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Secrets of the Druids: From Indo-European Origins to Modern Practices

by Teresa Cross

A guide to the history and practices of the Druids and the Celtic faith • Reconstructs the Druidic faith from surviving remnants, parallels with other Indo-European traditions, and dedicated study of scholarly sources • Details magical rites and ceremonies, methods for consecrating an outdoor temple, and customs for celebrating important festivals such as Beltaine and Samhain • Discusses rules for firecraft, making offerings to deities and spirits, and the ancient Coligny calendar, including the names of the months in old Gaulish Druids and their magic, lore, and rituals have fascinated all those who encounter them, from the ancient Greeks and Romans onward. Even today, the mere mention of their name evokes pictures of standing stones, mistletoe, golden sickles, white-robed priests, and powerful sorcerers. But were they really as we picture them? Drawing on comparative mythology and linguistics, archaeological evidence, and etymology, Teresa Cross offers readers a comprehensive course in the history and development of the Celtic spiritual tradition and its lore, reconstructing the Druidic faith from the remnants that have survived and dedicated study of scholarly sources. She also reveals parallels with other Indo-European traditions, such as the similarities between Celtic and Vedic Hindu beliefs and practices. She chronicles the ethics and spiritual teachings of Druidism and the Celtic faith and examines what happened to these beliefs during centuries of Christianization. Moving from history to practice, Cross details magical rites and ceremonies as practiced by modern-day followers of Druidactos. She explores the structure of the Touta, which roughly corresponds to &“tribe,&” methods for consecrating a nemeton, the outdoor temple that offers the optimum sacred space for the meeting of heaven and earth, and the rites and customs associated with important festivals such as Beltaine and Samhain. She also explores the rules of firecraft, the sacred art of giving to the cosmos, making offerings to deities and spirits, sacred food and beverages, and the ancient Coligny calendar, including the names of the months in old Gaulish. Offering an authentic handbook for starting your own Celtic group led by Druids, Cross reveals the meanings and metaphysics behind the Celtic and Druidic customs and traditions, reuniting the fragmentary remains of long-lost Druid culture with the still-living practices of the Celtic faith.

Secrets of the I Ching: Get What You Want in Every Situation Using the Classic Bookof Changes

by Kenneth Irving Joseph Murphy D. D.

The classic guide to tapping the practical benefits of an age-old book of wisdom--revised to captivate today's spiritual seekers<P> Based on the revered Chinese philosophy with a 5,000-year-old tradition, the I Ching, or Book of Changes, is rich in revelations. An eminent expert on the powers of the subconscious, Dr. Joseph Murphy opens the guiding force of this ancient text to anyone with an appreciation of the possibilities. With the help of three coins--ordinary pennies will do-- readers will learn to apply their intuitive abilities to receive the I Ching's answers.<P> With a practical outlook, this hands-on guide presents simple techniques for enlisting the I Ching's aid in everyday problem-solving and decision-making. Murphy explains the I Ching hexagram system, revealing its roots in human psychology and the principle of constant change. Demystifying obscure terms and symbols, the author leads the way to consulting the I Ching for clarity and guidance in times of confusion and crisis. By combining basic mathematical formulas with spiritual awareness, readers will realize the miracle-working potential of their own mind and connect with the I Ching's truths. As a result, they'll gain vital insights into questions about career, family, romance, financial security, and life goals. And they'll discover the wonder of genuine peace of mind.<P> SECRETS OF THE I CHING, does not claim to predict the future. But it does provide the tools to mark any future with the promise of greater personal and spiritual fulfillment.

