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Karl-Ludwig Sand

by Alexandre Dumas

With a little amplification, the novel is almost a non-fictitious story of Karl-Ludwig Sand. It narrates his crime against the royalty and the relentless pursuance of the criminal afterwards. Read with maturity of mind it provides deep insight into the atrocities perpetuated by the royalty and the hatred of the people for such authority.

Karl Mannheim and the Crisis of Liberalism: The Secret of These New Times

by David Kettler

To reflect on Karl Mannheim is to address fundamental issues of political enlightenment Mannheim's driving determination "was to learn as a sociologist by close observation the secret (even if it is infernal) of these new times." Mannheim's aim was "to carry liberal values forward." His problem remains irresistible to reflective people at the end of the twentieth century. Mannheim attempted to link social thinking to political emancipation despite overwhelming evidence against the connection. Karl Mannheim and the Crisis of Liberalism is a sympathetic biography of Mannheim's paradoxicalaand paradigmatica'project. The book covers a wide range of European and American thought, including Mannheim's dealings with Georg Lukacs and Oscar Jszi in Budapest; with Alfred Weber, Leopold von Wiese, Franz Neumann, Paul Tillich, Adolph Loewe, and his students in Weimar Germany; with Louis Wirth, Edward Shils, and other major figures in American sociology; and with social analysts and religious thinkers in England. The analysis is informed by dilemmas of history and theory, science and rhetoric, freedom and technical controlathe themes of liberalism. Kettler and Meja carefully depict each stage of Mannheim's life as a sociologist and explore his influence on leading social thinkers. Karl Mannheim and the Crisis of Liberalism combines significant biographical information with insightful sociological theory. It will be a vital resource for historians, sociologists, and political theorists.

Karl Marx (Arguments of the Philosophers)

by Wood Allen

This is one of the most respected books on Marx's philosophical thought. Wood explains Marx's views from a philosophical standpoint and defends Marx against common misunderstandings and criticisms of his views. All the major philosophical topics in Marx's work are considered: the central concept of alienation; historical materialism and Marx's account of social classes; the nature and social function of morality; philosophical materialism and Marx's atheism; and Marx's use of the Hegelian dialectical method and the Marxian theory of value.The second edition has been revised to include a new chapter on capitalist exploitation and new suggestions for further reading. Wood has also added a substantial new preface which looks at Marx's thought in light of the fall of the Soviet Union and our continued ambivalence towards capitalism, exploring Marx's continuing relevance in the twenty-first century.

Karl Marx: His Life and Environment (second edition)

by Isaiah Berlin

Biography and commentary on work.

Karl Marx: Thoroughly Revised Fifth Edition

by Isaiah Berlin

Isaiah Berlin's intellectual biography of Karl Marx has long been recognized as one of the best concise accounts of the life and thought of the man who had, in Berlin's words, a more "direct, deliberate, and powerful" influence on mankind than any other nineteenth-century thinker. A brilliantly lucid work of synthesis and exposition, the book introduces Marx's ideas and sets them in their context, explains why they were revolutionary in political and intellectual terms, and paints a memorable portrait of Marx's dramatic life and outsized personality. Berlin takes readers through Marx's years of adolescent rebellion and post-university communist agitation, the personal high point of the 1848 revolutions, and his later years of exile, political frustration, and intellectual effort. Critical yet sympathetic, Berlin's account illuminates a life without reproducing a legend. New features of this thoroughly revised edition include references for Berlin's quotations and allusions, Terrell Carver's assessment of the distinctiveness of Berlin's book, and a revised guide to further reading.

Karl Marx (Political Thinkers Ser. #No. 3)

by Michael Evans

First published in 1975, this book provides an interpretative introduction to the political thought of Karl Marx. The approach is both historical and analytical, with emphasis placed on developments and changes in Marx's thought. The book is firmly based on a close reading of primary sources including recently discovered documents on the Communist League, the drafts of Marx's Civil War in France and the Grundrisse manuscripts.

Karl Marx

by Gareth Stedman Jones

Gareth Stedman Jones returns Karl Marx to his nineteenth-century world, before later inventions transformed him into Communism's patriarch and fierce lawgiver. He shows how Marx adapted the philosophies of Kant, Hegel, Feuerbach, and others into ideas that would have--in ways inconceivable to Marx--an overwhelming impact in the twentieth century.

