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Java Servlet Programming

by Jason Hunter William Crawford

Servlets are an exciting and important technology that ties Java to the Web, allowing programmers to write Java programs that create dynamic web content. Java Servlet Programming covers everything Java developers need to know to write effective servlets. It explains the servlet lifecycle, showing how to use servlets to maintain state information effortlessly. It also describes how to serve dynamic web content, including both HTML pages and multimedia data, and explores more advanced topics like integrated session tracking, efficient database connectivity using JDBC, applet-servlet communicaton, interservlet communication, and internationalization. Readers can use the book's numerous real-world examples as the basis for their own servlets. The second edition has been completely updated to cover the new features of Version 2.2 of the Java Servlet API. It introduces chapters on servlet security and advanced communication, and also introduces several popular tools for easier integration of servlet technology with dynamic web pages. These tools include JavaServer Pages (JSP), Tea, XMLC, and the Element Construction Set. In addition to complete coverage of 2.2 specification, Java Servlet programming, 2nd Edition, also contains coverage of the new 2.3 final draft specification.

Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Edition

by Jason Hunter

The second edition of this popular book has been completely updated to add the new features of the Java Servlet API Version 2.2, and new chapters on servlet security and advanced communication. In addition to complete coverage of the 2.2 specification, we have included bonus material on the new 2.3 version of the specification.

Java SOA Cookbook: SOA Implementation Recipes, Tips, and Techniques

by Eben Hewitt

Java SOA Cookbook offers practical solutions and advice to programmers charged with implementing a service-oriented architecture (SOA) in their organization. Instead of providing another conceptual, high-level view of SOA, this cookbook shows you how to make SOA work. It's full of Java and XML code you can insert directly into your applications and recipes you can apply right away. The book focuses primarily on the use of free and open source Java Web Services technologies -- including Java SE 6 and Java EE 5 tools -- but you'll find tips for using commercially available tools as well. Java SOA Cookbook will help you: Construct XML vocabularies and data models appropriate to SOA applications Build real-world web services using the latest Java standards, including JAX-WS 2.1 and JAX-RS 1.0 for RESTful web services Integrate applications from popular service providers using SOAP, POX, and Atom Create service orchestrations with complete coverage of the WS-BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) 2.0 standard Improve the reliability of SOAP-based services with specifications such as WS-Reliable Messaging Deal with governance, interoperability, and quality-of-service issues The recipes in Java SOA Cookbook will equip you with the knowledge you need to approach SOA as an integration challenge, not an obstacle.

Java Software Solutions

by John Lewis William Loftus

Java Software Solutions teaches a foundation of programming techniques to foster well-designed object-oriented software. Heralded for its integration of small and large realistic examples, this worldwide best-selling text emphasizes building solid problem-solving and design skills to write high-quality programs.

Java Software Solutions

by John Lewis William Loftus

Java Software Solutions establishes a strong foundation of programming techniques to foster well-designed object-oriented software. Heralded for its integration of small and large real-world examples, the worldwide best-selling text emphasizes problem-solving and design skills and introduces students to the process of constructing high-quality software systems. <p><p>The 9th Edition features a sweeping overhaul of Graphics Track coverage, to fully embrace the JavaFX API. This fresh approach enriches programmers’ understandings of core object-oriented principles. The text uses a natural progression of concepts, focusing on the use of objects before teaching how to write them–equipping students with the knowledge and skill they need to design true object-oriented solutions.

Java Software Solutions for AP Computer Science: Foundations for Program Design

by John Lewis William Loftus Cara Cocking

Specifically designed for beginning programmers, this Advanced Placement book matches the AP Computer Science topic outline and Java subset set forth by the College Board.

Java Software Solutions for AP Computer Science

by John Lewis William Loftus Cara Cocking Susan Horwitz

Java Software Solutions for AP Computer Science Third Edition by Susan Horwitz, Cara Cocking, William Loftus, and John Lewis.

Java Software Solutions for AP Computer Science A (2nd edition)

by John Lewis William Loftus Cara Cocking

This edition was developed to include features of the Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0, known as Java 5, which will be used on the AP Computer Science Exam. It retains all the pedagogy and attention to detail that made the first edition successful.

