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F**k It (Revised and Updated Edition): The Ultimate Spiritual Way

by John C. Parkin

The classic bestseller that helps readers let go and enjoy life - now with a new cover and updated material throughout.Discover how to stop struggling and find fulfilment, joy and inspiration by saying F**k It to the stress, problems and chaos in your life.The international bestseller that sparked the F**k It revolution!Like a magical modern mantra, saying F**k It can transform your life. It&’s the perfect Western expression of the Eastern spiritual ideas of letting go, giving up and finding real freedom by realizing that things don&’t matter so much (if at all).It&’s the very power of this profanity that makes it perfect for shaking us out of the stress and anxiety that dominate our meaning-full lives. It&’s a reminder to stop listening to other people and start listening to ourselves, to take that leap and to unlock freedom and happiness by saying these two magic words to all the problems and chaos of life.In this revised and updated edition, with brand-new chapters and insightful perspectives on the world we find ourselves in today, John C. Parkin shares humorous personal anecdotes, authentic advice and essential F**k It techniques – alongside exploring a whole host of worries and stresses to which we can to say… F**k It!

F**k It Therapy: The Profane Way to Profound Happiness

by John Parkin

If every therapist and psychotherapist on the planet could repeat this to their clients, like a mantra, again and again, there would be fewer therapists and psychotherapists. Because it works. Very quickly. Realising that what you're worrying about and stressing over doesn't really matter so much in the grand scheme of things is the door to freedom and healing. And the little profanity 'F**k It' is the key to that door. Ask anyone who's come close to death, or lost someone close to them, or discovered they have a serious disease and they'll say the same thing: that the little things don't matter, F**k It... enjoy life in every moment for what it is, not what you want it to be... worry less, live more... remember what's important and forget the rest.John and Gaia have taught F**k It Retreats in Italy and around the world since 2005. They have taught thousands of people how to say F**k It: how to ease up, let go, and feel the natural flow in their lives. F**k It Therapy makes available for the first time the process they teach during their week-long retreats. With their six-part process, you are guided through how to deeply relax and let go, then how to carry this out into your life. You find out about the F**k It State and how to access it, you learn the principles of F**k It Training and then discover what F**k It Living really is, and how you can live every moment in a free, relaxed and F**k It way.

F*** You Cancer: How to face the big C, live your life and still be yourself

by Deborah James

**As seen on BBC Breakfast**You are stronger than you know, more positive than you ever thought and you can still LIVE with cancer.Drink more green juices, eat turmeric, walk for three hours a day... Arghh, I wanted to scream, run away and tell every well-meaning person to go and do one!Whilst this book doesn’t advocate throwing all advice down the kitchen sink, it will empower you to do things your way as you navigate the big C roller coaster. Deborah James, campaigner and co-presenter of the top-charting podcast You, Me and the Big C, will take you through every twist and turn, reminding you that it’s okay to feel one hundred different things in the space of a minute and showing you how you can still live your life and BE YOURSELF with cancer. Taking you from diagnosis (welcome to the club you never wanted to join), to coping with family and friends (can everyone just fuck off sometimes?!), looking good and feeling better (drink the wine), and celebrating milestones along the way (drink more wine!), this inspiring cancer coach in a book will transform your outlook and encourage you to shout #FUCKYOUCANCER as loudly as you can!

The FAB Diet

by Rosemary Conley

When Rosemary Conley appeared on Dancing on Ice at the age of 65 looking younger and fitter than many of the contestants on there, she proved that her diet and exercise programmes really work. She is an inspiration to thousands of people and her diets are effective, simple and easy to follow. Here's what some of the people who have tried it say:THE FAT ATTACK BOOSTER DIETThe Fat Attack Booster (FAB) Diet has been tried and tested for six months and the results are astonishing.‘I lost 2 stone in 7 weeks. It really is a FAB diet!’ said Becki Gordon.‘I lost 12 lbs in my first week and I am so motivated to keep going on this eating plan. The FAB Diet is so easy AND I’m eating normal food!’ said Robert Carr.Based on everyday healthy food the FAB Diet is so versatile it caters for all tastes and lifestyles. Select from the ‘High Protein’ or the ‘Carb-based’ menu plans, or go for the ‘Vegetarian’ choice. There are also menus incorporating ready meals, and/or desserts. You choose. And to make your selection even easier, they are all colour-coded so you can see at a glance which you want.

