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Obedience (A Dave Brandstetter Mystery #10)

by Joseph Hansen

The death of a Vietnamese immigrant brings former death claims investigator Dave Brandstetter out of retirement. As an insurance investigator, Dave Brandstetter built a reputation unraveling suspicious deaths. Now, well into middle age, he has decided to retire for the sake of Cecil, the young TV reporter who loves and cherishes him, and has too often risked his own life for Dave&’s work. But retirement does not come easily. Dave never did it for the money. He always had that. Nor did he tirelessly work cases in hopes of chasing renown. It was always the pursuit of the truth that drove Dave. He enjoyed the truth&’s habit of coming into direct conflict with bigotry, allowing him to surprise the small-minded along the way. It doesn&’t take much arm twisting, then, to get Dave back in the saddle when an old friend in the public defender&’s office asks him to help Andy Flanagan, a shiftless young man accused of murdering a Vietnamese businessman to defend the Old Fleet — a shantytown of houseboats that has been earmarked for development. Beneath the surface of this oil-slicked slum lurks an international conspiracy so appalling that Dave will regret postponing his retirement.

Obie Is Man Enough

by Schuyler Bailar

A coming-of-age story about transgender tween Obie, who didn’t think being himself would cause such a splash. For fans of Alex Gino’s George and Lisa Bunker’s Felix Yz. <p><p> Obie knew his transition would have ripple effects. He has to leave his swim coach, his pool, and his best friends. But it’s time for Obie to find where he truly belongs. <p><p> As Obie dives into a new team, though, things are strange. Obie always felt at home in the water, but now he can’t get his old coach out of his head. Even worse are the bullies that wait in the locker room and on the pool deck. Luckily, Obie has family behind him. And maybe some new friends too, including Charlie, his first crush. Obie is ready to prove he can be one of the fastest boys in the water—to his coach, his critics, and his biggest competition: himself.

Object Lessons

by Robyn Wiegman

No concept has been more central to the emergence and evolution of identity studies than social justice. In historical and theoretical accounts, it crystallizes the progressive politics that have shaped the academic study of race, gender, and sexuality. Yet few scholars have deliberated directly on the political agency that notions of justice confer on critical practice. In Object Lessons, Robyn Wiegman contemplates this lack of attention, offering the first sustained inquiry into the political desire that galvanizes identity fields. In each chapter, she examines a key debate by considering the political aspirations that shape it. Addressing Women's Studies, she traces the ways that "gender" promises to overcome the exclusions of "women." Turning to Ethnic Studies, she examines the deconstruction of "whiteness" as an antiracist methodology. As she explores American Studies, she links internationalization to the broader quest for noncomplicity in contemporary criticism. Her analysis of Queer Studies demonstrates how the commitment to antinormativity normalizes the field. In the penultimate chapter, Wiegman addresses intersectionality as the most coveted theoretical approach to political resolution in all of these fields.

Object of Desire

by William J. Mann

"It's always been golden for you, Danny. You've always been the golden boy." Danny Fortunato seemed to have it all. He was cute, funny, sexy, smart--the hottest go-go boy in West Hollywood. When he danced on stage, all eyes were upon him and all men desired him. But something always kept Danny from ever really believing he was the golden boy that others said he was. . .Twenty years later, living in Palm Springs, Danny is celebrating his 41st birthday--although "celebrating" might not be the right word for how he feels about his life today. To the outside world, he's still golden: he still has his looks, and he still loves Frank, his boyfriend of nearly two decades. But something is missing in his life. Passion. Romance. Adventure. The same something that's been missing ever since that day when he turned fourteen, when his sister Becky disappeared and his whole world flipped upside-down. . .Filled with unforgettable warmth, incorrigible humor, and irresistible charm, Object of Desire takes readers through three milestone eras in one man's life--his youth in the 1970s, his days of abandon in the 1980s, and his more sober, reflective existence today--and reaffirms William J. Mann's reputation as one of gay fiction's major narrative powers. "Mann's vivid style is a treat."--Publishers Weekly"Mann's writing is smart, aware and cognizant enough to take a well-practiced theme and give it a shot in the arm." --Instinct

