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Endangered Minds

by Jane M. Healy

Is today's fast-paced media culture creating a toxic environment for our children's brains? In this landmark, bestselling assessment tracing the roots of America's escalating crisis in education, Jane M. Healy, Ph.D., examines how television, video games, and other components of popular culture compromise our children's ability to concentrate and to absorb and analyze information. Drawing on neuropsychological research and an analysis of current educational practices, Healy presents in clear, understandable language: -- How growing brains are physically shaped by experience -- Why television programs -- even supposedly educational shows like Sesame Street -- develop "habits of mind" that place children at a disadvantage in school -- Why increasing numbers of children are diagnosed with attention deficit disorder -- How parents and teachers can make a critical difference by making children good learners from the day they are born

Endangered Operation (Carmen Sandiego Chase-Your-Own Capers)

by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Join Carmen Sandiego and decide where in the world to go next in this globe-trotting, daring caper! Help Carmen save wild animals of all kinds, especially the rare Amur tiger cub kidnapped from you by VILE. With 20 possible endings, your adventures can take you all over the world—or out of the game. Which will you choose?In this choose-your-own-caper story set in the world of Carmen Sandiego, you are a junior zookeeper caring for a rare newborn Amur tiger cub. VILE, in its latest plot, is stealing exotic animals to sell to a billionaire collector, and your charge is cub-napped! Carmen arrives and you decide the best way to get your cub back is to help her defeat VILE and rescue all the animals they&’ve captured. Or do you? Twenty different endings to this story keep readers coming back for more adventures with Carmen Sandiego!

Endangering Prosperity

by Eric A. Hanushek Lawrence H. Summers Paul E. Peterson Ludger Woessmann

The relative deficiencies of U.S. public schools are a serious concern to parents and policymakers. But they should be of concern to all Americans, as a globalizing world introduces new competition for talent, markets, capital, and opportunity. In Endangering Prosperity, a trio of experts on international education policy compares the performance of American schools against that of other nations. The net result is a mixed but largely disappointing picture that clearly shows where improvement is most needed. The authors' objective is not to explain the deep causes of past failures but to document how dramatically the U.S. school system has failed its students and its citizens. It is a wake-up call for structural reform. To move forward to a different and better future requires that we understand just how serious a situation America faces today.For example, the authors consider the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), an international mathematics examination. America is stuck in the middle of average scores, barely beating out European countries whose national economies are in the red zone. U.S. performance as measured against stronger economies is even weaker-in total, 32 nations outperformed the United States. The authors also delve into comparative reading scores. A mere 31 percent of U.S. students in the class of 2011 could perform at the "proficient" level as measured by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program, compared with South Korea's result of 47 percent. And while some observers may downplay the significance of cross-globe comparisons, they should note that Canadian students are dramatically outpacing their U.S. counterparts as well.Clearly something is wrong with this picture, and this book clearly explicates the costs of inaction. The time for incremental tweaking the system is long past-wider, deeper, and more courageous steps are needed, as this book amply demonstrates with accessible prose, supported with hard data that simply cannot be ignored.

Endangering Prosperity

by Paul E. Peterson Ludger Woessmann Eric A. Hanushek

The relative deficiencies of U.S. public schools are a serious concern to parents and policymakers. But they should be of concern to all Americans, as a globalizing world introduces new competition for talent, markets, capital, and opportunity. In Endangering Prosperity, a trio of experts on international education policy compares the performance of American schools against that of other nations. The net result is a mixead but largely disappointing picture that clearly shows where improvement is most needed. The authors' objective is not to explain the deep causes of past failures but to document how dramatically the U.S. school system has failed its students and its citizens. It is a wake-up call for structural reform. To move forward to a different and better future requires that we understand just how serious a situation America faces today.For example, the authors consider the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), an international mathematics examination. America is stuck in the middle of average scores, barely beating out European countries whose national economies are in the red zone. U.S. performance as measured against stronger economies is even weaker--in total, 32 nations outperformed the United States. The authors also delve into comparative reading scores. A mere 31 percent of U.S. students in the class of 2011 could perform at the "proficient" level as measured by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program, compared with South Korea's result of 47 percent. And while some observers may downplay the significance of cross-globe comparisons, they should note that Canadian students are dramatically outpacing their U.S. counterparts as well.Clearly something is wrong with this picture, and this book clearly explicates the costs of inaction. The time for incremental tweaking the system is long past--wider, deeper, and more courageous steps are needed, as this book amply demonstrates with accessible prose, supported with hard data that simply cannot be ignored.

