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New World: Stay with Me (New World #1)

by Lily X

In this first of a sexy new sci-fi romance series, a galactic farmer discovers the robot she ordered is actually a flesh-and-blood woman.Cedra: Running a farm on your own is exhausting and lonely. The Servana 200 service bot I ordered was expensive, but I need the help—and if it can also hold a conversation, it will be worth the price. When the bot arrives, though, her hair is curlier than I selected, her skin is surprisingly soft, and she&’s curvier and more beautiful than I imagined. But do bots tremble at the lightest touch? Do they smell like a heady mix of flowers and hot, sweet blood, teasing my fangs to life? Technology is truly a marvel. Or is it?Twyla: Running from a forced engagement is terrifying. But I&’m backed into a corner, and my only escape is to crawl into a packing box for a bot modeled after me. It&’s certainly a panic move, but it got me out of one bad situation… And landed me right in the middle of another. At first, Cedra isn&’t the most welcoming sort, not when she presses a knife to my flesh and threatens to kick me out of her home. I come clean fast, pleading with her to let me stay and be her housekeeper. She&’s hesitant, but I can tell she&’s warming up to the idea… Something&’s flaring between us—fierce and urgent and insistent. And if these primal desires are mutual, maybe she&’ll be the one begging me to stay.New World Book 1: New World: Stay with MeBook 2: New World: Made for MeBook 3: New World: Own MeBook 4: New World: Breathe with MeBook 5: New World: Safe with Me

New Year, New Love

by Casper Graham

Vance Waller can’t believe his luck. It’s a week before Thanksgiving, and he has to travel more than three hours to meet up with a client just because his supervisor is too lazy to do it. To make matter worse, his crappy car has to die on him, and he’s stuck in a small town called Pontybridge, which is forty-five minutes away from his destination. As if that isn’t bad enough, there’s a snowstorm.Vance’s luck improves when Brett Griffiths, the attractive owner of the bed and breakfast in town, approaches him and helps tow his car away. His luck continues to become better when Talon Patterson, a handsome and successful lawyer, comes to stay at the B&B.There’s an instant attraction between the three of them, and the sexual tension is intense. However, there’s a big problem. Both Vance and Talon live in San Francisco while Brett resides in Pontybridge. Vance is also having issues at work, and he knows he needs to resolve that.Can the three men find a way to make their relationship work?

New Year's Ex

by Sam Couste

It's New Year’s Eve, and Marco is newly single. While brooding over his recent breakup, he uncovers new information and realizes his self-doubts may have cost him the man of his dreams. Determined to distract himself from the misery of sabotaging his own happily ever after, he heads out in search of distraction in the form of a one night stand.But his evening takes a turn when he crosses paths with Aaron, his charming ex. Aaron is eager for another chance, but Marco remains hesitant. Still, there’s no harm in sneaking off for one last hookup ... right?

Newton's Laws of Attraction (Newton's Laws of Attraction and Impractical Magic)

by M. J. O'Shea

Rory was Ben's oldest and best friend until senior year of high school, when they confessed they'd harbored feelings for each other all along. They enjoyed only a few months of happiness until Ben chose closeted popularity over true love... and he's regretted it ever since. Eight years later, Ben is out and proud and teaching art at the same high school he graduated from. When he learns the chemistry teacher is retiring, he's excited to meet her replacement until he finds out the brand new teacher is none other than Rory Newton--the first love he's never quite gotten over. Despite a painfully awkward start, it doesn't take Ben long to realize he'll do whatever it takes to win Rory back. But it's starting to look like even his best might not be enough.

Nexo (Los Centinelas #5)

by Mary Calmes

Un libro de la saga Los CentinelasMarcus Roth es un abogado criminalista de éxito por el día y un Guardián cazador de demonios por la noche. Simplemente es uno de los cinco Guardianes de su ciudad y no es realmente importante para nadie salvo para Joseph Locke, su Hogar. O por lo menos, eso es lo que erróneamente él cree. Durante un viaje a Lexington, Kentucky, para celebrar el cumpleaños del abuelo de Joe, Marcus descubre por casualidad, una trama de corrupción de Guardianes, por lo que se ve obligado a revelarle su identidad a la familia de Joe. Debe enfrentarse a un traidor, a demonios y al regreso de una vieja enemiga, por lo que tiene que dejar de lado sus necesidades para salvar a sus amigos, aunque haciéndolo pueda perder para siempre al hombre que ama. Ni siquiera sobrevivir a la experiencia podría ser suficiente, si Marcus no puede perdonarse a sí mismo y aprender que su Hogar y su patrulla no podrían continuar sin él.

