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NumPy Essentials

by Tanmay Dutta Leo Liang-Huan Chin

Boost your scientific and analytic capabilities in no time at all by discovering how to build real-world applications with NumPy About This Book * Optimize your Python scripts with powerful NumPy modules * Explore the vast opportunities to build outstanding scientific/ analytical modules by yourself * Packed with rich examples to help you master NumPy arrays and universal functions Who This Book Is For If you are an experienced Python developer who intends to drive your numerical and scientific applications with NumPy, this book is for you. Prior experience or knowledge of working with the Python language is required. What You Will Learn * Manipulate the key attributes and universal functions of NumPy * Utilize matrix and mathematical computation using linear algebra modules * Implement regression and curve fitting for models * Perform time frequency / spectral density analysis using the Fourier Transform modules * Collate with the distutils and setuptools modules used by other Python libraries * Establish Cython with NumPy arrays * Write extension modules for NumPy code using the C API * Build sophisticated data structures using NumPy array with libraries such as Panda and Scikits In Detail In today's world of science and technology, it's all about speed and flexibility. When it comes to scientific computing, NumPy tops the list. NumPy gives you both the speed and high productivity you need. This book will walk you through NumPy using clear, step-by-step examples and just the right amount of theory. We will guide you through wider applications of NumPy in scientific computing and will then focus on the fundamentals of NumPy, including array objects, functions, and matrices, each of them explained with practical examples. You will then learn about different NumPy modules while performing mathematical operations such as calculating the Fourier Transform; solving linear systems of equations, interpolation, extrapolation, regression, and curve fitting; and evaluating integrals and derivatives. We will also introduce you to using Cython with NumPy arrays and writing extension modules for NumPy code using the C API. This book will give you exposure to the vast NumPy library and help you build efficient, high-speed programs using a wide range of mathematical features. Style and approach This quick guide will help you get to grips with the nitty-gritties of NumPy using with practical programming examples. Each topic is explained in both theoretical and practical ways with hands-on examples providing you efficient way of learning and adequate knowledge to support your professional work.

NUnit Pocket Reference

by Bill Hamilton

Few .NET developers have the luxury of unlimited code testing once their application is complete, and rushing through the testing process is both problematic and stressful. The open source NUnit framework provides an excellent and efficient way to test and improve .NET code as it's written, saving hundreds of QA hours and headaches. NUnit is one of the most mature and widely-used .NET open source projects even Microsoft uses it internally. NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages. Written entirely in C#, NUnit takes advantage of many .NET language features, such as custom attributes and other reflection related capabilities. It automates unit testing and reduces the effort required to frequently test code while developing it. NUint is invaluable for .NET developers in test-driven development under agile methodologies such as Extreme Programming (XP) as well as for developers who use for unit testing for software quality assurance. Unfortunately, some of those valuable hours saved by using NUnit can be wasted trying to master this powerful but under-documented framework Proof that good things come in small packages, the NUnit Pocket Reference is a complete reference to NUnit, filling in the blanks left by the existing documentation and online discussion. It offers developers everything they need to know to install, configure, and use NUnit; the NUnit user interface; and a reference to the NUnit framework classes in a slim but well-organized package. This handy little book even offers practical, real world NUnit examples. And with the NUnit Pocket Reference, IT managers will know to expect when they implement unit testing in their projects. It is the only book you'll need on this popular and practical new open source framework.

Nur the Vlogger Fairy (Rainbow Magic #1154)

by Daisy Meadows

Nur the Vlogger Fairy is planning Fairyland's biggest vlogger meet-up ever - Magic Vlog Con! But jealous Jack Frost wants to become a vlogging superstar and has stolen Nur's magical objects. Without them, vloggers can't make fun videos. Nur needs Rachel, Kirsty, Gracie and Khadijah's help to get her enchanted objects back and show Jack Frost that vlogging is for expressing yourself, not becoming famous. Can the fairy friends find Nur's lucky ring light, her cool camera and her magic microphone and save Magic Vlog Con? 'These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!' ReadingZone.comIf you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows' other series: Magic Animal Friends and Unicorn Magic!

