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Entwickeln Sie Ihre eigene Blockchain: Ein praktischer Leitfaden zur Distributed-Ledger-Technologie

by Daniel Hellwig Goran Karlic Arnd Huchzermeier

​Dieses Buch bietet eine umfassende Einführung in die Blockchain- und Distributed-Ledger-Technologie. Es ist ein Leitfaden für Praktiker und enthält detaillierte Beispiele und Erklärungen, wie sich eine Blockchain von Grund auf neu aufbauen und betreiben lässt. Durch seinen konzeptionellen Hintergrund und praktische Übungen ermöglicht dieses Buch Studenten, Lehrern und Krypto-Enthusiasten, ihre erste Blockkette zu starten, wobei Vorkenntnisse der zugrunde liegenden Technologie vorausgesetzt werden.Wie baue ich eine Blockchain auf? Wie präge ich eine Kryptowährung? Wie schreibe ich einen Smart Contract? Wie starte ich ein Initial Coin Offering (ICO)? Dies sind einige der Fragen, die dieses Buch beantwortet. Ausgehend von den Anfängen und der Entwicklung früher Kryptowährungen werden die konzeptionellen Grundlagen für die Entwicklung sicherer Software beschrieben. Die Themen umfassen u. a. Konsens-Algorithmen, Mining und Dezentralisierung. „Dies ist ein einzigartiges Buch über die Blockchain-Technologie. Die Autoren haben die perfekte Balance zwischen Breite der Themen und Tiefe der technischen Diskussion gefunden. Aber das wahre Juwel ist die Sammlung sorgfältig kuratierter praktischer Übungen, die den Leser schon ab Kapitel 1 durch den Prozess des Aufbaus einer Blockchain führen.“ Volodymyr Babich, Professor für Betriebs- und Informationsmanagement, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University„Eine ausgezeichnete Einführung in die DLT-Technologie für ein nicht-technisches Publikum. Das Buch ist vollgepackt mit Beispielen und Übungen, die das Erlernen der zugrunde liegenden Prozesse der Blockchain-Technologie für alle, vom Studenten bis zum Unternehmer, erheblich erleichtern.“ Serguei Netessine, Dhirubhai Ambani Professor für Innovation und Entrepreneurship, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Entwicklung datenbasierter Produkt-Service Systeme: Ein Ansatz zur Realisierung verfügbarkeitsorientierter Geschäftsmodelle

by Jan C. Aurich Walter Koch Patrick Kölsch Christoph Herder

Neue Geschäftsmodelle zu entwickeln und zu realisieren wird eine immer wichtigere Fähigkeit für Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Branchen. Bei verfügbarkeitsorientierten Geschäftsmodellen in der Investitionsgüterindustrie garantiert der Anbieter seinen Kunden eine definierte Verfügbarkeit des Investitionsguts. Der Kunde zahlt demnach nur noch für die Verfügbarkeit seiner Maschine. Neben einem adäquaten Ansatz zur Entwicklung verfügbarkeitsorientierter Geschäftsmodelle bilden innovative Sach- und Serviceprodukte, die auf intelligenter, kommunikationsfähiger Sensorik und einem durchgängigen, intelligenten Informationsmanagement basieren, die Grundlage zu deren Realisierung. Das Buch beschreibt die Ergebnisse des BMBF-Verbundforschungsprojekts "Innovative Serviceprodukte für individualisierte, verfügbarkeitsorientierte Geschäftsmodelle für Investitionsgüter - InnoServPro". InnoServPro hat das Ziel, verfügbarkeitsorientierte Geschäftsmodelle in der Investitionsgüterindustrie zu realisieren. Die Erkenntnisse des Projektes werden dabei an drei Anwendungsfällen aus Landtechnik und Intralogistik demonstriert.