Objects in the Rearview Mirror

by F. E. Feeley Jr

Memoirs of the Human WraithsTheir new home on Frederick Street in Clay Center, Kansas, was supposed to give writer Jonathan David and his husband, clinical psychologist Dr. Eddie Dorman, an opportunity to enjoy married life. Jonathan has just released his first major bestseller, and he hopes to finally escape his traumatic past and find the quiet existence he has always craved. Eddie has taken a job at the Kansas State University psychology department, and they intend to begin anew. They have barely settled in when the nightmare begins. Noises, disembodied voices, and mysterious apparitions make Jonathan's life hell. Part of the house has decided to bare its teeth, show its jagged edges, and bring back the worst of Jonathan's past. At first, Eddie cannot perceive the spectral events and fears for his husband's sanity. When he's also affected by the haunting, he's unsure of what to do but refuses to be beaten. Together, they seek a way to fight the forces trying to tear them apart. The world is a frightening place, but confronting their fears plunges Jonathan and Eddie into absolute horror.

An Oblique Approach

by David Drake Eric Flint

In northern India the Malwa have created an empire of unexampled evil. Guided or possessed by an intelligence from beyond time, with new weapons, old treachery, and an implacable will to power, the Malwa will sweep over the whole Earth. Only three things stand between the Malwa and their plan of eternal domination: <P>Byzantium. The Empire of Rome in the East. Compared to what the Malwa are creating, think of it as Camelot. <P>A crystal with a vision. It brings a warning for all mankind regarding the Malwa, and a simple instruction: fight. If you lose, commit suicide. <P>And a man -- Belisarius. He is arguably the greatest commander Earth has ever known. Fortunately he above all men understands that war is not just a matter of weapons, but of the men who use them -- and most especially of the man who commands those men. Threatened by imperial suspicion and Malwa conspiracies, impeded by border wars, target of spies and hired assassins, Belisarius must journey into the very heart of the Malwa empire as the first step in preventing the crystal's nightmare vision from becoming the real future of us all. And while he and the heroic band he leads are used to betting their lives, now what is at stake is Eternity.

Obras Maestras De Malicia: Una asesina en serie lesbiana cobra su venganza, una auténtica lucha contra el crimen. (Malice #1)

by K'Anne Meinel

MALICIA MISTERIOSA Al conocer a una misteriosa mujer en un bar, la vida de Deirdre está a punto de cambiar. Los abusos de su marido cesan repentinamente cuando esta mujer entra en sus vidas. ¿Qué quiere esta mujer a cambio de su ayuda? Al descubrir los abusos que Deirdre ha estado sufriendo a manos de su apuesto y poderoso marido, ¿qué puede hacer una mujer menuda como Alice para ayudarla a salir de una mala situación? ¿Qué querrá ella a cambio de esa ayuda? MALICIA MISTERIOSA Alice tiene una rutina que sólo sigue ella. Trata de no tenerla fuera de su casa, sin dejar nada al hábito que alguien pueda seguir... ¿la está siguiendo alguien? El asesinato requiere técnica, requiere una planificación meticulosa, y un cuidado genuino si lo vas a hacer bien, ¿no? Los actos de violencia al azar no son el estilo de Alice, sin embargo, cuando la obligan, bueno, sigamos el juego... Malicia meticulosa profundiza en quién es realmente Alice... juguemos con sus reglas... MALICIA EQUIVOCADA Cometer un error es algo que Alice no hace. ¿Puede lidiar con el hecho de que alguien podría no haber necesitado morir? ¿Puede lidiar con el hecho de que otra persona cometa un error fatal? A la arena de Alice llegan los senadores Cecilia y Ken Edwards, ¿el interés que ella ve es por su dinero, su poder o su cuerpo deseable? Perseguir esta "amistad" creará consecuencias que ninguno de ellos pretendía... MALICIA MALICIOSA Alice está enfadada y quiere vengarse por la muerte de su hermana... ¡su amante lesbiana es su objetivo! ¿Cómo de enfadada debe estar una asesina psicópata? El homicidio justificado es un juego peligroso, pero Alice es una maestra. Alice está enfadada con su amante lesbiana y se venga de una forma única que promete exigir lo que necesita. MALICIA MAESTRA Cuando Alice recibe una petición de ayuda de una amiga de su hermana, ¿puede hacer algo para

