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Write Right!

by Jan Venolia

In this age of electronic correspondence and self-produced documents, we need a useful and reliable writing guide more than ever. WRITE RIGHT! covers the essentials of good writing in a concise and easy-to-follow format. The new edition of this classic handbook takes you through the entire writing process, from understanding the parts of speech to constructing a correct sentence to fine-tuning the mechanics. And with clever drawings and amusing quotations to illustrate its points, WRITE RIGHT! shows that language can be fun as well as an effective communication tool. Whether it'¬?s used to find a quick answer to a nagging question or to develop stronger writing skills, this handy reference is the ideal resource for writers of all levels. Ä¢ Previous editions have sold over 500,000 copies. Ä¢ Includes a resource section with a list of helpful websites and a glossary to quickly define difficult terms.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Write That Book Already!: The Tough Love You Need To Get Published Now

by Sam Barry

From the foreword by Maya Angelou:"[T]he joy they promise in their prose makes me glad that I and other writers have been willing to make good writing our aim, and even great writing our dream.""How do I get my book published?"Good question. Lucky for you, publishing insiders Sam Barry and Kathi Kamen Goldmark have laid out the blueprint for what you want - your book. From transforming an idea into a manuscript to finding an agent to working with an editor to marketing your book, BookPage's Author Enablers are here to assist you every step of the way. And they've brought some backup with original insight from literary superstars like Stephen King, Amy Tan, Rita Mae Brown, and more.It's everything you would ever want - and need - to know about the industry from the inside out.

Write the Book You're Meant to Write: A Guide For First Time Authors

by Gail Woodard

It's Time to Write the Book You're Meant to Write!Have you ever thought about writing a book? Or what writing a book can do for you? Then you're not alone. Writing and bringing an exceptional book to the world can be both easy and deeply satisfying, once you know how. Writing a book can help you:• Share your ideas and expertise with others. • Generate leads for your business. • Position yourself as an authority in your field. • Impart your wisdom and experience. :• Enjoy a well-earned sense of accomplishment. Whether you’re writing fiction, nonfiction or memoir, Write the Book You’re Meant to Write: A Guide for First-time Authors provides the critical advice you need for a successful transition from aspiring writer to respected author. Many aspiring authors commit mistakes, but you don't have to, and you don't have to go on this journey alone. Step by step, Gail Woodard helps you explore the different avenues for your book, understand what’s possible and make conscious choices right from the beginning. If you've ever thought about writing a book you can be proud of and that audiences will love, then Write the Book You're Meant to Write can help. It will dispel your fears and build your confidence about the book process, from coming up with the initial idea to selling your book for years to come.So what are you waiting for? Will you start writing the book you're meant to write today?”Woodard's description of the four myths about book publishing alone is worth the price. Ignore them at your peril.”-Brian Jud, How to Make Real Money Selling Books”Whether you recently have felt the call to write a book or have completed a manuscript and are seeking a publisher, make a place on your bookshelf for this all-important book!” - Lynn Wiese Sneyd, award-winning author and owner of LWS Literary Services

Write To The Point

by Salvatore J. Iacone

Write to the point is an informal step-by-step guide to improving the writing skills of business and technical professionals for both traditional and modern electronic forms of written communication. The goal of this guide to better business writing is to help you to write with greater ease, precision, and clarity. A conversational instructional format will "walk" you through the actual stages of the writing process, from planning and writing the first draft to editing and proofreading. Also included are helpful guidelines to correct grammar, punctuation, and modern usage; lists of often-confused words; and models of suggested content and formats for e-mail, memos, letters, and reports.

Write to the Point: How to Communicate in Business With Style and Purpose

by Salvatore J. Iacone

Practical, proven techniques to make writing for business more effective and less stressful.Thanks to e-mail, voice mail, cell phones, pagers, and, of course, the ever-expanding Web, we live in an age of information overload. Although all these wonders were designed to make life and communication easier and faster, speed and efficiency have come with a price. Clear business writing has never been more difficult or stressful.Writers are expected to respond quickly to an endless flow of e-mail messages. Readers complain about an increasing lack of clarity along with an abundance of mechanical errors. Supervisors and managers are bewildered by employees’ inability to simply say what they mean and the lack of appropriate tone and sense of decorum in the written communications they produce.This book presents proven techniques developed in Dr. Iacone’s seminars that will enable greater ease, proficiency, and clarity in writing. The conversational, instructional format walks you through the actual stages of the writing process—from planning and writing the first draft, to editing and proofreading. This invaluable handbook also includes helpful guidelines to correct punctuation, lists of often-confused words, and step-by-step procedures for generating effective e-mail, memos, letters, and reports.

