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Showing 31,851 through 31,875 of 39,624 results

Self-Trust and Reproductive Autonomy

by Carolyn Mcleod

The power of new medical technologies, the cultural authority of physicians, and the gendered power dynamics of many patient-physician relationships can all inhibit women's reproductive freedom.

Selfish Mind, Slavish Body: A Quest Into Self-Identity

by Laljee Verma

Every thought, sensation, observation, and emotion is mediated by the mind, and it underpins everything that constitutes the perceived reality. But despite an exponential growth in our understanding of the mind, accounting for its nature and implications remain elusive. Selfish Mind, Slavish Body is an enlightening odyssey that investigates the fundamental nature of mind, individuality, and the self. The book distils the wisdom from both, the Eastern and Western religions, teachings of great philosophers, and profound insights from contemporary science into a singular, comprehensive source. The strength of the book lies in its attempt to simplify and unite the diverse viewpoints and conceptions from various fields. Some of the key concepts addressed in the book include: • The religious, cultural, and environmental influences that shape our perception of the world and self-identity. • The relationship between the conscious mind and the physical brain. • The conjunction between mind and the material world. • The intricacies of consciousness, subconsciousness, and ego. To put it succinctly, Selfish Mind, Slavish Body is an ambitious and creative endeavour that provides a fresh perspective on the architecture of self to uncover and understand what really resides behind what we call &‘I&’.

Sellars and Contemporary Philosophy (Routledge Studies in American Philosophy)

by David Pereplyotchik Deborah R. Barnbaum

Wilfrid Sellars made profound and lasting contributions to nearly every area of philosophy. The aim of this collection is to highlight the continuing importance of Sellars’ work to contemporary debates. The contributors include several luminaries in Sellars scholarship, as well as members of the new generation whose work demonstrates the lasting power of Sellars’ ideas. Papers by O’Shea and Koons develop Sellars’ underexplored views concerning ethics, practical reasoning, and free will, with an emphasis on his longstanding engagement with Kant. Sachs, Hicks and Pereplyotchik relate Sellars’ views of mental phenomena to current topics in cognitive science and philosophy of mind. Fink, deVries, Price, Macbeth, Christias, and Brandom grapple with traditional Sellarsian themes, including meaning, truth, existence, and objectivity. Brandhoff provides an original account of the evolution of Sellars’ philosophy of language and his project of "pure pragmatics". The volume concludes with an author-meets-critics section centered around Robert Brandom’s recent book, From Empiricism to Expressivism: Brandom Reads Sellars, with original commentaries and replies.

Sellerie Handbuch

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Heilt euch selbst und seid gesünder als jemals zuvor mit Selleriesaft! Wollt Ihr in der Lage sein, Krankheiten, Beschwerden, Entzündungen, Schmerzen und Depressionen zu eliminieren? Für sehr lange Zeit, wurde Selleriesaft dafür verwendet, eine vielzahl von Nahrungsmitteln zu verwenden! Natürliche Heilungstechniken werden auch mit chronischen Krankheiten, Entzündungen, Euer Immunsystem, Energielevels, Fokus, allgemeine Zufriedenheit und vieles mehr helfen! Einführung von natürlicher Heilungsgeheimnisse von professioneller Nutzung, um gesünder als jemals zuvor zu sein! Mit Jahrzehnten von getesteten Strategien, wird euch dieses Buch den schnellsten und effektivsten Weg zeigen, um natürliche Heilung für euch selbst zu nutzen, mit Selleriesaft, um euer Wohlergehen zu steigern! Ihr werdet lernen, wie ihr euer Wohlergehen in wenigen Wochen steigern könnt. Nicht nur das, sondern ihr werdet buchstäblich jedes einzelne Aspekt euers Lebens verbessern! Wollt Ihr wissen, wie jeder einzelnen mit chronischen Krankheiten und Nahrungsmittelns klarkommen? Auch ihr könnt die Geheimnisse lernen, um dies zu erhalten und zu erreichen, dass ihr euch zufriedener und gesünder fühlt. Dieses Handbuch bringt euch getesteten Techniken bei, ohne die Nutzung von teuren Ergänzungen oder Kurse. Was es beinhaltet: - Selleriesaft Abwehrmassnahmen. - Chronische Krankheiten schlagen. - Mehr Energie haben. - Besser schlafen. - Überwindungen von Nahrungsmittelns. - Ernährung. - Was ihr wissen müsst. + VIELES MEHR! Wenn ihr gesünder sein wollt, Krankheiten heilen, oder den Fokus & Wohlergehen verbessern wollt, dann ist dieses Handbuch für euch. --> Scrollt nach ganz oben auf der Seite und klickt auf zum Warenkorb hinzufügen, um es sofort zu kaufen Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Autor und oder Rechteinhaber macht keine Ansprüche, Versprechungen oder Garantien in Bezug auf die