The Next Call

by Sue Brown

Mark Grayson volunteers for an LGBT helpline, the same one that helped him through his teenage years. One day he takes a call from "Ricky," a suicidal man being forced into a marriage he doesn't want. For weeks Mark talks to Ricky and provides support, but he's frustrated by the lack of information Ricky provides and the decisions he's making. In the meantime, Mark starts a relationship with another volunteer. Then tragedy strikes and Mark takes time away from the helpline, but when he comes back, Ricky is waiting. Mark realizes Ricky is stronger than before and their relationship changes, but Mark isn't sure what their future holds if their relationship is destined to be at the end of the phone.

The Next Christmas (Serendipity #3)

by Liam Livings

Sequel toSerendipity DevelopsIn a snowy small town in England, just before Christmas, garage mechanic David and office worker Christian are preparing to spend the festive period with Christian's parents. The same parents who told him last year he wasn't welcome to their family festive celebrations because he was gay. But this year is different. His parents welcome their son and his boyfriend, David, with open arms; different except when it comes to sleeping arrangements.Will David and Christian's love overcome prejudice and old-fashioned views? Can David actually enjoy playing Pictionary? And will David's best friend Tony stay sober enough to offer his own particular brand of no nonsense advice from his perfect Christmas with friends, when David is up to his neck in family problems?

Next to Me (Dreamspun Desires #104)

by Veronica Cochrane

You and Me: Book OneCan an awkward student and a closeted rock star make beautiful music together? Music composition student Chase Collins has always worn his heart on his sleeve. That’s why it was so quick to break in high school when Chase lost Carter West, his best friend and first love, to an ill-fated kiss. Imagine Chase’s surprise five years later when Carter, now a rising rock star, admits to the world that Chase inspired his band’s award-winning song—and that Carter was in love with him all along. Frontman Carter West has been closeted his whole life. Now that he’s out in the most public way possible, he can finally indulge in the romantic impulses he’s always had to keep stifled. Reconnecting with Chase gives him the opportunity to explore a whole new side of himself. But the next tour draws inevitably closer, and Chase is wary. Carter left Chase once before. Can two gifted musicians write themselves a love song that will last a lifetime?

The Next Twenty

by Margaret Mills

Stan Winston is a late-middle-aged man who has spent his life being part King Midas and part lounge lizard, happily increasing his wealth as he schmoozed women and lived his life large. He's been drifting for a while, though, until buddy Jeremy North, just three days out of military service, appears on Stan's doorstep with a couple of bombshells to drop: he's gay, and he's kissing Stan--right now. Between Stan's first, defensive reaction and the moment that kiss ends, Stan realizes something very important: Jeremy might be what he's been missing his entire life.

Next Year in Salem

by Eve Morton

Natalie Durham is sick of men. After her latest boyfriend cheats on her, she skips town to her aunt's place in Boston and vows to burn all the things her exes have given her. Maybe she'll even do a spell or two, since she'll be close enough to Salem to venture over.Melissa Clarke is a former model now ready to live authenticity as both a lesbian and a foodie. She leaves her boyfriend, travels to her Boston home, and is determined to make the best Thanksgiving meal ever.When Natalie suffers car trouble, and Melissa steps up to help, it should be a brief encounter. But these women soon find out they have a lot more in common than they first believed, and it may be enough -- with some magick -- to change the rest of their lives.

Nexus (The Warder Series #5)

by Mary Calmes

A Warder Series NovellaMarcus Roth is a top criminal lawyer by day and demon-slaying warder by night, but he is simply one of five warders--not really important to anyone but Joseph Locke, his hearth. Or so Marcus mistakenly believes. On a trip to Lexington, Kentucky, to celebrate Joe's grandfather's birthday, that belief changes as Marcus unwittingly uncovers a paranormal dilemma and ends up revealing his identity as a warder to Joe's family. Faced with a traitor, demons, and the return of an old enemy, Marcus must put his own needs aside to save his friends--though in so doing he may lose the man he loves forever. Even living through the ordeal might not be enough if Marcus can't forgive himself and learn that his hearth and the rest of his clutch can't do without him.

