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Geographies of Us: Ecosomatic Essays and Practice Pages (Routledge Studies in Theatre, Ecology, and Performance)

by Sondra Fraleigh Shannon Rose Riley

Geographies of Us: Ecosomatic Essays and Practice Pages is the first edited collection in the field of ecosomatics.With a combination of essays and practice pages that provide a variety of scholarly, creative, and experience-based approaches for readers, the book brings together both established and emergent scholars and artists from many diverse backgrounds and covers work rooted in a dozen countries. The essays engage an array of crucial methodologies and critical/theoretical perspectives, including practice-based research in the arts, especially in performance and dance studies, critical theory, ecocriticism, Indigenous knowledges, material feminist critique, quantum field theory, and new phenomenologies. Practice pages are shorter chapters that provide readers a chance to engage creatively with the ideas presented across the collection. This book offers a multidisciplinary perspective that brings together work in performance as research, phenomenology, and dance/movement; this is one of its significant contributions to the area of ecosomatics.The book will be of interest to anyone curious about matters of embodiment, ecology, and the environment, especially artists and students of dance, performance, and somatic movement education who want to learn about ecosomatics and environmental activists who want to learn more about integrating creativity, the arts, and movement into their work.

The Geographies of Young People: The Morally Contested Spaces of Identity (Critical Geographies)

by Stuart C Aitken

The Geographies of Young People traces the changing scientific and societal notions of what it is to be a young person, and argues that there is a need to rethink how we view childhood spaces, child development and the politics of growing up.This book brings coherency to the growing field of children's geographies by arguing that although most of it does not prescribe solutions to the moral assault against young people, it nonetheless offers appropriate insights into difference and diversity, and how young people are constructed.Other books in the series:Culture/Place/Health (forthcoming)Seduction of Place (forthcoming)Celtic Geographies (forthcoming) TimespaceBodiesMind and Body SpacesChildren's GeographiesLeisure/Tourism GeographiesThinking SpaceGeopolitical TraditionsEmbodied GeographiesAnimal Spaces, Beastly PlacesCloset SpaceClubbingDe-centering SexualitiesEntanglements of Power.

Geographische Bildung in digitalen Kulturen: Perspektiven für Forschung und Lehre

by Fabian Pettig Inga Gryl

Welche Herausforderungen für Forschungs- und Lehrkontexte bedingt die tiefgreifende Transformation alltäglicher Räume und Mensch-Umwelt-Verhältnisse in einer Kultur der Digitalität? Und wie lassen sich die hierin liegenden Potenziale für geographische Bildungsprozesse heben?Der vorliegende Band widmet sich diesen übergeordneten Fragestellungen und nimmt ernst, dass die Anforderungen an das Fach Geographie weit über technikfokussierte Ansätze, wie die Anwendung Geographischer Informationssysteme (GIS) im Klassenzimmer, hinausgehen. Ein Ziel sollte die Befähigung der Schüler*innen zum mündigen Medienhandeln in einer digital und medial durchdrungenen Welt sein. Phänomene wie hybride Räume, Smart Cities und Algorithmizität verlangen nach reflektierter und fachlicher Aufarbeitung digitaler Geographien als Bildungsinhalte, um ein geographisches Lernen mit, über und durch digitale Medien, sowie auch eine geographische Bildung in digitalen Medien zu ermöglichen.Dieser Aufgabe nimmt sich der Band aus zehn Perspektiven an, die die deutschsprachige wissenschaftliche Community der Geographiedidaktik gemeinschaftlich entwickelt hat. Sie loten Aufgaben, Handlungsfelder und Gelingensbedingungen geographischer Bildung in digitalen Kulturen aus. Drei Beitragskategorien bieten innerhalb der einzelnen Perspektiven Orientierung: Basiskommentare, die konzeptionelle Grundlagen darstellen; Forschungsbeiträge, die zur theoretischen wie auch empirischen Klärung beitragen und Good Practice-Beispiele, die Einblicke in Hochschul- und Schulpraxis gewähren. Die Perspektiven sind vielfach verwoben, stehen aber stellenweise auch in Spannung zueinander. Allen Beiträgen gemein ist, dass sie nach Wegen suchen, einen kritischen Umgang mit den Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen des Digitalen wie auch eine emanzipierte Teilhabe in digitalen Kulturen zu etablieren.

