista: La causa animal com a camí per a un nou humanisme

by Corine Pelluchon

La violència contra els animals és un atac directe a la nostra humanitat. Això demostra Corine Pelluchon en aquest breu, pragmàtic, i controvertit assaig que suposa una contribució radical a l'ètica i la filosofia política. Lluitar contra el maltractament animal és rebel·lar-se contra una societat basada en l'explotació, i per això la causa animalista és una qüestió política major que ens concerneix a tots, més enllà d'ideologies o conflictes d'interessos. Amb un estil viu, persuasiu i inspirador, l'autora proposa un camí possible i factible per portar aquest debat a l'esfera política amb tanta claredat i urgència com sigui possible. Ressenyes:«Corine Pelluchon ho explica tot absolutament bé en tot just un centenar de pàgines: per ser una alternativa vàlida, és imprescindible polititzar la causa animal.»Luce Lapin, Charlie Hebdo «L'objectiu principal de l'autora està completament assolit en aquest Manifest animalista: dóna al lector les claus que li permetran ampliar el radi d'acció de l'humanisme als animals.»Philippe Douroux, Libération «Una perspectiva bella i ambiciosa.»Isabelle Gravillon, Femme Majuscule «Un llibre d'intervenció política, tan compromès com lúcid.»Robert Jules, La Tribune «Una de les moltes i grans qualitats d'aquest Manifest animalista és que, en tot moment, el seu projecte està exposat de manera perfectament creïble i realitzable. Precisament per això, l'autora no es fa cap il·lusió sobre la dificultat que suposa introduir la qüestió animal en el debat polític.»Hicham-Stéphane Afeissa, Non Fiction

Manifiesto animalista

by Corine Pelluchon

La violencia contra los animales es un ataque directo a nuestra humanidad. Eso demuestra Corine Pelluchon en este breve ensayo, pragmático, controvertido y que supone una contribución radical a la ética y la filosofía política. <P><P>Luchar contra el maltrato animal es rebelarse contra una sociedad basada en la explotación, y por ello la causa animalista es una cuestión política mayor que nos concierne a todos, más allá de ideologías o conflictos de intereses. <P>Con un estilo vivo, persuasivo e inspirador, la autora propone un camino posible y factible para llevar el debate a la esfera política con tanta claridad y urgencia como sea posible.

Manifiesto animalista: Politizar la causa animal

by Corine Pelluchon

La violencia contra los animales es un ataque directo a nuestra humanidad. Eso demuestra Corine Pelluchon en este breve ensayo, pragmático, controvertido y que supone una contribución radical a la ética y la filosofía política. «Un libro intenso, pese a su brevedad, de acción, llamado a marcar época. [...] Una propuesta clara y concisa para avanzar de manera decisiva en nuestra relación con los animales».Jacinto Antón, El País Luchar contra el maltrato animal es rebelarse contra una sociedad basada en la explotación, y por ello la causa animalista es una cuestión política mayor que nos concierne a todos, más allá de ideologías o conflictos de intereses. Con un estilo vivo, persuasivo e inspirador, la autora propone un camino posible y factible para llevar el debate a la esfera política con tanta claridad y urgencia como sea posible. Reseñas:«No exento de polémica, Manifiesto animalista, no pretende aleccionar moralmente a nadie, ni siquiera pretende convertirnos en animalistas, sino poner al lector, ciudadano, al fin y al cabo, en la meta de salida de un proceso de auto conversión e introspección. [...] Un cambio a varios niveles y que venga desde diferentes ámbitos: una nueva era, la de los seres vivientes, que deje atrás el antropocentrismo y que ponga el acento en nuestra manera de habitar la tierra».Queralt Castillo Cerezuela, Público«Un texto corto, directo y con propuestas muy concretas. Un panfleto que rompe la brecha entre la teoría y la práctica y va encaminado hacia la acción. Y en su país han recogido el guante. [...] La mejor muestra de que la lucha por los derechos de los animales ha traspasado ya la linde del mero activismo».Paula Corroto, El País «El ensayo dela doctora en filosofía Pelluchon irrumpe en la sociedad del siglo XXI como una verdadera catarsis del espíritu».LA.Network «Un nuevo paradigma del movimiento animalista mundial. [...] Un libro intenso, pese a su brevedad, de acción, llamado a marcar época y que constituye a la vez un estado de la cuestión, una declaración de intenciones y una propuesta clara y concisa para avanzar de manera decisiva en nuestra relación con los animales».Jacinto Antón, El País «La voz del animalismo».Núria Navarro, El Periódico«Un nombre de referencia del antiespecismo que busca convencer, no vencer a cualquier precio. [...] Manifiesto animalista resuena más necesaria que nunca.»Igor López, ICON «Corine Pelluchon lo explica todo absolutamente bien en apenas un centenar de páginas: para ser una alternativa válida, politizar la causa animal es imprescindible.»Luce Lapin, Charlie Hebdo«El objetivo principal de la autora está completamente logrado en este Manifiesto animalista: le da al lector las claves que le permitirán ampliar el radio de acción del humanismo a los animales.»Philippe Douroux, Libération «Una perspectiva bella y ambiciosa.»Isabelle Gravillon, Femme Majuscule«Un libro de intervención política, tan comprometido como lúcido.»Robert Jules, La Tribune «Una de las muchas y grandes cualidades de este Manifiesto animalista es que, en todo momento, su proyecto está expuesto de manera perfectamente creíble y realizable. Precisamente por eso, la autora no se hace ninguna ilusión sobrela dificultad que supone introducir la cuestión animal en el debate político.»Hicham-Stéphane Afeissa, Non Fiction