Nice and Vicious

by Mere Rain

Nice lived for Fritz, until Fritz dumped him just before the holidays. Nice is convinced Fritz doesn’t really love his new boyfriend. He’ll do anything to get Fritz back -- even pretend to date Fritz’s hated rival, Visho. When Fritz sees Nice with Visho, he’s sure to be jealous. Right? This plan sounded better in Nice’s head than it does when he’s explaining it to a very hot, very sarcastic stranger.Visho lives for his career. He doesn’t have time for romance. How did that incompetent Fritz end up with both the promotion and the boyfriend? At least Visho can get a little revenge by pretending to date Fritz’s adorable ex -- even if sweet, easy-going Nice is the opposite of Visho’s type. Visho likes edgier guys, guys who push back when he gives them a hard time. Not men who are so ... Nice.Nice and Visho both know what they want, and it’s not each other. Absolutely not. Definitely no. Probably ...

Nice Is Not Enough: Inequality and the Limits of Kindness at American High

by C. J. Pascoe

This provocative story of contemporary high school argues that a shallow culture of kindness can do more lasting harm than good. Based on two years of research, Nice Is Not Enough shares striking dispatches from one high school's "regime of kindness" to underline how the culture operates as a Band-Aid on persistent inequalities. Through incisive storytelling and thoughtful engagement with students, this brilliant study by C.J. Pascoe exposes uncomfortable truths about American politics and our reliance on individual solutions instead of profound systemic change. Nice Is Not Enough brings readers into American High, a middle- and working-class high school characterized by acceptance, connection, and kindness—a place where, a prominent sign states, "there is no room for hate." Here, inequality is narrowly understood as a problem of individual merit, meanness, effort, or emotion rather than a structural issue requiring deeper intervention. Surface-level sensitivity allows American High to avoid "political" topics related to social inequality based on race, sex, gender, or class. Being nice to each other, Pascoe reveals, does not serve these students or solve the broader issues we face; however, a true politics of care just might.

A Nice Normal Family

by John Terry Moore

Jackson "Jacko" Smith is dyslexic, but like many people affected by the learning disability, he is highly intelligent. His best friend Sammy Collins helps him get through school and unlocks his potential. Jacko progresses through the ranks of local government until Mother Nature intervenes and the straight boy and the gay boy become a couple. As Jacko and Sammy start a family and challenge social mores, Jacko enters politics, horrified at the direction the Australian government is taking. With Sammy by his side, he can achieve anything and rises through the ranks to the highest office in the land, driving Australia away from its British colonial roots and engaging with its neighbors in Asia like never before. Economic growth results, and while most Australians are supportive, a small group of extremists might endanger everything Jacko has built--including his life. Through the love and the strength of their partnership, Jacko and Sammy rise above their ordinary lives. Because love is never ordinary.

Nice Try, Jane Sinner

by Lianne Oelke

It’s Kind of a Funny Story meets Daria in the darkly hilarious tale of a teen’s attempt to remake her public image and restore inner peace through reality TV. The only thing 17-year-old Jane Sinner hates more than failure is pity. After a personal crisis and her subsequent expulsion from high school, she’s going nowhere fast. Jane’s well-meaning parents push her to attend a high school completion program at the nearby Elbow River Community College, and she agrees, on one condition: she gets to move out. Jane tackles her housing problem by signing up for House of Orange, a student-run reality show that is basically Big Brother, but for Elbow River Students. <P><P> Living away from home, the chance to win a car (used, but whatever), and a campus full of people who don't know what she did in high school… what more could she want? Okay, maybe a family that understands why she’d rather turn to Freud than Jesus to make sense of her life, but she'll settle for fifteen minutes in the proverbial spotlight. As House of Orange grows from a low-budget web series to a local TV show with fans and shoddy T-shirts, Jane finally has the chance to let her cynical, competitive nature thrive. She'll use her growing fan base, and whatever Intro to Psychology can teach her, to prove to the world—or at least viewers of substandard TV—that she has what it takes to win.