Obras Maestras de Malicia 2: Libros del 6 al 10 (Malicia #2)

by K'Anne Meinel

Malicia Matrimonial (Libro 6): Alice se va a casar, ¿finalmente se ha enamorado... y primero viene el amor, luego viene el matrimonio, luego viene el bebé o los bebés en el cochecito? ¿Es esto posible para el corazoncito frío de Alice? Malicia de luto (Libro 7): Lidiando con la muerte de su esposa, Alice descubre que criar a una hija adolescente y otros dos niños es un desafío. No había planeado nunca ser madre, pero por amor a su esposa, ahora fallecida, hará lo que tenga que hacer. Una amenaza para su hija adolescente conduce a otras revelaciones que sacan a relucir a la "vieja" Alice que todos conocemos y amamos... sus instintos depredadores se despiertan... ¿qué hará a continuación? Malicia asesina (Libro 8): Alice descubre la verdad sobre el año pasado y las manipulaciones que otros han realizado sobre ella y su familia. Su ira arde y vuelve a ser lo que nació para ser... una asesina. Nuestra antihéroe regresa mientras se venga por el bien de su familia... Malicia Mental (Libro 9): Kathy tiene que lidiar con el daño mental y físico que se le ha infligido. Entre agentes federales, médicos y su propia familia, el estrés casi la está matando. ¿Puede Alice ser lo suficientemente paciente para esperar a su esposa después de que se haya ido por tanto tiempo, tanto mental como físicamente? ¿Puede Alice esperar para vengarse de lo que le han hecho a su esposa? Malicia Amenazante (Libro 10): Kathy ha descubierto el secreto de Alice. ¿Podrá lidiar con la enormidad de darse cuenta del monstruo que es su esposa? ¿Destruirá su matrimonio? ¿Destruirá a Kathy? ¿Cómo puede Kathy sobrevivir sabiendo lo que Alice es capaz de hacer? ¿Puede Alice compartirse completa y honestamente con su esposa? ¿Puede dejarla mantener este conocimiento?

Obras Maestras de Malicia 3: Libros del once al quince (Malice #3)

by K'Anne Meinel

LIBRO 11 MALICIA MENOR ¿Qué hace que Alice, bueno... Alice? Desde muy pequeña, siempre fue "diferente". La gente lo notaba: desde sus inusuales ojos que cambiaban cuando sentía emociones intensas, hasta su cerebro y sus peculiares hábitos. ¿Un "asesino en serie" realmente "nace" o se "hace"? Aquí descubrimos más sobre la joven Alice y por qué sus primeras experiencias vitales la convirtieron en la mujer que nos ha intrigado a todos. LIBRO 12 MORALIDAD Alice está cansada de los asesinatos; quiere una vida agradable y normal. Sin embargo, las circunstancias no se lo permiten, y aunque ha intentado hacer lo "correcto", lo "moral", la vida no le permite hacer nada más que lo necesario para proteger a su familia de quienes les harían daño. LIBRO 13 MOROSIDAD El posible fin del matrimonio de Alice le obliga a abandonar el hogar que ha construido con Kathy. Se traslada a Nueva York para empezar de nuevo. El encuentro con su compañera de piso de la universidad y antigua amante desencadena una cadena de acontecimientos que ni siquiera Alice podía prever o controlar. Cuando Alice renueva viejas amistades y conoce a nuevas personas, aprendemos un poco más sobre ella y su estimulante pasado. Sin embargo, la presencia de nuevas personas en su vida significa que se avecinan nuevos cambios para nuestra querida Alice, cambios que quizá no le gusten. LIBRO 14 MALDAD MELANCÓLICA Al quedarse sola para hacer frente a la enormidad de la finca que le fue legada, Kathy debe seguir sola. ¿Podrá ocuparse de los niños, de las finanzas, de los negocios legítimos y no tan legítimos? Las muchas sorpresas que le esperan, algunas bienvenidas y otras no tanto, empiezan a cambiar a Kathy. Conocer a las "otras" mujeres de la vida de Alice, así como a muchas personas que no sabía que estaban en su pasado, puede resultar demasiado para Kathy.

