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Buffalo Soldier

by Maurice Broaddus

Having stumbled onto a plot within his homeland of Jamaica, former espionage agent, Desmond Coke, finds himself caught between warring religious and political factions, all vying for control of a mysterious boy named Lij Tafari.Wanting the boy to have a chance to live a free life, Desmond assumes responsibility for him and they flee. But a dogged enemy agent remains ever on their heels, desperate to obtain the secrets held within Lij for her employer alone.Assassins, intrigue, and steammen stand between Desmond and Lij as they search for a place to call home in a North America that could have been.Buffalo Soldier is a steampunk adventure from Maurice Broaddus.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Buffalo Soldiers

by Robert O'Connor

Set on a luxuriously appointed and hopelessly corrupt Army base in Mannheim, Germany, where the soldiers prefer real-life race riots to mock combat, Robert O'Connor's viciously funny novel is conclusive proof that peace is hell and the U.S. Army is its ninth circle. In that hell, Specialist Ray Elwood is the ultimate survivor: a high-stakes drug dealer, bureaucratic con artist, and shrewd collector of other people's secrets. Elwood is contemplating cleaning up his act, although doing so will require one last, epic heroin deal. But of course it's then that his life will careen totally out of control. With its impeccably rendered cast of sycophants, drug burn-outs, and uniformed sociopaths, Buffalo Soldiers give us a scabrous, haunting vision of a military idled by the New World Order—and at all-out war with itself.

Buffalo Soldiers (Black Sabre #1)

by Tom Willard

From the Civil War to Desert Storm, there stretches an unbroken line of dedicated, distinguished service by African-Americans in the United States military. This tale is about Augustus Sharps who fought for the North in 1866.

Buffalo Stampede: A Western Story

by Zane Grey

On his first trip out West, Zane Grey became friends with Buffalo Jones, the "last of the plainsmen" as he called him. Jones had been witness to the great herds of buffalo that had once ranged on the Great Plains, and he had been a participant in the hunts that led to their destruction. In early 1923, Grey decided that he would write the epic story of the thundering herds of buffalo, the great hunt that decimated them, and the battle between the Plains Indians and the buffalo hunters.When he completed his manuscript he sent it to the editors of Ladies' Home Journal, who had agreed to buy it. Grey was asked to make extensive changes in the structure and tone of the story, and once these changes were made, the story was as decimated as the great buffalo herds. Fortunately, the original manuscript survived and is presented here in Buffalo Stampede as Grey intended it to be.At last, Zane Grey's magnificent panorama of the war for and against the buffalo has been restored, with its violent and furious action and tone of elegiac sadness for the passing of those mighty, noble herds.

Buffalo Station (Stagecoach Station # #48)

by Hank Mitchum

When rancher Nate Yeager busted out of territorial prison, he had only one thing on his mind: finding Zeke Slade, the cutthroat who framed him and sent his brother to an early grave. Yeager never expected to end up riding shotgun for a $100,000 payroll on a 200-mile trek to Buffalo, Wyoming...or to be guarding it and his fellow travelers from the very man he hunted. Now, with a sick boy's life hanging in the balance, Nate must join forces with a gifted gambler, a crusty old lawman, a badgering bank clerk, and a girl from his elude Slade's savage wolf pack. If he fails, he won't be going back to prison. He'll be going to meet his maker. They all will.

The Buffalo Storm

by Katherine Applegate

When Hallie and her parents join a wagon train to Oregon and leave her grandmother behind, Hallie must learn to face the storms that frighten her so, as well as other, newer fears, with just her grandmother's quilt to comfort her.

Buffalo Summer

by Nadia Nichols

Caleb McCutcheon is living his dream as owner of a large ranch in the Montana wilderness. But when the woman he loves tells him she can't be part of that dream, Caleb is determined to learn the real reason for her reluctance. Because he knows that without her and her five boys, his life will never be complete.

