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XXX Porn for Women: Hotter, Hunkier, and More Helpful Around the House!

by The Cambridge Women's Pornography Coop

Porn for Women (over 100,000 copies sold in its first six months!) and Porn for New Moms left women begging for more. To satisfy, the Cambridge Women's Pornography Collective has upped the ante with this "unrated" edition, showcasing men who are hotter, hunkier, and even more helpful around the house. In these 40 ultra-steamy photos and fantasies, women will find their deepest desires fulfilled: "Honey, I paid off our mortgage!" and "I just booked you two weeks at Canyon Ranch spa!". This collection makes another sizzling addition to our hugely successful line of Porn for Women. Bring on the eye candyand bring on the clean laundry!

Y el mundo no dejaba de girar

by Susanna Herrero

PREMIO JAÉN DE NARRATIVA JUVENIL 2020 El último curso.El primer amor.Y la vida golpeando a la puerta. Usune y Paul llevaban coincidiendo toda su vida: vecinos, amigos y enemigos, se ven en la playa, en el parque, en los bares, en el astillero. En todas partes. Pero nunca iban juntos a ninguna. Usune cree que conoce al impertinente de Paul, lo que no sabe es que él tiene un arma muy poderosa: su sonrisa de hoyuelos y la forma en que sus ojos azules la miran. La vida de Usune está a punto de cambiar. ¿Pueden juntarse el mejor momento de tu vida y el peor: la alegría más intensa y la tristeza más profunda? El jurado de la edición XXXVI del Premio Jaén de narrativa juvenil ha dicho de la obra ganadora:«Una novela para la que no hay edades: resulta muy difícil no emocionarse con ella.»Paula Cifuentes «El valor de la amistad como uno de los pilares de nuestra existencia está magníficamente reflejado. Una novela conmovedora.»Patricia Escalona «Emocionante y adictiva, a partes iguales. Especialmente tierna y conmovedora por el amor que transmite hacia nuestros mayores, una lectura que se queda dentro como el primer amor.»Mireia Lite «Emocionante lectura sobre el delicado momento de hacerse mayor, la amistad incondicional y la estima hacia los mayores. Te atrapa.»Laia Montañà

Y is for Yorick: A Slightly Irreverent Shakespearean Abc Book For Grown-ups

by Jennifer Adams

This delightfully illustrated ABC book for grown-ups offers a fresh and irreverent take on Shakespeare&’s most memorable characters. The plays of William Shakespeare contain some of the most renowned characters and stories in all of literature. The perfect gift for any fan of The Bard, Y is for Yorick takes playful jabs at the unforgettable plots and people we all know and love. From Ariel (of The Tempest) to Elizabeth (of Richard III), each entry combines amusing illustrations with tongue-in-cheek captions about each character.

Y llegó Hicklebee-Riyatulle (Escuela de frikis #Volumen 2)

by Gitty Daneshvary

La escuela de Mrs Wellington reabre sus puertas... ¡para un curso de verano! ¿Imagináis un modo más aterrador de pasar las vacaciones? Madeleine, Theo, Lulu y Garrison han recaído en sus antiguas fobias. O, por lo menos, eso es lo que cree Mrs. Wellington. Así que la extravagante directora y antigua reina de la belleza "invita" a los cuatro chicos a un segundo curso "no opcional" en su exclusiva y secretísima escuela de verano para eliminar cualquier vestigio de sus antiguos miedos. Sin embargo, pronto todos tendrán cosas más importantes en las que pensar: una misteriosa persona quiere destruir la escuela, y, por si fuera poco, ha llegado Dahlia Hycklebee-Riyatulle, la nueva alumna...

