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Fairies Plain & Simple: The Only Book You'll Ever Need (Plain & Simple Series)

by Ralph Harvey

An Introduction to the History and Mystery of Their Magical Realm <P><P>Fairies abound in the realms of myth and folklore. They have enchanted humans for centuries—but are these mischievous, ethereal creatures more than just myth? <P><P>One could ask for no better guide to the fairy realm than Ralph Harvey, one of England’s foremost modern-day witches. In Fairies Plain & Simple he intersperses his own intriguing fairy encounters (among them, a mysterious musical interlude in an Irish valley) with succinct yet interesting introductions to fairy lore. <P><P>You will learn why roses have special meaning to fairies and why “elf bolts” are significant as well as how fairies influenced everyone from Henry III to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Harvey even describes the best ways to seek out fairies (hint: aligning your chakras will help) and how to express gratitude for fairy favors.

Faith and the Pursuit of Health: Cardiometabolic Disorders in Samoa (Medical Anthropology)

by Jessica Hardin

Faith and the Pursuit of Health explores how Pentecostal Christians manage chronic illness in ways that sheds light on health disparities and social suffering in Samoa, a place where rates of obesity and related cardiometabolic disorders have reached population-wide levels. Pentecostals grapple with how to maintain the health of their congregants in an environment that fosters cardiometabolic disorders. They find ways to manage these forms of sickness and inequality through their churches and the friendships developed within these institutions. Examining how Pentecostal Christianity provides many Samoans with tools to manage day-to-day issues around health and sickness, Jessica Hardin argues for understanding the synergies between how Christianity and biomedicine practice chronicity.

Faith and Will

by Julia Cameron

"[A]n authentic, valuable, and introspective work" (Library Journal) from the bestselling author of The Artist's Way. This inspiring book from the bestselling author of The Artist's Way explores one of the most vital questions that spiritual seekers encounter on the journey to enlightenment: Where do I turn when my soul is urging me to keep growing toward God but my mind and being, stubbornly, will not follow? The author of more than thirty groundbreaking books that deftly trace the intersection between art and faith, between creativity and spirit, Julia Cameron has earned millions of fans around the world. In this, her most personal book to date, she provides a heartbreakingly honest and insightful depiction of her struggle to reconnect to her faith and her realization that having faith, of necessity, means relinquishing will. A wise and passionate book, Faith and Will gently guides readers through the process of learning to let go and, in turn, learning to live. .

The Faith Factor

by Dale A. Matthews Connie Clark

Drawing from the latest scientific research, as well as numerous illustrative case studies, The Faith Factor offers convincing proof that religious practices can and do enhance the healing powers of medicine. And nationally renowned physician Dale A. Matthews offers a program any patient can follow to incorporate faith into their own healing. Dr. Matthews points out that encouraging an integration of religious beliefs and practices in medical settings can have important benefits for the entire medical community?from patients and doctors to national health policy makers. He shows how the national trend toward rediscovering religious values has led many patients to use prayer in conjunction with conventional treatment, and that the results have already confirmed that faith and religious practice can be valuable medicine. Finally, Dr. Matthews helps readers explore the connection between faith and medicine in their own lives through methods of prayer, community worship, and study of Scripture.

Faith in Life

by Asma Elferkouss

How to trust "Life"? I invite you to take a journey through the chapters to honor Life, appreciate its signs and take the time to welcome what this energy transmits to us. I invite you to discover, through "Faith in Life", inspirational shares from our daily lives to have fun with different areas that concern us all and to receive the messages we need at the right moment. I invite you to embody your truth, to plunge into the heart of yourself and to let be... simply