Entwicklung einer interaktiven Wirbelsäule inklusive gamifizierter Lernanwendung (BestMasters)

by Philipp Goldbach

Der Forschungsschwerpunkt in diesem Buch umfasst die Untersuchung der aktuellen Lehrparadigmen in der medizinischen Lehre sowie eine Analyse von Bildungstechnologien, welche unterstützen können, den Lernprozess interaktiv und anschaulich zu gestalten. Dabei stand die Entwicklung einer solchen Bildungstechnologie in Form eines interaktiven Wirbelsäulenmodells im Fokus dieser Arbeit. In einer Analysephase wurden zunächst die Anforderungen durch Studierende und Dozierende an ein solches System gesammelt. Daraufhin erfolgte die Konzeption und Realisierung eines technologisierten Wirbelsäulenmodells, welches speziell in der medizinischen Lehre unterstützen soll. Dieses Modell wurde durch eine gamifizierte Lernanwendung ergänzt, mit dem Ziel, den Lernprozess motivierend zu gestalten. Abschließend wurde evaluiert, inwiefern diese Kombination aus einem interaktiven Modell und der Lernanwendung den Lernprozess anreichern kann und ob diese einen positiven Einfluss auf die Lernmotivation von Studierenden nimmt.

Entwicklung verteilter Anwendungen: Mit Spring Boot & Co (erfolgreich studieren)

by Wolfgang Golubski

Hier lernen Sie, wie Sie Webanwendungen mit dem Spring Boot Framework entwickeln Sie wollen mehr über Spring Boot und Spring Boot 2 erfahren? Sie erhoffen sich eine Einführung in die Entwicklung verteilter Anwendungen? Dieses Buch ist kein normales Lehrbuch aus der Informatik. Es vermittelt mehr als nur reine Theorie auf Basis von Informatik-Grundlagen. Stattdessen führt es Sie in die grundsätzlichen Konzepte des Spring Boot Frameworks ein. Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für die Softwareentwicklung Die Spring-Welt (in diesem Fall Spring Boot, Spring Boot 2, Spring DATA und Spring MVC) bedarf eines gewissen Vorwissens. Egal ob Programmierer, Software-Entwickler oder Student, hilfreich sind Vorkenntnisse in: Objektorientierter Java-ProgrammierungThreadsMVC (Model-View-Controller)Um Ihnen die Arbeit mit diesem Spring-Boot-Buch zu erleichtern, ist jedes Projekt in Form einer Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung um einzelne Module erweitert. Dadurch erhalten Sie nicht nur einen Einblick in die Theorie, sondern auch praxisorientierte Programmierbeispiele. Daneben schlägt Ihnen der Autor mögliche technische Lösungen vor. Um Ihnen den Einstieg in die Thematik mit dem vorliegenden Spring-Boot-Buch zu vereinfachen, stehen die Programmcodes zu den Kapiteln und weiterführende Informationen online zur Verfügung.

Entwicklung von Echtzeitsystemen: Einführung in die Entwicklung zuverlässiger softwarebasierter Funktionen unter Echtzeitbedingungen

by Hubert B. Keller

Ein hilfreicher Wegweiser zur Entwicklung von Echtzeitsystemen Dieses Buch führt Sie umfassend in die Entwicklung zuverlässiger softwarebasierter Echtzeitsysteme ein. Dazu beleuchtet der Autor Hubert B. Keller alle Entwicklungsaspekte dieser Systeme, nämlich:· Die wichtige Rolle von Automatisierungssoftware· Software-Engineering· Safety- und Security-Aspekte· Scheduling· Implementierung Eignen Sie sich mit diesem Werk konstruktive Ansätze an und erfahren Sie, welche Anforderungen eine erfolgreiche Implementierung an Realzeitsysteme in der Automatisierung stellt. Zudem erhalten Sie mit diesem Buch eine konkrete Anleitung zu einer inkrementellen Vorgehensweise, um mögliche Fehler, Kosten und Risiken bei der Entwicklung von Echtzeitsystemen zu minimieren.Die integrative Darstellung und Bewertung der notwendigen Randbedingungen und die Methoden zur Realisierung von softwarebasierten Funktionen unter Echtzeitbedingungen machen dieses Buch zu einer wertvollen Ergänzung in der Berufspraxis. So konzipieren und entwickeln Sie zuverlässige SystemeZu Beginn erläutert der Autor die Grundlagen. Erfahren Sie in diesem Buch, welche Motivation hinter der Entwicklung von Echtzeitsystemen steht, wie der aktuelle Entwicklungsstand aussieht und welche Rolle Programmiersprachen und die Wertschöpfung durch Software in Unternehmen spielen. In den folgenden Kapiteln stehen u. a. diese weiterführenden Aspekte im Vordergrund:· Herstellungsprozesse für Software· Analyse und Bewertung von Konzepten zur Ereignisbehandlung unter Echtzeitbedingungen· Prozesskonzept und Scheduling als Basis für zuverlässige Echtzeitsysteme· Programmierung von Echtzeitsystemen mit hoher Zuverlässigkeit· Integrative Betrachtung von technischer Sicherheit und Informationssicherheit· Beispielhafte Umsetzung der Entwicklungsmethodik Abschließend gibt Ihnen der Autor konkrete Empfehlungen für die Entwicklung einer zuverlässigen Automatisierungssoftware. Zu empfehlen ist das Buch „Entwicklung von Echtzeitsystemen“ speziell für: a) Ingenieureb) Informatikerc) Entwickler Durch die behandelten Inhalte eignet sich das Buch sowohl für Studium als für das Selbststudium.

