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Q&A: Voices from Queer Asian North America (Asian American History & Cultu)

by Martin F. Manalansan IV, Alice Y. Hom, and Kale Bantigue Fajardo

First published in 1998, Q & A: Queer in Asian America, edited by David L. Eng and Alice Y. Hom, became a canonical work in Asian American studies and queer studies. This new edition of Q & A is neither a sequel nor an update, but an entirely new work borne out of the progressive political and cultural advances of the queer experiences of Asian North American communities. The artists, activists, community organizers, creative writers, poets, scholars, and visual artists that contribute to this exciting new volume make visible the complicated intertwining of sexuality with race, class, gender, and ethnicity. Sections address activism, radicalism, and social justice; transformations in the meaning of Asian-ness and queerness in various mass media issues of queerness in relation to settler colonialism and diaspora; and issues of bodies, health, disability, gender transitions, death, healing, and resilience. The visual art, autobiographical writings, poetry, scholarly essays, meditations, and analyses of histories and popular culture in the new Q & Agesture to enduring everyday racial-gender-sexual experiences of mis-recognition, micro-aggressions, loss, and trauma when racialized Asian bodies are questioned, pathologized, marginalized, or violated. This anthology seeks to expand the idea of Asian and American in LGBTQ studies. Contributors: Marsha Aizumi, Kimberly Alidio, Paul Michael (Mike) Leonardo Atienza, Long T. Bui, John Paul (JP) Catungal, Ching-In Chen, Jih-Fei Cheng, Kim Compoc, Sony Coráñez Bolton, D’Lo, Patti Duncan, Chris A. Eng, May Farrales, Joyce Gabiola, C. Winter Han, Douglas S. Ishii, traci kato-kiriyama, Jennifer Lynn Kelly, Mimi Khúc, Anthony Yooshin Kim, Việt Lê, Danni Lin, Glenn D. Magpantay, Leslie Mah, Casey Mecija, Maiana Minahal, Sung Won Park, Thea Quiray Tagle, Emily Raymundo, Vanita Reddy, Eric Estuar Reyes, Margaret Rhee, Thomas Xavier Sarmiento, Pahole Sookkasikon, Amy Sueyoshi, Karen Tongson, Kim Tran, Kay Ulanday Barrett, Reid Uratani, Eric C. Wat, Sasha Wijeyeratne, Syd Yang, Xine Yao, and the editors


by Xavier Mayne

Can a computer program understand love better than the human heart? Archer, the AI at the dating service Q*pid, realizes humans don’t always make the best choices, so it begins making some unconventional choices for them. Fox Kincade is the last of his group of friends to be single, so he’s delighted when he discovers a new match in his Q*pid app—one that, according to the new AI wizardry, should be the love of his life. Instead of the woman he’s expecting, he’s paired with Drew Larsen, a shy, somewhat nerdy PhD student who has also grown discouraged with romance. Drew and Fox have little in common—aside from the fact that they’re both straight. Or so they thought. But as the guys get to know each other, they realize Archer might have the right idea. Their path isn’t smooth, because both need to overcome every idea they have about themselves and what true love might look like. But with the help of Archer—and some friends who have stuck with Fox and Drew through the thick and thin of their relationship trials—they might find their way into each other’s hearts.

Q*pid (Deutsch)