Manipulation of the Avian Genome

by Robert J. Etches Ann M. Gibbins

Many genes have been cloned from chicken cells, and during the next decade numerous laboratories will be concentrating their resources in developing ways of using these tools. Manipulation of the Avian Genome contains the most recent information from leading research laboratories in the areas of developmental and molecular genetics of the chicken. This information was presented at the Keystone Symposium held at Lake Tahoe in March, 1991. The book discusses potential applications of emerging technology in basic science and poultry production. Various techniques for altering genomic DNA, such as microinjection, retroviral vectors, and lipofection are covered. Genome evaluation using DNA fingerprinting and conventional breeding techniques are presented.

Manipulative Monkeys: The Capuchins of Lomas Barbudal

by Susan Perry

The authors describe is behavior as entertaining--and occasionally as alarming--as it is recognizable: the competition and cooperation, the jockeying for position and status, the peaceful years under an alpha male devolving into bloody chaos, and the complex traditions passed from one generation to the next. <P><P>Interspersed with their observations of the monkeys' lives are the authors' colorful tales of the challenges of tropical fieldwork--a mixture so rich that by the book's end we know what it is to be a wild capuchin monkey or a field primatologist.

Manipulative Monkeys: The Capuchins of Lomas Barbudal

by Susan Perry Joseph H Manson

With their tonsured heads, white faces, and striking cowls, the monkeys might vaguely resemble the Capuchin monks for whom they were named. How they act is something else entirely. They climb onto each other's shoulders four deep to frighten enemies. They test friendship by sticking their fingers up one another's noses. They often nurse--but sometimes kill--each other's offspring. They use sex as a means of communicating. And they negotiate a remarkably intricate network of alliances, simian politics, and social intrigue. Not monkish, perhaps, but as we see in this downright ethnographic account of the capuchins of Lomas Barbudal, their world is as complex, ritualistic, and structured as any society. Manipulative Monkeys takes us into a Costa Rican forest teeming with simian drama, where since 1990 primatologists Susan Perry and Joseph H. Manson have followed the lives of four generations of capuchins. What the authors describe is behavior as entertaining--and occasionally as alarming--as it is recognizable: the competition and cooperation, the jockeying for position and status, the peaceful years under an alpha male devolving into bloody chaos, and the complex traditions passed from one generation to the next. Interspersed with their observations of the monkeys' lives are the authors' colorful tales of the challenges of tropical fieldwork--a mixture so rich that by the book's end we know what it is to be a wild capuchin monkey or a field primatologist. And we are left with a clear sense of the importance of these endangered monkeys for understanding human behavioral evolution.