Karl Marx: Aspekte seines Wirkens

by Udo Kern Doris Neuberger

Um die heutige Welt zu begreifen, sollten wir uns nach Präsident Macron mit dem Werk „Das Kapital“ von Marx beschäftigen. Tatsächlich stellt sich nach der Finanzkrise 2007/2008 und nach Karl Marx' 200. Geburtstag im Jahr 2018 die Frage, wie aktuell sein Werk auch oder vielleicht gerade heute noch ist. In diesem Fachbuch werden deshalb verschiedene Aspekte aus dem Leben und Werk von Karl Marx beleuchtet. Dabei verfolgen die Autoren, Forscher der Universität Rostock, einen interdisziplinären Ansatz und behandeln sowohl Marx' Religionskritik als auch die Frage nach seinem politischen Denken. Thematisiert werden Marx' Interpretationen von Kapital und Geld sowie sein Kommunismusverständnis und sein Kapitalverstehen. War Karl Marx ein politischer Denker? Kann Karl Marx die Finanzkrise 2007/08 erklären und wenn ja, vielleicht sogar besser als der ökonomische Mainstream? Welchen Stellenwert kann seiner Philosophie und seiner Geld- und Kredittheorie beigemessen werden? Stimmen Kernaussagen seiner Kapitalismuskritik? In sechs Kapiteln, die auch unabhängig voneinander gelesen werden können, gehen die Autoren eingehend auf diese Fragen und Themen ein.

Karl Marx: Biographical Memoirs

by Wilhelm Liebknecht

Wilhelm Liebknecht, (born March 29, 1826, Giessen, Hesse [Germany]—died Aug. 7, 1900, Berlin), German socialist, close associate of Karl Marx, and later cofounder of the German Social Democratic Party. In this brief but fascinating account, Liebknecht relates his involvement with Karl Marx, mainly during his exile in England.

Karl Marx: His Life and Work (Routledge Revivals)

by Otto Rühle

First published in English in 1929, this is a reissue of Otto Rühle's comprehensive biography of Karl Marx. Written by a leading Marxist and key figure within the German Labour movement, this is an exceptionally detailed and well-researched study which sets Marx's life and work firmly within its social and historical context before examining in depth the major events of his life and the writings for which he has become such an influential figure in modern political philosophy. The final chapter offers an appraisal of both the man and his work, as Rühle summarises why he believes Marx was a genius.

Karl Marx

by Robin Small

This book is an introduction to Karl Marx (1818-1883) as a radical educational thinker. Marx's own schooling and education are examined and we see how his interest in educational issues was informed by his own experience. Educational themes in Marx's thinking are identified: the role of education within capitalist society, the contribution of education to human development and the character of education in a future society. These are placed in a historical setting by the author and related to public debates over educational policy. Throughout his career, Marx identified education as key to the prospects of the working class. The story of this engagement adds a new dimension to the picture of his work as a philosopher, political economist and socialist revolutionary. The aspects of education that concerned Marx matched prominent features of his theoretical and political activity, and educational themes provided him with a critical application for many of his most important ideas. The author explores Marx's work on the British factory school system, his use of evidence from the reports of school inspectors, and the contemporary movement that led to the establishment of modern systems of public schooling. The final chapter relates Marx's thinking to questions about the place of education in today's society, showing how relevant it is for the twenty-first century. These discussions contain new scholarship, draw on original sources and are written in a clear and readable style. Students in education courses at universities and colleges, educational researchers and teachers will find this examination of Karl Marx's ideas concerning education both engaging and enlightening.

Karl Marx: Ilusión y grandeza (Noema Ser.)

