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Showing 37,976 through 38,000 of 64,643 results

Las mieles del poder: Historias de sexo y política en México

by Alejandro Sánchez

Pólitica méxicana, pasión y deseo, estos son los temas que aborda Alejandro Sánchez en Las mieles del poder. ¿Qué ocurriría si el destino de un país no sólo estuviera en manos de sus gobernantes, sino de sus pasiones no confesadas, sus deseos trasnochados y sus más absurdas fantasías amorosas? En Las mieles del poder, el periodista Alejandro Sánchez nos lleva al centro mismo de los enredos sentimentales y los demonios personales que no sólo cambiaron el rumbo de la vida de algunos de nuestros políticos, sino también de la política y la historia mexicana. Desde la amante de Porfirio Díaz que llevó la modernidad y el lujo al Istmo de Tehuantepec, que desapareció tan pronto como ella; el romance que le hizo rozar la decadencia a Rosario Robles y el miserable fin de José López Portillo hasta los enredos del ex yerno de Elba Esther Gordillo, la historia de ascensión y caída parece repetirse como un cliché. También figuran en este libro: Pancho Villa, Plutarco Elías Calles, la Tigresa, Diego Fernández de Cevallos, Santiago Creel y Edith González, César Nava y Patylu, entre otros. Una lectura ágil y ligera de la otra cara de los antihéroes de nuestra política.

Mientras escribo (Bestseller/debolsillo Ser. #Vol. 102)

by Stephen King

Pocas veces un libro sobre el oficio de escribir ha resultado tan clarificador, útil y revelador. «Si no tiene tiempo para leer, no tendrá el tiemponi las herramientas necesarias para escribir.» Mientras escribo empieza con el relato de la asombrosa infancia de Stephen King y su extraño y temprano interés por la escritura. Una serie de vívidos recuerdos de la adolescencia, de la universidad y de los años de lucha que lo llevaron a la culminación de su primera novela, Carrie, aportan al lector una amena y divertida perspectiva sobre la formación del escritor. A continuación King describe las herramientas básicas del oficio y expone sus opiniones personales sobre el secreto de la escritura. Mientras escribo culmina con el conmovedor relato de cómo su necesidad de escribir lo estimuló para recuperarse de su casi fatal accidente en el verano del año 2000.

Mientras escribo (Bestseller/debolsillo Ser. #Vol. 102)

by Stephen King

Pocas veces un libro sobre el oficio de escribir ha resultado tan clarificador, útil y revelador. Cuando Stephen King se decidió a escribir sobre su profesión y su vida, un brutal accidente automovilístico puso ambas en riesgo. Durante su convalecencia, el novelista descubrió los vínculos cada vez más fuertes entre la escritura y la vida. Y el resultado es este extraordinario libro, que es al mismo tiempo un ensayo sobre creación literaria y un relato autobiográfico. Mientras escribo comienza con la asombrosa infancia de Stephen King y su extraño y temprano interés por la escritura que lo llevaron a la culminación de su primera novela, Carrie. A continuación, King describe las herramientas básicas del oficio y expone sus opiniones personales sobre los secretos de la escritura. Mientras escribo culmina con el conmovedor relato de cómo su necesidad de escribir lo ayudó a recuperarse de su casi fatal accidente. Una vez más Stephen King demuestra que es mucho más que unmaestro del thriller: un gran escritor.

Mientras Escucho Sentada Aquí

by Lilian G. Selvaggio Valerie Hockert

Una mujer de mediana edad, a quien le gusta entretener, había perdido a su esposo recientemente, y pensó que su vida ya no tenía valor y que ella era inservible. Habia estado recolectando recuerdos y fotos en una caja y en un álbum, recordando, cuando tuvo la idea de organizar una fiesta y pedirle a cada invitada que trajera algo viejo y nostálgico--un pañuelito, una joya, una herramienta pequeña, un suvenir, un botón, un programa de teatro, u otro ítem pequeño. La idea era que cada invitada tendría que contar la historia detrás del objeto. La mujer no sabía que algunas invitadas tendrían sorprendentes secretos a los cuales estaba atado su recuerdo. Una vida anterior, un hijo perdido, un accidente--muchas tenían tristeza atada a sus recuerdos, pero los conservaban para mantenerse sujetas a la realidad. Tras escuchar todas las historias, la mujer decide que su vida después de todo no era tan mala, y que tenía el propósito de ser amiga de esas personas.