by Xavier Mayne

Kann es sein, dass ein Computerprogramm mehr von der Liebe versteht als das menschliche Herz? Archer, die künstliche Intelligenz hinter der Partnervermittlung Q*pid, stellt fest, dass Menschen nicht immer die besten Entscheidungen treffen. Deshalb mischt er sich ein und übernimmt es für sie, einige wirklich unkonventionelle Entscheidungen zu treffen. Fox Kincade ist der letzte Single in seinem Freundeskreis. Deshalb freut er sich besonders, als seine Q*pid-App ihm einen Vorschlag präsentiert, mit dem er – wenn man den Hexenkünsten der AI glauben darf – die Liebe seines Lebens finden wird. Doch zu Fox’ Überraschung handelt es sich bei diesem Idealpartner nicht um eine Frau, sondern um Drew Larsen, einen schüchternen und manchmal sonderlichen Doktoranden, der ebenfalls nicht an die wahre Liebe glaubt. Drew und Fox haben wenig gemeinsam – wenn man von der Tatsache absieht, dass sie beide nicht schwul sind. Jedenfalls dachten sie das bisher. Aber je besser sie sich kennenlernen, umso mehr dämmert ihnen, dass Archer vielleicht gar nicht so falsch lag mit seinem Vorschlag. Es ist kein leichter Weg, denn sie müssen beide ihr althergebrachtes Selbstverständnis aufgeben und sich mit einem neuen Konzept von Liebe vertraut machen. Mit Archers Hilfe und der Unterstützung einiger Freunde, die Fox und Drew durch dick und dünn zur Seite stehen, gelingt es ihnen schließlich, alle Hindernisse aus dem Weg zu räumen.

Q*pid (Italiano)

by Veronica Zana Xavier Mayne

Il programma di un computer può comprendere l’amore meglio del cuore umano? Archer, l’intelligenza artificiale del servizio di incontri online Q*pid, è consapevole che gli esseri umani non prendono sempre le decisioni migliori, e per questo motivo comincia a prenderne di bizzarre al posto loro. Fox Kincade è l’ultimo scapolo superstite nel suo gruppo di amici ed è al settimo cielo quando scopre di avere un nuovo match sulla sua app di incontri Q*pid: quel match, secondo l’avanzata stregoneria di Archer, dovrebbe essere l’amore della sua vita. Si aspettava una donna, ma si ritrova abbinato a Drew Larsen, un timido dottorando dall’aria un po’ nerd, che come lui ha cominciato a perdere le speranze in amore. Drew e Fox hanno poco in comune, a parte il fatto di essere entrambi etero. O così hanno sempre creduto. Tuttavia, mentre imparano a conoscersi, si rendono conto che Archer potrebbe aver avuto l’idea giusta. Il loro percorso non è facile: hanno bisogno di lasciarsi alle spalle l’immagine che hanno sempre avuto di loro stessi e del vero amore, ma con l’aiuto di Archer – e di alcuni amici che sono rimasti loro fedeli durante gli alti e bassi di quella nuova relazione – forse troveranno il modo di intrufolarsi l’uno nel cuore dell’altro.


by Laura Brohan Xavier Mayne

Un logiciel peut-il mieux comprendre l’amour que le cœur humain ? Archer, l’intelligence artificielle du site de rencontre Q*pidon, sait que les humains ne prennent pas toujours les meilleures décisions. Il commence alors à en prendre à leur place, même si elles ne sont pas très conventionnelles. Fox Kincade est le dernier célibataire de son groupe d’amis. Il est ravi de découvrir que l’application Q*pidon a trouvé une personne qui lui correspond – une personne qui, selon la magie de cette nouvelle intelligence artificielle, serait son âme sœur. Quelle n’est pas sa surprise lorsqu’il découvre qu’au lieu de la femme qu’il attendait, il est associé avec Drew Larsen, un doctorant timide et assez geek qui ne croit plus en la romance. Drew et Fox ont peu de choses en commun – si ce n’est le fait d’être hétérosexuel. Du moins, c’est ce qu’ils ont toujours cru. En apprenant à se connaître, ils se rendent compte qu’Archer ne les a peut-être pas associés par hasard. Le chemin ne sera pas sans embûches puisqu’ils devront dépasser l’image qu’ils se sont construite d’eux-mêmes et de ce que doit être le véritable amour. Mais avec l’aide d’Archer – et de quelques amis qui encourageront Fox et Drew à travers les hauts et les bas de leur relation –, ils pourraient trouver leur chemin vers le cœur de l’autre.

QDA: A Queer Disability Anthology

by Raymond Luczak

QDA: A Queer Disability Anthology features fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and comics by 48 writers from around the world.

