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Lupo scaccia lupo

by Stella Mattioli Ashlyn Kane Morgan James

Sono le nove del mattino dopo il funerale di suo padre ed Ezra Jones sa già che sarà una brutta giornata. Si sveglia con i postumi di una sbronza, dolorante e coperto di sangue. Poi la giornata peggiora: l'attraente e ammaliante Callum Dawson si presenta alla sua porta, sostenendo che Ezra è stato trasformato in un lupo mannaro. Ezra cerca di essere scettico, ma le prove sono troppo schiaccianti per essere ignorate. Ezra non ha molto tempo per abituarsi alle regole imposte dall'Alfa Callum - o al modo in cui il suo corpo risponde alla dominanza di Callum Dawson - perché è impegnato a lavorare per il CDC per aiutare a scoprire le cause di un'epidemia fra i lupi mannari. Quando la tensione sessuale finalmente si risolve, Ezra ha appena il tempo di goderselo, perché una nuova minaccia incombe. Qualcuno vuole arrivare a lui per i suoi scopi senza scrupoli, e farà qualunque cosa per catturarlo.

Lupus Patronus: La Profezia

by Vianka Van Bokkem Andrea Sarchielli

Mi trovarono dentro una cesta di legno in riva a un fiume, in una notte di luna piena, quando avevo due mesi. Secondo la coppia di anziani che mi trovò, al collo portavo una collana in pelle da cui pendeva una grossa zanna di lupo. Vi era inciso il nome "Amelia". Ho diciassette anni, e una terribile maledizione si manifesterà il giorno del mio diciottesimo compleanno. Sono parte di una profezia di lupi mannari e vampiri. Un bellissimo lupo mannaro di nome Alek si innamorerà di me. Purtroppo, il mio amore per lui verrà messo a dura prova dal suo lato oscuro.

Lupus Patronus: A Profecia dos Lobisomens e Vampiros

by Henrique Henning Vianka Van Bokkem

Eu fui encontrada perto de um rio em uma noite de lua cheia dentro de uma cesta de madeira quando eu tinha dois meses de idade. De acordo com o velho casal que me encontrou, eu estava usando um colar de couro com o dente de um grande lobo nele. O nome "Amelia" estava gravado nele. Tenho dezessete anos e uma horrível maldição vai se manifestar no meu aniversário de dezoito anos. Sem saber, sou parte da profecia de lobisomens e vampiros. Um lobisomem de boa aparência chamado "Alek" vai ganhar meu coração. Infelizmente meu amor será testado pelo seu lado sombrio

The Lure

by Bill Napier

A signal from space, a conspiracy on Earth.An underground research station in Eastern Europe is suddenly bombarded with rhythmic bursts of subnuclear particles from beyond Earth – a pattern so complex it can only come from a highly evolved intelligence.As the messages are decoded, the scientists are amazed by the information they reveal: secrets of a technology far in advance of our own, suggesting that a benign civilization wishes to share knowledge with humankind.Surely, the scientists argue, the signal should be acknowledged? But the world’s superpowers have other ideas, and suddenly the scientists find themselves at the heart of a global conspiracy…The Lure is an extraordinary and original thriller, perfect for fans of Scott Mariani, Dan Brown and Clive Cussler.

Lure of the Dead (The Last Apprentice #10)

by Joseph Delaney Patrick Arrasmith

Tom Ward, the Spook's apprentice, and his master have bound the Fiend at last. But now Tom must use his powers as the seventh son of a seventh son to put an end to the source of evil once and for all. When the Spook is captured by bloodthirsty creatures of the dark, Tom must vanquish a god, avenge his master, and protect the person he loves most—Alice—from himself.

