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Europa: Una historia personal

by Timothy Garton Ash

Una asombrosa mezcla de historia contemporánea, reportaje de investigación y memoria íntima de la pluma de uno de los escritores que mejor han escrito sobre Europa. «El libro que Europa necesitaba, en el momento justo. Perfecto para el presente». Timothy Snyder A partir de la experiencia de quienes lo vivieron, Europa cuenta cómo el continente se recuperó lentamente de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y logró reconstruirse y prosperar. Y luego se atascó. Timothy Garton Ash, uno de los mejores pensadores europeos, ha pasado su vida estudiando esta parte del mundo. Este emocionante libro está repleto de experiencias vividas: desde los recuerdos de su padre del desembarco de Normandía y el espionaje al que lo sometió la Stasi hasta entrevistas con guerrilleros albaneses en las montañas de Kosovo, o sus encuentros con adolescentes desesperados en los barrios más pobres de París, aparte de sus consejos a presidentes, ministros de exteriores y primeros ministros. Europa es al tiempo una historia atestiguada y tangible de un periodo de increíbles avances, una crónica honesta de las cosas que salieron mal y una llamada urgente a los ciudadanos de este gran y viejo continente para entender y defender lo que hemos logrado colectivamente. La crítica ha dicho:«Una conmovedora carta de amor a Europa. Europa conjuga las memorias, el análisis político y la crítica social para iluminar el futuro de un continente aún perseguido por su pasado».Lea Ypi «Sabemos que hay alemanes, italianos, españoles y polacos, ¿pero existen los europeos? Pues sí, al menos uno: Timothy Garton Ash.Europa es la brillante y cautivadora historia de cómo se convirtió en uno de ellos».Mark Lilla«Este libro, escrito por un hombre que asistió en primera fila a gran parte de la historia que describe, se basa en sus experiencias y en las de sus amigos para dar vida a los acontecimientos».M. E. Sarotte «GartonAsh combina hábilmente la erudición, la experiencia periodística y las observaciones e historias personales en Europa. Un delicioso libro que invita a la reflexión».Robert B. Zoellick «Garton Ash se ha labrado un nicho único como historiador del presente. Europa combina su testimonio de la evolución de Europa con su aguda visión histórica para ofrecer un libro innovador y absorbente».Charles A. Kupchan«Timothy Garton Ash cuenta la historia épica de la Europa de la posguerra».Irish Times «¿Es Europa una entidad real o una mera construcción del deseo? Este libro, observado de cerca, explora ambas posibilidades».Kirkus Reviews

Europa: How Europe Shaped The Modern World (Marcial Pons Historia Ser.)

by Julio MacLennan

An original and innovative examination of the continent—and its culture—that was the epicenter of the world for almost five centuries. European history is deeply embedded in the global civilization that has emerged in the 21st century. More than two thirds of today’s nations were once European colonies or protectorates. Europe’s legacy is evident in the trajectory of the United States and has influenced aspiring hegemonic powers like China. For centuries, Europe was the heart and soul of the West, and European powers enjoyed unprecedented global hegemony, not only by military and economic means, but also through their influence on politics and culture. The rise and fall of the European era of world supremacy constitutes one of the most epic histories of all time. ere were the extraordinary changes of the Renaissance and its aftermath, which marked the beginning of Europe's imposition of itself over other civilizations, but it was Columbus’s “discovery” of America that provided the key to its meteoric rise. Spain and Portugal would form the first global empires, closely followed by Holland, Britain, France and Russia. Following the exploits of navigators like Vasco da Gama and Captain Cook, the conquistador Hernan Cortes, missionary Henry Livingstone and others, Europa reveals the origins of Europe’s rapid expansion, which was then expanded upon further by millions of Europeans migrants, who spread their culture and values. MacLennan also reveals how statesmen, scientists, inventors, philosophers, writers, and revolutionaries were responsible for transforming the continent into a civilization that inspired universal attraction. Even into the twentieth century, after reaching the nadir of imperial decline and self- destruction, Europe has once again become a global trendsetter.

