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The City Trilogy: Five Jade Disks, Defenders of the Dragon City, and Tale of a Feather (Modern Chinese Literature from Taiwan)

by Hsi-kuo Chang

Taiwan's most innovative science fiction writer presents three tales of intrigue, espionage, betrayal, political strife, time travel, and Chinese history and mysticism. After thousands of years of civil unrest and countless wars, the weary Huhui people of Sunlon City have once again succumbed to a ruthless and overpowering enemy. In Five Jade Disks, the first book in the trilogy, the imperialistic Shan have enslaved the inhabitants of Sunlon City and imposed a harsh martial order. As the Shan fight to retain control of the restless Huhui natives, an unstable rebel alliance prepares to win back its homeland. Amidst the confusion of revolt, Miss Qi, a determined young girl, emerges as an unlikely leader. With the help of her friends and the loyal Green Snake Brotherhood, Miss Qi discovers that an ancient cult and its insidious and unusually powerful leader may hold the key to the rebels' victory—or may yet be the cause of their undoing. As she rushes to put the pieces together, the rebels, divided by internal factions, strive to band together in a heroic attempt to overthrow the Shan. The story continues in Defenders of the Dragon City. The Shan have been defeated, but the victory celebrations of the Huhui are quickly brought to an end. After deserting Sunlon City, the Shan regroup and return for one final and bitter attempt to destroy the weakened rebel forces. During their exile, the Shan turn their aggressions against the indigenous races of the Huhui planet, a colorful mix of peaceful tribes resembling serpents, eagles, and leopards. Forced into the war to save their remaining territory, the indigenous peoples join the Huhui in their continuing struggle against the Shan.The third novel, Tale of a Feather, opens with images of chaos and devastation. The conflict with the Shan has left the city in flames, and refugees are fleeing in droves through the main gates. Taking advantage of the turmoil, a ruthless dictator assumes control of the weak interim government and begins a treacherous campaign to eliminate his adversaries. In this volatile atmosphere, Miss Qi continues her desperate search to discover the origin of the mysterious Bronze Statue Cult and come to terms with the dark power it wields over her people.The trilogy, first published in Taiwan in the late 1980s and early 1990s and widely considered to be a modern classic, is now presented for the first time in English and in a single volume. In these allegorical tales, Chang confronts some of the most serious and divisive issues of our time, including the burden of history and the ravages of oppression, racism, and ethnic displacement.

La Ciudad Perdida del Dios Mono

by Douglas Preston

Una leyenda de 500 años. Una maldición antigua. Un asombroso misterio médico. Y un viaje de descubrimiento al corazón ignoto de la selva más densa del mundo. Desde los días de Hernán Cortés han circulado rumores sobre una ciudad perdida con inmensas riquezas escondida en alguna parte de Honduras, llamada la Ciudad Blanca o la Ciudad Perdida del Dios Mono. Los pueblos indígenas hablan de ancestros que huyeron a ese lugar para escapar de los conquistadores españoles, y advierten que cualquiera que entre a esta ciudad sagrada enfermará y morirá. En 1940, el periodista estadounidense Theodore Morde regresó de la selva con cientos de objetos antiguos, asegurando haber encontrado la Ciudad Blanca. Sin embargo, se suicidó sin revelar su ubicación. Tres cuartos de siglo después, el escritor Douglas Preston se unió a un equipo de exploradores en una nueva aventura. A bordo de un viejo avión monomotor, y gracias a un avanzado dispositivo láser, descubrieron la imagen inconfundible de una metrópoli entre el denso follaje selvático. Aventurándose en esta tierra salvaje, Preston y el equipo de investigadores se enfrentaron a lluvias torrenciales, arenas movedizas, insectos portadores de enfermedades, jaguares y serpientes. Sin embargo, no fue sino hasta su regreso que la tragedia los golpeó: Preston y otros descubrieron que habían contraído una terrible enfermedad en las ruinas. Intrigante e impactante, plagada de aventuras estremecedoras y dramáticos giros de tuerca, La Ciudad Perdida del Dios Mono es el recuento verídico de uno de los grandes descubrimientos del siglo XXI.