Lure of the Mummy

by Janis Susan May

Bert Carmody can't catch a break. As a hieroglyphs translator he's actually quite good. However, being pudgy, balding and awkward, he's always in the shadow of his young, charismatic coworkers. Disillusioned and bitter, Bert spends his free time scouring the markets of Cairo hoping to find an unrecognized genuine artifact for the pittance a scholar can afford. His latest discovery is another piece of rubbish, just another animal mummy-one of literally millions of votive offerings from the ancients to one god or another. Or is it? Suddenly, things start looking up for Bert. But as he starts to get the recognition he deserves, there are deadly consequences for his coworkers. Will Bert finally be set for life, or will the lure of the mummy ruin him forever? 23,000 words

The Lurking Fear

by H. P. Lovecraft

H. P. Lovecraft was one of the greatest horror writers of all time. His seminal work appeared in the pages of legendary Weird Tales and has influenced countless writer of the macabre. This is one of those stories.

Luscious Craving: A Novel (Candace Steele Vampire Killer #2)

by Cameron Dean

WHERE’S THERE’S BLOOD, THERE’S PASSION Sexy vampire killer Candace Steele is back on the Las Vegas strip and determined to steer clear of Ash, the seductive vampire whose smoldering allure begs her to surrender to the dark side. But determination may not be enough when Candace’s job at the glitzy Scheherazade casino drives her right into the center of Ash’s deadly domain, for there are rumors of a New Year’s Eve vampire assault on the casino, and only Candace can stop it. With the clock ticking down to the fateful night, Candace isn’t sure if she can resist the overwhelming desire she feels for Ash, but she has run out of choices. She must go to Ash for help; even though she knows that the price he’ll expect in return is nothing less than her body and her soul.

A Lush and Seething Hell: Two Tales of Cosmic Horror

by John Hornor Jacobs

A World Fantasy Award Nominee!The award-winning and critically-acclaimed master of horror returns with a pair of chilling tales that examine the violence and depravity of the human condition.Bringing together his acclaimed novella The Sea Dreams It Is the Sky and an all-new short novel My Heart Struck Sorrow, John Hornor Jacobs turns his fertile imagination to the evil that breeds within the human soul.A brilliant mix of the psychological and supernatural, blending the acute insight of Roberto Bolaño and the eerie imagination of H. P. Lovecraft, The Sea Dreams It Is the Sky examines life in a South American dictatorship. Centered on the journal of a poet-in-exile and his failed attempts at translating a maddening text, it is told by a young woman trying to come to grips with a country that nearly devoured itself.In My Heart Struck Sorrow, a librarian discovers a recording from the Deep South—which may be the musical stylings of the Devil himself.Breathtaking and haunting, A Lush and Seething Hell is a terrifying and exhilarating journey into the darkness, an odyssey into the deepest reaches of ourselves that compels us to confront secrets best left hidden.


by Francine Pascal

The good news: We found my dad. The bad news: He's in Siberia.The good news: I'm going there to free him.The bad news: Loki's coming with me.The good news: I finally get to see him.The bad news: I have to tell him his girlfriend tried to kill me.


by Jennifer Thorne

Wicker Man meets Final Destination in Jennifer Thorne's atmospheric, unsettling folk horror novel about love, duty, and community.On the idyllic island of Lute, every seventh summer, seven people die. No more, no less.Lute and its inhabitants are blessed, year after year, with good weather, good health, and good fortune. They live a happy, superior life, untouched by the war that rages all around them. So it’s only fair that every seven years, on the day of the tithe, the island’s gift is honored.Nina Treadway is new to The Day. A Florida girl by birth, she became a Lady through her marriage to Lord Treadway, whose family has long protected the island. Nina’s heard about The Day, of course. Heard about the horrific tragedies, the lives lost, but she doesn’t believe in it. It's all superstitious nonsense. Stories told to keep newcomers at bay and youngsters in line.Then The Day begins. And it's a day of nightmares, of grief, of reckoning. But it is also a day of community. Of survival and strength. Of love, at its most pure and untamed. When The Day ends, Nina—and Lute—will never be the same.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Lute Sneak Peek