Entwicklung von Methoden zur abstrakten Modellierung von Automotive Systems-on-Chips

by Aljoscha Kirchner

Diese Open-Access-Publikation bietet zu Beginn einen Einblick in die Grundlagen der modellbasierten Systementwicklung. Dabei analysiert die Publikation aktuell bestehende methodische Defizite in der Automotive System-on-Chip (SoC) Entwicklung. Anschließend beschreibt die Publikation, eine neue modellbasierte Entwicklungsmethode, mit deren Hilfe es ermöglicht wird die wachsenden Herausforderungen der Automotive System-on-Chip Entwicklung zu meistern. Um das übergeordnete Ziel der Effizienzsteigerung zu erfüllen, vereint die modellbasierte Entwicklungsmethode fünf etablierte Werkzeuge und passt dabei die Gesamtmethode auf die Anforderungen der Automotive SoC Entwicklung an. Darüber hinaus behandelt die Publikation die Möglichkeiten zur modellgetriebenen Automatisierung in Hardware- wie auch in der Softwareentwicklung. Den Nachweis über den positiven Einfluss der modellbasierten Entwicklungsmethode auf die Effizienz der Automotive SoC Entwicklung erbringt die Publikation anhand einer Interview-Evaluierung in Form einer leitfaden-basierten Befragung von Anwendern aus der Industrie.

Entwurf integrierter 3D-Systeme der Elektronik

by Manfred Dietrich Jens Lienig

Immer häufiger werden dreidimensional strukturierte elektronische Schaltkreise und Baugruppen eingesetzt mit dem Ziel, die Funktionalität signifikant zu steigern. Die Autoren beschreiben in dem Band, welche Herausforderungen sich hieraus für den Entwurf neuartiger Baugruppen ergeben - und sie präsentieren erste Lösungen. Dabei sind die Inhalte so aufgebaut, dass sie dem Entwurfsfluss folgen. Die vorgestellten Lösungen beziehen sich jeweils auf Projekte, die tatsächlich realisiert wurden.

Environment: Why Read The Classics?

by Sofia Guedes Vaz

Environment: Why Read the Classics? presents six important essays by some of the world's leading environmental thinkers on six of the most emblematic books ever written on the environment. The books – Walden; A Sand County Almanac; Small is Beautiful; Silent Spring; The Limits to Growth; and Our Common Future – taken together have been hugely important in the development of global environmental awareness, activism and policy. The essayists – Viriato Soromenho-Marques, J. Baird Callicott, José Lima Santos, Tim O'Riordan, Satish Kumar and Marina Silva – invite readers to reflect on these ground-breaking works and examine their historical importance, as well as what they should mean to us today and what relevance they will have to future generations. More than just books about the environment, these are also philosophical treatises, in that they increase our understanding of the natural world and of ourselves, calling us "to weigh and consider", as Bacon put it. In particular, they make us reflect on the need to constantly redefine the purposes of progress, the economy and society. How we relate to nature is a crucial aspect in the plans we make as a species, and as individuals; and every one of these books inspires a more respectful relationship, both with nature and humanity, and consequently with ourselves. The six essays in this book are the result of a series of conferences organised in Lisbon by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation with the support of the American Embassy in Portugal. Its *raison d'être* was to revisit the ideas that have shaped the environmental movement, seeking inspiration to deal with what looks like a very challenging future. The significance of such timeless concepts is now more apparent than ever; and these evergreen books are full of ideas that retain their spark even in our difficult times. This is what makes them classics. Environment: Why Read the Classics? is a provocative book and will be essential reading for all those concerned about the state of the world.