Nursing and Informatics for the 21st Century - Embracing a Digital World, 3rd Edition - Book 2: Nursing Education and Digital Health Strategies (HIMSS Book Series)

by Connie White Delaney

Nursing Education and Digital Health Strategies explores the current state of health and healthcare education, as well as that of nursing informatics education. These topics include technologies-enabled education for all nurses and interprofessional collaborations from a worldwide perspective. The "New" learning for applied critical thinking will include technology, content, skills versus tools, and the use of "smart" systems for care delivery, the role of critical thinking, and uniqueness of nursing care delivery. Further, how these changes are understood as a paradigm shift that needs to be incorporated along with nursing and healthcare education is emphasized. The effects of technology on human behavior are also explored, addressing human–factors interaction, interdependence of human–computer interaction, and other effects of technology on wellbeing. As part of nursing education, learning from clients/patients to better shape and advance nursing education and scholarship are discussed. Academic–clinical practice partnerships for a digital future, how teams are working together (clinician/teacher) for better healthcare delivery and applied knowledge—including joint appointments (exchange of academia and applied expertise), academic–applied human resources, and interprofessional learning/development—are discussed. This book closes by discussing and using case studies to showcase nursing competencies for the next decade, implications for preparing the healthcare workforce for a digital world, faculty readiness, and the interaction with gaming and simulations. Nursing informatics education, including continuing education beyond academia, i.e., informal education, worldwide, as well as global challenges to support digital world capabilities are described. Hands-on Experiential Delivery and learning-based case studies are also included. Nursing and Informatics for the 21st Century – Embracing a Digital World, 3rd Edition is comprised of four books which can be purchased individually: Book 1: Realizing Digital Health – Bold Challenges and Opportunities for Nursing Book 2: Nursing Education and Digital Health Strategies Book 3: Innovation, Technology, and Applied Informatics for Nurses Book 4: Nursing in an Integrated Digital World that Supports People, Systems, and the Planet

Nutzergerechte Entwicklung von Mensch-Maschine-Systemen

by Detlef Zühlke

Das Buch gibt Entwicklern einen Leitfaden zur nutzergerechten Gestaltung von Mensch-Maschine-Systemen an die Hand. Dabei werden die besonderen Gestaltungsprobleme von Useware-Systemen für internationale Märkte ebenso behandelt wie die Auswahl von Entwicklungstools, Normen und Richtlinien sowie grundlegende Gestaltungsregeln. Wichtige Neuerungen, etwa die modellbasierte Entwicklung von Benutzungsschnittstellen oder zukünftige Interaktionsformen, werden in der Neuauflage anhand von Gestaltungsbeispielen vorgestellt.

Nutzerverhalten verstehen – Softwarenutzen optimieren: Kommunikationsanalyse bei der Softwareentwicklung

by Mario Donick

Software muss nicht nur technische Definitionen, Standards und Normen erfüllen, sondern von ihren Benutzern auch entsprechend wahrgenommen werden. Nutzer und Käufer erwarten eine bestimmte Leistung, die zu den eigenen Zielen passen muss und es ist Aufgabe der Softwareentwickler, diese Leistung zu liefern.Da es hierbei nie eine vollständige Passung geben kann, entsteht ein Kommunikationsproblem – ein Kommunikationsproblem zwischen Menschen, das noch zu selten ernstgenommen wird. Über bekannte Ansätze hinausgehend zeigt das Buch anhand vieler praxisnaher Beispiele ein Verfahren, mit dem Sie Kommunikationsprobleme während der Entwicklung von Software aufdecken und bearbeiten und mit dem Sie auch nach der Veröffentlichung Ihrer Software Möglichkeiten der Optimierung identifizieren können.Zusätzliche Fragen per App: Laden Sie die Springer Nature Flashcards-App kostenlos herunter und nutzen Sie exklusives Zusatzmaterial, um an weiteren Beispielen zu üben und Ihr Wissen zu prüfen.

NW.js Essentials

by Alessandro Benoit

If you are an experienced Node.js developer who wants to create amazing desktop applications using NW.js, this is the book for you. Prior knowledge of HTML5, jQuery, and CSS is assumed.

O Guia de Usuário Definitivo: Domine o Apple HomePod

by Adidas Wilson

Domine o Apple HomePod usando dicas, truques, tutoriais completos, resolvendo problemas e muito mais.