by Jennifer Thorne

Wicker Man meets Final Destination in Jennifer Thorne's atmospheric, unsettling folk horror novel about love, duty, and community. Download a FREE sneak peek today!On the idyllic island of Lute, every seventh summer, seven people die. No more, no less.Lute and its inhabitants are blessed, year after year, with good weather, good health, and good fortune. They live a happy, superior life, untouched by the war that rages all around them. So it’s only fair that every seven years, on the day of the tithe, the island’s gift is honored.Nina Treadway is new to The Day. A Florida girl by birth, she became a Lady through her marriage to Lord Treadway, whose family has long protected the island. Nina’s heard about The Day, of course. Heard about the horrific tragedies, the lives lost, but she doesn’t believe in it. It's all superstitious nonsense. Stories told to keep newcomers at bay and youngsters in line.Then The Day begins. And it's a day of nightmares, of grief, of reckoning. But it is also a day of community. Of survival and strength. Of love, at its most pure and untamed. When The Day ends, Nina—and Lute—will never be the same.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

A Luz de Tina

by Richard Stooker Catia A. G. Fernandes

Vinte e um anos depois, Paul Templeton ainda não sabe se no seu antigo sonho é ele quem viola e assassina a sua própria irmã. O assassino talhante escapa. Os pesadelos torturam Paul. Se não foi ele quem assassinou Tina, como pôde ele testemunhar o assassinato, sonhar que assistiu a tudo através de um espelho? Agora, uma bela jovem vem viver para o bairro, lembrando-lhe Tina. Estará também o assassino atrás dela? Embora Paul nunca tenha tocado em Tina de outra forma além da fraternal, ama-a como mulher. Enquanto ela esteve viva e 21 anos depois da sua morte macabra. Agora, um homem de negócios tailandês, acompanhado pela sua bela filha Khamnah, vem viver para o bairro de Paul. Khamnah tem tantas semelhanças com Tina, e isso magoa Paul. Também ela tem o brilho da luz do Mundo Oculto, o universo espiritual transcendente onde vive Tina. A luz brilhante do coração e da personalidade de Khamnah ajuda Paul a ignorar os escárnios céticos do psiquiatra Jack Harrison. Mas não consegue esquecer a ameaça do violador talhante que é procurado pela polícia. Dez mulheres nos últimos cinco meses. Um modus operandi similar ao do assassino de Tina, há 21 anos atrás. Paul teme pela vida de Khamnah, pois receia que a história se possa repetir. Nessa noite, sonha novamente, mas não é a cara de Tina que vê no espelho. Em vez disso, vê Khamnah sentada a escovar o cabelo, enquanto o assassino entra. Este conto NÃO é para si se: 1. Fica incomodado com referências a sexualidade "desviante". 2. Não consegue lidar com uma descrição não-gratuita de violação e assassinato. 3. Procura um conto erótico explícito para alimentar as suas próprias fantasias "desviantes". 4. Não quiser considerar as fronteiras entre a fantasia e a realidade, e entre a obsessão emocional e os poderes psíquicos. 5. Prefere histórias sobre pessoas "normais". (Embora,