Java Swing, 2nd Edition

by James Elliott Robert Eckstein Marc Loy Dave Wood Brian Cole

<div><p>This second edition of <i>Java Swing</i> thoroughly covers all the features available in Java 2 SDK 1.3 and 1.4. More than simply a reference, this new edition takes a practical approach. It is a book by developers for developers, with hundreds of useful examples, from beginning level to advanced, covering every component available in Swing.</p>\n<p>Whether you're a seasoned Java developer or just trying to find out what Java can do, you'll find <i>Java Swing</i>, 2nd edition an indispensable guide.</p></div>

Java Testing with Spock

by Konstantinos Kapelonis

SummaryJava Testing with Spock teaches you how to use Spock for a wide range of testing use cases in Java. Readers new to Groovy will appreciate the succinct language tutorial that'll give you just enough Groovy to use Spock effectively.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.About the TechnologySpock combines the features of tools like JUnit, Mockito, and JBehave into a single powerful Java testing library. With Spock, you use Groovy to write more readable and concise tests. Spock enables seamless integration testing, and with the intuitive Geb library, you can even handle functional testing of web applications.About the BookJava Testing with Spock teaches you how to use Spock for a wide range of testing use cases in Java. You'll start with a quick overview of Spock and work through writing unit tests using the Groovy language. You'll discover best practices for test design as you learn to write mocks, implement integration tests, use Spock's built-in BDD testing tools, and do functional web testing using Geb. Readers new to Groovy will appreciate the succinct language tutorial in chapter 2 that gives you just enough Groovy to use Spock effectively.What's InsideTesting with Spock from the ground upWrite mocks without an external libraryBDD tests your business analyst can readJust enough Groovy to use SpockAbout the ReaderWritten for Java developers. Knowledge of Groovy and JUnit is helpful but not required.About the AuthorKonstantinos Kapelonis is a software engineer who works with Java daily.Table of ContentsPART 1 FOUNDATIONS AND BRIEF TOUR OF SPOCKIntroducing the Spock testing frameworkGroovy knowledge for Spock testingA tour of Spock functionalityPART 2 STRUCTURING SPOCK TESTSWriting unit tests with SpockParameterized testsMocking and stubbingPART 3 SPOCK IN THE ENTERPRISEIntegration and functional testing with SpockSpock features for enterprise testing

Java Threads, 2nd Edition

by Scott Oaks Henry Wong

Revised and expanded to cover Java 2, Java Threads shows you how to take full advantage of Java's thread facilities: where to use threads to increase efficiency, how to use them effectively, and how to avoid common mistakes. It thoroughly covers the Thread and ThreadGroup classes, the Runnable interface, and the language's synchronized operator. The book pays special attention to threading issues with Swing, as well as problems like deadlock, race condition, and starvation to help you write code without hid

Java Threads, 2nd Edition

by Scott Oaks Henry Wong

Threads aren't a new idea: many operating systems and languages support them. But despite widespread support, threads tend to be something that everyone talks about, but few use. Programming with threads has a reputation for being tricky and nonportable. Not so with Java. Java's thread facilities are easy to use, and--like everything else in Java--are completely portable between platforms. And that's a good thing, because it's impossible to write anything but the simplest applet without encountering threads. If you want to work with Java, you have to learn about threads. This new edition shows you how to take full advantage of Java's thread facilities: where to use threads to increase efficiency, how to use them effectively, and how to avoid common mistakes. Java Threads discusses problems like deadlock, race condition, and starvation in detail, helping you to write code without hidden bugs. It brings you up to date with the latest changes in the thread interface for JDK 1.2. The book offers a thorough discussion of the Thread and ThreadGroup classes, the Runnable interface, the language's synchronized operator. It explains thread scheduling ends by developing a CPUSchedule class, showing you how to implement your own scheduling policy. In addition, Java Threads shows you how to extend Java's thread primitives. Other extended examples include classes that implement reader/writer locks, general locks, locks at arbitrary scope, and asynchronous I/O. This edition also adds extensive examples on thread pools, advanced synchronization technique, like condition variables, barriers, and daemon locks. It shows how to work with classes that are not thread safe, and pays special attention to threading issues with Swing. A new chapter shows you how to write parallel code for multiprocessor machines. In short, Java Threads covers everything you need to know about threads, from the simplest animation applet to the most complex applications. If you plan to do any serious work in Java, you will find this book invaluable. Examples available online. Covers Java 2.

Java Threads, Third Edition

by Scott Oaks Henry Wong

Threads are essential to Java programming, but learning to use them effectively is a nontrivial task. This new edition of the classic Java Threads shows you how to take full advantage of Java's threading facilities and brings you up-to-date with the watershed changes in Java 2 Standard Edition version 5.0 (J2SE 5.0). It provides a thorough, step-by-step approach to threads programming.