Europa central

by William T. Vollmann

La obra maestra de uno de los escritores más importantes de la narrativa contemporánea norteamericana, cuya obra ha sido premiada con el prestigioso National Book Award. El compositor Dimitri Shostakóvich, el director de documentales Roman Karmen, el artista Käthe Kollwitz, el general ruso Andrei Vlaslov e incluso Adolf Hitler... todos estos personajes -la mayoría reales, otros fruto de la ficción- son los protagonistas de esta fascinante novela histórica ambientada en la segunda guerra mundial. Europa Central examina el comportamiento -a modo de estudio del género humano- de un amplio número de personajes: generales, mártires, oficiales y poetas, traidores, artistas y músicos. Cada uno de sus actos, cada decisión tomada en un momento histórico de gran trascendencia, lleva al lector a descubrir las marañas de los estados totalitarios y dictatoriales, plagados de crímenes. La crítica ha dicho...«Europa Central es la última novela de un escritor cuya prosa destaca por encima de la de sus contemporáneos.»The Washington Post «En Europa Central, William T. Vollmann orquesta los impulsos del pasado como en un enorme y emocionante Opus 15 u Opus 21.»Tom LeClair, The New York Times Book Review «William T. Vollmann ha creado una novela que aspira al nivel superior en literatura.»Los Angeles Times «Europa Central es una novela que probablemente se convertirá en una de las obras maestras del siglo.»Chicago Tribune

Europa, deine Frauen

by Gerhard Danzer

Frauen sind in den letzten Jahrhunderten - ganz bevorzugt in den letzten Jahrzehnten - kulturgeschichtlich viel intensiver und origineller tätig gewesen, als dies gemeinhin wahrgenommen wird. Was genau die kulturhistorischen Dimensionen des ,,Frau-Seins" sind, wird vom Autor differenziert betrachtet und dargestellt. Die Kulturgeschichte würde ohne den Anteil, den diese Frauen daran hatten, ganz anders aussehen. Der weibliche Einfluss ist unverkennbar im Wachsen begriffen und sein Anteil an kulturgeschichtlicher Entwicklung darf nicht unterschätzt werden. Madame de Sévigné - Madame du Châtelet - Johanna Schopenhauer - Rahel Varnhagen - Louise Labé - Elisabeth Barrett-Browning - George Eliot - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach - Gabriele Münter -Therese Giehse - Melina Mercouri - Pina Bausch - Ellen Key - Maria Montessori - Karen Horney - Astrid Lindgren - Bertha von Suttner - Beatrice Webb- Rosa Luxemburg - Franca Magniani - Margarete Susman - Hannah Arendt - Simone de Beauvoir - Agnes Heller

Europa, Europa: En busca del voto perdido (Colección Endebate #Volumen)

by Dídac Gutiérrez-Peris

La mejor explicación de los nuevos poderes del parlamento europeo y la importancia de las elecciones. ¿Son las elecciones europeas una pérdida de tiempo y la UE una máquina no democrática? Esa es una idea bastante extendida, pero este ameno resumen de los intentos por democratizar las instituciones europeas y su culminación en la última reforma que concede grandes poderes al Parlamento Europeo la desmiente. Son las segundas elecciones con mayor participación del mundo, tras la India y por delante de Estados Unidos, y eligen un Parlamento con capacidad de intervenir en todos los asuntos relevantes de los países miembros.

Europa und die deutsche Frage: Wiederkehr der Geschichte?

by Luc Kerren

Mit der Wiedervereinigung schien die deutsche Frage, welche bis 1990 über Jahrhunderte das europäische Mächtegleichgewicht bestimmt hatte, eine endgültige Antwort erhalten zu haben, da das Land in der Mitte des Kontinents erstmals in seiner Geschichte „von Freunden umzingelt“ war. Spätestens mit dem Aufkommen der Eurokrise verdeutlichte sich jedoch, dass die Größe und Stärke des vereinten Deutschlands innerhalb Europas weiterhin als ambivalent wahrgenommen wurde: Einerseits kam es nicht umher, als „unverzichtbare Nation“ die Initiative zu übernehmen, gleichzeitig wurde es aber verdächtigt, hegemoniale Ambitionen an den Tag zu legen. Luc Kerren zeigt in diesem Buch, dass dieses Muster in der Folge ebenfalls während der Migrationskrise 2015/16 sowie im Verhältnis zu Russland zu beobachten war. Somit ist auch die Berliner Republik mit der Herausforderung konfrontiert, innerhalb Europas die Balance zu wahren: Zwischen einer „rücksichtslosen Führung“ und einer „führungslosen Rücksicht“.