MIentras Espero La Cacería

by Valerie Hockert Guillermo Alberto Cervantes Vindiola

Durante el último día de la temporada de caza en en extremo noroeste de los Estados Unidos, George Howard recuerda los muchos momentos de su vida. Desde su niñez marcada por la muerte de su hermano mayor, sus días como estudiante de preparatoria hasta su vida adulta, George ha pasado por un sinnúmero de cosas buenas y contrariedades que lo han conducido hasta este punto en su vida. En este último día de caceria, tomará una decisión que marcará el siguiente curso de su vida.

Mientras me hallo aquí planchando

by Valerie Hockert

Mientras me hallo aquí planchando por Valerie Hockert Mientras Tina plancha, se pregunta cosas y su mente se maravilla con cada pieza. Mientras me hallo aquí planchando “¿Qué le habrá pasado al planchado permanente?” Tina se pregunta en voz alta mientras plancha un par de pantalones Capri de lino y tiene problemas para quitar las arrugas. Ella recorre la historia de los tejidos, desde el planchado permanente, hasta el libre de arrugas, fibra natural, y todos los que hoy necesitan plancharse, justo cuando la vida debería ser más simple. Mientras Tina plancha la camisa de vestir de su esposo, se pregunta porqué él persiste en usar un traje de negocios con camisa de vestir y corbata en su trabajo como corredor de bolsa. También reflexiona en lo que una persona de aspecto elegante es, de como todo tiene que estar en orden, y cuando no lo está, le enloquece. Hablando de enloquecer... Mientras Tina plancha un vestido que usó en una fiesta a la que asistió con su esposo, reflexiona en los buenos momentos que solían pasar juntos y se pregunta qué pasó entre ellos.

Mientras otros duermen: Una larga vigilia en el rock

by Fernando Samalea

Continuación del exitoso Qué es un long play, en este segundo volumen de memorias Fernando Samalea, el baterista del rock argentino, explora cronológicamente, con humor y emoción, historias musicales entre 1997 y 2010. Fernando Samalea homenajea a sus compañeros de ruta con las anécdotas que los unieron: García en su incendiario período Say No More; Joaquín Sabina cuando gestaba 19 días y 500 noches, y Gustavo Cerati, a quien acompañó en sus giras Ahí vamos y Fuerza natural. En estudios, escenarios, aviones y bares de todo el mundo, los músicos de varias generaciones, estéticas y búsquedas -Fabi Cantilo, A-Tirador Láser, Caetano Veloso, Joan Manuel Serrat, Calle 13, Fernando Kabusacki...- protagonizan la novela mayor que cuenta la historia privada del rock argentino y la de la música en castellano. «Siempre me sorprendió la musicalidad de Fernando. No piensa como un baterista, no tiene vicios musicales, ni de los demás. Su primer libro me divirtió mucho. ¡Tiene más memoria que yo! Le deseo mucho éxito como escritor. Es el primer escritor-baterista que conozco.»Charly García, 2016 «Más allá de que lo admiro profundamente, se me reveló como una persona que irradia un optimismo tan contagioso como vital. Siempre tiene alguna historia para contarte, internándose sin prejuicios en mundos nuevos y haciendo amigos por doquier. A pura luz y bohemia, Sama propaga el hedonismo romántico que lo ha mantenido casi inalterable a lo largo de estos años. Es un privilegio ser su compañero de ruta y su amigo.»Gustavo Cerati, 2007