The Secrets of the I Ching: Ancient Wisdom and New Science

by Joseph K. Kim Dr. David S. Lee

A comprehensive guide to the mysteries of the I Ching. Originally discovered around 3,000 BCE, the I Ching is a collection of symbols that explain how patterns in the universe change and shift. These sixty-four symbols contain within them one of the most powerful keys to understanding the world around us. The Secrets of the I Ching is the definitive guide to understanding the ancient mysteries and foundations of the I Ching.Authors Dr. David Lee and Joseph K. Kim guide the reader from the very beginning of Eastern thought, the concepts of Tao and Tai Chi, through the theory of Yin-Yang, Trinity, the Five Elements, and other critical concepts that will unlock the full meaning of the I Ching. Instead of simply re-interpreting the myriad of meanings ascribed to the I Ching, they focus on the symbols themselves, offering a new way of understanding its unique power.Filled with over three hundred images and backed by in-depth research and study, The Secrets of the I Ching is the ultimate guide to the I Ching and essential reading for anyone interested in exploring the power of this ancient source of wisdom and knowledge.

Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer: The Hidden Power Of Beauty, Blessing, Wisdom And Hurt

by Gregg Braden

Could our deepest hurts reveal the key to a powerful form of prayer that was lost 17 centuries ago?What can we learn today from the great secret of our most cherished traditions?"There are beautiful and wild forces within us." With these words, the mystic St. Francis described what ancient traditions believed was the most powerful force in the universe – the power of prayer. For more than 20 years, Gregg Braden has searched for evidence of a forgotten form of prayer that was lost to the West following the biblical edits of the early Christian Church. In the 1990s, he found and documented this form of prayer still being used in the remote monasteries of central Tibet. He also found it practiced in sacred rites throughout the high deserts of the American Southwest.In this book, Braden describes this ancient form of prayer that has no words or outward expressions. Then, for the first time in print, he leads us on a journey exploring what our most intimate experiences tell us about our deepest beliefs. Through case histories and personal accounts, Braden explores the wisdom of these timeless secrets, and the power that awaits each of us . . . just beyond our deepest hurt!

Secrets of the Monarch

by Allison Dubois

Allison DuBois, medium and inspiration for the Emmy award-winning BBC series Medium, tells us that if you want to understand life, you must understand death. In Secrets of the Monarch, she shows readers how communicating with the dead has taught her important lessons about life and how we can apply those principles to our lives. The monarch butterfly takes several generations to complete its migration patterns and ensure the survival of future butterflies, just like we must live good lives to ensure the future happiness of our children and their children. Although we are all products of our predecessors, Allison stresses that every person's life is part of a bigger story, stretching back past family and friends to society as a whole. By making the most of your life now, Allison says, you can positively affect that story. It is your legacy to pass the fire in your eyes and heart to your children, your siblings' children, your friends' children.

Secrets of the Monarch

by Allison Dubois

Life lessons from those who know best -- the dead: Allison DuBois shares insights on how you can live your legacy today. Known as the inspiration for the hit television show Medium, Allison DuBois lives in a world few of us ever glimpse. She can see what is on both sides of the thin line between life and death, and she regularly encounters spirits who have passed. As part of her life's work, she comforts families who have tragically lost their sons and daughters, helps authorities find dangerous criminals, and locates missing persons. But, like all of us, her first job is being a dedicated member of her family, a treasured friend, and a guiding light to her three daughters. Like the monarch butterfly, whose survival as a species depends on its predecessors' actions several generations before, everyone is influenced by their ancestors. But it is up to individuals, Allison says, to create their own legacies and pass the fire and passion in their lives to their children, their children's children, and the generations beyond. In Secrets of the Monarch, Allison passes on important life lessons she's learned through communicating with the dead. If you want to understand life, Allison teaches, you must understand death. You already know the ending of your story, so make it the best tale you can -- while you can. Everyone is part of a bigger story, but by making the most of your life every day, you can positively affect that story. Some aspects of life and death are leaps of faith. But others are conscious choices that we can make to better our lives and those of future generations. With insightful teachings on both family relationships and friendships, as well as how she herself is inspired to live better tomorrow than she has today, Allison DuBois shows how each of us can make our lives a true masterpiece.

