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Measure for Measure

by William Shakespeare A. R. Braunmuller Stephen Orgel

"I feel that I have spent half my career with one or another Pelican Shakespeare in my back pocket. Convenience, however, is the least important aspect of the new Pelican Shakespeare series. Here is an elegant and clear text for either the study or the rehearsal room, notes where you need them and the distinguished scholarship of the general editors, Stephen Orgel and A. R. Braunmuller who understand that these are plays for performance as well as great texts for contemplation." (Patrick Stewart) The distinguished Pelican Shakespeare series, which has sold more than four million copies, is now completely revised and repackaged. Each volume features: * Authoritative, reliable texts * High quality introductions and notes * New, more readable trade trim size * An essay on the theatrical world of Shakespeare and essays on Shakespeare's life and the selection of texts

Measure For Measure: The Folio of 1623

by William Shakespeare Grace Ioppolo

The Shakespearean Originals Series takes as its point of departure the question: "What is it that we read Shakespeare?" The answer may seem self-evident: we read the words that Shakespeare wrote. But do we? In the case of all the major editions of Shakespeare available in the market, the fact of the matter is that many of the words that we read in an edition of, say, Hamlet, never appeared in the text as it was printed during or shortly after Shakespeare's own lifetime. They are the interpetations and interpolations of a series of editors who have been systematically changing Shakespeare's text from the eighteenth century onwards. This volume offers the text of Measure for Measure, as printed in the 1623 First Folio.

Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida, and All's Well that Ends Well

by William Shakespeare

An exciting new edition of the complete works of Shakespeare with these features: Illustrated with photographs from New York Shakespeare Festival productions, vivid readable readable introductions for each play by noted scholar David Bevington, a lively personal foreword by Joseph Papp, an insightful essay on the play in performance, modern spelling and pronunciation, up-to-date annotated bibliographies, and convenient listing of key passages.From the Paperback edition.

Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida, and All's Well That Ends Well

by William Shakespeare David Bevington David Scott Kastan James Hammersmith Robert Kean Turner Joseph Papp

An exciting new edition of the complete works of Shakespeare with these features: Illustrated with photographs from New York Shakespeare Festival productions, vivid readable readable introductions for each play by noted scholar David Bevington, a lively personal foreword by Joseph Papp, an insightful essay on the play in performance, modern spelling and pronunciation, up-to-date annotated bibliographies, and convenient listing of key passages.


by Euripides

Medea is an ancient Greek tragedy written by Euripides, based upon the myth of Jason and Medea and first produced in 431 BC. The plot centers on the barbarian protagonist as she finds her position in the Greek world threatened, and the revenge she takes against her husband Jason who has betrayed her for another woman.


by Euripides

One of the most powerful and enduring of Greek tragedies, Medea centers on the myth of Jason, leader of the Argonauts, who has won the dragon-guarded treasure of the Golden Fleece with the help of the sorceress Medea. Having married Medea and fathered her two children, Jason abandons her for a more favorable match, never suspecting the terrible revenge she will take. Euripides' masterly portrayal of the motives fiercely driving Medea's pursuit of vengeance for her husband's insult and betrayal has held theater audiences spellbound for more than twenty centuries. Rex Warner's authoritative translation brings this great classic of world literature vividly to life.

Medea (Los mejores clásicos #Volumen)

by Eurípides

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. La más importante de las obras de Eurípides y uno de los trabajos que mejor representan su concepción de lo trágico, muy distinta a la de Sófocles y Esquilo Jasón no solo regresó de la Cólquide con el vellocino de oro, sino que también sedujo a la hija del rey Eetes, Medea. A su vuelta a Yolco, hallan un escenario de traición familiar del que huyen dejando un rastro carmesí. Cuando recalen en Corinto, Medea desplegará una pavorosa venganza contra Jasón al descubrir que pretende a la hija del rey Creonte. Este imperecedero personaje femenino recoge las leyendas que veían a la hechicera como una mujer exótica y salvaje que, por amor, despierta el lado atroz de lo humano. Sus coetáneos decían que Eurípides prefería representar «las cosas como son y no como debieran», y ello quizá sea lo que nos sigue atrayendo de esta princesa extranjera: su cruda realidad, surepulsión natural hacia el perjurio, su asimilación negada, su temible ira, su compromiso con la sangre. La presente edición de Medea cuenta con la versión y la introducción del helenista, escritor y traductor Ramón Irigoyen. Asimismo, los profesores de comunicación audiovisual de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra Jordi Balló y Xavier Pérez han escrito a cuatro manos el epílogo «La venganza triunfal». «Venga, pues, ármate de valor, corazón mío. ¿Por qué aplazar el perpetrar el terrible y necesario mal?»

