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Body and Mature Behavior: A Study of Anxiety, Sex, Gravitation, and Learning

by Moshe Feldenkrais Carl Ginsburg

A victim of debilitating injuries, Moshe Feldenkrais was intimately aware of the link between bodily suffering and mental health. Through healing himself, he made revolutionary discoveries, culminating in the development of the method that now bears his name. In an intellectually rich and eloquent style, Feldenkrais delves into neurology, prehistory, child development, gravity and anti-gravity, reflexive versus learned behavior, the effects of emotion, especially anxiety, on posture, and most importantly, the inseparability of body and mind.

Body and Soul: A Girl's Guide to a Fit, Fun and Fabulous Life

by Bethany Hamilton Dustin Dillberg

READ and HEAR Edition: Bethany Hamilton has become a fitness expert by virtue of being a professional athlete who has excelled—and she's done it while overcoming incredible challenges. Whether you know Bethany or not, whether you surf or not, everyone has challenges, and in Surfer Style, Bethany shares some of her core experiences with body, mind and spirit. Sharing her expertise as an athlete, New You helps young girls develop a healthy lifestyle, understand their changing bodies, gain confidence, and establish a pattern of healthy living starting at a young age. This book includes workouts specially developed for young girls by Bethany’s personal trainer, recipes and information on healthy eating based on “Bethany’s food pyramid,” which follows the Mediterranean diet, and advice on deepening your spiritual health, for a total body wellness book perfect for growing girls. This isn't a book about Bethany, this is a book about wellness, becoming your best “you,” through physical and spiritual balance, because spiritual health is just as important as physical health.

Body Astrology: A Cosmic Guide to Health, Healing, and Harnessing the Power of the Planets

by Claire Gallagher

Let the planets be your guide to reestablish trust in your own body and inner wisdom.Your astrological makeup is like a window into how your unique body works. Because astrology, life, and the body are constantly changing, Body Astrology goes beyond the basics, teaching you how to interpret your birth chart and craft a whole-body daily and seasonal practice to match.Recognizing cosmic patterns can help reconnect you with your authentic preferences so you can create a unique daily routine that is tailored to your needs. Nutritionist, certified strength and conditioning specialist, and astrologer Claire Gallagher guides you in the healing powers of each planet and how to use food, movement, and lifestyle to realign and empower. Her integrative and intuitive full-body approach puts the wellness industry on mute so you can have confidence in your own self-directed health choices. You will learn how to: • Interpret the pivotal pieces of your chart—the Sun, Moon, and rising signs—and how they influence vour daily routine • Understand the dynamics between the elements, signs, and planets and use healing tools to rebalance, restore, or raise vou out of a celestial rut • Explore how movement and food needs change throughout the month with lunar cycles and throughout the year (and beyond!) with solar and other planetary cycles

Body at Home: A Simple Plan to Drop 10 Pounds

by Jorge Cruise

In this two-in-one guide, bestselling author Cruise offers women a guaranteed plan for slimming trouble zones; in the second half, men can find an effective plan for building a strong upper body and core.

Body Aware: Rediscover Your Mind-Body Connection, Stop Feeling Stuck, and Improve Your Mental Health with Simple Movement Practices

by Erica Hornthal

An at-home mindful movement practice--cultivate resilience, dispel emotional blockages, and live your best life with the power of movement.When we talk about movement, most of us think &“exercise.&” But the way we move our bodies--how we walk, roll, dance, stretch, connect, and take up space--is about so much more than physical fitness. Our movements impact our mental and emotional health...and when we change the way we move, we can change the way we live.Licensed clinical professional counselor and board-certified dance and movement therapist Erica Hornthal--aka &“The Therapist Who Moves You&”--takes readers on a step-by-step journey, showing how a mindful movement practice can:Help ease symptoms of depressionBuild a greater sense of connection and intimacy with loved onesSlow down thoughts to lessen anxiety and panicImpact how--and what--we feelReaders will learn to identify where they physically hold their emotions; understand and interpret their body&’s unique language; explore bodily sensations; identify emotional blockages; and upgrade harmful thought cycles to patterns that instead foster resilience, emotional regulation, and productivity. With a chapter on disability and movement diversity, Hornthal&’s guide begins to move dance therapy to a more inclusive, non-prescriptive space, helping each of us discover the kind of movement that works best for us.Broken into three sections, &“How You Move,&” &“How Movement is a Catalyst for Change,&” and &“Transforming Your Life Through Movement,&” Body Aware is a revelatory transformational practice and an easy-to-use introduction to the mind-body power of intentional movement.