Y/N: A Novel

by Esther Yi

&“Wondrous and strange . . . Y/N resists the junkiness of the internet . . . against which a well-formed novel like this counteracts, a blast of cleansing heat.&” —New York Times "Piercing, feverish, and frequently astonishing." —Entertainment Weekly "Utterly brilliant." —Cosmopolitan "A true novel of the era." —Elle "Engrossing." —Vulture "Playful, immersive yet unreal." —Esquire "Riveting and innovative." —TIME "Fascinating." —Chicago Review of Books "Strange, haunting, and undeniably beautiful." —Publishers Weekly, Starred Review "One of the most daring novels of the year." —Bookpage, Starred ReviewSurreal, hilarious, and shrewdly poignant—a novel about a Korean American woman living in Berlin whose obsession with a K-pop idol sends her to Seoul on a journey of literary self-destruction.It&’s as if her life only began once Moon appeared in it. The desultory copywriting work, the boyfriend, and the want of anything not-Moon quickly fall away when she beholds the idol in concert, where Moon dances as if his movements are creating their own gravitational field; on live streams, as fans from around the world comment in dozens of languages; even on skincare products endorsed by the wildly popular Korean boyband, of which Moon is the youngest, most luminous member. Seized by ineffable desire, our unnamed narrator begins writing Y/N fanfic—in which you, the reader, insert [Your/Name] and play out an intimate relationship with the unattainable star.Then Moon suddenly retires, vanishing from the public eye. As Y/N flies from Berlin to Seoul to be with Moon, our narrator, too, journeys to Korea in search of the object of her love. An escalating series of mistranslations and misidentifications lands her at the headquarters of the Kafkaesque entertainment company that manages the boyband until, at a secret location, together with Moon at last, art and real life approach their final convergence.From a conspicuous new talent comes Y/N, a provocative literary debut about the universal longing for transcendence and the tragic struggle to assert one&’s singular story amidst the amnesiac effects of globalization. Crackling with the intellectual sensitivity of Elif Batuman and the sinewy absurdism of Thomas Pynchon, Esther Yi&’s prose unsettles the boundary between high and mass art, exploding our expectations of a novel about &“identity&” and offering in its place a sui generis picture of the loneliness that afflicts modern life.

¿Y si fuera Lucas? (Cinco chicos con suerte #Volumen 2)

by Mayeda Laurens

Después de la historia de Alex, vuelve Mayeda Laurens con otra divertida novela en esta segunda entrega de la serie Cinco chicos con suerte. ¿Quién necesita una media naranja teniendo un kilo de chocolate? Lucas es un arquitecto de éxito que ha recorrido medio mundo realizando megaconstrucciones, aunque ya está cansado de viajar y de amanecer cada día en una ciudad diferente. Necesita echar raíces y encontrar un lugar al que pertenecer. Amaya es una mujer de treinta y cuatro años que siempre ha tenido mala suerte con los hombres, debido a su necesidad de sentirse querida, lo que la hace acabar en brazos de aprovechados e interesados. Por eso, tras su última ruptura, promete aprender de las experiencias y pensárselo dos veces antes de volver a enamorarse. Ambos se conocen en una cena de unos amigos comunes y, tras ese encuentro, Amaya se descubre atraída por Lucas de una forma que nunca había experimentado. Lucas, aunque en un principio solo siente curiosidad por esa chica de mirada triste, por su forma de hablar, de comportarse y de reaccionar, acaba pensando en ella a menudo. Cuando se reencuentran después de unos meses y Lucas está ya asentado en Madrid, él acepta que lo que quiere con Amaya va más allá de la amistad. Ella presiente que Lucas no es como los demás y decide darle una oportunidad a su corazón. Sin embargo, hay cosas que escapan al control de ambos, y aunque él promete darlo todo para ganarse su confianza, ella se niega a oír lo que le grita su corazón. Una emotiva comedia romántica cuya protagonista tiene cierta obsesión ¡con los mensajes de los felpudos!

Y si no fuera tu amiga, ¿qué? (Si yo lo llego a saber... #Volumen 3)

by Sandra Bree

Él la respetaba. Ella era su mejor amiga. Nada más conocer a Quique, Sara se enamoró perdidamente de él. Fue un flechazo que atravesó su corazón con la fuerza de tsunami. Pero Quique no sentía lo mismo. Para él ella era su confidente, su amiga. Alguien con quien poder bromear, reír, hablar, confesar sus pecados y ser él mismo.Los dos compartían una gran pasión por las novelas de misterio y suspense. Aunque Sara iba más allá: las escribía. Llevaba dos novelas publicadas y, ¡cómo no!, Quique era su lector cero. Ella se conformaba con verle, pero ¿qué pasaría si él se enamoraba de otra? Tal vez lo iba a perder para siempre. Quizá sus amigas llevaban razón y era hora de dar un paso.«-Y si no fuera tu amiga, ¿qué? Quique quedó en silencio valorando sus siguientes palabras.» ¿Sería capaz Sara de sobrellevar su respuesta?

