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Le Jour du Zombie

by Diana Brandão Lee Pletzers

Ils pensaient être en sécurité. Croyant être en sécurité des attaques de Zombies qui avaient détruit le reste du monde dix ans plus tôt, une certaine normalité c'est installé sur une petite communauté du bord de mer. Les Zombies n'étaient pas arrivés. Une célébration s'ensuit. Le mot est passé que la célébration sera tenue dans la cité centrale de Wellington, prenant une chance un petit groupe d'hommes s'y rend. Tout est comme ça devrait être. Ils sont les bienvenus. Il y avait un sentiment d'espoir pour un nouveau début. Mais... Une petite fille appelle son chien qui joue sur la plage. Le chien ne répond pas. Fâchée, elle s'approche du chien, il la mord. Elle court à la maison en pleurant. Gary est une des personnes qui a pris la chance de visiter la ville; il a ses propres raisons pour retourner et n'est pas intéressé en l'évènement pour réunir les gens et le pays. Il veut seulement aller à la maison. Retourner aux mémoires d'une vie précédente, une vie qui lui manque. Il voit la fille fuir de la plage. Quelques moments plus tard le chien s'approche en grognant. Il doit utiliser plusieurs balles pour l'immobiliser. Sur la plage il voit une chose qui lui glace le sang. Il retourne vers la ville quand les cris commencent. Le temps s'écoule. Le Jour du Zombie a un humain immunisé contre le virus, mais qui présente tous les signes d'infection, la peau pourrissante, les habitudes alimentaires violentes et une femme. Il documente le jour où le virus atteint finalement leurs côtes. Il sait qu'une fois que le document sera fini, les chefs du village le tueront. Et il accepte cette destinée.

Le Karma d'Annie

by Chelle Cordero Audrey Vennin

Annie Furman laisse son passé derrière elle et poursuit sa route avec le shérif adjoint Dave Turner. Ses dons (ou sont-ils une malédiction ?) se renforcent. Elle réalise ne pas être la seule au royaume du voyage astral. Dave lui a sauvé la vie, maintenant, c’est à son tour de se battre contre un autre ‘voyageur’ pour le sauver… si seulement elle réussit à survivre.

Le mal par le mâle

by Morgan James Ashlyn Kane Céline Etcheberry

Il est neuf heures du matin, après les funérailles de son père, et Ezra Jones sait déjà qu'il va passer une mauvaise journée. Il se réveille avec une gueule de bois, il a mal partout et se trouve couvert de sang. Puis ça empire : le séduisant et irrésistible Callum Dawson fait son apparition sur le pas de sa porte, clamant qu'Ezra a été transformé en loup-garou. Ezra voudrait être sceptique, mais les preuves sont difficiles à ignorer. Ezra n'a pas beaucoup de temps pour s'habituer aux règles du jeu que l'Alpha Callum lui impose - ou à la façon dont son corps répond à la domination de Callum - tandis qu'il commence à travailler pour le Centre pour le Contrôle des Maladies afin de découvrir l'origine d'une épidémie de lycans. Quand la tension sexuelle explose enfin, Ezra a à peine le temps d'en profiter parce qu'un autre danger les menace. Quelqu'un veut s'en prendre à lui à des fins peu scrupuleuses et fera tout pour y arriver.

Le ombre di Mabini

by C. Thekat Richard Stooker

Quando Dan può finalmente ritornare a Manila ricorda il suo amore per la ragazza del bar Lin Lin. Così fanno anche Raul l'informatore della polizia, e le ombe di Mabini. Ora il viso di Lin Lin è una massa di cicatrici e la sua vergogna la tiene lontano dal suo amore di un tempo. Lui non può amarla ancora. O forse sì ? E poi Raul vuole informare la polizia mentre le ombre di Mabini trovano un modo per avere la loro vendetta. Quando Dan incontra per la prima volta Lin Lin su un marciapiede affollato nel famoso distretto dei bar di Mabini non sta cercando una donna per passare la notte. Nel momento stesso in cui dà a Lin Lin un bacio di addio prendendo un taxi per andare in aeroporto si innamora di lei. Di lì a poco il sindaco Alfred Lim chiude i bar di Mabini e Lin Lin inizia a lavorare in una zona meno sicura dove incontra un cliente che vuole che nessun'altro uomo possa vedere ancora il suo bel viso ... così la sfregia con un coltello. Ora Dan torna nelle Filippine cercando Lin Lin per sposarla. La troverà nonostante lei non voglia che lui veda le sue cicatrici ? Se riuscirà a trovarla, l'amerà ancora ? Le ombre di Mabini, che non hanno dimenticato le passioni della vita, vogliono saperlo. E questo vale anche per l'informatore della polizia che spera di trarre profitto dall'arresto di stranieri che sono in compagnia di prostitute. La Nightshade Publications aveva acquistato per prima i diritti su questo racconto per includerlo all'interno della rivista HAUNTS, ma non è stato fatto uscire prima che HAUNTS terminasse le pubblicazioni.