Selling Immunity Self, Culture and Economy in Healthcare and Medicine (Critical Approaches to Health)

by Mark Davis

Selling Immunity: Self, Culture and Economy in Healthcare and Medicine provides a groundbreaking study of the ways in which immunity shapes life. Through its up-to-date discussion of immunity cultures, alongside detailed real-world examples, the book demonstrates how immunity is enmeshed in concepts of possessive individualism, self-defence and health consumerism. The book explores the rich metaphorical powers of immunity and the life narratives it inspires with reference to the talk of scientists, immunology texts and popular science magazines. The author provides a detailed overview of the ways in which digital media can shape the immune self with reference to cultural and social theories, providing insight into how immunitary knowledge and products are consumed and the benefits and drawbacks this has for healthcare. The book considers the significance of immunity for individuals navigating the threats to health that arise with pandemics and superbugs, with a keen look into how these ideas surface in everyday life across the globe. Finally, the book also discusses economic bases of healthcare technologies bent towards the protection and restoration of immunity. This book is essential reading for professionals within the fields of psychology, sociology, biomedical science, healthcare and other related disciplines. A broader audience will appreciate the book’s attention on the ways immunity is understood to be a personal possession, an object of life craft, and the basis for healthcare consumerism.

The Selling of DSM: The Rhetoric of Science in Psychiatry

by Stuart A. Kirk Herb Kutchins

In this book, Kirk and Kutchins challenge the general understanding about the research data and the process that led to the peer acceptance of Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders universally known as DSM-III.

Selling Our Souls: The Commodification of Hospital Care in the United States

by Adam Dalton Reich

Health care costs make up nearly a fifth of U.S. gross domestic product, but health care is a peculiar thing to buy and sell. Both a scarce resource and a basic need, it involves physical and emotional vulnerability and at the same time it operates as big business. Patients have little choice but to trust those who provide them care, but even those providers confront a great deal of medical uncertainty about the services they offer. Selling Our Souls looks at the contradictions inherent in one particular health care market—hospital care. Based on extensive interviews and observations across the three hospitals of one California city, the book explores the tensions embedded in the market for hospital care, how different hospitals manage these tensions, the historical trajectories driving disparities in contemporary hospital practice, and the perils and possibilities of various models of care.As Adam Reich shows, the book's three featured hospitals could not be more different in background or contemporary practice. PubliCare was founded in the late nineteenth century as an almshouse in order to address the needs of the destitute. HolyCare was founded by an order of nuns in the mid-twentieth century, offering spiritual comfort to the paying patient. And GroupCare was founded in the late twentieth century to rationalize and economize care for middle-class patients and their employers. Reich explains how these legacies play out today in terms of the hospitals' different responses to similar market pressures, and the varieties of care that result.Selling Our Souls is an in-depth investigation into how hospital organizations and the people who work in them make sense of and respond to the modern health care market.

Selling Sickness: How the World's Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies Are Turning Us All Into Patients

by Ray Moynihan Alan Cassels

This book presents a valuable counterweight to the mind-numbing barrage of unproven diagnoses and just plain dysinformation that haunts the airwaves and even some medical journals.

Selling Sickness

by Ray Moynihan Alan Cassels

In this hard-hitting indictment of the pharmaceutical industry, Ray Moynihan and Allan Cassels show how drug companies are systematically using their dominating influence in the world of medical science, drug companies are working to widen the very boundaries that define illness. Mild problems are redefined as serious illness, and common complaints are labeled as medical conditions requiring drug treatments. Runny noses are now allergic rhinitis, PMS has become a psychiatric disorder, and hyperactive children have ADD.Selling Sickness reveals how expanding the boundaries of illness and lowering the threshold for treatments is creating millions of new patients and billions in new profits, in turn threatening to bankrupt national healthcare systems all over the world. This Canadian edition includes an introduction placing the issue in a Canadian context and describing why Canadians should be concerned about the problem.

