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Get Started with Your Allotment (Teach Yourself General Ser.)

by Geoff Stokes

Teach Yourself - the world's leading learning brand - is relaunched in 2010 as a multi-platform experience that will keep you motivated to achieve your goals. Let our expert author guide you through this brand new edition, with personal insights, tips, energising self-tests and summaries throughout the book. Go online at for tests, extension articles and a vibrant community of like-minded learners. And if you don't have much time, don't worry - every book gives you 1, 5 and 10-minute bites of learning to get you started. - Are you keen to get an allotment, but don't know where to start? - Would you like help to successfully grow your own produce? - Are you thinking about keeping livestock on your allotment?""Get Started with Your Allotment"" is written by the UK's leading Allotment Society and designed specifically for all those new to allotments. It will take you step-by-step through the joys of allotment gardening, right from the very first stages of finding an allotment through to keeping livestock. It is designed for both beginners and those with some experience, and has plenty of information for those who wish to involve their children and family members in their new pursuit. With a complete guide to the tools needed, the ideal crops to grow, the soil conditions, troubleshooting and plenty of legal advice, it is the most complete guide available from the country's most experienced and trusted source of allotment wisdom.

Get Your Act Together: A 7-Day Get-Organized Program for the Overworked, Overbooked, and Overwhelmed

by Pam Young Peggy Jones

The SLOB Sisters are back after the phenomenal success of Sidetracked Home Executives (750,000 paperback copies sold), with a new program for organizing your home and personal life.

Get Your House Right: Architectural Elements to Use & Avoid

by Marianne Cusato Ben Pentreath Richard Sammons Leon Krier

“[A] much needed book both for homeowners who want a beautiful and well proportioned house and for the professionals who help them to realize that dream.” —Sarah Susanka, FAIA, architect and author of The Not So Big series and Home by DesignEven as oversized McMansions continue to elbow their way into tiny lots nationwide, a much different trend has taken shape. This return to traditional architectural principles venerates qualities that once were taken for granted in home design: structural common sense, aesthetics of form, appropriateness to a neighborhood, and even sustainability. Marianne Cusato, creator of the award–winning Katrina Cottages, has authored and illustrated this definitive guide to what makes houses look and feel right—to the eye and to the soul. She teaches us the language and grammar of classical architecture, revealing how balance, harmony, and detail all contribute to creating a home that will be loved rather than tolerated. And she takes us through the dos and don’ts of every element of home design, from dormers to doorways to columns. Integral to the book are its hundreds of elegant line drawings—clearly rendering the varieties of lintels and cornices, arches and eaves, and displaying “avoid” and “use” versions of the same elements side by side.“This ‘Rosetta stone’ of design will guarantee Cusato a place in the history of twenty-first century American architecture.” —The Philadelphia Inquirer“[Cusato] provides a vision of how we live together and build on our planet, and points out the consequences of flawed building practices not only to our environment, but to our spirit and our soul.” —Michael Lykoudis, Dean, University of Notre Dame School of Architecture

Get Your Pitchfork On!

by Kristy Athens

For hard-working office workers Kristy Athens and husband Michael, farming was a romantic dream. After purchasing farm land in Oregon's beautiful Columbia Gorge, Athens and hubby were surprised to learn that the realities of farming were challenging and unexpected. Get Your Pitchfork On! provides the hard-learned nuts-and-bolts of rural living from city folk who were initially out of their depth. Practical and often hilarious, Get Your Pitchfork On! reads like a twenty-first century Egg and I. Get Your Pitchfork On! gives urban professionals the practical tools they need to realize their dream, with basics of home, farm, and hearth. It also enters territory that other books avoid--straightforward advice about the social aspects of country living, from health care to schools to small-town politics. Kristy Athens doesn't shy away from controversial subjects, such as having guns and hiring undocumented migrant workers. An important difference between Get Your Pitchfork On! and other farm/country books is that the author's initial country experiment failed. Ravaged by the elements, the economy, and the social structure of their rural area, Athens and husband sold their farm and retreated to Portland, Oregon, in 2009. This gave Athens the freedom to write honestly about her extraordinary experience. Having learned from mistakes, both Kristy and her husband are currently saving up to buy another farm, and this time to live a practical dream rather than an uninformed nightmare. Kristy Athens' nonfiction and short stories have been published in a number of magazines, newspapers, and literary journals, most recently High Desert Journal, Barely South Review, and the anthology Mamas and Papas. In 2010, she was a writer-in-residence for the Eastern Oregon Writer-in-Residence program and Soapstone. This is her first book.