Obras Maestras de Malicia 4: Una asesina en serie lesbiana que intenta volver a casa con su familia se "distrae" en el camino. (Malicia #4)

by K'Anne Meinel

Libro 16 MACABRA MALICIA Inculpada por un crimen que no ha cometido por un grupo de policías corruptos que quieren "atraparla", Kathy lucha por conservar su libertad. Recibe una ayuda inesperada de un policía de Asuntos Internos que está decidido a encerrar a todos los policías corruptos. La agente especial Linda Miller está convencida de que Kathy es el objetivo de este grupo sin escrúpulos, y ayuda a Kathy y a Portia a demostrar su inocencia y, de paso, se siente atraída por Kathy. ¿Podrán los sentimientos de gratitud y admiración convertirse en amor por la viuda Kathy? Ella nunca podrá revelar todo su pasado a este policía por el que se siente atraída. ¿Podrá Linda aceptar que hay partes de la vida de Kathy que nunca podrá conocer o sus habilidades de investigación se interpondrán en su felicidad? Libro 17 MALICIA MARINERA Es hora de que Kathy siga adelante, pero sus pensamientos quieren mantenerla en el pasado. Su mujer lleva muerta más de dieciocho meses. Tiene una novia que quiere convertirse en su amante. ¿Podrá finalmente dejar atrás el pasado y seguir adelante? El problema es la confianza. Las pistas sobre el pasado de Kathy y Alice parecen intrigar demasiado a su nueva novia, la agente especial Linda Miller. ¿Tal vez sea el policía que hay en ella? ¿Está Kathy preparada para pasar por alto esto y dar el siguiente paso? Las cosas parecen conspirar para volver loca a Kathy. ¿Está imaginando las pistas que apuntan a que su mujer está viva? Sus amigos le aseguran que no está viendo lo que cree. ¿Podría estar todo en su mente? ¿Es posible que su mujer siga viva o sólo se aferra a la esperanza? Libro 18 MACERACIÓN DE LA MALICIA ¡Alice está VIVA! ¿Dónde ha estado? ¿Cuál es la explicación de los meses desaparecidos? Mientras Kathy escucha, se horroriza al darse cuenta de lo que le ha sucedido a la mujer que una vez l

Obras Maestras de Malicia 5: Asesina serial lesbiana debe organizar su vida luego de estar desaparecida y dada por muerta. (Malicia #5)

by K'Anne Meinel

Libro 21 MALICIA ERRANTE Tiene frío, está cansada y sólo quiere volver a casa con su familia. Aquellos que impiden que Alice alcance sus objetivos están a punto de aprender que hay un precio muy alto que pagar cuando te interpones en su camino. Con dos civiles a los que proteger de sus enemigos, ¿les repelerá el horror que está a punto de desatar o la ayudarán a superar los obstáculos que la alejan de sus objetivos? Alice está a punto de desatar a la bestia que lleva dentro. Acompáñala y observa cómo toma decisiones que pueden afectar al resto de su vida... ¡y que sin duda afectarán a las vidas de los demás! Libro 22 MALICIA MANIACA Alice está ultimando unos pequeños detalles que le han impedido volver con su familia: matar a algunas de las personas que la mantuvieron alejada, hacer explotar algunas cosas, vengarse de los desalmados... ¿Podrá Alice volver a casa POR FIN? Libro 23 CONTROL DE LA MALICIA Alice está en casa y debe explicarle a Kathy por qué vio a su familia seguir con sus vidas y no se presentó. Mientras observa cómo unos matones con autoridad tienden una trampa a su mujer y se ve obligada a presenciar la primera incursión de Kathy en el mundo de las citas desde que enviudó, Alice lucha por controlar su temperamento asesino. Debe aprender a ser paciente... muy paciente. Acompáñanos mientras vemos las cosas desde el punto de vista de Alice. Libro 24 MALICIA MARCADA ¿Sabrías cómo devolver la vida a alguien? Bueno, Alice no es sólo una asesina... una vez resucitó a su mujer. Y ahora, su mujer tiene la oportunidad de devolvérsela. Pero, ¿podrá Alice mantener la realidad y la ficción al mismo tiempo que intenta evitar compartir los horripilantes detalles de sus recientes aventuras con sus hijos adolescentes? ¿Qué pasará cuando uno de los niños se entere de lo que Alice ha vivido? ¿Y qué ocurre cuando Alice y Kathy se da