Medea: A New Translation

by Euripides

The Medea of Euripides is one of the greatest of all Greek tragedies and arguably the one with the most significance today. A barbarian woman brought to Corinth and there abandoned by her Greek husband, Medea seeks vengeance on Jason and is willing to strike out against his new wife and family—even slaughtering the sons she has born him. At its center is Medea herself, a character who refuses definition: Is she a hero, a witch, a psychopath, a goddess? All that can be said for certain is that she is a woman who has loved, has suffered, and will stop at nothing for vengeance. In this stunning translation, poet Charles Martin captures the rhythms of Euripides’ original text through contemporary rhyme and meter that speak directly to modern readers. An introduction by classicist and poet A.E. Stallings examines the complex and multifaceted Medea in patriarchal ancient Greece. Perfect in and out of the classroom as well as for theatrical performance, this faithful translation succeeds like no other.

Medea (The Norton Library #0)

by Euripides

About Sheila Murnaghan’s translation “A terrific new translation—Murnaghan’s Medea is both terrifying and sympathetic, an emotionally complex portrayal that leaves the reader no simple answers.” —KIRK ORMAND, author of Controlling Desires: Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome


by Eurípides

Amb Medea Eurípides dona el tret de sortida d'un dels caràcters femenins que més han seduït literats, cineastes i creadors plàstics del segle XX. Medea és un dels personatges femenins més polièdrics de la tragèdia de tots els temps: dona i fetillera, esposa i amant, filla, germana i mare, símbol de la dona humiliada i venjadora fins a l'extrem del seu propi dolor. Abandonada pel seu espòs Jàson, que vol casar-se amb la filla del rei de Corint, se sent enganyada i menystinguda i actua en conseqüència: primer assassina la seva rival i després mata els fills que ha tingut amb Jàson. Eurípides va néixer a Salamina cap al 480 aC i amb Èsquil i Sòfocles és un dels tres grans poetes tràgics. Va escriure al voltant de noranta obres, entre les quals Alcestis, Les suplicants i Electra i, tot i no tenir gaire èxit en la vida, va obtenir quatre premis en els concursos actuals atenencs. Després de la seva mort cap al406 aC a la cort del rei Arquelau de Macedònia, on s'havia traslladat, la seva fama va escampar-se per tot el món grec. Les seves obres traspuen un gran escepticisme envers les creences religioses i un apropament a la forma humana de tractar i de resoldre els problemes.


by Euripides Anthony Podlecki

This is an English translation of Euripides' tragedy Medea based upon the myth of Jason and Medea and her revenge against her husband Jason. Focus Classical Library provides close translations with notes and essays to provide access to understanding Greek culture.


by Euripides Robin Robertson

Student edition of Euripedes' classic in which an abandoned, mistreated wife exacts revenge by killing her children.


by Donald. J. Mastronarde

This edition presents Medea, the most famous play of the Athenian tragedian Euripides, in ancient Greek, with commentary designed for university Greek classes, from second-year Greek upward. It helps students experience a classic drama as they work through the process of careful translation and gives them an appreciation of the work's artistry and its relation to its culture and performance tradition. The introduction summarizes interpretive and cultural issues raised by the play and provides background on important aspects of Greek tragedy, including language, style, and metre.