by Gareth Stedman-Jones

La biografía definitiva del hombre más influyente de los últimos 200 años. «Stedman Jones desmonta la doctrina sin desestimar al pensador, cortando los cables que unen a ambos con la delicadeza de un experto en desactivación de explosivos. Un logro extraordinario e incomparable.»Ferdinand Mount, The Times Literary Supplement El siglo XIX fue una época de cambios sin precedentes: las ciudades crecieron, una ola tras otra de invenciones dio lugar a monstruosas fábricas y se plantearon grandes retos intelectuales y debates sobre sistemas políticos, religión y, sobre todo, el futuro. En el centro de estas discusiones estaba Marx, quien dedicó su vida a dar sentido a los rompecabezas y paradojas de la nueva era. En esta espléndida biografía intelectual, Stedman Jones recoloca a Marx en su contexto, antes de que emergieran la mitología marxista y las elaboraciones póstumas de su personalidad. Su relato da cuenta de las grandes diferencias entre el propio Marx -quién era, cómo se comportó y qué pensó- y su representación en el discurso político. Este libro permite al lector comprender cómo se forjó del ideario de Marx y, al tiempo, el modo en que Marx forjó nuestro mundo. Reseñas:«Imponente, denso y formidable.»Dominic Sandbrook, The Sunday Times «Rich and deeply researched.»John Gray, Literary Review «Magnífico. Mientras insistamos en nuestra tendencia a separar la economía de la política, la filosofía y el periodismo, Marx seguirá siendo el ejemplo sobresaliente de cómo superar esa fragmentación del pensamiento social moderno y pensar en el mundo como un todo en aras de su mejora. Y este libro será una guía admirable de cómo lo hizo.»Financial Times «Una historia intelectual fruto de una investigación impecable. Excelente. Para cualquier persona interesada en el pensamiento de Marx,este libro es una joya.»The Telegraph «No hay mejor guía para entender a Marx que Gareth Stedman Jones.»The Economist «Un relato profundamente original y esclarecedor de viaje de Marx a través de la historia intelectual del siglo XIX. Stedman Jones explora con elegancia y brillantez analítica las amistades, las afinidades, las rivalidades y los odios que dieron forma a la vida de Marx. Una reevaluación profunda y una lectura apasionante.»Christopher Clark, autor de Sonámbulos «Una biografía intelectual exhaustiva y asombrosamente bien documentada.»Oliver Bullough, The Guardian «En este libro rica y profundamente investigado, Stedman Jones ofrece una imagen novedosa de Marx.»John Gray, Literary Review «El análisis que hace Stedman Jones de los diagnósticos económicos y sociológicos de de Marx perdurará. El libro sitúa a Marx en el contexto del siglo XIX precisamente para demostrar la paradoja de lecturas interpretativas y lecturas erróneas que generaron su impacto global.»George Steiner, The Times Literary Supplement «Importante. Aporta excepcionales enseñanzas a la tarea de situar a Marx en la vida intelectual y política de la Europa del siglo XIX.»Louis Menand, The New Yorker «Una biografía sorprendente, brillante y de agradable lectura.»Steve Donoghue, Open Letters Monthly «Un libro magnífico e importante sobre un intelectual en su lucha por dar sentido a un mundo en pleno desarrollo. Es también un fascinante retrato de ese mundo visto a través de la mirada de ese intelectual.»Jeremy Adelman, Public Books «Una lúcida biografía del fundador teórico del comunismo. En este retrato tan bien trazado, Marx resulta una figura poco atractiva. La crítica de Jones a la filosofía de Marx es aguda pero equilibrada, y despeja parte de la mitología que rodea a este polémico icono y a su pensamiento.»<I

Karl Marx: A Life

by Francis Wheen

In this first comprehensive biography of Marx since the end of the Cold War, Wheen delivers not a socialist ogre but a fascinating, ultimately humane man, while still examining the criticisms of his detractors. of photos.

Karl Marx (Arguments of the Philosophers)

by Allen Wood

This is one of the most respected books on Marx's philosophical thought. Wood explains Marx's views from a philosophical standpoint and defends him against common misunderstandings and criticisms. All the major philosophical topics in Marx's work are considered: the central concept of alienation; historical materialism and Marx's account of social classes; the nature and social function of morality; philosophical materialism and Marx's atheism; and Marx's use of the Hegelian dialectical method and the Marxian theory of value.

Karl Marx

by Allen W. Wood

Allen Wood explains the views of Karl Marx from a philosophical standpoint and defends Marx against common misunderstandings and criticisms of his views. This second edition has been revised to include a new chapter on capitalist exploitation and new suggestions for further reading. Wood has also added a substantial new preface which looks at Marx's thought in light of the fall of the Soviet Union and our continued ambivalence towards capitalism, exploring Marx's continuing relevance in the twenty-first century.

