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Desayuno en Central Park

by Ana Punset

«Después de tanto esfuerzo ha llegado la hora de demostrar que estoy preparada para presentarme al mejor concurso para escritores jóvenes. De eso depende quedarme en Nueva York o tener que renunciar a todo. Sé que lo quiero con todas mis fuerzas, pero es el mayor reto al que me he enfrentado jamás. No puedo rendirme, no ahora. ¡Voy a por todas!» #NewYorkAcademy Sofía sigue viviendo su sueño en Nueva York. Escribe y disfruta de su relación con Hugo, de la que ya no tiene que esconderse, y ha recuperado su amistad con Alma, que se había visto perjudicada por los secretos y mentiras, y de momento parece que Tim ha dejado de molestarles y hacerles la vida imposible. Ella está feliz, avanza día a día en sus clases y parece que está consiguiendo el respeto de Bromer, que sigue tan estricto como siempre. Todo parece funcionar pero, ¿será capaz Sofía de mantener esa felicidad que tanto le ha costado conseguir y, sobre todo, a qué precio?

El desbarrancadero

by Fernando Vallejo Rendón

Una novela de Fernando Vallejo Cuando le abrieron la puerta entró sin saludar, subió la escalera, cruzóla segunda planta, llegó al cuarto del fondo, se desplomó en la cama ycayó en coma. Así, libre de sí mismo, al borde del desbarrancadero de lamuerte por el que no mucho después se habría de despeñar, pasó los quecreo que fueron sus únicos días e paz desde su lejana infancia. Era lasemana de navidad, la más feliz de los niños de Antioquia. ¡Y qué haceque éramos niños! Se nos habían ido pasando los días, los años, la vida,tan atropelladamente como ese río de Medellín que convirtieron enalcantarilla para que arrastrara, entre remolinos de rabia, en sus aguassucias, en vez de las sabaletas resplandecientes de antaño, mierda,mierda y más mierda hacia el mar.Fragmento de la obra. Pág. 7

El descanso del marinero: Un crossover de Orgullo y prejuicio y Persuasión

by Don Jacobson

¡La Aventura naval que Jane Austen pudo haber escrito! Los grandes enamorados de Jane Austen se reúnen para ser puestos a prueba en el crisol de la guerra en las aguas azules del Mediterráneo y en los humeantes confines de un prestigioso garito londinense. El descanso del marinero se inspira en Orgullo y prejuicio y Persuasión y está ambientada durante los 100 días de Napoleón. Descubre cómo las dos parejas comprometidas -Elizabeth Bennet y Fitzwilliam Darcy, junto con Frederick Wentworth y Anne Elliot- ven su amor puesto a prueba por la separación, la batalla y el engaño. Sumérgete primero en un misterio, luego en una persecución marítima y, finalmente, en un satisfactorio desenlace. Desde las destartaladas habitaciones de una posada frente al mar hasta tres fragatas enzarzadas en una mortal partida de ajedrez naval, los lectores experimentarán el anhelo de cuatro corazones que se acercan el uno al otro. Antes de que el relato llegue a su fin, el público se adentrará en los dorados confines de la preeminente sala de cartas de Londres. En parte misterio, en parte aventura - y todo corazón. Esto tiene el aire de una epopeya de Hornblower. -Alice McVeigh, autora de Susan: A Jane Austen Prequel.

Descartada [Versao Adulto]

by Naira L. Dee Dawning

Lila Patterson leva o maior susto de sua vida ao chegar em casa e encontrar seus pertences sendo carregados para uma pequena van de mudanças. Ao ver seu marido dando ordens aos carregadores e correr furiosa para tirar satisfações, ela leva um choque ainda maior quando o advogado do casal, seu amigo de faculdade, lhe entrega os papeis do pedido de divórcio.

Descartes: Selected Philosophical Writings

by René Descartes John Cottingham Robert Stoothoff Dugald Murdoch

Rene Descartes is universally acknowledged as the father of modern Western philosophy. It is to the writings of Descartes, above all others, that we must turn if we wish to understand the great seventeenth-century revolution in which the old scholastic world view slowly lost its grip, and the foundations of modern philosophical and scientific thinking were laid. The range of Descartes' thought was enormous, and his published work includes writings on mathematics, physics, astronomy, meteorology, optics, physiology, psychology, metaphysics and ethics. No one volume can hope to do justice to such an oeuvre, but the present selection includes the most famous and widely studied texts, and a good bit more besides. We hope it will be a serviceable and reasonably representative anthology for those who wish to study for themselves one of the most important and fascinating philosophical systems ever produced.