Sem Resposta: Quando tudo é Respondido

by Kunal Narayan Uniyal

Desde os primórdios da existência, a humanidade rebuscou o fugitivo elixir da paz, da felicidade e da tranquilidade. Os seus esforços concentraram-se na criação de um caminho e um destino que levassem a uma imaculada e duradoira felicidade, a um estilo de vida distinto de uma pureza divina e a uma existência baseada no livre arbítrio. Muitos empreenderam este árduo caminho e fracassaram, seja parcialmente que lastimosamente. Todavia, a pesquisa sempre conservou o seu fascínio. Acumulam-se riquezas materiais, persegue-se o sucesso e forçam-se relações para colmatar um vazio que, nesta pesquisa, não é possível preencher. Este livro procura preencher algum vazio, responder algumas destas incertezas e dar voz algumas reflexões não exprimidas; fala de um percurso que liberta e eleva. Esta colectânea não é apenas uma articulação da natureza da pesquisa, mas também dos obstáculos que se encontram no caminho que leva a perceber quem somos; é também uma tentativa para perceber a natureza incógnita, aquele enigma ilusório e fascinante que nós conhecemos como “maya”. Todos os artigos, e as poesias, deste livro são baseados na minha experiencia pessoal com a “verdade”, assim como cheguei a conhecê-la. O meu navegar no oceano da espiritualidade conduziu-me às margens da certeza, da paz e da consciência daquilo que sou hoje. Esta obra é uma humilde tentativa para explicar a natureza da minha viagem. Ficarei feliz se servirá também a outros para encontrar a “Luz”. Não sou que o teu instrumento. Ámen.

Una Semana de Cocina Italiana

by Claudio Ruggeri Ana García García

Una lista con recetas de platos sencillos y no tanto de la cocina italiana, «robadas» de los menús de una gran cocinera, mi madre.

Semantic Externalism (New Problems of Philosophy)

by Jesper Kallestrup

Semantic externalism is the view that the meanings of referring terms, and the contents of beliefs that are expressed by those terms, are not fully determined by factors internal to the speaker but are instead bound up with the environment. The debate about semantic externalism is one of the most important but difficult topics in philosophy of mind and language, and has consequences for our understanding of the role of social institutions and the physical environment in constituting language and the mind. In this long-needed book, Jesper Kallestrup provides an invaluable map of the problem. Beginning with a thorough introduction to the theories of descriptivism and referentialism and the work of Frege and Kripke, Kallestrup moves on to analyse Putnam’s Twin Earth argument, Burge’s arthritis argument and Davidson’s Swampman argument. He also discusses how semantic externalism is at the heart of important topics such as indexical thoughts, epistemological skepticism, self-knowledge, and mental causation. Including chapter summaries, a glossary of terms, and an annotated guide to further reading, Semantic Externalism an ideal guide for students studying philosophy of language and philosophy of mind.

Semantics and the Body: Meaning from Frege to the Postmodern

by Horst Ruthrof

In traditional semantics, the human body tends to be ignored in the process of constructing meaning. Horst Ruthrof argues, by contrast, that the body is an integral part of this hermeneutic activity. Strictly language-based theories, and theories which conflate formal and natural languages, run into problems when they describe how we communicate in cultural settings. Semantics and the Body proposes that language is no more than a symbolic grid which does not signify at all unless it is brought to life by non-linguistic signs.Ruthrof reviews and analyses various 'orthodox' theories of meaning, from the views of Gottlob Frege at the beginning of the twentieth century to those of theorists in the postmodern period, then offers an alternative approach of his own. His theory features 'corporeal semantics,' and holds that meaning has ultimately to do with the body and that the meaning of linguistic expressions is indeterminate without the aid of visual, tactile, olfactory, and other bodily signs. This approach also remedies what Ruthrof sees also as a loss of interpretive will in the postmodern era.Pedagogy in many fields could be enriched by a systemic integration of non-verbal semiosis into the linguistically dominated syllabus. Those involved in discourse analysis, literature, art criticism, film theory, pedagogy, and philosophy will find the implications of Ruthrof's study considerable.