Europa von A bis Z: Taschenbuch der europäischen Integration

by Werner Weidenfeld Wolfgang Wessels Funda Tekin

Dieses Taschenbuch bietet Europa zum Nachschlagen: In über 100 Sachbeiträgen erklären renommierte EuropaexpertInnen wissenschaftlich fundiert und zugleich verständlich alle wichtigen Themen und Begriffe aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Geschichte der europäischen Einigung. Es erscheint in aktualisierter und erweiterter Fassung schon in der 16. Auflage und richtet sich an alle Europa-Interessierten, die sich gezielt und zuverlässig über den neuesten Stand in europapolitischen Fragen informieren wollen.Das Taschenbuch „Europa von A bis Z“ wird freundlicherweise vom Auswärtigen Amt gefördert. Das Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP) wird im Rahmen des Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programms 2021–2027 der Europäischen Union gefördert. Für die Inhalte zeichnet allein das IEP verantwortlich.

Europäischer Republikanismus: Ein kohärenter Erklärungsansatz für wirtschaftliche und politische Integration in Europa?

by Thilo Zimmermann

In diesem Buch werden die aktuellen Theorien der europäischen Integration, wie Föderalismus, Neofunktionalismus und liberaler Intergouvernementalismus, mit ihren Stärken und Schwächen vorgestellt. Es wird dann argumentiert, dass die Kombination der republikanischen Theorie mit der Theorie des öffentlichen Gutes, der res publica der öffentlichen Güter, die europäische Integration besser erklären könnte. Die Theorie der öffentlichen Güter muss jedoch übernommen werden, um sie auf den europäischen Republikanismus anwendbar zu machen. Schließlich zeigt das Buch, wie dieser neue Rahmen weitere akademische Debatten beeinflussen kann, z. B. über Souveränität und Währungsintegration, externe Effekte eines gemeinsamen europäischen Marktes und die treibende Kraft der europäischen Integration. Da der republikanische Ansatz nicht einer rein wirtschaftlichen Logik folgt, bleibt Raum für politische Überlegungen und Motivationen. In diesem aktuellen und interdisziplinären Buch verbindet der Autor viele wichtige Stränge der europäischen Integrationstheorie, der Geschichte, der Ökonomie und der Politikwissenschaften, die klar zu einem kohärenten analytischen Diskurs zusammengeführt werden. Seine Stärke liegt in der interdisziplinären Interaktion zwischen Politik und Wirtschaft sowie in theoretischen und praktischen Fragen, die für die öffentliche Debatte in Europa von hoher Relevanz sind. Dieses Buch wird für Wissenschaftler und Studenten von Interesse sein, die sich für wirtschaftliche Integration sowie für Geschichte und politische Philosophie interessieren.

Europe: the World and Its People (Unit Resources)

by Boehm

Social studies workbook.

Europe: Conspiracy Theories in and about Europe (Conspiracy Theories)

by dreas Önnerfors and André Krouwel

This edited volume investigates for the first time the impact of conspiracy theories upon the understanding of Europe as a geopolitical entity as well as an imagined political and cultural space. Focusing on recent developments, the individual chapters explore a range of conspiratorial positions related to Europe. In the current climate of fear and threat, new and old imaginaries of conspiracies such as Islamophobia and anti-Semitism have been mobilised. A dystopian or even apocalyptic image of Europe in terminal decline is evoked in Eastern European and particularly by Russian pro-Kremlin media, while the EU emerges as a screen upon which several narratives of conspiracy are projected trans-nationally, ranging from the Greek debt crisis to migration, Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodological perspectives applied in this volume range from qualitative discourse and media analysis to quantitative social-psychological approaches, and there are a number of national and transnational case studies. This book will be of great interest to students and researchers of extremism, conspiracy theories and European politics.

Europe: The Enlightening History of a Continent

by Jean Baptiste Duroselle

Whether as an epic battleground or a cradle of civilizations, Europe has left an enduring imprint on the history of the world for over two millennia. From megalithic civilizations through ancient times, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, the rise of nationalism, two world wars and the years that followed, this book looks beyond a series of distinct national histories to offer the history of Europe as an often shared experience across one continent. This book delves into events such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, traces the continents evolution from the collapse of Communism through the Iraq War, global financial crisis, Brexit and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. And then looking forward, it explores what would be necessary for the continent to remain a global power-player for years to come.