Ciudadanos: Una crónica de la Revolución francesa

by Simon Schama

¿Fue la libertad la causa o el producto de la Revolución francesa? La mejor crónica sobre uno de los periodos estelares de la humanidad. Ciudadanos no es la versión trillada de un régimen muriendo de enfermedad y decrepitud, sino el reflejo de la transformación que cambió la historia de Europa para siempre: el paso de hombres y mujeres de «sujetos» a «ciudadanos». Partiendo de la idea de que la fe de los ciudadanos en la libertad fue la causa más que el producto de la Revolución francesa, Schama dibuja un país en ebullición en el que se derrumban las diferencias entre nobles y plebeyos, en un escenario de hambre, ira, terror y muerte. A través de la historia social, cultural y política, Schama encuentra el marco de su historia en imágenes y artefactos, cerámicas y calendarios y, con su particular punto de vista, nos acerca más que nunca a la realidad humana de la Revolución Francesa. Reseñas:«El mejor libro que he leído sobre la Revolución francesa.»Richard Cobb «Monumental, provocador y refinado. La descripción que hace Schama de los primeros años de la gran Revolución que se apoderó de Francia y de las décadas que la precedieron, son difíciles de superar.»Eugene Weber, The New York Times Book Review «No he leído nada que pueda compararse al épico relato de Schama que tiene la capacidad de sumergir al lector en los años más violentos de ese "fermento universal" que fue la Revolución.»Christopher Hibbert, Sunday Times «Deslumbrante... supera todos los elogios. Schama describe en las páginas de este maravilloso libro las vicisitudes de ese mundo con una comprensión, sabiduría, compasión y verdad inigualables.»Bernard Levin «Schama brinda una imagen sin parangón de las corrientes y contradicciones que conformaron esta terrible secuencia de sucesos.»Antont Beevor, Express «La sabiduría de Schama es la causa del placer y la admiración que provoca la lectura de esta obra. La humanidad de sus veredictos representa un logro formidable, a menudo conmovedor.»George Steiner, The New Yorker «Un brillante tour de force. Este extraordinario libro identifica y transmite la esencia de la Revolución, lo atractivo de su llamada, el secreto de su poder y la razón de su eventual fracaso: la violencia.»Tim Blanning, Independent

Civic and Medical Worlds in Early Modern England: Performing Barbery and Surgery (Early Modern Literature in History)

by E. Decamp

Through its rich foray into popular literary culture and medical history, this book investigates representations of regular and irregular medical practice in early modern England. Focusing on the prolific figures of the barber, surgeon and barber-surgeon, the author explores what it meant to the early modern population for a group of practitioners to be associated with both the trade guilds and an emerging professional medical world. The book uncovers the differences and cross-pollinations between barbers and surgeons' practices which play out across the literature: we learn not only about their cultural, civic, medical and occupational histories but also about how we should interpret patterns in language, name choice, performance, materiality, acoustics and semiology in the period. The investigations prompt new readings of Shakespeare, Jonson, Middleton and Beaumont, among others. And with chapters delving into early modern representations of medical instruments, hairiness, bloodletting procedures, waxy or infected ears, wart removals and skeletons, readers will find much of the contribution of this book is in its detail, which brings its subject to life.

Civic Engagement in Global Contexts: International Education, Community Partnerships, and Higher Education

by Jim Bowman Jennifer DeWinter

This volume examines the role of writing, rhetoric, and literacy programs and approaches in the practice of civic engagement in global contexts. Writing programs have experience in civic engagement and service learning projects in their local communities, and their work is central to developing students’ literacy practices. Further, writing programs compel student writers to attend to audience needs and rhetorical exigencies as well as reflect on their own subject positions. Thus, they are particularly situated to partner with other units on college campuses engaged in global partnerships. Civic Engagement in Global Contexts provides examples and evidence of the critical self-reflection and iteration with community partners that make these projects important and valuable. Throughout its thirteen chapters, this collection provides practical pedagogical and administrative approaches for writing studies faculty engaging with global learning projects, as well as nuanced insight into how to navigate contact zones from the planning stages of projects to the hard work of self-reflection and change. Partnerships and projects across national borders compel the field of rhetoric and composition to think through the ethics of writing studies program design and teaching practices. Doing this difficult work can disrupt presumptive notions of ownership that faculty and administrators hold concerning the fields involved in these projects and can even lead to decentering rhetoric/composition and other assumptions held by US-based institutions of higher education. Civic Engagement in GlobalContexts will be useful to instructors, advisors, and project managers of students in faculty-led project learning in overseas settings, international service learning through foreign study programs, and foreign study itself and to faculty members introducing civic engagement and community-based learning projects with foreign students in overseas institutions. Contributors: Olga Aksakalova, James Austin, Maria de Lourdes Caudillo Zambrano, Rebecca Charry Roje, Patricia M. Dyer, Tara E. Friedman, Bruce Horner, Kathryn Johnson Gindlesparger, Adela C. Licona, Ian Mauer, Joyce Meier, Susan V. Meyers, Sadia Mir, Stephen T. Russell