Semplicemente sani - mangiare bene, vivere bene e sentirsi alla grande!

by Julie Massoni Annalisa Passoni

Sei stanco di sentirti stanco? Allora è giunto il momento di fare qualcosa. Fin troppe persone vivono la loro vita pensando di essere in salute e sentirsi bene per la maggior parte del tempo. Ma quei disturbi e quei dolori NON sono dei normali segnali dell’invecchiamento e ci sono alcune semplici azioni che puoi compiere per iniziare a sentirti sempre ALLA GRANDE. Questo libro è scritto da una naturopata qualificata che nel corso degli anni ha aiutato molte persone a migliorare il proprio stato di salute in modo naturale compiendo semplici scelte di vita salutari. Quando si compie il cambiamento verso uno stile di vita più sano, molte persone non sanno da dove iniziare e questo libro fornisce delle linee guida evitando il gergo tecnico. Impara le combinazioni alimentari per una migliore digestione, l’equilibrio acido-base per aiutare a ridurre le infiammazioni, il sano introito proteico, le alternative ai latticini, la germogliazione di semi e cereali, i superfood e le erbe. Metodi naturali per pelle, sistema linfatico, fegato, colon e cuore in salute. Segui i cinque giorni di disintossicazione per aiutare l’organismo a purificarsi dalle tossine. Sono inoltre incluse ricette sane senza zucchero, vegetariane e vegane.

Señales en el cielo: Lo que nunca se contó. Ovnis, telepatía, mundos subterráneos y profecías

by Fabio Zerpa

Fabio Zerpa cuenta sus inicios, y condensa sesenta años de investigación recorriendo el mundo y entrevistando a personas que aseguran haber visto objetos voladores. Profecías, teorías, vidas paralelas y mundos subterráneos. 17 de noviembre de 1959. Fabio Zerpa, un joven actor que ocupaba un sitio incipiente pero importante en el teatro y la televisión, estaba grabando escenas en una base aérea. Durante el descanso, el piloto que hacía de su doble de riesgo lo invitó a dar un paseo en avioneta. Ascendieron a ochocientos metros de altura. Volaban señalándose curiosidades del paisaje, bromeando, cuando de pronto el piloto se puso serio y le indicó a Fabio que mirara a su izquierda y detrás. "Yo giré la cabeza para ver más allá de la cola del avión y vi algo así como un bolígrafo metálico plateado de unos ciento cincuenta metros de largo volando, siguiéndonos -recuerda Zerpa-. Increíblemente, se detuvo un instante frente a la cabina de nuestro avión. Y, de pronto, realizó un movimiento de sesenta grados y se perdió en el cielo a gran velocidad, hacia el norte. Todo en silencio. Estaba muy impresionado. Busqué en ese cielo clarísimo una nueva señal, pero nada. Así como había aparecido, había dejado su ausencia, tan enorme como mi asombro." La visión de ese objeto marcaría su destino para siempre. Como al mejor de los artistas o de los sabios, a Fabio Zerpa lo fascinó un misterio y le dedicó su vida. Durante sesenta años investigó, se entrevistó con personas de todo el mundo, y fue detrás de pistas y datos que documentó con fervor y precisión. Este libro es una historia de vida, la de un hombre que convirtió sus días en una película de ciencia ficción; pero también la búsqueda incansable y monumental de respondernos: "¿Qué hay más allá?". «Conocí a Fabio Zerpa en los años setenta. Ya era un gran investigador. Su trabajo ha sido titánico. Solo los que investigamos por las carreteras lo sabemos. La historia, algún día, le hará justicia.» Juan José Benítez