Getting Baked: Everything You Need to Know about Hemp, CBD, and Medicinal Gardening

by Barb Webb

This green guide takes a fun and cheeky approach to teach readers the ins-and-outs of how to navigate their way through the hemp culture, create their own medicinal herb garden, and integrate natural remedies into their lifestyle seamlessly! Author Barb Webb is no stranger to the world of sustainable living, gardening, and all things eco-friendly. With a plethora of experience with CBD and medicinal herbs, Webb is ready to share her secrets and tips on how to master the art of having a green thumb! Getting Baked dispels the myths. Readers will learn the right way to incorporate CBD, hemp, herbs, spices, and all-natural remedies into their current lifestyle, avoiding the stigma around it. Whether you are a beginner, or looking to switch things up in your garden, get ready for the ultimate cannabis companion guide!

Getting Laid: Everything You Need to Know About Raising Chickens, Gardening and Preserving — with Over 100 Recipes!

by Barb Webb

Sustainable living boasts no boundaries. You don't need massive amounts of acreage or even a fenced-in backyard. We may not be 100 percent sustainable in our lifestyle, but we can become better in-tune with our environment and conscientious of our actions. Like all aspects of life, it's about balance, finding ways to live a greener, cleaner life within the parameters of your current lifestyle. Top blogger for country living, Rural Mom, shows us the (actually very easy) way to live a sustainable lifestyle without making ourselves crazy in the process. Why does even Jennifer Aniston raise chickens in the Hollywood Hills? Easy answer, it is extremely cool to raise you own hens. Eat the organic eggs and lie back on feather beds from your own brood. And what about you? Author Barb Webb believes there's a farm girl in all of us and she helps you find yours! What initially drew you to the idea of raising chickens, organic gardening and incorporating more sustainable living practices into your lifestyle? Are you interested in saving money, eating a more healthy diet, being on trend, going more "green," or saving the planet one plant at a time? Whatever the reason, the good new is all of the above motivators are real, tangible end-results of sustainable living. SUSTAINABLE LIVING IS... a) reducing your carbon footprint b) eating organic and "living off the land" c) living in harmony with the earth d) using resources efficiently and investing in renewable resources e) creating a better future for the next generation f) protecting and nurturing our natural resources g) eliminating waste and recycling h) actively pursuing a balanced and simplistic lifestyle i) spending money and resources in a frugal way j) our economy, social structure and natural environment working in agreement for the betterment of the world Sustainable living has many definitions and interpretations that have developed over time. In its basic definition, the Merriam Webster Dictionary defines sustainable as "able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed," and living as "full of life or vigor." In a nutshell - as sustainable living agents, we are ultimately defenders, maintainers and supporter of life! Our mission is of the utmost importance to ourselves, our environment and our future generations. Our mission is also easy. In fact, it takes less than five minutes to incorporate one sustainable living practice into your life right now but the effect of your action may have an ever-lasting positive impact for the world.

Getting Started in Permaculture

by Ross Jenny Mars

Permaculture experts Ross and Jenny Mars outline the steps to transform your garden into a productive living system. Modeled upon the development of Candlelight Farm, and illustrated with photographs, this guide encourages the reader to make postive steps towards reconciling human impact with nature - following the permaculture ideal. Permaculture is based on the ethics of caring for people and our planet. It is about growing your own healthy food, being resourceful and environmentally responsible. Permaculture concepts and ideas can be applied successfully from small suburban units to large farming properties. "Getting Started in Permaculture" delivers step-by-step knowledge for a variety of useful projects including: making herb fertilizers, compost, organic sprays for pest control, and much, much more. It also includes how to recycle your soft drink bottles, waste paper, and tires in a number of useful projects such as ponds, fruit fly traps, retailing walls, and solar stills. As part of Permanent Publications Simple Living Series, this practical and accessible guide for gardeners of all skill levels serves as an ideal introduction to the world of permaculture.