FAB Health: Understanding Why We Become Ill So We Can Get Better

by Paulette Agnew

Finally, there is an answer for how to live a healthy life and heal completely without drugs. The natural world and all life exists in a matrix of light and frequency. Modern lifestyle and toxicity create disturbances in the holographic body and cellular communication, causing ill health. Water, earth, electromagnetism, and air contain the energy and blueprint to maintain perfect health. FAB Health introduces a new, healing paradigm to treat Lyme, superbugs, and chronic diseases in a polluted world where antibiotics are failing. The emerging field of Frequency and Bioenergy (FAB) medicine is real and it&’s possible. Paulette Agnew shares her journey through FAB medicine through her thought-provoking story combining cutting edge science and research with practical ancient medicine to help humanity wake up and live as they are meant to: with power, passion, and abundant energy. For those looking to live a natural lifestyle and protect the earth, FAB Health reveals the miracle of life and humanity&’s interconnection with all beings.

The Fab Mom's Guide: How to Get Over the Bump & Bounce Back Fast After Baby

by Jill Simonian

Bouncing back fast after having a baby is absolutely possible for anyone!Affectionately known as The FAB Mom on-air and online, Jill Simonian uses her trusted and entertaining expertise to set expecting and new moms on a distinctive, no-frills journey to help them "get over the bump” and bounce back fast after having a baby. Jill’s frank tricks, somewhat against-the-grain tips, and laugh-out-loud tales involving famous names provide first-time moms a unique roadmap for managing and conquering the lifestyle challenges a newborn often brings.The FAB Mom’s Guide offers a motivational style and practical solutions to inform, inspire, and empower even the most uncertain of new moms. From hanging an oversized mirror in your kitchen to opting out of nursing to spending entire days wearing only your underwear and beyond, Jill Simonian can help a new mother get organized, have fun, and feel in-control, happy, and reinvented within six months of having a baby.Encouraging women to tune out the drama and arming them with useful talk and tools to minimize exhaustion and maximize focus, Jill uncovers and reshapes the status quo for how FAB (an acronym for: Focused After Babies) a new mom’s sense of self and life can truly be.

The Fabric of Dreams: Dream Lore and Dream Interpretation, Ancient and Modern

by Katherine Taylor Craig

Science, history, symbolism, and collective wisdom combine for a fascinating blend of scholarship and spirituality in this exploration of ancient and modern dream lore and dream interpretation. Originally published in 1918, The Fabric of Dreams compiles dream-related beliefs and practices from a broad range of sources to offer a comprehensive and objective view of the subject. Readers are provided with a wealth of fact and fancy from which to arrive at their own conclusions. Author Katherine Taylor Craig, an expert on occult subjects, begins by drawing upon the literature and history of antiquity as well as medieval civilizations. In addition to age-old folklore, including methods of ancient divination, she cites scientists and psychiatrists such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Morton Prince, and Havelock Ellis, discussing and comparing their theories and explanations of dream phenomena. The teachings and observations of mystics such as William Blake and Madame Blavatsky receive their due, along with reflections from modern writers in the fields of literature, science, religion, art, and philosophy. Themes include dreams that have come true, dream analysis and interpretation, and the role of narcotics in inducing dream states. The book concludes with a guide to dream interpretation using the art of geomancy.