Endavant, always (Sèrie El Club de les Vambes Vermelles #Volumen 16)

by Ana Punset

No et perdis aquesta nova aventura de les noies d'El Club de les Vambes Vermelles! La Cèlia ha decidit deixar el seu grup de fotografía, però les seves antigues companyes no paren de deixar-li comentaris al seu compte d'Instagram... i no precisament positius! Per què es comporten així? Per sort, les seves amigues li están donant més suport que mai. No hi ha cap dubte: si estan unides, son invencibles, always!

Ende der Machtposition!? Wie Mitarbeiterführung wirklich gelingt: Praxis-Know-how für erfolgreiche Führungskräfte und Manager

by Silke M. Jürgensen

Was brauchen Menschen im Unternehmen, um Erfolg zu erzielen?Egal, ob im kleinen oder mittelständischen Unternehmen oder in Konzernstrukturen, egal, in welcher Branche und auf welcher Hierarchieebene: Wenn Menschen zusammenarbeiten, um Ziele zu erreichen, haben sie es immer wieder mit ähnlichen Herausforderungen zu tun. Unabhängig davon, ob sie präsent oder im virtuellen Team arbeiten: Die Produktivität lässt zu wünschen übrig, Informationen fließen nicht ausreichend, im Veränderungsprozess ziehen nicht alle mit, das Leitungsteam kommt nicht zu vernünftigen Entscheidungen, die Fluktuation ist hoch, die Leistung eines Mitarbeiters lässt nach, die eigene Führungskraft delegiert nicht, es fehlt an Motivation, Vereinbarungen werden nicht konsequent umgesetzt, es gibt diverse Konflikte im Unternehmen, … Die Autorin gibt einen praxisorientierten und fundierten Überblick, wie Sie als Führungskraft mit konkret umsetzbarem Handwerkszeug die Führungsaufgaben erfolgreich meistern. Sie zeigt, wie Sie damit Ihr Team oder Ihr ganzes Unternehmen nicht nur auf Augenhöhe, sondern auch konsequent zum Erfolg führen. Praxisbeispiele aus dem Alltag regen den Leser zu einer kritischen Selbstreflexion des eigenen Führungsverhaltens an und laden zum Umdenken und Umsetzen ein.


by Nancy Garden

A new town, a new school, a new start. That's what fourteen-year-old Gray Wilton believes as he chants, "It's gonna be better, gonna be better here." But it doesn't take long for Gray to realize that nothing's going to change--there are bullies in every school, and he's always their punching bag. Their brutal words, physical abuse, and emotional torture escalate until Gray feels trapped in a world where he has no control, no support systems, and no way out--until the day he enters the halls of Greenford High School with his father's semiautomatic in hand. Award-winning novelist Nancy Garden, author of the groundbreaking novel Annie on My Mind, once again goes out on a limb, this time to show readers the cruelty of bullying and the devastating effects it can have.