Obras Maestras de Malicia 6: Libros 26-30 (Malicia #6)

by K'Anne Meinel

Malicia Metódica (Libro 26) Seguir adelante después de que termina un largo matrimonio es matador y encontrar y decorar un nuevo hogar no es algo que Alice disfrute. Ella se siente molesta por los inconvenientes causados por aquellos que la vigilan a ella y a su nueva vida. Ella está recomponiendo metódicamente su vida, pero cuando finalmente comienza a poner sus cosas en orden, la vida le lanza una bola difícil que nadie podría haber visto venir. Malicia Malévola (Libro 27) El accidente de Alice pone una inmensa tensión en la dinámica familiar que nadie podría haber anticipado. Su impacto de largo alcance alterará a su familia en más de una forma. Malicia Militar (Libro 28) Los asuntos pendientes de Alice le han causado a ella y a su familia muchas molestias imprevistas, y Alice busca hacer las paces. Pero parece que la vida no ha terminado con ella todavía. ¡Justo cuando Alice piensa que van a ser felices de nuevo, la vida le lanza una curva más, y esta es extraordinaria! Malicia Maquiavélica (Libro 29) Cuando tu vida es un desastre, y estás rodeado de enemigos, ¿cómo combates las probabilidades abrumadoras en tu contra? Alice y Kathy deben enfrentar más que problemas de salud; las precupaciones de la vida y una letanía de agravios se acumulan en contra de ellas. Malicia Maléfica (Libro 30) Lecciones sobre cómo hacer enojar a una asesina serial lesbiana: 1) Golpéala en la cabeza con la culata de un arma. 2) Trátala con desdén y subestima sus habilidades. 3) ¡Involucra a su familia! Alice se despierta para descubrir que ha sido hecha prisionera. Los flashbacks son instantáneos, y cuando se da cuenta de que Kathy y Emily también están ahí, ella se ve obligada a devolverlas a la seguridad. Alice no quiere que su familia se involucre en esta parte de su vida. Ella no se siente cómoda con que ellos sepan, mucho menos que partici

Obscura Burning

by Suzanne Van Rooyen

2nd EditionThe fate of Kyle Wolfe's friends--and the world--rests in his hands. Kyle Wolfe's world is about to crash and burn. Just weeks before graduation, a fire kills Kyle&apos;s two best friends and leaves him permanently scarred. A fire that Kyle accidentally set the night he cheated on his boyfriend Danny with their female friend, Shira. That same day, a strange new planet, Obscura, appears in the sky. And suddenly Kyle's friends aren't all that dead anymore. Each time Kyle goes to sleep, he awakens to two different realities. In one, his boyfriend Danny is still alive, but Shira is dead. In the other, it's Shira who's alive... and they're friends with benefits. Shifting between realities is slowly killing him, and he&apos;s not the only one dying. The world is dying with him. He&apos;s pretty sure Obscura has something to do with it, but with his parents' marriage imploding and realities shifting each time he closes his eyes, Kyle has problems enough without being in charge of saving the world.First Edition published by Etopia Press, 2012.

Obscurati (Vamp Camp Chronicles #2)

by Wynn Wagner

Sequel to Vamp CampVamp Camp Chronicles: Book TwoA hundred years after his turning, Mårten Larsson and his lover Oberon have taken the compassion and caring they found in Vamp Camp and created an empire that brings balance to vampire society around the world. Once two giddy young vamps, now they&apos;re the most formidable vampire hit squad in history: The Obscurati. As the "Unseen Death," the duo enforces vampire law. When a vampire breaks the rules anywhere in the world, or when the local vampire leaders can't control a situation, that&apos;s when The Obscurati show up. Mårten and Oberon turbo-charge the action with the latest in anti-vamp firepower and more, all the while pushing their steamy relationship to the next level.


by K. Matthew

Richard se vê cheio de novos desejos quando o vírus do lobo começa a consumir seu corpo com luxúria. Quando é a vez do lobo beta estar com Richard, ele mal pode esperar. Mas, à medida que o dia se desenrola, Richard começa a perceber que suas próprias necessidades não parecem estar na agenda. Livro 4 da série lobo branco.