Faith, Medicine, and Science: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. David B. Larson

by Harold G Koenig

A perfect introduction to the connection between religious faith and physical and mental health! Faith, Medicine, and Science: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. David B. Larson is a comprehensive collection of groundbreaking work from one of the principal figures in the establishment, expansion, and acceptance of scientific research at the interface of religion, spirituality, and health. Dr. Jeff Levin and Dr. Harold G. Koenig honor their late colleague with a retrospective of his writings on the impact of religious faith and identity on physical and mental health and on a variety of social issues, including criminal behavior, substance abuse, mental illness, juvenile delinquency, reproductive decisions, marital satisfaction, family functioning, and the quality of life. The book also features a concise history of the religion and health field, a biography of Dr. Larson, and tributes, essays, and remembrances from the leading figures in the field. Faith, Medicine, and Science honors Dr. Larson&’s role in raising awareness of the health effects of religious faith and his vision and efforts in establishing coursework on religion and spirituality within undergraduate and graduate medical education programs. His body of theoretical and empirical writings serves as a permanent record of the powerful role played by religion and spirituality, and his work stands as a lasting contribution to science, medicine, and society. These articles combine with the book&’s supplemental features to provide social and behavioral scientists, medical researchers, and clinicians with an essential resource for clinical research and education. Topics examined in Faith, Medicine, and Science include: the religious life of alcoholics religion, spirituality, and mortality the impact of religion on men&’s blood pressure the systematic analysis of research on religious variables a systematic review of nursing home research religious affiliations in mental health research samples as compared with national samples the associations between dimensions of religious commitment and mental health and much more! Faith, Medicine, and Science: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. David B. Larson documents the work of one of the most important writers on the interface of the human spirit and the healing arts. His death in 2002 at the age of 54 remains a profound loss, but through this book, his pioneering research will continue to serve as a thorough and accessible introduction to the religion and health field.

Faith Physics: A New Theory of Everything

by Nathan V Hoffman

Faith Physics is a new Theory of Everything (ToE) combining ancient spiritual wisdom and modern quantum physics findings to deliver a belief system that is both intellectually sound and spiritually satisfying. It maintains an ineffable Supreme Con

Faith, Physics and Psychology: Rethinking Society and the Human Spirit

by John Fitzgerald Medina

On religion, spirituality, and new society. Despite the progress of Western Civilization in economic, scientific, and other areas, a lack of corresponding progress with respect to spiritual life has left much of society feeling disoriented and unbalanced. Medina's insight sheds light on ways to address this imbalance. The ultimate goal of this examination is to present a path toward a prosperous global civilization that fulfills humanity's physical, psychological, and spiritual needs.

Faith, Reason, And The Plague In Seventeenth-century Tuscany

by Carlo M. Cipolla

Recreates the struggles within plague-stricken Italy, relating events that led to a confrontation between the advocates of science and the followers of faith. By the late fall of 1630, the Black Plague had descended upon northern Italy. The prentice Magistry of Public Health, centered in Florence, took steps to contain and combat the scourge. In this essay, Carlo Cipolla recreates the daily struggle of plague-stricken Monte Lupo, a rustic Tuscan village, revealing in the vivid terms of actual events and personalities a central drama of Western civilization - the conflict between faith and reason, Church and state.

Faith Still Moves Mountains: Miraculous Stories of the Healing Power of Prayer

by Harris Faulkner

From FOX News anchor and author Harris Faulkner comes a collection of powerful, true-life stories of resilience, healing, rescue, and protection.We need reminders of God’s power now more than ever.We often think about prayer as a wish list, with God as Santa Claus. The reality is that the power of prayer reminds us not only how small we are, but also how big God is. Prayer is hope put into action. And prayer works.From the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Haiti to the theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, believers testify to how God inspired hope even when all seemed lost.Two teenagers who were saved from treacherous seas by a vessel named Amen now give thanks for the rescue that changed their lives. A woman’s near-death experience with COVID-19 turned out to be the crisis freeing her from despair. Others speak to how prayer helped them navigate family trauma, overcome abuse, and cope with mental illness and depression. Historical accounts of miracles testify to God’s power throughout time, and Faulkner recounts the role of faith and prayer in her own life and the life of her father.Along with these stories of God’s presence, the book includes an exclusive packet of newly written prayers. Created to reflect the current times, this prayer booklet will provide a road map for putting the lessons of these stories into action.Faith Still Moves Mountains reminds us that God’s light always shines through the darkness. Through these testimonies, we learn prayer isn’t just a ritual, it’s a vital spiritual strategy in a world that wants us to give up the fight.

