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The Match

by Susan Whitman Helfgot

Joseph Helfgot, the son of Holocaust survivors, worked his way from a Lower East Side tenement to create a successful Hollywood research company. But his heart was failing. After months of waiting for a heart transplant, he died during the operation. Hours after his death, his wife Susan was asked a shocking question: would she donate her husband’s face to a total stranger?The stranger was James Maki, the adopted son of parents who spent part of World War II in an internment camp for Japanese Americans. Rebelling against his stern father, a professor, by enlisting to serve in Vietnam, he returned home a broken man, addicted to drugs. One night he fell facedown onto the electrified third rail of a Boston subway track. A young Czech surgeon who was determined to make a better life on the other side of the Iron Curtain was on call when the ambulance brought Maki to the hospital. Although Dr. Bohdan Pomahac gave him little chance of survival, Maki battled back. He was sober and grateful for a second chance, but he became a recluse, a man without a face. His only hope was a controversial face transplant, and Dr. Pomahac made it happen. InThe Match,Susan Whitman Helfgot captures decades of drama and history, taking us from Warsaw to Japan, from New York to Hollywood. Through wars and immigration, poverty and persecution, from a medieval cadaver dissection to a stunning seventeen-hour face transplant, she weaves together the story of people forever intertwined—a triumphant legacy of hope.

The Match

by Susan Whitman Helfgot William Novak

Joseph Helfgot, the son of Holocaust survivors, worked his way from a Lower East Side tenement to create a successful Hollywood research company. But his heart was failing. After months of waiting for a heart transplant, he died during the operation. Hours after his death, his wife Susan was asked a shocking question: would she donate her husband's face to a total stranger? The stranger was James Maki, the adopted son of parents who spent part of World War II in an internment camp for Japanese Americans. Rebelling against his stern father, a professor, by enlisting to serve in Vietnam, he returned home a broken man, addicted to drugs. One night he fell facedown onto the electrified third rail of a Boston subway track. A young Czech surgeon who was determined to make a better life on the other side of the Iron Curtain was on call when the ambulance brought Maki to the hospital. Although Dr. Bohdan Pomahac gave him little chance of survival, Maki battled back. He was sober and grateful for a second chance, but he became a recluse, a man without a face. His only hope was a controversial face transplant, and Dr. Pomahac made it happen. In The Match, Susan Whitman Helfgot captures decades of drama and history, taking us from Warsaw to Japan, from New York to Hollywood. Through wars and immigration, poverty and persecution, from a medieval cadaver dissection to a stunning seventeen-hour face transplant, she weaves together the story of people forever intertwined--a triumphant legacy of hope.

The Match: Savior Siblings and One Family's Battle to Heal Their Daughter

by Beth Whitehouse

My Sister's Keeper in nonfiction: a family's real-life struggle to cure their daughter by creating her genetic match Katie Trebing was diagnosed at three months old with Diamond Blackfan anemia, a rare form of anemia that prevents bone marrow from producing red blood cells. Even with a lifetime of monthly blood transfusions, she faced a poor prognosis. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Beth Whitehouse follows the Trebings as they make the decision to create a genetically matched sibling using preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and in vitro fertilization, and proceed with a risky bone-marrow transplant that could kill their daughter rather than save her. The Match is a timely and provocative look at urgent issues that can only become more complex and pressing as genetic and reproductive technologies advance.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Match Girl and the Heiress