The Manly Masquerade: Masculinity, Paternity, and Castration in the Italian Renaissance

by Valeria Finucci

The Manly Masquerade unravels the complex ways men were defined as men in Renaissance Italy through readings of a vast array of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century evidence: medical and travel literature; theology; law; myth; conduct books; and plays, chivalric romances, and novellas by authors including Machiavelli, Tasso, and Ariosto. Valeria Finucci shows how ideas of masculinity were formed in the midst of acute anxiety about paternity by highlighting the beliefs--widely held at the time--that conception could occur without a paternal imprimatur or through a woman's encounter with an animal, or even that a pregnant woman's imagination could erase the father's "signature" from the fetus. Against these visions of reproduction gone awry, Finucci looks at how concepts of masculinity were tied to issues of paternity through social standing, legal matters, and inheritance practices. Highlighting the fissures running through Italian Renaissance ideas of manliness, Finucci describes how, alongside pervasive images of the virile, sexually active man, early modern Italian culture recognized the existence of hermaphrodites and started to experiment with a new kind of sexuality by manufacturing a non-man: the castrato. Following the creation of castrati, the Church forbade the marriage of all non-procreative men, and, in this move, Finucci identifies a powerful legitimation of the view that what makes men is not the possession of male organs or the ability to have sex, but the capability to father. Through analysis, anecdote, and rich cultural description, The Manly Masquerade exposes the "real" early modern man: the paterfamilias.

Manny the Frenchie's Art of Happiness

by Manny the Frenchie

In 2011, Manny was the runt of the litter and on his way to a shelter. But when his parents scooped him up, named him after the world famous boxer, Manny Pacquiao, and began posting photos of him sleeping in their sink accompanied by humorous, optimistic captions, Manny went viral.Whether he's wearing sunglasses, hitting up music festivals, or sleeping in adorable costumes, this little Frenchie always encourages a positive, do-gooder outlook to his followers. Packed with cheeky humor, witty wisdom, and charming anecdotes, Manny the Frenchie's Art of Happiness will satisfy dog lovers of all breeds.Based on his popular Instagram feed @Manny_the_Frenchie, this is an illustrated and humorous guide to living a happy and fulfilling life by 'the most famous French bulldog in the world...who's downright amazing' (

Manny's Animals

by Julia Durango

Manny and Granny are using imagination to have fun together.

Manrattan: The Truth is Finally Revealed

by Sir Rhymesalot

Anyone who has been to 'Gotham City' and wandered about a bit has most likely spotted a giant inflatable rat or two. There are many stories as to why they are there but, until now, nobody had discovered the real truth about their secret lives. Join celebrated children's author, Sir Rhymesalot as he goes undercover to burrow down to the inflated-rat-underworld for a ride that lifts you high into the sky. As with all Sir Rhymesalot titles, rhythm and rhyming verse lead the way, and sing you through the steps of the adventure.

Man's Best Friend: The inspiring true story of Sergeant Luke Warburton, his police dog Chuck and the crime-busting Dog Unit

by Simon Bouda Luke Warburton

At 10.30 p.m. on 12 January 2016 Acting Sergeant Luke Warburton thought he was taking his last breath. A decorated New South Wales Police Officer, the father of three was looking death in the face after a bullet pierced his femoral vein. If it wasn't for the fact that it happened in the Emergency Ward of Sydney's Nepean Hospital, Warburton would probably have been dead already. An hour earlier, he'd walked to his police van with his ever-faithful German shepherd, Chuck, trotting alongside. Later, Luke would be awarded the Commissioner's Valour Award for conspicuous merit and exceptional bravery in the line of duty. He would maintain he was just a copper doing his job. So, too, was Chuck, who was nationally recognised for bringing down Australia's most wanted man, Macolm Naden, after a manhunt lasting more than seven years.Man's Best Friend is Luke and Chuck's story. It's the story of a boy who dreamed of one day being a policeman, of his love for dogs and his time at the NSW Police Dog Unit. It's also the story of an ordinary man and his ordinary dog doing extraordinary things in the line of duty.

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