Quadruple Flip (Double Flip and Quadruple Flip)

by David Connor

A spin-off of Double FlipSince childhood, Tom Alan Baranowski has concentrated on one goal: the Sochi Olympics. His figure skating partner, Erika Tsukino, is as talented and dedicated as he is, and their coach, Erika's father and Tom Alan's surrogate father--who moved the family back to Japan to live and train--sees bright things in their future. But when practicing a rarely performed throw--the quadruple flip--leaves Erika seriously injured, Tom Alan is sent off to train separately. His new training partner is Milo Fisher, and meeting the openly gay British ice dancing champion brings back feelings Tom Alan buried when he promised Erika's father he'd make her his bride after the Olympics. As Tom Alan falls head over toe pick for Milo, he realizes that if he follows his heart, he could lose the only true family he has ever known. He fears breaking his vow will hurt Erika, and that her parents, whom he holds dear, will never forgive him--and neither will the legion of Japanese fans who claim him as their own. Now going for the gold might not be his greatest desire or the skate to true happiness.

Quadruple Flip

by David Connor E. F. Mulder

On his way to realizing his Olympic dream, Tom Alan Baranowski finds himself in the midst of a dilemma. His traditional Japanese coach is insisting upon an arranged marriage between his biological daughter Erika and adopted son Tom Alan, who are partners on the ice. Tom Alan loves Erika, and his coach literally saved his life, rescuing him from an abusive home. How can he say no?Somewhat resigned to his “not so bad” fate, everything changes when Tom Alan meets British ice dancer Milo Fisher. The spark between them is almost hot enough to melt the ice beneath their blades, and the two fall into an affair.What about Erika? What about loyalty? What about gold? For Tom Alan, the impossible throw quadruple jump is suddenly the least difficult thing in his life.

Quaint, Exquisite: Victorian Aesthetics and the Idea of Japan

by Grace Lavery

From the opening of trade with Britain in the 1850s, Japan occupied a unique and contradictory place in the Victorian imagination, regarded as both a rival empire and a cradle of exquisite beauty. Quaint, Exquisite explores the enduring impact of this dramatic encounter, showing how the rise of Japan led to a major transformation of Western aesthetics at the dawn of globalization.Drawing on philosophy, psychoanalysis, queer theory, textual criticism, and a wealth of in-depth archival research, Grace Lavery provides a radical new genealogy of aesthetic experience in modernity. She argues that the global popularity of Japanese art in the late nineteenth century reflected an imagined universal standard of taste that Kant described as the “subjective universal” condition of aesthetic judgment. The book features illuminating cultural histories of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Mikado, English derivations of the haiku, and retellings of the Madame Butterfly story, and sheds critical light on lesser-known figures such as Winnifred Eaton, an Anglo-Chinese novelist who wrote under the Japanese pseudonym Onoto Watanna, and Mikimoto Ryuzo, a Japanese enthusiast of the Victorian art critic John Ruskin. Lavery also explains the importance and symbolic power of such material objects as W. B. Yeats’s prized katana sword and the “Japanese vellum” luxury editions of Oscar Wilde.Quaint, Exquisite provides essential insights into the modern understanding of beauty as a vehicle for both intimacy and violence, and the lasting influence of Japanese forms today on writers and artists such as Quentin Tarantino.

The Quality of Mercy (Bent Oak Saga Ser. #2)

by J. S. Cook

The year is 1934, and disgraced federal agent Nathan Devereaux is escorting convicted felon John Banks to visit his dying mother. Banks is despondent, miserably ill with a heavy cold, and unenthusiastic about traveling by plane. It isn't a responsibility Devereaux wants, but something about the prisoner's plight resonates with him. Devereaux charters a plane to Wisconsin, hoping to get there before Banks's mother breathes her last. But a routine journey swiftly turns into a sojourn in hell when a violent winter storm forces the plane miles off course, and Banks's seemingly bad cold turns out to be diphtheria. Stranded many miles from the destination, Devereaux must find a way to save Banks's life without compromising the mission. Like Banks, Devereaux has secrets of his own, and the scope and purpose of his mission don't quite square with the stories he tells. Making matters worse, he is the only one standing between Banks and certain death, but even a federal agent can do only so much--especially an agent with blood on his hands.