by Seth Koven

Nellie Dowell was a match factory girl in Victorian London who spent her early years consigned to orphanages and hospitals. Muriel Lester, the daughter of a wealthy shipbuilder, longed to be free of the burden of money and possessions. Together, these unlikely soulmates sought to remake the world according to their own utopian vision of Christ's teachings. The Match Girl and the Heiress paints an unforgettable portrait of their late-nineteenth-century girlhoods of wealth and want, and their daring twentieth-century experiments in ethical living in a world torn apart by war, imperialism, and industrial capitalism.In this captivating book, Seth Koven chronicles how each traveled the globe--Nellie as a spinster proletarian laborer, Muriel as a well-heeled tourist and revered Christian peacemaker, anticolonial activist, and humanitarian. Koven vividly describes how their lives crossed in the slums of East London, where they inaugurated a grassroots revolution that took the Sermon on the Mount as a guide to achieving economic and social justice for the dispossessed. Koven shows how they devoted themselves to Kingsley Hall--Gandhi's London home in 1931 and Britain's first "people's house" founded on the Christian principles of social sharing, pacifism, and reconciliation--and sheds light on the intimacies and inequalities of their loving yet complicated relationship.The Match Girl and the Heiress probes the inner lives of these two extraordinary women against the panoramic backdrop of shop-floor labor politics, global capitalism, counterculture spirituality, and pacifist feminism to expose the wounds of poverty and neglect that Christian love could never heal.

The Match King: Ivar Kreuger, The Financial Genius Behind a Century of Wall Street Scandals

by Frank Partnoy

At the height of the roaring '20s, Swedish émigré Ivar Kreuger made a fortune raising money in America and loaning it to Europe in exchange for matchstick monopolies. His enterprise was a rare success story throughout the Great Depression. Yet after his suicide in 1932, it became clear that Kreuger was not all he seemed: evidence surfaced of fudged accounting figures, off-balance-sheet accounting, even forgery. He created a raft of innovative financial products- many of them precursors to instruments wreaking havoc in today's markets. In this gripping financial biography, Frank Partnoy recasts the life story of a remarkable yet forgotten genius in ways that force us to re-think our ideas about the wisdom of crowds, the invisible hand, and the free and unfettered market.

A Match to the Heart

by Gretel Ehrlich

After nature writer Gretel Ehrlich was struck by lightning near her Wyoming ranch and almost died, she embarked on a grueling but often exhilarating journey back to the land of the living. Here she invites readers to share that journey, as she hungrily explores the natural and spiritual world to try and make sense of what happened to her.

A Match to the Heart: One Woman's Story of Being Struck By Lightning

by Gretel Ehrlich

A powerful chronicle of a wounded woman's exploration of nature and selfAfter nature writer Gretel Ehrlich was struck by lightning near her Wyoming ranch and almost died, she embarked on a painstaking and visionary journey back to the land of the living. With the help of an extraordinary cardiologist and the companionship of her beloved dog Sam, she avidly explores the natural and spiritual world to make sense of what happened to her. We follow as she combs every inch of her new home on the California coast, attends a convention of lightning-strike victims, and goes on a seal watch in Alaska. Ehrlich then turns her focus inward, exploring the tiny but equally fascinating ecosystem of the human heart, and culminated in a stunningly beautiful description of open-heart surgery.