Faith Through the Prism of Psychology: A New Framework for Existentialism

by Eugene Subbotsky

Faith Through the Prism of Psychology introduces readers to the structure and function of the inherent ability of our Self to invest objects with reality — existentialization (EXON). The author moves away from traditional ideas of existence and faith, arguing that it is an inherent ability of an individual mind to invest entities (both objective and subjective) with reality. The book treats faith as a psychological ability of the mind to upgrade the existential statuses of imaginary entities, such as ghosts or gods; the working of faith is operationalized and analyzed in empirical psychological studies. It presents a new model of investing objects with existence, with such structural elements as the belief in object permanence (BOP), magic/ordinary distinguisher (MOD), magic/trick distinguisher (MTD), imaginary/perceived distinguisher (IPD), BOP defense mechanism (BOP/DM) and realities distinguisher (RD). It will be essential reading for anyone interested in existence from psychology, philosophy, art, theology or psychotherapy backgrounds.

The Fake and Deceptive Science Behind Roe V. Wade: Settled Law? vs. Settled Science?

by Thomas W. Hilgers

Our schools and healthcare institutions have abandoned the Hippocratic Oath and the Declaration of Geneva and replaced it with a policy of lethalism ...This is a direct result of the Court's acceptance and promotion of archaic scientific reasoning (Roe v. Wade) that, at best, would be considered pre-medieval and clearly out of touch with scientific reality. Fallout includes the expansion into fetal experimentation, human cloning, embryonic stem cell research, infanticide, and even physician-assisted suicide programs. The respect for life ethic has slowly been removed as the Supreme Court has so strongly supported the "lethalism becomes a way of life" ethic. Especially interesting is the lack of support for any positive solutions to these issues.The recognition is that life at all stages in the womb is precious and able to make extraordinary contributions to our ability to love and to be loved, to bring about peace and to be at peace, to extract love in ways that only a very young and precious life is able to extract, and to express love in ways that can be boundlessly meaningful. As we move to reestablish the human right to live, we must also move beyond lethalism and install positive, life-affirming and meaningful solutions to real human problems.God bless us all as we move in this direction!

Fake Medicine: Exposing the wellness crazes, cons and quacks costing us our health

by Bradley McKay

We all want to live healthier, happier and longer lives, but too many of us are charmed by charlatans, misled by marketing or scammed by sciencey-sounding salespeople.Dr Brad McKay, Australian GP and science communicator, has seen the rise of misinformation permeate our lives and watched as many of us have turned away from health experts. Too often, we place our trust in online influencers, celebrities and Dr Google when it comes to making important health decisions.Fake Medicine explores the potential dangers of wellness warriors, anti-vaxxers, fad diets, dodgy supplements, alternative practitioners and conspiracy theories.This book is an essential tool for debunking pseudoscience and protecting you and your loved ones from the health scams that surround us. Protect your mind, body and wallet by fighting fake medicine.