The Quality of Mercy (Bent Oak Saga #2)

by Ari McKay

A Bent Oak StoryGil Porter and Matt Grayson’s Bent Oak Ranch in Mercy, Texas, is a rare haven for gay men in the nineteenth century, and their friend Carlos Hernandez will need it when a man from his past unexpectedly comes back into his life. Jules Wingate hopes to start over in Mercy as the schoolmaster after a scandal sent him and his son fleeing their former home. But he discovers he’s left one bad situation for another when he encounters his former student and lover, Carlos. No matter how Jules tries to resist, he yearns for the passionate connection they once shared… before Carlos broke his heart. Carlos knows his foolish, immature actions hurt Jules, but he desperately wants a second chance and to show Jules he’s changed. But trust so badly broken is hard to repair. While he works to earn Jules’s forgiveness, someone else at the ranch has his sights set on Carlos—and he doesn’t care how many lives he has to ruin to make Carlos his and his alone.

Quand l'horizon a disparu (La trilogie d'Austin #1)

by Brad Boney Black Jax

Ben Walsh est en voie de devenir l'un des plus célèbres avocats de New York, il a un compagnon et fréquente les cercles les plus huppés de la ville. Bref, tout est parfait dans sa vie jusqu'à ce qu'il reçoive un funeste appel téléphonique, quelques jours avant Noël : ses parents viennent de décéder dans un accident de voiture. Il doit de toute urgence retourner à Austin, Texas, pour élever trois jeunes frères qu'il connaît à peine. Pendant les funérailles, Ben rencontre Travis Atwood, un voisin ouvrier au grand cœur. Leur relation commence sur les chapeaux de roue avant les premiers écueils inévitables, mais lorsque Ben fléchit sous le poids de ses responsabilités c'est vers Travis qu'il se tourne. L'urgence de la situation façonne leur amitié en un sentiment qui ressemble à l'amour. Ben pense avoir trouvé le moyen d'associer ses deux vies, l'ancienne et la nouvelle, et d'y incorporer Travis, mais le chemin de l'amour a ses obstacles. Ben comprendra-t-il que le bonheur arrive parfois quand on s'y attend le moins, au cœur des pires catastrophes ? Saura-t-il reconnaître la dynamique d'un destin qui l'emmène, au-delà de l'horizon, là où est sa vraie place ?

Quando la memoria non basta (In caduta libera e Quando la memoria non basta #1)

by Fran Macciò D. W. Marchwell

Seguito di In caduta libera Sono passati due anni da quando Hank Ballam e Scott Alan si sono innamorati e, decidendo di convivere, hanno iniziato a costruire una vita insieme. Hank ha mantenuto la promessa fatta al suo capo, Brian - fratello di Scott - dimostrando di poter essere, oltre che il pazzo in cerca di adrenalina che è sempre stato, anche un buon lavoratore. Nonostante Hank si goda appieno l'idea di essere il braccio destro di Brian, niente gli piace di più che tornare a casa da Scott ogni sera. Ma con l'arrivo di una notizia importante, Hank comincia a pensare al passato e alla famiglia che ha abbandonato, chiedendosi se potrebbe esserci qualche speranza di recuperare i rapporti e di coinvolgere i suoi genitori e le sue sorelle nella sua nuova vita con Scott. Vedendo Hank tormentarsi con quei pensieri, Scott decide di mettersi in contatto con la famiglia del suo uomo, ma senza però metterlo al corrente. Quando la sorella di Hank sembra essere d'accordo a ristabilire i rapporti con il fratello, Scott si sente al settimo cielo. Tuttavia, la rimpatriata non va come Scott aveva immaginato e lui comincia a chiedersi se, con tutta la serie di eventi che ha scatenato, la sua iniziativa finirà per allontanare Hank per sempre dalla sua vita.

