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Showing 23,026 through 23,050 of 23,431 results

Wage Differentials and Economic Growth (Routledge Revivals)

by Pasquale Sgro

This book, which was first published in 1980, is concerned with one particular branch of growth theory, namely descriptive growth theory. It is typically assumed in growth theory that both the factors and goods market are perfectly competitive. In particular this implies amongst other things that the reward to each factor is identical in each sector of the economy. In this book the assumption of identical factor rewards is relaxed and the implications of an intersectoral wage differential for economic growth are analysed. There is also some discussion on the short-term and long-run effects of minimum wage legislation on growth. This book will serve as key reading for students of economics.

Wahrheit, Beweis, Unendlichkeit: Eine mathematische Reise zu den vielseitigen Auswirkungen der Unendlichkeit

by John Stillwell

In dem Buch erkundet der preisgekrönte Autor John Stillwell die Konsequenzen, die sich ergeben, wenn man die Unendlichkeit akzeptiert, und diese Konsequenzen sind vielseitig und überraschend. Der Leser benötigt nur wenig über die Schulmathematik hinausgehendes Hintergrundwissen; es reicht die Bereitschaft, sich mit ungewohnten Ideen auseinanderzusetzen. Stillwell führt den Leser sanft in die technischen Details von Mengenlehre und Logik ein, indem jedes Kapitel einem einzigen Gedankengang folgt, der mit einer natürlichen mathematischen Frage beginnt und dann anhand einer Abfolge von historischen Antworten nachvollzogen wird. Auf diese Weise zeigt der Autor, wie jede Antwort ihrerseits zu neuen Fragen führt, aus denen wiederum neue Begriffe und Sätze entstehen.Jedes Kapitel endet mit einem Abschnitt „Historischer Hintergrund“, der das Thema in den größeren Zusammenhang der Mathematik und ihrer Geschichte einordnet.

Wahrscheinliche Algebra: Stochastische Matrizen in Beispielen und Anwendungen

by Olaf Manz

Dieses kompakte Buch gibt eine verständliche, anwendungsnahe Einführung in stochastische Matrizen anhand von Beispielen aus dem Alltag. Zur Einführung untersuchen wir zunächst die Verbreitung von Gerüchten. Anschließend setzen wir Mäuse in Irrgärten aus und verstecken darin Mausefallen. Als Pendant gehen wir in freier Wildbahn nach Füchsen auf die Jagd. Wir kümmern uns auch um Themen des alltäglichen Lebens wie die Gesundheit, die Vererbung, die Ausbildung, das Konsumverhalten und den Sport. Wir verfolgen den Ruin von Glücksspielern, schauen uns aber auch das faire Mischen von Spielkarten näher an. Abschließend sind wir mit Jim Knopf zu einer Reise durch Lummerland verabredet. Dabei beobachten wir die Warteschlangen, die sich vor Lukas, dem Lokomotivführer und seiner Lok Emma bilden. Wir kümmern uns auch um die Reparaturplanung der Loks und werfen hierzu einen Blick in Emmas Lokschuppen und Ersatzteillager. Das Buch eignet sich durch den lockeren Stil insbesondere auch für Nichtmathematiker.

Wahrscheinlichkeit – Mathematische Theorie und praktische Bedeutung: Grundlagen der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung hinterfragt (essentials)

by Rüdiger Stegen

In diesem Buch werden grundlegende Begriffe und Methoden der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung kritisch hinterfragt. Zunächst wird geklärt, welche Beziehung zwischen den Wahrscheinlichkeiten in der Umgangssprache, der angewandten Stochastik und den Kolmogoroffschen Axiomen besteht. Dann werden typische Aufgaben mit Hilfe des Urnenmodells gelöst. Schließlich werden bedingte Wahrscheinlichkeiten, das (empirische) Gesetz der großen Zahlen sowie Kombinationen mehrerer Wahrscheinlichkeiten eines Ereignisses behandelt.

Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Deborah J. Rumsey

Die Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung wird in der Schule oft nur beiläufig behandelt, dabei handelt es sich um ein besonders spannendes und alltagstaugliches Teilgebiet der Mathematik. Für alle, die über dieses Thema noch etwas mehr erfahren wollen oder müssen, erklärt Deborah Rumsey verständlich und mit Humor, was sie unbedingt wissen sollten. Egal ob Kontingenztabelle, zentraler Grenzwertsatz, Stichproben-, Binomial- oder Poissonverteilung, in diesem Buch lernen Sie, was es ist und wie Sie es anwenden. Zu jedem Kapitel finden Sie online eine Übungsaufgabe samt Lösung, um das Gelernte zu festigen. Auch Tipps zu praktischen Anwendungen - ob bei der Arbeit oder am Pokertisch - kommen nicht zu kurz. So finden Sie in diesem Buch alles, was Sie über Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung unbedingt wissen sollten.

Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik: Eine Einführung für Verständnis, Intuition und Überblick

by Lukas Meier

Dieses Lehrbuch führt in die zentralen Begriffe und Konzepte der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, der beschreibenden sowie der schließenden Statistik ein. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf einem intuitiven Verständnis der grundlegenden Konzepte, Zusammenhänge und Methoden. Trotzdem wird der Stoff mathematisch präzise präsentiert. Innerhalb jedes Kapitels finden Sie verschiedene didaktische Elemente, die Ihnen den Zugang und das Verständnis, aber auch die Orientierung deutlich erleichtern:Kurzübersicht der wichtigsten Begriffe am KapitelanfangAnschauliche Erklärungen und BeispieleZentrale Sachverhalte und DefinitionenWarnungen vor häufigen MissverständnissenSeparate Textabschnitte zur IntuitionGrafische oder tabellarische Übersichten am KapitelendeAm Ende der meisten Abschnitte finden Sie kurze Lernkontrollen – hier können Sie Ihr Wissen überprüfen, indem Sie verschiedene Aussagen als wahr oder falsch einordnen. Die Lösungen finden Sie im Anhang, je nach Schwierigkeitsgrad mit kurzem Lösungsweg. Am Ende der Kapitel finden Sie außerdem Verständnisfragen, die noch einmal die wichtigsten Inhalte abfragen und so Ihren Lernfortschritt zeigen.

WAIC and WBIC with Python Stan: 100 Exercises for Building Logic

by Joe Suzuki

Master the art of machine learning and data science by diving into the essence of mathematical logic with this comprehensive textbook. This book focuses on the widely applicable information criterion (WAIC), also described as the Watanabe-Akaike information criterion, and the widely applicable Bayesian information criterion (WBIC), also described as the Watanabe Bayesian information criterion. The book expertly guides you through relevant mathematical problems while also providing hands-on experience with programming in Python and Stan. Whether you’re a data scientist looking to refine your model selection process or a researcher who wants to explore the latest developments in Bayesian statistics, this accessible guide will give you a firm grasp of Watanabe Bayesian Theory.The key features of this indispensable book include:A clear and self-contained writing style, ensuring ease of understanding for readers at various levels of expertise.100 carefully selected exercises accompanied by solutions in the main text, enabling readers to effectively gauge their progress and comprehension.A comprehensive guide to Sumio Watanabe’s groundbreaking Bayes theory, demystifying a subject once considered too challenging even for seasoned statisticians.Detailed source programs and Stan codes that will enhance readers’ grasp of the mathematical concepts presented.A streamlined approach to algebraic geometry topics in Chapter 6, making Bayes theory more accessible and less daunting.Embark on your machine learning and data science journey with this essential textbook and unlock the full potential of WAIC and WBIC today!

WAIC and WBIC with R Stan: 100 Exercises for Building Logic

by Joe Suzuki

Master the art of machine learning and data science by diving into the essence of mathematical logic with this comprehensive textbook. This book focuses on the widely applicable information criterion (WAIC), also described as the Watanabe-Akaike information criterion, and the widely applicable Bayesian information criterion (WBIC), also described as the Watanabe Bayesian information criterion. This book expertly guides you through relevant mathematical problems while also providing hands-on experience with programming in R and Stan. Whether you’re a data scientist looking to refine your model selection process or a researcher who wants to explore the latest developments in Bayesian statistics, this accessible guide will give you a firm grasp of Watanabe Bayesian Theory.The key features of this indispensable book include:A clear and self-contained writing style, ensuring ease of understanding for readers at various levels of expertise.100 carefully selected exercises accompanied by solutions in the main text, enabling readers to effectively gauge their progress and comprehension.A comprehensive guide to Sumio Watanabe’s groundbreaking Bayes theory, demystifying a subject once considered too challenging even for seasoned statisticians.Detailed source programs and Stan codes that will enhance readers’ grasp of the mathematical concepts presented.A streamlined approach to algebraic geometry topics in Chapter 6, making Bayes theory more accessible and less daunting.Embark on your machine learning and data science journey with this essential textbook and unlock the full potential of WAIC and WBIC today!