Fabricante de lágrimas

by Erin Doom

Llega el nuevo fenómeno literario que ha arrasado en Italia.El libro más viral de los últimos años: Fabricante de lágrimas. En el orfanato en el que Nica creció, siempre se han contado historias y leyendas a la luz de la vela. La más famosa de todas es la del fabricante de lágrimas, un misterioso artesano culpable de haber forjado todos los miedos y las angustias que habitan en los corazones del ser humano. Para Nica ya es hora de dejar atrás los cuentos de la infancia y vivir lo que para ella es un sueño hecho realidad: ser adoptada. Pero no cumplirá su sueño sola ya que la familia adoptiva acogerá también a Rigel, un niño de rostro angelical pero que oculta algo oscuro en su ser. Aunque ambos compartan un pasado en común, la convivencia entre ellos parece imposible. Sobre todo, cuando la leyenda vuelve a aparecer en sus vidas y el fabricante de lágrimas se convierte en algo muy real. Fabricante de lágrimas es una dark romance trepidante y adictiva que deja huella.

Fabriquez vos propres huiles essentielles

by Amber Richards Chimène Elessa

Découvrez les nombreux bienfaits que les huiles essentielles peuvent vous apporter à vous et à votre famille. En utilisant les plantes et les herbes que vous avez à votre disposition, vous économiserez de l'argent et vous vous assurerez que vos huiles sont fraîches. Découvrez dès maintenant des recettes et des mélanges uniques qui vous permettront de venir à bout d'une variété de problèmes de santé de façon naturelle. Les huiles essentielles, huiles volatiles ou huiles éthérées, sont des liquides concentrés qui contiennent une combinaison de précieuses substances végétales pour de nombreux usages. Vous en apprendrez plus sur eux. Ils peuvent être utilisés pour la fabrication de parfums, savons, produits cosmétiques, etc. Ces huiles ont aussi leur place en médecine. Les huiles essentielles ont toujours eu un rôle très important à jouer dans le traitement des affections suivantes : Rhume et fièvre Arthrite Insomnie Système immunitaire affaibli Bronchite Acné Coupures et égratignures mineures Grosse fatigue Problèmes digestifs Tension artérielle élevée, etc. Dans ce livre vous seront révélés des méthodes faciles pour fabriquer vos propres huiles essentielles à partir de plantes et d'herbes. Vous découvrirez aussi de nombreuses recettes pour vous débarrasser de ces problèmes de santé, et plusieurs autres applications. Ce guide vous donne l'histoire générale des huiles essentielles et vous explique comment les distiller et les combiner pour différentes situations. Préparez-vous à voir votre état de santé s'améliorer et votre énergie augmenter grâce à l'utilisation des huiles essentielles.

Fabulicious!: Fast & Fit

by Teresa Giudice

With two New York Times best sellers and continued star-status on The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Teresa Giudice has lots more to share with her fans. In this latest book, Teresa provides a detailed program for how she keeps her voluptuous, sexy figure after four kids (and as she approaches 40). The more than 60 recipes in Fabulicious!: Fast & Fit emphasize "skinny": including lessons on playing up veggies and grilled meats, cooking low-calorie Italian favorites, and rules for the five things you MUST cut out (and what to replace them with). But Teresa isn't about deprivation. She loves food- especially pasta and Tiramisu! Teresa proves that you CAN have your skinny jeans and spaghetti too. She tells you exactly how to live La Bella Vita- the "skinny" way.

Fabulosamente Tú - Programa para bajar de peso en 30 días

by Susan Palmquist

¿Quieres bajar de peso? ¿Quieres entrar en ese pequeño vestido negro o en el de la boda? ¿Tienes pánico porque las vacaciones están a la vuelta de la esquina y quieres lucir bien en tu bikini? La mayoría de nosotros pensamos que ponerse a dieta consiste en renunciar a los alimentos que nos gustan, preparar platos especiales o estar en el gimnasio durante horas, pero a veces son los pequeños retoques los que nos llevan a donde necesitamos. Fabulosamente tú - Programa para bajar de peso en 30 días hace precisamente eso. 30 Días de consejos y sugerencias que son fáciles de seguir, y mejor aún, fáciles de cumplir. Utiliza estos consejos por sí solos o para acompañar un plan de dieta y en un mes serás Fabulosamente Tú.