Environment Art in the Game Industry: A Guide to Rich and Realistic Environments Using Substance Designer

by Henry Kelly

This book explains the fundamentals of being a talented games Environment Artist by outlining the key considerations that most Environment Artists tend to forget. Focusing on the use of Substance Designer to create rich, colourful and realistic environments, the book shows how to improve storytelling and how to think outside the box. Following a step-by-step process to create realistic, state-of-the-art materials that help bring game narratives and worlds to life, this book provides a new perspective on Environment Art by covering the latest, most creative industry techniques using Substance Designer. This book should appeal to new and aspiring games Environment Artists, as well as those looking to increase their knowledge of Substance Designer. The final stages of this book give a sneak peek into creating foliage in the game industry. Henry Kelly is the Lead Artist at REWIND, a VR and AR studio with the vision of a better future for VR and AR.

Environmental Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Libya

by Hamdi A. Zurqani

This book addresses the environmental challenges that Libya and similar countries in the regions are currently facing. Each chapter of this book provides a methodology using remote sensing (RS) and geographical information systems (GIS) dealing with one of these environmental challenges such as monitoring and mapping soil salinity and prediction of soil properties, monitoring and mapping of land degradation, spatiotemporal land use/cover, agricultural drought monitoring, hydrological applications such as spatial rainfall distribution, surface runoff, geo-morphometric analysis, flood hazard assessment and mapping, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, pollution hazard assessment, and climate-related geophysical processes. This book also assesses the impacts of climate change on natural resources using both RS and GIS, as well as other applications, covering different parts of Libya. This book is beneficial for graduate students, researchers, policy planners, and stakeholders in Libya as well as other countries that share similar environmental issues. Also, the methodologies followed in the book's chapters can be applied to any other regions around the world with similar landscapes and climatic conditions.

Environmental Communication. Second Edition: Skills and Principles for Natural Resource Managers, Scientists, and Engineers.

by Richard R. Jurin K. Jeffrey Danter Donny Roush

Environmental professionals can no longer simply publish research in technical journals. Informing the public is now a critical part of the job. Environmental Communication demonstrates, step by step, how it's done, and is an essential guide for communicating complex information to groups not familiar with scientific material. It addresses the entire communications process, from message planning, audience analysis and media relations to public speaking - skills a good communicator must master for effective public dialogue. Environmental Communication provides all the knowledge and tools you need to reach your target audience in a persuasive and highly professional manner. "This book will certainly help produce the skills for environmental communications sorely needed for industry, government and non-profit groups as well as an informed public". Sol P. Baltimore, Director, Environmental Communications and Adjunct faculty, Hazardous Waste management program, Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. "All environmental education professionals agree that the practice of good communications is essential for the success of any program. This book provides practical skills for this concern". Ju Chou, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Education National Taiwan Normal University Taipei, Taiwan

Environmental Informatics: Challenges and Solutions

by P. K. Paul Amitava Choudhury Arindam Biswas Binod Kumar Singh

This interdisciplinary book incorporates various aspects of environment, ecology, and natural disaster management including cognitive informatics and computing. It fosters research innovation and discovery on basic science and information technology for addressing various environmental problems, while providing the right solutions in environment, ecology, and disaster management. This book is a unique resource for researchers and practitioners of energy informatics in various scientific, technological, engineering, and social fields to disseminate original research on the application of digital technology and information management theory and practice to facilitate the global transition toward sustainable and resilient energy systems. Cognitive informatics is also the need of the hour and deals with cutting-edge and multidisciplinary research area that tackles the fundamental problems shared by modern informatics, computation, software engineering, AI, cybernetics, cognitive science, neuropsychology, medical science, systems science, philosophy, linguistics, economics, management science, and life sciences, which this book also presents.