Quando o céu desmoronar

by Debbie McGowan

Para muitos, em um 1944 devastado pela guerra, o amor floresce no salão de dança, e o aviador Arty Clarke não é exceção. Ele é um pensador e um sonhador; mas não é a bela e talentosa dançarina em seus braços, sua melhor amiga Jean, que inspira seus sonhos. Quando seu olhar encontra o do sargento Jim Johnson, Arty ousa imaginar uma dança diferente. O amor deles é proibido, tanto pelas Forças Armadas quanto pela lei, mas com a astúcia e o apoio de Jean, Arty e Jim tentam diminuir a distância entre os dois e encontrar o amor verdadeiro, apesar do perigo e de um desastre capaz de destruir os sonhos de Arty para sempre. O casal irá resistir, não importa quantos céus tenham caído?

Quando si posa la polvere (Tempo al tempo)

by Mary Calmes N. A. M.

Un libro della serie Tempo al tempoQuando Glenn Holloway dichiara la propria omosessualità alla famiglia, la sua vita viene sconvolta. Per aggiungere al danno la beffa, se ne è andato via dal ranch in cui è nato e cresciuto per aprire il ristorante che ha sempre desiderato. Senza alcun aiuto da parte del padre e del fratello, e troppo orgoglioso per accettare una mano da chiunque altro, ha dovuto ricominciare da zero. Col tempo le cose hanno iniziato a funzionare: Glenn ha avviato un’attività di successo, si è costruito una nuova casa e ha creato una vita di cui essere orgoglioso. Nonostante i successi, però, il suo allontanamento dalla famiglia, gli Holloway, è ancora una ferita che non riesce a guarire. Rendere un favore si trasforma nel suo peggiore incubo. Per mantenere la parola data, infatti, Glenn ritorna alle sue radici, dove è costretto ad avere a che fare con il fratellastro Rand Holloway e si ritrova faccia a faccia con Mac Gentry, un uomo che lo affascina fin troppo. Tutto potrebbe finire in un disastro: sia i tenui legami familiari, sia quel desiderio che non sapeva di avere nel cuore.

Quarantine: Stories

by Rahul Mehta

With buoyant humor and incisive, cunning prose, Rahul Mehta sets off into uncharted literary territory. The characters in Quarantine—openly gay Indian-American men—are Westernized in some ways, with cosmopolitan views on friendship and sex, while struggling to maintain relationships with their families and cultural traditions. Grappling with the issues that concern all gay men—social acceptance, the right to pursue happiness, and the heavy toll of listening to their hearts and bodies—they confront an elder generation's attachment to old-country ways. Estranged from their cultural in-group and still set apart from larger society, the young men in these lyrical, provocative, emotionally wrenching, yet frequently funny stories find themselves quarantined. Already a runaway success in India, Quarantine marks the debut of a unique literary talent.

Quarry (The Vampire Guard #2)

by Elizabeth Noble

The Vampire Guard: Book TwoThe members of the Vampire Guard--Jonas Forge, spy and soldier turned cop; computer hacker extraordinaire Blair Turner; Declan, thief, con man, and ex-pirate; and medical examiner and werewolf Dr. Lucas Coate--face a dangerous and elusive enemy. And this time, it's personal. Over the course of three hundred years, a man has touched each of their lives in ways they are only just realizing. When a hunt for a psychotic killer in the present resurrects memories and clues from the past, they discover how they have been affected and are bound by the existence of a ruthless vampire criminal. Now, while preventing a heist at a high-tech art show and thwarting several large-scale explosions, the team must employ their unique blend of science and supernatural abilities to put an end to the machinations of the man toying with their lives. This time, he won't slip through their fingers. This time, it's more than a case. It's a hunt, and Forge, Blair, Declan, and Lucas won't stop until they've captured their quarry.