Secrets of the Sexually Satisfied Woman: Ten Keys to Unlocking Ultimate Pleasure

by Laura Berman Jennifer Berman Alice Burdick Schweiger

The nation's leading experts on women's sexual health offer up the secrets to female sexual satisfaction using data culled from their groundbreaking new surveyNot since The Hite Report twenty-five years ago has female sexuality been so comprehensively addressed and analyzed. In Secrets of the Sexually Satisfied Woman, Drs. Laura and Jennifer Berman topple common misconceptions and reshape conventional wisdom based on their revolutionary and highly anticipated National Women's Sexual Satisfaction Survey. Extrapolating from the study results, the Bermans address the psychological and medical factors that affect sexuality while providing expert, accessible advice on how women can improve their sex lives and enhance sexual pleasure. The Bermans are not afraid to take on topics that make most people blush, and this book is sure to be an essential resource for women throughout the country.

Secrets of the Signs: Astro-Analyze Your Life

by Stacey Wolf

Astro-analyze yourself to reveal your relationships with everyone -- your friends, parents, brothers and sisters, teachers, boyfriend...even celebrities! With diagrams and charts explaining your sun and moon signs and the effects of other planets, this guide will show you what the future holds. Find out what your true personality is, what career awaits you, and whether your man is the perfect heavenly match or a disaster waiting to happen. Uncover everything you need to know -- with SECRETS OF THE SIGNS!

Secrets of the Vine: Breaking Through to Abundance

by Bruce H. Wilkinson

"Abundance-that beautiful overflow of true worth in a person's life-is exactly what you and I were born for. No wonder we so deeply desire it! Yet millions of Christians settle for less because they misunderstand and resist Gods ways of bringing it about. In The Prayer ofjabez, I showed readers how to ask for a life of abundant impact and significance for God. In Secrets of the Vine, I want to show you how God works in your life to answer that prayer-and what you can do to cooperate with Him to make it happen. You'll be surprised to discover how much God wants abundance for you. And you'll be relieved to know that you never need to misread His ways in your life again." An excellent devotional.

Secrets of the World's Healthiest Children: Why Japanese children have the longest, healthiest lives - and how yours can too

by Naomi Moriyama William Doyle

A recent global analysis by The Lancet revealed that Japanese children are the healthiest in the world. Bestselling author and Tokyo-born Naomi Moriyama set out to discover the secrets of Japan's success. Travelling with her young son, Naomi interviewed scientists, doctors and researchers in Japan, the US and the rest of the world as well as gathering the insights of Japanese mums. The result: a highly practical and revolutionary guide that will help you establish healthy eating and lifestyle habits that will last a lifetime. In Secrets of the World's Healthiest Children, Naomi and her husband William Doyle reveal life-changing behaviours and tips that will help any parent achieve the results they want.

Secrets of the World's Undiscovered Treasures

by Lionel And Fanthorpe

Treasures of many kinds still lie hidden below crumbling castles and ruined monasteries; in macabre tombs; in subterranean labyrinths and sinister caverns. Many sunken treasures lie beneath the seas, oceans and lakes of the world. Vast stores of pirate gold are still hidden on many a real life treasure island such as Oak Island at Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. Many treasures were looted, hidden and lost after the two World Wars - Hermann Goering, for example, one of most powerful leaders of Nazi Germany, is strongly suspected of hiding huge treasures at Veldenstein and Lake Zeller. This fascinating, expertly researched book brilliantly reveals all these unsolved mysteries. The final section covers useful ideas for treasure-seekers: the study of old maps and charts; coded messages; secret symbols; and intensive research into the lives and locations of those people through out history who probably in all certainty, had treasure to hide.

La secuencia de 12 segundos: ¡reduce Tu Cintura En Dos Semanas!