Java to Kotlin

by Duncan McGregor Nat Pryce

It takes a week to travel the 8,000 miles overland from Java to Kotlin. If you're an experienced Java developer who has tried the Kotlin language, you were probably productive in about the same time.You'll have found that they do things differently in Kotlin, though. Nullability is important, collections are different, and classes are final by default. Kotlin is more functional, but what does that mean, and how should it change the way that you program? And what about all that Java code that you still have to support?Your tour guides Duncan and Nat first made the trip in 2015, and they've since helped many teams and individuals follow in their footsteps. Travel with them as they break the route down into legs like Optional to Nullable, Beans to Values, and Open to Sealed Classes. Each explains a key concept and then shows how to refactor production Java to idiomatic Kotlin, gradually and safely, while maintaining interoperability.The resulting code is simpler, more expressive, and easier to change. By the end of the journey, you'll be confident in refactoring Java to Kotlin, writing Kotlin from scratch, and managing a mixed language codebase as it evolves over time.

Java üben mit dem Plotter: Ein Überblick für Studierende und Einsteiger (essentials)

by Stephan Euler

Dieses essential zeigt, wie man in Java-Anwendungen mit dem Plotter grafische Darstellungen erzeugen kann. Mit dem Plotter-Objekt – angelehnt an den Stiftplotter, der sich mit Steuerbefehlen über Papier bewegt – wird eine einfache Schnittstelle zur grafischen Programmierung angeboten. Bereits beim Einstieg in die Programmierung entstehen so erste grafische Darstellungen wie z.B. Funktionsverläufe und Simulationsergebnisse. Durch einfache Programmierbeispiele und Aufgaben wird der Umgang mit grundlegenden Konzepten wie Variablen, Kontrollstrukturen, Methoden und Klassen geübt.

Java w pigu?ce. Wydanie VI

by Benjamin J Evans David Flanagan

Poznaj nowo?ci j?zyka Java!Java to j?zyk programowania wybierany wsz?dzie tam, gdzie s? wymagane najwy?sze bezpiecze?stwo i wydajno??. Znajduje zastosowanie przy tworzeniu systemów bankowych oraz zaawansowanych aplikacji do zarz?dzania przedsi?biorstwami. S? to obszary, w których pomy?ki bywaj? niezwykle drogie. Ale to nie jedyne zastosowania Javy! Ten j?zyk sprawdza si? równie? wtedy, gdy trzeba szybko stworzy? aplikacj? internetow? (niezale?nie od jej wielko?ci) albo narz?dzia ró?nego przeznaczenia. Java przyda si? wsz?dzie!W ostatnim czasie na rynku pojawi?y si? dwie kolejne wersje tego j?zyka, oznaczone numerami 7 i 8. Zawieraj? one wiele nowo?ci i ulepsze?, dzi?ki którym ?ycie programisty staje si? prostsze, a tworzone oprogramowanie — lepsze. Najnowsze wydanie tej cenionej ksi??ki zosta?o uzupe?nione o informacje na temat tych w?a?nie wersji. Dzi?ki niej b?yskawicznie poznasz i wykorzystasz nowe techniki w codziennej pracy. Si?gnij po ten podr?cznik i poznaj najlepsze techniki programowania wspó?bie?nego, zasady podej?cia obiektowego oraz mo?liwo?ci asynchronicznego wykonywania operacji wej?cia-wyj?cia. Ta ksi??ka jest obowi?zkow? lektur? dla wszystkich programistów j?zyka Java! Poznasz szczegó?owo j?zyk programowania Java i dowiesz si?, jakie zmiany wprowadzono w Javie 8. Nauczysz si? programowania obiektowego przy u?yciu podstawowej sk?adni Javy. Poznasz typy ogólne, wyliczenia, adnotacje i wyra?enia lambda. Nauczysz si? podstawowych technik projektowania obiektowego. Poznasz techniki wspó?bie?no?ci i ich ?cis?y zwi?zek z modelem pami?ci. Nauczysz si? u?ywa? kolekcji Javy i pos?ugiwa? si? typowymi formatami danych. Szczegó?owo zbadasz najnowsze interfejsy API wej?cia i wyj?cia Javy, w??cznie z kana?ami asynchronicznymi. Dowiesz si?, jak wykonywa? kod JavaScript w maszynie wirtualnej Javy za pomoc? Nashorna. Poznasz narz?dzia programistyczne dost?pne w pakiecie OpenJDK.​Poznaj najskrytsze tajemnice j?zyka Java!

