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Trials of a Lonely Specter

by Dianne Hartsock

A reluctant ghost at best, Quinn doesn’t like the haunts to which Liam takes him, always fearful of encountering a true medium in the paranormal groups investigating the houses, bent on seeing a ghost.When Liam sets him up for such a meeting, Quinn breaks from him, not fully understanding the apparition’s cruelty. He’d thought they were friends. But despite his anger, when he believes Liam will go to the manor house without him, a house known to be haunted by a fearsome ghost, Quinn joins him, hoping to keep him from danger.But it is Quinn himself who is in danger, not only from Betterford’s ghost and the mediums stalking him, but also from a secret Liam’s been keeping, making Quinn wonder if he’ll survive the longest haunt of his life.

The Trials of Radclyffe Hall

by Diana Souhami

Diana Souhami&’s Lambda Award–winning biography is a fascinating look at one of the twentieth century&’s most intriguing lesbian literary figures. Born in 1880, Marguerite Radclyffe-Hall was a young unwanted child when her parents put an end to their tempestuous marriage by filing for divorce. She had already made tentative forays into lesbian love when her father died, leaving her an heiress at eighteen. Her income assured, Hall moved out of her mother&’s house, renamed herself John in honor of her great-great-grandfather, and divided her time among hunting, traveling, and pursuing women. She began to write—songs, poetry, prose, and short stories—and achieved success as a novelist, but it was with the publication of The Well of Loneliness in 1928 that Radclyffe Hall became an internationally known figure. Dubbed the &“bible of lesbianism,&” the book caused a scandal on both sides of the Atlantic. Though moralistic in tone, because of its subject matter it was tried as obscene in America and in the United Kingdom, where it was censored under the Obscene Publications Act. The Trials of Radclyffe Hall is a fascinating, no-holds-barred account of the life of this controversial woman, including her torrid relationship with the married artist Una Troubridge, who was Hall&’s devoted partner for twenty-eight years.

Triane's Son Fighting (Bitter Moon Saga #Bk. 3)

by Amy Lane

2nd EditionSequel to Triane's Son LearningBitter Moon Saga: Book ThreeOutraged by the destruction of innocent lives and the threat to his family's safety, Torrant Shadow and Aylan Stealth-Moon ride to Dueance, the capital of Clough, with a desperate plan: Torrant will impersonate Yarri's dead brother, Ellyot Moon, and infiltrate the Regent's council to help change to the government's policy toward the Goddess's chosen from the inside. But from the very first night, Torrant and Aylan are pressed into service in the shadows of the ghettoes, fighting for the lives of the brutalized people within. It's a bitter job, made more so by close scrutiny and mockery from Consort Rath, the ruler whose policies have created the discrimination and cruelty wreaking havoc in their country. Torrant's only bright moments come from Aylan, whose love and loyalty never falter, and the hungry, compassionate minds of the younger regents. Believing that all they need is a worthy song to follow, Torrant sets about leading them to accomplish the salvation of their country. But not even Torrant can be everywhere at once. When faced with one disaster too many, he realizes one man alone cannot right the wrongs of an entire government--not even Triane's Son.First Edition published as Bitter Moon II: Triane's Son Reigning by iUniverse, 2009

Triane's Son Learning (Bitter Moon Saga #Bk. 2)

by Amy Lane

2nd EditionSequel to Triane's Son RisingBitter Moon Saga: Book TwoWhen Torrant Shadow fled his homeland of Clough, he hoped to leave its threats behind. He spent four years living with the Moons, making sure Yarri had a home; now it's time for Torrant and his foster brother, Aldam, to leave for the University of Triannon, where Torrant hopes to create a new life enmeshed in healing arts and politics. Torrant's new school friends Trieste and Aylan want to teach him about love as he settles in, and at first, Trieste's tenderness seems to make her the logical choice for an interim lover, while Torrant waits for Yarri to grow up. But Torrant has learned the hard way that nothing is simple when Clough still wields its influence over their lives. More and more, Torrant must call on the cold predator in himself, the part that Aylan most admires. The truth is, Torrant has certain gifts that give him an advantage of self-defense, but using them to protect the ones he cares for may destroy the part of him Trieste and Yarri love best. As the four schoolmates progress to life beyond education and the evil from Torrant's homeland becomes too pernicious to be ignored, Torrant must choose his destiny: Will he be a healer or a hero? Only Triane's Son can be both.1st Edition published as Bitter Moon I: Triane's Son Ascending by iUniverse, 2008