by Jorge Cruise

PIERDE LA GRASA ABDOMINALEN SÓLO 20 MINUTOS, DOS VECES POR SEMANALA SECUENCIA DE 12 SEGUNDOS es el más reciente y revolucionario método de entrenamiento de resistencia para quemar grasa creado por Jorge Cruise, la superestrella de la buena forma física del cuerpo. Gracias a este sistema te verás mejor que nuncay sólo se necesitan dos sesiones de ejercicios de veinte minutos por semana. Fundada en las más modernas investigaciones en fisiología del ejercicio, la Secuencia de 12 Segundos demuestra que la clave del éxito no es hacer más ejercicios, sino ejercitarse de manera más inteligente.Si sigues el plan de Jorge, tu cuerpo comenzará a quemar por sí mismo cientos de calorías cada semanaconstantemente, inclusive cuando no estás haciendo ejercicios. La grasa corporal desaparece, se desarrollan músculos más esbeltos y lucirás mejor de lo que hubieras podido imaginar.Por qué necesitas la Secuencia de 12 Segundos: Seguirás un sencillo plan de ocho semanas que reconfigura tu cuerpo para que queme un 20% más de caloríastodos los días Aprenderás cómo comer para acelerar los resultados Reducirás tus esfuerzos al mínimo y llevarás al máximo tus resultados Te sentirás inspirado por las historias de éxito de otros campeones de la Secuencia de 12 Segundos Te concentrarás en la grasa del abdomen (¡la peor!), de modo que comenzarás a verte fantásticamente bien casi de inmediato Descubrirás una rutina sin pesas que te permitirá sin gimnasio, sin complicaciones y en cualquier lugar continuar haciendo ejercicios dondequiera que tus obligaciones te llevenCon instrucciones fáciles de seguir e historias de éxito de los clientes, la Secuencia de 12 Segundos de Jorge Cruise es un método revolucionario para reducir tu cintura en sólo dos semanas¡y lograr el mejor cuerpo de tu vida!

Secular Meditation

by Rick Heller

Meditation is a form of mental exercise with numerous scientifically verified physical and psychological benefits. As meditation teacher Rick Heller shows, the benefits of the practice extend beyond the personal to enrich relationships with others, with one's community, and with the world. In Secular Meditation, step-by-step instructions, personal stories, and provocative questions teach empathy for others, stress reduction, and the kind of in-the-moment living that fosters appreciation for life and resilience in the face of adversity. Heller simplifies what is often found mysterious, describing and providing detailed instructions for thirty-two different practices, ensuring that anyone can find the right one.

Secularizing Buddhism: New Perspectives on a Dynamic Tradition

by Edited by Richard Payne

A timely essay collection on the development and influence of secular expressions of Buddhism in the West and beyond. How do secular values impact Buddhism in the modern world? What versions of Buddhism are being transmitted to the West? Is it possible to know whether an interpretation of the Buddha&’s words is correct? In this new essay collection, opposing ideas that often define Buddhist communities—secular versus religious, modern versus traditional, Western versus Eastern—are unpacked and critically examined. These reflections by contemporary scholars and practitioners reveal the dynamic process of reinterpreting and reimagining Buddhism in secular contexts, from the mindfulness movement to Buddhist shrine displays in museums, to whether rebirth is an essential belief. This collection explores a wide range of modern understandings of Buddhism—whether it is considered a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle choice—and questions if secular Buddhism is purely a Western invention, offering a timely contribution to an ever-evolving discussion. Contributors include Bhikkhu Bodhi, Kate Crosby, Gil Fronsdal, Kathleen Gregory, Funie Hsu, Roger R. Jackson, Charles B. Jones, David L. McMahan, Richard K. Payne, Ron Purser, Sarah Shaw, Philippe Turenne, and Pamela D. Winfield.

Secure Daughters, Confident Sons

by Glenn T. Stanton

Raise secure, confident kids in a gender-confused worldFrom the moment someone first asked "Boy or girl?" every child's identity is tied to his or her gender. But how that identity fully takes shape depends greatly on the influence of their parents and what they teach their children about the innate value of being male or female. In this eye-opening book, family researcher Glenn T. Stanton offers a clear vision for why gender matters in how we raise our children. His thought-provoking insights expose the problems with stifling stereotypes and damaging cultural assumptions, then highlight a practical pathway for guiding children into healthy manhood and womanhood. You'll discover... · what gender-appropriate behavior looks like at various ages--and why you shouldn't panic if your toddler boy plays with his sister's dolls. · how to help your daughter become secure in her sense of significance--whether she prefers chasing butterflies or shooting hoops. · how to inspire your son to compete and take healthy risks--in ways that fit his unique personality. · how moms and dads complement one another as they discipline differently, comfort differently, and influence differently. · what you can do on a daily basis to nurture your children's God-given design and help them resist the pressure to conform to arbitrary cultural rules. With practical tools, well-researched insights, and real-life scenarios, this book equips parents to launch daughters who are secure in the power of their femininity and sons who are confident in their strength to make a difference in the world.