Descarte's Bones

by Russell Shorto

A New York Times Notable Book. Sixteen years after René Descartes' death in Stockholm in 1650, a pious French ambassador exhumed the remains of the controversial philosopher to transport them back to Paris. Thus began a 350-year saga that saw Descartes' bones traverse a continent, passing between kings, philosophers, poets, and painters. But as Russell Shorto shows in this deeply engaging book, Descartes' bones also played a role in some of the most momentous episodes in history, which are also part of the philosopher's metaphorical remains: the birth of science, the rise of democracy, and the earliest debates between reason and faith. Descartes' Bones is a flesh-and-blood story about the battle between religion and rationalism that rages to this day.

The Descartes Highlands

by Eric Gamalinda

One of the Philippine Daily Inquirer's Top 10 Books of 2014A NewPages Book Stand Editor's Pick"Darkly spellbinding...With a keen eye for splendor amid the grotesque, Gamalinda writes with a poet's heart and a philosopher's mind, while enthralling readers with emotional, gritty storytelling."--Booklist"A mesmerizing story full of mystery...intricate...beautiful writing."--Publishers Weekly"It's Gamalinda's best and most accessible novel yet, deserving to be read by as many people as possible."--Philippine Daily Inquirer"It felt so easy to get swept up in this novel. The language is beautiful....a beautifully written book."--NewPages"The wait for Gamalinda's first US based publication was well worth [it]...An indispensable, powerful portrayal of broken families trapped in the centripetal forces of transnational capital and postcolonial politics."--Asian American Literature Fans"Gamalinda...does indeed write rich, unflinching prose. This storytelling stayed with me...I was compelled to keep reading by the strength of the writing (it's not for nothing that Gamalinda is the recipient of the Philippine National Book Award, a Palanca Memorial Award, and a Philippine Centennial Prize)."--Galatea Ressurects #24"I recommend this book to those with large, giving hearts, who can afford to spend the emotional capital demanded here."--Basso Profundo"The Descartes Highlands is a psychologically taut drama that unravels right in front of you...I guarantee that you will be richly rewarded."--Zachary Mule"Behind Eric Gamalinda's jagged, ice-pick prose is an urgent need to connect and to understand. Are we more than the sum of our histories? What is this accident of being? Why is there anything at all? Written at the edge of a sinkhole and determined to resist its pull, The Descartes Highlands is about nothing less than the whole bewildering dream that is human consciousness."--David Hollander, author of L.I.E."No one writes like Eric Gamalinda, though we wish we all could. The Descartes Highlands, an amazing work of brutal candor girded by a philosopher's calm, entwines our present despair with the horrific pasts we will not escape. One of the most dazzling novelists writing in America today, Eric Gamalinda has an almost classical Greek faith in the redemptive power of art. This novel delivers a commitment to beauty as unflinching as the bleak truths it tells--about globalization, about colonialism, about our human madness--offering in turn what seems our only, paradoxical hope: the pained telling of our story--a gorgeous and bitter feast."--Gina Apostol, author of Gun Dealers' DaughterTwo men, each unaware of the other, share a common family secret: they were sold for adoption by their American father shortly after their births in the Philippines. Three alternating stories interweave the experiences of father Andrew Breszky and the two sons who try to connect and piece together the puzzle of their reckless, impulsive father. One lives in New York and the other grows up in the south of France, later traveling all over Asia as a documentary filmmaker. Both will discover that their relationships somehow echo that of the young man whose history eludes them.Celebrated Filipino writer Eric Gamalinda's international debut novel is a contemporary work of ideas that combines mystery, film noir, and existential philosophy. Highly intricate and written in a style reminiscent of the maverick narrative techniques of such filmmakers as Andrei Tarkovsky and Béla Tarr, and with some of the philosophical underpinnings of Michel Houellebecq or Javier Marías. Named after the region of the moon where Apollo 16 landed in the same year these men were born, The Descartes Highlands demonstrates that for lives marked by unrelieved loneliness, the only hope lies in the redemptive power of love.