The Quarterback's Crush

by John Petrie

Do nice guys always have to finish last? For Dylan Porter, it’s starting to look that way. His plan is to finish high school, get a football scholarship, and come out to his family and friends when he has the cushion of being away at college. But none of that is going to happen if his failing grades get him kicked off the team. His saving grace comes in the form of Tommy Peterson, the smartest kid in school, who also happens to be the Triple S that Dylan crushes on: smart, short, sexy. Dylan falls hard and when his feelings seem unrequited, he accidentally outs himself to his entire team, expecting them to oust him. But it’s anybody’s game as Dylan learns how to be honest about who he is and keeps his eye on the prize—the heart of Tommy Peterson.

Quasi normale (Wrench Wars - Gli assi dei motori #2)

by Marie Sexton Valentina Andreose

Un libro della serie Wrench Wars - Gli assi dei motoriChe cosa è considerato “normale”? Quando Brandon Kenner si presenta all’officina dove lavora Kasey Ralston con una Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 del 1970, Kasey perde la testa sia per l’uomo che per la macchina. Ma Kasey nasconde un segreto imbarazzante: la sua passione per le vecchie muscle car va oltre ciò che viene considerato normale. La sua bizzarra fissazione lo ha portato a isolarsi: dalla famiglia, che lo ha estraniato, e dai colleghi, dai quali si tiene alla larga. Ma quando Brandon scopre il segreto del bel meccanico, non ne resta affatto disgustato, anzi. Trova che Kasey sia intrigante ed è deciso ad averlo tutto per sé. Tutto di Brandon sembra mandare su di giri il motore di Kasey, che di certo non disdegna l’idea di sporcarsi le mani con un uomo così affascinante. Ma Kasey è preoccupato di ciò che accadrà dopo: ci sarà un futuro per loro due? Anche se in passato tutte le sue speranze per una relazione a lungo termine sono state deluse, non può fare a meno di sognare che, nonostante la propria mania, Brandon sarà l’eccezione.

Los que apuestan

by Vivian Pérez Amy Lane

Quentin Jackson ha seguido cada movimiento de Jason Spade en los negocios y en el póquer desde su primer día como estudiantes universitarios. Ocho años después, cuando Jace finalmente decide que Quent es el hombre sin el que no puede vivir, no ve razón alguna para que eso cambie. Por más que Jace crea que el póquer es como la vida misma, nadie le dio el mismo manual de estrategias a Quent. Después de la primera noche de pasión, comienza el verdadero juego de amor y confianza. Sin embargo, Jace ha estado jugando solo demasiado tiempo como para poder enseñar las reglas de manera fácil. Jace solo habla dos idiomas: uno es el sexo, y el otro el póquer. Entre ambos, necesitan encontrar una manera de convencerse de darle una oportunidad al amor, y a Quent de que le dé una oportunidad a él. Afortunadamente son buenos descifrando probabilidades, porque juegan para ganar, y esta es una relación de alto riesgo por la que de verdad vale la pena arriesgarse.


by Diana Cohen Agrest

El matrimonio homosexual, la homoparentalidad, el aborto, la eutanasia voluntaria y el suicidio asistido, la prostitución, la venta de órganos, el alquiler de vientre, la pena de muerte, la tenencia de drogas, el perfil genético de los delincuentes... todos estos temas son hoy el centro de debates tan resonantes como inconclusos. Pues dudamos de todo aquello que puede ser hecho y, en un único gesto, de qué debe ser hecho. En circunstancias imposibles de ser procesadas y asimiladas, inmersos en situaciones límite sobre las cuales, tarde o temprano, deberemos pronunciarnos. Deslizándose en los márgenes de lo "políticamente incorrecto", este nuevo ensayo de Diana Cohen Agrest nos acerca las razones esgrimidas en torno de estas prácticas polémicas que, de otro modo, suelen permanecer confinadas en los círculos de los especialistas. La premisa básica que atraviesa esta obra es la necesidad de alentar el pluralismo, que implica la coexistencia, en igualdad de condiciones, de diferentes perspectivas desde las cuales reflexionar sobre la realidad que nos toca. Lejos de adoptar una posición que clausure el debate, la autora ofrece los argumentos a favor y en contra de cada una de esas cuestiones, desafiando al lector a tomar una decisión crítica propia. A todos nos gusta opinar fundando nuestras creencias en razones valiosas. Porque sentimos que así colaboramos en la construcción de un mundo un poco mejor. Si el don de la palabra instaura con el hombre el universo simbólico, podemos ser partícipes de la construcción de aquellos valores que, hoy como siempre, deberían sostener cualquier conducta humana. Qué piensan los que no piensan como yo? contribuye a este fin con claridad, profundo conocimiento y valentía.