Buffalo Trail: A Novel of the American West

by Jeff Guinn

New York Times-bestselling author of The Last Gunfight Jeff Guinn once again brings the Old West to life in the grand follow-up to Glorious. After barely escaping nemesis Killer Boots in the tiny Arizona Territory town of Glorious, Cash McLendon is in desperate need of a safe haven somewhere--anywhere--on the frontier.Fleeing to Dodge City, he falls in with an intrepid band of buffalo hunters determined to head south to forbidden Indian Territory in the Texas Panhandle. In the company of such colorful Western legends as Bat Masterson and Billy Dixon, Cash helps establish a hunting camp known as Adobe Walls. When a massive migration of buffalo arrives, Cash, newly hopeful that he may yet patch things up with Gabrielle Tirrito back in Arizona, thinks his luck has finally changed.But no good can come of entering the prohibited lands they've crossed into. Little do Cash and his fellows know that their camp is targeted by a new coalition of the finest warriors among the Comanche, Cheyenne, and Kiowa. Led by fierce Comanche war chief Quanah and eerie tribal mystic Isatai, an enormous force of two thousand is about to descend on the camp and will mark one of the fiercest, bloodiest battles in frontier history.Cash McLendon is in another fight for his life--and this time running is not an option.

The Buffalo Tree

by Adam Rapp

Getting caught changed 12-year-old Sura's life. Now he's just struggling to survive in Hamstock, a juvenile detention center where he helplessly watches his friend's descent into hell.

Buffalo Valley

by Debbie Macomber

Buffalo Valley by Debbie Macomber released on Aug 1, 2009 is available now for purchase.

Buffalo Valley (Dakota #4)

by Debbie Macomber

This holiday season "New York Times" bestselling author Macomber takes readers on a return visit to Buffalo Valley, North Dakota and finds the town fighting for survival.

Buffalo West Wing

by Julie Hyzy

With a new First Family, White House executive chef Olivia Paras can't afford to make any mistakes. But when a box of take-out chicken mysteriously shows up for the First Kids, she soon finds herself in a "no-wing" situation. After Olivia refuses to serve the chicken, the First Lady gives her the cold shoulder. But when it turns out to be poisoned poultry, Olivia realizes the kids are true targets.

Buffet for Unwelcome Guests: The Best Short Mystery Stories of Christianna Brand

by Christianna Brand

Five courses of delectable depravity from mystery's master chefPlaying Othello is hard on any actor, but for the great James Dragon, the role is toxic. During the play's run, he must reenact the horrible crime that took his own wife's life. Every person in the audience thinks that Dragon killed his real-life wife, and when the curtain rises they wonder if tonight will be the night when Othello finally cracks. "After the Event" is just the first in a round of Cockrill cocktails--bracing short fiction starring Christianna Brand's famed Scotland Yard inspector. From there we proceed to bloody entrees, chilling desserts, and a cup of black coffee that will shock you wide awake. Brand's short fiction is more than a sample--it is an all-night banquet that leaves the reader terrified and satisfied as only a good mystery can.

Bufflehead Sisters

by Patricia J. Delois

As an only child, Janet longs for a sister her parents are unable to give her. In kindergarten she meets Sophie, a strange and imaginative girl with a troubled family life. As friendship grows between the two girls, Janet believes her prayers have been answered, especially when members of her family embrace Sophie as one of their own. Sophie's troubles continue to follow her through high school, and Janet stands by her "sister" until, in adulthood, she learns of a devastating secret Sophie has kept from her. Janet's world is turned upside down-and she discovers there may be a limit to what sisters should share.

Buffone e Bastardo: Un nano alla corte di Filippo IV di Spagna

by Rafael Téllez Romero

“Nano e Bastardo”, un romanzo storico ambientato alla corte di Filippo IV di Spagna. Il protagonista è uno dei nani ritratti da Diego Velazquez: don Diego de Acedo, un nano che non praticava il mestiere di buffone di corte, ma di assistente dii segreteria e cancelliere del Re È intelligente e colto, gode di uno speciale status a palazzo che lo distingue dagli altri nani, buffoni e uomini di piacere, tuttavia un giorno succede qualcosa che gli farà capire che, al momento della verità, tutti lo considerano un nano come tutti gli altri, una creatura senza dignità. Lo scontro con questa dura realtà e la sua lotta per andare oltre il personaggio che si sente costretto ad interpretare a palazzo lo condurranno a vivere mille avventure sullo sfondo del complotto contro Olivares e la possibile frammentazione dell’impero: la secessione del Portogallo, il tentativo di ribellione dell’Andalusia, il Corpus Domini di sangue in Catalogna, e la battaglia di Tarragona metteranno don Diego alla prova. Riuscirà il nostro piccolo amico a dimostrare che in fondo è un grande uomo? Concediamogli una possibilità.