O Kung Fu da Linha de Comando

by Jason Cannon Rafaella C. S. Barros

Torne-se um ninja do Linux com O Kung Fu da Linha de Comando! Você acha que tem que se trancar no porão lendo páginas incompreensíveis por meses a fio para ter habilidades de linha de comando como um ninja? Na verdade, se alguém compartilhasses as dicas, truques e padrões mais poderosos da linha de comando, você economizaria muito tempo. E se você pudesse aprender com alguém que é um guru da linha de comando? E se ele mostrasse os comandos que está usando e por que está usando e como exatamente eles funcionam? E se ele escrevesse tudo isso, para que você pudesse consultar sempre que quisesse? O Kung Fu da Linha de Comando está repleto de muitas dicas e mais de 100 exemplos práticos do mundo real. Não há exemplos teóricos nesse livro. Os exemplos demonstram como solucionar problemas reais e realizar objetivos que valem a pena. As táticas são fáceis de encontrar. Cada capítulo cobre um tópico específico e agrupa dicas e exemplos relacionados juntos. Por exemplo, se você precisa de ajuda extraindo texto de um arquivo, procure no capítulo "Processamento e Manipulação de Textos". Além disso, foi incluído um índice extensivo. Se você quiser encontrar todas as ocorrências de onde um dado comando é usado -- mesmo que não seja o assunto principal -- procure no índice. Eis algumas das coisas que você irá aprender: Como repetir comandos rápida e facilmente no seu histórico da shell Atalhos para obter palavras do seu histórico e usar no seu comando atual Como salvar uma cópia da sua sessão para consulta posterior Como remover linhas em branco e comentários de arquivos Como controlar texto colorido ao usar "pipes" e paginadores Transformando o texto: alteração de caixa, substituição de caracteres, etc. Como extrair blocos de texto de arquivos ou fluxos de entrada Um dica rápida para erros de digitação comuns Como editar arquivos sobre a rede Comparando as diferenças entre

O Motor de Água: Editorial Alvi Books

by Ares Van Jaag

O "motor de água" é uma invenção infelizmente inventada muitas vezes. O hidrogênio da água é muito abundante, renovável e pode ser usado em países pobres e ricos em energia. O petróleo bruto e o gás natural são recursos energéticos limitados. Mas há muitas pessoas que pensam que certas tecnologias promissoras foram suprimidas por várias potências políticas ou econômicas, geralmente com o propósito de proteger seus investimentos e interesses e, nos extremos já mais absurdos da conspiração ilógica, por motivações sinistras de muito maior alcance. Neste novo trabalho, o versátil compositor e escritor Van Jaag, nos acompanha em uma emocionante jornada através da história desta invenção desconhecida e seus inventores insultados.

Oath Keepers: Patriotism and the Edge of Violence in a Right-Wing Antigovernment Group

by Professor Sam Jackson

Since 2008, the American patriot/militia movement—right-wing antigovernment groups who portray themselves as fighting encroaching tyranny—has grown exponentially. Oath Keepers is among the most visible and vocal of these organizations. Formed in 2009, Oath Keepers gained notoriety for its involvement in the Bundy Ranch standoff of 2014 and the Malheur Refuge occupation of 2016. The group gives voice to a recurrent form of American politics: virulent distrust of the government combined with a valorization of violence.Sam Jackson takes readers inside the world of the most prominent antigovernment group in the United States, examining its extensive online presence to discover how it builds support for its political goals and actions. Through an extensive textual analysis of the group’s publications, Jackson explores how Oath Keepers draws on core American political values and pivotal historical moments of conflict and crisis from the Revolutionary War to Waco to Hurricane Katrina to cast its adherents as defenders of liberty. He details how Oath Keepers makes sense of the contemporary United States, how it provides members with models of political behavior, and how it lobbies the wider American public to join the group. The first book-length investigation of the contemporary patriot/militia movement, Oath Keepers sheds new light on what animates groups that pose a growing threat to American security and political culture.