Environmental Issues of Blasting: Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Aydin Azizi Danial Jahed Armaghani Ramesh M. Bhatawdekar

This book gives a rigorous and up-to-date study of the various AI and machine learning algorithms for resolving environmental challenges associated with blasting. Blasting is a critical activity in any mining or civil engineering project for breaking down hard rock masses. A small amount of explosive energy is only used during blasting to fracture rock in order to achieve the appropriate fragmentation, throw, and development of muck pile. The surplus energy is transformed into unfavourable environmental effects such as back-break, flyrock, air overpressure, and ground vibration. The advancement of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques has increased the accuracy of predicting these environmental impacts of blasting. This book discusses the effective application of these strategies in forecasting, mitigating, and regulating the aforementioned blasting environmental hazards.

Environmental Modeling Using Satellite Imaging and Dataset Re-processing (Studies in Big Data #54)

by Moses Eterigho Emetere

This book introduces methods of re-processing images to extract numerical information that can be used to quantify the observables in environmental modelling. Experiments or procedures that yield large images can be statistically or parametrically examined. Through the use of open source libraries, the book shows how ‘big data’ in the form of images or datasets can be comparatively analysed along same defined procedures or standards. This book helps to solve the challenges of discarding datasets that are relevant directly or indirectly to the research. The habit of screening datasets leads to the discard of over 90% of the original dataset or images generated in the experiments or procedure. If the images or datasets are generated under the same principles or conditions, then each measurement may be the narrative of unique events. The focus of this book is to enlighten researchers on how to analyse measurements with the aim of ensuring 100% utilization.

Environmental Monitoring with Arduino

by Emily Gertz Patrick Di Justo

<p>Right now, thousands of people worldwide are tracking environmental conditions with monitoring devices they&#8217;ve built themselves. You can do it too! This inspiring guide shows you how to use Arduino to create gadgets for measuring noise, weather, electromagnetic interference (EMI), water purity, and more. You&#8217;ll also learn how to collect and share your own data, and you can experiment by creating your own variations of the gadgets covered in the book. If you&#8217;re new to DIY electronics, the first chapter offers a primer on electronic circuits and Arduino programming.</p>

Environmental Perception Technology for Unmanned Systems (Unmanned System Technologies)

by Xin Bi

This book focuses on the principles and technology of environmental perception in unmanned systems. With the rapid development of a new generation of information technologies such as automatic control and information perception, a new generation of robots and unmanned systems will also take on new importance. This book first reviews the development of autonomous systems and subsequently introduces readers to the technical characteristics and main technologies of the sensor. Lastly, it addresses aspects including autonomous path planning, intelligent perception and autonomous control technology under uncertain conditions. For the first time, the book systematically introduces the core technology of autonomous system information perception.

Environmental Science and Information Application Technology: Proceedings of the 2014 5th International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology (ESIAT 2014), Hong Kong, November 7-8, 2014

by David Chan

Environmental Science and Information Application Technology contains selected papers from the 2014 5th International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology (ESIAT 2014, Hong Kong, 7-8 November 2014). The book covers a wide variety of topics: - Global Environmental Change and Ecosystems Management - Graphic and I

Environmental Software Systems. Computer Science for Environmental Protection: 12th Ifip Wg 5. 11 International Symposium, Isess 2017, Zadar, Croatia, May 10-12, 2017, Proceedings (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #507)

by Jiří Hřebíček Ralf Denzer Gerald Schimak Tomáš Pitner

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th IFIP WG 5.11 International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems, ISESS 2017, held in Zadar, Croatia, in May 2017. The 35 revised full papers presented together with 4 keynote lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from 46 submissions. The papers deal with environmental challenges and try to provide solutions using forward-looking and leading-edge IT technology. They are organized in the following topical sections: air and climate; water and hydrosphere; health and biosphere; risk and disaster management; information systems; and modelling, visualization and decision support.

Environmental Software Systems. Data Science in Action: 13th IFIP WG 5.11 International Symposium, ISESS 2020, Wageningen, The Netherlands, February 5–7, 2020, Proceedings (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #554)

by Gerald Schimak Ioannis N. Athanasiadis Steven P. Frysinger Willem Jan Knibbe

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th IFIP WG 5.11 International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems, ISESS 2020, held in Wageningen, The Netherlands, in February 2020. The 22 full papers and 3 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 29 submissions. The papers cover a wide range of topics on environmental informatics, including data mining, artificial intelligence, high performance and cloud computing, visualization and smart sensing for environmental, earth, agricultural and food applications.