Obsession: Male Same-Sex Relations in China, 1900-1950

by Wenqing Kang

This is the most serious study to date on the topic of male same-sex relations in China during the early twentieth century, illuminating male same-sex relations in many sites: language, translated sexological writings, literary works, tabloid newspapers,and opera. Documenting how nationalism and colonial modernity reconfigured Chinese discourses on sex between men in the early twentieth century, Wenqing Kang has amassed a wealth of material previously overlooked by scholars, such as the entertainment news and opinion pieces related to same-sex relations published in the tabloid press.

Obsession: The Perfect Slave - Book Three

by Alcamia Payne

On Astor Kopalski’s birthday, Tristan is kidnapped in New York by Arab businessman Jummal and is now a prisoner deep in the South American jungle at the villa of vice king, Antonio. A complex game is about to be played out as the last three remaining masters of the historical bondage cabal, the jeu, each begin their own personal battles. For Jummal, it is facing up to the loss of his daughter and his love for Tristan, the man he knows he will never truly possess. For Antonio, it is his game plan of at last wreaking revenge on Grand Master Astor. For Astor, it is eventually realising he has to face the demon of love that has haunted him since the death of his lover, the perfect slave Vedic, and make the biggest decision of his life. Is Tristan’s life more important than chasing a legend of lust and love founded centuries ago?The third in the series, this book is the final and concluding part of The Perfect Slave and contains characters portrayed in both Devotion and Possession.

Obsidian Moons (Obsidian Series #2)

by Jon Keys

Sequel to Obsidian SunObsidian Series: Book TwoAfter achieving the impossible and releasing their people from the Varas slavers, Anan and Terja, a spellweaver and spellspinner, start the arduous journey back to their homeland. A winter trek across the grasslands is dangerous enough, but the traitor, Xain, is tasked with recapturing the slaves, and failure will mean his death. As added insurance, the Varas High Regent hires a Triad of legendary Ubica assassins and assigns a full regiment of his personal guards, along with their captain, to the task. Their mission is clear: recapture the escaped Talac slaves destined for the Varas pleasure houses--and the bed of the High Regent--at any cost. The newly freed Talac travel toward their homelands with the full knowledge they are likely being pursued. The flight westward is fraught with new and unexpected dangers as Anan and Terja struggle to save their tribe. The battle for shelter, food, and a way to defend themselves becomes an all-consuming task, but they are reminded by the avatars of their gods that all is not as it appears.

Obsidian Sun (Obsidian Series #1)

by Jon Keys

Differences must be put aside when vengeance becomes all-consuming. Anan, a spellweaver of the Talac people, returns from a hunting trip to find his village decimated, his mate dead, and everyone else captured by Varas slavers. The sole survivor is Terja, a young man without the velvet that covers most Talac, marking him as a spellspinner. Since Talac magic requires both a weaver and a spinner, Anan and Terja must move beyond their ingrained mistrust. All that remains is revenge and a desperate plan to rescue their tribesmen before they are sold to Varas pleasure houses. A goal Anan and Terja are willing to die for. With the blessing of the Talac gods, they discover new and surprising ways to complement each other's power. But as they race through terrain full of enemies and dangerous creatures to reach their people before they pass into Varas lands, they must take drastic steps to face the overwhelming odds against them. Understanding their connection might be their only hope.2015 Rainbow Awards Best Gay Fantasy Runner-Up

The Obsolete Man

by Pepper Espinoza

James Duran no longer fits in the world. At forty-five years old, his wife has left him, and his job as a pre-press technician was not just downsized, it was completely eliminated.With no reason to stay in the world, James makes plans to jump in front of the train that took him to work every day for twenty-five years. But before he does, he’s finally going to introduce himself to the stranger who takes the same train. The stranger who has gorgeous eyes and a wonderful smile.A stranger who can make the world fit James Duran again.