WALCOM: 12th International Conference, WALCOM 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 3-5, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10755)

by M. Sohel Rahman Wing-Kin Sung Ryuhei Uehara

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Algorithms and Computation, WALCOM 2018, held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in March 2018.The 22 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 50 submissions. The papers cover diverse areas of algorithms and computation, such as approximation algorithms, computational geometry, combinatorial algorithms, computational biology, computational complexity, data structures, graph and network algorithms, and online algorithms.

WALCOM: 18th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation, WALCOM 2024, Kanazawa, Japan, March 18–20, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14549)

by Ryuhei Uehara Katsuhisa Yamanaka Hsu-Chun Yen

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation, WALCOM 2024, held in Kanazawa, Japan, during March 18–20, 2024. The 28 full papers presented in this book, together with two extended abstracts of invited talks, were carefully reviewed and selected from 80 submissions. They cover diverse areas of algorithms and computation, that is, approximation algorithms, algorithmic graph theory and combinatorics, combinatorial algorithms, combinatorial optimization, computational biology, combinatorial reconfiguration, computational complexity, computational geometry, discrete geometry, data structures, experimental algorithm methodologies, graph algorithms, graph drawing, parallel and distributed algorithms, parameterized algorithms, parameterized complexity, network optimization, online algorithms, randomized algorithms, and string algorithms.

Walking with Christiaan Huygens: From Archimedes' Influence to Unsung Contributions in Modern Science (History of Physics)

by Tijmen Jan Moser Enders Anthony Robinson

Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) left an indelible mark on the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, and geophysics. Despite his groundbreaking contributions, history has often overlooked his pivotal role. While two of the most famous achievements in physics are Newton’s theory of gravity and Einstein’s general theory of relativity, less well-known is that Huygens provided central elements to these theories. This book stands to correct that deficit. For example, we show how Huygens used symmetry arguments to derive conservation laws for momentum and for energy, and what Einstein later called the principle of equivalence to derive the formula for centrifugal force. In 1689, Huygens visited Newton. Together, they walked the streets of London. Newton had recently finished his masterpiece, Principia, expounding his laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation. Huygens had essentially completed his life’s work by then, building on Archimedes, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Descartes, Fermat, Pascal and his own ingenuity. He had established fame as an instrument maker (telescope, pendulum clock, planetarium). He had invented the 31 tone system. He had pioneered the first principles of remote sensing. He had discovered the rings of Saturn. He had formulated the wave theory of light. What would walking with Christiaan reveal? This book gives the result in nine chapters, namely: spontaneous order, the speed of light, Huygens’ principle, the telescope, the pendulum clock, Huygens-Fresnel principle, special relativity, centrifugal force, and curvature. In addition, there is a chapter titled What Huygens could have written on diffraction, and a chapter titled Huygens and Geophysics. Mentally walking with Christiaan, browsing his collected works — a true treasure trove for puzzle enthusiasts — and rethinking his ideas creates a vivid impression of scientific life in the 17th century, an appreciation that it is remarkably similar to ours, and an understanding of Huygens' significant and lasting contributions to science.

Walter Gautschi, Volume 1

by Claude Brezinski Ahmed Sameh

Walter Gautschi has written extensively on topics ranging from special functions, quadrature and orthogonal polynomials to difference and differential equations, software implementations, and the history of mathematics. He is world renowned for his pioneering work in numerical analysis and constructive orthogonal polynomials, including a definitive textbook in the former, and a monograph in the latter area.<P><P> This three-volume set, Walter Gautschi: Selected Works with Commentaries, is a compilation of Gautschi’s most influential papers and includes commentaries by leading experts. The work begins with a detailed biographical section and ends with a section commemorating Walter’s prematurely deceased twin brother. This title will appeal to graduate students and researchers in numerical analysis, as well as to historians of science.<P><P> Selected Works with Commentaries, Vol. 1<P> - Numerical Conditioning<P> - Special Functions<P> - Interpolation and Approximation<P> Selected Works with Commentaries, Vol. 2<P> - Orthogonal Polynomials on the Real Line<P> - Orthogonal Polynomials on the Semicircle<P> - Chebyshev Quadrature<P> - Kronrod and Other Quadratures<P> - Gauss-type Quadrature<P> Selected Works with Commentaries, Vol. 3<P> - Linear Difference Equations<P> - Ordinary Differential Equations<P> - Software<P> - History and Biography<P> - Miscellanea<P> - Works of Werner Gautschi<P>

