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Normal at Any Cost

by Susan Cohen Christine Cosgrove

A fascinating story of medical experimentation, parental love, and the extreme measures taken to make children fit within ?the norm.? Most people rarely think about their height beyond a little wishing and hoping. But for the parents of children who are ridiculed by their peers for being extraordinarily tall or extraordinarily short, height can cause great anguish. For decades, the medical establishment has responded to these worries by prescribing controversial treatments and therapies for children who fall outside of the ?normal? height range. While some have benefited, many have suffered from devastating side effects. In this riveting book, Susan Cohen and Christine Cosgrove provide a voice for the parents, doctors, scientists, and pharmaceutical companies involved in these experimental treatments. They also tell the story of the boys and girls themselves, many of them now grown, who were subjected to a wide range of non-FDA-approved medical procedures. These treatments? which consisted of extreme doses of estrogen, pituitary glands taken from both animals and human cadavers, and testosterone injections?often had disastrous side effects. Who is to say how tall is too tall, and how short is too short? For many of the individuals represented in this book, the answers have been clear?and they are grateful to the medical industry for improving upon nature. For others, left in the wake of this same science, the answers are fueled by tragic regret. The authors explore the dueling motives behind these procedures? with parents desperate to help their children ?fit in? and doctors and scientists hungry for scientific breakthroughs. Combining extensive research and in-depth interviews, Normal at Any Cost is the first book to place a human face on this complex and ethically charged medical history.

Normal Cell Morphology in Canine and Feline Cytology: An Identification Guide

by Lorenzo Ressel

A concise and practical visual guide to normal cell identification for all those dealing with cytology in the dog and cat. Normal Cell Morphology in Canine and Feline Cytology: An Identification Guide takes a uniquely visual approach to normal cell identification in dogs and cats. Single-page presentations offer vivid snapshots of particular cell types, with high quality microphotographs matched with annotated schematic diagrams and accompanying explanatory text. Providing a vital understanding of what normal cells look like, this text is ideal for all those in small animal veterinary practice examining cytology samples. The book begins with a concise, yet comprehensive introduction to the principles of morphological identification, followed by a description of the distribution of cells and where different cell types can be sampled from in the various tissues and organs. The main part of the book is devoted to describing each cell type and its characteristics. Cytoarchitectures, observed non-cellular material and general pathological changes are also described. Offers a unique alphabetically organised visual guide to each cell type, covering cells from every type of organ and system Features an abundance of full-colour microphotographs accompanied by beautifully rendered schematic diagrams, making cell identification quick and easy Includes a visual index for ultimate ease of navigation at the microscope Normal Cell Morphology in Canine and Feline Cytology is a must-have text for veterinary students and an indispensable bench manual for small animal veterinary practitioners.

Normal Cytology: An Illustrated, Practical Guide

by Madelyn Lew Judy Pang Liron Pantanowitz

In the practice of cytopathology, cytologists frequently encounter a spectrum of benign, normal cells in samples. In fact, these normal cells frequently comprise the greatest proportion of material present on a cytology slide. This is frequently the case in Pap smears of the uterine cervix , urine samples, and lung samples such as bronchial brushings. Normal cytology can often mimic pathology leading to misdiagnoses, especially in cases with reactive and metaplastic changes. Moreover, cytopathology findings of certain neoplasms can also mimic normal cytology.Today, cytology laboratories are no longer confined to dealing with just exfoliative specimens and superficial aspirations. With interventional radiology as well as endobronchial and endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirations (FNA), we increasingly encounter visceral samples. Hence, cytologists are even likely to encounter normal elements from deep-seated organs. Sometimes, unexpected normal elements may be found within cytology specimens because a FNA procedure has contamination or inadvertently sampled a nearby organ or normal anatomical structure. A typical example is the finding of ganglion cells when a FNA is performed targeting a celiac node for cancer staging (Elgarby EA et al. Frequency and characterization of celiac ganglia diagnosed on fine-needle aspiration. Cytojournal. 2015; 12:4). Despite the importance of knowing the spectrum of normal cytology, there are limited reference materials available on this topic for cytologists. Most cytopathology texts deal with abnormal cytology. Often, the chapters in these books only devote a few sentences about normal cytology (euplasia). Our proposed book intends to fulfil this need. The book will contain a mixture of text and images (atlas). Important aspects related to cytology practice will be highlighted such as clinical relevance, differential diagnoses, mimics and pitfalls. The images will include a variety of cytology specimen preparations (e.g. direct smears, liquid based samples, touch preparations, cell blocks) and stains (e.g. Diff Quik/MGG, Papanicolaou, H&E). In selected cases, the expected immunoprofile of normal cells will be addressed. Each chapter will also include a modest list of helpful and contemporary references.