Triane's Son Reigning (Bitter Moon Saga #Bk. 4)

by Amy Lane

2nd EditionSequel to Triane's Son Fighting Bitter Moon Saga: Book FourFrom the moment Torrant Shadow realized Consort Rath murdered his family, he's lived a dual identity: a healer and poet by nature, a predator out of necessity. It's not just exhausting, it's perilous. In the deadly city of Dueance, Torrant must succeed in both lives, because while the predator may save the Goddess's folk from Rath's brutal policies, it is the poet who will sway the minds of the people to revolt against the oppressive government. As his cause falters, Torrant finds his worst nightmares come to pass as the people he loves most--his family from Eiran, his former lovers, and his moon-destined, Yarri--all come to his aid, despite the danger. They must succeed--there is no other option. If they fail, Rath will eliminate joy from the heart of the lands of the three moons, and all that Torrant and his family cherish will be lost. But success could exact devastating cost, one Triane's Son was never prepared to pay.1st Edition published as Bitter Moon II: Triane's Son Reigning by iUniverse, 2009

Triane's Son Rising (Bitter Moon Saga #1)

by Amy Lane

2nd EditionBitter Moon Saga: Book OneTorrant Shadow and Yarrow "Yarri" Moon grew up sheltered in Moon Hold, a place where Torrant's goddess gifts were meant to be celebrated, and love of any form was a thing of beauty. Unfortunately, in Clough, within a stone's throw of Consort Rath, having beliefs of that sort will get your family killed. Grief-stricken, Torrant and Yarri are suddenly alone against the elements and a world that would rather see them dead than see them safe. Torrant's goddess gift, which had previously been used for truth and healing, must be honed for violence and protection if either of them are to survive. When Torrant, Yarri, and their new friend Aldam reach safety, will Torrant be able to put this part of him aside? Or will Triane's Son grow to fight the forces that forged him?1st Edition published as Bitter Moon I: Triane's Son Ascending by iUniverse, 2008


by Etienne

Sequel to TrialAppearances Trilogy: Book TwoA Buckhead TaleTwo weeks after Philip d'Autremont is acquitted of his wife's murder, it's time for him and his partner and lawyer, Charles Barnett, to start building their life together. But it turns out that not everyone in Atlanta is as ready to leave the trial in the past as Charles and Philip, and a surprise attack leaves Charles in the hospital and Philip's arm in a sling. With thoughts of their own mortality fresh in their minds, Charles and Philip make a decision that will change their lives forever. Future plans and home renovations take their minds off the attacks, but the danger isn't over yet: the people behind the attacks are still at large, and they weren't acting alone.

Tribulation: (appearances, Vol 2)

by Etienne

Two weeks after Philip d'Autremont is acquitted of his wife's murder, it's time for him and his partner and lawyer, Charles Barnett, to start building their life together. But it turns out that not everyone in Atlanta is as ready to leave the trial in the past as Charles and Philip, and a surprise attack leaves Charles in the hospital and Philip's arm in a sling.With thoughts of their own mortality fresh in their minds, Charles and Philip make a decision that will change their lives forever. Future plans and home renovations take their minds off the attacks, but the danger isn't over yet: the people behind the attacks are still at large, and they weren't acting alone.

Trick of the Dark

by Val Mcdermid

"Val McDermid is one of the bright lights of the mystery field."-The Washington Post"She's the best we've got."-The New York Times Book ReviewBarred from practice, disgraced psychiatrist Charlie Flint receives a mysterious summons to Oxford from an old professor who wants her to look into the death of her daughter's husband. But as Charlie delves deeper into the case and steps back into the arcane world of Oxford colleges, she realizes that there is much more to this crime than meets the eye.Val McDermid has published twenty-four novels. An internationally best-selling author, her books have been translated into thirty languages. She has won more than a dozen major awards, most recently the 2010 Crime Writers' Association Cartier Diamond Dagger Award for outstanding achievement in the field of mysteries.