Le père Salas

by Carole Salas Enrique Laso

Le personnage le plus charismatique du roman DEPUIS L'ENFER, le best-seller qui a captivé des milliers de lecteurs du monde entier, adapté au cinéma par Luis Endera. Dans cette espèce de spin-off, nous découvrirons ce qui a poussé le père Salas à s'enfuir du Mexique pour se réfugier à Madrid. Nous connaîtrons le cas terrifiant de possessions multiples de plusieurs fillettes dans des villages des alentours de Guadalajara (Mexique). Un roman chargé d'émotion, de tension et de beaucoup de terreur, qui fascinera les amateurs du genre. __________________ Extrait de l'ouvrage : La fillette avait passé toute la nuit à gémir. Elle émettait pratiquement une sorte de ronflement guttural, sorti des entrailles d'un animal, plutôt que du corps décharné, presque famélique, d'une enfant âgée d'à peine dix ans. Elle gisait recroquevillée sur elle-même dans une litière faite de bottes de paille inégalement distribuée. Ses parents, par désespoir plutôt que par ressentiment ou crainte, l'avaient confinée dans une cabane utilisée pour protéger de la pluie les outils de travail et quelques propriétés de faible valeur qu'ils avaient héritées de divers membres de la famille aux cours des années. Le médecin s'approcha avec appréhension de la petite, qui semblait dormir, bien que sa respiration fût marquée de secousses constantes, impropres à un être humain. - Ca fait combien de jours qu'elle est plongée dans cet état de prostration ? - Une... une semaine... osa répondre la mère, convaincue de recevoir immédiatement un reproche de la part du médecin. Le docteur lança un soupir de résignation et, prenant la main de l'enfant, essaya de lui prendre le pouls. Un frisson intense lui traversa le corps lorsqu'il se rendit compte que le cœur de l'enfant battait à peine... un peu plus de 20 pulsations par m

Le Presenze di Hawke's Moor: Un romanticismo paranormale gotico vittoriano

by Camille Oster

Una donna a cui Londra volta le spalle, una tenuta abbandonata nelle campagne dell'Inghilterra vittoriana circondata da strane leggende, un'atmosfera affascinante dalle tinte gotiche.

Le Secret de Blossom Rise: Une histoire de fantômes

by A L Butcher

Lorsqu'une jeune infirmière accepte un poste dans un ancien hôpital militaire, elle déterre un vieux secret de famille et se voit confrontée à ses occupants spectraux qui lui semblent un peu trop familiers. Une histoire de fantômes.

Le Train

by Anna Grego

Le Train par Anna Grego L'histoire Après un grave accident, les passagers se réveillent avec le train complètement enterré et entouré de créatures terrifiantes. Des choses terribles attendent les survivants qui se rendent à Móbida, la ville des morts.

Le Virus du Zombie

by Diana Brandão Lee Pletzers

Zombies dans l'Espace. Le Kentucky Pride accoste un vaisseau fantôme. Recherches signes de vie Un enfant, innocent, dans un océan de corps. Survivant, se cachant.

Lean Times in Lankhmar: The Adventures Of Fafhrd And The Gray Mouser

by Fritz Leiber

Once upon a time in Lankhmar, City of the Black Toga, in the world of Nehwon, two years after the Year of the Feathered Death, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser parted their ways.