Normal Development of Voice

by Mette Pedersen

This fully revised and extended second edition provides a comprehensive, most up-to-date overview of the investigation of quantitative measurement in the complex of voice. Important objective parameters of normal voice development are assessed, especially relevant when pathological deviations have to be recognized and defined. The description of different qualities of normal voice development in terms of measurable parameters is provided. The book highlights the hormonal changes that have a considerable influence on the physical development of boys and girls, and how it is possible to predict the voice transition statistically. The extent to which hormones affect voice development in the two genders are made clear in this work through the observation of a number of parameters. In this second edition, the focus is extended to include High-Speed Video images and further discussion. Possible interesting topics for further research are also emphasized. This book will be a valuable resource for laryngologists, phoniatricians, and teachers in their daily work.This is an open access book.

Normal Midwifery Practice (Transforming Midwifery Practice Series)

by Sam Chenery-Morris Moira Mclean

For new students the language and concepts of midwifery care can at first be daunting. This book helps students to understand the expectations of midwifery training in relation to normal midwifery practice. It covers the basics of midwifery care including professional practice, frameworks informing midwifery care, key concepts and philosophies of care, communication and care skills, antenatal care, normal labour and birth, postnatal care, neonatal care and breastfeeding, as well as a brief introduction to medicines management in normal midwifery care. The book is designed to work alongside first taught modules in midwifery, and underpin training in subsequent years.

Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Treatment and Outcome

by Ondrej Bradac

This book provides a detailed practically focused guide on the latest diagnostic and treatment techniques available for normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). Chapters in this work cover the latest developments related to this condition. It introduces how to use a range of diagnostic modalities including magnetic resonance scanning along with how artificial intelligence and machine learning methodologies can be applied. Cases are presented to reinforce how the methods covered can be appropriately applied and guiding principles are also given to assist the reader in developing a thorough understanding of the topic. Potential complications and means of mitigating these are also described. Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus is a detailed practically applicable resource on NPH with insightful contributions covering relevant aspects of pathophysiology, diagnostic modalities and treatment strategies, making it an ideal resource for all medical practitioners who encounter these patients.

Normal Ultrasound Anatomy of the Musculoskeletal System

by Alessandro Muda Enzo Silvestri Luca Maria Sconfienza

The book provides a comprehensive description of the ultrasound anatomy of the musculoskeletal system and clear guidance on the technique. Ultrasound images are coupled with anatomic pictures explaining probe positioning and scanning technique for the various joints of the musculoskeletal system: shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist, hip, knee, foot, and ankle. For each joint there is also a brief explanation of normal anatomy as well as a list of tricks and tips and advice on how to perform the ultrasound scan in clinical practice. This book will be an excellent practical teaching guide for beginners and a useful reference for more experienced sonographers.

Normalisation: A Reader

by Hilary Brown and Helen Smith

Normalisation, the theoretical framework that underpins the movement of services for people with disabilities from long stay hospitals, has recently become the focus of much academic and professional attention. As the community care debate has moved into the public arena, it has attracted a certain amount of criticism, acknowledging the political and philosophical conflicts that surround it. Normalisation: A Reader for the Nineties provides a much needed, informed appraisal of this controversial practice and combines various perspectives on the subject, including applied behavioural analysis, social policy and psychodynamic approaches. Thus it explores the discrepancies between the ideal and the reality and extends the debate by drawing comparisons, with other political and social ideologies.

Normality: A Critical Genealogy

by Peter Cryle Elizabeth Stephens

The concept of normal is so familiar that it can be hard to imagine contemporary life without it. Yet the term entered everyday speech only in the mid-twentieth century. Before that, it was solely a scientific term used primarily in medicine to refer to a general state of health and the orderly function of organs. But beginning in the middle of the twentieth century, normal broke out of scientific usage, becoming less precise and coming to mean a balanced condition to be maintained and an ideal to be achieved. In Normality, Peter Cryle and Elizabeth Stephens offer an intellectual and cultural history of what it means to be normal. They explore the history of how communities settle on any one definition of the norm, along the way analyzing a fascinating series of case studies in fields as remote as anatomy, statistics, criminal anthropology, sociology, and eugenics. Cryle and Stephens argue that since the idea of normality is so central to contemporary disability, gender, race, and sexuality studies, scholars in these fields must first have a better understanding of the context for normality. This pioneering book moves beyond binaries to explore for the first time what it does—and doesn’t—mean to be normal.