Y si tú me olvidas (Alana #Volumen 1)

by Iris Romero Bermejo

Primera entrega de la trilogía «Alana» que hará las delicias de los lectores. Una casa encantada, una historia de amor y mucho humor en esta nueva novela de Iris Romero Bermejo. «¿Qué harías si en la casa de tus sueños habita el fantasma de una chica adorable pero muy pesada que te hace la vida imposible? ¿Y si a eso le añades un boxeador que quita el hipo y que no sabes por qué, pero le gustas? ¿Una maldición? Descubre lo que hace Alana, la protagonista de esta apasionante historia.» Alana tiene un gran sueño: una casa antigua y abandonada en el centro de Madrid. Cuando atraviesa por primera vez la maravillosa entrada piensa que es la persona más afortunada del mundo, porque por fin, podrá montar junto con sus amigas una empresa de cenas temáticas. Sin embargo, algo recorre los muros de esta antigua mansión, algo que le hará la vida imposible para que se vaya, ya que, por lo visto, la casa esconde una terrible maldición. En la primera cena un apuesto boxeador entra en su vida. Gabriel es todo lo que una chica podría desear y, para Alana, demasiado guapo para ser real. Vive y enamórate con Alana de la experiencia de La Casa Encantada, donde Lili, la vecina Madame Ardelean y Gabriel harán de su existencia algo fuera de lo común.

Y si tú me perdonas (Alana #Volumen 3)

by Iris Romero Bermejo

Última entrega de la trilogía «Alana» de Iris Romero Bermejo. Acompaña a Alana en esta trepidante aventura donde deberá poner en peligro su propia vida para salvar a sus seres queridos, y quizás, recuperar al amor de su vida. «Cuando todo acabe podremos estar juntos.» Eso es lo que se repite Alana una y otra vez en su cabeza sin saber si en realidad será posible, sin saber si tendrá un final feliz junto a Gabriel. La maldición del olvido se rompe y Alana recuerda a Gabriel. También la bruja ha sido liberada y, ahora, deberán unir sus fuerzas para combatir al demonio que amenaza con acabar con todos ellos. Y aunque Alana quiere mantener al margen de todo eso a Gabriel, el boxeador le deja muy claro que le ayudará y protegerá con su vida si es necesario. ¿Tendrá que hacerlo?

Y si tú me recuerdas (Alana #Volumen 2)

by Iris Romero Bermejo

Segunda entrega de la trilogía «Alana» de Iris Romero Bermejo. ¿Qué harías si te hubieras olvidado de tu novio? ¿Y si él tampoco se acordara de ti?No te pierdas esta divertida aventura en la que las risas y el amor serán los protagonistas. Alana se ha olvidado de Gabriel. Siente que algo le falta, pero no es capaz de recordar qué. Pero una mañana cualquiera... alguien le tira el bolso sin querer cuando pasa por su lado. Alza la mirada y le ve. Y como si se conocieran, quizás de una vida pasada, algo en su interior le dice que ese desconocido y atractivo chico es alguien muy especial. Acompaña a Alana en esta emocionante aventura, donde tendrá que enfrentarse a un nuevo enemigo y luchar contra sus recuerdos borrados.

Y2K-9: The Dog Who Saved the World

by Todd Strasser

In a chat room, nobody knows you're a dog.

Yaks Yak: Animal Word Pairs

by Linda Sue Park Jennifer Black Reinhardt

At once funny and informative, Yaks Yak presents animals acting out the verbs made from their names. Illustrations rich in comic details show hogs hogging, slugs slugging, and other spirited creatures demonstrating homographs, words with different meanings that are spelled and pronounced the same. A chart listing the words, their meanings, and their history is included. Ideal for sharing, this book offers a sprightly and fanciful introduction to a fun form of wordplay.