Getting There by Design

by Kenneth Allinson

There was military project management. There was construction project management. Then there was business project management, a tool described as 'the wave of the future'. Where are architects in all this, professionals whose work has always been project-driven? There is design management in engineering, product design, graphics, packaging, management theory and even in politics. Construction consultants talk about managing design. When are architects going to become committed to managing design?Getting There by Design adopts an architect's view to design and project management. It sets out the fundamental principles and shows how they are applied, dealing with these two topics as one indivisible subject.'Getting There by Design' demonstrates how to: - make project efforts goal-oriented - set up a planning and monitoring basis to architectural projects - put the architect's fee calculus on a rationale basis - diagnose your firm's practice culture - develop successful teamsPut your practice onto a more effective basis.Ken Allinson is an architect in private practice and principal of 'Architectural Dialogue'. He also teaches design studio and lectures on design and project management. He was formerly an associate at DEGW London and the Terry Farrell Partnership. He has practice experience in Europe, the USA and Japan and is the author of 'The Wild Card of Design' (1993).

Getting Work Done

by Harvard Business Review

Overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work you need to accomplish? Being pulled in different directions by competing priorities? Getting Work Done runs you through the basics of being more productive at work. You’ll learn to: Align your schedule with your priorities Focus your attention and avoid distractions Create effective daily routines Set boundaries and learn to say no About HBR's 20-Minute Manager Series: Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic. Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives-from the most trusted source in business. Also available as an ebook.

Giardinaggio In Cortile Per Principianti: Tutto Quello Che Dovete Sapere Per Iniziare A Coltivare Verdure, Fiori Ed Erbe In Casa.

by Susan Wright

Volete imparare a piantare gustose verdure, erbe e bellissimi fiori nel vostro giardino? Volete creare un giardino nel vostro cortile di casa, ma non sapete da dove iniziare? Sapevate che il giardinaggio può anche aiutare a migliorare la vostra salute in molti modi diversi? Avete degli obiettivi per il vostro giardino, ma non sapete come raggiungerli? State cercando una risorsa che vi aiuti a capire il giardinaggio e come iniziare subito? Se questo è il vostro caso, allora continuate a leggere! Il giardinaggio è un hobby che può essere imparato e insegnato. Il giardinaggio può essere un modo divertente e piacevole per entrare in contatto con la natura e vi darà anche l'opportunità di provare nuove ricette nutrienti e modi di mangiare che piaceranno a voi e alla vostra famiglia. Coltivare una varietà di cibo è tanto efficace quanto vantaggioso. Il giardinaggio è un'attività che richiede un pò di pazienza, ma alla fine è gratificante mangiare prodotti freschi che voi stessi avete coltivato. Imparare a fare giardinaggio vi aiuterà a raggiungere tutti i vostri obiettivi, non importa quanto grandi o piccoli essi siano. Indipendentemente da chi siete e da cosa volete realiizare, la base del giardinaggio è la stessa per tutti. Questo libro vi farà capire tutto quello che dovete sapere sul giardinaggio in cortile, compresi i vantaggi e le sfide che porta, e vi fornirà un progetto passo dopo passo per raggiungere un livello superiore di comprensione della materia, insieme ad alcuni consigli e processi pratici che potete mettere in pratica subito. Non c'è mai stato un libro così delicato nel suo approccio e così efficace nell'aiutare le persone a capire come iniziare a fare giardinaggio nei propri cortili di casa. All'interno di queste pagine, scoprirete: •Basi del giardinaggio - Tutto quello da sapere •Concetto di giardinaggio sostenibile •Ti

Giardinaggio in vaso per principianti

by Nancy Ross

VUOI SCOPRIRE I PRO E I CONTRO DEL GIARDINAGGIO IN VASO? Ecco un’anteprima di ciò che imparerai… • Come scegliere i vasi appropriati per il tuo giardino • Come creare un ambiente favorevole per le piante in vaso • Come decidere il momento giusto per piantare • Quali sono le piante migliori da coltivare in vaso • Consigli per rendere le tue piante rigogliose • E tanto, tanto altro! Apprenderai a coltivare le seguenti verdure… • Lattuga • Cipolle • Pomodori • Carote • Ravanelli • Cetrioli • Fagioli • Barbabietole • Cavoli • Melanzane • Peperoni • E molto altro ancora!