Java Web Services

by David A. Chappell Tyler Jewell

For many Java developers, web services appeared to come out of nowhere. Its advantages are clear: web services are platform-independent (like Java itself), language-agnostic (a clear advantage over Java RMI), can easily be tunneled through firewalls (an obvious benefit to anyone who has dealt with modern enterprise networks), object-oriented (we all know about that), and tends to be loosely coupled (allowing more flexible application development). But these advantages have been obscured by a cloud of hype and a proliferation of jargon that are difficult to penetrate. What are SOAP, UDDI, WSDL, and JAXM? To say nothing of JAXR, tModels, category bags, WSFL, and other friends? And assuming that you understand what they are, how do you do anything with them? Do they live up to their promises? Are they really the future of network computing, or a dead end? Java Web Services gives the experienced Java developer a way into the Web Services world. It helps you to understand what's going on, what the technologies mean and how they relate, and shows Java developers how to put them to use to solve real problems. You'll learn what's real and what isn't; what the technologies are really supposed to do, and how they do it. Java Web Services shows you how to use SOAP to perform remote method calls and message passing; how to use WSDL to describe the interface to a web service or understand the interface of someone else's service; and how to use UDDI to advertise (publish) and look up services in each local or global registry. Java Web Services also discusses security issues, interoperability issues, integration with other Java enterprise technologies like EJB; the work being done on the JAXM and JAX-RPC packages, and integration with Microsoft's .NET services. The web services picture is still taking shape; there are many platforms and APIs to consider, and many conflicting claims from different marketing groups. And although web services are inherently language-independent, the fit between the fundamental principles on which Java and web services are based means that Java will almost certainly be the predominant language for web services development. If you're a Java developer and want to climb on the web services bandwagon, or if you only want to "kick the tires" and find out what web services has to offer, you will find this book indispensable.

Java Web Services: A Quick, Practical, and Thorough Introduction

by Martin Kalin

This example-driven book offers a thorough introduction to Java's APIs for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) and RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS). Java Web Services: Up and Running takes a clear, pragmatic approach to these technologies by providing a mix of architectural overview, complete working code examples, and short yet precise instructions for compiling, deploying, and executing an application. You'll learn how to write web services from scratch and integrate existing services into your Java applications. With Java Web Services: Up and Running, you will: Understand the distinction between SOAP-based and REST-style services Write, deploy, and consume SOAP-based services in core Java Understand the Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) service contract Recognize the structure of a SOAP message Learn how to deliver Java-based RESTful web services and consume commercial RESTful services Know security requirements for SOAP- and REST-based web services Learn how to implement JAX-WS in various application servers Ideal for students as well as experienced programmers, Java Web Services: Up and Running is the concise guide you need to start working with these technologies right away.

Java Web Services: Up and Running

by Martin Kalin

This example-driven book offers a thorough introduction to Java's APIs for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) and RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS). Java Web Services: Up and Running takes a clear, pragmatic approach to these technologies by providing a mix of architectural overview, complete working code examples, and short yet precise instructions for compiling, deploying, and executing an application. You'll learn how to write web services from scratch and integrate existing services into your Java applications. With Java Web Services: Up and Running, you will:Understand the distinction between SOAP-based and REST-style servicesWrite, deploy, and consume SOAP-based services in core JavaUnderstand the Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) service contractRecognize the structure of a SOAP messageLearn how to deliver Java-based RESTful web services and consume commercial RESTful servicesKnow security requirements for SOAP- and REST-based web servicesLearn how to implement JAX-WS in various application serversIdeal for students as well as experienced programmers, Java Web Services: Up and Running is the concise guide you need to start working with these technologies right away.

The Java Workshop: A Practical, No-Nonsense Introduction to Java Development

by Eric Foster-Johnson Andreas Goransson David Cuartielles

Cut through the noise and get real results with a step-by-step approach to learning Java programming Key Features Ideal for the Java beginner who is getting started for the first time A step-by-step Java tutorial with exercises and activities that help build key skills Structured to let you progress at your own pace, on your own terms Use your physical copy to redeem free access to the online interactive edition Book Description You already know you want to learn Java, and a smarter way to learn Java 12 is to learn by doing. The Java Workshop focuses on building up your practical skills so that you can develop high-performance Java applications that work flawlessly within the JVM across web, mobile and desktop. You'll learn from real examples that lead to real results. Throughout The Java Workshop, you'll take an engaging step-by-step approach to understanding Java. You won't have to sit through any unnecessary theory. If you're short on time you can jump into a single exercise each day or spend an entire weekend learning about Reactive programming and Unit testing. It's your choice. Learning on your terms, you'll build up and reinforce key skills in a way that feels rewarding. Every physical copy of The Java Workshop unlocks access to the interactive edition. With videos detailing all exercises and activities, you'll always have a guided solution. You can also benchmark yourself against assessments, track progress, and receive free content updates. You'll even earn a secure credential that you can share and verify online upon completion. It's a premium learning experience that's included with your printed copy. To redeem, follow the instructions located at the start of your Java book. Fast-paced and direct, The Java Workshop is the ideal companion for Java beginners. You'll build and iterate on your code like a software developer, learning along the way. This process means that you'll find that your new skills stick, embedded as best practice. A solid foundation for the years ahead. What you will learn Get to grips with fundamental concepts and conventions of Java 12 Write clean and well-commented code that's easy to maintain Debug and compile logical errors and handle exceptions in your programs Understand how to work with Java APIs and Java streams Learn how to use third-party libraries and software development kits (SDKs) Discover how you can work with information stored in databases Understand how you can keep data secure with cryptography and encryption Learn how to keep your development process bug-free with unit testing in Java Who this book is for Our goal at Packt is to help you be successful, in whatever it is you choose to do. The Java Workshop is an ideal Java tutorial for the Java beginner who is just getting started. Pick up a Workshop today, and let Packt help you develop skills that stick with you for life.