by Diane Arnson Svarlien Robin Mitchell-Boyask Euripides

This is the Medea we have been waiting for. It offers clarity without banality, eloquence without pretension, meter without doggerel, accuracy without clumsiness. No English Medea can ever be Euripides', but this is as close as anyone has come so far, and a good deal closer than I thought anyone would ever come. Arnson Svarlien has shown herself exceedingly skillful in making Euripides sound Euripidean.--David M. Schaps, Bryn Mawr Classical Review


by Diane Arnson Svarlien Robin Mitchell-Boyask Euripides

This is the Medea we have been waiting for. It offers clarity without banality, eloquence without pretension, meter without doggerel, accuracy without clumsiness. No English Medea can ever be Euripides', but this is as close as anyone has come so far, and a good deal closer than I thought anyone would ever come. Arnson Svarlien has shown herself exceedingly skillful in making Euripides sound Euripidean.--David M. Schaps, Bryn Mawr Classical Review

Medea and Other Plays

by Euripides

Alcestis/Medea/The Children of Heracles/Hippolytus'One of the best prose translations of Euripides I have seen' Robert FaglesThis selection of plays shows Euripides transforming the titanic figures of Greek myths into recognizable, fallible human beings. Medea, in which a spurned woman takes revenge upon her lover by killing her children, is one of the most shocking of all the Greek tragedies. Medea is a towering figure who demonstrates Euripides' unusual willingness to give voice to a woman's case. Alcestis is based on a magical myth in which Death is overcome, and The Children of Heracles examines conflict between might and right, while Hippolytus deals with self-destructive integrity. Translated by JOHN DAVIE

Medea and Other Plays

by Euripides

Medea/Hecabe/Electra/HeraclesFour devastating Greek tragedies showing the powerful brought down by betrayal, jealousy, guilt and hatredThe first playwright to depict suffering without reference to the gods, Euripides made his characters speak in human terms and face the consequences of their actions. In Medea, a woman rejected by her lover takes hideous revenge by murdering the children they both love, and Hecabe depicts the former queen of Troy, driven mad by the prospect of her daughter's sacrifice to Achilles. Electra portrays a young woman planning to avenge the brutal death of her father at the hands of her mother, while in Heracles the hero seeks vengeance against the evil king who has caused bloodshed in his family.Translated with an Introduction by PHILIP VELLACOTT

Medea and Other Plays

by Eurípides John Davie Richard Rutherford

‘Medea’, in which a spurned woman takes revenge upon her lover by killing her children, is one of the most shocking and horrific of all the Greek tragedies. Dominating the play is Medea herself, a towering and powerful figure who demonstrates Euripides’ unusual willingness to give voice to a woman’s case. ‘Alcestis’, a tragicomedy, is based on a magical myth in which Death is overcome, and ‘The Children of Heracles’ examines the conflict between might and right, while ‘Hippolytus’ deals with self-destructive integrity and moral dilemmas. These plays show Euripides transforming the awesome figures of Greek mythology into recognizable, fallible human beings.

Medea, Hippolytus, Heracles, Bacchae: Four Plays

by Euripides Stephen Esposito Michael R. Halleran Anthony Podlecki

This anthology includes four outstanding translations of Euripides’ plays: Medea, Bacchae, Hippolytus, and Heracles. These translations remain close to the original, with extensive introductions, interpretive essays, and footnotes. This series is designed to provide students and general readers with access to the nature of Greek drama, Greek mythology, and the context of Greek culture, as well as highly readable and understandable translations of four of Euripides most important plays. Focus also publishes each play as an individual volume.

Media Composer 101: Media Composer Fundamentals I

by Avid Technology Inc.

Media Composer 101: Media Composer Fundamentals I is an introductory book designed to get new users up and running quickly on Media Composer. <p><p>This book will teach you to edit a video project from start to finish using the same tools as Hollywood’s feature film editors. Learn to turn an interview into a compelling story, intercutting action footage with carefully selected sound bites. Use effects and sound editing to solve problems and give your video a professional polish. Plus, learn core technical skills such as how to input source video and audio files and export the finished sequence; identify Avid’s media storage locations and troubleshoot missing media. <p><p>Media Composer 101: Media Composer Fundamentals I is part of the Avid Learning Series and the official course book for MC101. When taken with the MC110 course, Media Composer Fundamentals II, this course is the first step to achieving the Avid Certified User designation.