Geographische Handelsforschung

by Barbara Hahn Cordula Neiberger

In den meisten Ländern stellen Stadtzentren noch heute den wichtigsten Standort von Einzelhandel und Dienstleistungen dar. Allerdings zeichnet sich ein Wandel ab, denn durch Globalisierung, Digitalisierung und veränderte Konsumgewohnheiten haben sich die Anforderungen an den modernen Einzelhandel verändert. Die Einzelhandelsunternehmen bevorzugen heute andere Standorte als noch vor 50 Jahren, die traditionelle Rolle der Innenstädte ist damit unter Druck geraten. So ist eine äußerst vielfältige Handelslandschaft entstanden, die in Größe, Sortiment, Preislage, Zielgruppe und Standort differiert. Das Lehrbuch ist nach dem Akteursgruppenansatz der Wirtschaftsgeographie gegliedert, ergänzt um die Betrachtung von Standorten und Standortsystemen sowie einen methodischen Teil. Es werden die Entwicklung der Handelsunternehmen, das Konsumentenverhalten sowie der Einfluss von Investoren, Planern und Politikern auf Standorte des Einzelhandels auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene betrachtet.

Geography: The Human and Physical World

by Richard G. Boehm

Focus on the big ideas with an accessible student text built around Essential Questions, enduring understandings, and national geography standards.


by Arthur Getis Judith M. Getis

Geography introduces students to the scope and excitement of geography and its relevance to their daily lives. This edition continues to convey the breadth of geography and to provide insight into the nature and intellectual challenges of the field of geography itself.

Geography: Realms, Regions, and Concepts

by H.J. De Blij

Geography: Realms, Regions, and Concepts, 17th Edition helps readers build and develop their “mental map” of the world around them. Topics covered in this text are diverse and the skills, concepts, ideas, and terms that students are expected to learn are numerous. Regions is a time-tested and carefully crafted text with a long history of authority and dependability.

Geography: The Human and Physical World (Student Edition)

by MacMillan/McGraw-Hill Staff

This textbook elaborates on the importance of geography and the impact of geography on human life. Topics include: the human development index, distribution of political power, water scarcity, patterns of immigration, and more.

Geography: A Very Short Introduction

by John A. Matthews David T. Herbert

This Very Short Introduction answers four basic questions: what is geography, how do geographers work, why is geography important, and where is the discipline of geography heading? Geography has always been important, though it has had only a short history as an academic discipline and is much misunderstood. Modern Geography has come a long way from its historical roots in exploring foreign lands, in mapping the world and in describing the physical and human features of the Earth's surface. There are two parts to the discipline: Physical Geography, which covers natural environments and landscapes; and Human Geography, which investigates people and the cultural landscape. Physical and human geographers commonly do not agree with each other. But there are also common elements and geography as a whole has an important role as a bridge between the sciences and the humanities. Using wide-ranging examples, the book paints a broad picture of the current state of geography, its subject matter, concepts and methods, how it developed, and its strengths and weaknesses. The book's conclusion is no less than a manifesto for geography's future.

Geography: Realms, Regions and Concepts

by Peter O. Muller H. J. de Blij Nijman

The 15th Edition of H. J. deBlij and Peter Mullers "Geography: Realms, Regions, and Concepts" has been expanded and enhanced upon previous editions. This carefully crafted text by one of the most traveled, knowledgeable and authoritative geography authors, H. J. deBlij provides a comprehensive understanding about the world with a long history of on authoritative content, outstanding cartography, currency, and comprehensive coverage, in a technology-rich package. A new online World Regional Geography program is one of many new strong and effective technologies included. New Organization Chapters are now divided into A/B sections. Within each chapter, Part A, Defining the Realm, examines developments that unfold across the entire realm or major parts of it. In Part B, Regions of the Realm, the authors explore the regions within the realms to view developments at a finer resolution and examine the role of individual states and national cultures. New and updated content incorporated into the narrative of every chapter. Chapters 8A and 8B (South Asia), for example, now discusses recent developments in the cultural and religious conflict between Pakistan and India, as well as a more detailed discussion of economic growth and effects of globalization in South Asia. New "Voice From the Region" feature, in every chapter. Each essay showcases the local perspective of an individual who resides in the realm. Many new photographs and field notes, taken by co-author Jan Nijman while doing fieldwork. New BBC videos, which can be used as lecture-launchers in class

Geography Alive! Regions and People

by Teachers' Curriculum Institute

Geography textbook for high school students

Geography Alive! Regions and People, Student Edition

by Teachers' Curriculum Institute

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Geography And Development

by Arthur Morris

First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Geography and Ethics: Journeys in a Moral Terrain

by David M. Smith James D. Proctor

This book represents a landmark exploration of the common terrain of geography and ethics. Drawing together specially commissioned contributions from distinguished geographers across the UK, North America and Australasia, the place of geography in ethics and of ethics in geography is examined through wide-ranging, thematic chapters.Geography and Ethics is divided into four sections for discussion and exploration of ideas: Ethics and Space; Ethics and Place; Ethics and Nature and Ethics and knowledge, all of which point to the rich interplay between geography and moral philosophy or ethics.