The Obstruction of Emma Goldsworthy (Get Out #3)

by Sean Kennedy

Get Out: Book ThreeIt’s hard to live in Micah Johnson’s shadow, but Emma Goldsworthy is determined to make it out from under there. Emma’s studying hockey and trying to find her way at the Australian Institute of Sport, but it’s hard to keep her spirits up when her ex—who dumped Emma so she could remain in the closet—returns from an exchange program with a new American girlfriend in tow. Emma doesn’t want her ex back, but she can’t seem to convince everyone else that they’re over. Plus, there’s another girl Emma can’t stop thinking about, even though she only saw her once… while in costume. There was chemistry, but Emma doesn’t know her name, or even what she looks like.

Ocean of Secrets

by Jerry Sacher

Andrew Elliot, the son of a Scottish nobleman, is being sent to America, accompanied by his fiancée and her brother. But Andrew's engagement is not a love match. His family insists that he marries to "cure" him of his feelings for the son of the caretaker on his father's estate. Matthew Ahearn leaves Ireland to pursue his dream of becoming a Texas cowboy. In London, a brush with the law almost derails his plans, but Matthew perseveres and lands a job as a third-class steward on a ship bound for America. Andrew's and Matthew's worlds collide as they--and their secrets--are brought together in the magic of an ocean voyage, one that will never be forgotten. The year is 1912, and they are about to board RMS Titanic....

Ocean's Echo

by Everina Maxwell

Ocean's Echo is a stand-alone, romantic space adventure, set in the same universe as Everina Maxwell's hit debut, Winter's Orbit.When Tennal - a rich socialite, inveterate flirt, and walking disaster - is caught using his telepathic powers for illegal activities, the military decides to bind his mind to someone whose coercive powers are strong enough to control him.Enter Lieutenant Surit, the child of a disgraced general. Out of a desperate need to restore a pension to his other parent, Lieutenant Surit agrees to be bound to Tennal and keep him conscripted in the army, a task that seems impossible even for someone with Surit's ability to control minds.Tennal just wants to escape, but Surit isn't all that he seems. And their bond may just be the key to their freedom.

Ocean's Echo

by Everina Maxwell

Ocean's Echo is a stand-alone, romantic space adventure, set in the same universe as Everina Maxwell's hit debut, Winter's Orbit. <p><p>When Tennal—a rich socialite, inveterate flirt, and walking disaster—is caught using his telepathic powers for illegal activities, the military decides to bind his mind to someone whose coercive powers are strong enough to control him. <p><p>Enter Lieutenant Surit, the child of a disgraced general. Out of a desperate need to restore a pension to his other parent, Lieutenant Surit agrees to be bound to Tennal and keep him conscripted in the army, a task that seems impossible even for someone with Surit's ability to control minds. <[><p>Tennal just wants to escape, but Surit isn't all that he seems. And their bond may just be the key to their freedom.

October: A Novel

by Michael Rowe

A bullied teen mistakenly summons a powerful demon in this dark fantasy for fans of Robert R. McCammon by the author of Enter, Night.Dark secrets run deep in the isolated, rural town of Auburn, Ontario. But everyone knows about Mikey Childress.Sixteen-year-old Mikey isn&’t like the other boys, who play hockey and chase girls. He&’s skinny, wears black, reads horror novels, listens to Madonna, and idolizes Hollywood actresses. He&’s &“different,&” and the bullies at school won&’t let him forget it. Only his best friend, Wroxy, has any idea of the depths of Mikey&’s pain and how desperately he desires to be loved.And not even Wroxy knows what Mikey&’s truly capable of—until one night when his abusers go too far. Then all the pain and loneliness inside Mikey push him to make a pact with evil to bring vengeance down upon his enemies. Being a teenager had been a nightmare before, but soon Mikey unleashes something that will make it hell on Earth . . .&“Rowe&’s talent shines through in this terrifying story of social persecution, black magic, and desire gone horribly wrong.&” —Lee Thomas, Bram Stoker and Lambda Literary Award–winning author &“Michael Rowe is one of those writers who can swing from the eloquent prose of a Peter Straub to the brutality of a Richard Laymon.&” —Monster Librarian

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