La Luz De Tina

by Richard Stooker Yaiza Barrio Parra

Veintiún años más tarde, Paul Templeton aún desconoce si viola y mata a su hermana en su antiguo sueño .El violador asesino escapa. Las pesadillas torturan a Paul. Si él no asesinó a Tina, ¿cómo es que puede presenciarlo, en sueños, soñando que ve cómo ocurre todo a través del espejo?Ahora, una preciosa joven se traslada al vecindario y a Paul le recuerda mucho a Tina. ¿Acaso el asesino también la pesigue a ella? A pesar de que Paul nunca tocó a Tina de una forma más allá de la fraternal, la ama con un amor no fraternal, a lo largo de su vida y durante los veintiún años desde su siniestra muerte.Un hombre de negocios tailandés y su preciosa hija Khamnah se trasladan al vecindario de Paul. Khamnah le recuerda tanto a Tina que duele. Ella también brilla con esa luz proveniente del Mundo de Atrás, el extraordinario universo espiritual en el que Tina pervive.La resplandeciente luz de la personalidad de Khamnah y su corazón ayudan a Paul a ignorar las escépticas burlas del psiquiatra Jack Harrison. Pero no puede olvidarse de la amenaza del violador del cuchillo a quien busca la policía. Diez mujeres en los últimos cinco meses, con un modus operandi similar al del asesino de Tina de hace veintiún años.Paul teme por la vida de Khamnah. Teme que la historia se repita.Esa noche vuelve a soñar, pero no es el rostro de Tina el que ve en el espejo, sino a Khamnah, sentada peinándose... hasta que llega el asesino.Este relato breve no es para ti si: *Te llevas las manos a la cabeza antes las referencias hacia la sexualidad "aberrante". *No puedes soportar una descripción de violación y asesinato. *Estás buscando literatura erótica explícita para alimentar tus propias fantasías sexuales aberrantes. *No estás dispuesto a considerar las fronteras entre la fantasía y la realidad, la ob

La Luz Nocturna: Cuidado con lo que deseas

by Alex Zuchi

Mi nombre es Antônio Pereira, pero todos me conocen como Arthur Black. Soy un escritor. He sido rico, influyente y codiciado, gracias a mis historias infantiles. He perdido casi todo, ya saben cómo es... lo que viene fácil, fácil se va... Ya que estoy abriendo mi corazón, debo confesar que mentí sobre mi libro más famoso. Aquel libro que se convirtió en un gran éxito en el cine. Siempre pensé que jamás hablarían sobre el asunto, pero yo estaba equivocado. Me contactó el hombre que conoce mi secreto y me hizo una oferta que no pude rechazar. Le prometí que escribiría un nuevo cuento infantil y que seguiría todas sus reglas. Comienzo a darme cuenta de que hay algo muy extraño en este lugar al que me trajo y en el que luego me dejó solo. Mis noches son atormentadas por situaciones que escapan a mi comprensión. ¿Alucinaciones? ¿Realidad? No sé decirlo. Hay puertas en este mundo que se abren en lugares desconocidos. Tal vez ellas son las responsables del surgimiento de las siluetas, las voces y la luz blanca e intensa que irrumpe desde la oscuridad del campo. Cada día que permanezco aquí, más nebulosa se vuelve mi percepción. La única certeza que tengo es que el libro que escribo todos los días se vuelve completamente diferente justo después de irme a dormir.

Lycan Partnership (Partnership in Blood #8)

by Ariel Tachna

2nd EditionA Partnership in Blood novel By the time the alpha of the Morvan werewolf pack approaches l'Institut Marcel Chavinier for help solving his people's fertility problems, pack numbers have dwindled and the remaining members are desperate. Though the wizards at l'Institut have no experience with werewolves, their lore, or their brand of magic, Raymond agrees to help. At l'ANS headquarters, Raymond finds Marc Gourlin, a young wizard fascinated with werewolves. Marc agrees to visit the werewolves' home to study their rituals for the source of the problem. But when he arrives, he finds himself distracted by Adenet Silaire, the pack shaman. The attraction between them is powerful, but though Marc suspects he might be Adenet's mate, Adenet rebuffs him. Marc is a man, and Adenet's sense of responsibility will not let him take a male mate when the pack so desperately needs children. Meanwhile, Jean and Raymond discover the Aveu de Sang allows a vampire's Avoué to calm his inner beast. For Jean and Orlando, this is wonderful news--but it only convinces Thierry how much Sebastien is missing out on because they cannot form an Aveu de Sang. Determined to give his partner everything he can, Thierry sets out to recreate the bond denied them by Sebastien's past.This second edition received minor revision and proofing for re-release in honor of the publication of Partnership Reborn, the final book in the series.