Europe: A Nietzschen Perspective (Routledge Advances in European Politics #Vol. 11)

by Stefan Elbe

There has been a deliberative, but as yet unsuccessful, attempt by scholars and policy makers to articulate a more meaningful idea of Europe, which would enhance the legitimacy of the European Union and provide the basis for a European identity. Using a detailed analysis of the writings of Nietzsche, Elbe seeks to address this problem and argues that Nietzsche's thinking about Europe can significantly illuminate our understanding. He demonstrates how Nietzsche's critique of nationalism and the notion of the 'good European' can assist contemporary scholars in the quest for a vision of Europe and a definition of what it means to be a European citizen.

Europe: A Natural History

by Tim Flannery

A tale of cave bears and comet strikes and a hundred million years of history by the bestselling author of Here on Earth: &“Marvelous.&”—Publishers Weekly (starred review) In Europe: A Natural History, world-renowned scientist, explorer, and conservationist Tim Flannery applies the eloquent interdisciplinary approach he used in his ecological histories of Australia and North America to the story of Europe. He begins 100 million years ago, when the continents of Asia, North America, and Africa interacted to create an island archipelago that would later become the Europe we know today. It was on these ancient tropical lands that the first distinctly European organisms evolved. Flannery teaches us about Europe&’s midwife toad, which has endured since the continent&’s beginning, while elephants, crocodiles, and giant sharks have come and gone. He explores the monumental changes wrought by the devastating comet strike and shows how rapid atmospheric shifts transformed the European archipelago into a single landmass during the Eocene. As the story moves through millions of years of evolutionary history, Flannery eventually turns to our own species, describing the immense impact humans had on the continent&’s flora and fauna—within 30,000 years of our arrival in Europe, the woolly rhino, the cave bear, and the giant elk, among others, would disappear completely. The story continues right up to the present, as Flannery describes Europe&’s leading role in wildlife restoration, and then looks ahead to ponder the continent&’s future: with advancements in gene editing technology, European scientists are working to recreate some of the continent&’s lost creatures, such as the great ox of Europe&’s primeval forests and even the woolly mammoth.

Europe (Rookie read-about geography)

by Rebecca Hirsch

Rookie Read-About: Continents series gives the youngest reader (Ages 3-6) an introduction to the components that make each continent distinctive and exceptional. Readers will get to know each continents' geography, history, and wildlife.

Europe (Rookie Read-About Geography: Continents)

by Rebecca Hirsch

An introduction to the geography and people of Europe.Rookie Read-About: Continents series gives the youngest reader (Ages 3-6) an introduction to the components that make each continent distinctive and exceptional. Readers will get to know each continents' geography, history, and wildfire.

Europe: I Struggle, I Overcome

by Wilfried Martens

Wilfried Martens - Europe: I Struggle, I Overcome Foreword by Angela Merkel Wilfried Martens has devoted his entire life to politics: as student leader, youth activist, President of the Flemish Christian Democrats, Prime Minister of Belgium, President of the European People's Party and European statesman. In his autobiography Martens offers the inside story on running a complex country like Belgium, fighting for European integration and unification, and transforming the European People's Party into a strong, united centre-right movement and leading European political family. Above all, this is a book about the intricacies of European politics and its guiding ideas, values and principles.

Europe: A Cultural History

by Peter Rietbergen

This third, revised and augmented edition of Peter Rietbergen's highly acclaimed Europe: A Cultural History provides a major and original contribution to the study of Europe. From ancient Babylonian law codes to Pope Urban's call to crusade in 1095, and from Michelangelo on Italian art in 1538 to Sting's songs in the late twentieth century, the expressions of the culture that has developed in Europe are diverse and wide-ranging. This exceptional text expertly connects this variety, explaining them to the reader in a thorough and yet highly readable style. Presented chronologically, Europe: A Cultural History examines the many cultural building blocks of Europe, stressing their importance in the formation of the continent's ever-changing cultural identities. Starting with the beginnings of agricultural society and ending with the mass culture of the early twenty-first century, the book uses literature, art, science, technology and music to examine Europe's cultural history in terms of continuity and change. Rietbergen looks at how societies developed new ways of surviving, believing, consuming and communicating throughout the period. His book is distinctive in paying particular attention to the ways early Europe has been formed through the impact of a variety of cultures, from Celtic and German to Greek and Roman. The role of Christianity is stressed, but as a contested variable, as are the influences from, for example, Asia in the early modern period and from American culture and Islamic immigrants in more recent times. Since anxieties over Europe's future mount, this third edition text has been thoroughly revised for the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Moreover, it now also includes a 'dossier' of some seventeen essay-like vignettes that highlight cultural phenomena said to be characteristic of Europe: social solidarity, capitalism, democracy and so forth. With a wide selection of illustrations, maps, excerpts of sources and even lyrics from contemporary songs to support the arguments, this book both serves the general reader as well as students of historical and cultural studies.