Ending Child Abuse: New Efforts in Prevention, Investigation, and Training

by Victor I. Vieth Bette L. Bottoms Alison Perona

Get the tools to coordinate a plan in your community!The highly anticipated Ending Child Abuse: New Efforts in Prevention, Investigation, and Training presents an exciting vision: to end or significantly reduce child abuse. Respected social scientists and legal scholars discuss empirically sound short- and long- term multidisciplinary strategies that can be implemented in our society. Innovative and well-established concepts and approaches are clearly presented, such as specialized education, rational preventative methods, effective investigation and prosecution strategies, and the analysis of factors that influence law enforcement investigations and child abuse prevention efforts.Several obstacles stand in the way of the elimination of child abuse, such as the failure to investigate most child abuse reports, inadequate training of frontline child protection professionals, lack of financial resources, and the dilemma that child abuse is not addressed at the youngest ages. Ending Child Abuse: New Efforts in Prevention, Investigation, and Training tackles these problems and others with practical guidelines and aggressive creative strategies that can be applied to every community in the United States. This collection is impeccably referenced and soundly supported with research.Ending Child Abuse: New Efforts in Prevention, Investigation, and Training discusses: implementation of a model curriculum in child advocacy for undergraduate and graduate institutions forensic interview training extensive education of the nation&’s child protection professionals development and funding of prevention programs at the community level educational reforms of Montclair State University in New Jersey designed to better prepare professionals who advocate for children research-based interview techniques with best practice guidelines possible broader social and system-level reforms vertical prosecution of child abuse cases-with a model for its operationEnding Child Abuse: New Efforts in Prevention, Investigation, and Training is an ambitious eye-opening source perfect for social services professionals, mental health professionals, practitioners, researchers, educators, students, and medical and legal professionals who deal with child abuse and children&’s welfare.

Ending Sexual Violence in College: A Community-Focused Approach

by Joanne H. Gavin James Campbell Quick David J. Gavin

How do we create a culture of zero tolerance for sexual violence on college campuses?In a world where one in five women on campus experience some form of sexual assault, what would it take to create a campus culture that was free of violence against women? From a public health perspective, sexual assault is an epidemic on campuses, but why? What is it about a campus community culture that permits or encourages this, at a time when a majority of students are now female? In this practical guide for colleges and universities, Joanne H. Gavin, James Campbell Quick, and David J. Gavin lay out a community-based model that is designed to eliminate sexual misconduct, spot it before it happens, punish its perpetrators, support its victims/survivors, and end this epidemic. Ending Sexual Violence in College is a prescriptive guide for creating a campus culture that is intolerant of sexual misconduct regardless of who is involved or the context in which it happens. A culture of intolerance, the authors argue, does not consider the role or status of either the perpetrator or victim/survivor. Rather, this culture protects all members. Using a public health model with an emphasis on prevention to create this cultural change, the book utilizes psychological and organizational research to understand the challenges of making these changes while enhancing the odds of permanent cultural change for the better.Designed to spur community-wide conversations on how we can make our campuses safe from sexual violence, this book's preventive approach allows communities to self-monitor. The authors include case studies of institutions that have not been proactive in putting programs in place to protect students, as well as examples of institutions that are effectively addressing these problems. Aimed at college administrators and Title IX coordinators who are responsible for leading campuses that are safe for everyone, Ending Sexual Violence in College also enables those who work or live on a college campus to take an active role in making the campus safer.

Ending Social Promotion Without Leaving Children Behind

by Sheila Nataraj Kirby Jennifer Sloan Mccombs Louis T. Mariano

The New York City Department of Education asked RAND to conduct an independent longitudinal evaluation of its 5th-grade promotion policy. The findings of that study, conducted between March 2006 and August 2009, provide a comprehensive view of the policy's implementation and its impact on student outcomes, particularly for students at risk of retention and those who were retained in grade.

Ending Zero Tolerance: The Crisis of Absolute School Discipline (Families, Law, and Society #12)

by Derek W Black

Answers the calls of grassroots communities pressing for integration and increased education funding with a complete rethinking of school disciplineIn the era of zero tolerance, we are flooded with stories about schools issuing draconian punishments for relatively innocent behavior. One student was suspended for chewing a Pop-Tart into the shape of a gun. Another was expelled for cursing on social media from home. Suspension and expulsion rates have doubled over the past three decades as zero tolerance policies have become the normal response to a host of minor infractions that extend well beyond just drugs and weapons. Students from all demographic groups have suffered, but minority and special needs students have suffered the most. On average, middle and high schools suspend one out of four African American students at least once a year. The effects of these policies are devastating. Just one suspension in the ninth grade doubles the likelihood that a student will drop out. Fifty percent of students who drop out are subsequently unemployed. Eighty percent of prisoners are high school drop outs. The risks associated with suspension and expulsion are so high that, as a practical matter, they amount to educational death penalties, not behavioral correction tools. Most important, punitive discipline policies undermine the quality of education that innocent bystanders receive as well—the exact opposite of what schools intend. Derek Black, a former attorney with the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, weaves stories about individual students, lessons from social science, and the outcomes of courts cases to unearth a shockingly irrational system of punishment. While schools and legislatures have proven unable and unwilling to amend their failing policies, Ending Zero Tolerance argues for constitutional protections to check abuses in school discipline and lays out theories by which courts should re-engage to enforce students’ rights and support broader reforms.