Body Awareness as Healing Therapy: The Case Of Nora

by Moshe Feldenkrais

Classic study of the author's work with Nora, a woman who has suffered a severe stroke and lost her neuromuscular coordination, including the ability to read and write

The Body Balance Diet Plan

by Eminé Ali Rushton

This honest and straightforward book is for everyone who has experienced the misery of yo-yo dieting. It explains Ayurveda in clear and simple language, catering to those who have never encountered the approach before. After determining your dosha type, it teaches how to eat for your own dosha, to promote speedy weight loss and make your body feel light, vital, energized and beautiful again. There is a simple 3-day diet plan and 30 seasonal recipes using supermarket ingredients. This is the first book to combine the Ayurvedic mindset with wisdom about seasonality and homeopathy. Includes expert advice from leading nutritionist Eve Kalinik, seasonality expert Annee de Mamiel and the founder of The Organic Pharmacy, Margo Marrone.

Body Belief: How to Heal Autoimmune Diseases, Radically Shift Your Health, and Learn to Love Your Body More

by Aimee E. Raupp

Acupuncturist and herbalist Aimee Raupp, M.S., L.Ac., offers a holistic plan for healing from autoimmune disease through reconnection to yourself, renewal of your beliefs, and reawakening of your health. This book will guide you on a life-changing path to radically shift your health and love your body more. Raupp posits that the rampant rise in autoimmune illness is due to three co-existing factors: body disconnect (a loss of connection to the spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects of self, resulting in systemic body chaos), behavioral sabotage (where deep-rooted beliefs negatively dictate your behavior, which dictates your health), and environmental toxins (exposure to external disease-promoting elements). With warmth, sensitivity, and practicality, Raupp will help you to resurrect your full potential to happily and gracefully inhabit your body and mind.As you follow Raupp’s two-phase Body Belief diet and Body Belief lifestyle roadmap, your health will begin to thrive, both inside and out. Included are a diet plan, shopping lists, menus, meditations, mantras, and DIY and commercial suggestions for bath, beauty, and home products for self-care.

Body Belly Soul: The Black Mother's Guide to a Primal, Peaceful, and Powerful Birth

by Nicole Bailey

This book is not only a personal journey of pregnancy and birth, it explains situations many new mothers find themselves in. Perhaps you&’re an expecting mother that does not feel completely comfortable with your healthcare provider and you need direction on next steps. Maybe the idea of induction has been presented and you&’re in need of holistic ways to jump-start labor. Or you&’ve just given birth and find yourself experiencing breastfeeding woes, like clogged ducts and isolation due to generational disconnects. This book explores common scenarios that Black Mothers are finding themselves in every 40 weeks and so much more you wish your mom, auntie, or sister shared with you.This book is a guide for any Black mother refusing to give away her power in birthing spaces. The Black Mother who knows without a doubt her choices matter, her mindset matters, and who she surrounds herself with matters. This is for the Black mother ready to take accountability for her birth experience through thoughtful preparation despite the status quo.Birth does not happen to us. WE Birth babies! Includes: Checklists for each part of the preparation - Body, Belly and SoulA list of nourishing and replenishing food for you and your baby - Prenatal and PostnatalHolistic ways to train your body for D- DayInterventions explained - The reason and the consequencesAffirmations and empowerment from our ancestorsHow to hold providers accountableDiscovery of non-medical comfort measuresWays to ramp up Milk production

Body Bizarre, Body Beautiful

by Nan Mcnab

Tattoos, body piercings, wild hairstyles -- people all over the world have been decorating and changing their bodies for as long as anyone can remember. This book fills you in on the how, why, and when of what people have done in the past, and what they're doing now. Author Nan McNab has always had a particular fascination for the incredible variety of ways in which people decorate themselves, and why they want to do it. Here she includes chapters on skin, face paint, body paint, tattoos, piercing, scars, hair, dress up, reshaping the body, and safety first. Numerous illustrations, including B&W and color photos, provide examples of the great variety of ways that humans adorn their bodies.