Walter Gautschi, Volume 2

by Claude Brezinski Ahmed Sameh

Walter Gautschi has written extensively on topics ranging from special functions, quadrature and orthogonal polynomials to difference and differential equations, software implementations, and the history of mathematics. He is world renowned for his pioneering work in numerical analysis and constructive orthogonal polynomials, including a definitive textbook in the former, and a monograph in the latter area.<P><P> This three-volume set, Walter Gautschi: Selected Works with Commentaries, is a compilation of Gautschi’s most influential papers and includes commentaries by leading experts. The work begins with a detailed biographical section and ends with a section commemorating Walter’s prematurely deceased twin brother. This title will appeal to graduate students and researchers in numerical analysis, as well as to historians of science.<P><P> Selected Works with Commentaries, Vol. 1<P> - Numerical Conditioning<P> - Special Functions<P> - Interpolation and Approximation<P> Selected Works with Commentaries, Vol. 2<P> - Orthogonal Polynomials on the Real Line<P> - Orthogonal Polynomials on the Semicircle<P> - Chebyshev Quadrature<P> - Kronrod and Other Quadratures<P> - Gauss-type Quadrature<P> Selected Works with Commentaries, Vol. 3<P> - Linear Difference Equations<P> - Ordinary Differential Equations<P> - Software<P> - History and Biography<P> - Miscellanea<P> - Works of Werner Gautschi<P>

Walter Gautschi, Volume 3

by Claude Brezinski Ahmed Sameh

Walter Gautschi has written extensively on topics ranging from special functions, quadrature and orthogonal polynomials to difference and differential equations, software implementations, and the history of mathematics. He is world renowned for his pioneering work in numerical analysis and constructive orthogonal polynomials, including a definitive textbook in the former, and a monograph in the latter area. This three-volume set, Walter Gautschi: Selected Works with Commentaries, is a compilation of Gautschi’s most influential papers and includes commentaries by leading experts. The work begins with a detailed biographical section and ends with a section commemorating Walter’s prematurely deceased twin brother. This title will appeal to graduate students and researchers in numerical analysis, as well as to historians of science.<P><P> Selected Works with Commentaries, Vol. 1<P> - Numerical Conditioning<P> - Special Functions<P> - Interpolation and Approximation<P> Selected Works with Commentaries, Vol. 2<P> - Orthogonal Polynomials on the Real Line<P> - Orthogonal Polynomials on the Semicircle<P> - Chebyshev Quadrature<P> - Kronrod and Other Quadratures<P> - Gauss-type Quadrature<P> Selected Works with Commentaries, Vol. 3<P> - Linear Difference Equations<P> - Ordinary Differential Equations<P> - Software<P> - History and Biography<P> - Miscellanea<P> - Works of Werner Gautschi<P>

The Waltz of Reason: The Entanglement of Mathematics and Philosophy

by Karl Sigmund

"A mind-bending jaunt ... that makes clear in fascinating detail how math is more than a sum of its parts" (Publishers Weekly) &“Let no one ignorant of geometry enter here,&” Plato warned would-be philosophers. Mathematician Karl Sigmund agrees. In The Waltz of Reason, he shows how mathematics and philosophy together have shaped our understanding of space, chance, logic, cooperation, voting, and the social contract. Sigmund shows how game theory is integral to moral philosophy, how statistics shaped the meaning of reason, and how the search for a logical basis for math leads to deep questions about the nature of truth itself. But this is no dry tome: Sigmund&’s wit and humor shine as brightly as his erudition.The Waltz of Reason is an engrossing history of ideas as vibrant as a ballroom full of dancers, one that empowers as it entertains, following the complex and occasionally dizzying steps of the thinkers who have molded our thought and founded our world.