Geography and Geographers: Anglo-American human geography since 1945

by Ron Johnston James D. Sidaway

Geography and Geographers continues to be the most comprehensive and up-to-date overview of human geography available. It provides a survey of the major debates, key thinkers and schools of thought in the English-speaking world, setting them within the context of economic, social, cultural, political and intellectual changes. It is essential reading for all undergraduate geography students.It draws on a wide reading of the geographical literature and addresses the ways geography and its history are understood and the debates among geographers regarding what the discipline should study and how.This extensively updated seventh edition offers a thoroughly contemporary perspective on human geography for new and more experienced students alike.

Geography and Memory

by Owain Jones Joanne Garde-Hansen

This collection shifts the focus from collective memory to individual memory, by incorporating new performative approaches to identity, place and becoming. Drawing upon cultural geography, the book provides an accessible framework to approach key aspects of memory, remembering, archives, commemoration and forgetting in modern societies.

The Geography and Remote Sensing Analysis of Sri Lanka

by Xianhu Wei

This book presents a survey, dynamic monitoring and comprehensive analysis of Sri Lanka’s land, vegetation, surface water, ocean and other environmental resources, as well as its economic, transportation, urban, agricultural and tourism development. It offers readers accurate, systematic and comprehensive information on Sri Lanka’s ecological setting and socio-economic development. It also sheds light on policies for the protection of the environment and biodiversity.

Geography and Soil Properties (Routledge Library Editions: Geology #9)

by A.F. Pitty

This book, first published in 1978, provides a comprehensive guide to soil properties in any major world region. It emphasizes the significance of the spatial changes in soil patterns, the environmental influence on soils, and their temporal changes, but focuses attention on the systematic examination of soil properties and their reciprocal effects. It covers such important topics as the mineral composition of different soils, their organic matter, structure and porosity, chemical make-up and mechanical properties.

Geography, Art, Research: Artistic Research in the GeoHumanities (Routledge Research in Culture, Space and Identity)

by Harriet Hawkins

This book explores the intersection of geographical knowledge and artistic research in terms of both creative methods and practice-based research. In doing so it brings together geography’s ‘creative turn’ with the art world’s ‘research turn.’ Based on a decade and a half of ethnographic stories of working at the intersection of creative arts practices and geographical research, this book offers a much-needed critical account of these forms of knowledge production. Adopting a geohumanities approach to investigating how these forms of knowledge are produced, consumed, and circulated, it queries what imaginaries and practices of the key sites of knowledge making (including the field, the artist’s studio, the PhD thesis, and the exhibition) emerge and how these might challenge existing understandings of these locations. Inspired by the geographies of science and knowledge, art history and theory, and accounts of working within and beyond disciplines, this book seeks to understand the geographies of research at the intersection of geography and creative arts practices, how these geographies challenge existing understandings of these disciplines and practices, and what they might contribute to our wider discussions of working beyond disciplines, including through artistic research. This book offers a timely contribution to the emerging fields of artistic research and geohumanities, and will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers.

Geography Education for Global Understanding (International Perspectives On Geographical Education Ser.)

by Ali Demirci Rafael de Miguel González Sarah Witham Bednarz

This book presents the core concepts of geographical education as a means of understanding global issues from a spatial perspective. It treats education, supported by high standards, approaches, methodologies, and resources, as essential in exploring the interactions of the world’s human and environmental systems at local, regional, and global scales embedded in the nature of the discipline of geography. It covers topics such as climate change, sustainable development goals, geopolitics in an uncertain world, global crisis, and population flows, which are of great interest to geography researchers and social sciences educators who want to explore the complexity of contemporary societies.Highly respected scholars in geography education answer questions on key topics and explain how global understanding is considered in K-12 education in significant countries around the globe. The book discusses factors such as the Internet, social media, virtual globes and other technological developments that provide insights into and visualization – in real time – of the intensity of relationships between different countries and regions of the earth. It also examines how this does not always lead to empathy with other political, cultural, social and religious values: terrorism threats and armed conflicts are also essential features of the global world. This book opens the dialogue for global understanding as a great opportunity for teachers, educators, scholars and policy makers to better equip students and future citizens to deal with global issues.