Fabulous Gluten-Free Baking: Gluten-Free Recipes and Clever Tips for Pizza, Cupcakes, Pancakes, and Much More

by Smilla Luuk

When Smilla was five years old, she was diagnosed with celiac disease, but this did not stop her from pursing her love for baking. In this book, she proves that being gluten intolerant doesn’t mean you have to give up your love for pasta and carbs. Smilla shares some of her favorite recipes, tips and tricks to living gluten free without sacrificing baked goods. Readers will learn how to adapt muffins, brownies, macaroons, pasta and pizza, to their dietary needs. While gluten-free baking is nothing new, Smilla’s love and enthusiasm for baking and her personal experience with gluten intolerance makes this book stand out among others of the same subject matter. Readers are sure to fall in love with Smilla and her various fun and delicious recipes.

The Fabulous Imagination: On Montaigne's Essays

by Lawrence D. Kritzman

"This is one of the few books on Montaigne that fuses analytical skill with humane awareness of why Montaigne matters."-Harold Bloom, Sterling Professor of Humanities, Yale University"In this exhilarating and learned book on Montaigne's essays, Lawrence D. Kritzman contemporizes the great writer. Reading him from today's deconstructive America, Kritzman discovers Montaigne always already deep into a dialogue with Jacques Derrida and psychoanalysis. One cannot but admire this fabulous act of translation."-Hélène Cixous"Throughout his career, Lawrence D. Kritzman has demonstrated an intimate knowledge of Montaigne's essays and an engagement with French philosophy and critical theory. The Fabulous Imagination sheds precious new light on one of the founders of modern individualism and on his crucial quest for self-knowledge."-Jean Starobinski, professor emeritus of French literature, University of GenevaMichel de Montaigne's (1533-1592) Essais was a profound study of human subjectivity. More than three hundred years before the advent of psychoanalysis, Montaigne embarked on a remarkable quest to see and imagine the self from a variety of vantages. Through the questions How shall I live? How can I know myself? he explored the significance of monsters, nightmares, and traumatic memories; the fear of impotence; the fragility of gender; and the act of anticipating and coping with death. In this book, Lawrence D. Kritzman traces Montaigne's development of the Western concept of the self. For Montaigne, imagination lies at the core of an internal universe that influences both the body and the mind. Imagination is essential to human experience. Although Montaigne recognized that the imagination can confuse the individual, "the fabulous imagination" can be curative, enabling the mind's "I" to sustain itself in the face of hardship. Kritzman begins with Montaigne's study of the fragility of gender and its relationship to the peripatetic movement of a fabulous imagination. He then follows with the essayist's examination of the act of mourning and the power of the imagination to overcome the fear of death. Kritzman concludes with Montaigne's views on philosophy, experience, and the connection between self-portraiture, ethics, and oblivion. His reading demonstrates that the mind's I, as Montaigne envisioned it, sees by imagining that which is not visible, thus offering an alternative to the logical positivism of our age.

Fabulous Raw Food: Detox, Lose Weight, and Feel Great in Just Three Weeks!

by Erica Palmcrantz Aziz

Who doesn't want to look leaner, feel stronger, and be happier? Few people would doubt that the food we consume plays a major role in our well-being. The raw food movement proclaims that the secret to great health is not just in what we eat, but in how it's prepared-eating raw provides our bodies with the nutrients and enzymes they need to thrive.Raw Food: A Healthier, Simpler Life in Three Weeks contains three-, seven-, and twenty-one-day programs-each full of delicious recipes-that give you the opportunity to decide just how much change is right for you right now. Erica Palmcrantz Aziz also emphasizes the importance of choosing organic ingredients that enable the body to cleanse itself while improving the quality of the earth's ecosystem.Give your body the chance to get back to its natural balance. Eat raw for just a few weeks and you'll begin to understand your eating habits (good or bad), and how factors like activity, sleep, and emotions govern what you eat. Equipped with a deeper understanding of how food affects you, and armed with a fantastic collection of easy recipes, you'll be feeling great in no time!