A Trick of the Light

by Ellie Thomas

Kenneth Taylor has bright plans for a future as an engineer. In the summer of 1957, as soon as he returns home to Bristol from two years of National Service in the Royal Signals, a furious row with his dad means he’s thrown out of the house, and his prospects are in jeopardy.He finds lodgings in the hilltop, bomb-damaged suburb of Kingsdown, determined to be independent and juggling night school with his humdrum day job. He soon meets Gino, the good-looking son of a local café owner and is thrilled when the attraction proves to be mutual. As their romance blooms, Kenneth finds unexpected encouragement from an apparition in the mirror who inhabited the house in the late 18th century.When the ghostly vision of Kit also appears to Kenneth in his dreams, it seems they have much in common when Kit reveals his dilemma at a similar age, concerning his growing attachment to a young man, Ned. Past and present intermingle as Kenneth faces parallel and difficult decisions. But can he trust Kit? Or is it all merely a trick of the light?

Trick of Time

by Jl Merrow

A lover from another timeWhen Ted Ennis steps out the doors of the Criterion Theatre for a cigarette and finds himself in Victorian London, he begins to doubt his sanity. At first he thinks it's all a film set, and is sure that the strikingly handsome young man leaning against a lamppost must be the leading man...What starts as a sordid transaction with a beautiful rent boy quickly turns into something much deeper, drawing him back again and again as he gets to know Jem and craves meaningful encounters with him.But Ted doesn't understand the exact conditions necessary for his trips through time-and for Jem, time may actually be running out. Now Ted has one last shot to get back to Jem and save their relationship, before it's too late...27,000 words

Trick or Treat

by Jl Merrow

The memory of this party could haunt him forever ...Dragged along to a haunted house by his mates, Sam’s at the Halloween party from hell -- the guy he fancied has turned out to be a bigot, and Sam has just outed himself to his whole football team.Escaping to the garden, he meets James, an enigmatic stranger with a mischievous smile, and the evening soon takes a turn for the better. The night may be chilly but the heat between Sam and James is hotter than Hades.But James has a role to play in the evening’s ghostly entertainment, and it’s a story with a deadly ending. Unless Sam can change the script and stop history repeating itself, “till death do us part” will come sooner than he thinks.


by Pelaam

When Tane is asked to a Halloween party by one of the men from the logging firm he works in, he’s anxious as well as thrilled. The man looks like the one of his dreams but, when the night comes around, he discovers he’s been cruelly tricked and ends up running for his life.He finds refuge in a house at the edge of the forest and is strangely drawn to the beast of a man who lives there with his elderly brother. But appearances are deceiving, as Tane’s already found out. Can he live long enough to have a fairy-tale ending?

Tricked and Treated

by E. V. Anthony

Tyler Honeycutt’s life is nothing special. He spends every day typing away in an anonymous corporation with nothing and no one to liven things up. That was until a charming stranger catches his eye.In a sea of company dude/bros, Dean Merriman holds Ty’s undivided attention. Not only is he deliciously handsome, but his naughty, crooked smile is what dreams are made of.The last thing Ty would ever imagine doing is talking to this sexy mystery man and ruining the perfect illusion. But when Dean shows an unexpected gallant streak, Ty is positively smitten.Already lost in a fantasy world of love’s endless possibilities, Ty can’t help but think the invitation he finds on his desk to an exclusive early Halloween bash has something to do with Dean. Where this invitation leads isn’t the only surprise in store for Ty. Sometimes you’ve got to be tricked to truly enjoy your treat.

Tricked Out

by J. M. Snyder

Willis Moore is a detective with the Richmond City police department. A case he was involved with went down badly and he was given a month's sabbatical to pull himself together after the death of his informant, a young man named Teabag, with whom Will had let himself become sexually involved.Back on the force now, Will finds himself drawn to another street punk, a hustler named Corey, who seeks police assistance to protect his "boys" from a violent attacker. He and Corey work well together, and Will dares to hope their relationship might be heading toward something more. But he still can't seem to shake the feeling he will eventually fail to protect the hustler ... the same way he failed to save Tea.