Geography Education Research in the UK: The UK Case, Within the Global Context (International Perspectives on Geographical Education)

by Graham Butt

This book provides a unique assessment of the development of research in geography education and its future prospects, offering a challenging critique of subject-based education research, with particular reference to geography education across a range of different jurisdictions. It covers a range of topics, including the changing role of research in geography education; the relationship between education research and professional practice, with special reference to geography education research; the place of academic subject knowledge in geography education research; critiques of the functions of research in geography education; and the key issues for education policy and policymakers concerning educational research at national and international levels.Importantly, in a period marked by radical change for education research and researchers, the book offers a timely appraisal of possible ways forward for geography education research. Addressing the needs of academics, research students, policymakers, and education practitioners who undertake, use or shape the future of research in geography education, it comprehensively explores the forces that have driven the development of geography education research and pedagogy. Further, by positioning its analysis in the context of education policy debates in the UK, and further afield, it assesses the role and function of research in education, and offers an outlook on its future. This book is essential reading for all those who wish to understand the sporadic and increasingly uncertain development of subject-based research in education

Geography Education's Potential and the Capability Approach: GeoCapabilities and Schools

by Richard Bustin

This book explores the pivotal role that geography as a school subject plays in helping every young person achieve their educational potential. Expressed as ‘GeoCapabilities’, this concept draws on the the capabilities approach developed by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum applied to curriculum thinking in schools. While traditional subjects have often been deemed irrelevant and outdated in an overcrowded secondary school curriculum, subjects like geography have often been lost or combined with others to fulfil a broad skills agenda. More recent talk of a ‘knowledge led’ curriculum can often lead to the recitation of facts at the expense of developing deeper understanding. This book argues the concept of powerful geographical knowledge, based on the work of Michael Young and David Lambert, invests the subject of geography with its educational potential: this forms the basis of GeoCapabilities. GeoCapabilities focuses on both what is being taught and why, and as such provides a framework of curriculum thinking which will be of interest and value to geography teachers, school leaders with curriculum development responsibilities and all those interested in the capability approach and the moral imperative of education.

Geography for Common Entrance: Human Geography

by James Dale-Adcock

The Geography for Common Entrance: Human Geography is fully updated in line with the current 2014 Common Entrance syllabus, and covers everything pupils need to know for Geography Common Entrance and other entrance exams at 13+. The book covers landform processes, settlement, weather and climate and map and fieldwork to ensure pupils develop the important practical skills required at this level. This new edition also features updated thematic studies and a revised 'location knowledge' section to reflect current exam requirements. Geography for Common Entrance: Human Geography Key Benefits: - Fully updated in line with the 2014 Geography syllabus - An ideal resource for pupils working towards Common Entrance and other entrance exams at 13+, or those looking for a stretching Key Stage 3 Geography course - Features updated thematic studies and a revised 'Location Knowledge' section to ensure pupils are learning relevant material - Provides a thorough and comprehensive introduction to map and fieldwork skills so that pupils develop practical Geography skills. Suitable for all ISEB Geography 13+ Common Entrance exams taken from Autumn 2015 onwards.

Geography for Common Entrance: Physical Geography

by James Dale-Adcock

This Geography for Common Entrance: Physical Geography ISEB-endorsed textbook provides a thorough and comprehensive introduction to mapwork and fieldwork skills, as well as covering environmental issues, tectonic processes, economic activities, and location knowledge. Featuring clear explanations throughout, it also contains exercises to challenge pupils of all abilities. This book is an ideal companion for Key Stage 3 Geography. Geography for Common Entrance: Physical Geography Key Benefits: - Features detailed explanations followed by practice questions and extension exercises to ensure that pupils have understood the material covered - Provides a comprehensive introduction to mapwork and fieldwork skills so that pupils develop practical geography skills - Strong emphasis is placed on thematic studies in line with Common Entrance and Common Academic Scholarship requirements to ensure that pupils are learning the most up to date topics. Suitable for all ISEB Geography 13+ Common Entrance exams taken from Autumn 2015 onwards.

Geography for Common Entrance: Physical Geography Answers

by James Dale-Adcock

Geography for Common Entrance: Physical Geography Answers features the complete set of answers to the exercises in Geography for Common Entrance: Physical Geography to save you time marking work, and enable you to identify areas requiring further attention. Includes diagrams and workings where necessary, to ensure pupils understand how to present their answers. Suitable for all ISEB Geography 13+ Common Entrance exams taken from Autumn 2015 onwards.

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