EndNote 1-2-3 Easy!: Reference Management for the Professional

by Abha Agrawal Majid Rasouli

This book is intended for healthcare professionals, biomedical researchers, health policy experts, and graduate students who frequently write and publish scientific manuscripts in peer reviewed journals. This new edition updates earlier versions with an emphasis on the most currently available Clarivate Analytics software application EndNote X9, a widely used reference management software. For first-time users of EndNote X9, this book is a comprehensive and well-illustrated instruction manual for getting started, including detailed instructions on installation, creating reference libraries, and ultimately creating complete and accurate citation-based bibliographies necessary to achieve successful peer reviewed publications. There is also a full chapter devoted to careful guidance for the growing practice of citing references from online internet sources. For existing “power users” of current and earlier versions of EndNote, this book provides quick and easy access to a comprehensive compendium of nuanced and advanced features of this powerful software, with an emphasis on providing greater ease and control in coordinating and curating research materials and bibliographies with research collaborators and scientific writing teams. The authors have also added new, state-of-the-art “how-to” guidance on a variety of methods of using EndNote, including PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus and others. Like many legacy software systems, Clarivate Analytics has also begun to offer an online “desktop” version of EndNote, a topic which is now also covered in Chapter 10 (EndNote Online) of this new edition.

Ends of the Earth (A School for Spies Novel #3)

by Bruce Hale

The S.P.I.E.S. team has been scattered to the winds, its headquarters burned down, and Max Segredo is under lock and key at LOTUS HQ. What's even worse is that LOTUS's ruthless leader, Mrs. Frost, wants to adopt him. Max would go to the ends of the earth to be a normal kid with a normal family. But to achieve his deepest desire, he must first evade a hungry tiger, learn to fly a jetpack, reunite with his friends and father, and use all his mad spy skills to stop LOTUS from taking over the government with its mind-control device. Along the way, Max discovers that even a superspy is nothing without his team, and that the strongest families are founded on unconditional love.

The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures

by D. A. Carson

Valuable insights into key disputed topics from a veritable who's who of evangelical scholars In this volume thirty-seven first-rate evangelical scholars present a thorough study of biblical authority and a full range of issues connected to it. Recognizing that Scripture and its authority are now being both challenged and defended with renewed vigor, editor D. A. Carson assigned the topics that these select scholars address in the book. After an introduction by Carson to the many facets of the current discussion, the contributors present robust essays on relevant historical, biblical, theological, philosophical, epistemological, and comparative-religions topics. To conclude, Carson answers a number of frequently asked questions about the nature of Scripture, cross-referencing these FAQs to the preceding chapters. This comprehensive volume by a team of recognized experts will be the go-to reference on the nature and authority of the Bible for years to come. CONTRIBUTORS James Beilby Kirsten Birkett Henri A. G. Blocher Craig L. Blomberg D. A. Carson Graham A. Cole Stephen G. Dempster Daniel M. Doriani Simon Gathercole David Gibson Ida Glaser Paul Helm Charles E. Hill Peter F. Jensen Robert Kolb Anthony N. S. Lane Te-Li Lau Richard Lints V. Philips Long Thomas H. McCall Douglas J. Moo Andrew David Naselli Harold Netland Osvaldo Padilla Michael C. Rea Bradley N. Seeman Alex G. Smith R. Scott Smith Rodney L. Stiling Glenn S. Sunshine Timothy C. Tennent Mark D. Thompson Kevin J. Vanhoozer Bruce K. Waltke Barry G. Webb Peter J. Williams John D. Woodbridge

The Enduring Classics of Billy Graham (Billy Graham Signature Series)

by Billy Graham

In this first volume of The Billy Graham Signature Series, three of the evangelist's most authoritative classics are bound together in a stunning hardcover edition available at an affordable price.Dr. Graham's reputation as the world's leading teacher of biblical truths makes this collection a great idea for someone searching for answers to some of life's most troubling questions. No one communicates with the wisdom and simplicity of Dr. Graham, as evidenced by this powerful collection of inspirational writings. This first volume includes these best-selling titles:The Secret of Happiness teaches that happiness is a by-product, a bonus that comes when we seek what is really important.Death and the Life After, a classic that liberates readers from fear and denial on the topic of death and helps them find peace, assurance, and ultimately triumph .In Hope for the Troubled Heart Dr. Graham teaches about God's unfailing love as the key to hope in the midst of difficult circumstances.