Securing Health: Lessons from Nation-building Operations

by Federico Girosi Lois M. Davis Lee H. Hilborne Seth G. Jones C. Ross Anthony

RAND researchers analyzed the health components of seven post-World War II nation-building efforts conducted after major conflicts--Germany, Japan, Somalia, Haiti, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq--and found that two factors are correlated with successful health outcomes: planning and coordination, and infrastructure and resources.

The Security Breach Files: An AFK Book (Five Nights At Freddy's)

by Scott Cawthon

Everything fans will want to know about the newest Five Night's at Freddy's game "Security Breach", in a deluxe hardcover!A deep dive into the newest Five Nights at Freddy's game is presented here in a giant hardcover that will make the perfect addition to any fan’s library. From the newest animatronics to the deepest maps and easter eggs, everything is laid out in awesome detail that will deepen the knowledge of even the most enthusiastic player. A must-have for Freddy Fans!

Security Breach Files Updated Edition: An AFK Book (Five Nights At Freddy's)

by Scott Cawthon

Crack open this updated edition of the Security Breach Files for a deep dive into the terrifying game!All that you want to know about the first free-roam Five Nights at Freddy's game is presented here in vivid detail, with thirty-two new pages taking you through the free story "Ruin".This comprehensive breakdown covering gameplay, secrets, Easter eggs, and alternate endings for both the main game and DLC will deepen the knowledge of even the most enthusiastic player. All the evidence, along with every detail of the newest entry into the world of Five Nights at Freddy's is laid out for fans to explore in this one-of-a-kind guide.

Sedatives & Hypnotics: Deadly Downers (Illicit and Misused Drugs)

by Ida Walker

Almost everyone has trouble sleeping once in a while. Sometimes your mind keeps racing with new ideas long after your body is ready to shut down for the evening. Other nights, life's problems follow you to bed and prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. But an occasional night of insomnia needn't justify addiction to sedatives and other sleep-inducing medications. Sedatives and Hypnotics: Deadly Downers reveals the long history of sedatives and hypnotics. You'll discover how these drugs work and their effects, good and bad. Preventative measures are discussed, as well as treatment options for abuse and addiction.

Sedona, Psychic Energy Vortexes: True Stories of Healing and Transformation from One of the Worlds Most Powerful Energy Centers

by Dick Sutphen

Renowned psychic researcher Dick Sutphen reveals everything readers need to know about Sedona, a hot spot of powerful cosmic energies that can call in spiritual visions, past-life experiences, and healing.&“Sedona, Arizona—a place of awesome beauty and an extraordinary energy that is felt by every person wandering through its red-rock canyons. The first time I saw Sedona, in 1969, I knew this was a special place, not only because of its magnificent beauty but because of an undeniable spiritual vibration emanating throughout the area. Over the years I&’ve become convinced, through my own experiences and the experiences of others, and through extensive research and investigation, that the psychic energy here is greater than anywhere else in the country.&”Thousands of people have had incredible metaphysical experiences in Sedona, including direct contact with spirits, visions, and manifestations. Sedona lies on ley lines connecting to Stonehenge and other spiritual power places in the world, and is surrounded by four powerful energy centers, or vortexes, all within a few miles of each other. In this book, you will learn how the vortexes are charged and how they can affect you. You will hear firsthand testimonials from people who have explored the vortexes, and remarkable stories describing their profound, life-changing encounters. Complete directions to find each vortex are also included, as well as important warnings and safeguards you need to be aware of before exploring. You will learn how to test the energy, then activate and expand it to maximize the psychic potentials of your own vortex experience. Foreword by Colette Baron-Reid

Seduction by the Stars

by Ren Lexander Geraldine Rose

Offers suggestions for individuals to make themselves irresistible to any of the twelve sun signs.