Descascar Laranjas

by James Lawless

"Descascar Laranjas" conta-nos a história de como Derek Foley, através dos diários do falecido pai e da correspondência entre a mãe e um homem do IRA, descobre que Patrick Foley, um diplomata da Espanha de Franco, não era o seu verdadeiro pai. A mãe de Derek, doente, não quer falar sobre o passado, forçando o filho a lançar-se numa busca que o levará aos primórdios da diplomacia irlandesa, a Espanha e, por fim, à Irlanda do Norte, até descobrir, com trágicas consequências, quem é o pai. "Descascar Laranjas" é um romance repleto de intriga pessoal e política e de ideologia e que cruza duas nações emergentes - a Irlanda e a Espanha. É também uma bela e lírica história de amor de infância - entre o apolítico Derek e a fervorosa nacionalista, Sinéad Ní Shúilleabháin.

Descendant (Apocalypse Rising #1)

by Mychael Black

Andrew Blackwell is only one of countless humans who managed to survive post-World War III. Living in the shell of what was once New York City, he focuses on working hard and playing hard. Nothing else matters.But fate has other ideas, and they arrive in the form of a rather surly angel who's been sent to find the one special human who can possibly help save humankind.Thrown into yet another war, Andrew has no choice but to trust Mikhail ... no matter where the angel may lead him.

Descendant: A Starling Novel

by Lesley Livingston

In this pulse-pounding sequel to Starling, Lesley Livingston delivers another electrifying blend of nonstop action and undeniable romance--perfect for fans of Cassandra Clares Mortal Instruments series. The last thing Mason Starling remembers is the train crossing a bridge. An explosion . . . a blinding light . . . then darkness. Now she is alone, stranded in Asgard--the realm of Norse legend--and the only way for her to get home is to find the Spear of Odin, a powerful relic left behind by vanished gods. The Fennrys Wolf knows all about Asgard. He was once trapped there. And hell do whatever it takes to find the girl whos stolen his heart and bring her back--even if it means a treacherous descent into the underworld. But time is running out, and Fenn knows something Mason doesnt: If she takes up the Spear, shell set in motion a terrible prophecy. And she wont just return to her world . . . shell destroy it.

The Descendant

by H. P. Lovecraft

H. P. Lovecraft was one of the greatest horror writers of all time. His seminal work appeared in the pages of legendary Weird Tales and has influenced countless writer of the macabre. This is one of those stories.

Descendant Machine

by Gareth L. Powell

From the award-winning author comes a gripping, fast-paced and fascinating science fiction adventure. Vividly imagined and sharply written, fans of Ann Leckie and Becky Chambers will be engrossed.When Nicola Mafalda&’s scout ship comes under attack, she&’s left deeply traumatised by the drastic action it takes to keep her alive. Months later, when an old flame comes to her for help, she realises she has to find a way to forgive both the ship and her former lover. Reckless elements are attempting to reactivate a giant machine that has lain dormant for thousands of years. To stop them, Nicola and her crew will have to put aside their differences, sneak aboard a vast alien megaship, and try to stay alive long enough to prevent galactic devastation.

Descendant of the Crane

by Joan He

In New York Times and Indie bestselling author Joan He's debut novel, Descendant of the Crane, a determined and vulnerable young heroine struggles to do right in a world brimming with deception. This gorgeous, Chinese-inspired fantasy is packed with dizzying twists, complex characters, and intricate politics. TREASONFor princess Hesina of Yan, the palace is her home, but her father is her world. He taught her how to defend against the corruption and excesses of the old kings, before revolutionaries purged them and their seers and established the dynasty anew.Before he died, he was supposed to teach her how to rule. TRIALThe imperial doctors say the king died a natural death, but Hesina has reason to believe he was murdered. She is determined to uncover the truth and bring the assassin to justice.TRUTHBut in a broken system, ideals can kill. As the investigation quickly spins out of Hesina’s control, she realizes that no one is innocent. Not the heroes in history, or the father she thought she knew. More blood will spill if she doesn’t rein in the trial soon—her people’s, her family’s, and even her own.

Descendants: A Novelization

by Rico Green

Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos are the offspring of some of the most terrible villains of all time. They're offered a chance to leave the Isle of the Lost, where they have been imprisoned all their lives, and go to prep school in the idyllic kingdom of Auradon with all of the "good" kids.