Matchbook: The Diary of a Modern-Day Matchmaker

by Samantha Daniels

Fans of Sex and the City and Bridget Jones's Diary, and anyone who loves to date vicariously, will fall in love with Matchbook. In this irresistible read, America's hippest Matchmaker borrows from her real-life experiences to create an urban love story about searching for "The One." When people learn what Samantha Daniels does for a living, they have to know more: How did she become a Match-maker? How many matches have led to marriage? How does it work? Who's her craziest client? And most of all, how can a Matchmaker be single? Samantha Daniels is unlike any Matchmaker you've ever heard of. Young, ambitious, and, yes, single, she's the founder of Samantha's Table, an introduction service that caters to singles in New York and Los Angeles who are ready to invest seriously in the task of finding The One. After handpicking their matches, Daniels works with her clients as their cheerleader, part-time therapist, dating coach, voice of reason, and closest confidante as she helps them down the road to happily ever after. Readers learn how Daniels started her Matchmaking business (How much do you charge for finding the love of someone's life? How do you screen out the Undatables?) and get to know the colorful cast of characters whom she fondly refers to as her "Desperados." There's Mr. Cheapskate, Miss Manhunt, and Looks Good from Afar Guy. There's the 39-year-old female corporate exec who wants a husband yesterday; there's the guy who will only date women worthy of Brad Pitt; there's the gazillionaire who offers a $60,000 bonus if Samantha can find him a supermodel wife; there's the very well endowed woman who's having trouble finding men attracted to her mind; and a host of others. Will Samantha be able to make them a match? And more importantly, will this Matchmaker find herself a match? You would think that meeting hundreds of single men would make dating a snap, but not even a Matchmaker can avoid the pitfalls of single life. Readers are introduced to another lively cast of characters -- the men that Daniels herself dates. Readers meet the many Not for Me Guys and a few Maybe for Me Guys, to see that even a celebrated Matchmaker can be a Desperado herself. Throughout the book, Daniels also offers real dating advice (such as the most common first-date mistakes and tried-and-true conversation topics) and secrets of the trade (why September is the best month for Matchmaking). Like a real-life episode of The Bachelor, Matchbook is a wild ride through the flirty, unpredictable world of urban dating, with a wise and witty guide at the helm. For those who love romance and anyone looking for love, Matchbook is a perfect match.

Material: Making and the Art of Transformation

by Nick Kary

A master craftsperson explores the ways in which working with our hands reveals the essence of both our humanity and our relationship with the natural, material world In our present age of computer-assisted design, mass production and machine precision, the traditional skills of the maker or craftsperson are hard to find. Yet the desire for well-made and beautiful objects from the hands (and mind) of a skilled artisan is just as present today as it ever has been. Whether the medium they work with is wood, metal, clay or something else, traditional makers are living links to the rich vein of knowledge and skills that defines our common human heritage. More than this, though, many of us harbor a deep and secret yearning to produce something – to build or shape, to imagine and create our own objects that are imbued not only with beauty and functionality, but with a story and, in essence, a spirit drawn from us. Nick Kary understands this yearning. For nearly four decades he has worked on commission to make fine, distinctive furniture and cabinets from wood, most of it sourced near his home, in the counties of South West England. During this time, he has been both a teacher and a student; one who is fascinated with the philosophy and practice of craft work of all kinds. In Material, Kary takes readers along with him to visit some of the places where modern artisans are preserving, and in some cases passing on, the old craft skills. His vivid descriptions and eye for detail make this book a rich and delightful read, and the natural and cultural history he imparts along the way provides an important context for understanding our own past and the roots of our industrial society. Personal, engaging, and filled with memorable people, landscapes and scenes, Material is a rich celebration of what it means to imagine and create, which in the end is the essence of being human, and native to a place. As Kary puts it, “Wood and words, trees and people, material and ethereal – it is here I love increasingly to dwell.”