The Fall of Spirituality: The Corruption of Tradition in the Modern World

by Julius Evola

• Examines newer spiritual &“systems&” of the modern era, from spiritism and theosophy, to parapsychic research and anthroposophism, to psychoanalysis and the Church of Satan • Compares these newer spiritual &“systems&” to the traditional spiritual path of the ancients and exposes the misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and occult dangers lurking in their practices • Also examines important modern figures such as Nietzsche, Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner, Dostoevsky, Freud, Jung, Gurdjieff, Krishnamurti, and Anton LaVey Written two years before his most prominent book Revolt Against the Modern World, Julius Evola&’s The Fall of Spirituality was originally published in Italian as Maschera e volto dello spiritualismo contemporaneo (The Mask and Face of Contemporary Spiritualism). In it, the Baron critiques the spiritual schools, cults, philosophies, and mystical teachers of the 20th century--from spiritism and theosophy, to parapsychic research and anthroposophism, to psychoanalysis and the Church of Satan--comparing these newer spiritual &“systems&” to the traditional spiritual path of the ancients and exposing the misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and occult dangers lurking in their practices. Examining important modern figures such as Nietzsche, Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner, Dostoevsky, Freud, Jung, Gurdjieff, Krishnamurti, and Anton LaVey, the author contends that their aspirations to power are limited to a focus on concerns of the mundane world. They are thereby blind to the existence of a supernatural reality that offers individuals transmutation from the fallen human personality into a semigod-like status--a status attainable only by those who can master the rigors demanded of initiates on the traditionalist path. Offering an essential guidebook for serious spiritual seekers looking for a more profound metaphysical discipline than those of the spiritual schools of the modern era, Evola also provides contrasting insights from the age-old path of initiation and high magic.

Fallbuch Suizid und Suizidprävention: Zwölf Suizidversuche handlungstheoretisch analysiert

by Ladislav Valach Annette Reissfelder

Eine junge Frau wird von ihrem Freund verlassen, ein älterer Mann wird pensioniert und fühlt sich wertlos und einsam, ein junger Mann erfährt, dass seine Frau eine außereheliche Beziehung pflegt. Sie alle sehen nur noch den Suizid als Lösung. Üblicherweise werden Personen nach einem Suizidversuch in einem Krankenhaus behandelt, wo Fachpersonen versuchen, die zugrunde liegende psychiatrische Erkrankung herauszuarbeiten. Ladislav Valach und Annette Reissfelder argumentieren jedoch, dass Suizid nicht eine Krankheit, sondern eine Handlung ist. Da diesem Verständnis die Hochschätzung alltäglicher Darstellungen eigener Erlebnisse zugrunde liegt, wird in diesem Buch den suizidalen Personen die Bühne freigegeben. Das Fachbuch stellt zwölf verschiedene Fälle nach einem Suizidversuch vor. Bei der Analyse der Gespräche wird auf die Handlungstheorie des Alltags geachtet. Durch die Darstellung der langfristigen, mittel- und kurzfristigen Anliegen der Patient*innen bzw. den Handlungen in den Geschichten, erhalten Praktizierende einen detaillierten Einblick in die der Suizidhandlung zugrunde liegenden Ursachen und deren Behandlung.

Fallen Angels . . . and Spirits of the Dark: . . . And Spirits of the Dark

by Robert Masello

“My name is Legion: for we are many.” —Mark 5:9 They have been with us since the beginning of time. Walking the centuries in our myths, our art, our literature . . . and in our dreams. Victims of temptation and sin, they are spirits who fell from heaven’s grace, emerging anew as servants of darkness. Here, in one spellbinding volume, are the most infamous denizens of the Underworld—from Lucifer, the first angel who challenged God’s will, to the fathomless legions of demons and fiends who haunt us to this day. Explore their world, hear their stories, unravel their secrets, and discover for yourself that even angels can have a dark side . . .

Falling and Laughing: The Restoration of Edwyn Collins

by Grace Maxwell

In February 2005, Edwyn Collins suffered two devastating brain haemorrhages. He should have died. Doctors advised that if he did survive, there would be little of him left. If that wasn't enough, he went on to contract MRSA as a result of an operation to his skull and spent six months in hospital. Initially, Edwyn couldn't speak, read, write, walk, sit up or feed himself. He had lost all movement in his right side and was suffering from aphasia - an inability to use or understand language. When he initially recovered consciousness the only words he could say were 'Grace', 'Maxwell', 'yes' and 'no'.But with the help of his partner Grace and their son Will, Edwyn fought back. Slowly, and with monumental effort, he began to teach his brain to read and speak all over again - with some areas of his mind it was if he had been a slate wiped utterly clean. Through a long and arduous road of therapy he began to re-inhabit his body until he could walk again. Grace's story is an intimate and inspiring account of what you do to survive when your husband is all but taken away without warning by a stroke.