Europe: A Cultural History

by Peter Rietbergen

Fully revised, updated and extended to include the momentous developments of 2020, this fourth edition of Peter Rietbergen's highly acclaimed Europe: A Cultural History is a major and original contribution to the study of Europe. The book examines the structures of culture in this part of Eurasia from the beginnings of human settlement on to the genesis of agricultural society, of greater polities, of urban systems, and the slow transitions that resulted in a (post-)industrial society and the individualistic mass culture of the present. Using both economic and socio-political analytical concepts, the volume outlines cultural continuity and change in Europe through the lenses of literature, the arts, science, technology and music, to show the continent’s ever-changing identities. In a highly readable style, it expertly contextualizes such diverse and wide-ranging topics as Celtic society, the Roman legal system, the oppositions between ‘elite’ and ‘popular’ culture in pre-industrial Europe, Michelangelo’s world-view, the interaction between the Enlightenment and Romanticism, the growth of a society of time and money, the appeal of fascism and other totalitarian ideologies, and the ways the songs of Sting express late twentieth-century thinking. Structured both chronologically and thematically, the text is distinctive in the attention consistently paid to the many ways Europe has been formed through its contacts with non-European cultures, especially those of Asia and the Americas. This edition concludes with an epilogue that discusses the ways Europe’s recent past – including the long-term efforts at further unification, and the various forms of opposition against it – has been both interpreted and misinterpreted; the importance of globalization; and the major challenges facing Europe in the present, amongst which are the consequences of the pandemic of 2020. With a wide selection of illustrations, maps, excerpts from primary sources and even lyrics from contemporary songs to support its arguments, the text remains the definitive cultural history of Europe for both the general reader and students of European history and culture.

Europe: A Cultural History

by Peter Rietbergen

This major contribution to the idea of Europe sweeps the continent from its Celtic and German origins through the influence of the Greeks and Romans to the fruitful -- and sometimes bloody -- contacts with other cultures. Peter Rietbergen portrays Europe's history as a series of four grand phases of continuity and change set in the context of political, social and economic developments. These phases are new forms of: surviving; believing; looking at man and the world; and consumption and communication. Rietbergen's descriptions are supported by a selection of illuminating excerpts such as: Chaucer's description of London in 1378; Michelangelo on Italian art; and popular music lyrics of Iron Maiden and Sting.

Europe: The Struggle for Supremacy, from 1453 to the Present (New Approaches To European History Ser. #19)

by Brendan Simms

If there is a fundamental truth of geopolitics, it is this: whoever controls the core of Europe can control the entire continent, and whoever controls all of Europe can dominate the world. Over the past five centuries, a rotating cast of kings and conquerors, presidents and dictators have set their sights on the European heartland, desperate to seize this pivotal area or at least prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. From Charles V and Napoleon to Bismarck and Cromwell, from Hitler and Stalin to Roosevelt and Gorbachev, nearly all the key power players of modern history have staked their titanic visions on this vital swath of land.In Europe, prizewinning historian Brendan Simms presents an authoritative account of the past half-millennium of European history, demonstrating how the battle for mastery there has shaped the modern world. Beginning in 1453, when the collapse of the Byzantine Empire laid Europe open to Ottoman incursion and prompted the dramatic expansion of the Holy Roman Empire, Simms leads readers through the epic struggle for the heart of Europe. Stretching from the Low Countries through Germany and into the North Italian plain, this relatively compact zone has historically been the richest and most productive on earth. For hundreds of years, its crucial strategic importance stoked a seemingly unending series of conflicts, from the English Civil War to the French Revolution to the appalling world wars of the 20th century. But when Europe is in harmony, Simms shows, the entire world benefits--a lesson that current leaders would do well to remember.A bold and compelling work by a renowned scholar, Europe integrates religion, politics, military strategy, and international relations to show how history--and Western civilization itself--was forged in the crucible of Europe.