Faça Dieta Como Um Guru

by Dra. Kuhn

Você e eu não somos diferentes de nenhum guru que eu conheça. Você possui as mesmas capacidades de escolher à serviço de suas verdades superiores e valores. E todo guru começou onde você está agora – com dúvidas, medos e resistência. Eles, como você, decidiram que há algo mais importante do que entorpecer, evitar, e distrair suas mentes de si mesmos, e das vidas que lhes foram concedidas. Eles, como você, tomaram um passo que implemente algo de cada vez, analisando o que causou que escolhessem práticas ineficáveis repetidas vezes. Você descobrirá, como os gurus descobriram, que cada momento revela a verdade da coragem interior, convicção, força, e amor; eles decidiram que precisavam observar isto e não se recusar a ver. Eu, como você, como todo guru que conheço, pode, e irá, inevitavelmente escolher o amor. É apenas uma questão de tempo. Este livro, Faça Dieta Como Um Guru, fornece perspectivas, histórias, e ideias que o habilitarão a pensar de um modo diferente sobre algo que pode não ter pensado de forma alguma. O encorajará a questionar aqueles princípios e valores aos quais defendeu durante toda a sua vida, em apoio ao seu livre arbítrio, sobre alimentos, bebidas, e qualquer outras substâncias que parecem lhe confortar e nutrir.

Face Fitness: Simple Exercises and Rituals for Toned, Glowing Skin

by Patricia San Pedro

Eat Pretty meets 7 Minutes to Fit in this simple-to-follow guide to facial exercises and clean beauty techniques for healthy, radiant skin.Take your skin care to the next level with this guide to toning, sculpting, and strengthening your skin using simple, natural techniques. Within these pages, you'll discover facial stretches, massage exercises, meditative affirmations, and clean beauty tips from industry experts that will instantly rejuvenate your complexion.The 50 easy-to-follow exercises range from the Cheekbone Press for a rosy glow to the Bright Eyes to reduce puffiness and the Jawline Squeeze to ease tension. With how-to illustrations and empowering mantras, this book is for women looking to enhance their natural beauty routine. Ultimately, FACE FITNESS is not about looking a certain age, rather, it's about elevating your mindset, enhancing your inner glow, and radiating that outward to present the most beautiful you.• ON TREND: Face fitness = the new botox! This lovely little book speaks to several current beauty trends: face fitness (made popular with the help of celebrities like Meghan Markle and Gwyneth Paltrow, and businesses like FaceGym), clean beauty, and non-invasive treatments.• GREAT VALUE: Facial massages and face fitness services are pricey – a FaceGym class can set you back up to $500! This book is packed with valuable information and techniques that anyone can do at home without expensive products or treatments.• PERFECT SELF-CARE PURCHASE OR GIFT: A lovely gift for Galentine's, bachelorettes, and bridal showers, and a value-packed self-purchase for anyone looking to enhance their daily skincare routine.Perfect for:• Clean beauty enthusiasts• People who bought Eat Pretty and 7 Minutes to Fit