by Anosh Irani

Three-time Governor General’s Literary Award–shortlisted author and playwright Anosh Irani’s critically acclaimed one-man show Buffoon is a masterclass of tragicomic theatre. Born to circus folk who prefer trapezing over parenting, Felix quickly learns to turn life’s misfortunes into jokes. His longing for family and home is piqued at the tender age of seven when he falls hopelessly in love with an older woman, the beguiling Aja, who is eight. In the process, a clown is born, and we watch him grow into a middle-aged buffoon. Over time, Felix stops waiting for someone else to love him; his journey becomes one of loving himself. A story of love, loss, and the fate that binds us, Buffoon is a gut-wrenching one-man show that expertly walks the tightrope between heartbreak and hilarity.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: One Thing or Your Mother

by Kirsten Beyer

It's tough being a teenage Slayer. On the verge of failing her junior year -- thanks to annoying Principal Snyder, who seems to be acting even stranger than usual lately -- Buffy agrees to meet with a tutor. Not helping her studies is the fact that lately she's been exhausted, waking up each morning feeling more tired than she did the night before. To make matters even worse, she's tasked with investigating the disappearance of a child. . . a little girl who happens to have gone missing mere hours before a child vampire surfaced in Sunnydale, accompanied by a wheelchair-bound male who fits Spike's description perfectly. Fighting off exhaustion and uneasy at the prospect of staking a child vamp, Buffy learns that Principal Snyder is the target of a sleep-deprivation spell that has taken over Sunnydale. Putting aside her fear that her tutor is out to get her, and hoping that the sleeping spell is affecting both humans and demons, Buffy investigates Snyder's odd behavior. She follows him to his childhood home to discover that he has arranged to have his abusive mother banished to the demon dimension. Meanwhile, Drusilla, who has been playing mother figure to the child vampire, is learning how difficult it is to be a parent. As sleep takes hold of the citizens of Sunnydale, Buffy begins to realize that unless she breaks the spell soon, the nightmare is just beginning.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Blackout

by Keith R. DeCandido

THE DARK IS COMING. . . . New York City in 1977 is vampire heaven. Serial killer Son of Sam is often blamed for their hits, and a citywide blackout gives them free reign of the streets, allowing them to get away with murder. Spike and his beloved Drusilla are in the Big Apple taking advantage of the situation, as is Vampire Slayer Nikki Wood, who has hunkered down with her son, Robin, in a Times Square apartment where she thinks they'll be safe. But no matter where she goes, Nikki has to watch her back. Spike has only one thing on his mind: to slay a slayer. Adding to Spike's list of challenges is a corrupt local vampire community that catches wind of his presence, and when they start messing with him, things get bloody interesting.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Coyote Moon

by Esther Friesner

Of Shapeshifters and Skinwalkers.... As long as there have been vampires, there has been the Slayer. one girl in all the world, to find them where they gather and to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers. The seedy carnival looks like just the thing to give Buffy and her best buds, Xander and Willow, a break from staking bloodsuckers. Some greasy food, a few cheap thrills -- what more could a Slayer ask for? But then Buffy senses something evil behind this carnival. Xander and Willow aren't so sure. They don't buy Buffy's notion that the carneys are somehow connected to the corpes turning up around Sunnydale. It doesn't help that her two best friends are each interested in someone at the carnival. Which puts the burden of proof on Buffy. Can she find out what's going on in time to save her friends? Or has the Slayer become the prey?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

by Diana Gallagher

"Off the rack gives me hives. "-- Cordelia, "Out of Mind, Out of Sight"The Scoobies are used to being personally affected when demonic nasties come to Sunnydale. And they're used to strange things happening at Sunnydale High -- after all, the place is built over the Hellmouth. But they've sealed the Hellmouth, so they don't think anything's out of the ordinary when items to be sold at the first annual band fund-raising rummage sale are stored in the school basement. . . which, one might recall, is directly above that Hellmouth. Once the rummage sale begins, it's clear the stuff for sale is far from ordinary. People seem to be strangely affected by the items they're buying -- things from undemonic homes, donated by undemonic people. So the reactions these items are producing are, to say the least, unexpected. Willow's acting weird. So's Xander. And even Buffy's mom bought something. . . . The situation quickly spins out of control, and the school has to be quarantined. . . leaving Buffy and Giles to sort things out before whatever demon this is sells them down the river.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Blooded (Buffy the Vampire Slayer #2)