Giardinaggio per principianti: Collana 3 in 1

by Domenico Di Noi Nancy Ross

VUOI IMPARARE TUTTI I SEGRETI DEL GIARDINAGGIO PER I PRINCIPIANTI? Ecco Un'Anteprima Di Quello che Imparerai Riguardo Al Giardinaggio In Vaso... Acquistare i Vasi per il Tuo Giardino Creare l’Ambiente Adatto alle tue Piante in Vaso Scegliere il Periodo Adatto per Piantare Le Migliori Piante da Coltivare in Vaso Consigli per far Crescere Rigogliose le tue Piante Molto, molto ancora!

Giardini Verticali per Principianti

by Nancy Ross

VOLETE SAPERE TUTTI I PRO E I CONTRO DEL GIARDINO VERTICALE? Ecco un’anteprima di cosa imparerete. Creare la base per il vostro giardino Lavorare sulla manutenzione del vostro giardino verticale Fare spazio per le piante Scegliere le piante giuste Qualche trucco per il vostro giardino verticale Molto, molto di più!

Gibbs' Book of Architecture: An Eighteenth-Century Classic

by James Gibbs

One of England's most respected and influential architects, James Gibbs was born in Scotland, studied in Rome, and left a legacy of design the world will treasure forever. His legendary 1728 folio, a sprawling gallery of Gibbs's magnificent drawings, perspectives, and blueprints, is a brilliant testimony to his remarkable talent. Profusely illustrated, the volume features such notable commissions as London's St. Martin in the Fields -- the inspiration for many steeple churches of the colonial period in America; St. Mary le Strand, his first public building; Marybone Chapel; The Church of Allhallows in Derby; plus Gibbs's first commission, an addition for King's College at Cambridge. His most outstanding accomplishment may be the circular Radcliffe Library at Oxford, for which he received a Master of Arts. Also included here are detailed floor plans, plus fine drawings of decorative marble cisterns, ornamental iron gates, stately funeral monuments, and much more. Essential for an understanding of classic architecture, this stunning edition should grace the bookshelf of every architect, as well as architectural students, teachers, and historians.

The Gift of Calligraphy: A Modern Approach to Hand Lettering with 25 Projects to Give and to Keep

by Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls

An easy-to-follow guide to learning the art of calligraphy, with 25 gorgeously photographed projects that use calligraphy to make beautiful gifts and home décor.Calligraphy and hand lettering have surged in popularity as people rediscover traditional handicrafts as a creative outlet and way to relax. Unlike other hand lettering books, The Gift of Calligraphy shows you how to use your calligraphy skills to create invitations, wall art, wrapping paper, a tote bag, even a calligraphy kit for kids. Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls, calligraphy teacher and author of Belle Calligraphy, brings her signature modern style to this traditional craft. The first quarter of the book provides a primer for creating a simple alphabet and how to find your own personal style of lettering, followed by wonderful projects that will delight your family, impress your friends, and beautify your home, all accompanied by clear step-by-step photography and inspiring shots of the finished pieces.

A Gift of Japanese Flowers

by Alfred Koehn

Enjoyed by young and old, rich and poor, hanami, or flower-viewing, is an integral part of the Japanese people's appreciation of beauty in nature, and plays an important role in their social life as well.

Gifts from Georgia's Garden: How Georgia O'Keeffe Nourished Her Art

by Lisa Robinson

Come behind the scenes of Georgia O&’Keeffe&’s famous flower paintings to her sustainable homestead in New Mexico, where art was everything and everything was art.Most of us have heard the name Georgia O&’Keeffe— she&’s one of the most famous women in art history. But did you know that for most of her life, she lived on her own land in New Mexico, grew her own food, bought locally, and even made her own clothing?Georgia&’s garden and her art fed and enriched one another, just as her bean plants enriched the soil and her home-grown feasts fed her friends. In spite of the era&’s prejudice against female artists, Georgia lived and thrived in her verdant sanctuary well into old age. Soothing and inspiring, Gifts from Georgia&’s Garden illuminates the life and philosophy of a figure every child should know. Backmatter adds context to O&’Keeffe&’s story and invites families to try out her sustainable gardening techniques— and her pecan butterball cookies.Gifts for Georgia&’s Garden is the latest in Lisa Robinson&’s collection of thoughtful, artfully-told picture book biographies on figures who broke the mold and made history because of it. Hadley Hooper, a painter in her own right and the illustrator of books about Matisse (The Iridescence of Birds) and Giacometti (Two Brothers, Four Hands), perfectly evokes Georgia O&’Keeffe&’s style with pictures that burst with color and life.