Wandering Towards a Goal: How Can Mindless Mathematical Laws Give Rise To Aims And Intention? (The Frontiers Collection)

by Anthony Aguirre Brendan Foster Zeeya Merali

This collection of prize-winning essays addresses the controversial question of how meaning and goals can emerge in a physical world governed by mathematical laws. What are the prerequisites for a system to have goals? What makes a physical process into a signal? Does eliminating the homunculus solve the problem? The three first-prize winners, Larissa Albantakis, Carlo Rovelli and Jochen Szangolies tackle exactly these challenges, while many other aspects (agency, the role of the observer, causality versus teleology, ghosts in the machine etc.) feature in the other award winning contributions. All contributions are accessible to non-specialists.These seventeen stimulating and often entertaining essays are enhanced versions of the prize-winning entries to the FQXi essay competition in 2017.The Foundational Questions Institute, FQXi, catalyzes, supports, and disseminates research on questions at the foundations of physics and cosmology, particularly new frontiers and innovative ideas integral to a deep understanding of reality, but unlikely to be supported by conventional funding sources.

War Games: A History of War on Paper

by Philipp Von Hilgers Ross Benjamin

For centuries, both mathematical and military thinkers have used game-like scenarios to test their visions of mastering a complex world through symbolic operations. By the end of World War I, mathematical and military discourse in Germany simultaneously discovered the game as a productive concept. Mathematics and military strategy converged in World War II when mathematicians designed fields of operation. In this book, Philipp von Hilgers examines the theory and practice of war games through history, from the medieval game boards, captured on parchment, to the paper map exercises of the Third Reich. Von Hilgers considers how and why war games came to exist: why mathematical and military thinkers created simulations of one of the most unpredictable human activities on earth. Von Hilgers begins with the medieval rythmomachia, or Battle of Numbers, then reconstructs the ideas about war and games in the baroque period. He investigates the role of George Leopold von Reiswitz's tactical war game in nineteenth-century Prussia and describes the artifact itself: a game board--topped table with drawers for game implements. He explains Clausewitz's emphasis on the "fog of war" and the accompanying element of incalculability, examines the contributions of such thinkers as Clausewitz, Leibniz, Wittgenstein, and von Neumann, and investigates the war games of the German military between the two World Wars. Baudrillard declared this to be the age of simulacra; war games stand contrariwise as simulations that have not been subsumed in absolute virtuality.

War, Humanitarian Crises, Population Displacement, and Fertility: A Review of Evidence

by Kenneth Hill

Includes statistical data.

War in Economic Theories over Time: Assessing the True Economic, Social and Political Costs (Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought)

by Renata Allio

This book offers the first systematic analysis of economic thought concerning war. It retraces debates on war from the formation of European states, the rise of Mercantilism, to Colonialism, Imperialism, the World Wars and the Cold War. Allio shows different economic perspectives from which it is possible to study war as a tool to achieve economic ends: causes, consequences, costs, funding methods, and effects on the economic status of the state and on the well-being of citizens. Examining interpretations from Smith, Hobson, Keynes, Kalecki, Stiglitz and many more, this important volume addresses the economic implications of war from the perspectives of many who bore the costs of wars in reality.

The War on Critical Race Theory: Or, The Remaking of Racism

by David Theo Goldberg

“Critical Race Theory” is consuming conservative America. The mounting attacks on a once-obscure legal theory are upending public schooling, legislating censorship, driving elections, and cleaving communities. In this much-needed response, renowned scholar David Theo Goldberg cuts to the heart of the claims expressed in these attacks. He punctures the demonization of Critical Race Theory, uncovering who is orchestrating it, funding the assault, and eagerly distributing the message. The book richly illustrates the enduring nature of structural racism, even as a conservative insistence on colorblindness serves to silence the possibility of doing anything about it. Crucially, Goldberg exposes the political aims and effects of the vitriolic attacks. The upshot of CRT’s targeting, he argues, has been to unleash racisms anew and to stymie any attempt to fight them, all with the aim of protecting white minority rule.

War Stories from the Drug Survey: How Culture, Politics, and Statistics Shaped the National Survey on Drug Use and Health

by Joseph Gfroerer

The primary data driver behind US drug policy is the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. This insider history traces the evolution of the survey and how the survey has interacted with the political and social climate of the country, from its origins during the Vietnam War to its role in the war on drugs. <P><P>The book includes first-hand accounts that explain how the data was used and misused by political leaders, why changes were made in the survey design, and what challenges researchers faced in communicating statistical principles to policymakers and leaders. It also makes recommendations for managing survey data collection and reporting in the context of political pressures and technological advances. <P><P>Survey research students and practitioners will learn practical lessons about questionnaire design, mode effects, sampling, nonresponse, weighting, editing, imputation, statistical significance, and confidentiality. The book also includes common-language explanations of key terms and processes to help data users understand the point of view of survey statisticians.