Seductive Delusions: How Everyday People Catch STDs

by Jill Grimes

Writing to help general readers become more aware of the risks associated with sexual activity, Grimes, a family physician and faculty member at the U. of Massachusetts Medical School, recounts the stories of young people from all walks of life infected with sexually transmitted diseases: herpes, human papilloma virus and resulting cervical cancer, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, pubic lice, HIV, hepatitis C, and syphilis. Each section includes facts on symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and other information about the STD. She does not include information about pregnancy or stories about homosexual partners. Annotation ©2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Seductive Delusions: How Everyday People Catch STIs

by Jill Grimes

Sexually active young people urgently need this book.A 2009 Book of the Year, USA Book News"It can’t happen to me." Many high school students and young adults, seduced by their sense of invincibility, are stunned when they are diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). But the fact is that anyone can catch an STI: no age group, social class, economic class, culture, religion, gender, or ethnic group is immune. To drive home the risks and realities of unprotected sex, Dr. Jill Grimes shares real-life stories of young people—medical students, college freshmen, teenagers, young parents, talented entrepreneurs—who have gotten an STI. Dr. Grimes narrates the story of Liz, who got syphilis; Sofia, diagnosed with gonorrhea and chlamydia; and Zoe, with pubic lice. She describes how Justin got herpes, Sean got trichomoniasis, and Luke contracted hepatitis C. The accounts of these young men and women and their exam-room conversations with their doctors evoke both the physical symptoms and complicated emotional reactions that often go together with infection. Fact sheets throughout the book explain each sexually transmitted infection and answer frequently asked questions about symptoms, treatment, and prevention.Used in high schools for the past five years, this new edition of Seductive Delusions shows how technological advances have speeded doctor-patient communication, including test results and treatment recommendations. It explains simplified STI testing, explores the frighteningly high incidence of date sexual assault, examines dramatic changes in cervical cancer prevention and Pap tests, and clarifies why HPV vaccines are now routinely recommended for all children—boys and girls. Whether reading the book from cover to cover or jumping directly to a specific disease, readers will relate to the dramatic stories while learning medically reliable information. Making emotionally and physically safe decisions about sex is easier when you know how STIs are spread, how to avoid getting one, what their symptoms are, and how they are diagnosed and treated.

See Better Now: LASIK, Lens Implants and Lens Exchange

by Robert K Maloney

Nearly 3.6 million Americans have their vision surgically corrected annually; it is the most commonly performed surgery in the nation. Even so, many people find themselves feeling anxious about the procedure. Author Robert K. Maloney is an experienced ophthalmologist who has performed thousands of vision correction surgeries. Not only is he an expert at performing these surgeries, he is a compassionate physician who understands the kinds of questions and concerns people have. In this book he covers LASIK and PRK surgeries, the differences between RLE and ICL, the implantable contact lens, refractive lens exchanges, how to choose a surgeon, and the newest vision correction surgery techniques.

See Mom Run: Every Mother's Guide to Getting Fit and Running Her First 5K

by Megan Searfoss

5K training plans tailored just for busy moms!Whether you're looking for a convenient way to lose lingering baby weight or just want to get in shape to keep up with your kids, See Mom Run will help you achieve all of your fitness goals. Running strengthens your physical body and empowers the mind, a one-two punch to get you through the overloaded days of motherhood.Run Like a Mother 5K founder (and busy mother of three) Megan Searfoss shows you how to take those first steps toward the healthy habit of running, with the goal of completing a 5K race. She teaches you running basics, plus how to eat healthy, strength train, and choose your gear—all in a time-saving, cost-effective way. She will help you assess your fitness level and choose a realistic, week-by-week training plan that you can squeeze in before daycare or school, during lunch dates, or after dinner when the rest of the family is settled in for the night. As your fitness progresses, her programs safely challenge you to move from walking to intervals of walking and running to running continuously. At any speed, See Mom Run will help you cross the finish line and continue running for life!

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