Karl Marx and the Close of his System: A Criticism of the Marxist Theory of Value and the Price of Production

by Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk

Eugen Von Böhm-Bawerk, economist of the Austrian school, wrote this incisive critique of Marxist economics amid rising public support for socialism, communism and state-controlled markets in Europe.Published in 1896, this work criticizes Marxist theory from two angles: firstly, that the notion of value which Marx puts forward contradict his own ideas. The author asserts that the link between the price of producing goods and the value produced by labor are not consistently dealt with in Marx’s works. This inconsistency in assigning value to economic production leads onto the second critique:Supply and demand is a theory whereby an equilibrium between goods supplied to a market and goods demanded by consumers in said market is established, with changes in the quantity or price of a good being in reaction to demand. Böhm-Bawerk discusses how Marx underestimates this law, and how his lack of appreciation for an economy which flexibly meets the shifting demands of consumers undermines his notions of price and value. From the perspective of a free market capitalist, Marxist theory is inadequate and insufficient as a system of economics.-Print ed.

Karl Marx Dictionary

by Morris Stockhammer

Karl Marx Dictionary is another in a series of dictionary-type books that cover the works of thinkers of historical significance. The captivating and detailed entries of this volume, put forward in clearly understandable terms, extract the essential ideals of Marx from his voluminous and historically important works. The main source of Marxian doctrine is found, of course, in the three volumes of Das Kapital; every significant and definitive passage from this masterwork is isolated for reference and scrutiny. In addition, many other sources from the vast body of Marx's writings are exploited. The user of this volume can learn practically all there is to know of the philosophy of Marxism.

Karl Marx Dictionary

by Morris Stockhammer

This accessible and comprehensive reference volume covers the concepts, terminology, and writings of the towering political philosopher. The detailed, authoritative entries of this volume, written in clearly understandable terms, extract the essential ideas from Karl Marx&’s voluminous and historically important works. As the three volumes of Das Kapital are the main source of Marxist thought, every significant passage from this masterwork is isolated for reference and scrutiny. In addition, many other sources from the vast body of Marx&’s writings are closely examined. With its expertly researched, in-depth entries, this volume presents a complete account of Marx&’s philosophy.

Karl Marx on Socialist Theory and Practice: Rethinking Marx’s Theory of Human Emancipation

by Wei Xiaoping

This book discusses Marx’s thinking on human emancipation based on his critique of capitalism and the prospect of socialism. It analyzes the double relations between persons and things, and persons and persons by tracking Marx’s writings, including MEGA2, and taking into consideration the socialist practice and socialist reform of the last century. It is a necessary study for social scientists, social andpolitical philosophers, and students for its deep and wide analysis from the perspective of Marxian theory in practice.

Karl Marx’s Life, Ideas, and Influences: A Critical Examination on the Bicentenary (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)

by Marcello Musto Shaibal Gupta Babak Amini

Since the latest crisis of capitalism broke out in 2008, Marx has been back in fashion, and sometimes it seems that his ideas have never been as topical, or as commanding of respect and interest, as they are today. This edited collection arises from one of the largest international conferences dedicated to the bicentenary of Marx’s birth. The volume contains 16 chapters authored by globally renowned scholars and is divided into two parts: I) On the Critique of Politics; II) On the Critique of Political Economy. These contributions, from multiple academic disciplines, offer diverse perspectives on why Marx is still so relevant for our times and make this book a source of great appeal for both expert scholars of Marx as well as students and general readers who are approaching his theories for the first time.

Karl Marx's Realist Critique of Capitalism: Freedom, Alienation, and Socialism (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)

by Paul Raekstad

This book offers the first realist reconstruction of Marx’s critique of capitalism. Reading Marx through a realist lens enables us to make sense of the connections between (1) Marx’s positive concept of freedom, rooted in a theory of human development, (2) his understanding of alienation as diagnosing capitalist unfreedom, and (3) his conceptions of democracy and socialism, respectively, as the cures for this unfreedom. Along the way, it discusses and responds to some of Marx’s most insightful critics, such as Max Weber and Friedrich Hayek. This clarifies Marx’s ideas for a new generation of political thinkers; explains the challenge they pose to contemporary debates about freedom, democracy, and future economic institutions; and demonstrates that these ideas remain both defensible and compelling.