Write to the Top

by Deborah Dumaine

Now reorganized into an easy-to-follow, six step approach to effective writing for every business communication format.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Write Your Book in a Flash: The Paint-by-Numbers System to Write the Book of Your Dreams—Fast!

by Dan Janal

Write your business book without wasting time or money—a &“superb&” guide for executives, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders (Henry DeVries, author of Persuade with a Story).Write Your Book in a Flash shows how to get focused fast, so you can write your book without tearing your hair out. As with any enterprise, writing a book requires a clear system—or nothing gets finished. Unlike books that show you why you should write a book, this book actually shows you how to write a book! You&’ll discover: How to write a simple outline that makes the writing process faster and easierHow to get stunning testimonials to help sell your bookHow to find and manage beta readers who will share honest feedback before the book is publishedHow to research interesting ideas, stories, and facts so you never run out of ideas or informationHow to overcome &“The Imposter Syndrome&” and other limiting beliefs that stifle nearly every would-be authorClear examples that show you what to do (and what not to do)Empowering exercises that show you how to write better and fasterSimple how-to steps anyone can follow to write a book Business leaders who write books get more clients at higher fees, have more impact, develop more credibility, and have more influence where it matters most: in front of clients, customers, and prospects. This is the perfect book to read if you are a thought leader, entrepreneur or business executive who wants to write a business book to build your personal brand, open doors to new opportunities, and leave a legacy of wisdom to future generations.

A Writer at War

by Vasily Grossman

Vasily Grossman's masterpiece LIFE AND FATE is rated by many as the greatest Russian novel of the twentieth century. Among its admirers is Antony Beevor, the bestselling author of Stalingrad and Berlin. A WRITER AT WAR is based on the notebooks in which Grossman gathered his raw material. It depicts as never before the crushing conditions on the Eastern Front and the lives and deaths of infantrymen, tank drivers, pilots, snipers and civilians alike. Deemed unfit for service when the Germans invaded in 1941, Grossman became a special correspondent for Red Star, the Red Army newspaper. Remarkably, he spent three of the following four years at the front observing with a writer's eye the most pitiless fighting ever known. Grossman witnessed almost all the major events on the Eastern Front: the appalling defeats and desperate retreats of 1941, the defence of Moscow and fighting in the Ukraine. In August 1942 he was posted to Stalingrad where he remained during four months of brutal street-fighting. He was present at the battle of Kursk, the largest tank engagement in history, and, as the Red Army advanced, he reached Berdichev where his worst fears for his mother and other relations were confirmed. A Jew himself, he undertook the faithful recording of Holocaust atrocities as their extent dawned. His supremely powerful report 'The Hell of Treblinka' was used in evidence at the Nuremberg tribunal. A WRITER AT WAR offers the one outstanding eye-witness account of the war on the Eastern Front and perhaps the best descriptions ever of what Grossman called 'the ruthless truth of war'.

Writer for Hire: 101 Secrets to Freelance Success

by Kelly James-Enger

There's no shortage of books on crafting book proposals, writing novels, overcoming writer's block, and getting in touch with one's muse. But what about a book for writers who simply want to earn a regular paycheck?Writer for Hireis just the wisdom full- and part-time freelancers need. Author Kelly James-Enger details: 101 secrets to success, organized into five overarching strategies. You'll be able to implement what you learn immediately. Invaluable advice on managing deadlines, querying effectively, working with clients, handling taxes, invoices, and more. Strategies for getting more writing gigs, including networking (in-person and online), establishing yourself as an expert, working more efficiently under tight deadlines, and handling rejection with confidence James-Enger looks at the "whole freelancer," addressing both the craft and business of freelancing.

Writer Tells All: Insider Secrets to Getting Your Book Published

by Robert Masello

A witty and candid firsthand account -- for writers by a writer -- on how to write, sell, publish, and promote a book.This invaluable book is written by a working writer -- not a professor, not a publisher, not an editor, not an agent. Robert Masello is a writer who speaks his mind with absolute candor on everything aspiring book authors need to know. He explains the publishing process step by step -what to expect, how it works, and what authors can do at each point to keep things going smoothly. Equally important, Masello has a lot of fun doing it. His book is filled with sometimes hilarious anecdotes from his own experiences in the trenches of publishing.Writer Tells All covers many topics along the way, both large and small, including the things every writer needs to know: choosing a book topic (fiction or nonfiction), writing the proposal, selecting an agent, understanding book contracts, finding an editor, losing an editor, following the production process from manuscript to bound book, using your own savvy and contacts to maximize the effect of marketing, and publicizing the finished product.