The Descendants

by Kaui Hart Hemmings

Now a major motion picture starring George Clooney and directed by Alexander Payne.Fortunes have changed for the King family, descendants of Hawaiian royalty and one of the state's largest landowners. Matthew King's daughters--Scottie, a feisty ten-year-old, and Alex, a seventeen-year-old recovering drug addict--are out of control, and their charismatic, thrill-seeking mother, Joanie, lies in a coma after a boat-racing accident. She will soon be taken off life support. As Matt gathers his wife's friends and family to say their final goodbyes, a difficult situation is made worse by the sudden discovery that there's one person who hasn't been told: the man with whom Joanie had been having an affair. Forced to examine what they owe not only to the living but to the dead, Matt, Scottie, and Alex take to the road to find Joanie's lover, on a memorable journey that leads to unforeseen humor, growth, and profound revelations.Look for special features inside.Join the Circle for author chats and

The Descendants of Cain

by Ji-moon Suh Sun-won Hwang Julie Pickering J. Suh

Hwang Sun-won, perhaps the most beloved and respected Korean writer of the 20th century, based this extraordinary novel on his own experiences in his North Korean home village between the end of World War II and the eve of the Korean War when Korea had been divided into North and South by its two "liberators" - the United States and the Soviet Union. In this story the Soviet-backed communist party, using the promise of land reform, sets people at each other's throat. Portrayed here is an entire community caught in the political and social firestorm that brings out the selfishness, cruelty and ignorance of simple people, but also shows their loyalty and nobility. Compelling here, too, is a heroine who represents the "eternally feminine" for all Korean men, and the setting, the harsh political, psychic and physical landscape of rural postwar North Korea rarely glimpsed by the outside world. Hwang Sun-won is an artist of consummate delicacy and subtlety, and his writing is marked by keen psychological insight and steely asceticism. While three collections of his short stories have appeared in Hong Kong and the West, "The Descendants of Cain" is the first English translation of a Hwang Sun-won novel.

Descendientes de Vampiro 13: Un príncipe de mentira (Descendientes de Vampiros #13)

by Pet Torres

No siempre el Amor mantiene el control sobre las bridas del corazón. La princesa Valkiria recibe noticias repentinas de su padre. Después de que él le revela sobre un tratado secreto que había hecho siglos atrás con un príncipe vampiro. Desde entonces, ese pacto involucra a su única hija Valkiria. Así que no te pierdas un evento más de esta serie que te hace sumergirte en un universo donde todos los protagonistas son realmente atractivos y dulces vampiros.

Descendientes de Vampiros 10: Heredero de la Oscuridad (Descendientes de Vampiros #10)

by Pet TorreS

Voltaire es un guapo vampiro en un cuerpo joven que pronto cumplirá cien años. En su cumpleaños, recibe órdenes de casarse con una chica desconocida, pero antes de hacerlo necesita encontrarla en la Universidad. El joven muchacho nunca imaginó que su futuro estaría marcado por dos tatuajes diferentes. Tendrá que tomar una deicisión difícil que decidirá su destino. Embárcate en este adorable romance de vampiros que te envolverá en un fantástico mundo de pequeñas decisiones, pero grandes sacrificios.

Descending Phoenix- To be Emperor: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Die RanYi

In her previous life, the person she married was not a decent man. As a noble empress, she was still framed by the person she trusted the most. She was hacked into pieces and died due to injustice. In her rebirth, the struggle for imperial power was still unavoidable. She cast all the misfortune she had suffered in her previous life into the shape of a sword or armor. It would shake the world and shake all the rivers and mountains. Who said that she was venomous, jealous, and unscrupulous? She would wipe out her enemies and help her husband ascend the throne. Who said that she, Feng Ning Yan, would hold the hand of government and shake the foundations of the country? Then she would kill all the deceitful officials and ascend the throne! However, who would know that what she did was not to rule the world, but to live forever. Her goal was the name branded deeply in her heart by her past life. Shen Lingjue, I will not let you down in this life.

Descending Phoenix- To be Emperor: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Die RanYi

In her previous life, the person she married was not a decent man. As a noble empress, she was still framed by the person she trusted the most. She was hacked into pieces and died due to injustice. In her rebirth, the struggle for imperial power was still unavoidable. She cast all the misfortune she had suffered in her previous life into the shape of a sword or armor. It would shake the world and shake all the rivers and mountains. Who said that she was venomous, jealous, and unscrupulous? She would wipe out her enemies and help her husband ascend the throne. Who said that she, Feng Ning Yan, would hold the hand of government and shake the foundations of the country? Then she would kill all the deceitful officials and ascend the throne! However, who would know that what she did was not to rule the world, but to live forever. Her goal was the name branded deeply in her heart by her past life. Shen Lingjue, I will not let you down in this life.