Lycan Unleashed

by Shannon Curtis

REVENGE IS SWEET, BUT SO IS DESIRE On the hunt for his alpha's killer, Lycan Matthias Marshall is willing to go to any lengths to end his quest. Even if that means kidnapping the enemy. Well-trained tracker Trinity Caldwell can take him back to her pack and their treacherous leader. Yet convincing Trinity to betray her kind won't be easy. Nor will denying the pull his body feels toward hers. Matthias has buried his heart along with his mate. no part in his plan. But when Trinity risks her life for his, Matthias must decide how much vengeance means to him.


by Tanith Lee

For the first time in e-book format, a gothic tale of werewolves in a remote French village from a master of dark fantasy.Tanith Lee's classic gothic novel tells a tale of werewolves in a chateau in remote France.

Lych Way

by Ari Berk

In the conclusion to the Undertaken trilogy that Publishers Weekly called "a thought-provoking gothic fantasy," Silas must master his powers and confront a past that is anything but dead.Silas Umber has returned from Arvale, his family's ancestral home. Frantic to retrieve the shade of his beloved Beatrice, he turns his back on the spectral chaos he has left behind, unaware that the malevolence he unleashed has followed him back to Lichport. As his family and friends suffer and fall at the hands of the vengeful Huntsman from Arvale's sunken mansions, Silas must reach deep into his complicated bloodline to summon powers and wisdom beyond those required of a simple Lichport Undertaker. But the dark and painful secrets of his birth threaten to overwhelm him, and if he can't lay the ghosts of his own past to rest, Silas may lose everything and everyone he has grown to love and worked to protect.

Lychee Light Club

by Usamaru Furuya

The Lychee Light Club is considered Usamaru Furuya's breakthrough work. Originally designed as an experiemental project Lychee's themes of youthful rebellion and deus ex machina destruction, and attractive designs eventually won over a new generation of readers and critics, leading the way for Furuya to take on his many recent high profile properties.In an abandoned warehouse, a band of nine students have assembled to plot out a new future. Their "leader" Zera is determined to cleanse his community of the ugly and cowardly. Having taken command of a band of young men to build him a god-like machine capable of changing the world. This machine, named "Lychee," will give them what they've been searching for...a beauty of the finest quality. A surreal yet touching horror comedy Furuya's Lychee Light Club that mixes elements of French Le Théâtre du Grand-Guignol and with modern day pop culture tropes and is set in modern day Tokyo. Shocking, sexy and innovative, the Lychee Light Club is at the pinnacle of modern day Japanese seinen manga (young adult comics).


by Thomas Brown

FINALIST in the PEOPLE'S BOOK PRIZEThe unthinkable is happening in Lynnwood – a village with centuries of guilt on its conscience.Who wouldn't want to live in an idyllic village in the English countryside like Lynnwood? With its charming pub, old dairy, friendly vicar, gurgling brooks, and its old paths with memories of simpler times.But behind the conventional appearance of Lynnwood's villagers, only two sorts of people crawl out of the woodwork: those who hunt and those who are prey. Reviews: 'A dark horror story set in a picturesque village. I would recommend this to fans of classic English horror as well as fans of Stephen King.' – Lucy O'Connor, Waterstones "A quintessentially British folk horror chiller, with an escalating power of dread that is rendered deftly. A new voice in British horror, that you'll want to read, has entered the field." – Adam Nevill > 'The plot line is new and exciting ... I was surprised more than once at what was happening. If you are looking for a good book, definitely pick up this one.' – Alison Mudge, Librarian, USA " … A dark journey not only of the mind, but of the soul. Mr. Brown's extraordinary talent is evident as he paints a virtual feast for the reader with eloquently chosen prose in this powerfully engaging novel." – Nina D'Arcangela 'An exciting, on the edge of your seat gothic that will have readers begging for more.' – Rosemary Smith, Librarian 'An exciting début from a new young writer with a dark imagination. Thomas Brown's beautifully written novel proposes a modern gothic forest far from the tourist trail, a place filled with strange events and eerie consequences.' – Philip Hoare. 'This book was great! Reading this was less like reading a book and more like watching the movie in my mind's eye. Fantastic!' – Laura Smith, Goodreads Reviewer