The Normalization of the HIV and AIDS Epidemic in South Africa (Routledge Studies in Health in Africa)

by Katinka de Wet

This book explores the normalization of HIV and AIDS, reflecting upon the intended and unintended consequences of the multifarious "AIDS industry." The Normalization of the HIV and AIDS Epidemic in South Africa deals with the manner in which the HIV and AIDS epidemic has become such a well-known disease with such wide-ranging ramifications. With its focus on the "AIDS industry," this book examines issues such as the framing of the HIV and AIDS epidemic in a manner that greatly fostered notions of stigmatization and moralization. This book looks at the complexities of dealing with the epidemic in contemporary South Africa, examining the difficulties of addressing the social aspects of a disease in the context of increased focus on technological quick-fix solutions. De Wet explores these issues thoroughly, looking at the social determinants of the spread of the disease as well as the configuration and the nature of the responses to it, and their increasing marginalization as factors to address in an era of increased biomedicalization and concomitant normalization. This book will intrigue scholars and students of public health, global health care, medical sociology, and African Studies.

Las normas de César Millán

by Melissa Jo Peltier César Millán

¿Estás desesperado porque te sientes incapaz de adiestrar a tu perro sin ayuda? ¿O a pesar de que has cuidado su educación se muestra agresivo, frustrado, tiene algún tipo de obsesión o ha desarrollado algún miedo o fobia? Si te gusta El encantador de perros, te has convertido en El líder de la manada, si has aprendido a integrar a tu perro como Uno más de la familia y has resuelto la incógnita de ¿Cómo criar al perro perfecto?, estás de enhorabuena porque ahora tienes la esencia del método de César Millán en un decálogo de normas que te ayudarán a descubrir que el adiestramiento no es sólo una cuestión de obediencia, sino que es más bien una cuestión de equilibrio, de respeto y de armonía con tu mascota. Acompañado de las enseñanzas de grandes profesionales del mundo del adiestramiento canino, César Millán, que lleva vendidos más de un millón de ejemplares de sus anteriores obras, nos ofreceen Las normas de César Millán un libro ameno y sencillo, lleno de consejos prácticos y cuadros de ejercicios paso a paso, en el que nos cuenta por un lado cómo llegó a ser el encantador de perros más famoso de América y por otro nos muestra cuáles son las bases necesarias para conseguir que nuestro perro no sólo nos obedezca sin más sino que nos acompañe con serenidad a lo largo nuestra vida diaria. Gracias a este libro aprenderás:- las bases del adiestramiento- las recompensas y los castigos- el respeto por el instinto- las normas de César para adiestrar a perros y educar a personas- el valor de los pequeños logros en la educación de tu perro- el respeto hacia tu mascota- la importancia del equilibrio

Normenwandel in der alternden Gesellschaft (Schriften zu Gesundheit und Gesellschaft - Studies on Health and Society #7)

by Peter Bröckerhoff Roman Kaspar Sylvia Hansen Christiane Woopen

Unsere Gesellschaft wird nicht zuletzt dank anhaltendem Wohlstand und medizinisch-technischem Fortschritt immer älter. In den letzten hundert Jahren ist die durchschnittliche Lebenserwartung um mehr als 30 Jahre gestiegen. In einer Gesellschaft des immer längeren Lebens verändern sich Vorstellungen von Gesundheit und Krankheit, Solidarität und Gerechtigkeit. Dieser Sammelband betrachtet aktuelle Fragestellungen hierzu: Wie können wir die Gesundheit der Menschen fördern und bis ins hohe Alter hinein bewahren? Wie können Freiheit und Selbstbestimmung des Einzelnen gewahrt werden? Welche Werte sollen die Gestaltung des Gesundheitswesens leiten? Und wie kann es gelingen, für alle eine gute Pflege im Alter sicherzustellen? Im Rahmen des vorliegenden Tagungsbandes gehen Expertinnen und Experten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis diesen Fragen nach und präsentieren Debatten, Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse zur Thematik des längeren Lebens in einer alternden Gesellschaft.


by Nada M. Melhem

This book addresses the molecular biology of noroviruses (NoVs), pathogenesis, viral diversity and its impact on selective pressure, host susceptibility and outbreaks, clinical diagnosis, and the latest advances in the management and treatment of disease caused by NoVs. It offers a detailed analysis of our current understanding of the innate and the adaptive immune responses stimulated by NoVs, and discusses the complexity of the ongoing vaccine development and the urgent need for specific immune correlates of protection to advance the field. This is the first book on noroviruses. Written by leading specialists, it is essential reading for virologists and immunologists.