Envisioning Education in a Post-Work Leisure-Based Society: A Dialogical Approach

by Eugene Matusov

This book is both an analytic and imaginative study of the future role of education in a leisure-based society. Grounded in a philosophical approach that draws on the work of Aristotle, Arendt, Keynes, and others, the volume deconstructs modern work-based society, as well as mainstream institutionalized education, which the author argues have systemically alienated students from their education, authorial agency, and society itself. The author argues for the value of intrinsic education, where the goals are based on students' own needs and interests, imagining new opportunities that can arise from the emergence of such a society.

Envisioning the Future of Online Learning

by Johan Eddy Luaran Janudin Sardi Anealka Aziz Nor Aziah Alias

This book shares insights into the various ways technology can be used for educational purposes, utilizing an approach suitable for both novice and advanced practitioners in this niche area. It features selected papers presented at the International Conference on e-Learning 2015 (ICeL 2015), where professionals discussed how technology can not only serve as a tool in the classroom, but as the classroom itself. As the title "Envisioning the Future of Online Learning" suggests, this book showcases current best practices in the field of e-learning, where technology has been leveraged to re-engineer the landscape of education, particularly in the context of Malaysia.


by Steven P. Millard

This book describes EnvStats, a new comprehensive R package for environmental statistics and the successor to the S-PLUS module EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS (first released in 1997). EnvStats and R provide an open-source set of powerful functions for performing graphical and statistical analyses of environmental data, bringing major environmental statistical methods found in the literature and regulatory guidance documents into one statistical package, along with an extensive hypertext help system that explains what these methods do, how to use these methods, and where to find them in the environmental statistics literature. EnvStats also includes numerous built-in data sets from regulatory guidance documents and the environmental statistics literature. This book shows how to use EnvStats and R to easily: * graphically display environmental data * plot probability distributions * estimate distribution parameters and construct confidence intervals on the original scale for commonly used distributions such as the lognormal and gamma, as well as do this nonparametrically * estimate and construct confidence intervals for distribution percentiles or do this nonparametrically (e. g. , to compare to an environmental protection standard) * perform and plot the results of goodness-of-fit tests * compute optimal Box-Cox data transformations * compute prediction limits and simultaneous prediction limits (e. g. , to assess compliance at multiple sites for multiple constituents) * perform nonparametric estimation and test for seasonal trend (even in the presence of correlated observations) * perform power and sample size computations and create companion plots for sampling designs based on confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, prediction intervals, and tolerance intervals * deal with non-detect (censored) data * perform Monte Carlo simulation and probabilistic risk assessment * reproduce specific examples in EPA guidance documents EnvStats combined with other R packages (e. g. , for spatial analysis) provides the environmental scientist, statistician, researcher, and technician with tools to "get the job done!"

Enyo: Up and Running

by Roy Sutton

Learn how easy it is to design and build responsive, cross-platform apps with the Enyo open source JavaScript framework. With this hands-on book, Enyo contributor Roy Sutton shows you how to get started with the framework's core object-oriented features, including its modular design, reusable and extensible components, layout and widget libraries, easy-to-use deployment options, and support for HTML5 standards. Before you know it, you'll be writing native-quality apps that work equally well on smartphones, tablets, and desktops. Are you familiar with HTML, CSS, or JavaScript? Then you're ready for Enyo. Start with a sample project to get the feel of Enyo right away Learn about Enyo's "kinds" (component building blocks), encapsulation, inheritance, and other core features Design compelling and responsive apps with Enyo's layout strategies and Layout library Use existing components to create new components Build unique user interfaces with the Onyx library and widget set Explore the community gallery to find and share reusable components Tackle debugging, performance tuning, and globalization Package your app for web, desktop, and mobile targets, using Bootplate, AppUp, and PhoneGap