The Body Book: The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength, and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body

by Cameron Diaz Sandra Bark

Cameron Diaz shares her formula for becoming happier, healthier, and stronger in this positive, essential guide grounded in science and inspired by personal experience, a #1 New York Times bestseller.Throughout her career, Cameron Diaz has been a role model for millions of women. By her own candid admission, though, this fit, glamorous, but down-to-earth star was not always health-conscious. Learning about the inseparable link between nutrition and the body was just one of the life-changing lessons that has fed Cameron’s hunger to educate herself about the best ways to feed, move, and care for her body. In The Body Book, she shares what she has learned and continues to discover about nutrition, exercise, and the mind/body connection.Grounded in science and informed by real life, The Body Book offers a comprehensive overview of the human body and mind, from the cellular level up. From demystifying and debunking the hype around food groups to explaining the value of vitamins and minerals, readers will discover why it’s so important to embrace the instinct of hunger and to satisfy it with whole, nutrient-dense foods. Cameron also explains the essential role of movement, the importance of muscle and bone strength and why we need to sweat a little every day.The Body Bookdoes not set goals to reach in seven days or thirty days or a year. It offers a holistic, long-term approach to making consistent choices and reaching the ultimate goal: a long, strong, happy, healthy life.

The Body Book

by Roz MacLean

Look at your body, And learn to say, Every body is different, And that's okay. Big or small, Short or tall, The Body Book Is fun for all! The Body Book helps kids learn to love their bodies while recognizing and celebrating how every body is different!

The Body Book: An Owner's Guide to Fueling, Fixing, and Running the Most Important Machine You Own

by Jeff Moores

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Body, Brain, Love: A Therapist's Workbook for Affect Regulation and Somatic Attachment

by Karen Rachels

This book is a first-of-its-kind contribution to the dynamic and unfolding world of body-brain integration. This workbook accessibly integrates three critical areas of therapeutic work brought to us by the Decade of the Brain: 1) brain-based attachment theory, 2) the neuroscience of affect regulation, and 3) practical somatic skills to grow clients' brains. Therapists have the opportunity to view their own experiences through the lens of neuroscience including their own dysregulation and how their attachment strategies interweave with the attachment strategies of clients. By offering a more experiential and somatic way to absorb the information, learning is easy and immediately applicable for therapists seeking to effect transformation with clients. This book bridges mindfulness and neuroscience-based self-help books with the more academic, didactically-focused books for therapists. It uses a self-help format but is, in fact, for therapists. Post-tests, charts with clarifying exercises, specific self-focused exercises, games, case vignettes, and a complete session transcript all facilitate learning in both a cognitive and experiential manner. The author has brought this vital information to therapists in a style that easily teaches practitioners necessary and effective 21st Century skills which enhance compassion and self-compassion, and create authentic therapeutic relationships.

Body, Breath, and Consciousness

by Ian Macnaughton Peter A. Levine

The forces that develop the self--somatic, emotional, mental, interpersonal, social, and spiritual--must all be considered by therapists in treating any patient. Each article in this important anthology deals in some way with these various elements. The writing is focused on the body-mind connection, exploring the practices and theories of this popular branch of psychology. Topics include the significance of family systems; dealing with trauma and shock in therapy; and the importance of breathing, offering valuable insights for the student and practitioner alike. Contributors include Marianne Bentzen, a trainer in Somatic Developmental Psychology; Peter Bernhardt, a professor of psychology; and Peter A. Levine, author of Waking the Tiger.

Body Brilliant: A Teenage Guide to a Positive Body Image

by Nicola Morgan

Written by teenage expert, Nicola Morgan, 'Body Brilliant' will help teenagers to develop or retain a positive body image. We're all bombarded with information and images - through the media and our peers - about being too big, too small, being cool, being popular or having the 'right' kind of clothes. This book addresses the body issues that nearly everyone worries about at some point in their lives and gives practical and mindful solutions to work through worries, using real-life examples, quotes and anecdotes from young adults interviewed especially for this book.'Body Brilliant' explores psychological pressures that make us see our bodies in certain ways, positively or negatively, as well as considering how adolescent body changes, gender identity and gender expectations, sexuality and sexual orientation affect self-image, and looks at issues such as body dysmorphia and eating disorders.'Body Brilliant' also encourages you to think about how you view differences in others and understand that variety is a brilliant thing. And that being yourself is much better than being just like everyone else. Learn to celebrate the differences that make every body brilliant!