Material de construcción

by Eider Rodríguez

«Una poética implacable contra el dolor, una mirada al mundo que redefine el pasado, un modo de entender la literatura fuera de la norma».Pol GuaschEn esta novela hay veranos, cigarrillos, piscinas, hospitales, caballos, azulejos, cemento, arena, cartas, plantas, fuego, vacaciones, amores, mentiras, verdades, vergüenzas... y también alcohol, que lo impregna todo, estropeándolo y deformándolo. Porque el padre es alcohólico. Y ella, la hija de un alcohólico. Pero ¿qué más hay detrás de ese hombre que vendía materiales de construcción y fabricaba muebles reciclando palés?A pesar de haber vivido en la misma casa durante muchos años, padre e hija apenas tienen trato. No se hablan ni se tocan, pero las miradas, los olores y los sonidos les sirven de vínculo. Y el silencio, eso que no se quiere y no se puede decir, es más un campo de batalla que una fortaleza.En su primera novela, Eider Rodríguez ha recogido los fragmentos de un padre para reconstruir, desde diferentes perspectivas y con un estilo brutal y descarnado, el relato de una familia, de una época y de un lugar, sacando a la luz los cauces subterráneos por los que circulan el amor y la vida dentro de los estrechos márgenes del entorno familiar. La crítica ha dicho:«La prosa de Eider Rodríguez, deslumbrante y afilada, nos ayuda a imaginar, pensar y sentir nuestra propia relación con la violencia no desde la denuncia moral o la ideología, sino desde espacios afectivos de incomodidad e incertidumbre».Edurne Portela«Una prosa inteligente, precisa, sin concesiones».Kirmen Uribe«Una maravilla. Una carta al padre, honesta y dolorosa, a corazón abierto. Una excavación y una construcción escrita con mucha inteligencia y valentía».Sara Mesa«La literaturasirve para desentrañar y comprender, y Material de construcción, escrito desde una honestidad incondicional, responde a ese objetivo desdeelconvencimiento de que algunas cosas solo se pueden entender si se escriben».Natxo Velez, EITB Radio Televisión Pública Vasca«Eider Rodríguez vuelve con una obra que resultará ser una marca de agua nueva e importante tanto en su trayectoria como en la memoria de sus lectores. Se trata de un libro intenso, profundo y al mismo tiempo valiente, de una honestidad salvaje. Literatura con letra mayúscula, urgente y necesaria. Desconcertará, turbará y conmoverá a quien lo lea».Harkaitz Cano«Un hermoso trabajo literario que llevará al lector a esa zona brumosa situada entre la desesperación y el recuerdo. Escritura contenida y calibrada. Un estilo excepcional. Es conmovedor presenciar de qué manera influyó la muerte del padre en la protagonista. Un desnudo psicológico profundo. Quizá algunos lectores definan este libro como la protagonista define a su padre: salado y agrio. Sin lugar a dudas, una obra maestra».111 Akademia«Este libro es un ejercicio de memoria, de duelo, y al mismo tiempo una carta de amor».Amaia Álvarez«Un libro que genera estupor».Mikel Asurmendi

Material Witness

by Ted Leigh

American painter Fairfield Porter (1907-1975) was an iconoclast who developed a singular style that was outside the politically correct boundaries of both left and right. This collection of letters sheds light on Porter's personal views and displays his acumen as a political critic. It encompasses letters from his early travels to the Soviet Union (including a description of an interview with Trotsky) as well as later correspondence with close friends. The volume features an introduction by poet/critic David Lehman and notes by Justin Spring, author of . Editor Leigh is an artist, writer, and teacher. Annotation ©2005 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

Maternal Megalomania: Julia Domna and the Imperial Politics of Motherhood

by Julie Langford

How the maternal image of the empress Julia Domna helped the Roman empire rule.Ancient authors emphasize dramatic moments in the life of Julia Domna, wife of Roman emperor Septimius Severus (193–211). They accuse her of ambition unforgivable in a woman, of instigating civil war to place her sons on the throne, and of resorting to incest to maintain her hold on power. In imperial propaganda, however, Julia Domna was honored with unprecedented titles that celebrated her maternity, whether it was in the role of mother to her two sons (both future emperors) or as the metaphorical mother to the empire. Imperial propaganda even equated her to the great mother goddess, Cybele, endowing her with a public prominence well beyond that of earlier imperial women. Her visage could be found gracing everything from state-commissioned art to privately owned ivory dolls. In Maternal Megalomania, Julie Langford unmasks the maternal titles and honors of Julia Domna as a campaign on the part of the administration to garner support for Severus and his sons. Langford looks to numismatic, literary, and archaeological evidence to reconstruct the propaganda surrounding the empress. She explores how her image was tailored toward different populations, including the military, the Senate, and the people of Rome, and how these populations responded to propaganda about the empress. She employs Julia Domna as a case study to explore the creation of ideology between the emperor and its subjects.


