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Invisible Wounds of War: Summary and Recommendations for Addressing Psychological and Cognitive Injuries

by Terri Tanielian Lisa H. Jaycox Grant N. Marshall M. Audrey Burnam Terry L. Schell

Summarizes key findings and recommendations from Invisible Wounds of War: Psychological and Cognitive Injuries, Their Consequences, and Services to Assist Recovery (Tanielian and Jaycox [Eds.], MG-720-CCF, 2008), a comprehensive study of the post-deployment health-related needs associated with post-traumatic stress disorder, major depression, and traumatic brain injury among veterans of Operations Enduring Freedom/Iraqi Freedom.

Io, Sergente

by Cristina Ventrella Nick Thacker

Il mio nome è Renfro. Sergente Renfro o solo Sergente. Sì, Sergente è il mio nome di battesimo e si dà il caso che sia anche il mio grado. Sono nato dentro alla guerra e come conseguenza di essa, ma questa è un'altra storia. Il mio particolare interesse per l'arte militare ha rasentato lo zero per gran parte della mia vita, ma come tutti quelli della mia generazione, siamo stati trascinati sul campo.

Iodotrifluoromethane: Toxicity Review

by Subcommittee on Iodotrifluoromethane

The U.S. military is considering using a compound called iodotrifluoromethane (CF3I) for fire suppression to replace previously-used compounds (halons) that are being phased out because they deplete the ozone layer. This report reviews available toxicological data on CF3I and evaluates the scientific basis of the U.S. Army's proposed exposure limit of 2,000 parts per million (ppm). The report recommends that CF3I be used for fire suppression in normally unoccupied spaces because of its potential to cause cardiac sensitization in test animals. The report also recommends that further genotoxicity testing be conducted (testing for changes in genetic material), and that CF3I be assessed for its potential to cause cancer. Should the Army decide to use CF3I, information should be collected and evaluated on how much of the chemical or any of its degradation products might be released and how often.

Iowa Class Battleships

by Lester Abbey

The 'ShipCraft' series provides in-depth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Lavishly illustrated, each book takes the modeller through a brief history of the subject class, highlighting differences between sister-ships and changes in their appearance over their careers. This includes paint schemes and camouflage, featuring colour profiles and highly-detailed line drawings and scale plans. The modelling section reviews the strengths and weaknesses of available kits, lists commercial accessory sets for super-detailing of the ships, and provides hints on modifying and improving the basic kit. This is followed by an extensive photographic gallery of selected high-quality models in a variety of scales, and the book concludes with a section on research references books, monographs, large-scale plans and relevant websites.The Iowa class were the largest, fastest and most modern US battleships of the war, and the formal surrender of Japan was signed on the deck of one of them, USS Missouri. Modernised post-war, they served in Korea, Vietnam and as late as the first Gulf War. They are among the most popular subjects of all for model kits.

Ipswich in the Great War (Your Towns & Cities in the Great War)

by Rachel Field

How did children in Ipswich help the war effort? Who was imprisoned in Ipswich for opposing the war? Where in the town was there thought to be a German military control centre?In this thoroughly researched and highly readable study of the Ipswich Home F

The IRA, 1968-2000: An Analysis of a Secret Army (Political Violence #Vol. 7)

by J. Bowyer Bell

Based on thousands of interviews over 35 years with the leaders and members of the Republican movement and the IRA itself, as well as the Irish, British and Americans involved in the Troubles, the focus of this study is on the workings of an organization involved in armed struggle.

Ira del vengador: Warthog in Afghanistan

by Steve Stone

Avenger Wrath es la historia de un Hog Driver y su viaje durante la guerra en Afganistán, que opera desde la base aérea de Bagram con la hermosa, aunque mortal, cadena montañosa afgana como telón de fondo. El A-10 vio un uso casi constante en Afganistán, demostrando una vez más, como una plataforma de armas formidable y capaz. Esta versión revisada y actualizada del libro se ha vuelto más conmovedora ya que el F-35 tiene la oportunidad de demostrar que puede asumir el papel del A-10. El A-10 permanecerá en servicio hasta al menos 2022, con extensión de vida, quizás hasta 2040. Equipado con el GAU-8 Avenger, se descubrió que un cañón de 30 mm, diseñado para atravesar la armadura del tanque, era tan bueno para atravesar las gruesas paredes de barro de los complejos en los que los talibanes a menudo se refugiaban para montar emboscadas a las tropas de la coalición. Tiene una capacidad de supervivencia como ninguna otra aeronave actualmente en funcionamiento y ha llevado a su piloto de regreso a un estado que habría causado que otras aeronaves se hayan estrellado. Siga esta historia de alto octanaje basada en operaciones reales y obtenga una visión emocionante de un avión increíble.