Writer's Digest Handbook Of Magazine Article Writing

by Michelle Ruberg Ben Yagoda

This book is the only resource writers need for all of their questions on how to: brainstorm creative article ideas; find the right magazine for their work; and keep editors coming back for more!

Writer's Digest Handbook of Magazine Article Writing (2nd edition)

by Michelle Ruberg

"This book is packed with practical information you can put to use today, whether you're just starting your freelance career or trying to keep pace with changing expectations and opportunities. As someone who's worked on both sides of the table, as a magazine freelancer and an editor, I can tell you that the advice between these covers can save you years worth of rejection slips and frustration." -Kristin D. Godsey (editor of Writer's Digest magazine)

A Writer's Guide to Fiction

by Elizabeth Lyon

The second book in the Writer's Compass series from professional writing instructor Elizabeth Lyon offers both aspiring and established authors the fundamentals of writing and selling a great novel or short story. In addition to the basics of characterization, plot, pacing, and theme, A Writer's Guide to Fiction also features a plan for revising fiction, a guide to marketing, samples of cover and query letters, and methods of honing the writing craft.

The Writer's Handbook: A Guide For Social Workers

by Dona Young Andrea Tamburro Marshelia Harris

The Writer's Handbook: A Guide for Social Workers is a writing reference for social work majors and graduate students. Specific to social work, the text contains chapters on documenting in the field, research, and APA style citation and formatting. In addition, learners have access to full chapters on principles of grammar (such as verbs, pronouns, and parallel structure), punctuation (commas, semicolons, colons, quotation marks, and so on), and writing style (active voice, conciseness).The text is designed to help writers at all levels bring the quality of their work to higher levels by reviewing principles followed by practice.Since APA style is required for social work study, a special effort has been make to present a full chapter on APA style as well as integrate APA requirements in formatting and style throughout the text.The text is reader friendly, contains keys to all exercises at the back of the book, and gives learners access to interactive activities at the book's website.

The Writer's Legal Guide, Fourth Edition: An Authors Guild Desk Reference

by Kay Murray Tad Crawford

In an increasingly digitized and complex publishing world, writers need to know how to protect themselves against copyright infringement, legal trouble, and unwise concessions to publishers. Still the author's foremost advocate for copyright protection, fair contracts, and free expression, the Authors Guild has once again partnered with Allworth Press to update this invaluable reference. Thoroughly revised to reflect the many changes in the publishing industry, the fourth edition offers plain-English explanations of legal and business aspects of the trade, from electronic rights and ebooks to contracts and accounting. Other topics include: Registering copyrights, including onlineTaxes and bookkeepingFollowing fair use guidelinesNegotiating contracts with publishers and agentsObtaining permissions to use others' workDealing with periodical, syndication, film, television, play, and audio rights agreementsHandling business disputesUnderstanding libel, privacy, and the limits of free expressionAvoiding self-publishing misstepsPlanning authors' estates

A Writer's Life

by Gay Talese

The inner workings of a writer's life, the interplay between experience and writing, are brilliantly recounted by a master of the art. Gay Talese now focuses on his own life--the zeal for the truth, the narrative edge, the sometimes startling precision, that won accolades for his journalism and best-sellerdom and acclaim for his revelatory books about The New York Times (The Kingdom and the Power), the Mafia (Honor Thy Father), the sex industry (Thy Neighbor's Wife), and, focusing on his own family, the American immigrant experience (Unto the Sons). How has Talese found his subjects? What has stimulated, blocked, or inspired his writing? Here are his amateur beginnings on his college newspaper; his professional climb at The New York Times; his desire to write on a larger canvas, which led him to magazine writing at Esquire and then to books. We see his involvement with issues of race from his student days in the Deep South to a recent interracial wedding in Selma, Alabama, where he once covered the fierce struggle for civil rights. Here are his reflections on the changing American sexual mores he has written about over the last fifty years, and a striking look at the lives--and their meaning--of Lorena and John Bobbitt. He takes us behind the scenes of his legendary profile of Frank Sinatra, his writings about Joe DiMaggio and heavyweight champion Floyd Patterson, and his interview with the head of a Mafia family.But he is at his most poignant in talking about the ordinary men and women whose stories led to his most memorable work. In remarkable fashion, he traces the history of a single restaurant location in New York, creating an ethnic mosaic of one restaurateur after the other whose dreams were dashed while a successor's were born. And as he delves into the life of a young female Chinese soccer player, we see his consuming interest in the world in its latest manifestation.In these and other recollections and stories, Talese gives us a fascinating picture of both the serendipity and meticulousness involved in getting a story. He makes clear that every one of us represents a good one, if a writer has the curiosity to know it, the diligence to pursue it, and the desire to get it right.Candid, humorous, deeply impassioned--a dazzling book about the nature of writing in one man's life, and of writing itself.From the Hardcover edition.