by Sheila Heti

Crees que lo has leído todo sobre la maternidad hasta que llega Sheila Heti Uno de los libros más esperados del año (The Millions), Uno de los 10 libros más excitantes del año (The Vulture), por una de las nuevas voces norteamericanas (The New York Times y The New Yorker). ¿Qué gana y qué pierde una mujer al convertirse en madre? ¿Puede una creación artística reemplazar a un hijo? Enfrentada al conflicto de toda mujer que se acerca a los cuarenta sin haber tenido hijos, mientras sus amigas se preguntan cuándo van a ser madres, la narradora de Maternidad se pregunta si realmente quiere serlo. La importancia de la creación en su vida, la relación fría que mantiene con su madre o la resolución tomada por su pareja de no intervenir en una decisión que considera que es ella quien debe tomar son algunos de los factores que Sheila Heti pone encima del tablero para llegar a la mejor conclusión posible. Aunque tal vez sea mejor que el azar resuelva las cosas: por eso arroja una moneda al aire cada vez que hace una pregunta esencial. Tras su aclamada novela ¿Cómo debe ser una persona?, lectura obligada para toda una generación, Heti aborda con franqueza, originalidad y humor la necesidad, o no, de ser madre. Un libro valiente, profundo y original que desencadenará animadas conversaciones sobre el feminismo, la paternidad y sobre cómo y para quién vivir. La crítica ha dicho...«La novela de Sheila Heti tiene todas las papeletas para convertirse en la obra literaria definitiva sobre la maternidad. [...] Se parece más a un tapiz que a un libro: puro arte, fino y delicado».Lara Feigel, The Guardian «Revelador, íntimo, conmovedor.»Alexandra Schwartz, The New Yorker «Heti es siempre original.»Library Journal «Una obra provocadora, creativa, victoriosa: ficción feminista filosófica. Heti escribe con coraje, curiosidad y una sinceridad poco común.»Booklist «Heti se enfrenta a este controvertido tema con una inteligencia asombrosa, planteando difíciles preguntas tanto sobre las responsabilidades y los deseos de las mujeres como sobre las expectativas de la sociedad.»Publishers Weekly «Impresionante. [...] Al escribir sobre maternidad,Heti también escribe sobre feminidad y vocación, personificación y mortalidad, historia y libertad... Una maravilla.»Adam Kirsch, The Atlantic «Al leer esta hermosa novela, sentí que estaba viendo una mente brillante inventar nuevas herramientas para pensar. Un libro emocionante, muy divertido y casi insoportablemente conmovedor.»Garth Greenwell, autor de Lo que te pertenece «Leí esta novela más rápido y con más ganas de lo que había leído enaños. [...]Su pensamiento es incisivo y totalmente original mientras lidia con el tipo de infelicidad que muchos, incluida yo misma, preferimos evadir en vez de mira rdirectamente.»Adelle Waldman, autora de Los amores fugaces de Nathaniel P.

Maternity Rolls: Pregnancy, Childbirth and Disability

by Heather Kuttai

The author, a paraplegic, tells about her own hunt for medical advice before getting pregnant--and then about the normal births of her two children--before widening the conversation to other disabled women and sympathetic members of the medical community.

A Mathematician Like Me

by Dr Shini Somara

Striking illustrations and an empowering story combine to introduce young readers to the world of maths, creative thinking and problem-solving.Setting off on a camping adventure with her cousin, Aliyah soon discovers that numbers are everywhere, whether it's counting out money at the shops, planning trips on the train or even stargazing in a forest. As Aliyah solves some sums of her own, she learns about the brilliant mathematicians who have helped us understand our world. Soon she can't wait to become a maths whizz too!With pages encouraging kids to play maths games with their friends, this brilliant picture book written by engineer and TV presenter Dr Shini Somara unlocks a love of numbers and creative thinking, and celebrates women in STEM.Also available in the series:- A Scientist Like Me- A Coder Like Me- An Engineer Like Me