Media Design and Technology for Live Entertainment: Essential Tools for Video Presentation

by Davin Gaddy

Media Design and Technology for Live Entertainment is a guide to understanding the concepts and equipment used in projection and video design for live performances. After an introduction in the principles of design elements as well as information on content, this book focuses on how content is used and transmitted by describing the essential components of systems, providing definitions used in communicating video concepts, and including basic system troubleshooting tips and tricks. A brief history of projected imagery is included, as well as information on analog systems, as outdated technology continues to be used either by choice of the designer or by necessity due to budget. By providing the information to understand the tools and how to use them, the reader should be able to create their own systems to meet his or her design ideas.

The Media Players

by Stephen Wittek

The Media Players: Shakespeare, Middleton, Jonson, and the Idea of News builds a case for the central, formative function of Shakespeare's theater in the news culture of early modern England. In an analysis that combines historical research with recent developments in public sphere theory, Dr. Stephen Wittek argues that the unique discursive space created by commercial theater helped to foster the conceptual framework that made news possible. Dr. Wittek's analysis focuses on the years between 1590 and 1630, an era of extraordinary advances in English news culture that begins with the first instance of serialized news in England and ends with the emergence of news as a regular, permanent fixture of the marketplace. Notably, this period of expansion in news culture coincided with a correspondingly extraordinary era of theatrical production and innovation, an era that marks the beginning of commercial theater in London, and has left us with the plays of William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, and Thomas Middleton. Book jacket.

Media Servers for Lighting Programmers: A Comprehensive Guide to Working with Digital Lighting

by Vickie Claiborne

Media Servers for Lighting Programmers is the reference guide for lighting programmers working with media servers – the show control devices that control and manipulate video, audio, lighting, and projection content that have exploded onto the scene, becoming the industry standard for live event productions, TV, and theatre performances. This book contains all the information you need to know to work effectively with these devices, beginning with coverage of the most common video equipment a lighting programmer encounters when using a media server - including terminology and descriptions - and continuing on with more advanced topics that include patching a media server on a lighting console, setting up the lighting console for use with a media server, and accessing the features of the media server via a lighting console. The book also features a look at the newest types of digital lighting servers and products. This book contains: Never-before-published information grounded in author Vickie Claiborne’s extensive knowledge and experience Covers newest types of digital lighting servers and products including media servers, software, and LED products designed to be used with video Companion website with additional resources and links to additional articles on PLSN

Media Servers for Lighting Programmers: A Comprehensive Guide to Working with Digital Lighting

by Vickie Claiborne

Media Servers for Lighting Programmers, Second Edition, is the reference guide for lighting programmers working with media servers – the digital media devices used to control and manipulate video, audio, lighting, and projection content that have become the industry standard for live events, broadcast, and theatre performances. This book contains all the information you need to begin working with these devices, with topics ranging from common video terminology and equipment to the workflows for setup, patching, programming, and operating a media server from a lighting console via DMX. It also features a brief history of where this unique market originated from and offers a look at the current trends in media server technology and the growing digital media industry. This second edition also includes more information on alternative methods of programming and operating a server beyond using DMX, along with new information on projection mapping workflows, content creation software, and media management techniques. Media Servers for Lighting Programmers, Second Edition, is a valuable resource for the lighting programmer working in live entertainment venues. The book includes access to additional online support material and links to industry sites and articles.

Mediations: Essays on Brecht, Beckett, and the Media (Routledge Revivals)

by Martin Esslin

First published in 1980, Mediations supplements, extends, and deepens Martin Esslin’s earlier writings on Samuel Beckett and Bertolt Brecht. In the third section of this collection of essays, Esslin discusses the mass media as dramatic art and their effects – radio as a medium for drama; television’s insatiable appetite for artistic skills, its commercials, and its series, which he labels modern folk epics. Intimately acquainted with the cultural implications of several languages and ideologies and with the possibility for distortion inherent in translating them, Esslin’s Mediations gathers together decades of his rich experience and reflections on cross linguistic and artistic boundaries, as well as theatre. This book will be of interest to students of literature, drama, and media studies.

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