The Face Laughs While the Brain Cries: The Education of a Doctor

by Stephen Hauser

A doctor’s powerful and deeply human memoir about the mysteries of the brain and his 40-year quest to find a treatment for multiple sclerosis.Stephen L. Hauser is an acclaimed physician and neuroimmunologist who has spent his career performing cutting-edge research on multiple sclerosis (MS), a devastating brain disease that affects millions of people worldwide. His work has revolutionized our understanding of the genetics, immunology and treatment of MS, and led to the development of B cell therapies—the most effective therapy for all forms of MS and the only therapy currently in place for progressive MS patients.The Face Laughs While The Brain Cries is a riveting memoir that follows Dr. Hauser from his unorthodox upbringing among the colorful cast of characters responsible for his development into a tenacious and innovative researcher, to the life-changing medical breakthroughs he has made against extremely long odds. Along the way, readers will learn the incredible stories of many of his patients, whose bravery, strength, and optimism in the face of a debilitating illness were instrumental to the progress that has been made in the fight against MS. This heartwarming book, written in accessible prose and related with equal measures of humor, empathy, and excitement, is sure to inspire.

The Face of the Business: Develop Your Signature Style, Step Out from Behind the Curtain & Catapult Your Business on Video

by Rachel Nachmias

Are you the Face of Your Business? Impressions matter. If you want to grow your business with video, you’re going to need to look the part. Crafting amazing video requires more than just great content. Most women want to make the right visual impression to attract viewers that are ready and willing to listen to their message, but are not sure how. To get maximum impact from their videos, women need the confidence and skills to master their image and truly become the face of their business. Based on her experience transforming hundreds of clients from fashion rookies into camera-ready women of style, Rachel Nachmias offers a step-by-step process to becoming your most beautiful and confident self, creating videos that grow your following, and turning viewers into clients willing to pay top dollar for your expertise. If you dream of creating a personal style that is an asset in your business, and not a liability, The Face of The Business is for you! What’s your style?

The Face of the Future: Look Natural, Not Plastic: A Less-Invasive Approach to Enhance Your Beauty and Reverse Facial Aging

by Andrew A. Jacono

Demystifying cosmetic surgery and its alternatives, this book explores the ins and outs of facial enhancement and antiaging techniques from the hottest procedures in Hollywood to the newest minimally invasive treatments and skin care. Based on Dr. Jacono's professional experience and supported with scientific findings and medical research, the book covers everything from his approach in maintaining natural-looking beauty and the importance of balance to how to select a doctor and details of the procedures themselves. This well-informed yet readable resource includes thorough sections on topics such as optimizing skin-care regimens, injection treatments, hair restoration, types of face lifts, anesthesia, and cosmetic-surgery differences between men and women.

Face Paint: The Story of Makeup

by Lisa Eldridge

The “exquisite and richly illustrated” New York Times bestseller from the renowned makeup artist, “a retrospective written for all women, everywhere” (Vogue France).Makeup, as we know it, has only been commercially available in the last 100 years, but applying decoration to the face and body may be one of the oldest global social practices. In Face Paint, Lisa Eldridge reveals the entire history of the art form, from Egyptian and Classical times up through the Victorian age and golden era of Hollywood, and also surveys the cutting-edge makeup science of today and tomorrow. Face Paint explores the practical and idiosyncratic reasons behind makeup’s use, the actual materials employed over generations, and the glamorous icons that people emulate, it is also a social history of women and the ways in which we can understand their lives through the prism and impact of makeup.“Makeup artist and Lancome global creative director Lisa Eldridge drops serious knowledge in Face Paint, her book on the history of beautifying.” —Marie Claire“Clear your coffee table and turn off YouTube—Lisa Eldridge’s book is a must read.” —Teen Vogue “The book is not only rich with history but also with a series of paintings, sketches and photographs in an intense array of colors, selected by the make-up artist herself in the most aesthetically pleasing universal statement to women you’ll ever see.” —Vogue France“Face Paint delves into the history of makeup, with glossy pictures to match . . . the book’s cover is striking.” —New York Post