Mies van der Rohe: A Critical Biography, New and Revised Edition

by Franz Schulze Edward Windhorst

Mies van der Rohe: A Critical Biography is a major rewriting and expansion of Franz Schulze’s acclaimed 1985 biography, the first full treatment of the master German-American modern architect. Coauthored with architect Edward Windhorst, this revised edition, three times the length of the original text, features extensive new research and commentary and draws on the best recent work of American and German scholars. The authors’ major new discoveries include the massive transcript of the early-1950s Farnsworth House court case, which discloses for the first time the facts about Mies’s epic battle with his client Edith Farnsworth. Giving voice to dozens of architects who knew and worked with (and sometimes against) Mies, this comprehensive biography tells the compelling story of how Mies and his students and followers created some of the most significant buildings of the twentieth century.

Mies van der Rohe: A Critical Biography, New and Revised Edition (Illustrated Catalog Of The Mies Van Der Rohe Drawing In The Museum Of Modern Art Ser. #Pt. Ii, 1938-1967, The American Work)

by Franz Schulze Edward Windhorst

An &“excellent&” new edition of the definitive biography of the architectural genius, with more than a hundred photos (Booklist, starred review). Upon publication, this book was praised by the Chicago Tribune and &“the most comprehensive book ever written about the master designer and, by any measure, the best,&” while the Christian Science Monitor noted that &“Schulze has both the gift of an architectural historian able to render Mies&’s building innovations and that of a biographer able to paint the humanity and shortcomings of the man.&” Newsweek called it &“a revelation.&” Now, this biography of the iconic modernist architect and designer has been extensively updated, providing an even more enlightening and intimate portrait of a man who helped to create the twentieth century world. &“This excellent revised edition…has 138 illustrations, incisive descriptions of Mies&’ innovative creations and a fascinating account of his Pyrrhic victory in a lawsuit against his disaffected client Edith Farnsworth.&”—Booklist (starred review) &“This authoritative biography of Mies van der Rohe has been updated through building records, the recollections of students and a court transcript. It's a gripping read.&”—Christopher Woodward, Building Design

MIG Menace Over Korea: The Story of Soviet Fighter Ace Nicolai Sutiagin

by Yuri Sutiagin Igor Seidov

This fascinating biography of a Russian flying ace offers a rare glimpse into the role of the Soviet Air Force during the Korean War. Nikolai Vasil'evich Sutiagin was the top-scoring Soviet flying ace of the Korean War. He flew his MiG-15 in lethal dogfights against American Sabres and Australian Meteors, winning twenty-two victories. For his distinguished service, he was named a Hero of the Soviet Union, the Soviet military&’s highest honor. Now, with the opening of the Russian archives, this authoritative biography presents a full account of Sutiagin&’s life and career. Beyond these official records, the authors draw from the reminiscences of Sutiagin's comrades and his wife's personal diary to present a nuanced and vividly detailed portrait of one of Russia&’s greatest fighter pilots.

MiG Pilot: The Final Escape of Lieutenant Belenko

by John Barron

Tells of the life of Lieutenant Viktor Ivanovich Belenko in Tokyo, Moscow and Tokyo and his secrets in regards to the Soviet Union.

Might as Well Laugh About it Now

by Marie Osmond Marcia Wilkie

The beloved superstar reveals her thoughts on her milestones and missteps, career pressures and expectations, her popular line of collectible dolls, marriage and divorce, depression, weight issues, and the incredible joys and challenges in being a working mother raising eight children. <P><P>Marie's resilience and familiar humor will have every reader feeling at home with this international icon as she imparts her insights on surviving the school of life and graduating with a degree in unstoppable optimism.