OAuth 2.0 Cookbook

by Adolfo Eloy Nascimento

Efficiently integrate OAuth 2.0 to protect your mobile, desktop, Cloud applications and APIs using Spring Security technologies. About This Book • Interact with public OAuth 2.0 protected APIs such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Google. • Use Spring Security and Spring Security OAuth2 to implement your own OAuth 2.0 provider • Learn how to implement OAuth 2.0 native mobile clients for Android applications Who This Book Is For This book targets software engineers and security experts who are looking to develop their skills in API security and OAuth 2.0. Prior programming knowledge and a basic understanding of developing web applications are necessary. As this book's recipes mostly use Spring Security and Spring Security OAuth2, some prior experience with Spring Framework will be helpful. What You Will Learn • Use Redis and relational databases to store issued access tokens and refresh tokens • Access resources protected by the OAuth2 Provider using Spring Security • Implement a web application that dynamically registers itself to the Authorization Server • Improve the safety of your mobile client using dynamic client registration • Protect your Android client with Proof Key for Code Exchange • Protect the Authorization Server from invalid redirection In Detail OAuth 2.0 is a standard protocol for authorization and focuses on client development simplicity while providing specific authorization flows for web applications, desktop applications, mobile phones, and so on. This book also provides useful recipes for solving real-life problems using Spring Security and creating Android applications. The book starts by presenting you how to interact with some public OAuth 2.0 protected APIs such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Google. You will also be able to implement your own OAuth 2.0 provider with Spring Security OAuth2. Next, the book will cover practical scenarios regarding some important OAuth 2.0 profiles such as Dynamic Client Registration, Token Introspection and how to revoke issued access tokens. You will then be introduced to the usage of JWT, OpenID Connect, and how to safely implement native mobile OAuth 2.0 Clients. By the end of this book, you will be able to ensure that both the server and client are protected against common vulnerabilities. Style and approach With the help of real-world examples, this book provides step by step recipes for troubleshooting and extending your API security. The book also helps you with accessing and securing data on mobile, desktop, and cloud apps with OAuth 2.0.

OAuth 2.0 Identity and Access Management Patterns

by Martin Spasovski

This is a practical and fast-paced guide that gives you all the information you need to start implementing secure OAuth 2.0 implementations in your web applications.OAuth 2.0 Identity and Access Management Patterns is intended for software developers, software architects, and enthusiasts working with the OAuth 2.0 framework. In order to learn and understand the OAuth 2.0 grant flow, it is assumed that you have some basic knowledge of HTTP communication. For the practical examples, basic knowledge of HTML templating, programming languages, and executing commands in the command line terminal is assumed.

OAuth 2 in Action

by Justin Richer Antonio Sanso

SummaryOAuth 2 in Action teaches you the practical use and deployment of this HTTP-based protocol from the perspectives of a client, authorization server, and resource server. You'll learn how to confidently and securely build and deploy OAuth on both the client and server sides. Foreword by Ian Glazer.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.About the TechnologyThink of OAuth 2 as the web version of a valet key. It is an HTTP-based security protocol that allows users of a service to enable applications to use that service on their behalf without handing over full control. And OAuth is used everywhere, from Facebook and Google, to startups and cloud services.About the BookOAuth 2 in Action teaches you practical use and deployment of OAuth 2 from the perspectives of a client, an authorization server, and a resource server. You'll begin with an overview of OAuth and its components and interactions. Next, you'll get hands-on and build an OAuth client, an authorization server, and a protected resource. Then you'll dig into tokens, dynamic client registration, and more advanced topics. By the end, you'll be able to confidently and securely build and deploy OAuth on both the client and server sides.What's InsideCovers OAuth 2 protocol and designAuthorization with OAuth 2OpenID Connect and User-Managed AccessImplementation risksJOSE, introspection, revocation, and registrationProtecting and accessing REST APIsAbout the ReaderReaders need basic programming skills and knowledge of HTTP and JSON.About the AuthorJustin Richer is a systems architect and software engineer. Antonio Sanso is a security software engineer and a security researcher. Both authors contribute to open standards and open source.Table of ContentsPart 1 - First stepsWhat is OAuth 2.0 and why should you care?The OAuth dance Part 2 - Building an OAuth 2 environmentBuilding a simple OAuth client Building a simple OAuth protected resource Building a simple OAuth authorization server OAuth 2.0 in the real world Part 3 - OAuth 2 implementation and vulnerabilitiesCommon client vulnerabilities Common protected resources vulnerabilities Common authorization server vulnerabilities Common OAuth token vulnerabilities Part 4 - Taking OAuth furtherOAuth tokens Dynamic client registration User authentication with OAuth 2.0 Protocols and profiles using OAuth 2.0 Beyond bearer tokens Summary and conclusions