Senbazuru: One Thousand Steps to Happiness, Fold by Fold

by Michael James Wong

Fold your way to happiness through the inspiring philosophy of Senbazuru—the tradition of folding one thousand paper cranes—with a leading voice in the global mindfulness movement as your guide.In Japan, the paper crane is a symbol of peace, hope, and healing. It is considered the "bird of happiness," a mystical and majestic creature that according to myth can live for a thousand years. Tradition has it that if a person were to fold one thousand paper cranes in a single year, they would be gifted one special wish that would grant long life, healing from illness or injury, and eternal happiness. The tradition of folding one thousand paper cranes is called Senbazuru ("sen" meaning "one thousand" and "orizuru" meaning "paper crane"). In this book, renowned yoga and meditation teacher Michael James Wong brings Senbazuru to life as an inspiring philosophy that encourages slowing down and taking many small steps on our own personal path. This is a book of small steps and gentle wisdoms to heal your soul and help you find your own path to happiness.FOR READERS OF: Ikigai and Dot Journaling, and fans of mindful craft like coloring books and puzzles.ORIGAMI IS THE NEW MINDFUL CRAFT: Fans of coloring books and puzzles will flock to this trend for its ease, versatility, and affordability.FOR FANS OF JAPANESE CULTURE: This will appeal to readers of books like Ikigai and A Little Book of Japanese Contentments.EXPERT AUTHOR: Wong is the founder of Just Breathe, an organization focused on bringing mindfulness into the real world. He hosts events; speaks regularly in the UK, Australia, and California; and partners with brands like Rituals and international festivals like Wanderlust. He has nearly 40,000 followers on Instagram, and his work has been featured in The Telegraph, BBC Radio, Mind Body Green, Women's Health, Men's Health, Yahoo! News, Well + Good, and more.CHARITY PROJECT: Through Michael's charity partnership, Cranes of Hope, his corporate sponsors will donate £1 to a COVID relief fund for everyone who makes and sends in a paper crane. The cranes are going to be built into an amazing installation in St. Paul's Cathedral in London, where an event will be held to mourn those lost to COVID and bring hope for the future. Details on U.S. events to come.A PRACTICE OF PATIENCE FOR HEALING AND WELLNESS: As we've had to take a step back from socializing and cancel plans during the pandemic, we have all been reminded of what it means to really slow down. The origami practice is not, like most things today, a work of self-gratification but rather a work of patience and discovery. Wong's origami technique forces readers to breathe deeply and slow down, soothing the mind and soul.Perfect for: enthusiasts of mindfulness, wellness, yoga, origami; coloring book / puzzle aficionados; parentsDigital audio edition introduction read by the author.

El sencillo libro de recetas de recetas de dieta Sirtfood para principiantes

by Rina S. Gritton

La mayoría de nosotros queremos deshacernos de ese peso corporal obstinado y, al mismo tiempo, comer todas nuestras comidas favoritas. Si está en esta categoría, debe haber probado una variedad de comidas, dietas y ejercicios sin alcanzar su peso corporal óptimo. Esto puede ser agotador, y la frustración y los desafíos saludables se establecerán si no se abordan temprano. ¿Quieres estar en forma, saludable con un cuerpo delgado mientras disfrutas de las mejores cocinas? Entonces estás en el lugar correcto. Muchas celebridades con problemas de peso se hacen cargo de sus cuerpos con un patrón de alimentación revolucionario y holístico que activa el gen flaco latente que todos tenemos en nosotros. Adele nos sorprendió con las mandíbulas cayendo al suelo con su asombrosa pérdida de peso. Ella pudo lograr esto a través del Plan de Dieta Sirtfood. Otras celebridades que han probado la dieta Sirtfood incluyen, entre otras, Pippa Middleton, Connor McGregor y David Haye. Si bien toda nuestra atención se centra en eliminar el exceso de peso del cuerpo, también debemos centrarnos en mantenernos saludables sin sacrificar una variable por la otra. Debe lograrse un equilibrio saludable entre la pérdida de peso y su salud. No es raro ver estadísticas que muestran un aumento en la mala salud con dolencias dominantes como el cáncer y la diabetes. Entra en el Sirtfood. Este libro está escrito pensando en usted para informarle y guiarlo en lo que se trata la Dieta Sirtfood, comer comidas deliciosas y deliciosas mientras pierde peso al mismo tiempo, dando prioridad a una vida saludable. Con una dieta Sirtfood, se reduce el tiempo dedicado a preparar comidas, es fácil reunirse y no tendrá que romper su cuenta bancaria para obtener comidas decentes cuando lo necesite. La belleza de tales comidas es que está lleno de "Sirtuins". Las sirtuinas se conocen comúnmente como el "gen flaco" qu