The Body Broken: A Memoir

by Lynne Greenberg

At 19, Greenberg narrowly survived a devastating car crash. When her broken neck healed, she was hailed as a medical miracle. But when an unbearable pain in her neck returned many years later, she and her family were forced to deal with a medical system ill-equipped to handle patients with chronic pain.

Body Brokers: Inside America's Underground Trade in Human Remains

by Annie Cheney

BODY BROKERS is an audacious, disturbing, and compellingly written investigative expose of a little-known aspect of the "death care" world: the lucrative business of procuring, buying, and selling human cadavers and body parts. Every year human corpses meant for anatomy classes, burial, or cremation find their way into the hands of a shadowy group of entrepreneurs who profit by buying and selling human remains. While the government has controls on organs and tissue meant for transplantation, these "body brokers" capitalize on the myriad other uses for dead bodies that receive no federal oversight whatsoever: commercial seminars to introduce new medical gadgetry; medical research studies and training courses; and U.S. Army landmine explosion tests. A single corpse used for the purposes can generate up to $10,000. As journalist Annie Cheney found while reporting on this subject over the course of three years, when there's that much money to be made with no federal regulation, there are all sorts of shady (and fascinating) characters who are willing to employ questionable practices-including deception and outright theft- to acquire, market, and distribute human bodies and parts. In Michigan and New York she discovers funeral directors who buy corpses from medical schools and supply the parts to surgical equipment companies and associations of surgeons. In California she meets a crematorium owner who sold the body parts of people he was supposed to cremate, generating hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits. In Florida she attends a medical conference in a luxury hotel where fresh torsos are delivered in large coolers and displayed on gurneys in a room normally used for banquets. "That torso that you're living in right now is just flesh and bones. To me, it's a product," says the New Jersey-based broker presiding over the torsos. Tracing the origins of body brokering from the "resurrectionists" of the nineteenth century to the entrepreneurs of today, Cheney chronicles how demand for cadavers has long driven unscrupulous funeral home, crematorium, and medical school personnel to treat human bodies as commodities. Gripping, often chilling, and sure to cause a reexamination of the American way of death, Body Brokers is a captivating work of first-person reportage.

Body-Building and Self-Defense: Everyday Handbooks, No. 258

by Myles Callum Ira Mandelbaum

This book presents methods for building muscular strength and an attractive masculine physique, for using strength and increasing skill and endurance in athletic performance or gymnastic competition, and for learning and applying the traditional methods of self-defense. Inherent in developing strength and the ability to defend oneself is the building of confidence, the calm, quiet confidence of the person trained in the Oriental arts of self-defense—by means of which one reacts to attack but never provokes physical reaction.The body-building programs are comprised of “muscle tension” exercises, setting-up exercises, tumbling, gymnastics, and weight-lifting. The fundamental rolls, stands, springs, bends, flips are presented before the basic throws and releases of the Oriental systems of self-defense, among them judo, jiu-jitsu, karate. The exercises and movements are illustrated by photographs of athletes in actual work-outs.

Body by Breath: The Science and Practice of Physical and Emotional Resilience

by Jill Miller

In the hierarchy of life, breath always wins. It persists 22,000 times daily, but you get to decide whether the way you breathe is to your benefit or detriment.Breath becomes compromised by stress, disease, and the environmental trappings of progress; you can still breathe under this pressure, but it leads to poor breathing habits that slowly whittle away at your health. In Body by Breath, bestselling author Jill Miller takes you on a journey through your breathing body and presents more than 100 step-by-step techniques and practices to help you master the body-breath connection and reset your physiology.This book explores four primary types of resilience-building exercises—breathwork, movement, rolling, and non-sleep deep rest—to help you achieve• Greater power, endurance, and recovery ability• Enhanced self-regulation skills• Supercharged executive function• Relief from pain, injuries, and chronic conditions• Freedom to feel, connect, and express stored emotionsJill shares her scientifically supported methods so you canTrain and modulate your body and nervous system for reduced stress, improved mobility, and whole-body resilienceDiscover the latest findings in breath and fascia research and get the most out of breathwork practice by including more of your body&’s parts in the mixMap the vast reach of the diaphragm and feel how it intermingles with everything in your body. You&’ll travel the pathways of the vagus nerve and trace miles of fascial intersections beneath your skin to unlock your body&’s regenerative reservoir.If you have struggled with traditional meditation practices because remaining still spikes your anxiety and leaves you feeling agitated and fidgety, Body by Breath presents innovative alternatives designed for your unique nervous system. This inclusive approach allows you to reap the benefits of relaxation, restoration, and regeneration.Take these practices into your life and renew the way you embody breath.