by Rick R. Reed

2nd EditionTricks can mean many things: sex partners, deceptions, even magic--or maybe all three. Arliss is a gorgeous young dancer at Tricks, the hottest club in Chicago's Boystown. Sean is the classic nerd, out of place in Tricks, but nursing his wounds from a recent breakup. When the two spy each other, magic blooms. But this opposites-attract tale does not run smooth. What happens when Arliss is approached by one of the biggest porn producers in the business? Can he make his dreams of stardom come true without throwing away the only real love he's ever known? This question might not even matter if the mysterious producers realize their dark intentions.1st Edition published by ManLove Romance Press, 2010.


by Rick R. Reed

Tricks can mean many things: sex partners, deceptions, even magic ... or maybe all three.Arliss is a gorgeous young dancer at Tricks, the hottest club in Chicago’s Boystown. Sean is the classic nerd, out of place in Tricks, but nursing his wounds from a recent breakup. When the two spy each other, magic blooms.But this opposites-attract tale does not run smooth. What happens when Arliss is approached by one of the biggest porn producers in the business? Can he make his dreams of stardom come true without throwing away the only real love he’s ever known? And ... will it even matter if the mysterious producers realize their dark intentions?

Tricks and Treats: Sex Workers Write About Their Clients

by Matt Bernstein Sycamore

Learn about the real lives of sex workers by exploring the sex industry from the inside!Explore the insightful--and oftentimes intense--accounts of sex workers who look squarely into the eyes of their clients, the sex industry, and society as a whole. Tricks and Treats delivers private stories about homo- and heterosexual encounters that sex workers usually confide only in each other. Not another “why I became a prostitute” book, it provocatively turns the tables on the buyers of sex, giving you a window into sex workers’lives. Tricks and Treats gives you straightforward accounts by sex workers to help you understand the pleasures, attractions, and truths of this profession. Tricks and Treats tantalizes with its powerful collection of tales from a diverse group of male, female, and transgendered sex workers. Their commercial, cultural, emotional, sexual, (il)legal, and even spiritual relationships with their clients are discussed in intimate detail. You will explore accounts from streetworkers, escorts, strippers, porn actors, masseurs, dominatrixes, phone sex operators, an adult-video store clerk, an outreach worker, a sex educator, and even a sperm donor.Tricks and Treats will ignite your imagination and answer questions few people dare to ask. You'll learn firsthand, of: how male, female, and transgendered hustlers turn tricks--in their own words--from sado-masochism and watersports to stripping, scat, foreplay, and fisting how sex workers face their own mortality when confronted with the AIDS virus a porn star's compassion and understanding for her fans a sex worker's coming-to-terms with his/her transgendered identity a male escort's attempts at dating a young man's experience of finding a family and home when living at a brothel a woman's story of spending thirty years as a prostitute the experiences of hooking on the streets and in clubs, cafes, and homesThese engaging and shocking testimonials will entertain you and offer a unique understanding of the sex industry. Revealing and intriguing, these poignant talks will certainly not disappoint your imagination. Tricks and Treats is a testament to the lives of sex workers, a manifestation of their spirit, and gives them a chance to turn the tables on their clients, exposing their erotic tastes, turn-ons, and fantasies.

Tricks of the Trade

by Ben Tyler

'An intoxicating cocktail composed of equal parts delicious name-dropping gossip, venomous Hollywood satire and steamy boy-meets-boy action' - PW Being gay in Hollywood is never easy, but thanks to his homophobic boss, Burt's life is a living hell. Now he figures if he's going down, he'll take the whole town with him. Then he meets Rodrigo, a lusty Latino hustler looking for his big break, and Jim Fallon, an actor whose personal life has put an end to his career. The stage is set for the trio to wreak havoc on the biz, but can partners in crime become partners in life?

Tricks with Cats and Dogs

by Mere Rain

Halloween is supposed to be a night for safe scares and harmless tricks, not terror ... or romance.College student Colin agrees to take his little cousin trick-or-treating, anticipating nothing worse than having to shepherd a bunch of sugar-crazed third-graders and a poorly-trained puppy. When the kids run ahead to peek into the local supposedly-haunted house, it seems like a harmless bit of mischief until the puppy crawls through a basement window and is lost. Colin promises to get her back. The place may be dark and creepy, but it can't really be haunted. When the house turns out to be occupied by an attractive man who is willing to let him in, it seems like a lucky break ... at first.Secrets. Sometimes Cat feels like he has nothing but secrets. No family, no freedom, not even a real name. Colin seems nice, but Cat doesn't owe him anything, not when the risk of punishment for helping a stranger is so high. But he's looking for a puppy, and Cat has a soft spot for dogs. And possibly also a soft spot for kind boys with soft lips. But the apparently simple task of finding a missing pet won't be as easy as it sounds, because the house isn't what it seems ... and neither is Cat.Could Colin possibly still want Cat if he learns the truth? They won't find out unless they manage to escape the darkness of the house.