Enyo: Build Native-Quality Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps

by Roy Sutton

Discover how easy it is to design and build responsive, cross-platform apps with the Enyo open source JavaScript framework. With this revised and expanded edition, Enyo contributor Roy Sutton gets you started with the framework’s core object-oriented features, including its modular design, reusable and extensible components, layout and widget libraries, easy-to-use deployment options, and support for HTML5 standards.You’ll also delve into Enyo’s latest features, including models, collections, data binding, and computed properties. Before you know it, you’ll be writing native-quality, data-driven apps that work equally well on smartphones, tablets, and desktops. Are you familiar with HTML, CSS, or JavaScript? Then you’re ready for Enyo.Build a sample project to get the feel of Enyo right awayLearn Enyo’s component building blocks, or "kinds"Design compelling and responsive apps with Enyo’s layout libraryBuild unique user interfaces with the Onyx library and widget setFind and share reusable components in the community galleryExplore the Moonstone Smart TV UI libraryTackle debugging, performance tuning, and globalizationPackage your app for the Web, desktop, mobile, and TVs

Epic Content Marketing: How to Tell a Different Story, Break Through the Clutter, and Win More Customers By Marketing Less

by Joe Pulizzi

One of FORTUNE Magazine''s Top 5 Business Book Must-Reads How do you cut through the noise, commotion, and bad information that is right now cluttering up your customers'' digital space? EPIC CONTENT MARKETING One of the world''s leading experts on content marketing, Joe Pulizzi explains how to attract prospects and customers by creating information and content they actually want to engage with. No longer can we interrupt our customers with mediocre content and sales messages they don't care about. Epic Content Marketing takes you step-by-stepthrough the process of developing stories that inform and entertain and compel customers to act--without actually telling them to. Epic content, distributed to the right person at the right time, is the way to truly capture the hearts and minds of customers. It''s how to position your business as a trusted expert in its industry. It''s what customers share and talk about. Once we hook customers with epic content, they reward us by sending our sales through the roof. Epic Content Marketing provides everything youneed to: Determine what your content niche should be to attract and retain customers Discover and develop your content marketing mission statement Set up a process for creating and curating epic content Learn how to leverage social and e-mail channels to create--and grow--your audience Measure the performance of your content--and increase your content marketing budget With in-depth case studies of how John Deere, LEGO, Coca-Cola, and other leading corporations are using content to drive epic sales, this groundbreaking guide gives you all the tools to start creating and disseminating content that leads directly to greater profits and growth. Whether you''re the CMO of a Fortune 500, a digital marketer, or an entrepreneur, Epic Content Marketing gives you the tools you need to vanquish the competition. Start your epic journey now! PRAISE FOR EPIC CONTENT MARKETING "From the man who invented content marketing. Listen to this guy. He really understands the new world of marketing. The concepts in Epic Content Marketing are usable all over the world--instantly usable and useful for any business. " -- Don Schultz, the "father of integrated marketing," Professor Emeritus at Northwestern University''s Medill School of Journalism, and author of 13 books "Joe Pulizzi''s ideas are so consistently . . . well, epic (!) that they really don''t need any endorsement by anyone. But here's mine anyway: You don''t need MORE content. You need the right kind of content,strategically applied. For those organizations struggling to create a content marketing program that drives results, Joe delivers. Again. " -- Ann Handley, coauthor of Content Rules and Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs "As Joe shows us in his wonderful Epic Content Marketing, you must unlearn interrupting people with your nonsense. Instead, publish the valuable content they want to consume and are eager to share. " -- David Meerman Scott, marketing strategist and bestselling author ofThe New Rules of Marketing and PR "This is a brilliant canter through the rapid and ever-changing world of content marketing. Joe has managed to capture the right blend of art and science as he plots the major trends impacting all marketers right now. " -- Jonathan Mildenhall, VP, Global Advertising Strategy and Creative Excellence, Coca-Cola Company "You could say that Joe Pulizzi wrote the book on content marketing, but now it''s more than just a saying. It''s what you're holding in your hands. If you truly want to be successful at content marketing, Pulizzi is one of the few who can show you the way. " -- Mitch Joel, President, Twist Image, and author of Six Pixels of Separation and CTRL ALT Delete "Joe Pulizzi may know more about content marketing than any person alive. He proves it in these pages. " -- Jay Baer, New York Times

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