Sendabide ala iruzurbide

by Simon Singh eta Edzard Ernst

Medikuntza alternatiboaren azterketa berritzaile honetan, tratamendu ezagunenak aztertzen dira —besteak beste, akupuntura, homeopatia, aromaterapia, erreflexologia, kiropraktika eta sendabelarren medikuntza—, haien frogatutako onurak eta balizko arriskuak ikusteko. Baina zerk balio du eta zerk ez? Terapia alternatiboen eraginkortasunari buruz zer froga zientifiko dauden jakin nahi duen edonorentzat informazio zoragarria eta zientzia-azalpen argiak ematen ditu.Zientziak esperimentuak, behaketak, saiakuntzak, arrazoiketa eta eztabaida erabiltzen ditu egiaren inguruko adostasun objektibo batera iristeko. Ondorio bat erabakita dagoenean ere, zientziak ikertu eta zirikatu egiten du berak aldarrikatu duen hori, akatsen bat egin badu ere.Osasun publikoaren jardunbidearen eta politikaren gaineko erabakiak hartzeko metodo zientifikoak duen garrantzia berresten ahalegintzen da liburua, sendabide alternatibo eta osagarriekiko zorrotz jokatuz.

Senior Patrol Leader Handbook

by Boy Scouts of America

The Senior Patrol Leaders Handbook is a youth troop leader's go-to resource for effective leadership. This handbook helps leaders build troop spirit, organize meetings, and lead Scouts beyond the meeting room.

S'Enrichir tout en Marchant dans le Monde de l'Âge d'Or (avec des Commentaires de Méditation)

by Brahma Kumari Pari

Description du livre: Utiliser les pratiques suggérées dans ce livre vous aidera à améliorer vos conditions spirituelles, financières et de vie! Ce livre explique comment devenir riche, financièrement et/ou spirituellement, et obtenir tout ce que vous voulez tout en entrant dans l'Âge d'Or (via l'Univers Holographique). Alors que des explications sont données sur la façon d'utiliser Dieu et sa connaissance pour atteindre vos objectifs, l'autrice explique également: 1. sur les capacités magiques (Siddhis) et les spécialités que vous acquérez en utilisant les pratiques de ce livre. 2. pourquoi la Loi de l'Attraction fonctionne pour vous apporter richesse, bonheur, etc. 3. pourquoi et comment les visualisations peuvent se matérialiser. 4. pourquoi être proche de la dimension supérieure, là où existent les Registres Akashiques , vous aidera à réaliser facilement vos rêves. 5. comment vous pouvez facilement jouer le rôle du créateur (Brahma) de Brahmaloka afin de réaliser ce que vous voulez. 6. comment quand vous êtes dans le monde de Brahma, l’Ether joue également le rôle de Brahma et crée ce que vous voulez. 7. comment en utilisant les énergies plus profondément à l'intérieur de l'âme, vous êtes le soi divin ou Brahma et pourrez ainsi répondre à vos souhaits et besoins. 8. comment les choses sont matérialisées par les fréquences, la résonance, etc. 9. sur la réacquisition de la richesse, de la prospérité et des capacités magiques, maintenant. 10. comment les énergies quantiques, le Drame du Monde, la Nature, etc. servent les personnes qui entrent dans le monde de l'Âge d'Or et ceux qui sont dans l'Âge d'Or. 11. Comment des corps parfaits sont créés pour ceux qui entrent dans l'Âge d'Or. 12. comment la terre et le monde sont élevés dans l'Univers Supérieur, alors que vous entrez dans le monde de l’Âgé

Sensation: Adventures in Sex, Love & Laughter

by Isabel Losada

Bestselling author Isabel Losada brings her unique blend of humour, curiosity and honesty to the still-taboo subject of sexuality. This is a brave, funny and often vulnerable quest to find out how we can make our sex life blissful. On behalf of all women, slightly terrified, she begins with a woman’s workshop where she has to get naked. From here, Isabel journeys through the first international conference of clitoral stroking, is informed of eleven different forms of orgasm - ten of which she hasn’t had, endures NHS Kegal exercises and mystical sensations with tantric masters. Irreverent yet open-minded, ‘Sensation’ is both moving and challenging. For anyone who has ever been tempted to dip their toes in the deep waters of sexual exploration, Isabel Losada plunges you straight in.