Yankee Doodle Dead (The Death on Demand Mysteries Series #10)

by Carolyn Hart

Master mystery spinner Carolyn Hart gives us the tenth high-spirited entry in her Agatha, Anthony and Macavity Award-winning Death on Demand series.The most delectable sleuthing couple since Nick met Nora, Annie and Max Darling manage to find quite a bit of murder in their allegedly safe and serene South Carolina island resort town. After all, murder is Annie's business -- well, sort of. She's the proprietor of the popular Death on Demand mystery bookstore and cafe, and her establishment seems to attract trouble like Annie's pesky felines, Dorothy L. and Agatha, attract hairballs. Now, Annie and Max watch their Fourth of July holiday explode not only with fun and fireworks, but with murder as well.The library board wants to declare its independence from new member, retired Brigadier General Charlton "Bud" Hatch, a man accustomed to being in charge. Hatch's takeover attitude has alienated everyone in town, especially the women. But Annie finds it difficult to ignore him at a crowded patriotic festival -- particularly when he's shot dead before her eyes...

Yankee for Life: My 40-Year Journey in Pinstripes

by Bobby Murcer Glen Waggoner

“A lovely reminiscence about [Murcer’s] baseball and broadcasting career and his fight with cancer. . . a gentlemanly memoir.” — New York TimesAs he stepped to the plate at Yankee Stadium on opening day in 1966, Bobby Murcer carried with him the hopes and expectations of Yankees fans looking for the next Mickey Mantle. Bobby wasn't the next Mick, of course, but he became one of the most beloved Yankees of all time.Yankee for Life is Murcer's account of his stellar career as both a player and an Emmy Award-winning broadcaster. With self-effacing humor and down-home charm, he shares fascinating and illuminating anecdotes about former teammates, bosses, and the new generation of Yankees superstars—Rivera, Jeter, Rodriguez—whom he watched grow up from the broadcast booth. With candor, courage, and a refreshing dose of wit, he tells of his battle with brain cancer, explaining how the love of his wife and family, his deep religious faith, and the passionate support of fans helped see him through his ordeal.Bobby Murcer may not have achieved the celebrity of some of his fellow players, but ultimately he was what fans always wanted him to be: a Yankee for life.

Yard Sale: A Mud Flat Story

by James Stevenson

Simsbury is sitting under his favorite tree when a red chair and an accordion pass by, prompting him to get up and take a look at the Mud Flat Yard Sale.

Yarn Harlot: The Secret Life of a Knitter

by Stephanie Pearl-Mcphee

An obsessed knitter who can't seem to put the needles down, author Stephanie Pearl-McPhee reveals the tangled and sometimes maniacal path of her knitting triumphs and disasters in this sometimes funny, sometimes sad, but all true story. Stephanie talks about the importance and method of stash, how to set reasonable goals for yourself for knitting, what happens when your family doesn't want you to knit, and the many pitfalls that might befall a knitter.

A Yarn Over Murder

by Ann Yost

St. Lucy Found Dead in Funeral Home Sauna—Freshly Anointed Chief Of Police, Hatti Lehtinen, Investigates in A Yarn Over Murder, a Cozy Knitting Mystery from Ann Yost—Red Jacket, Michigan, On the Keweenaw Peninsula—A year after her marriage break-up and return to Michigan’s remote Keweenaw Peninsula, Hatti Lehtinen has settled into a peaceful life within the Finnish community as shopkeeper at Bait and Stitch, a hybrid fishing-and-yarn store.When Hatti's beloved dad, Pops, breaks his leg in a snowmobiling accident, the mayor tags Hatti to fill Pop's role as the town police chief, and entire police force. Assured the job entails little more than prying quarters from frozen parking meters, Hatti steps up.But Hatti's peaceful existence is short lived when the town's reigning St. Lucy is found dead in the funeral home sauna on the eve of the St. Lucy Festival. Now with a murder to investigate, Hatti's situation is complicated when she discovers the prime suspect is her brother-in-law, Reid Night Wind, a circumstance sure to bring her face-to-face with the husband who dumped her a year earlier—a man she’d hoped to never see again this side of the Pearly Gates.With the counsel of her knitting circle, Hatti launches her investigation, fearing someone among those she's known all her life is a murderer. With the list of suspects growing like increases in a Finnish wedding ring shawl, the answer comes from an unlikely source. But can the town of Red Jacket ever be the same?Publisher's Note: The Bait and Stitch Cozy Mystery Series will be enjoyed by readers who appreciate clean, wholesome and humorous mysteries in ethnic settings. Readers who enjoy knitting mysteries as well as fans of Joanne Fluke, CeeCee James, Mildred Abbott and the Black Sheep Knitting Mysteries will not want to miss this captivating series by Ann Yost.The BAIT & STITCH SERIES:A Pattern for MurderA Yarn Over MurderA Double-Pointed MurderA Fair Isle Murder