Mightier Than The Sword: Rebels, Reformers, And Revolutionaries Who Changed The World Through Writing

by Rochelle Melander Melina Ontiveros

Throughout history, people have picked up their pens and wielded their words--transforming their lives, their communities, and beyond. Now it's your turn! Representing a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences, Mightier Than the Sword connects over forty inspiring biographies with life-changing writing activities and tips, showing readers just how much their own words can make a difference. Readers will explore nature with Rachel Carson, experience the beginning of the Reformation with Martin Luther, champion women's rights with Sojourner Truth, and many more. These richly illustrated stories of inspiring speechmakers, scientists, explorers, authors, poets, activists, and even other kids and young adults will engage and encourage young people to pay attention to their world, to honor their own ideas and dreams, and to embrace the transformative power of words to bring good to the world. Mightier Than the Sword is a 2021 Indie Book Awards Finalist Children's Nonfiction, a 2021 Cybils Award Winner for Middle Grade Nonfiction, and a 2021 Council for Wisconsin Writers Tofte/Wright Children's Literary Award.

Mighty Bad Land: A Perilous Expedition to Antarctica Reveals Clues to an Eighth Continent

by Bruce Luyendyk

A tale of grit and real teamwork in the wilds of Antarctica when the hunger for knowledge reigns supreme.Anything can happen in a pure wilderness experienced by few humans—a place where unseen menace waits everywhere. This story is an unembellished account of a scientist and his team exploring the last place on Earth. But, unlike most recent books on Antarctica, the reader becomes embedded with geologist Bruce Luyendyk&’s team. They share the challenges, companionship, failures, bravery, and success brought to light from scientific research pursued in an unforgiving place, Marie Byrd Land, or Mighty Bad Land. The geologists make surprising discoveries. Luyendyk realizes that vast submarine plateaus in the southwest Pacific are continental pieces that broke away from the Marie Byrd Land sector of Gondwana. He coined &“Zealandia&” to describe this newly recognized submerged continent. Only the tops of its mountains poke above sea level to host the nation of New Zealand. This stunning revelation of a submerged eighth continent promises economic and geopolitical consequences reverberating into the twenty-first century. The story occurs in the 1990s and fills a gap in the timeline of Antarctic exploration between the Heroic Age, the age of military exploration, and before the modern era of science. Danger is exponentially greater, isolation a constant threat without GPS, satellite phones, and the internet. As the expedition&’s leader, Luyendyk stands up to his demons that surface under the extreme duress of his experience, like nearly losing two team members.

Mighty Be Our Powers: How Sisterhood, Prayer, and Sex Changed a Nation at War

by Leymah Gbowee Carol Mithers

"WINNERaOFaTHEa2011 NOBELaPEACEaPRIZE""I""n a time of death and terror, Leymah Gbowee brought LiberiaOCOs women togetherOCoand together they led a nation to peace. "As a young woman, Leymah Gbowee was broken by the Liberian civil war, a brutal conflict that tore apart her life and claimed the lives of countless relatives and friends. Years of fighting destroyed her countryOCoand shattered GboweeOCOs girlhood hopes and dreams. As a young mother trapped in a nightmare of domestic abuse, she found the courage to turn her bitterness into action, propelled by her realization that it is women who suffer most during conflictsOCoand that the power of women working together can create an unstoppable force. In 2003, the passionate and charismatic Gbowee helped organize and then led the Liberian Mass Action for Peace, a coalition of Christian and Muslim women who sat in public protest, confronting LiberiaOCOs ruthless president and rebel warlords, and even held a sex strike. With an army of women, Gbowee helped lead her nation to peaceOCoin the process emerging as an international leader who changed history. "Mighty Be Our Powers" is the gripping chronicle of a journey from hopelessness to empowerment that will touch all who dream of a better world. a"