A Ira do Javali

by Steve Stone

A Ira do Javali é uma coletânea de histórias de um piloto de A-10 Warthog (Javali) em ação durante a Guerra no Afeganistão, operando a partir da Base Aérea de Bagram Airbase com a bela Cordilheira Afegã como pano de fundo. O A-10 está em atividade constante no Afeganistão, provando-se como uma plataforma extremamente eficiente. Esta versão revista e atualizada do livro tornou-se mais interessante agora que o F-35 tem a chance de assumir o papel desempenhado pelo A-10. O A-10 deve ficar em serviço até, pelo menos 2022 - com uma possível extensão até 2040. Equipado com o GAU-8 Avenger, um canhão de 30 mm, seus disparos atravessam facilmente as blindagens e as grossas paredes de lama tão tradicionais no Afeganistão em redutos de onde os insurgentes talebans lançam emboscadas contra as tropas da coalizão.O Warthog tem capacidade de sobrevivência muito acima da média, absorvendo danos de combate e possibilitando o retorno do piloto em segurança. As histórias contidas no livro são baseadas em operações reais e dão ao leitor a possibilidade de sentir um pouco da emoção de pilotar um A-10.

Ira Hayes: The Akimel O'odham Warrior, World War II, and the Price of Heroism

by Tom Holm

The gripping, forgotten tale of Ira Hayes—a Native American icon and World War II legend who famously helped raise the flag at Iwo Jima but spent the latter half of his life haunted by being a war hero. IRA HAYES tells the story of Ira Hamilton Hayes from the perspective of a Native American combat veteran of the Vietnam generation. Hayes, along with five other Marines, was captured in Joe Rosenthal&’s iconic photograph of raising the stars and stripes on Mount Suribachi during the battle for the Japanese Island of Iwo Jima. The photograph was the inspiration and model for the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington. Between the time he helped raise that flag and his death—and beyond—he was the subject of more newspaper columns than any other Native person. He was hailed as a hero and maligned as a chronic alcoholic unable to take care of himself. IRA HAYES explores these fluctuating views of Ira Hayes. It reveals that they were primarily the product of American misconceptions about Native people, the nature of combat, and even alcoholism. Like most surviving veterans of combat, Ira did not think of himself as a heroic figure. There can be no doubt that Ira suffered from PTSD, which is a compound of survivor&’s guilt, the shock of seeing death, especially of one&’s friends, and the isolation brought on by feeling that no one could understand what he had been through. Ira&’s life has been a subject of two motion pictures and a television drama. All these dramas sympathize with him, but ultimately fail to see his binge drinking as his way of temporarily escaping the melancholy, the rage he felt, his sense of betrayal, and the sheer boredom of peacetime. IRA HAYES breaks apart the complexities of Ira&’s short life in honor of all Native veterans who have been to war in the service of the United States. This is equally their story.

Iran After the Bomb: How Would a Nuclear-Armed Tehran Behave?

by Alireza Nader

This study explores how a nuclear-armed Iran would behave and what this would entail for the United States and its main regional allies. It analyzes the Islamic Republic's ideology, motivations, and national security doctrine; examines a nuclear-armed Iran's potential policies toward Saudi Arabia and the GCC; discusses its potential behavior toward Israel; explores its relations with terrorist groups; and presents key findings.

Iran at War: 1500-1988

by Kaveh Farrokh

Iran's complex, violent military history encompasses two world wars, foreign intervention, anti-government revolts, border disputes, a revolution, a war against Iraq that lasted over eight years, and its desperate quest to become a nuclear power. Following his award-winning book, Shadows in the Desert, which explored the military history of ancient Persia, in Iran at War Kaveh Farrokh turns his attention to modern Iran's wartime history. Beginning with the Safavid dynasty of the 16th and 17th centuries, he traces Iran's political and military progress to its dramatic turning point in 1979. In doing so, Farrokh demonstrates how Iran's current bellicosity on the world stage was shaped by centuries of military defeat and humiliating foreign influences from the likes of Russia and Great Britain. Including illustrations and photographs, this book provides an unparalleled investigation into the bloody history of modern Iran.

The Iran-Iraq War

by Pierre Razoux

From 1980 to 1988 Iran and Iraq fought the longest conventional war of the century. It included tragic slaughter of child soldiers, use of chemical weapons, striking of civilian shipping, and destruction of cities. Pierre Razoux offers an unflinching look at a conflict seared into the region's collective memory but little understood in the West.