Body By Design

by Jamie Eason Kris Gethin

MAKE YOUR DREAM BODY A REALITYFROM KRIS GETHIN, editor in chief of the world's leading online fitness site, comes a revolutionary 12-week diet and exercise program--supported by two million members and thousands of real-life success stories. Body by Design is a plan that promotes health from the inside out, starting by breaking down the mental blocks that are holding you back, then by building up the muscles on your body, and finally by adding delicious, healthy food onto your plate.Rather than subtracting things from your life-- cutting out calories, losing weight, banishing your belly--here's how to add more of the right things: more muscle, more support, and more success. Motivation is the key factor that drives permanent change, and with Body by Design you can finally learn how to activate your inner motivation andWith the proper balance of weight training, make fit happen forever. cardiovascular exercise, and nutrition--along with the motivational tools to stick with that program for the long term--even people who have struggled with fitness for their entire lives can achieve spectacular, lasting results. Join the "Transformation Nation" and create your own story that will inspire others--with Body by Design.In Body by Design, you'll learn the optimal balance of weight training, cardiovascular exercise, and nutrition--along with the motivational tools to stick with your goals and achieve dramatic results. Rather than subtracting things from your life (cutting calories, losing weight, banishing your belly), here's how to more muscle, more support, and more success.Based on the best practices found at (the world's leading online fitness site), Body by Design shows that amazing things can happen when people get the tools they need to achieve their fitness goals.***YOU CAN TRANSFORM YOUR BODY. GET AND STAY MOTIVATED.Identify your "Transformation Trigger" and create a system of radical accountability in your life--whether your goal is to lose 30 pounds of fat or gain 30 pounds of muscle.EXERCISE FOR OPTIMUM RESULTS with a fully illustrated, 12-week workout. By changing your routine often, you will "shock" your body into doing more than you ever thought you could.EAT CLEAN TO GET LEAN with simple, inexpensive, and delicious recipes. Supercharge your metabolism and keep hunger under control.***TIFFANY FORNI is a self-professed "fat girl turned fitness nerd" who turned her newfound passion for health into a career as a personal trainer.ROCHELLE FORD came from a family of unhealthy eaters but eventually lost more than 100 pounds--and converted her family to her good habits in the process.CLAUDIO RAMOS has more energy than ever after his 135-pound weight loss--"It's like I've been reborn."RICKY HOWELL achieved a stronger body and a newfound sense of confidence after his divorce.PLUS, YOU'LL READ AMAZING STORIES-- and see remarkable before-and-after photos-- from people just like you who have experienced dramatic, life-changing results.

Body By Design

by Kris Gethin Jamie Eason

MAKE YOUR DREAM BODY A REALITYFROM KRIS GETHIN, editor in chief of the world's leading online fitness site, comes a revolutionary 12-week diet and exercise program--supported by two million members and thousands of real-life success stories. Body by Design is a plan that promotes health from the inside out, starting by breaking down the mental blocks that are holding you back, then by building up the muscles on your body, and finally by adding delicious, healthy food onto your plate.Rather than subtracting things from your life-- cutting out calories, losing weight, banishing your belly--here's how to add more of the right things: more muscle, more support, and more success. Motivation is the key factor that drives permanent change, and with Body by Design you can finally learn how to activate your inner motivation andWith the proper balance of weight training, make fit happen forever. cardiovascular exercise, and nutrition--along with the motivational tools to stick with that program for the long term--even people who have struggled with fitness for their entire lives can achieve spectacular, lasting results. Join the "Transformation Nation" and create your own story that will inspire others--with Body by Design.In Body by Design, you'll learn the optimal balance of weight training, cardiovascular exercise, and nutrition--along with the motivational tools to stick with your goals and achieve dramatic results. Rather than subtracting things from your life (cutting calories, losing weight, banishing your belly), here's how to more muscle, more support, and more success.Based on the best practices found at (the world's leading online fitness site), Body by Design shows that amazing things can happen when people get the tools they need to achieve their fitness goals.***YOU CAN TRANSFORM YOUR BODY. GET AND STAY MOTIVATED.Identify your "Transformation Trigger" and create a system of radical accountability in your life--whether your goal is to lose 30 pounds of fat or gain 30 pounds of muscle.EXERCISE FOR OPTIMUM RESULTS with a fully illustrated, 12-week workout. By changing your routine often, you will "shock" your body into doing more than you ever thought you could.EAT CLEAN TO GET LEAN with simple, inexpensive, and delicious recipes. Supercharge your metabolism and keep hunger under control.***TIFFANY FORNI is a self-professed "fat girl turned fitness nerd" who turned her newfound passion for health into a career as a personal trainer.ROCHELLE FORD came from a family of unhealthy eaters but eventually lost more than 100 pounds--and converted her family to her good habits in the process.CLAUDIO RAMOS has more energy than ever after his 135-pound weight loss--"It's like I've been reborn."RICKY HOWELL achieved a stronger body and a newfound sense of confidence after his divorce.PLUS, YOU'LL READ AMAZING STORIES-- and see remarkable before-and-after photos-- from people just like you who have experienced dramatic, life-changing results.