The North American Guide to Common Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms

by Nancy J. Turner Patrick Von Aderkas

If people knew how many poisonous plants are commonly found in homes and gardens, they'd be shocked. Plants as common as monkshood, castorbean, and oleander are not just dangerous, they're deadly.The North American Guide to Common Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms is a comprehensive, easy-to-use handbook. The book is split into four main categories: mushrooms, wild plants, ornamental and crop plants, and houseplants. Each plant entry includes a clear photograph to aid the task of identification, a description of the plant, notes on where they commonly occur, and a description of their toxic properties. Plants are listed by common name to assist the non-specialist.

North Carolina and the Problem of AIDS

by Stephen J. Inrig

Thirty years after AIDS was first recognized, the American South constitutes the epicenter of the United States' epidemic. Southern states claim the highest rates of new infections, the most AIDS-related deaths, and the largest number of adults and adolescents living with the virus. Moreover, the epidemic disproportionately affects African American communities across the region. Using the history of HIV in North Carolina as a case study, Stephen Inrig examines the rise of AIDS in the South in the period from the early spread and discovery of the disease through the late nineties.Drawing on epidemiological, archival, and oral history sources, Inrig probes the social determinants of health that put poor, rural, and minority communities at greater risk of HIV infection in the American South. He also examines the difficulties that health workers and AIDS organizations faced in reaching those communities, especially in the early years of the epidemic. His analysis provides an important counterweight to most accounts of the early history of the disease, which focus on urban areas and the spread of AIDS in the gay community. As one of the first historical studies of AIDS in a southern state, North Carolina and the Problem of AIDS provides powerful insight into the forces and factors that have made AIDS such an intractable health problem in the American South and the greater United States.

Northampton State Hospital

by J. Michael Moore Anna Schuleit Haber

Northampton State Hospital, established in 1856, was built with the optimistic spirit of humanitarian reform. For many years, it was run by Dr. Pliny Earle, a champion of treatment that combined individualized care with manual labor, religious worship, recreation, and amusement. This vision was overwhelmed as the hospital was called upon to care for ever-larger numbers of people with varying needs. By the mid-20th century, the hospital was an isolated small "city," with hundreds of employees caring for more than 2,000 patients in overcrowded and inadequate conditions. It became a nationally important center of political and legal struggle over the role of state hospitals in the care of the mentally ill. After being gradually phased out, the hospital was closed in 1993, and the buildings, though listed in the National Register of Historic Places, were demolished in 2006. This volume brings to life the 135-year story of Northampton State Hospital through beautiful and haunting photographs drawn from the collections of Historic Northampton, the city's local history museum.

Northern Exposure: COVID-19 and Regional Inequalities in Health and Wealth

by Clare Bambra Luke Munford Sam Khavandi Natalie Bennett

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Whilst the COVID-19 pandemic affected all parts of the country, it did not do so equally. Northern England was hit the hardest, exposing more than ever the extent of regional inequalities in health and wealth. Using original data analysis from a wide range of sources, this book demonstrates how COVID-19 has impacted the country unequally in terms of mortality, health care, mental health, and the economy. The book provides a striking empirical overview of the impact of the pandemic on regional inequalities and explores why the North fared worse. It sets out what needs to be learnt from the pandemic to prevent regional inequality growing and to reduce inequalities in health and wealth in the future.