Falling Awake: How to Practice Mindfulness in Everyday Life

by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Think you have no time for mindfulness? Think again. "Thoughtful and provocative.... The relevance of this work is unquestionable, as it leaves us inspired and optimistic that true healing really is possible" (Sharon Salzberg). For four decades, Jon Kabat-Zinn has been teaching the tangible benefits of meditation in the mainstream. Today millions of people have taken up a formal mindfulness meditation practice as part of their everyday lives. But how do you actually go about meditating? What does a formal meditation practice look like? And how can we overcome some of the common obstacles to incorporating meditation into daily life in an age of perpetual self-distraction? Falling Awake directly answers these urgent and timely questions. Originally published in 2005 as part of a larger book titled Coming to Our Senses, it has been updated with a new foreword by the author and is even more relevant today. Science shows that the tangible benefits of a mindfulness meditation practice are impossible to ignore. Kabat-Zinn explains how to incorporate them into our hectic, modern lives. Read on for a master class from one of the pioneers of the worldwide mindfulness movement.

Falling Awake: How to Practice Mindfulness in Everyday Life

by Jon Kabat-Zinn

More than twenty years ago, Jon Kabat-Zinn changed the way we think about awareness in everyday life with his now-classic introduction to mindfulness, Wherever You Go, There You Are. He followed that up with 2005's Coming to Our Senses, the definitive book for our time on the connection between mindfulness and our well-being on every level, physical, cognitive, emotional, social, planetary, and spiritual. Now, the original text of Coming to Our Senses is being repackaged into 4 smaller books, each focusing on a different aspect of mindfulness, and each with a new foreword written by the author. In this second of these books, Falling Awake (which was originally published as Part III and Part IV of Coming to Our Senses), Kabat-Zinn focuses on the "how" of mindfulness--explaining how meditation brings us into intimate relationship with all our senses, how to establish a formal meditation practice, and how to overcome some of the common obstacles to incorporating meditation into daily life in an age of perpetual self-distraction. By "coming to our senses"--both literally and metaphorically--we can become more compassionate, more embodied, more aware human beings, and in the process, contribute to the healing of the body politic as well as our own lives in ways both little and big.

Falling Awake: How to Practice Mindfulness in Everyday Life

by Jon Kabat-Zinn

More than twenty years ago, Jon Kabat-Zinn changed the way we think about awareness in everyday life with his now-classic introduction to mindfulness, Wherever You Go, There You Are. He followed that up with 2005's Coming to Our Senses, the definitive book for our time on the connection between mindfulness and our well-being on every level, physical, cognitive, emotional, social, planetary, and spiritual. Now, the original text of Coming to Our Senses is being repackaged into 4 smaller books, each focusing on a different aspect of mindfulness, and each with a new foreword written by the author. In this second of these books, Falling Awake (which was originally published as Part III and Part IV of Coming to Our Senses), Kabat-Zinn focuses on the "how" of mindfulness--explaining how meditation brings us into intimate relationship with all our senses, how to establish a formal meditation practice, and how to overcome some of the common obstacles to incorporating meditation into daily life in an age of perpetual self-distraction. By "coming to our senses"--both literally and metaphorically--we can become more compassionate, more embodied, more aware human beings, and in the process, contribute to the healing of the body politic as well as our own lives in ways both little and big.

Falling Away From You: One Family's Journey Through Traumatic Brain Injury

by Nicole Bingaman

On Thanksgiving Eve 2012, the course of one young man's life would be forever changed. Falling Away from You tells the story of Taylor Bingaman and his journey through the world of Traumatic Brain Injury. Taylor's mother, Nicole, shares the story as she recounts the events that happened as the result of a devastating fall down the stairs in their family home. Nicole brings to life what happens in Taylor's accident through his continual recovery in a very personal and candid way. She expresses the idea that it takes a village to have a successful recovery and it merely begins in the operating room. This book will remind you that each day is a precious and irreplaceable gift. It will show you that love and time do play a part in healing. Falling Away from You is a perspective of hope in the midst of tragedy, triumph in the face of what seemed like unbeatable odds, and how one family came together to help bring back the son and brother they loved so much. It is a realistic perspective on courage, determination and one young man's struggle and drive to beat the odds, one step at a time.