Body by Science: A Research-based Program for Strength Training, Body Building, and Complete Fitness in 12 Minutes a Week

by John R. Little Doug Mcguff

Building muscle has never been faster or easier than with this revolutionary once-a-week training program. In Body By Science, bodybuilding powerhouse John Little teams up with fitness medicine expert Dr. Doug McGuff to present a scientifically proven formula for maximizing muscle development in just 12 minutes a week. Backed by rigorous research, the authors prescribe a weekly high-intensity program for increasing strength, revving metabolism, and building muscle for a total fitness experience.

The Body by Science Question and Answer Book

by Doug Mcguff John R. Little

Following publication of Body By Science, the public's interest in Dr. Doug McGuff's and John Little's evidence-based approach to exercise has increased dramatically, with the result that hundreds of questions have been posed and answered at the authors' various seminars, within magazine articles and on their website (www. bodybyscience. net). Such question-and-answer sessions provide an opportunity for the authors to expand on key points and principles within their book, as well as address important topics that were not included in Body By Science (such as rehabilitation issues, various training protocols, and long term health and safety issues). The Body By Science Question-And-Answer Book Is A Companion Volume To Body By Science that sheds additional light on the authors' rational, science-based approach to strength training, bodybuilding, and total fitness. Within the pages of this new book you will learn:-Why (and how) strength training is the best way to rehabilitate most common injuries (from rotator cuff issues and knee replacements to lower back pain and arthritis). -Why bodybuilding is not what it seems. -Why athletics may not be the best route to health and fitness-The truth about VO2 Max testing and REAL cardiovascular health. -The realities of nutrition and the "insulin problem. "-How to optimize your workouts and ensure that your training facility is set up to maximize your progress. Plus answers to many more important questions on various aspects of health, fitness and strength.

Body By Simone: The 8-Week Total Body Makeover Plan

by Simone De La Rue Lara McGlashan

In Body By Simone, Simone De La Rue, featured trainer on "Revenge Body with Khloe Kardashian", shares her fitness secrets and teaches women how to achieve an A-list body using her fun and unique strength training and cardio workouts.Considered the "next Tracy Anderson," Simone De La Rue has created a total body workout—a unique fusion of Pilates, bar method, strength training, and cardio dance moves—for women looking to lose weight, tone up, change up their routine, lose baby weight, or exercise while recovering from an injury. Her workouts are fast-paced, fun, and targeted for the muscle groups women most want to tone: arms, abs, glutes, and thighs.Filled with nearly 200 gorgeous color photos, Body By Simone features Simone’s eight-week plan that incorporates her dance-based cardio workouts and signature strength training moves. Here are workouts for all levels—beginning, intermediate, and advanced—and a self-assessment test to choose the right plan for you.Simone offers a breakdown for each week and a schedule for each day, including an overview of the week’s goals and challenges. Each week builds on the next to keep you challenged and engaged, and see the results you want. To boost weight loss and metabolism as well as naturally detox the body, Simone also provides a 7-day kick-start cleanse complete with recipes for simple meals, juices, and smoothies.

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