Civic Jazz: American Music and Kenneth Burke on the Art of Getting Along

by Gregory Clark

Jazz is born of collaboration, improvisation, and listening. In much the same way, the American democratic experience is rooted in the interaction of individuals. It is these two seemingly disparate, but ultimately thoroughly American, conceits that Gregory Clark examines in Civic Jazz. Melding Kenneth Burke’s concept of rhetorical communication and jazz music’s aesthetic encounters with a rigorous sort of democracy, this book weaves an innovative argument about how individuals can preserve and improve civic life in a democratic culture. Jazz music, Clark argues, demonstrates how this aesthetic rhetoric of identification can bind people together through their shared experience in a common project. While such shared experience does not demand agreement--indeed, it often has an air of competition--it does align people in practical effort and purpose. Similarly, Clark shows, Burke considered Americans inhabitants of a persistently rhetorical situation, in which each must choose constantly to identify with some and separate from others. Thought-provoking and path-breaking, Clark’s harmonic mashup of music and rhetoric will appeal to scholars across disciplines as diverse as political science, performance studies, musicology, and literary criticism.

Civic Longing: The Speculative Origins of U.S. Citizenship

by Carrie Hyde

No Constitutional definition of citizenship existed until the 14th Amendment in 1868. Carrie Hyde looks at the period between the Revolution and the Civil War when the cultural and juridical meaning of citizenship was still up for grabs. She recovers numerous speculative traditions that made and remade citizenship’s meaning in this early period.

Civic Myths

by Brook Thomas

As questions of citizenship generate new debates for this generation of Americans, Brook Thomas argues for revitalizing the role of literature in civic education. Thomas defines civic myths as compelling stories about national origin, membership, and values that are generated by conflicts within the concept of citizenship itself. Selected works of literature, he claims, work on these myths by challenging their terms at the same time that they work with them by relying on the power of narrative to produce compelling new stories.Civic Myths consists of four case studies: Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter and "the good citizen"; Edward Everett Hale's "The Man without a Country" and "the patriotic citizen"; Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and "the independent citizen"; and Maxine Hong Kingston's China Men and "the immigrant citizen." Thomas also provides analysis of the civic mythology surrounding Abraham Lincoln and the case of Ex parte Milligan. Engaging current debates about civil society, civil liberties, civil rights, and immigration, Thomas draws on the complexities of law and literature to probe the complexities of U.S. citizenship.

Civic Storytelling: The Rise of Short Forms and the Agency of Literature

by Florian Fuchs

A deep history of storytelling as a civic agency, recalibrating literature’s political role for the twenty-first centuryWhy did short narrative forms like the novella, fable, and fairy tale suddenly emerge around 1800 as genres symptomatic of literature’s role in life and society? In order to explain their rapid ascent to such importance, Florian Fuchs identifies an essential role of literature, a role traditionally performed within classical civic discourse of storytelling, by looking at new or updated forms of this civic practice in modernity. Fuchs's focus in this groundbreaking book is on the fate of topical speech, on what is exchanged between participants in argument or conversation as opposed to rhetorical speech, which emanates from and ensures political authority. He shows how after the decline of the Ars topica in the eighteenth century, various forms of literary speech took up the role of topical speech that Aristotle had originally identified. Thus, his book outlines a genealogy of various literary short forms—from fable, fairy tale, and novella to twenty-first century video storytelling—that attempted on both "high" and "low" levels of culture to exercise again the social function of topical speech. Some of the specific texts analyzed include the novellas of Theodor Storm and the novella-like lettre de cachet, proverbial fictions of Gustave Flaubert and Gottfried Keller, the fairy tale as rediscovered by Vladimir Propp and Walter Benjamin, the epiphanies of James Joyce, and the video narratives of Hito Steyerl.

Civic Talk: Peers, Politics, and the Future of Democracy

by Klofstad Casey A.