The Nicest Gangster

by Rafe Jadison

Joshua Hansen doesn’t believe in anything, except maybe the romance novels he reads about gorgeous men falling deeply in love. So when his small town’s interfaith council approaches him to ask if they can hold a weeks-long bake sale outside his convenience store for a fundraiser, Joshua isn’t sure what to say. Feeling his apprehension, the council offers him a bribe: they’ll bring him free baked goods, and pray in a wide variety of ways to get him a guy like the one on the covers of his books.Although Joshua isn’t one to believe in miracles, and has no interest in carbs, he does want to help those in need in his town, so he accepts their offer. Still, he’s not holding his breath for them finding his Mr. Right in this small Virginia town. After all, he’s spent years looking for the right guy. What are the chances the council can find him a man in less than a month?On a snowy Christmas Eve, when he has just about given up all hope, Joshua might need to eat his words, and some rather amazing pasta. When Giorgio Vincenni storms into the store, Joshua wonders if maybe the council’s prayers have been heard. Abrasive, well-dressed, and full of attitude, Giorgio looks just like one of those gorgeous mafia men on the cover of the books he loves. Joshua soon finds himself in a confrontation with Giorgio that holds so much sexual tension, they find it leads to something else. Now looking closely at Giorgio, Joshua must ask himself, is this really the type of guy he wants?

Nichts Ernstes

by Jay Northcote Nora Lys

Mark O’Brien ist endlich ehrlich zu sich selbst. Seine Beziehung mit Rachel ist vorbei und er zieht aus dem Haus aus, in dem sie sechs Jahre lang gemeinsam gelebt haben. Sie verstehen sich gut, aber er kann keine Beziehung retten, wenn der Mensch, mit dem er zusammen ist, das falsche Geschlecht hat. Jamie Robertson, einer der Umzugshelfer, ist groß, umglaublich attraktiv und Mark vom ersten Blick an hin und weg. Als ein Pappkarton reißt und so einen Inhalt sehr persönlicher Natur, von dem Mark nie wollte, dass ihn irgendjemand zu Gesicht bekommt, preisgibt, ist er peinlich berührt. Es ist jedoch der Auslöser einer wunderbaren Freundschaft mit gewissen Vorzügen. Jamie führt Mark in die Freuden des Schwulensex ein. Die beiden Männer kommen sich immer näher und aus „nichts Ernstem“ wird etwas ziemlich Ernstes für sie beide. Kommunikation ist jedoch nicht gerade ihre Stärke. Wird einer der beiden jemals den Mut finden, zu seinen Gefühlen zu stehen?

Nick and Charlie

by Alice Oseman

From the mega-bestselling creator of Heartstopper, a must-have novella in which Heartstopper's lead characters, Nick and Charlie, face one of their biggest challenges yet. <p><p>Absence makes the heart grow fonder... right? Everyone knows that Nick and Charlie love their nearly inseparable life together. But soon Nick will be leaving for university, and Charlie, a year younger, will be left behind. Everyone's asking if they're staying together, which is a stupid question... or at least that's what Nick and Charlie assume at first. <p><p>As the time to say goodbye gets inevitably closer, both Nick and Charlie start to question whether their love is strong enough to survive being apart. Charlie is sure he's holding Nick back… and Nick can't tell what Charlie's thinking. Things spiral from there. Everyone knows that first loves rarely last forever. What will it take for Nick and Charlie to defy the odds? <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>

Nick’S Hair: Huit Petites Histoires Gay/bi - Vol. 1

by Samuel Sebastià Holden I Bramah Rg

Contenu sexuellement explicite, attention. Souvent gay, quelques scènes bisexuelles. Très pornographique, beaucoup de rythme et une série amusante de petites histoires avec Nick, prof d'anglais et barman, ses amis et ses escapades malheureuses. Est-ce qu'il pourra jouir un jour ? Bien...Je vous laisse deviner


by Dianne Hartsock

Betrayed by a lover, Jamie rents an isolated cabin on Lake Huron, wanting only to be left alone. Instead, he is pulled from his solitary existence as an artist and tumbles headlong into the legend of Saint Nicolas. As a young man, Nicolas accidentally killed a man intent on murdering three children, only to have the man&apos;s malicious spirit rise up against him. Fleeing through the centuries from the Krampus, the evil troll-like creature that dogs his steps, Nico finds refuge with the young artist who takes him into his home and bed. But Jamie has questions. Who is Nicolas, and why does the Krampus want to destroy him? When the Krampus begins to torment and torture anyone Nico comes in contact with to punish him, Jamie's life is put in danger. And Jamie isn't sure whether he can help Nico defeat his nemesis or if he's merely a pawn in the Krampus's game.


by Dianne Hartsock

Betrayed by a lover, Jamie rents an isolated cabin on Lake Huron, wanting only to be left alone. Instead, he is pulled from his solitary existence as an artist and tumbles headlong into the legend of Saint Nicolas.As a young man, Nicolas accidentally killed a man intent on murdering three children, only to have the man's malicious spirit rise up against him. Fleeing through the centuries from the Krampus, the evil troll-like creature that dogs his steps, Nico finds refuge with the young artist who takes him into his home and bed. But Jamie has questions. Who is Nicolas, and why does the Krampus want to destroy him?When the Krampus begins to torment and torture anyone Nico comes in contact with to punish him, Jamie's life is put in danger. And Jamie isn't sure whether he can help Nico defeat his nemesis or if he's merely a pawn in the Krampus's game.