Nortin Hadler's 4-Volume Healthcare Omnibus E-Book

by Nortin M. Hadler

This four-volume Omnibus E-Book is a collection of Nortin Hadler's definitive works on the state of healthcare in America today. The set includes:Worried Sick: A Prescription for Health in an Overtreated America, Hadler's best-seller that shows consumers how to distinguish good medical advice from persuasive medical marketing, make better decisions about their personal health, and use that wisdom to inform their perspectives on health-policy issues. This Omnibus includes the new preface by the author and a new foreword by Shannon Brownlee and Jeanne Lenzer;Stabbed in the Back: Confronting Back Pain in an Overtreated Society, takes the "Hadlerian" approach to backaches and the backache treatment industry, arguing that regional back pain is overly medicalized by doctors, surgeons, and alternative therapists and that the design of workers' compensation, disability insurance, and other "health" schemes actually thwarts getting well; andRethinking Aging: Growing Old and Living Well in an Overtreated Society, in which Hadler offers a doctor's perspective on the medical literature as well as his long clinical experience to help readers assess their health-care options and make informed medical choices in the last decades of life.And, in Dr. Hadler's newest, The Citizen Patient: Reforming Health Care for the Sake of the Patient, Not the System, he urges American health-care consumers to take time to understand the existing system and to visualize what the outcome of successful reform might look like. Central to this vision is a shared understanding of the primacy of the relationship between doctor and patient. Hadler shows us that a new approach is necessary if we hope to improve the health of the populace. Rational health care, he argues, is far less expensive than the irrationality of the status quo.This invaluable set -- collected here for the first time in a 4-volume Omnibus E-Book, is a must have for anyone interested in navigating the complex issues surrounding their healthcare, and improving their well-being as they age.

Norwich State Hospital (Images of America)

by Christine M. Rockledge Steve DePolito


Nosokomiale Pneumonie

by Santiago Ewig

Dieses Buch bietet differenzierte Diagnostik und Therapie – was, wann, warum - zur sofortigen sicheren Anwendung entsprechend der neuesten Studien und Leitlinien aller wichtigen deutschen, europäischen und amerikanischen Fachgesellschaften. Zudem umfasst es die Darstellung der aktuellen Hygienekonzepte zur Prävention, die angesichts der Verbreitung multiresistenter Erreger immer wichtiger erscheinen. Grundlagen· Geschichte· Epidemiologie, HAP und VAP· Pathologie· Pathophysiologie und Pathogenese· Mikrobiologie: Methoden und wichtigste Erreger· Mikrobielle Resistenzen(Differential-)Diagnostik, Prognose· Klinische Symptomatik und Untersuchungsbefunde· Radiologische Bildgebung· Labordiagnostik· Mikrobiologische Diagnostik· RisikobeurteilungTherapie · Grundlagen der antimikrobiellen Therapie· Kalkulierte und gezielte antimikrobielle Therapie· Adjunktive Maßnahmen Komplikationen· Therapieversagen· RezidiveVentilator-assoziierte Tracheobronchitis (VAT)Besonderheiten definierter Populationen· Postoperativ· Nach thoraxchirurgischen Eingriffen· Nach herzchirurgischen Eingriffen· Trauma· NeurologieLeitlinien· Entwicklung· Übereinstimmungen und UnterschiedePrävention· Surveillance · Gesicherte Präventionsstrategien und - maßnahmen

Nosotras, enfermeras: Historias de unos días que nos cambiaron para siempre

by Enfermera Saturada

El testimonio de cómo las enfermeras vivimos los días en que un virus paralizó el mundo en poco más de tres meses y sumió a España en la peor pandemia del siglo XXI. Esta es la historia de una enfermera que luchó contra el coronavirus en primera línea, armada con una bolsa de basura y una mascarilla reutilizada. Pero, en realidad, es también la de todos los enfermeros y las enfermeras que plantaron cara al virus, esos a los que la sociedad llamó héroes, y por quienes aplaudía a las ocho, mientras ellos y ellas vivían con el miedo pegado a su espalda. Es el testimonio de sus lágrimas, temores y sacrificios, y a la vez de la inmensa felicidad que sentían cada vez que apagaban un respirador y entregaban el alta a un paciente. «El primer paciente que atendí con la COVID-19 fue el 5 de marzo de 2020. Creo que esta será una de las fechas que recordaré toda la vida. Hasta ese día, hasta el mismo instante en que tienes frente a ti a una persona contagiada con el virus que está causando tantos estragos, mis compañeras y yo seguíamos pensando que no nos tocaría. Supongo que una, como mecanismo de defensa, tiende a negar la realidad hasta que la tiene a dos metros de distancia y con un informe del laboratorio con la palabra POSITIVO escrita en mayúsculas. A pesar de todo, y aunque los casos en Italia se contaban ya por miles, seguíamos aferrándonos al hecho de que ese día en nuestro país los confirmados apenas superaban los doscientos y en las plantas de mi hospital los casos no llegaban ni a media docena. No podíamos ni imaginar que acabaríamos ingresando, únicamente en nuestra unidad, a más de trescientos pacientes en solo dos meses. Que en toda España habría más de doscientos cincuenta mil casos confirmados, que en apenas tres meses más de cincuenta mil compañeros y compañeras se contagiarían o que nos dejarían para siempre más de veintiocho mil personas según los datos oficiales. Con este libro pretendo plasmar, de la forma más fiel posible a la realidad, todas las historias acontecidas durante estos meses para que, a pesar del paso de los años, no se pierdan en el olvido, se reescriban o se desdibujen. Así, quienes no lo han vivido tan de cerca, podrán ser más conscientes de lo que sucedió.» «La crónica de un enorme esfuerzo profesional, escrita desde la solidaridad y la angustia. Leerlo es un acto de gratitud». PEPA FERNÁNDEZ.RNE