The Leap

by Jonathan Stroud

No one believes Charlie when she tells them what happened to Max at the Mill Pool. They all think she's in shock; even her brother James can't begin to understand. So as she recovers in the hospital bed, Charlie vows to hunt for Max alone.

The Leaping

by Tom Fletcher

An edgy, original and terrifying werewolf novel, the first in a series from a young debut author exploring the darkness that lies beneath Britain's bleak post-industrial northwest.Jack finished university three years ago, but he's still stuck in a dead-end job in a sinister call-centre in Manchester. When the beautiful (and rich) Jennifer comes into his life he thinks he has finally found his ticket out of there. Trouble is that his boss is interested in Jennifer as well, and there's something strangely bestial about him.So when Jennifer buys Fell House, a mysterious old farm out in remote Cumbria, a house party on a legendary scale seems like the perfect escape. But as the party spins out of control on a seemingly neverending night, they must face up to the terrifying possibility that not all their guests may be human--and some of them want to feed.An astonishing and innovative blend of horror, folktale and disturbing realism, The Leaping is the first installment in what is shaping up to be a genre-defining series.

The Leaping

by Tom Fletcher

An astonishing and innovative blend of horror, folktale and disturbing realism, The Leaping is the first instalment in what is shaping up to be a genre-defining series.Jack finished university three years ago, but he's still stuck in a dead-end job in a sinister call-centre in Manchester. When the beautiful - and rich - Jennifer comes into his life, he thinks he might have finally found his ticket out of there. The only problem? His boss is interested in Jennifer as well, and there's something strangely bestial about him . . . So when Jennifer buys Fell House, a mysterious old mansion out in remote Cumbria, a house party on a legendary scale seems like the perfect escape. But as the party spins out of control, Jennifer and Jack face the terrifying possibility that not all the guests may be human - and some of them want to feed.

The Leaping

by Tom Fletcher

An astonishing and innovative blend of horror, folktale and disturbing realism, The Leaping is the first instalment in what is shaping up to be a genre-defining series.Jack finished university three years ago, but he's still stuck in a dead-end job in a sinister call-centre in Manchester. When the beautiful - and rich - Jennifer comes into his life, he thinks he might have finally found his ticket out of there. The only problem? His boss is interested in Jennifer as well, and there's something strangely bestial about him . . . So when Jennifer buys Fell House, a mysterious old mansion out in remote Cumbria, a house party on a legendary scale seems like the perfect escape. But as the party spins out of control, Jennifer and Jack face the terrifying possibility that not all the guests may be human - and some of them want to feed.


by Lee Pletzers

Note de l’auteur: Quand j'avais seize ans et que je vivais à Wellsford et sortais avec une femme qui restera anonyme, nous sommes tombés sur un puits en traversant la ferme de quelqu'un. C'était juste un trou dans le sol couvert d’un couvercle en bois. Les mauvaises herbes avaient poussé dessus et les vaches étaient restées à l'écart. Ma petite amie (de l'époque) m'avait dit que c'était le puits de Cléments. Étant nouveau dans la région, je n'en avais jamais entendu parler, alors elle m'a raconté l'histoire. On l'a surnommé le Puits Sauteur et apparemment quelqu'un s'est suicidé par ... tu as deviné, en s’y jetant et s’était noyé. Naturellement je ne la croyais pas et à l'époque il n'y avait pas d’Internet pour vérifier les faits. Des semaines plus tard, au pub (oui, j'avais seize ans - je sais, je sais), j'ai rencontré un vieux chroniqueur qui m’avait raconté à peu près la même histoire, quoique beaucoup plus excitante. Maintenant, à l'âge de quarante et un ans, je n’y crois toujours pas, mais quand on m'a demandé la soumission de cette anthologie, je me suis souvenu du puits et quand ceci a été écrit, la Nouvelle-Zélande souffrait d'une longue sécheresse. Quel meilleur endroit pour avoir de l'eau, à mon avis.