The Enduring Classroom: Teaching Then and Now

by Larry Cuban

A groundbreaking analysis of how teachers actually teach and have taught in the past. The quality and effectiveness of teaching are a constant subject of discussion within the profession and among the broader public. Most of that conversation focuses on the question of how teachers should teach. In The Enduring Classroom, veteran teacher and scholar of education Larry Cuban explores different questions, ones that just might be more important: How have teachers actually taught? How do they teach now? And what can we learn from both? Examining both past and present is crucial, Cuban explains. If reformers want teachers to adopt new techniques, they need to understand what teachers are currently doing if they want to have any hope of having their innovations implemented. Cuban takes us into classrooms then and now, using observations from contemporary research as well as a rich historical archive of classroom accounts, along the way asking larger questions about teacher training and the individual motivations of people in the classroom. Do teachers freely choose how to teach, or are they driven by their beliefs and values about teaching and learning? What role do students play in determining how teachers teach? Do teachers teach as they were taught? By asking and answering these and other policy questions with the aid of concrete data about actual classroom practices, Cuban helps us make a crucial step toward creating reforms that could actually improve instruction.

Enduring Issues In Special Education: Personal Perspectives

by Barbara Bateman John Wills Lloyd Melody Tankersley

Enduring Issues in Special Education is aimed at any course in the undergraduate or graduate special education curriculum that is wholly or partly devoted to a critical examination of current issues in special education. The book organizes 28 chapters into seven sections using familiar structuring principles—what, who, where, how, when, why, and whither. Each section begins with an introduction that provides historical, legal, and theoretical background information and organizing commentary for the chapters that follow. The book’s objective, in addition to informing readers about the issues, is to develop critical thinking skills in the context of special education. Key features include the following: Dialectic Format – Each of the 28 chapters presents compelling reasons for addressing the issue at hand and specific ways to do so. Because each issue is written from different perspectives and focuses on a variety of aspects, readers are encouraged to weigh the arguments, seek additional information, and come up with synthesized positions of their own. Organizing Framework – The book’s seven sections have been arranged according to a scheme that is the essence of most investigative reporting and provides a coherent, easy-to-understand framework for readers. Expertise – All chapters are written by leading scholars who are highly regarded experts in their fields and conclude with suggested readings and discussion questions for additional study.

The Enduring Kiss: Seven Short Lessons on Love

by Massimo Recalcati

The kiss is the image that, perhaps more than any other, encompasses the beauty and poetry of love. Every love is required to maintain the kiss, to make it last. When they kiss, lovers carve out their hiding holes, finding their peace from war. When they kiss, the noise of the world is silenced, its laws broken, time is stolen from its normal continuity. They fall together in their distinct, embraced tongues. The kiss joins the tongue that declares love with the body of the lover. And the extinction of the kiss and, most importantly, of the desire to kiss one’s beloved announces the demise of love. In this short book, Massimo Recalcati – one of Italy’s leading intellectuals and bestselling authors – offers seven brief lessons on the mystery and miracle of love, from the serendipity of the first encounter to its end or its continuation over time, as mysterious and miraculous as the first encounter itself.

The Enduring Legacy: Structured Inequality in America’s Public Schools

by Mark Ryan

Enduring Legacy describes a multifaceted paradox—a constant struggle between those who espouse a message of hope and inclusion and others who systematically plan for exclusion. Structured inequality in the nation’s schools is deeply connected to social stratification within American society. This paradox began in the eighteenth century and has proved an enduring legacy. Mark Ryan provides historical, political, and pedagogical contexts for teacher candidates—not only to comprehend the nature of racial segregation but, as future educators, to understand their own professional responsibilities, both in the community and in the school, to strive for an integrated classroom where all children have a chance to succeed. The goal of providing every child a world-class education is an ethical imperative, an inherent necessity for a functioning pluralistic democracy. The challenge is both great and growing, for teachers today will face an evermore segregated American classroom.