Yat Wit: Chicken Gumbo for the New Orleans Soul

by Yvonne Spear Perret

"They say when you enter New Orleans, you leave the United States. Yat Wit leaves no doubt that New Orleans is an enigma with its own culture and language. . . . Everyone who crosses into the city limits should be required to buy a copy of Yat Wit on the spot." -Bob Walker, WTIX-FM, New OrleansDerived from the common greeting, "Where y'at?" a yat is a New Orleanian who speaks with a distinct phraseology and pronunciation. This candid book honors the yat with a collection of humorous essays that detail the quirks and perks of life in New Orleans. From the dilemma of deciding who gets the third and final beignet to the battle for plastic beads during Mardi Gras, this lighthearted compilation covers both eccentric and everyday experiences. Twenty two laugh-out-loud chapters include such vignettes as "Spell Check," which laments the way Word documents attempt to correct common New Orleans terms. "Mardi Gras Recycled," offers creative suggestions for parade-goers wondering what to do with their catches, while "Season According to Taste" notes that New Orleanians mark the times of the year by such delicacies as king cake and crawfish. In an essay titled "Big Easy Etiquette," Miss Emilie Peaust provides readers with the manners necessary for avoiding a collision with a streetcar, eating a sloppy roast beef po' boy, and poaching a ladder during a Carnival parade. Whether enjoyed by a long-time local or a visitor, Yat Wit reminds readers why New Orleanians remain resilient in the effort to resurrect and preserve their beloved city.

The Yawns Are Coming!

by Christopher Eliopoulos

Kids will be giggling through their own yawns as they enjoy this contagiously adorable bedtime story by the New York Times bestselling illustrator of the Ordinary People Change the World books.Two best friends have big plans for their sleepover. They aren't going to go to bed at all--they'll stay up playing all night long. But then it happens: The YAWNS show up! And as much as they try to outrun and hide from them, it's no use: The Yawns catch them. Maybe they could keep going anyway, but then a DOZE arrives . . . followed by the dreaded SNORES. Will our heroes escape the SLEEPIES?Need a funny bedtime book that will stealthily bring on a snooze and still have your child asking to hear it night after night? Look no further than The Yawns Are Coming!

Ye Gods!

by Tom Holt

'Much of this is zany, irreverent fun with a serious underlying intent as Holt turns Plato, Virgil, Freud, Christianity and quantum physics--in short, the whole of the Western tradition--topsy-turvy.' - Publishers WeeklyA suburban house, a child called Jason who strangles large snakes whilst still in his cot, the Olympian gods and a Girl Next Door are the ingredients of this fantasy by Tom Holt, author of Flying Dutch and Expecting Someone Taller.Being a hero bothers Jason. It's easy to get maladjusted when your mum's a suburban housewife and your dad's the Supreme Being. It can be a drag slaying fabulous monsters and retrieving golden fleeces from dragons, and then having to tidy your room before your mum'll let you watch Star Trek.From one of the best-loved comic writers in fantasy fiction comes another absurdly witty title - perfect for fans of Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett.Books by Tom Holt: Walled Orchard Series Goatsong The Walled Orchard J.W. Wells & Co. Series The Portable Door In Your Dreams Earth, Air, Fire and Custard You Don't Have to Be Evil to Work Here, But It Helps The Better Mousetrap May Contain Traces of Magic Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Sausages YouSpace Series Doughnut When It's A Jar The Outsorcerer's Apprentice The Good, the Bad and the Smug Novels Expecting Someone Taller Who's Afraid of Beowulf Flying Dutch Ye Gods! Overtime Here Comes the Sun Grailblazers Faust Among Equals Odds and Gods Djinn Rummy My Hero Paint your Dragon Open Sesame Wish you Were Here Alexander at World's End Only Human Snow White and the Seven Samurai Olympiad Valhalla Nothing But Blue Skies Falling SidewaysLittle PeopleSong for NeroMeadowlandBarkingBlonde BombshellThe Management Style of the Supreme BeingsAn Orc on the Wild Side