Writer's Market 100th Edition: The Most Trusted Guide to Getting Published

by edited by Robert Lee Brewer

The most trusted guide to getting published, fully revised and updatedWant to get published and paid for your writing? Let Writer's Market, 100th edition guide you through the process. It's the ultimate reference with thousands of publishing opportunities for writers, listings for book publishers, consumer and trade magazines, contests and awards, and literary agents—as well as new playwriting and screenwriting sections, along with contact and submission information. Beyond the listings, you'll find articles devoted to the business and promotion of writing. Discover 20 literary agents actively seeking writers and their writing, how to develop an author brand, and overlooked funds for writers. This 100th edition also includes the ever-popular pay-rate chart and book publisher subject index.You'll gain access to: • Thousands of updated listings for book publishers, magazines, contests, and literary agents • Articles devoted to the business and promotion of writing • A newly revised "How Much Should I Charge?" pay rate chart • Sample query letters for fiction and nonfiction • Lists of professional writing organizations

Writer's Market 2010: Make Money Writing

by Caroline Taggart

THE MOST TRUSTED GUIDE TO GETTING PUBLISHED Written by writers for writers and backed by 89 years of authority, Writer's Market is the #1 resource for helping writers sell their work. Used by both seasoned professionals and writers new to the publishing world, Writer's Market has helped countless writers transform their love of writing from a hobby into a career. Nowhere else but in the 2010 Writer's Market will you find the most comprehensive and reliable information you need. This new edition includes: Complete, up-to-date contact information and submission guidelines for more than 3,500 market listings, including literary agents, book publishers, magazines, newspapers, production companies, theaters, greeting card companies, and more. Informative interviews, helpful tips and instructional articles on the business of writing. The "How Much Should I Charge?" pay rate charts for professional freelancers. Sample good and bad queries in the "Query Letter Clinic." Easy-to-use format and tabbed pages so you can quickly locate the information you need!

A Writer's Reference: with Resources for Multilingual Writers and ESL

by Diana Hacker Nancy Sommers Kimberli Huster

This version of the best-selling college handbook helps both resident and international students understand college expectations and develop strategies for improving their academic English and academic writing. Written by an ESL expert, this booklet includes plenty of helpful charts, activities, exercises, and model papers -- along with notes about where to find additional resources online and on campus.

Writers' Rights: Freelance Journalism in a Digital Age

by Nicole S. Cohen

As media industries undergo rapid change, the conditions of media work are shifting just as quickly, with an explosion in the number of journalists working as freelancers. Although commentary frequently lauds freelancers as ideal workers for the information age - adaptable, multi-skilled, and entrepreneurial - Nicole Cohen argues that freelance media work is increasingly precarious, marked by declining incomes, loss of control over one's work, intense workloads, long hours, and limited access to labour and social protections. Writers' Rights provides context for freelancers' struggles and identifies the points of contention between journalists and big business. Through interviews and a survey of freelancers, Cohen highlights the paradoxes of freelancing, which can be simultaneously precarious and satisfying, risky and rewarding. She documents the transformation of freelancing from a way for journalists to resist salaried labour in pursuit of autonomy into a strategy for media firms to intensify exploitation of freelance writers' labour power, and presents case studies of freelancers' efforts to collectively transform their conditions. A groundbreaking and timely intervention into debates about the future of journalism, organizing precariously employed workers, and the transformation of media work in a digital age, Writers' Rights makes clear what is at stake for journalism's democratic role when the costs and risks of its production are offloaded onto individuals.

Writers' Rights: Freelance Journalism in a Digital Age

by Nicole S. Cohen

As media industries undergo rapid change, the conditions of media work are shifting just as quickly, with an explosion in the number of journalists working as freelancers. Although commentary frequently lauds freelancers as ideal workers for the information age – adaptable, multi-skilled, and entrepreneurial – Nicole Cohen argues that freelance media work is increasingly precarious, marked by declining incomes, loss of control over one’s work, intense workloads, long hours, and limited access to labour and social protections. Writers’ Rights provides context for freelancers’ struggles and identifies the points of contention between journalists and big business. Through interviews and a survey of freelancers, Cohen highlights the paradoxes of freelancing, which can be simultaneously precarious and satisfying, risky and rewarding. She documents the transformation of freelancing from a way for journalists to resist salaried labour in pursuit of autonomy into a strategy for media firms to intensify exploitation of freelance writers’ labour power, and presents case studies of freelancers’ efforts to collectively transform their conditions. A groundbreaking and timely intervention into debates about the future of journalism, organizing precariously employed workers, and the transformation of media work in a digital age, Writers’ Rights makes clear what is at stake for journalism’s democratic role when the costs and risks of its production are offloaded onto individuals.