Falling Back in Love with Being Human: Letters to Lost Souls

by Kai Cheng Thom

What happens when we imagine loving the people—and the parts of ourselves—that we do not believe are worthy of love?A transformative collection of intimate and lyrical love letters that offer a path toward compassion, forgiveness, and self-acceptance.New York Times Book Review Editors&’ Choice • &“Required reading.&”—Glennon DoyleKai Cheng Thom grew up a Chinese Canadian transgender girl in a hostile world. As an activist, psychotherapist, conflict mediator, and spiritual healer, she&’s always pursued the same deeply personal mission: to embrace the revolutionary belief that every human being, no matter how hateful or horrible, is intrinsically sacred.But then Kai Cheng found herself in a crisis of faith, overwhelmed by the viciousness with which people treated one another, and barely clinging to the values and ideals she&’d built her life around: justice, hope, love, and healing. Rather than succumb to despair and cynicism, she gathered all her rage and grief and took one last leap of faith: she wrote. Whether prayers or spells or poems—and whether there&’s a difference—she wrote to affirm the outcasts and runaways she calls her kin. She wrote to flawed but nonetheless lovable men, to people with good intentions who harm their own, to racists and transphobes seemingly beyond saving. What emerged was a blueprint for falling back in love with being human.

Falling Back in Love with Being Human: Letters to Lost Souls

by Kai Cheng Thom

&“Required reading for the untamed soul . . . reminded me how to love others and myself.&”—Glennon Doyle, #1 New York Times bestselling author of UntamedA transformative collection of intimate and lyrical love letters that offer a path toward compassion, forgiveness, and self-acceptance.What happens when we imagine loving the people—and the parts of ourselves—that we do not believe are worthy of love? Kai Cheng Thom grew up a Chinese Canadian transgender girl in a hostile world. As an activist, counselor, conflict mediator, and spiritual healer, she's always pursued the same deeply personal mission: to embrace the revolutionary belief that every human being, no matter how hateful or horrible, is intrinsically sacred.But then Kai Cheng found herself in a crisis of faith, overwhelmed by the violence with which people treated one another, and barely clinging to the values and dreams she'd built her life around: justice, hope, love, and healing. Rather than succumb to despair and cynicism, she gathered all her rage and grief and took one last leap of faith: she wrote. She wrote letters that were prayers, or maybe poems, or perhaps magic spells. She wrote to the outcasts and runaways she calls her kin. She wrote to flawed but nonetheless lovable men, to people with good intentions who harm their own, to racists and transphobes seemingly beyond saving. What emerged was a blueprint for falling back in love with being human.

Falling Down Getting Up: A Story of Overcoming Life to Live

by Michael Harris Jay Conrad Levinson

Falling Down Getting Up is about an incredible journey in life. It begins with a personal and revealing story of the author, Michael Harris, and his falling down in life. There were a few big falls like losing more than half of his liver in an accident at twelve years old, becoming an alcoholic by sixteen, and nearly losing his legs from vascular disease at twenty-seven. Once Michael gets you through the gory details of the mess he found himself in, he'll tell you what he did to get back up out of that mess. Perhaps as you read Falling Down Getting Up, you will chuckle a little (or a lot) and be entertained as Michael shares his journey of falling down and getting back up. If you find yourself falling down in life, hopefully the suggestions in Falling Down Getting Up just might help you get back up too.

Falling into the Rhythm of Life: Life Lessons Straight from the Horse's Mouth

by Sharon Campbell-Rayment

In every tragedy there is the ability to heal and rise above the challenge. In Falling into the Rhythm of Life, author Sharon Campbell-Rayment leads readers through her personal story of a devastating accident and her path to healing and recovery. She also provides readers with helpful lessons, tips and techniques called – Life Lessons Straight From the Horse's Mouth – written to equip readers on their own journeys.

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