Ye Olde Cat Memes: The Original Book of Cat Humor

by Eulalie Osgood Grover

A humorous gift book featuring the original pre-internet cat memes

Yeah, I Said It

by Wanda Sykes

Wanda Sykes reduces people to tears -- tears of laughter. She's done so as a stand-up comic, a sitcom star, and a sports commentator for years now, and in the process she's gained a huge fan base nationwide. Now that she's conquered television, she's applying her genius to her first book, Yeah, I Said It. Here, Wanda presents hilarious and uncensored commentary on sex, family, politics, celebrities, and much more than she could ever say in a sound bite. But then again, she's a genius with a sound bite too. Here's what she says about men and football. "I used to think that football took place in this overbearing male-only environment that bled masculine domination. But the more I attend, the more I realize these football fans could actually be experiencing the straight man's gay pride parade. You see men painting each other's faces in bright colors. You see men proud to wear another man's last name on their shirt. You see some men wear no shirt at all....Hot wieners on every corner as you walk up to the main competition. Men open the back of their trunks for a little tailgating." Here's what she says about women: "Women are taking stripper classes in hopes their men will stop going to strip clubs....You can't compete with those strippers....You gotta have...the stripper mentality. In other words, the ability to lie like a dog for a measly buck. A stripper will tell your man anything for a dollar. 'Oow, I thought you were Brad Pitt.' " An uproarious and irreverent collection from one of today's foremost comedic talents, Yeah, I Said It is Wanda Sykes at her uncensored best. Here, she channels her sharp wit into funny bits on the truth as she sees it from the halls of government in Washington, D.C., to the red carpets and boardrooms of Hollywood. Imbued with her razor-sharp voice, these essays showcase Sykes's sidesplitting candor and her trademark brand of comedy.

Yeah, Nah!: A celebration of life and the words that make us who we are

by William McInnes

Have you ever bunged it on?Behaved like a drongo?Added mayo to a story?Lost your Reg Grundies?Join bestselling storyteller William McInnes as he offers his own take on our colourful and colloquial way with words. From the simpler times of childhood to today's testing (and unprecedented!) times, or when we're wasting time, enjoying sporting times or hitting the big time, Australians have a turn of phrase for every situation. Our love of plain speaking communicates the essence of the thing to our mates, to those in the know - and to those who should know better.Part memoir, part manifesto, this warm, witty, poignant and laugh-out-loud funny collection will have you thinking about what you say, how you say it and what that really says about us as a nation. Praise for the writing of William McInnes'Warm and engaging . . . feels a little bit like home' Daily Telegraph'If there is a quintessence of Australia at its best, William McInnes has distilled it' The Age'Warm, nostalgic, funny and undeniably Australian' Sydney Morning Herald

A Year in the Life of a Complete and Total Genius

by Stacey Matson

Arthur Bean is a genius-it's just that no one else realizes this quite yet. He's going to be a world-famous author, and the first step is to win this year's story-writing contest. What he writes is pretty funny, but it gets him into trouble too. Like with his English teacher. And the school newspaper advisor. And cool girl Kennedy. And Arthur's number one nemesis, Robbie Zack. But all great authors spark controversy, so Arthur's not too concerned. Through letters, email exchanges, "SEE ME" notes and doodles, enter the funny, touching, and often mixed-up mind of Arthur Bean, creative genius.

A Year in the Life of Downton Abbey (companion to series 5)

by Jessica Fellowes

It's 1924 and there have been many changes in the world of Downton Abbey since we were first welcomed by the family and their servants twelve years ago. A generation of men has been tragically lost at the front, there are once again children breathing new life into the great house, a chauffeur now sits at the Grantham dinner table and hems are up by several inches.Yet despite all of this unsettling upheaval, it is a comfort to find that many things at Downton remain largely unchanged. There are still parties to be thrown, summer fetes to be organised, menus to be planned and farms to be run. Join us, then, as we explore the seasonal events and celebrations of the great estate - Christmas, Easter, the debutante season, the hunt and more - and peer with us through the prism of the house as we learn more about the lives of our favourite characters, the actors who play them, and those who create the world we love so much.Packed full of exclusive new photography and brimming with traditional British recipes for each calendar month, such as Eton mess and sloe gin, this beautiful book takes us on a fascinating journey through a year in the life of Downton Abbey.

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