The Iran Nuclear Deal

by Dennis C. Jett

This book examines attempts to influence the outcome of the negotiations between Iran and the United States over Iran's nuclear capabilities. In particular, it focuses on struggles within the United States around public and congressional opinion with regard to the accord. Trying to prevent a successful outcome to the talks became a cottage industry in Washington, with the casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson being just one of those who were pouring millions of dollars into the effort. On the pro-diplomacy side, there were a wide range of religious, peace, and arms control groups with some financial support coming from the Ploughshares Fund trying to create the space for a negotiated agreement. The tactics of both sides of the debate are described and analyzed to show how a contentious foreign policy issue can become not just a decision for high-level government decision makers, but a wide-ranging fight that involves scores of nongovernmental organizations, the media, and thousands of activists.

Iran-Saudi Arabia Relations and Regional Order (Adelphi series)

by Charles Tripp Shahram Chubin

Both countries will have strong incentives to test the artificial balance established by the US and from which they are excluded. Each state, in the face of continued embargoes, may find the lure of weapons of mass destruction correspondingly increased.

Irandam Ulagappor

by Pa. Raghavan

A summary of events that led to the Second World War, the war that shook the entire world and the devastations it caused to the mankind, the role of Hitler in sustaining the war is well written and presents a fair protrayal in this book.

Iranian F-14 Tomcat Units in Combat

by Chris Davey Tom Cooper

So formidable an opponent did the Iraqi airforce consider the F-14 that during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), they ordered their pilots not to engage F-14s and the presence of one in an area was usually enough to empty it of Iraqi aircraft. Officially losses where tiny; only one F-14 was lost in aerial combat (to a MiG-21), one to a control problem and one downed by a ground-to-air missile. This book looks at the F-14's Iranian combat history and includes first hand accounts from the pilots themselves. It will consider key engagements and the central figures involved, illustrating the realities, successes and failures of the Iranian air campaign.

Iranian F-4 Phantom II Units in Combat

by Jim Laurier Farzad Bishop

Different versions of the jet have provided the backbone of the frontline strength of the Iranian air force since the 1970s, and whole generations of Iranian pilots and ground personnel have been trained to fly and maintain them. Indeed, the type bore the brunt of active combat operations during the long war with Iraq. Iranian F-4 Phantom IIs were also some of best equipped examples ever exported by the USA. Some Iranian Phantom II pilots gathered immense experience on the type, flying it in combat for more than ten years. This book removes the veil of secrecy surrounding Iranian Phantom II operations since the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988).

The Iranian Hostage Rescue Attempt: A Case Study

by Major Peter D. Buck USMC

Operation Eagle Claw was tactically feasible, operationally vacant, and strategically risky.This paper examines the failed hostage rescue mission conducted by the U.S. in Iran during April of 1980. The following text will recreate the rescue mission in its historical context while identifying factors across the three levels of war which contributed to its outcome. The three levels of war referred to in this discussion are the tactical, operational and strategic levels.This study concludes that (1) The fall of the Shah unearthed a gap in U.S. military influence in the Middle East which could not rapidly be overcome; (2) the hostage rescue mission, although tied directly to the strategic objective of returning the 53 American hostages, provided little influence in terms of salvaging U.S. honor and interests in the Middle East. In reality, it is probable that mission failure protracted eventual diplomatic resolution of the crisis; (3) the hostage rescue mission, a limited objective and high risk raid, should only have been executed in the event that hostages lives were directly threatened; and (4) since 1961, sixty-six separate hostage, kidnapping, or hijacking incidents have occurred involving U.S. diplomats, servicemen, and private citizens. The frequency of these actions equate to 1.6 per year over the past 41 years. This data demonstrates the relevancy of the subject and the frequency of its occurrence.

The Iranian Nuclear Crisis: Avoiding worst-case outcomes (Adelphi series #Vol. 398)

by Mark Fitzpatrick

This paper explains how Iran developed its nuclear programme to the point where it threatens to achieve a weapons capability within a short time frame, and analyses Western policy responses aimed at forestalling that capability. Key questions are addressed: will the world have to accept an Iranian uranium-enrichment programme, and does having a weapons capability mean having the Bomb? For nearly two decades, Western strategy on the Iran nuclear issue emphasised denial of supply. Since 2002, there has also been a demand-side dimension to the strategy, aimed at changing Iran’s cost–benefit calculations through inducements and pressure. But the failure of these policies to prevent Iran from coming close to achieving a nuclear-weapons capability has promoted suggestions for fallback strategies that would grant legitimacy to uranium enrichment in Iran in exchange for intrusive inspections and constraints on the programme. The paper assesses these ‘second-best’ options in terms of their feasibility and their impact on the proliferation risks of diversion of nuclear material and knowledge, clandestine development and NPT break-out, and the risk of stimulating a proliferation cascade in the Middle East and beyond. It concludes that the risks are still best minimised by reinforcing the binary choice presented to Iran of cooperation or isolation, and strengthening denial of supply.