by Christopher Golden Nancy Holder

To catch the spirit of a vampire of Chinese lore who has been unloosed on Sunnydale and is searching for a body to occupy, Buffy has to destroy the love triangle among her, Xander, and Willow.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: New School Nightmare (Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1)

by Carolyn Nowak

An exciting and hilarious new middle grade story for anyone who likes (or doesn't like) vampires!<p><p> Buffy Summers is just like any other student...except for the part where she's also a secret vampire slayer. In every generation, one girl is granted great strength to stand against the forces of darkness. Of course, power doesn't matter when it comes to eating lunch alone, getting picked on by the popular kids, or having way too much homework. Luckily, Buffy finds her way with a can-do attitude, a weird Watcher, and new besties, Sarafina and Alvaro--who might just have powers of their own. But will any of it be enough to turn the tide when an army of villainous vampires invade town? Can Buffy save herself, let alone the world? <p>Like Star Wars: Jedi Academy and DC Comics's Secret Hero Society, this action-packed and fun-filled story is told through comics, journal entries, class notes, doodles, text messages, and other in-world artifacts. TM & © 2018 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.<P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i>

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: A Picture Book (Pop Classics #5)

by Kim Smith

The cult classic TV show is now a charming picture book for the youngest fans in the Buffyverse!In this new picture-book story brought to life with cute and colorful illustrations, young readers see what the world's strongest vampire slayer was like back when she was a kid! Join not-so-brave little Buffy, Willow, and Xander as they investigate strange sounds coming from the closet, seek advice from their school librarian Giles, and encounter everyone's favorite Buffyverse monsters. Charmingly illustrated by Pop Classics artist Kim Smith, this sweet, silly, and not-so-scary book borrows Joss Whedon's beloved characters to tell an endearing bedtime story.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1: Coyote Moon; Night of the Living Rerun; Portal Through Time

by Alice Henderson Arthur Byron Cover John Vornholt

In every generation, there is a Chosen One. A slayer destined to protect the human race. She alone must fight the demons of hell. She alone must risk her life to stop the spread of evil. Buffy is the Chosen One. In Coyote Moon, a typical night at the carnival becomes deadly as shape shifters turn the amusement park into their own house of horrors. Buffy starts having past-life nightmares in Night of the Living Rerun, and must face her historic counterpart before the events of the past repeat in the present. In Portal through Time, Slayers over the centuries are in danger, and Buffy must protect them in order to save her own life and legacy.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1

by John Vornholt Arthur Byron Cover Alice Henderson

As long as there have been vampires, there has been the Slayer. One girl in all the world, to find them where they gather and to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers. . . Night of the Living Rerun â ¼ As if real life wasn't already overflowing with vampire-staking, Buffy is now dreaming about slaying! Night after night, it's the same thing. . . What could it mean? When Xander and Giles start acting like they have ancient alter egos, Buffy begins to realise what's going on. Can Buffy prevent the Master from escaping his supernatural prison before Sunnydale becomes history! Coyote Moon â ¼ The seedy carnival looks like just the thing to give Buffy and her friends, Xander and Willow, a break from staking bloodsuckers. Some greasy food, a few cheap thrills - what more could a Slayer ask for? But then Buffy senses something evil behind this carnival. Could it be connected to the corpses that are turning up around Sunnydale. Can Buffy find out what's going on in time to save her friends? Or has the Slayer become the prey? Portal of Time â ¼ The Master, Buffy's nemesis, may be gone, but he is by no means forgotten. One of his devotees has set out to alter the past, killing off Slayers in order to change the future. With the Slayer line extinguished, there will be no Buffy. And without Buffy, no one will be able to prevent him as he resurrects The Master. Having opened a portal through time he is about to send his minions into the past to murder the most influential Slayers in history. Buffy is forced to follow them through the portal in a race against time and evil. But the problem is. . . you can't change the past without altering the present. . .

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