Does talking about civic issues encourage civic participation? In his innovative book, Civic Talk, Casey Klofstad shows that our discussions about politics and current events with our friends, colleagues, and relatives—"civic talk"—has the ability to turn thought into action—from voting to volunteering in civic organizations. Klofstad’s path breaking research is the first to find evidence of a causal relationship between the casual chatting and civic participation. He employs survey information and focus groups consisting of randomly assigned college freshman roommates to show this behavior in action. Klofstad also illustrates how civic talk varies under different circumstances and how the effects can last years into the future. Based on these findings, Klofstad contends that social context plays a central role in maintaining the strength of democracy. This conclusion cuts against the grain of previous research, which primarily focuses on individual-level determinants of civic participation, and negates social-level explanations.

Civil Antisemitism, Modernism, and British Culture, 1902–1939

by Lara Trubowitz

This book addresses the development of 'civil' anti-Semitism in twentieth-century Britain, a crucial and often critically neglected strand of anti-Jewish rhetoric that, prior to 1934, was essential to the legitimization of proto-fascist political and literary discourses, as well as stylistic practices within literary modernism.

The Civil Power of the News

by Jackie Harrison

This landmark book is concerned with the civil power of the news. This power can be seen in the ways the news engages with public sentiment through a focus on three invariant civil concerns: identity, legitimacy and risk. The book analyses how news stories engage with these concerns to make civil and anti-civil judgements, which influence public sentiment and determine the boundaries we place and maintain around the society we live in. Through historical and contemporary examples of this boundary shaping and maintenance, The Civil Power of the News presents a bold and original account of the architecture of news, the influence it has on our conceptions of civility, and, ultimately, the power it wields.

Civil Rights Heroes (Great Minds Wit & Wisdom #Grade 2 Module 3)

by Great Minds

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Civil Rights Heroes: Assessment Pack (Great Minds Wit & Wisdom #Grade 2, Module 3)

by Great Minds

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Civil Rights in the White Literary Imagination: Innocence by Association

by Jonathan W. Gray

The statement, “The Civil Rights Movement changed America,” though true, has become something of a cliché. Civil Rights in the White Literary Imagination seeks to determine how, exactly, the Civil Rights Movement changed the literary possibilities of four iconic American writers: Robert Penn Warren, Norman Mailer, Eudora Welty, and William Styron. Each of these writers published significant works prior to the Brown v. Board of Education case in 1954 and the Montgomery Bus Boycott that began in December of the following year, making it possible to trace their evolution in reaction to these events. The work these writers crafted in response to the upheaval of the day, from Warren's Who Speaks for the Negro?, to Mailer's “The White Negro” to Welty's “Where Is the Voice Coming From?” to Styron's Confessions of Nat Turner, reveal much about their own feeling in the moment even as they contribute to the national conversation that centered on race and democracy. By examining these works closely, Gray posits the argument that these writers significantly shaped discourse on civil rights as the movement was occurring but did so in ways that—intentionally or not—often relied upon a notion of the relative innocence of the South with regard to racial affairs, and on a construct of African Americans as politically and/or culturally naive. As these writers grappled with race and the myth of southern nobility, their work developed in ways that were simultaneously sympathetic of, and condescending to, black intellectual thought occurring at the same time.

Civil Vengeance: Literature, Culture, and Early Modern Revenge

by Emily L. King

What is revenge, and what purpose does it serve? On the early modern English stage, depictions of violence and carnage—the duel between Hamlet and Laertes that leaves nearly everyone dead or the ghastly meal of human remains served at the end of Titus Andronicus—emphasize arresting acts of revenge that upset the social order. Yet the subsequent critical focus on a narrow selection of often bloody "revenge plays" has overshadowed subtler and less spectacular modes of vengeance present in early modern culture.In Civil Vengeance, Emily L. King offers a new way of understanding early modern revenge in relation to civility and community. Rather than relegating vengeance to the social periphery, she uncovers how facets of society—church, law, and education—relied on the dynamic of retribution to augment their power such that revenge emerges as an extension of civility. To revise the lineage of revenge literature in early modern England, King rereads familiar revenge tragedies (including Marston's Antonio's Revenge and Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy) alongside a new archive that includes conduct manuals, legal and political documents, and sermons. Shifting attention from episodic revenge to quotidian forms, Civil Vengeance provides new insights into the manner by which retaliation informs identity formation, interpersonal relationships, and the construction of the social body.

Civil War Artist

by Taylor Morrison

William Forbes arrives in New York in 1861, eager to start a career as an artist. When he has difficulty finding work, he signs on with Burton's Illustrated News to sketch the battles of the Civil War. This historical account shows how the news was reported, from William's sketches of dangerous battle scenes through the making of a wood engraving and finally to the printed page of the newspapers of the day.