The Iranian Revolution and Modernization: Way Stations to Anarchy

by Jack C. Miklos

To many observers in the West, events in Iran leading up to the revolution in 1979 took a mystifying and seemingly irrational course. In this National Security Essay, Jack Miklos, a foreign service officer who served in several key assignments in Iran, discusses the Iranian Revolution. He looks at theories of social modernization as applied to the history and culture of Iran, and then focuses in depth on the effects of land reform and the pervasive influence of what he identifies as the Iranian national character. His purpose is to examine social science theorizing with a case study of US-aided modernization which exploded in a traditional counter-reformation. Based on firsthand observations as well as theory, the author offers insights into how modernization may have contributed to the Iranian Revolution. These insights can broaden our understanding of nations culturally much different from our own and perhaps help us appreciate the complexity of national behavior and some of its determinants.

Iran's Influence in Afghanistan: Implications for the U.S. Drawdown

by Alireza Nader Ali G. Scotten Ahmad Idrees Rahmani Robert Stewart Leila Mahnad

This study explores Iranian influence in Afghanistan and the implications for the United States after most U. S. forces depart Afghanistan in 2016. Iran has substantial economic, political, cultural, and religious leverage in Afghanistan. Although Iran will attempt to shape a post-2014 Afghanistan, Iran and the United States share core interests: to prevent the country from again becoming dominated by the Taliban and a safe haven for al Qaeda.

Iran's Nuclear Future: Critical U.S. Policy Choices

by Jeffrey Martini Dalia Dassa Kaye Alireza Nader James T. Quinlivan Lynn E. Davis

As Iran's nuclear program evolves, U.S. decisionmakers will confront a series of critical policy choices involving complex considerations and policy trade-offs. These policy choices could involve dissuading Iran from developing nuclear weapons; deterring Iran from using its nuclear weapons, if it were to acquire them; and reassuring U.S. regional partners. The U.S. Air Force will need to prepare to carry out whatever policies are chosen.

Iran's Nuclear Option: Tehran's Quest for the Atom Bomb

by Al J. Venter

“The most systematic exposition to date about Iran’s nuclear program and its role in world affairs” (Middle East Quarterly).Since the Islamic Republic of Iran admitted that it was secretly producing highly enriched, weapons-grade uranium, nations have struggled to react appropriately. For the first time, and in full detail, this book explains exactly what the Europeans and United Nations have been trying to forestall.Iran could shortly have the ability to strike its immediate Middle Eastern neighbors—and more distant nations—with nuclear weapons. With the size to dominate its region, Iran also has an avowed mission to export its theocratic principles, and in recent decades, has been a notorious supporter of terrorist organizations. Its parallel development of atomic bombs represents the greatest threat to the balance of world power we’ve seen in the new millennium.Here, defense expert Al Venter reveals the extent to which Iran’s weapons program has developed and the clandestine manner in which its nuclear technology has been acquired. He demonstrates how Tehran has violated the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and details the involvement of several countries shown by the IAEA to have trafficked in illegal nuclear materials. He proves, for the first time, a direct link between the now-defunct South African apartheid regime’s nuclear program and Tehran’s current nuclear ambitions.Venter digs deep into subjects such as Iran’s fervor on behalf of Shiite Islam, its missile program—developed alongside its nuclear one—and the role of the Pasdaran, the Revolutionary Guards, whose tentacles have spread throughout the Middle East and increasingly farther afield. While noting Tehran’s support of terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, Venter follows closely how the Persian homeland itself has progressed toward a strategic nuclear capability that would make recent terrorist attacks look obsolete. Iran’s Nuclear Option is essential reading for anyone with an interest in global security, the perilous volatility of the Middle East, and America’s options, should it be willing and able to counter the threat while time remains.

Iran’s Nuclear Program and the Global South: The Foreign Policy Of India, Brazil, And South Africa

by Michal Onderco

This book studies the reactions of India, Brazil, and South Africa the three main non-proliferation actors of the Global South to Iran's nuclear program. Their responses are explained and situated in wider foreign policy context.

Iran's Political, Demographic, and Economic Vulnerabilities

by Rollie Lal Keith Crane

Iran is one of the United States' most important foreign policy concerns. It has also been an extraordinarily difficult country with which to engage. Ironically, while the leadership has been hostile to the United States, Iranian society has evolved in ways friendly to the United States and U.S. interests. This monograph assesses current political, ethnic, demographic, and economic trends and vulnerabilities in Iran. For example, the numbers of young people entering the Iranian labor force are at an all-time high. The authors then provide recommendations for U.S. policies that might foster trends beneficial to U.S. interests. For example, greater use of markets and a more-vibrant private sector would contribute to the development of sources of political power independent from the current regime. The authors finally note a need for patience. Even if favorable trends take root, it will take time for them to come to fruition.

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