War, Violence, and Population

by James Tyner

Grounded in theory and research, this book offers a spatial perspective on how and why populations are regulated and disciplined by mass violence and why these questions matter for scholars concerned about social justice. James Tyner focuses on how states and other actors use acts of brutality to manage, administer, and control space for political and economic purposes. He shows how demographic analyses of fertility, mortality, and migration cannot be complete without taking war and genocide into account. Stark, in-depth case studies provide a powerful and provocative basis for retheorizing population geography.

Was für ein Zufall!: Über Unvorhersehbarkeit, Komplexität und das Wesen der Zeit

by Bernhard Weßling

Wie kommt der Zufall in unsere Welt? Und warum ist so vieles nicht vorhersehbar?Verständlich, spannend und amüsant erzählend entführt uns der Autor in die Welt der Chemie, Quantenphysik und Biologie. Die Astronomie und Philosophie streifend, werden wir Zeugen einer lohnenden Entdeckungsreise. Dabei entwickelt er auf der Basis der Naturgesetze eine vollkommen neue Sicht auf den Zufall. Hierbei spielt das allgegenwärtige Nicht-Gleichgewicht eine überaus entscheidende Rolle, weil es die komplexen Strukturen in unserer Welt erzeugt. Abschließend präsentiert er auf dieser Grundlage eine gleichermaßen einfache wie bestechende Hypothese zum Wesen der Zeit.Dieses Sachbuch gibt einen tiefen Einblick in die Faszination der Forschung, in die quälende Suche nach grundlegendem Verständnis und das Ringen um wissenschaftliche Erkenntnis.

Was geht mich die Physik an?: Physikalisch denken in Gesellschaft, Politik und Management.

by Reiner Kree

Politische Themen mit wissenschaftlichem Bezug werden medial immer präsenter. In Talkshows, Zeitungen und politischen Beratungsgremien finden oft Expertinnen und Experten mit Physikausbildung Gehör. Egal, ob es um Klimawandel, Finanzmarktcrashs, Pandemiepolitik oder erneuerbare Energien geht: wir müssen den Aussagen dieser Expertinnen und Experten blind vertrauen, wenn wir selbst kein Fachwissen besitzen. In diesem Buch werden physikalische Grundlagen hinter gesellschaftlich relevanten Themen auf eine allgemeinverständliche Weise erklärt. Dabei geht es vor allem darum, die für die Physik typischen Denkweisen klar zu machen. Auf welchen Grundlagen (Mechanik, Elektrodynamik, Quantentheorie, Feldtheorien, Relativitätstheorien, Statistische Physik) beruhen eigentlich physikalische Aussagen? Wie sind diese Grundlagen entstanden? Wie erstellt man in der Physik Modelle zur Beschreibung komplexer Themen? Was ist „Wahrheit" in Wissenschaften? Wie ist das Verhältnis von Modellen zur Wirklichkeit? Beim Beantworten dieser und vieler weiterer Fragen hat der Autor darauf geachtet, nur Mathematik vorauszusetzen, die das Niveau der Mittelstufe nicht überschreitet. Der vorliegende Band richtet sich an alle, die für Entscheidungen und Urteile ein einfaches aber solides Verständnis des physikalischen Denkens suchen: sei es im Alltag, in Unternehmen oder in der Politik.

The Washington State Census Board and Its Demographic Legacy

by David A. Swanson

This book tells the story of how a group of far-sighted, academic researchers came to the aid of an overwhelmed local government. It details the history of the Washington State Census Board, which began in 1943 as part of an emergency measure during a massive wartime in-migration. The narrative also shows the demographic legacy of the Board and, ultimately, provides an unforgettable look into the creation and evolution of applied demography. Inside, readers will discover how Washington State struggled to keep up with the unexpected needs for housing, transportation, schools, and public utilities for the hundreds of thousands of migrants who came to work in industries that practically developed overnight with the mobilization for World War II. The author recounts how Professor Calvin F. Schmid, who led the Washington State Census Board, and his team developed methods of population estimation that are still in use today. In the process, the narrative reveals how population figures were gathered, compared, and projected at a time when the hand calculator was considered cutting-edge technology. The book also details how methods were refined and improved over time as well as how those involved developed new ways to obtain and, more importantly, utilize the information. With the aid of archived materials, personal interviews, and rich personal accounts, this book will inform and inspir e practicing and academic demographers as well as planners, policy-makers, historians, and interested readers.

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