Java XML and JSON

by Jeff Friesen

This is your one-stop guide to mastering the XML metalanguage and JSON data format along with significant Java APIs for parsing and creating XML/JSON documents (and more). The first six chapters focus on XML along with the SAX, DOM, StAX, XPath, and XSLT APIs. The remaining four chapters focus on JSON along with the mJson, GSON, and JsonPath APIs. Each chapter in Java XML and JSON ends with select exercises designed to challenge your grasp of the chapter's content. An appendix provides the answers to these exercises. What you'll learn Master the XML language Learn how to validate XML documents Learn how to parse XML documents with the SAX, DOM, and StAX APIs Learn how to create XML documents with the DOM and StAX APIs Learn how to extract values from XML documents with the XPath API Learn how to transform XML documents with the XSLT API Master the JSON format Learn how to validate JSON documents Learn how to parse and create JSON documents with the mJson and Gson APIs Learn how to extract values from JSON documents with the JsonPath API Who this book is for This book is for intermediate or advanced Java programmers/developers.

Java XML and JSON: Document Processing for Java SE

by Jeff Friesen

Java XML and JSON is your one-stop guide to mastering the XML metalanguage and JSON data format along with significant Java APIs for parsing and creating XML/JSON documents (and more). The first six chapters focus on XML along with the SAX, DOM, StAX, XPath, and XSLT APIs. The remaining four chapters focus on JSON along with the mJson, GSON, and JsonPath APIs. Each chapter ends with select exercises designed to challenge your grasp of the chapter's content. An appendix provides the answers to these exercises.

JavaFX 1.2 Application Development Cookbook

by Vladimir Vivien

This book is a comprehensive collection of recipes that elaborate on known use cases. You will find an organized step-by-step procedure to accomplish each task followed by detailed explanations to better understand how and why each step was undertaken, and many links to online references and other related sections in the book that supplement the subject in question. The book is written so that you can work through the recipes in order or go straight to the recipes that interest you; where a recipe depends on other recipes they are clearly referenced. If you are a Java developer, Rich Internet Application content developer, or graphic designer who wants to build RIAs featuring animations, videos, and other feature-rich content, this book is for you. Knowledge of Java, JavaScript, and JavaFX components is not essential, but will help you exploit this book to your advantage.

JavaFX Essentials

by Mohamed Taman

If you are a Java developer, an experienced Java Swing, Flash/Flex, SWT, or web developer looking to take your client-side applications to the next level, this book is for you.

JavaFX For Dummies

by Doug Lowe

Unleash the power of JavaFX for a wide range of devicesJavaFX For Dummies gives you access to an innovative software platform that allows you to create and deliver rich Internet applications that can run across a wide variety of connected devices. This accessible book highlights the most important features of this powerful graphics platform, giving you the tools to understand it quickly and easily! No experience with JavaFX? No problem. JavaFX For Dummies has been written especially for newbies and it also serves as a great reference resource for more experienced Java developers.Author Doug Lowe has been writing programming books for decades, and he brings his experience and passion to this guide, sharing his expert approach to coding using JavaFX. The book shows you how to work with JavaFX controls, how to enhance your scenic design, and also offers advice on how to make a splash with your programs. Then, the author wraps it all up with extra recommendations and resources to guide you as you move forward.Helps developers quickly learn to take advantage of JavaFX's lightweight, high-performance platformHighlights essential JavaFX features for simple coding that can be rolled out across multiple devicesInstructs readers on methods for creating compelling, visually appealing applicationsIncludes recommendations and resources for honing your JavaFX skillsWith JavaFX For Dummies, you'll be on your way to easier, more efficient coding for a variety of connected devices.

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