The Face Reader

by Patrician Mccarthy

Discover someone's true personality by looking at their face Have you ever wondered if the person you are about to hire is a natural leader? What if you can measure a person's ambition by the bridge of their nose? Did you know that you can determine a person's fidelity by the markings around their eyes? Mien Shiang, the ancient practice of Chinese Face Reading, gives you answers to all of these questions- and more. Fully illustrated with examples of each technique, The Face Reader is a fascinating look at how this practice can be applied at home, in the workplace, and throughout our lives.


by Alyssa Sheinmel

From a New York Times–bestselling author, an emotionally gripping novel about a girl who gets a face transplant and must rediscover her identity.When Maisie Winters wakes up, she’s in the hospital.The last thing she remembers is going for a run on a misty morning. Slowly, she figures out that after lightning hit a power line, a hot-burning electrical fire consumed her, destroying her face. Where her nose, cheeks, and chin used to be, now there is . . . nothing.Maisie is lucky enough to qualify for a rare medical treatment: a face transplant. But with someone else’s features staring back at her in the mirror, Maisie looks—and feels—like a stranger. Before, she knew who she was—a regular girl who ran track and got good grades, who loved her boyfriend and her best friend. Now, she can’t even recognize herself . . . From the New York Times–bestselling author of A Danger to Herself and Others comes a gripping and gorgeously written tale of identity and love. This is a story of losing yourself, and the long, hard fight to find your way back.Praise for FacelessA New York Public Library Best Books for Teens (2015)Nominated for YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults (2016)“Gorgeous and wrenching . . . I couldn’t put it down.” —Luanne Rice, New York Times–bestselling author“[Sheinmel’s] depiction of a disfigured adolescent girl, already searching for herself and now suddenly forced to accept this new enormity, is compelling . . . absorbing.” —Kirkus Reviews“Fascinating. Teens will identify with [Maisie’s] struggle to accept that her old life is gone forever. The anger and grief that she feels is palpable and vividly expressed. Fans of R. J. Palacio’s Wonder will also enjoy this book and relate to its similar theme about how physical appearance does not define who you really are.” —VOYA“A fascinating human portrait of a unique medical procedure, this work paints a complex picture of a young life impacted by a mammoth change.” —School Library Journal“Sheinmel’s prose is accessible to a wide range of readers who, for whatever reason, find themselves struggling with differences. A touching reminder that real change is rarely skin deep.” —Booklist

Facial Reflexology for Emotional Well-Being: Healing and Sensory Self-Care with Dien Chan

by Alex Scrimgeour

Easy self-care facial massage techniques to heal body and mind• Details simple facial reflexology techniques to soothe the nervous system, calm your emotions, diminish stress and anxiety, heal trauma, treat PTSD, and bring a sense of safety and relaxation to your body-mind• Presents the major Dien Chan facial maps, reflexology practices for achieving overall good health, and protocols for working with different emotional states• Explains how to use Dien Chan for spiritual self-development and self-inquiryThe Vietnamese facial reflexology practice of Dien Chan offers simple touch and massage techniques that engage the reflexology points of the face to help you tap in to the innate healing and regenerative powers of the body. Taking the practice further, master practitioner Alex Scrimgeour shows how to integrate Dien Chan with qigong and Chinese medicine as well as recent developments in neuroscience and cognitive science to treat a variety of emotional issues, from anxiety, addiction, and stress to trauma, dissociation, and PTSD. In this practical guide, Scrimgeour details easy facial reflexology self-care techniques to soothe the nervous system, calm your emotions, diminish stress and anxiety, obtain mental clarity, and bring a sense of safety and relaxation to your mind-body. He shows how the techniques often generate immediate effects and how the ability to feel safe, peaceful, and content within your body can in turn transform your perception and experience of the world. Sharing clear diagrams, the author presents the major Dien Chan facial maps and protocols for working with different emotional states. He explores the energetic dynamic between the face and the body through the lens of neurophysiology and qigong as well as looking at the connections between qigong self-massage and the vagus nerve, revealing how self-massage techniques can effect change in the mind-body nexus. He explains how to use Dien Chan for spiritual self-development and self-inquiry, providing 23 meditative facial reflexology exercises that combine Dien Chan with qigong and traditional Eastern meditation practices. Revealing the holistic connections between the face and both physical and emotional health, this in-depth guide shows how simple facial reflexology practices can bring vibrant health and deep healing.