The Mathematician who Challenged Rome: A novel on Archimedes and his war machines

by Francesco Grasso

The story of the long battle between Rome and Carthage (264 - 146 BCE) tends to neglect the role of a third city, a city that was at least as prosperous as Rome, and was possibly even superior in its heritage and culture. It was Syracuse, the pearl of Magna Graecia, a beacon of civilisation and military power that found itself - unfortunately for her - an ally of Hannibal at the wrong time. A course of action that Rome never forgave. Despite being overpowered by her enemy in terms of men and arms, Syracuse resisted the siege of the Roman fleet and legions for two years, from 214 to 212 BCE, thanks largely to the remarkable inventions of Archimedes, one of the most brilliant scientists of all time. If misfortune (and the Syracusans themselves) had not prevented Archimedes from taking full advantage of his brilliant inventions, that long siege might have had a different outcome. This novel recounts the world of the eminent mathematician, and describes his fascinating discoveries and how they were deployed during the historic face off.

A Mathematician's Apology

by G. H. Hardy

G. H. Hardy was one of this century's finest mathematical thinkers, renowned among his contemporaries as a 'real mathematician … the purest of the pure'. He was also, as C. P. Snow recounts in his Foreword, 'unorthodox, eccentric, radical, ready to talk about anything'. This 'apology', written in 1940, offers a brilliant and engaging account of mathematics as very much more than a science; when it was first published, Graham Greene hailed it alongside Henry James's notebooks as 'the best account of what it was like to be a creative artist'. C. P. Snow's Foreword gives sympathetic and witty insights into Hardy's life, with its rich store of anecdotes concerning his collaboration with the brilliant Indian mathematician Ramanujan, his idiosyncrasies and his passion for cricket. This is a unique account of the fascination of mathematics and of one of its most compelling exponents in modern times.

Mathematicians Are People, Too: Stories From The Lives Of Great Mathematicians (Volume One)

by Luetta Reimer Wilbert Reimer

Volume One focuses on moments of mathematical discovery experienced by Thales, Pythagoras, Hypatia, Galileo, Pascal, and others.

Mathematicians Fleeing from Nazi Germany: Individual Fates and Global Impact

by Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze

The emigration of mathematicians from Europe during the Nazi era signaled an irrevocable and important historical shift for the international mathematics world. Mathematicians Fleeing from Nazi Germany is the first thoroughly documented account of this exodus. In this greatly expanded translation of the 1998 German edition, Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze describes the flight of more than 140 mathematicians, their reasons for leaving, the political and economic issues involved, the reception of these emigrants by various countries, and the emigrants' continuing contributions to mathematics. The influx of these brilliant thinkers to other nations profoundly reconfigured the mathematics world and vaulted the United States into a new leadership role in mathematics research. Based on archival sources that have never been examined before, the book discusses the preeminent emigrant mathematicians of the period, including Emmy Noether, John von Neumann, Hermann Weyl, and many others. The author explores the mechanisms of the expulsion of mathematicians from Germany, the emigrants' acculturation to their new host countries, and the fates of those mathematicians forced to stay behind. The book reveals the alienation and solidarity of the emigrants, and investigates the global development of mathematics as a consequence of their radical migration. An in-depth yet accessible look at mathematics both as a scientific enterprise and human endeavor, Mathematicians Fleeing from Nazi Germany provides a vivid picture of a critical chapter in the history of international science.

Mathematics without Apologies

by Michael Harris

What do pure mathematicians do, and why do they do it? Looking beyond the conventional answers--for the sake of truth, beauty, and practical applications--this book offers an eclectic panorama of the lives and values and hopes and fears of mathematicians in the twenty-first century, assembling material from a startlingly diverse assortment of scholarly, journalistic, and pop culture sources.Drawing on his personal experiences and obsessions as well as the thoughts and opinions of mathematicians from Archimedes and Omar Khayyám to such contemporary giants as Alexander Grothendieck and Robert Langlands, Michael Harris reveals the charisma and romance of mathematics as well as its darker side. In this portrait of mathematics as a community united around a set of common intellectual, ethical, and existential challenges, he touches on a wide variety of questions, such as: Are mathematicians to blame for the 2008 financial crisis? How can we talk about the ideas we were born too soon to understand? And how should you react if you are asked to explain number theory at a dinner party?Disarmingly candid, relentlessly intelligent, and richly entertaining, Mathematics without Apologies takes readers on an unapologetic guided tour of the mathematical life, from the philosophy and sociology of mathematics to its reflections in film and popular music, with detours through the mathematical and mystical traditions of Russia, India, medieval Islam, the Bronx, and beyond.