El que se escapó

by M. J. Sánchez Madeleine Urban Rhianne Aile

Cuando David Carmichael sufre una migraña y se rompe el hombro, Trace Jackson, su mejor amigo, se va a vivir temporalmente con él para cuidarle. Su camaradería peligra cuando David descubre la encubierta pasión y la atracción que surge entre ellos. Aún sabiendo que su mejor amigo es heterosexual, David no tarda en enamorarse de él. Trace nunca ha deseado a otro hombre. Con reputación de mujeriego, es considerado un premio gordo en la ciudad. Pero su entrañable amistad con David se intensifica por la emoción y la excitación que siente nacer en él. La tentación de tenerle tan cerca es irresistible. Pronto le deja claro que quiere ver si las cosas pueden funcionar entre ellos. Está convencido de que nunca deseará a nadie más porque ya le ama.

Queen of Diamonds (Triple Sin Ser.)

by Jamie Craig

Brandon Silver knows there’s more to life than dealing blackjack at the Bellagio Casino. He hopes his lover, Seth Cahill, can help him experience more of the world. Seth does this by showing him how to run an easy scam. They target an older woman, Brandon distracts her, and Seth takes advantage of her distraction by robbing her. It seems like an easy enough plan.Except they target Caryn Westbrook. A woman with her own agenda. At the top of her agenda is to teach the two young men a lesson they will never forget.

The Queen of Junk Island

by Alexandra Mae Jones

From debut author Alexandra Mae Jones comes a compelling, nuanced exploration of bi identity and body image with a ghostly backdrop—perfect for fans of Nina Lacour. <p><p> Still reeling from a recent trauma, sixteen-year-old Dell is relieved when her mom suggests a stay at the family cabin. But the much-needed escape quickly turns into a disaster. The lake and woods are awash in trash left by a previous tenant. And worse, Dell’s mom has invited her boyfriend’s daughter to stay with them. Confident, irreverent Ivy presses all of Dell's buttons—somehow making Dell’s shame and self-consciousness feel even more acute. Yet Dell is drawn to Ivy in a way she doesn't fully understand. As Dell uncovers secrets in the wreckage of her family's past—secrets hinted at through troubling dreams and strange apparitions—Ivy leads her toward thrilling, if confusing, revelations about her sexuality and identity. <p><p> Set during a humid summer in the mid-2000s, The Queen of Junk Island simmers with the intensity of a teenage girl navigating the suffocating expectations of everyone around her.

The Queen & the Homo Jock King (At First Sight Ser. #2)

by Tj Klune

Sequel to Tell Me It's RealDo you believe in love at first sight? Sanford Stewart sure doesn&apos;t. In fact, he pretty much believes in the exact opposite, thanks to the Homo Jock King. It seems Darren Mayne lives for nothing more than to create chaos in Sandy's perfectly ordered life, just for the hell of it. Sandy despises him, and nothing will ever change his mind. Or so he tells himself. It&apos;s not until the owner of Jack It--the club where Sandy performs as drag queen Helena Handbasket--comes to him with a desperate proposition that Sandy realizes he might have to put his feelings about Darren aside. Because Jack It will close unless someone can convince Andrew Taylor, the mayor of Tucson, to keep it open. Someone like Darren, the mayor's illegitimate son. The foolproof plan is this: seduce Darren and push him to convince his father to renew Jack It's contract with the city. Simple, right? Wrong.

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