Mighty Be Our Powers: How Sisterhood, Prayer, and Sex Changed a Nation at War

by Leymah Gbowee Carol L. Mithers

WINNER OF THE 2011 NOBEL PEACE PRIZE. In a time of death and terror, Leymah Gbowee brought Liberia's women together--and together they led a nation to peace. As a young woman, Leymah Gbowee was broken by the Liberian civil war, a brutal conflict that tore apart her life and claimed the lives of countless relatives and friends. Years of fighting destroyed her country--and shattered Gbowee's girlhood hopes and dreams. As a young mother trapped in a nightmare of domestic abuse, she found the courage to turn her bitterness into action, propelled by her realization that it is women who suffer most during conflicts--and that the power ofwomen working together can create an unstoppable force. In 2003, the passionate and charismatic Gbowee helped organize and then led the Liberian Mass Action for Peace, a coalition of Christian and Muslim women who sat in public protest, confronting Liberia's ruthless president and rebel warlords, and even held a sex strike. With an army of women, Gbowee helped lead her nation to peace--in the process emerging as an international leader who changed history. Mighty Be Our Powers is the gripping chronicle of a journey from hopelessness to empowerment that will touch all who dream of a better world.

The Mighty Eighth in WWII: A Memoir

by Brig. Gen. J. Kemp McLaughlin

On an early morning in the fall of 1942, Kemp McLaughlin's group set out for a raid on a French target. Immediately after dropping its bombs, McLaughlin's plane was hit. A huge fire burned a four-foot hole in his wing, his waist gunner bailed out, his radio operator was wounded, the plane lost all oxygen, and his pilot put on a parachute and sat on the escape hatch, waiting for the plane to explode. And this was only McLaughlin's first sortie. McLaughlin went on to pilot the mission command plane on the second raid against Schweinfurt, the largest air raid in history, which resulted in the destruction of 70 percent of German ball bearing production capability. McLaughlin also participated in the bombing of heavy water installations in Norway. The Mighty Eighth in WWII also includes the stories of downed pilots in France and Holland who traveled under the cover of night through the countryside, evading the Nazis who had seen their planes go down. As a group leader, McLaughlin was responsible for the planning and execution of air raids, forced to follow the directives of senior (and sometimes less informed) officers. His position as one of the managers of the massive sky trains allows him to provide unique insight into the work of maintenance and armament crews, preflight briefings, and off-duty activities of the airmen. No other memoir of World War II reveals so much about both the actual bombing runs against Nazi Germany and the management of personnel and material that made those airborne armadas possible.

A Mighty Fortress: Lead Bomber Over Europe

by Chuck Alling

&“In a fascinating way, Chuck Alling recalls his days as a pilot flying B-17s over Germany. He is truly a member of &‘The Greatest Generation&’&” (Former Pres. George H.W. Bush). A Mighty Fortress is the personal account of the captain and crew of a lead bomber in the enormous formation raids made by the Eighth Air Force during the last few months of the Second World War. It is an extraordinary tale of heroism and bravery on the part of the entire crew of just one B-17 amongst hundreds—but the one B-17 that meant most to them. Having flown twenty-seven missions before the war ended, Alling tells what it was like to be there, in the skies over enemy territory, constantly on the lookout for German fighters; of the enormity of some of the raids they were part of and the consequences for those on the ground; of the planes around them that fell out of the sky under enemy attack; of the horror and the determination to succeed. From a recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with four Oak Leaf Clusters, this book gives a unique insight into the lives of one crew of one plane as the war neared its end.