Mathematics without Apologies: Portrait of a Problematic Vocation

by Michael Harris

What do pure mathematicians do, and why do they do it? Looking beyond the conventional answers—for the sake of truth, beauty, and practical applications—this book offers an eclectic panorama of the lives and values and hopes and fears of mathematicians in the twenty-first century, assembling material from a startlingly diverse assortment of scholarly, journalistic, and pop culture sources.Drawing on his personal experiences and obsessions as well as the thoughts and opinions of mathematicians from Archimedes and Omar Khayyám to such contemporary giants as Alexander Grothendieck and Robert Langlands, Michael Harris reveals the charisma and romance of mathematics as well as its darker side. In this portrait of mathematics as a community united around a set of common intellectual, ethical, and existential challenges, he touches on a wide variety of questions, such as: Are mathematicians to blame for the 2008 financial crisis? How can we talk about the ideas we were born too soon to understand? And how should you react if you are asked to explain number theory at a dinner party?Disarmingly candid, relentlessly intelligent, and richly entertaining, Mathematics without Apologies takes readers on an unapologetic guided tour of the mathematical life, from the philosophy and sociology of mathematics to its reflections in film and popular music, with detours through the mathematical and mystical traditions of Russia, India, medieval Islam, the Bronx, and beyond.

Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728

by Robert Middlekauff

A classic history of Puritanism in colonial New England, told through the lives and writings of three generations of intellectual ministers.

Matilda: Empress, Queen, Warrior

by Catherine Hanley

A life of Matilda—empress, skilled military leader, and one of the greatest figures of the English Middle Ages Matilda was a daughter, wife, and mother. But she was also empress, heir to the English crown—the first woman ever to hold the position—and an able military general. This new biography explores Matilda’s achievements as military and political leader, and sets her life and career in full context. Catherine Hanley provides fresh insight into Matilda's campaign to claim the title of queen, her approach to allied kingdoms and rival rulers, and her role in the succession crisis. Hanley highlights how Matilda fought for the throne, and argues that although she never sat on it herself her reward was to see her son become king. Extraordinarily, her line has continued through every single monarch of England or Britain from that time to the present day.

Matins And Lauds: A story of Colette Perron

by Yves Patrick Beaulieu

----- CHEVEUX AU VENT DANS L'AUBE a biography of Colette Perron, my late mother. Born from her many little notes written over the years, the book tells about her childhood and her life in Nédélec, in Témiscamingue. From the beginning of colonization, in 1900, until her marriage in 1952, she said what she saw, in all simplicity Note: I have provided, as a watercolorist, the work shown on the cover page and my brother Yves Patrick meanwhile, gathered mother's notes and wrote her story, now titled Matins & Lauds. May you enjoy this reading! Christine Beaulieu Germain

Matisse's War

by Peter Everett

At seventy, Henri Matisse is a trim, clean old gentleman with a passion for naked women. He is UN MONSTRE SACRE who depicts with passion and conviction only what he takes pleasure in, only what he chooses to see. He is art personified. If there were no Matisse there would be no art as such. . . . He has purged everything from his painting except anxieties concerning structure and colour; his struggle is with these alone! MATISSE'S WAR is a minutely researched yet fictional account of Matisse's life during the years 1939-1945. It is also a superb portrait of the lives of the major French artists and writers under the German occupation. Louis Aragon, Malraux, Picasso and Bonnard all appear prominently in the narrative.

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