by Charles Payseur

For a god of mischief, April Fool’s Day is the highlight of the calendar, a chance to really sow some chaos and discord. For Loki, it’s the perfect opportunity to get back as the noble Thor by provoking his wrath in a small town of unsuspecting mortals. One fake dating profile and a liberal amount of lies later, and the scene is set.For a real trickster, though, there’s little challenge or reward in fooling someone who’s so very trusting, and as he learns more about his age-old rival, the fake date threatens to become very real. Can Loki stay on target in living up to his title as chief troublemaker in all the realms, or does the god of thunder have a trick of his own to share?

The Tricky Part: A Boy's Story of Sexual Trespass, a Man's Journey to Forgiveness

by Martin Moran

Raised in a loving Catholic family in Denver, Martin Moran was a star student who imagined that he'd one day become a U.S. senator. When he was twelve years old, a camp counselor seduced him, initiating a sexual relationship that would last three years--and haunt Moran's life for decades. He discovered a passion for acting and built a career that would take him to Broadway, but only when Moran finally tracked down and confronted his abuser thirty years later could he finally forgive himself for someone's else trespass. Funny and tender about growing up Catholic and gay, The Tricky Part never oversimplifies either the abuse or the vexing work of recovering from it. This powerful story carries us to the heart of a paradox: that what we think of as damage may be the very thing that gives rise to transformation, even grace.

A Tricky Situation

by Ellie Thomas

Christopher Holloway lives a comfortable existence in 18th century Bristol as the son of a wealthy merchant. Until, when on a night out with some aristocratic companions, he is set upon by thieves.His friends don’t come to his rescue, but he is led to safety by a stranger, a working-class man of colour, Edmund Lowe. Although now physically safe, Kit’s sense of danger lingers due to his growing feelings for Edmund. Their mutual attraction forces Kit to question his previous values, causing an inner crisis as Halloween draws near.Will Kit submit to the demands of family ties and social advancement? Or can he find the courage to follow his true path and choose Edmund?

Tried & True (THIRDS #10)

by Charlie Cochet

Sequel to Darkest Hour Before DawnTHIRDS Book TenWhen THIRDS agent Dexter J. Daley met Team Leader Sloane Brodie, he couldn’t have imagined how slamming into his new partner—literally—would shake both their worlds. Now four years later, they’ve faced dangers, fought battles both personal and professional… and fallen deeply in love. Now their big moment is finally in sight, and they’re ready to stand up together and make it official. Unfortunately, as the countdown to their big day begins, an enemy declares war on the THIRDS…. With their family in danger, Dex and Sloane are put to the test on how far into darkness they’ll walk to save those they love. As secrets are unearthed, a deadly betrayal is revealed, and Dex and Sloane must call on their Destructive Delta family for one last hurrah to put an end to the secret organization responsible for so much devastation. Dex and Sloane will have plenty of bullets to dodge on the way to the altar, but with happiness within their grasp, they are determined to get there come hell or high water….


by J. M. Snyder

In a future where outposts swelter beneath a nuclear sun and run-gunners patrol dusty wastelands to protect against winged creatures known as devlars, Trin is the mech at the waystation in Arens. He has a thing for the gunners: rough men with strong hands and hard bodies, who roll through his garage like the hot desert wind.Gerrick’s the best gunner around, a quick draw with a deadly aim and a penchant for sharing his pallet with young men. He has a roving eye and roaming hands, and has left a string of broken hearts in his wake.Having heard the tales of Gerrick's bravery and seen the man in action for himself, Trin has fallen in love with the man he believes Gerrick to be, and he’s sure he can change the gunner’s mind if given the chance. Gerrick’s all he wants out of this blasted world, and he tells anyone who will listen.Then Gerrick rides through Arens. He’s heard the rumors of what Trin will do for a gunner who only mentions his name. What he wants to know is, what will Trin do for him?

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