The Civil War in Popular Culture: Memory and Meaning

by Randal Allred

“An important read for anyone trying to sort through the current social and political controversy over the question of how do we memorialize the Civil War.” —Strategy PageDividing the nation for four years, the American Civil War resulted in 750,000 casualties and forever changed the country’s destiny. The conflict continues to resonate in our collective memory, and U.S. economic, cultural, and social structures still suffer the aftershocks of the nation’s largest and most devastating war. Over a century and a half later, portrayals of the war in books, songs, cinema, and other cultural media continue to draw widespread attention and controversy.In The Civil War in Popular Culture: Memory and Meaning, editors Lawrence A. Kreiser Jr. and Randal Allred analyze American depictions of the war across a variety of mediums, from books and film to monuments and battlefield reunions to reenactments and board games. This collection examines how battle strategies, famous generals, and the nuances of Civil War politics translate into contemporary popular culture. This unique analysis assesses the intersection of the Civil War and popular culture by recognizing how memories and commemorations of the war have changed since it ended in 1865.

The Civil War Soldier and the Press

by Katrina J. Quinn David B. Sachsman Dea Lisica

The Civil War Soldier and the Press examines how the press powerfully shaped the nation’s understanding and memory of the common soldier, setting the stage for today’s continuing debates about the Civil War and its legacy. The history of the Civil War is typically one of military strategies, famous generals, and bloody battles, but to Americans of the era, the most important story of the war was the fate of the soldier. In this edited collection, new research in journalism history and archival images provide an interdisciplinary study of citizenship, representation, race and ethnicity, gender, disability, death, and national identity. Together, these chapters follow the story of Civil War soldiers, from enlistment through battle and beyond, as they were represented in hometown and national newspapers of the time. In discussing the same pages that were read by soldiers’ families, friends, and loved ones during America’s greatest conflict, the book provides a window into the experience of historical readers as they grappled with the meaning and cost of patriotism and shared sacrifice. Both scholarly and approachable, this book is an enriching resource for undergraduate and graduate courses in Civil War history, American history, journalism, and mass communication history.

The Civil War Soldier and the Press

by Katrina J. Quinn David B. Sachsman Dea Lisica

The Civil War Soldier and the Press examines how the press powerfully shaped the nation’s understanding and memory of the common soldier, setting the stage for today’s continuing debates about the Civil War and its legacy.The history of the Civil War is typically one of military strategies, famous generals, and bloody battles, but to Americans of the era, the most important story of the war was the fate of the soldier. In this edited collection, new research in journalism history and archival images provide an interdisciplinary study of citizenship, representation, race and ethnicity, gender, disability, death, and national identity. Together, these chapters follow the story of Civil War soldiers, from enlistment through battle and beyond, as they were represented in hometown and national newspapers of the time. In discussing the same pages that were read by soldiers’ families, friends, and loved ones during America’s greatest conflict, the book provides a window into the experience of historical readers as they grappled with the meaning and cost of patriotism and shared sacrifice.Both scholarly and approachable, this book is an enriching resource for undergraduate and graduate courses in Civil War history, American history, journalism, and mass communication history.

Civil War Writing: New Perspectives on Iconic Texts (Conflicting Worlds: New Dimensions of the American Civil War)

by Stephen Cushman Gary W. Gallagher Keith Bohannon William C. Davis Matthew Gallman Sarah Gardner Kathryn Shively Brenda Stevenson Elizabeth Varon T. Michael Parrish

Civil War Writing is a collection of new essays that focus on the most significant writing about the American Civil War by participants who lived through it, whether as civilians or combatants, southerners or northerners, women or men, blacks or whites. Collectively, as contributors show, these writings have sustained their influence over generations and include histories, memoirs, journals, novels, and one literary falsehood posing as an autobiographical narrative. Several of the works, such as William Tecumseh Sherman’s memoirs or Mary Chesnut’s diary, are familiar to scholars, but other accounts, including Charlotte Forten’s diary and Loreta Velasquez’s memoir, offer new material to even the most omnivorous Civil War reader. In all cases, a deeper look at these writings reveals why they continue to resonate with audiences more than 150 years after the end of the conflict. As supporting evidence for historical and biographical narratives and as deliberately designed communications, the writings discussed in this collection demonstrate considerable value. Whether exploring the differences among drafts and editions, listening closely to fluctuations in tone or voice, or tracing responses in private correspondence or published reviews, the essayists examine how authors wrote to different audiences and out of different motives, creating a complex literary record that offers rich potential for continuing evaluation of the country’s greatest national trauma. Overall, the essays in Civil War Writing underscore how participants employed various literary forms to record, describe, and explain aspects and episodes of a conflict that assumed proportions none of them imagined possible at the outset.