Enduring Schools: Problems And Possibilities

by Rita S Brause

First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Enduring Word: A Centennial History of Wycliffe College

by Arnold Edinborough

Since Wycliffe College was founded 100 years ago as an Anglican theological college in Toronto, it has had six principals. To celebrate the influence they and the college have had on the religious life of Canada and other countries, six writers have collaborated to produce The Enduring Word. The lives of the five past principals have been written by Jacob Jocz, T.R. Millman, R.K. Harrison, Alan Hayes, and Robert Finch. Arnold Edinborough's profile of the present principal, Dr Reginald Stackhouse provides insight into both the man and the kinds of challenges he faces as he leads Wycliffe into its second century. Rich in anecdote and sound in research, The Enduring Word is a centennial volume whose interest goes far beyond the college and its members pas and present.

Endzone: The Rise, Fall and Return of Michigan Football

by John U. Bacon

Endzone tells the story of how college football's most successful, richest and respected program almost lost all three in less than a decade - and entirely of its own doing. It is a story of hubris, greed, and betrayal - a tale more suited to Wall Street than the world's top public university. Author John U. Bacon takes you inside the offices, the board rooms and the locker rooms of the University of Michigan to see what happened, and why - with countless eye-opening, head-shaking scenes of conflict and conquest. But Endzone is also an inspiring story of redemption and revival. When those who loved Michigan football the most recognized it was being attacked from within, they rallied to reclaim the values that made it great for over a century -- values that went deeper than dollars. The list of heroes includes players, students, lettermen, fans and faculty - and the leaders who had the courage to listen to them. Their unprecedented uprising produced a new athletic director, and a new coach - the hottest in the land - who vindicated the fans' faith when he turned down more money and fame to return to the place he loved most: Michigan. If you love a good story, you'll want to dive into Endzone: The Rise, Fall and Return of Michigan Football.

An Enemy at Green Knowe (Green Knowe #5)

by L. M. Boston

Tolly and Ping are both at Green Knowe again, together for the first time. Tolly's great-grandmother, Mrs. Oldknow, tells them the story of Wolfgang Vogel, an alchemist who lived in the house in 1630. <P><P>According to the story, all of his books had been burned in a great bonfire. But perhaps at least one has survived - for a strange woman named Melanie Powers is intent upon searching the house to find it. <P><P>Melanie uses her dark magic in a series of strategies to drive Mrs. Oldknow and the boys from the house and lay her hands on its hidden treasures.

The Energetic Line in Figure Drawing

by Alon Bement

Well-crafted and class-tested, this guide to figure drawing features a unique teaching method. It focuses on learning to draw complete figures prior to the study of individual components, and it stresses action figures rather than the customary static examples favored by most drawing and anatomy texts. Employing more text than typical art instruction books, it presents thirty figure drawing lessons and fifty-six drawings and figures. Each lesson includes detailed instructions on anatomical drawing, accompanied by visual examples of strokes, boxes, and measurements. Author Alon Bement taught art instruction to future art teachers at Columbia University and later founded the prestigious Maryland Institute of Art. His students included Georgia O'Keeffe, who regarded him as a mentor and major influence. Bement's nontraditional approach offers students at all levels an excellent opportunity to build their visual acuity and technical skills.

Energizing Brain Breaks

by David U. Sladkey

The fastest way to keep your students engaged Glazed look in your students' eyes? They need is an Energizing Brain Break—a quick physical and mental challenge to refresh them. This full-color flip book contains 50 highly effective, classroom-tested ideas for all grades. You'll find pictures, directions, and online videos for activities like: Slap Count Letters: students alternate slapping each other's hands while spelling a word Rock, Paper, Scissors, Math: partners reveal a certain number of fingers to each other, and the first person to add them together wins Bizz-Buzz: groups of students count from 1 to 40 using a combination of numbers and words

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