Lector Activo: Y otros cuentos preventivos del mundo de la literatura

by Mark Leslie

Tres historias que exploran el lado oscuro del mundo de la literatura. En un estilo que recuerda al antiguo programa de televisión "The Twilight Zone", estos tres cuentos llevarán al lector amante de los libros a un lugar un tanto familiar, pero a la vez terroríficamente surrealista y perturbador. Lector Activo Los programas de lealtad que rastrean las preferencias de un lector son prácticos, ahorran tiempo y ofrecen grandes descuentos, al menos hasta que los datos de sus clientes lleguen a las manos equivocadas. Navegadores Un apasionado amante de los libros es atraído a una misteriosa y escalofriante librería de la misma manera que una polilla es atraída por una llama. Distracciones ¿Hasta dónde puede llegar un escritor desesperado si sigue ciegamente los consejos de un popular libro de autoayuda para eliminar las distracciones que le impiden completar su próxima novela?


by Hiron Ennes

A surreal and horrifying debut, Hiron Ennes's Leech defies our understanding of identity, heredity, and bodily autonomy.An Amazon Book of the Month!An October "Great Reads" Indie Next Pick!“A wonderful new entry to Gothic science fiction, impeccably clever and atmospheric. Think Wuthering Heights... with worms!”—Tamsyn MuirMEET THE CURE FOR THE HUMAN DISEASEIn an isolated chateau, as far north as north goes, the baron’s doctor has died. The doctor’s replacement has a mystery to solve: discovering how the Institute lost track of one of its many bodies.For hundreds of years the Interprovincial Medical Institute has grown by taking root in young minds and shaping them into doctors, replacing every human practitioner of medicine. The Institute is here to help humanity, to cure and to cut, to cradle and protect the species from the apocalyptic horrors their ancestors unleashed.In the frozen north, the Institute's body will discover a competitor for its rung at the top of the evolutionary ladder. A parasite is spreading through the baron's castle, already a dark pit of secrets, lies, violence, and fear. The two will make war on the battlefield of the body. Whichever wins, humanity will lose again.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Leech Sneak Peek

by Hiron Ennes

A surreal and horrifying debut, Hiron Ennes's Leech defies our understanding of identity, heredity, and bodily autonomy. Download a FREE sneak peek today!“A wonderful new entry to Gothic science fiction, impeccably clever and atmospheric. Think Wuthering Heights... with worms!”—Tamsyn MuirMEET THE CURE FOR THE HUMAN DISEASEIn an isolated chateau, as far north as north goes, the baron’s doctor has died. The doctor’s replacement has a mystery to solve: discovering how the Institute lost track of one of its many bodies.For hundreds of years the Interprovincial Medical Institute has grown by taking root in young minds and shaping them into doctors, replacing every human practitioner of medicine. The Institute is here to help humanity, to cure and to cut, to cradle and protect the species from the apocalyptic horrors their ancestors unleashed.In the frozen north, the Institute's body will discover a competitor for its rung at the top of the evolutionary ladder. A parasite is spreading through the baron's castle, already a dark pit of secrets, lies, violence, and fear. The two will make war on the battlefield of the body. Whichever wins, humanity will lose again.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.


by David Albahari Ellen Elias-Bursac

The place is Serbia, the time is the late 1990s. Our protagonist, a single man, writes a regular op-ed column for a Belgrade newspaper and spends the rest of his time with his best friend, smoking pot and talking about sex, politics, and life in general. One day on the shore of the Danube he spots a man slapping a beautiful woman. Intrigued, he follows the woman into the tangled streets of the city until he loses sight of her. A few days later he receives a mysterious manuscript whose contents seem to mutate each time he opens it. To decipher the manuscript--a collection of fragments on the Kabbalah and the history of the Jews of Zemun and Belgrade--he contacts an old schoolmate, now an eccentric mathematician, and a group of men from the Jewish community. As the narrator delves deeper into arcane topics, he begins to see signs of anti-Semitism, past and present, throughout the city and he feels impelled to denounce it. But his increasingly passionate columns erupt in a scandal culminating in murder. Following in the footsteps of Foucault's Pendulum, Leeches is a cerebral adventure into the underground worlds of secret societies and conspiracy theories.