Facili e saporite ricette chetogeniche per la crockpot

by Katherine Davis Stefania Pezzato

Perdete peso. Vivete sani. Risparmiate tempo. La dieta chetogenica da enormi benefici per la perdita di peso e uno stile di vita sano. Ma uno dei principali vantaggi è il controllo che vi può dare sulle vostre abitudini alimentari. Questo è reso ancora più facile quando avete una raccolta di facili ricette da seguire. I pasti presentati in "Facili e Saporite Ricette Chetogeniche per Crockpot" vi permetteranno di mangiare sani piatti a basso contenuto di carboidrati con la giusta proporzione di grassi, proteine e altri elementi nutrizionali vitali. Mangiando questi piatti vi aiuterà anche a stare lontani da abitudini alimentari poco salubri che minano le possibilità che perdiate peso. Le grandi ricette contenute in questo libro sono tutte chetogeniche e possono essere cotte in una crock-pot (pentola a cottura lenta). Questo significa che oltre ad essere salutari, sono anche faicli e comode per le persone che non hanno molto tempo da dedicare alla cucina. Ottimo per quei giorni in cui sei impagnata, pigra o semplicemente stanca. Inoltre, le vostre sessioni in cucina sono facilitate da istruzioni passo passo per ogni ricetta. La maggior parte delle ricette non richiedono cotture precedenti, quindi potete semplicemente mettere gli ingredienti nella vostra crock-pot e impostare il timer. Ci sono anche suggerimenti per preparare pasti più saporiti. Dato che vi sono 50 ricette in questo libro, pianificando e usando la fantasia potete farlo durare due mesi (poi ricominciate da capo!). Non dovrete più sprecare tempo prezioso cercando in internet le ricette per preparare piatti per voi o la vostra famiglia. Ecco alcune delle ricette contenute nel libro: Pollo al Formaggio e Spaghetti di Zucchine Pollo al Curry e Cocco Petti di Pollo Ripieni alla Greca Maiale al Pomodoro Speziato Sfilacci di Maiale al Cocco e Citronella Polpettone Italiano con Zucchine Bistecche Svizzere Speziate Jambalaya Crock-pot Pizza al Form

Facilitated Stretching (4th Edition)

by Robert Mcatee

Facilitated Stretching, Fourth Edition, remains the most trusted resource for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching, an effective and easy-to-use method that involves stretching the muscle, contracting it isometrically against resistance, and then stretching it again to increase range of motion. Featuring a full-color interior, streamlined organization, the fourth edition brings PNF stretching beyond the treatment room with the inclusion of techniques for the gym, workout room, and home. The fourth edition offers a visual demonstration of PNF stretching techniques with more than 320 photos and illustrations. It includes these updates: - A full-color interior provides readers with clear images of the techniques discussed - Graphic elements on selected photos highlight the muscles being stretched as well as the isometric effort for the stretcher and the partner - Reorganization streamlines the content into two parts, first focusing on the basics and then covering stretches - Expanded content demonstrates how to incorporate stretches, including strengthening routines, into nontherapy workouts to optimize functional training - An appendix showcases anatomical planes of motion, anatomical terms, and types of joints - Online high-definition video presents both treatment room techniques and simplified PNF stretches for nontherapy settings "Facilitated Stretching, Fourth Edition," examines techniques and guidelines for PNF stretches in a variety of settings. Stretches are demonstrated on a treatment table, mat on the floor, chair, cable-pulley machine, and weightlifting bench. Stretches are grouped according to each joint, and the majority of the stretches include both a partner stretch version and a self-stretch version.

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