The Nostalgia Factory: Memory, Time and Aging

by Douwe Draaisma

&“An entertaining discussion&” of the role memory plays in our lives as we age, including an interview with Oliver Sacks (Times Higher Education Supplement). When we can&’t call to mind the name of someone we&’ve known for years, or walk into a room and forget what we came for, we start worrying. Are these lapses just &“senior moments,&” or something serious like dementia? In this book, a renowned specialist explores the topic of memory in later life—not only the problems but the surprisingly unexpected pleasures it can offer, such as the &“reminiscence effect.&” Avoiding jargon, Douwe Draaisma explains neurological phenomena and also includes a long interview with Oliver Sacks, who speaks of his own memory changes as he entered his sixties. Draaisma moves smoothly from anecdote to research and back, weaving stories and science into a compelling description of the terrain of memory and forgetfulness, dismantling myths and helping us to value the abilities of the aging mind. &“For readers, the most welcome aspect of this book may be his heartening examples of the wisdom that comes with old age.&”—The Washington Post &“He engages with topics of considerable social and psychological importance…his use of varied sources is refreshing.&”—Times Higher Education Supplement

Not Eating Enough: Overcoming Underconsumption of Military Operational Rations

by Committee on Military Nutrition Research

Eating enough food to meet nutritional needs and maintain good health and good performance in all aspects of life--both at home and on the job--is important for all of us throughout our lives. For military personnel, however, this presents a special challenge. Although soldiers typically have a number of options for eating when stationed on a base, in the field during missions their meals come in the form of operational rations. Unfortunately, military personnel in training and field operations often do not eat their rations in the amounts needed to ensure that they meet their energy and nutrient requirements and consequently lose weight and potentially risk loss of effectiveness both in physical and cognitive performance. This book contains 20 chapters by military and nonmilitary scientists from such fields as food science, food marketing and engineering, nutrition, physiology, psychology, and various medical specialties. Although described within a context of military tasks, the committee's conclusions and recommendations have wide-reaching implications for people who find that job-related stress changes their eating habits.

Not Even Wrong: A Father's Journey Into the Lost History of Autism

by Paul Collins

In Not Even Wrong, Paul Collins melds a memoir of his son's autism with a journey into this realm of permanent outsiders. Examining forgotten geniuses and obscure medical archives, and beginning to see why he himself has spent a lifetime researching talented eccentrics, Collins shows how these stories are relevant and even necessary to shed light on autism.

Not Forgetting The Whale: The International Bestseller

by John Ironmonger

THE STORY OF A MAN WHO HAD GIVEN UP HOPE......AND THE VILLAGE THAT GAVE IT BACK TO HIM 'Forget everything you know about apocalypses: this novel, set in Cornwall, will restore your faith in humanity' Elle UK'A gentle and uplifting tale of warding off apocalypse in a remote corner of Cornwall' Financial Times'As the front pages crowd with headlines that grow ever more grim, Not Forgetting the Whale offers a very welcome alternative' IndependentWhen a young City trader, Joe, washes up on the sands of St Piran in Cornwall, warning of a deadly pandemic virus and a financial apocalypse, he is rescued by the villagers, and given a home. From the retired village doctor and the beachcomber, to the priest's wife and the flamboyant romantic novelist, they take this lost soul into their midst. The village, Joe tells them, must store up food, and isolate themselves to stay safe. But are Joe's fears unfounded? Why has Joe fled the city for St Piran? And what of the whale that lurks in the bay?Intimate, funny and heart-warming, Not Forgetting the Whale is a story about a community reacting to a deadly threat, about the best and worst in our nature - and the search for a place to call home(p) 2015 Orion Publishing Group

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