by Molly Cochran

An "exciting and well-written tale of contemporary witchcraft and romance" that will "please the legions of paranormal fans looking for a sophisticated supernatural thriller" (Publishers Weekly).When her widowed father dumps sixteen-year-old Katy Jessevar in a boarding school in Whitfield, Massachusetts, she has no idea that fate has just opened the door to both her future and her past. Nearly everyone in Whitfield is a witch, as is Katy herself, although she has struggled all her life to hide her unusual talents. Stuck at a boarding school where her fellow students seem to despise her, Katy soon discovers that Whitfield is the place where her mother committed suicide under mysterious circumstances when Katy was just a small child. With dark forces converging on Whitfield, it's up to Katy to unravel her family's many secrets to save the boy she loves--and the town itself--from destruction. Legacy is a compelling tale that is as believable as it is magical, and the irresistible romance continues in Poison, its sequel.


by Molly Cochran

When her widowed father exiles sixteen-year-old Katy Jessevar to a boarding school in Whitfield, Massachusetts, she has no idea that fate has just opened the door to both her future and her past. At school her fellow students instantly despise her, and Katy pieces together clues to learn that Whitfield is the place where her mother committed suicide under mysterious circumstances when Katy was just a small child. Like many of the New England families in Whitfield, her mother was from an old witching line, and Katy discovers that she too possesses special powers. With dark forces converging on Whitfield, it's up to Katy to unravel her family's many secrets to save the boy she loves--and the town itself--from destruction.

Legacy of Darkness

by Jane Godman

1837 Cornwall, EnglandOrphaned, penniless and reduced to the role of lady's companion, Lucy Alleyne is relieved when a distant relation spirits her away to Castle Athal. But gratitude soon gives way to fear-and unlooked-for pleasure.The ancient Cornish castle is a dark monument to family, fortune and blood. Within its walls, the Jago family keeps its wards close...and its secrets closer. Lucy is drawn to Tynan, Earl of Athal. The young heir is handsome and caring, yet tortured in his mind like his father before him. Tynan is utterly different from his uncle Uther-a commanding, seductive presence whose leonine power radiates from his every word and gesture.These two Jago men have innocent Lucy enthralled-mind, soul and body. But if she remains within the poisonous castle keep, with its history of ill-starred passion and madness, a mere broken heart will seem a mercy.

A Legacy Of Ghosts

by Colin Dann

There had been rumours for years about the wealth of old Mr Mackie. But when ben and Richard start snooping around the dead man's house, they're soon plunged into a web of terror. Whose dark face is at the window? Where are the strange footsteps coming from? And what is the secret of the blue ring wrapped in a blanket? Pursued by a villainous tramp, and haunted by ghastly visions, the two boys find themselves on a daring journey through darkest Wales, and into the unearthly territory of the ancient spirits.

Legacy of Light (The Legacy Trilogy #3)

by Matthew Ward

Legacy of Light is the spectacular conclusion to Matthew Ward's acclaimed Legacy trilogy—an unmissable epic fantasy series of war and intrigue perfect for fans of George R. R. Martin, Brent Weeks, and Brandon Sanderson. For the first time in many years, the Tressian Republic and the Hadari Empire are at peace. But darkness never sleeps. In Tregard, Empress Melanna Saranal struggles to protect a throne won at great cost. In Tressia, Lord Protector Viktor Droshna seeks to restore all he's lost through forbidden means.And as the sins of the past are once more laid bare, every road will lead to war. The Legacy TrilogyLegacy of AshLegacy of SteelLegacy of Light

The Legacy of Molly Southbourne (The Molly Southbourne Trilogy #3)

by Tade Thompson

From Arthur C. Clarke Award-winner Tade Thompson, The Legacy of Molly Southbourne continues his chilling series.Whenever Molly Southbourne bled, a murderer was born. Deadly copies, drawn to destroy their creator, bound by a legacy of death. With the original Molly Southbourne gone, her remnants drew together, seeking safety and a chance for peace. The last Molly and her sisters built a home together, and thought they could escape the murder that marked their past.But secrets squirm in Molly Southbourne's blood—secrets born in a Soviet lab and carried back across the Iron Curtain to infiltrate the West. What remains of the Cold War spy machine wants those secrets back, and to get them they're willing to unearth the dead and destroy the fragile peace surrounding the last copies of Molly Southbourne.The Legacy of Molly Southbourne brings the story to a bloody end.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

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