Obesity and its Impact on Health

by Methil Kannan Kutty Asita Elengoe

This book summarizes the effects of obesity on health and its correlation with a wide range of debilitating and life-threatening conditions in humans. It discusses the possible pathological mechanisms that are involved in the development of obesity and highlights obesity-associated molecular mechanisms that contribute to reproductive dysfunctions in men and women. The book provides mechanistic insights on the role of obesity in cardiovascular and respiratory disorders, and examines the role of the complementary molecular mechanism of the gut microbiota in the development of obesity. It also reviews the interaction between the metabolic system and immune cells in the pathogenesis of obesity-associated diseases. Lastly, it assesses the latest advances in nanomedicine as an emerging strategy for the treatment of obesity.

Obfuscation: A User's Guide for Privacy and Protest (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Helen Nissenbaum Finn Brunton

How we can evade, protest, and sabotage today's pervasive digital surveillance by deploying more data, not less—and why we should.With Obfuscation, Finn Brunton and Helen Nissenbaum mean to start a revolution. They are calling us not to the barricades but to our computers, offering us ways to fight today's pervasive digital surveillance—the collection of our data by governments, corporations, advertisers, and hackers. To the toolkit of privacy protecting techniques and projects, they propose adding obfuscation: the deliberate use of ambiguous, confusing, or misleading information to interfere with surveillance and data collection projects. Brunton and Nissenbaum provide tools and a rationale for evasion, noncompliance, refusal, even sabotage—especially for average users, those of us not in a position to opt out or exert control over data about ourselves. Obfuscation will teach users to push back, software developers to keep their user data safe, and policy makers to gather data without misusing it.Brunton and Nissenbaum present a guide to the forms and formats that obfuscation has taken and explain how to craft its implementation to suit the goal and the adversary. They describe a series of historical and contemporary examples, including radar chaff deployed by World War II pilots, Twitter bots that hobbled the social media strategy of popular protest movements, and software that can camouflage users' search queries and stymie online advertising. They go on to consider obfuscation in more general terms, discussing why obfuscation is necessary, whether it is justified, how it works, and how it can be integrated with other privacy practices and technologies.

Object Design Style Guide: Powerful Techniques For Creating Flexible, Readable, And Maintainable Object-oriented Code In Any Oo Language, From Python To Php

by Matthias Noback

&”Demystifies object-oriented programming, and lays out how to use it to design truly secure and performant applications.&” —Charles Soetan, Key Features Dozens of techniques for writing object-oriented code that&’s easy to read, reuse, and maintain Write code that other programmers will instantly understand Design rules for constructing objects, changing and exposing state, and more Examples written in an instantly familiar pseudocode that&’s easy to apply to Java, Python, C#, and any object-oriented language Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.About The Book Well-written object-oriented code is easy to read, modify, and debug. Elevate your coding style by mastering the universal best practices for object design presented in this book. These clearly presented rules, which apply to any OO language, maximize the clarity and durability of your codebase and increase productivity for you and your team. In Object Design Style Guide, veteran developer Matthias Noback lays out design rules for constructing objects, defining methods, and much more. All examples use instantly familiar pseudocode, so you can follow along in the language you prefer. You&’ll go case by case through important scenarios and challenges for object design and then walk through a simple web application that demonstrates how different types of objects can work together effectively. What You Will Learn Universal design rules for a wide range of objects Best practices for testing objects A catalog of common object types Changing and exposing state Test your object design skills with exercises This Book Is Written For For readers familiar with an object-oriented language and basic application architecture. About the Author Matthias Noback is a professional web developer with nearly two decades of experience. He runs his own web development, training, and consultancy company called &“Noback&’s Office.&” Table of Contents: 1 ¦ Programming with objects: A primer 2 ¦ Creating services 3 ¦ Creating other objects 4 ¦ Manipulating objects 5 ¦ Using objects 6 ¦ Retrieving information 7 ¦ Performing tasks 8 ¦ Dividing responsibilities 9 ¦ Changing the behavior of services 10 ¦ A field guide to objects 11 ¦ Epilogue