Gifts from the Garden

by Debora Robertson

Brimming with ideas from the pretty to the practical, Gifts from the Garden contains more than 100 projects that use the gardener's bounty throughout the seasons. Divided into Flowers and Herbs, and Fruit and Vegetables, Debora includes gifts that are edible, for your home and for your wellbeing. There are potted bulbs in teacups and decorated personal seed packets, a lavender, rose and chamomile bubble bath, flower and fruit lip balms, a tisane planter and a pizza herb window box, as well as festive wreaths and ideas for using flowers and foliage when wrapping presents. And of course delicious ideas like toffee apples, herbal teas, spice rubs, chilli jams, courgette muffins and quince vodka to name a few! So whether you want to give something practical for the home, indulgent to enjoy at bath time, or to complement a delicious dinner, there is a present that will suit everyone.

Gifts in Jars: Homemade Cookie Mixes, Soup Mixes, Candles, Lotions, Teas, and More!

by Natalie Wise

Learn to make dozens of unique gifts packaged perfectly in glass jars of various shapes and sizes. Do you have an aspiring gardener on your list? Make a "plant bomb" jar with your favorite flower seeds or an adorable terrarium featuring easy-to-grow air plants. Headed to a bridal shower? Pamper your friend with a manicure kit or mint mojito lip scrub. Who wouldn't love some homemade sugar cookie mix or healthy and delicious granola in an attractive and reusable jar?Glass jars are easy to come by, cute, and incredibly versatile. Fill them with customized treasures to delight anyone on your list. Projects include:Light-Up Fairy JarBarbecue RubHot Fudge ToppingSnowglobe ScenesVanilla Citrus Sugar Hand ScrubCitronella Oil LampBird FeederAnd more!Complete with tips for decorating jars, suggestions for gift tags, and inspiring full-color photographs, Gifts in Jars is here to make your holiday gift list a whole lot more fun.

Gil Walsh Interiors: A Case for Color

by Gil Walsh Margaret Reilly Muldoon

The award-winning interior designer and owner of Gil Walsh Interiors shares her colorful approach to style in this beautifully illustrated volume. Master colorist Gil Walsh has spent decades bringing her expertise to elegant homes from Pennsylvania to West Palm Beach, Martha&’s Vineyard, and beyond. Now she brings readers into her creative process, showing how she helps clients express their personal lifestyles through inviting and gorgeously vibrant interiors. With stunning photography, this volume demonstrates how color can be enjoyed with gusto, whether in pretty pastels or bold, bright hues. From beach houses in the Florida Keys to sky-scraping apartments in Palm Beach, historic landmark buildings such as Fallingwater and the Duquesne Club in Pennsylvania, and a cozy cottage on Martha&’s Vineyard, Gil has applied her artistic eye and techniques to a wide variety of interiors and period styles.

Ginkgo Biloba: Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin, A-231 (Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin Ser.)

by Stephan Brown

Ginkgo biloba has been proven to improve short-term memory, alleviate allergies, relieve depression, and boost circulation. In Ginkgo Biloba, ginkgo farmer Stephan Brown shows you how to successfully grow ginkgo as a cash crop or for your own use. He also shares his recipes for making a range of healing remedies, from teas, tinctures, and tonics to a hearty and delicious Ginkgo Chicken Stew, which helps the immune system fight off colds and flus.