Karl Marx's Writings on Alienation (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)

by Marcello Musto

The theory of alienation occupies a significant place in the work of Marx and has long been considered one of his main contributions to the critique of bourgeois society. Many authors who have written on this concept over the 20th century have erroneously based their interpretations on Marx’s early writings. In this anthology, by contrast, Marcello Musto has concentrated his selection on the most relevant pages of Marx’s later economic works, in which his thoughts on alienation were far more extensive and detailed than those of the early philosophical manuscripts. Additionally, the writings collated in this volume are unique in their presentation of not only Marx’s critique of capitalism, but also his description of communist society. This comprehensive rediscovery of Marx’s ideas on alienation provides an indispensable critical tool for both understanding the past and the critique of contemporary society.

Karl Pearson: The Scientific Life in a Statistical Age

by Theodore M. Porter

Karl Pearson, founder of modern statistics, came to this field by way of passionate early studies of philosophy and cultural history as well as ether physics and graphical geometry. His faith in science grew out of a deeply moral quest, reflected also in his socialism and his efforts to find a new basis for relations between men and women. This biography recounts Pearson's extraordinary intellectual adventure and sheds new light on the inner life of science. Theodore Porter's intensely personal portrait of Pearson extends from religious crisis and sexual tensions to metaphysical and even mathematical anxieties. Pearson sought to reconcile reason with enthusiasm and to achieve the impersonal perspective of science without sacrificing complex individuality. Even as he longed to experience nature directly and intimately, he identified science with renunciation and positivistic detachment. Porter finds a turning point in Pearson's career, where his humanistic interests gave way to statistical ones, in his Grammar of Science (1892), in which he attempted to establish scientific method as the moral educational basis for a refashioned culture. In this original and engaging book, a leading historian of modern science investigates the interior experience of one man's scientific life while placing it in a rich tapestry of social, political, and intellectual movements.

Karl Philipp Moritz: At the Fringe of Genius

by Mark Boulby

This is the first complete biographical and critical study of Karl Philipp Moritz (1756-93), German novelist, teacher, journalist, and philogist. His psychological novel, Anton Reiser, replete with insights into the sociological and psychological life of the time, was one of the most important eighteenth-century German novels. Moritz was in close touch with most of the major intellectual currents in Weimar and Berlin--from aesthetics and linguistics on the one hand to pietistical and mystical movements on the other--and he was a friend of Goethe and of other significant German literary figures as well. His career was a turbulent one, made all the more difficult by his many-sided psychological problems, which play a large role in his autobiographical writings.Karl Philipp Moritz has never been totally forgotten, but scholarly interest in him has increased dramatically in the last few decades. His works, particularly Anton Reiser, have also generated considerable popular interest. This is the first comprehensive monograph on this multi-faceted modern writer--an amazing fact in light of the homage paid Moritz by such contemporaries as Goethe, Schiller, and Jean Paul. Mark Boulby has succeeded admirably in relating all the frequently disparate ideas of Moritz to the trends of the period, and has combined theoretical analysis and biographical investigation in a readable and lively book.

Karl Polanyi: A Life on the Left (Key Contemporary Thinkers)

by Gareth Dale

Karl Polanyi (1886–1964) was one of the twentieth century's most original interpreters of the market economy. His penetrating analysis of globalization's disruptions and the Great Depression's underlying causes still serves as an effective counterargument to free market fundamentalism. This biography shows how the major personal and historical events of his life transformed him from a bourgeois radical into a Christian socialist but also informed his ambivalent stance on social democracy, communism, the New Deal, and the shifting intellectual scene of postwar America.The book begins with Polanyi's childhood in the Habsburg Empire and his involvement with the Great War and Hungary's postwar revolution. It connects Polanyi's idealistic radicalism to the political promise and intellectual ferment of Red Vienna and the horror of fascism. The narrative revisits Polanyi's oeuvre in English, German, and Hungarian, includes exhaustive research in five archives, and features interviews with Polanyi's daughter, students, and colleagues, clarifying the contradictory aspects of the thinker's work. These personal accounts also shed light on Polanyi's connections to scholars, Christians, atheists, journalists, hot and cold warriors, and socialists of all stripes. Karl Polanyi: A Life on the Left engages with Polanyi's biography as a reflection and condensation of extraordinary times. It highlights the historical ruptures, tensions, and upheavals that the thinker sought to capture and comprehend and, in telling his story, engages with the intellectual and political history of a turbulent epoch.

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