M (Devil's Advocates)

by Samm Deighan

Fritz Lang’s first sound feature, M (1931), is one of the earliest serial killer films in cinema history and laid the foundation for future horror movies and thrillers, particularly those with a disturbed killer as protagonist. Peter Lorre’s child killer, Hans Beckert, is presented as monstrous, yet sympathetic, building on themes presented in the earlier German Expressionist horror films like The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and The Hands of Orlac. Lang eerily foreshadowed the rising fascist horrors in German society, and transforms his cinematic Berlin into a place of urban terror and paranoia. Samm Deighan explores the way Lang uses horror and thriller tropes in M, particularly in terms of how it functions as a bridge between German Expressionism and Hollywood’s growing fixation on sympathetic killers in the ‘40s. The book also examines how Lang made use of developments within in forensic science and the criminal justice system to portray a somewhat realistic serial killer on screen for the first time, at once capturing how society in the ‘30s and ‘40s viewed such individuals and their crimes and shaping how they would be portrayed on screen in the horror films to come.

M and M and the Mummy Mess

by Pat Ross Marylin Hafner

Best friends Mandy and Mimi can't wait to see the new "Mummy Wonders" exhibit at the museum. But when they sneak in for a preview, they get wrapped up in more than they bargained for. The museum director spots a mummified Mandy, and the chase is on! Can M and M untangle themselves from their mummy mess? .

The M.D.

by Thomas M. Disch

STEPHEN KING PRAISES THE M.D. BY THOMAS M. DISCH ... The M.D. is simply one of the best novels of horror-fantasy I've ever read. Thomas Disch has been writing wonderful tales of imagination for years now-stories that sometimes amuse, sometimes sting, sometimes horrify, and sometimes manage to do all three at the same time-but The M.D. is surely his magnum opus. Although Disch uses the Frankenstein myth (and surely it has attained mythological status by this point) as a kind of echo chamber to make his story resonate, it is Dracula the novel most closely resembles on an emotional level. Like Dracula, The M.D. is the story of a great monster, a creature so awful that we can't help rooting for him. It also has the sweep of Dracula, and if Disch's novel is not as totally involving as Stoker's vampire tale, it may be because Disch has leavened the melodrama with a generous helping of black comedy. Still, don't be fooled: The M.D. attained maintains a level of morbid, jittery intensity that is quite remarkable. Oh, and one other thing: unlike most of the horror novels being churned out these days by the King wannabes, the Koontz wannabes, the Straub wannabes, and the Barker wannabes, The M.D. is a novel with a point. Disch understands that to really succeed as horror, a story must first succeed on the level of fundamental interest where the best fairy tales live. Put another way, a good horror novel must be about morality. The M.D. succeeds brilliantly as a morality tale-which means that it entertains us instead of preaching to us-and it says some marvellously insightful things along the way about business, religion, the family in suburbia , and the America we inherited in the wake of Vietnam. A thousand bravos to Thomas Disch, who has written a brilliantly entertaining novel. I hope it's a big fat #1 best-seller. P.S. The "kite scene" is going to be as infamous as the double amputation in Harry Bellaman's King's Row, I think. S. K.

M.I.N.D.: mental invasive neurological disorder

by Elissa Harris

Imagine skydiving or bungee-jumping or snowboarding down a glacier--and you never have to leave your room. Imagine being sixteen and hooking up with the crush-of-your-life, and you never have to put on lip gloss. Meet Cassie Stewart, who can project her mind into other people at will. She sees what they see, feels what they feel, but she can't read their thoughts. It's a wild ride, but harmless. Or so she thinks. Until a fatal hit-and-run makes Cassie realize she is in a unique position to help solve the crime. It's exhilarating to use your talent to help others, and, yeah, an enormous power trip as well. But what if something goes wrong and you can't get back? What if the body you're trapped in is committing a murder--and the person he's murdering is you?

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