The Mighty Franks: A Memoir

by Michael Frank

A psychologically acute memoir about an unusual Hollywood family by Michael Frank, who "brings Proustian acuity and razor-sharp prose to family dramas as primal, and eccentrically insular, as they come" (The Atlantic)“My feeling for Mike is something out of the ordi - nary,” Michael Frank overhears his aunt telling his mother when he is a boy of eight. “It’s stronger than I am. I cannot explain it . . . I love him beyond life itself.” With this indelible bit of eavesdropping, we fall into the spellbinding world of The Mighty Franks. The family is uncommonly close: Michael’s childless Auntie Hankie and Uncle Irving, glamorous Hollywood screenwriters, are doubly related— Hankie is his father’s sister, and Irving is his mother’s brother. The two families live near each other in Laurel Canyon. In this strangely intertwined world, even the author’s grandmothers—who dislike each other—share a nearby apartment. Strangest of all is the way Auntie Hankie, with her extravagant personality, comes to bend the wider family to her will. Talented, mercurial, and lavish with her love, she divides Michael from his parents and his two younger brothers as she takes charge of his education, guiding him to the right books to read (Proust, not Zola), the right painters to admire (Matisse, not Pollock), the right architectural styles to embrace (period, not modern—or mo-derne, as she pronounces the word, with palpable disdain). She trains his mind and his eye—until that eye begins to see on its own. When this “son” Hankie longs for grows up and begins to turn away from her, her moods darken, and a series of shattering scenes compel Michael to reconstruct both himself and his family narrative as he tries to reconcile the woman he once adored with the troubled figure he discovers her to be. In its portrayal of this fascinating, singularly polarizing figure, the boy in her thrall, and the man that boy becomes, The Mighty Franks will speak to any reader who has ever struggled to find an independent voice amid the turbulence of family life.

A Mighty Heart: The Brave Life and Death of My Husband, Danny Pearl

by Sarah Crichton Mariane Pearl

For five weeks the world waited for news about Danny Pearl, the Wall Street Journal reporter who was kidnapped in Karachi, Pakistan... And then came the broadcast of his shocking murder. The complete account of his abduction, the intense effort to rescue him, and the aftermath are told here-- in astonishing detail, and with courage and insight-- by his surviving wife, Mariane. A Mighty Heart is the unforgettable story of two journalists who fell in love with their work-- and with each other. Together, Mariane and Danny Pearl traveled across the globe, dedicated to journalism that increases the understanding of international politics and of ethnic and religious conflict. In the end, Danny was caught in the dangerous fissure where warring cultures, politics, and ideologies collide. A Mighty Heart is both a portrait of a partnership built on the ideals of love, truth, and justice and a critical look at the methods and structure of the Al Qaeda network.

Mighty Justice: My Life in Civil Rights

by Dovey Johnson Roundtree Katie McCabe

&“Dovey Johnson Roundtree set a new path for women and proved that the vision and perseverance of a single individual can turn the tides of history.&” —Michelle ObamaIn Mighty Justice, trailblazing African American civil rights attorney Dovey Johnson Roundtree recounts her inspiring life story that speaks movingly and urgently to our racially troubled times. From the streets of Charlotte, North Carolina, to the segregated courtrooms of the nation&’s capital; from the male stronghold of the army where she broke gender and color barriers to the pulpits of churches where women had waited for years for the right to minister—in all these places, Roundtree sought justice. At a time when African American attorneys had to leave the courthouses to use the bathroom, Roundtree took on Washington&’s white legal establishment and prevailed, winning a 1955 landmark bus desegregation case that would help to dismantle the practice of &“separate but equal&” and shatter Jim Crow laws. Later, she led the vanguard of women ordained to the ministry in the AME Church in 1961, merging her law practice with her ministry to fight for families and children being destroyed by urban violence. Dovey Roundtree passed away in 2018 at the age of 104. Though her achievements were significant and influential, she remains largely unknown to the American public. Mighty Justice corrects the historical record.