Object Detection by Stereo Vision Images

by R. Arokia Priya Anupama V Patil Manisha Bhende Anuradha Thakare Sanjeev Wagh

OBJECT DETECTION BY STEREO VISION IMAGES Since both theoretical and practical aspects of the developments in this field of research are explored, including recent state-of-the-art technologies and research opportunities in the area of object detection, this book will act as a good reference for practitioners, students, and researchers. Current state-of-the-art technologies have opened up new opportunities in research in the areas of object detection and recognition of digital images and videos, robotics, neural networks, machine learning, stereo vision matching algorithms, soft computing, customer prediction, social media analysis, recommendation systems, and stereo vision. This book has been designed to provide directions for those interested in researching and developing intelligent applications to detect an object and estimate depth. In addition to focusing on the performance of the system using high-performance computing techniques, a technical overview of certain tools, languages, libraries, frameworks, and APIs for developing applications is also given. More specifically, detection using stereo vision images/video from its developmental stage up till today, its possible applications, and general research problems relating to it are covered. Also presented are techniques and algorithms that satisfy the peculiar needs of stereo vision images along with emerging research opportunities through analysis of modern techniques being applied to intelligent systems. Audience Researchers in information technology looking at robotics, deep learning, machine learning, big data analytics, neural networks, pattern & data mining, and image and object recognition. Industrial sectors include automotive electronics, security and surveillance systems, and online retailers.

Object Detection with Deep Learning Models: Principles and Applications

by S. Poonkuntran Rajesh Kumar Dhanraj Balamurugan Balusamy

Object Detection with Deep Learning Models discusses recent advances in object detection and recognition using deep learning methods, which have achieved great success in the field of computer vision and image processing. It provides a systematic and methodical overview of the latest developments in deep learning theory and its applications to computer vision, illustrating them using key topics, including object detection, face analysis, 3D object recognition, and image retrieval. The book offers a rich blend of theory and practice. It is suitable for students, researchers and practitioners interested in deep learning, computer vision and beyond and can also be used as a reference book. The comprehensive comparison of various deep-learning applications helps readers with a basic understanding of machine learning and calculus grasp the theories and inspires applications in other computer vision tasks. Features: A structured overview of deep learning in object detection. A diversified collection of applications of object detection using deep neural networks. Emphasize agriculture and remote sensing domains. Exclusive discussion on moving object detection.

Object-Orientation, Abstraction, and Data Structures Using Scala (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing)

by Lisa L. Lacher Mark C. Lewis

Mark Lewis’ Introduction to the Art of Programming Using Scala was the first textbook to use Scala for introductory CS courses. Fully revised and expanded, the new edition of this popular text has been divided into two books. Object-Orientation, Abstraction, and Data Structures Using Scala, Second Edition is intended to be used as a textbook for a second or third semester course in Computer Science. The Scala programming language provides powerful constructs for expressing both object orientation and abstraction. This book provides students with these tools of object orientation to help them structure solutions to larger, more complex problems, and to expand on their knowledge of abstraction so that they can make their code more powerful and flexible. The book also illustrates key concepts through the creation of data structures, showing how data structures can be written, and the strengths and weaknesses of each one. Libraries that provide the functionality needed to do real programming are also explored in the text, including GUIs, multithreading, and networking. The book is filled with end-of-chapter projects and exercises, and the authors have also posted a number of different supplements on the book website. Video lectures for each chapter in the book are also available on YouTube. The videos show construction of code from the ground up and this type of "live coding" is invaluable for learning to program, as it allows students into the mind of a more experienced programmer, where they can see the thought processes associated with the development of the code. About the Authors Mark Lewis is an Associate Professor at Trinity University. He teaches a number of different courses, spanning from first semester introductory courses to advanced seminars. His research interests included simulations and modeling, programming languages, and numerical modeling of rings around planets with nearby moons.? Lisa Lacher is an Assistant Professor at the University of Houston, Clear Lake with over 25 years of professional software development experience. She teaches a number of different courses spanning from first semester introductory courses to graduate level courses. Her research interests include Computer Science Education, Agile Software Development, Human Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering, as well as Measurement and Empirical Software Engineering.

Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and Implementation

by Sarnath Ramnath Brahma Dathan

The second edition of this textbook includes revisions based on the feedback on the first edition. In a new chapter the authors provide a concise introduction to the remainder of UML diagrams, adopting the same holistic approach as the first edition. Using a case-study-based approach for providing a comprehensive introduction to the principles of object-oriented design, it includes: A sound footing on object-oriented concepts such as classes, objects, interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic linking, etc. A good introduction to the stage of requirements analysis Use of UML to document user requirements and design An extensive treatment of the design process Coverage of implementation issues Appropriate use of design and architectural patterns Introduction to the art and craft of refactoring Pointers to resources that further the reader's knowledge The focus of the book is on implementation aspects, without which the learning is incomplete. This is achieved through the use of case studies for introducing the various concepts of analysis and design, ensuring that the theory is never separate from the implementation aspects. All the main case studies used in this book have been implemented by the authors using Java. An appendix on Java provides a useful short tutorial on the language.

An Object-oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design (3rd edition)

by Joyce Farrell

An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design, Third Edition provides the beginning programmer with a guide to developing object-oriented program logic. This textbook assumes no programming language experience. The writing is nontechnical and emphasizes good programming practices. The examples are business examples; they do not assume mathematical background beyond high school business math. Additionally, the examples illustrate one or two major points; they do not contain so many features that students become lost following irrelevant and extraneous details.

Object Oriented Data Analysis (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability)

by Ian L. Dryden J. S. Marron

Object Oriented Data Analysis is a framework that facilitates inter-disciplinary research through new terminology for discussing the often many possible approaches to the analysis of complex data. Such data are naturally arising in a wide variety of areas. This book aims to provide ways of thinking that enable the making of sensible choices. The main points are illustrated with many real data examples, based on the authors' personal experiences, which have motivated the invention of a wide array of analytic methods. While the mathematics go far beyond the usual in statistics (including differential geometry and even topology), the book is aimed at accessibility by graduate students. There is deliberate focus on ideas over mathematical formulas. J. S. Marron is the Amos Hawley Distinguished Professor of Statistics, Professor of Biostatistics, Adjunct Professor of Computer Science, Faculty Member of the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Curriculum and Research Member of the Lineberger Cancer Center and the Computational Medicine Program, at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Ian L. Dryden is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Florida International University in Miami, has served as Head of School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Nottingham, and is joint author of the acclaimed book Statistical Shape Analysis.

Object-oriented Data Structures Using Java

by Nell Dale Daniel T. Joyce Chip Weems

The updated and revised Object-Oriented Data Structures Using Java, Fourth Edition is an essential resource for students learning data structures using the Java programming language. It presents both the traditional and modern data structure topics with an emphasis on problem-solving and object-oriented software design. Beginning early and continuing throughout the text, it introduces and expands upon the use of many Java features such as classes, objects, generics, polymorphism, packages, interfaces, library classes, inheritance, exceptions, and threads.

Object-Oriented Design Choices

by Adair Dingle

Do modern programming languages, IDEs, and libraries make coding easy? Maybe, but coding is not design. Large-scale or expensive apps clearly require evaluation of design choices. Still, software design directly impacts code reuse and longevity even for small-scale apps with limited overhead. This text evaluates and contrasts common object-oriented designs. A given problem may have many solutions. A developer may employ different design techniques – composition, inheritance, dependency injection, delegation, etc. – to solve a particular problem. A skilled developer can determine the costs and benefits of different design responses, even amid competing concerns. A responsible developer documents design choices as a contract with the client, delineating external and internal responsibilities. To promote effective software design, this book examines contractual, object-oriented designs for immediate and sustained use as well as code reuse. The intent of identifying design variants is to recognize and manage conflicting goals such as short versus long-term utility, stability versus flexibility, and storage versus computation. Many examples are given to evaluate and contrast different solutions and to compare C# and C++ effects. No one has a crystal ball; however, deliberate design promotes software longevity. With the prominence of legacy OO code, a clear understanding of different object-oriented designs is essential. Design questions abound. Is code reuse better with inheritance or composition? Should composition rely on complete encapsulation? Design choices impact flexibility, efficiency, stability, longevity, and reuse, yet compilers do not enforce design and syntax does not necessarily illustrate design. Through deliberate design, or redesign when refactoring, developers construct sustainable, efficient code.

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