Europe 1600-1789: A volume of the Arnold History of Europe

by Anthony F. Upton

From the Book: "The Arnold History of Europe-- This new series explores European history, from the last years of the Roman Empire to the end of the twentieth century. Each volume tackles a broad sweep of history, not invariably sticking to conventional periodizations, and asks bold questions of its material. The series aims to make sense of periods and eras, across countries and cultures, but without trying to homogenize everything."

Europe, 1648-1815: From the Old Regime to the Age of Revolution

by Robin W. Winks Thomas E. Kaiser

Europe, 1648-1815 is a concise narrative of an exciting age in the history of Europe. It surveys the political, economic, social, and cultural events of the period, from the rise of absolutism to the campaigns of Napoleon, and from the creation of a European empire in the Americas to thecontroversies of the Enlightenment. Although informed by recent works on social history and political culture, the book has a strong political backbone, making it a text that can either stand alone or be supplemented by more specialized reading. It contains numerous illustrations, selections from primary sources, and a detailed, updated bibliography.

Europe 1780 - 1830 (General History of Europe)

by Franklin L. Ford

Europe 1780--1830 rapidly established itself as a standard introduction to European history in the age of the French Revolution and its aftermath when it first appeared. Now for the first time the book has been fully revised, updated and expanded. The half-century covered constitutes one of the most complex, eventful and rapidly changing of any in Europe's history. It is a period whose emphasis on conflict and political crisis combines daring innovation with the stubborn persistence of many older attitudes and patterns of human behaviour. Professor Ford explores these tensions throughout; and he gives his readers a powerful sense of the extraordinary energy, in every aspect of human activity, that characterised the time.

Europe 1783-1914

by William Simpson Martin Jones

The third edition of Europe 1783-1914 provides a comprehensive overview of Europe from the outbreak of the French Revolution to the origins of the First World War. William Simpson and Martin Jones combine accounts of the most important countries, notably France, Germany and Russia, with the wider political, economic, social and cultural developments affecting Europe as a whole. These include: A survey of Europe c.1780: the social and economic background, forms of government, and the Enlightenment The impact of the French Revolution and Napoleon on Europe The spread of nationalism: the 1848 Revolutions and the unification of Italy and Germany Changes in the world of ideas: religious belief, romanticism, and cultural achievements in art, literature and music The age of imperialism: the expansion of Europe, Marxism and left-wing movements, international relations, 1870-1914 The reciprocal relationship between Europe and the United States Europe in 1914: shifts in the intellectual climate through the works of Darwin and Freud, scientific discoveries and the impact of new technologies, and changes in society and the position of women. Each chapter features a list of key dates, concise background information and suggestions for further reading, as well as a concluding ‘Topics for Debate’ section which contains relevant contemporary sources and outlines the contrasting views of recent historians on the key issues. The suggestions for further reading have been updated in every chapter by the addition of relevant and significant new books, published up to and including 2014. Extensively illustrated throughout with maps, contemporary cartoons and portraits, Europe 1783–1914 is a clear, detailed and highly accessible analysis of this turbulent and formative period of European history.

Europe 1850-1914: Progress, Participation and Apprehension

by Jonathan Sperber

This innovative survey of European history from the middle of the nineteenth century to the outbreak of the First World War tells the story of an era of outward tranquillity that was also a period of economic growth, social transformation, political contention and scientific, and artistic innovation. During these years, the foundations of our present urban-industrial society were laid, the five Great Powers vied in peaceful and violent fashion for dominance in Europe and throughout the world, and the darker forces that were to dominate the twentieth century – violent nationalism, totalitarianism, racism, ethnic cleansing – began to make themselves felt. Jonathan Sperber sets out developments in this period across the entire European continent, from the Atlantic to the Urals, from the Baltic to the Mediterranean. To help students of European history grasp the main dynamics of the period, he divides the book into three overlapping sections covering the periods from 1850-75, 1871-95 and 1890-1914. In each period he identifies developments and tendencies that were common in varying degrees to the whole of Europe, while also pointing the unique qualities of specific regions and individual countries. Throughout, his argument is supported by illustrative material: tables, charts, case studies and other explanatory features, and there is a detailed bibliography to help students to explore further in those areas that interest them.

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