A Mighty Long Way: My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School

by Carlotta Walls Lanier Lisa Frazier Page

When fourteen-year-old Carlotta Walls walked up the stairs of Little Rock Central High School on September 25, 1957, she and eight other black students only wanted to make it to class. But the journey of the Little Rock Nine,o as they came to be known, would lead the nation on an even longer and much more turbulent path, one that would challenge prevailing attitudes, break down barriers, and forever change the landscape of America. Descended from a line of proud black landowners and businessmen, Carlotta was raised to believe that education was the key to success. She embraced learning and excelled in her studies at the black schools she attended throughout the 1950s. With Brown v. Board of Education erasing the color divide in classrooms across the country, the teenager volunteered to be among the first black studentsuof whom she was the youngestuto integrate nearby Central High School, considered one of the nation's best academic institutions. But for Carlotta and her eight comrades, simply getting through the door was the first of many trials. Angry mobs of white students and their parents hurled taunts, insults, and threats. Arkansas's governor used the National Guard to bar the black students from entering the school. Finally, President Dwight D. Eisenhower was forced to send in the 101st Airborne to establish order and escort the Nine into the building. That was just the start of a heartbreaking three-year journey for Carlotta, who would see her home bombed, a crime for which her own father was a suspect and for which a friend of Carlotta's was ultimately jailedualbeit wrongly, in Carlotta's eyes. But she persevered to the victorious end: her graduation from Central. Breaking her silence at last and sharing her story for the first time, Carlotta Walls has written an inspiring, thoroughly engrossing memoir that is not only a testament to the power of one to make a difference but also of the sacrifices made by families and communities that found themselves a part of history. Complete with compelling photographs of the time, A Mighty Long Way shines a light on this watershed moment in civil rights history and shows that determination, fortitude, and the ability to change the world are not exclusive to a few special people but are inherent within us all.

A Mighty Long Way (Adapted for Young Readers): My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School

by Carlotta Walls LaNier Lisa Frazier Page

Follow the story of Carlotta Walls LaNier, who in 1957 at the age of fourteen was one of nine black students who integrated the all-white Little Rock Central High School and became known as the Little Rock Nine.At fourteen years old, Carlotta Walls was the youngest member of the Little Rock Nine. The journey to integration in a place deeply against it would not be not easy. Yet Carlotta, her family, and the other eight students and their families answered the call to be part of the desegregation order issued by the US Supreme Court in its 1954 Brown v. Board of Education case. As angry mobs protested, the students were escorted into Little Rock Central High School by escorts from the 101st Airborne Division, which had been called in by then-president Dwight D. Eisenhower to ensure their safety. The effort needed to get through that first year in high school was monumental, but Carlotta held strong. Ultimately, she became the first Black female ever to walk across the Central High stage and receive a diploma. The Little Rock Nine experienced traumatic and life-changing events not only as a group but also as individuals, each with a distinct personality and a different story. This is Carlotta's courageous story.

Mighty Man of Valor

by W. Phillip Keller

The book is short but leaves the reader with a classic picture of what it means to walk humbly with God. We also face the sobering view of a man who missed the mark when his personal preferences overruled God's will for his life.

Mighty Moe: The True Story of a Thirteen-Year-Old Women's Running Revolutionary

by Rachel Swaby Kit Fox

Rachel Swaby and Kit Fox present Mighty Moe, the untold true story of runner Maureen Wilton, whose world record-breaking marathon time at age 13 was met first with misogyny and controversy, but ultimately with triumph.Fifty-two years ago, a girl known as Mighty Moe broke the women’s world marathon record at a small race in Toronto. This was an era when girls and women were discouraged from the sport and the longest track event at the Olympics for women was 25.6 miles shorter than a marathon. Thirteen-year-old Moe’s world-beating victory was greeted with chauvinistic disapproval and accusations of cheating—as were many of her achievements in the sport she had excelled at from the age of ten. Within less than two years, the controversy took its toll and Maureen quit running. Here is the untold story of Mighty Moe’s tenacity and triumph in the face of adversity as a young athlete—and of a grown-up Maureen finding her way back to the sport decades later. This inspiring biography for readers and racers of all ages showcases the truly groundbreaking achievements of an unassuming, amazing young athlete. Mighty Moe includes an introduction by Kathrine Switzer, the first woman to officially register and run in the Boston Marathon (and Maureen’s only fellow female competitor at the 1967 record-setting race), and an afterword by Des Linden, the first-place finisher of the 11,628 women who raced the 2018 Boston Marathon.

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