The Civil Wars

by Appian

Taken from Appian's Roman History, the five books collected here form the sole surviving continuous historical narrative of the era between 133-35 BC - a time of anarchy and instability for the Roman Empire. A masterly account of a turbulent epoch, they describe the Catiline conspiracy; the rise and fall of the First Triumvirate; the murder of Julius Caesar; the formation of the Second Triumvirate by Antonius, Octavian, and Lepidus; and brutal civil war. A compelling depiction of the decline of the Roman state into brutality and violence, The Civil Wars portrays political discontent, selfishness and the struggle for power - a struggle that was to culminate in a titanic battle for mastery over the Roman Empire, and the defeat of Antony and Cleopatra by Octavian in 31 BC

Civility and Empire: Literature and Culture in British India, 1821-1921 (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures #Vol. 7)

by Anindyo Roy

This book addresses the idea of 'civility' as a manifestation of the fluidity and ambivalence of imperial power as reflected in British colonial literature and culture. Discussions of Anglo-Indian romances of 1880-1900, E.M. Forster's The Life to Come and Leonard Woolf's writings show how the appeal to civility had a significant effect on the constitution of colonial subject-hood and reveals 'civility' as an ideal trope for the ambivalence of imperial power itself.

La civilización del espectáculo

by Mario Vargas Llosa

En el pasado, la cultura fue una especie de conciencia que impedía dar la espalda a la realidad. Ahora, actúa como mecanismo de distracción y entretenimiento. «La cultura, en el sentido que tradicionalmente se ha dado a este vocablo, está en nuestros días a punto de desaparecer.»Mario Vargas Llosa La banalización de las artes y la literatura, el triunfo del periodismo amarillista y la frivolidad de la política son síntomas de un mal mayor que aqueja a la sociedad contemporánea: la idea temeraria de convertir en bien supremo nuestra natural propensión a divertirnos. En el pasado, la cultura fue una especie de conciencia que impedía dar la espalda a la realidad. Ahora, actúa como mecanismo de distracción y entretenimiento. La figura del intelectual, que estructuró todo el siglo XX, hoy ha desaparecido del debate público. Aunque algunos firmen manifiestos o participen en polémicas, lo cierto es que su repercusión en la sociedad es mínima. Conscientes de esta situación, muchos han optado por el discreto silencio. Como buen espíritu incómodo, Vargas Llosa nos entrega una durísima radiografía de nuestro tiempo y nuestra cultura. «Este pequeño ensayo no aspira a abultar el elevado número de interpretaciones sobre la cultura contemporánea, solo a dejar constancia de la metamorfosis que ha experimentado lo que se entendía aún por cultura cuando mi generación entró a la escuela o a la universidad y la abigarrada materia que la ha sustituido, una impostura que parece haberse realizado con facilidad, en la aquiescencia general.»Mario Vargas Llosa

Civilization and Democracy

by Carlo Cattaneo Filippo Sabetti Carlo Lacaita

Nineteenth-century Italy is a vast, unexplored territory in the history of modern political thought and liberal democratic theory. Apart from Mazzini, Pareto, and Mosca, the authors of this period are little read, even though their central concerns - the riddle of human liberation, progress, and liberty - are as important today as ever. This volume presents a selection of the writings of Carlo Cattaneo (1801-1869), one of the period's most important thinkers, as selected by an equally important personage of a subsequent time, the anti-Fascist intellectual Gaetano Salvemini.Cattaneo had a profound sense of the historical contingencies underlying the quest both to understand human affairs and to realize a self-governing society. Cattaneo's ideas and framework of analysis - like those of John Stuart Mill and Alexis de Tocqueville - were not shaped by a narrow intra-academic agenda but by the great social, economic, and political transformations of his time. The issues he addressed included problems of revolution, reform, and change in the passage to modernity, which extended far beyond the confines of nineteenth-century Italy.The selection of original pieces presented in this translation is preceded by an introduction by the editors, Carlo G. Lacaita and Filippo Sabetti, which guides the reader through Cattaneo's thinking and puts it in a comparative context. Ultimately, however, it is the editors' goal to let this profound Italian thinker speak for himself.

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