Writing: Articles, articles de blog, livres électroniques, messages et PLR (Comment faire... #123)

by Owen Jones

Writing Articles, articles de blog, livres électroniques, messages et PLR Plus de gens écrivent maintenant qu'à n'importe quel moment de l'histoire de la civilisation. Ceci est principalement dû à l'éducation et à plus de temps libre. La génération des parents des baby-boomers était la première génération de lecteurs de masse – certainement en Occident, et probablement dans le monde. Leurs parents savaient lire, en général, mais n'avaient aucune tradition de lecture de livres. Au lieu de cela, ils lisent surtout des journaux. Leurs enfants ont eu une meilleure éducation et ont repris l'habitude de lire de leurs parents. Ils ont également été encouragés à lire des livres à l'école. La première génération où cela s'est produit. Leurs enfants, les baby-boomers de l'après-guerre, ont continué la progression et sont devenus des lecteurs avides. À cette époque, il n'y a pas si longtemps, disons entre soixante-dix et trente ans, les gens écrivaient des lettres à la main. Ce fut une expérience personnelle longue mais très agréable. Ensuite, l'ordinateur personnel, le courrier électronique et Internet ont commencé à se répandre parmi les masses, et la plume et l'encre ont progressivement été remplacées par des babillards électroniques, des publications sur des forums et des e-mails. Avant ce point, l'écriture avait été un événement spécial pour la plupart des gens... des lettres de remerciement, des cartes postales, des cartes d'anniversaire et l'étrange lettre personnelle à la maison ou à un ami. L'ordinateur personnel permettait d'envoyer facilement une note rapide à quelqu'un. Il a fallu beaucoup moins de temps pour écrire et livrer, ou se faire livrer par la poste. Soudain, tout le monde a commencé à écrire et à publier pour sa famille, ses amis, des inconnus et même des ennemis. Une barrière avait été levée – des barrières de temps et de formalité,

Writing a Convincing Business Plan (Barron's Business Library)

by Arthur DeThomas Steven Fox Stephanie Derammelaere

A sound and convincing business plan is an entrepreneur’s important first step in starting up a profitable business. It’s also a prerequisite for getting financing and attracting investors. A sound business plan describes the business operations and goals, analyzes and forecasts markets and sales, sets up operating and marketing plans and schedules, and estimates operating expenses. This book shows how to organize and write a logical, business-savvy, and professionally polished business plan that can be presented to potential investors and financial institutions.

Writing a Professional Life: Stories of Technical Communicators On and Off the Job

by Gerald J. Savage Dale L. Sullivan

This is the first collection of narratives by practicing technical communicators telling their own personal stories about the workplace and their lives on the job. The authors portray a wide range of jobs: writers, editors, interface designers, marketing writers, and trainers working in 9 different technical fields, including software, R&D, engineering , medicine, transportation, and telecommunications. The stories vividly demonstrate the unique power of narrative as a teaching and learning tool. Unlike fabricated cases, these real-life narratives show new and veteran technical writers at work on the job, dealing with tasks, clients, and co-workers, and revealing their insights, values, and attitudes about their work. The stories also show the skills required in the profession and the ethical and other issues raised in the course of the workday. For anyone interested in technical communication and professional writing.

Writing a Translation Commentary (Routledge Introductions to Translation and Interpreting)

by Penélope Johnson

This essential textbook is a step-by-step guide to how to write a self-reflective translation commentary, a key requirement of most courses on translation. Starting with source text analysis, it guides students in how to set out a translation strategy and goes through the most common challenging issues encountered, thus enabling students to set out their translation priorities in an informed manner. Throughout each chapter, there are boxes summarising key concepts and suggestions of tasks and activities, as well as recommendations for further reading. The book is supplemented by online resources for students and teachers on the translation studies portal. There are nine PowerPoints based on the chapters of the book that could be used for teaching or self-study. There are also downloadable versions of sample assessment rubrics, tables for example selection, and checklists. Based on real life examples of students' work in different language combinations, drawing on the author's years of experience of teaching commentary writing, this book focuses on several types of language mediation that go beyond the written word, such as interpreting, audiovisual translation, localisation, and transcreation. This is a vital textbook for students writing commentaries on translation and interpreting courses, a useful resource for supervisors providing students with guidance on how to write a balanced, articulate, and convincing commentary and a handy reference for professional translators and interpreters needing to explain their translation decisions to clients.

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