Nicolas Pages (Semiotext(e) / Native Agents)

by Guillaume Dustan

An ode to mad love, awarded the Prix de Flore in 1999.Published in 1999 and awarded that year&’s Prix de Flore, Nicolas Pages marks a departure from the Sadean preoccupations of Guillaume Dustan&’s first three novels; it is, in essence, a love story. Inspired by a failed romance with the Swiss artist-writer Nicolas Pages and collaging texts that Dustan initially produced for a wide variety of other occasions (magazine articles, short stories, project notes, shopping lists, and more), the &“auto-/bio-/porno-graphic&” prose of Nicolas Pages is by turns trashy and encyclopedic, corporeal and philosophical. Here Dustan inaugurates a &“gay literature&” that is no longer painful or shameful, but epicurean and cheerful without ever lapsing into idealism. A vibrant plea for gay rights and a tapestried text that is more than the sum of its many styles, Nicolas Pages is a call to explore the body, sexuality, and writing in all their variety; it is a hymn to life, humanity, pleasure, and desire.

Nico's Fire (Elements of Love)

by Sui Lynn

2nd EditionSequel to Adel's PurrElements of Love: Book Two Under constant attack, Jesuit Inquisitor Jude Jamison suspects his cover is blown. Without the gargoyles his friend Evan sent as his guardians and his ability to start fires, he'd already be dead. As he lies injured among a heap of rubble, the world as he knows it ends, and he fears the monster he's become. Nicolai Daemarkus, a fire daemon hiding among the humans, sees a gargoyle circling a smoldering building. Upon investigating, he is totally unprepared to discover his human mate. Unfortunately, a human cannot survive in his world. Yet he's unable to abandon the beautiful man. As they search for the people threatening Jude, they learn evil doesn't always come in fearful shapes.1st Edition published by Silver Publishing, May 2012

Nie passiert etwas

by Sue Brown Louise Spiegl

Andrews Leben ist ein Klischee: Er ist ein schwuler Mann, der wegen seiner religiösen, herrschsüchtigen Mutter in einer lieblosen Ehe gefangen ist. Dann zieht ein neues Paar in ihre Straße und Andrew erwischt sich dabei, wie er sich Hals über Kopf in Nathan verliebt. Nathan ist hetero, verheiratet und kurz davor, Vater zu werden, aber nach einer schicksalhaften Nacht in einem Club muss Nathan sich der Tatsache stellen, dass seine Gefühle für Andrew weit über die für einen Freund und Nachbarn hinausgehen. Als Andrews Frau die Scheidung verlangt, wird das Leben beider Männer über den Haufen geworfen. Auseinandersetzungen über ihre Verantwortung ihren Frauen und Kindern gegenüber, Selbstzweifel und Zweifel aneinander und einige erschütternde Lügen reißen sie auseinander … Aber niemals verschwinden sie aus den Gedanken des anderen.

Niente di serio

by Veronica Zana Jay Northcote

2nd edizioneMark O’Brien è finalmente riuscito a essere onesto con se stesso. La sua storia con Rachel è finita e lui sta lasciando la casa che hanno condiviso per sei anni. Sono sempre andati d’accordo, ma la loro relazione non può continuare, perché la persona con cui sta è del sesso sbagliato. Jamie Robertson, uno degli addetti ai traslochi, è un vero schianto e Mark ne è attratto a prima vista. Quando una scatola di cartone si rompe, rovesciando oggetti di natura personale che non avrebbe mai voluto mostrare a nessuno, Mark ne è mortificato, ma l’incidente dà inizio a una bella amicizia con benefici. Mentre Jamie inizia Mark alle gioie del sesso gay, i due uomini si affezionano sempre di più l’uno all’altro, e ciò che era nato come “niente di serio” diventa qualcosa di importante per entrambi. Ma la comunicazione non è il loro forte. Uno dei due troverà mai il coraggio di essere onesto riguardo ai propri sentimenti? Prima edizione pubblicata da Libro Aperto International, agosto 2015.

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