Sensation and Perception

by John Harris

Sensation and Perception covers in detail the perceptual processes related to vision and hearing, taste and smell, touch and pain as well as the vestibular and proprioceptive systems. Individual chapters cover separate topics including the fast-developing areas of perception of emotions and attractiveness and recognition of faces, plus newer topics not seen regularly in other textbooks, for example changes in perception throughout the lifespan and pathologies of perception.<P><P> Key features:<P> * Chapters begin with summaries of key topics and questions to aid learning <P> * Includes key points, spotlights on research, and 'Thinking about Research' sections, designed to encourage students to design their own studies <P> * Chapters close with 'Test Yourself' questions, a review of key terms and annotated further readings <P> A Companion Website offers additional resources for lecturers and students available on publication at:

Sensation and Perception (Eighth Edition)

by E. Bruce Goldstein

Seeing and reading this sentence may seem like a "no brainer"--but your perception is just a tiny part of what is happening in your brain and body right now (both are much busier than you might think). SENSATION AND PERCEPTION has helped many students like you understand the ties between how we sense the world and how the body interprets these senses. A key strength of this text has always been the ability to illustrate concepts through examples and visuals. Dr. Goldstein walks you through an intriguing journey of the senses, combining clear writing, his extensive classroom experience, and innovative research to create a visual, colorful text. Complemented by nearly 500 illustrations and photographs, this text has also been sharpened to make it more readable than ever, based on feedback from 2,000 student users. The accompanying VIRTUAL LAB media exercises (available on CD-ROM and online) offer a wide array of interactive animations and examples designed to stimulate your understanding of difficult concepts.

Sensation & Perception (Fourth Edition)

by Jeremy M. Wolfe Keith R. Kluender Dennis M. Levi Linda M. Bartoshuk Rachel S. Herz Roberta Klatzky Susan J. Lederman Daniel M. Merfeld

Sensation & Perception is written by experts in each of the five senses who have a passion and enthusiasm for conveying the excitement of this field to students. Each of the 15 chapters of this book tells a coherent and interesting story that gives the reader enough background and exposure to enough current research to understand why these topics are interesting and how they might be further investigated and understood.

The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan: a practical guide to sleep-rich and stress-free parenting from recognised sleep guru Alison Scott-Wright

by Alison Scott-Wright

Packed with tips, hints and reminders, case studies, at-a-glance charts and a daily journal to help you keep track of your baby's progress, The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan is a step-by-step, must-have manual to ensure sleep for you and your baby. For over twenty-five years, recognised sleep guru Alison Scott-Wright has been working 'hands-on' with families, sharing her knowledge with her clients and, most importantly, bringing sleep to thousands of homes. Now she is sharing her expertise with you...'I was so thankful for this book. It made a HUGE difference.' -- Giovanna Fletcher'I wish I had read this book sooner, I tell every new mum about it!' -- Millie MackintoshThe Sensational Baby Sleep Plan is changing parents' lives:***** 'This book is a Godsend . . . simple, supportive and easy to apply.'***** 'Literally changes our lives . . . absolutely invaluable advice.'***** 'This books now allows our little one to enjoy her sleep . . . She is a happy content smiley baby now and so are mummy and daddy!'*********************************************************************************************The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan gives parents:* Realistic, easy to follow advice and guidance* Sensible feeding plans that can be tailored to suit the individual* Simple explanations of how to interpret different cries* Useful tips to encourage belief and trust in their parental instincts* Solutions to common issues and problems, as well as in-depth explanations on how to cope with reflux and dietary related colic.* Happy babies that sleep through the night and have structured naps from around 2 months.Baby care consultant Alison Scott-Wright takes the stress and tension out of those early weeks and offers the ultimate plan that will ensure your baby sleeps soundly during the day, and for a full 12 hours during the night from around 8-10 weeks, without the need for night feeds!And for when you're ready to move on to the next stage in sleep-filled parenting: The Sensational Toddler Sleep Plan!

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