Girls Who Build: Inspiring Curiosity and Confidence to Make Anything Possible

by Katie Hughes

Celebrate the can-do attitude of fierce girls who know how to wield a hammer, fire up a saw, and build everything from a bookshelf to a playhouse. Featuring project photographs, this guide will inspire you to pick up your power tools and make something great.Carpenter Katie Hughes frequently found that she was the only woman on construction worksites. To change that, she began teaching classes to girls ages 8-14, showing them how to drill, saw, and weld. Her classes quickly became sold out summer camps and she founded her own non-profit, Girls Build.Girls Who Build features candid and arresting photographs of forty-five girls showing off their power tools and can-do attitudes. Accompanying each girl is a profile interview where she speaks to her inspirations and favorite builds, plus tips for others starting out. Also included are building skills, techniques, and safety tips to teach girls -- and older beginners -- how to handle hammers, drills, and saws plus thirteen do-it-herself building projects (from the featured girls themselves) such as picture frames, nightstands, playhouses, and more.

Give a Sh*t: Do Good. Live Better. Save the Planet.

by Ashlee Piper

"The time for stepping up and protecting our planet is now. And this book is an easy, enjoyable place to start." -- MobyIt's time to put your good intentions into action. It's time to give a shit -- about your health, your footprint, and your planet.Give a Sh*t guides you through the transition to a kinder, healthier, more conscious, and sustainable life like no book has done before. With a humorous and nonjudgmental tone, savvy eco-friendly lifestyle expert Ashlee Piper walks you through easy-but-impactful shifts anyone can make to live and be better every damn day:In your home - Room-by-room guidance and tactics for a chic, affordable, sustainable living space, no matter where or how you liveIn the kitchen - 20+ unfussy, quick, and delicious plant-based recipes for every life occasion, from pantry staples like White Witch Almond Milk to exciting everyday fare like Walnut Chorizo Tostadas to kick-ass desserts like Jamocha Silk PieIn your closet - Advice for building a polished, ethical wardrobe in a world of fast fashionIn the mirror - Beauty and grooming tips and DIY products (from skin care to foundation to, ahem, ladytime provisions) that are safer, natural, cruelty-free, and, best of all, effectiveIn the wild - How to maintain your values (and your moxie) at work, in your social life, and when abroadGive a Sh*t isn't a manual of restrictions -- it's a practical handbook that meets you where you are and finally harmonizes doing good with living well.

Glasgow: High-Rise Homes, Estates and Communities in the Post-War Period (Built Environment City Studies)

by Lynn Abrams Ade Kearns Barry Hazley Valerie Wright

In the wake of an unparalleled housing crisis at the end of the Second World War, Glasgow Corporation rehoused the tens of thousands of private tenants who were living in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions in unimproved Victorian slums. Adopting the designs, the materials and the technologies of modernity they built into the sky, developing high-rise estates on vacant sites within the city and on its periphery. This book uniquely focuses on the people's experience of this modern approach to housing, drawing on oral histories and archival materials to reflect on the long-term narrative and significance of high-rise homes in the cityscape. It positions them as places of identity formation, intimacy and well-being. With discussions on interior design and consumption, gender roles, children, the elderly, privacy, isolation, social networks and nuisance, Glasgow examines the connections between architectural design, planning decisions and housing experience to offer some timely and prescient observations on the success and failure of this very modern housing solution at a moment when high flats are simultaneously denigrated in the social housing sector while being built afresh in the private sector. Glasgow is aimed at an academic readership, including postgraduate students, scholars and researchers. It will be of interest to social, cultural and urban historians particularly interested in the United Kingdom.

Glass Gardens: Easy Terrariums, Aeriums, and Aquariums for Your Home or Office

by Melanie Florence

Not everyone can be Martha Stewart, and luckily you don’t need to be to create beautiful terrariums to display in your space or to give as a gift. With simple instructions and a relaxed and pleasant tone, Glass Gardens speaks to the beginner terrarium-maker as a best friend would over a cup of coffee or tea. You won’t find any overly elaborate or complicated projects here! With just a few supplies and a small amount of time, you’ll have a gorgeous centerpiece to display or give away.Learn how to create stunning, easy-to-maintain terrariums with cacti and succulents, as well as water terrariums (aquariums) with plants you can buy at your local pet store and air terrariums (aeriums), which are by far the easiest type of terrarium to create and keep alive.In Glass Gardens, you’ll be given lists of supplies you’ll need as well as information on where to find them in addition to tips and tricks about the best ways to keep your plants alive and thriving. Easy, step-by-step instructions and detailed photos will have you designing your own glass gardens before you know it.

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