Descending Phoenix- To be Emperor: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Die RanYi

In her previous life, the person she married was not a decent man. As a noble empress, she was still framed by the person she trusted the most. She was hacked into pieces and died due to injustice. In her rebirth, the struggle for imperial power was still unavoidable. She cast all the misfortune she had suffered in her previous life into the shape of a sword or armor. It would shake the world and shake all the rivers and mountains. Who said that she was venomous, jealous, and unscrupulous? She would wipe out her enemies and help her husband ascend the throne. Who said that she, Feng Ning Yan, would hold the hand of government and shake the foundations of the country? Then she would kill all the deceitful officials and ascend the throne! However, who would know that what she did was not to rule the world, but to live forever. Her goal was the name branded deeply in her heart by her past life. Shen Lingjue, I will not let you down in this life.

Descending Phoenix- To be Emperor: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Die RanYi

In her previous life, the person she married was not a decent man. As a noble empress, she was still framed by the person she trusted the most. She was hacked into pieces and died due to injustice. In her rebirth, the struggle for imperial power was still unavoidable. She cast all the misfortune she had suffered in her previous life into the shape of a sword or armor. It would shake the world and shake all the rivers and mountains. Who said that she was venomous, jealous, and unscrupulous? She would wipe out her enemies and help her husband ascend the throne. Who said that she, Feng Ning Yan, would hold the hand of government and shake the foundations of the country? Then she would kill all the deceitful officials and ascend the throne! However, who would know that what she did was not to rule the world, but to live forever. Her goal was the name branded deeply in her heart by her past life. Shen Lingjue, I will not let you down in this life.

Descending Phoenix- To be Emperor: Volume 5 (Volume 5 #5)

by Die RanYi

In her previous life, the person she married was not a decent man. As a noble empress, she was still framed by the person she trusted the most. She was hacked into pieces and died due to injustice. In her rebirth, the struggle for imperial power was still unavoidable. She cast all the misfortune she had suffered in her previous life into the shape of a sword or armor. It would shake the world and shake all the rivers and mountains. Who said that she was venomous, jealous, and unscrupulous? She would wipe out her enemies and help her husband ascend the throne. Who said that she, Feng Ning Yan, would hold the hand of government and shake the foundations of the country? Then she would kill all the deceitful officials and ascend the throne! However, who would know that what she did was not to rule the world, but to live forever. Her goal was the name branded deeply in her heart by her past life. Shen Lingjue, I will not let you down in this life.

Descending Phoenix- To be Emperor: Volume 6 (Volume 6 #6)

by Die RanYi

In her previous life, the person she married was not a decent man. As a noble empress, she was still framed by the person she trusted the most. She was hacked into pieces and died due to injustice. In her rebirth, the struggle for imperial power was still unavoidable. She cast all the misfortune she had suffered in her previous life into the shape of a sword or armor. It would shake the world and shake all the rivers and mountains. Who said that she was venomous, jealous, and unscrupulous? She would wipe out her enemies and help her husband ascend the throne. Who said that she, Feng Ning Yan, would hold the hand of government and shake the foundations of the country? Then she would kill all the deceitful officials and ascend the throne! However, who would know that what she did was not to rule the world, but to live forever. Her goal was the name branded deeply in her heart by her past life. Shen Lingjue, I will not let you down in this life.

Descending Phoenix- To be Emperor: Volume 7 (Volume 7 #7)

by Die RanYi

In her previous life, the person she married was not a decent man. As a noble empress, she was still framed by the person she trusted the most. She was hacked into pieces and died due to injustice. In her rebirth, the struggle for imperial power was still unavoidable. She cast all the misfortune she had suffered in her previous life into the shape of a sword or armor. It would shake the world and shake all the rivers and mountains. Who said that she was venomous, jealous, and unscrupulous? She would wipe out her enemies and help her husband ascend the throne. Who said that she, Feng Ning Yan, would hold the hand of government and shake the foundations of the country? Then she would kill all the deceitful officials and ascend the throne! However, who would know that what she did was not to rule the world, but to live forever. Her goal was the name branded deeply in her heart by her past life. Shen Lingjue, I will not let you down in this life.

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