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An Eloquent Soldier: The Peninsular War Journals of Lieutenant Charles Crowe of the Inniskillings, 1812-14

by Gareth Glover

Lieutenant Charles Crowe's journal of the 27th Foot (Inniskillings) of the final campaign of Wellington's army is a rare work for many reasons. It is, perhaps surprisingly, the first memoir about this campaign from this famous regiment to be published.Crowe wrote a daily journal at the time, which practically guarantees the authenticity and accuracy of his account. But what makes it special is that Crowe was extremely well read and was an accomplished writer, so that when he wrote up his journal in 18423, he was able to embellish his basic journal, describing his thoughts, actions and words in beautiful detail. He thus turned his record of his short army career into a masterpiece of journalism. Clearly written purely for the enjoyment of his family, Crowe does not pull his punches: he censures officers both junior and senior; he talks openly of the ravages of war, and the pillaging, raping and looting; the horrors of war, describing the deaths and horrific wounds of many in lurid detail, the cowardice and stupidity; and he also describes the mundane in detail nothing is passed over.Crowe is an invaluable source to military historians on many levels, and his journal will stand proudly deservedly in the pantheon of great military memoirs.

Elric: The Fortress of the Pearl

by Michael Moorcock

Feared by enemies and friends alike, Elric of Melnibone walks a lonely path among the worlds of the multiverse. The destroyer of his own cruel and ancient race, as well as its final ruler, Elric is the bearer of a destiny as dark and cursed as the vampiric sword he carries - the sentient black blade known as Stormbringer.With an introduction and a short story by Neil Gaiman, and containing complete novels as well as associated short stories, this collection presents Moorcock's greatest creation in a revised and approved order.

Elric of Melniboné and Other Stories

by Michael Moorcock

Gollancz is very proud to present the author's definitive editions of the saga of Elric, the last emperor of Melniboné. Michael Moorcock and his long-time friend and bibliographer John Davey have collaborated to produce the most consistent and coherent narrative from the disparate novels, novellas, short stories and non-fiction about Elric. From his early life in Melniboné all the way through to his final days, these seven volumes will be the definitive telling of the albino prince's story. Elric is one of the great creations of modern fantasy, and has inspired legions of imitators. If you know his story already, then this definitive edition will finally let you read the entire saga in the author's preferred order. If you've never experienced the chronicles of the albino with the soul-sucking sword, then this is the perfect place to start.

Elric: The Revenge of the Rose

by Michael Moorcock

Feared by enemies and friends alike, Elric of Melnibone walks a lonely path among the worlds of the multiverse. The destroyer of his own cruel and ancient race, as well as its final ruler, Elric is the bearer of a destiny as dark and cursed as the vampiric sword he carries - the sentient black blade known as Stormbringer.The soul of Elric's father is tortured and suffering. To free it, Elric must face the princes of hell, and put all of his trust in one woman - the Rose.With an introduction by Holly Black, and containing THE REVENGE OF THE ROSE as well as associated short stories, this collection presents Moorcock's greatest creation in a revised and approved order.

Elric: The Sailor on the Seas of Fate

by Michael Moorcock

Gollancz is very proud to present the author's definitive editions of the saga of Elric, the last emperor of Melniboné. Michael Moorcock and his long-time friend and bibliographer John Davey have collaborated to produce the most consistent and coherent narrative from the disparate novels, novellas, short stories and non-fiction about Elric. From his early life in Melniboné all the way through to his final days, these seven volumes will be the definitive telling of the albino prince's story. Elric is one of the great creations of modern fantasy, and has inspired legions of imitators. If you know his story already, then this definitive edition will finally let you read the entire saga in the author's preferred order. If you've never experienced the chronicles of the albino with the soul-sucking sword, then this is the perfect place to start.Containing stories, novellas, supplementary material and commentary, these editions of Elric are the finest yet.

Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress

by Michael Moorcock

Gollancz is very proud to present the author's definitive editions of the saga of Elric, the last emperor of Melniboné. Michael Moorcock and his long-time friend and bibliographer John Davey have collaborated to produce the most consistent and coherent narrative from the disparate novels, novellas, short stories and non-fiction about Elric. From his early life in Melniboné all the way through to his final days, these seven volumes will be the definitive telling of the albino prince's story. Elric is one of the great creations of modern fantasy, and has inspired legions of imitators. If you know his story already, then this definitive edition will finally let you read the entire saga in the author's preferred order. If you've never experienced the chronicles of the albino with the soul-sucking sword, then this is the perfect place to start.Containing stories, novellas, supplementary material and commentary, these editions of ELRIC are the finest yet.

Elric: Stormbringer!

by Michael Moorcock

Feared by enemies and friends alike, Elric of Melnibone walks a lonely path among the worlds of the multiverse. The destroyer of his own cruel and ancient race, as well as its final ruler, Elric is the bearer of a destiny as dark and cursed as the vampiric sword he carries - the sentient black blade known as Stormbringer.Containing the novel which perhaps did the most to propel Elric to the forefront of the fantasy genre, along with associated short stories and other material, this volume is a vital part of any fantasy reader's library. With an introduction by Tad Williams, this collection presents Moorcock's greatest creation in a revised and approved order.

Els passatgers de l'Anna C.

by Laura Alcoba

Els passatgers de l'Anna C. relata l'increïble viatge realitzat per un grapat de joves revolucionaris argentins a mitjans dels anys seixanta, amb la finalitat d’unir-se al Che Guevara. Estan preparats per donar la seva vida per la Revolució. L’any 1968 el vaixell Anna C. Portava en Manel i la Soledad de tornada a l’Argentina, després de dos anys d’entrenament guerriller a Cuba. Amb ells, hi havia la seva filla acabada de néixer. Llavors duia un altre nom, però és la mateixa Laura Alcoba, l’autora i narradora d’aquesta novel·la, que, passats els anys, ressegueix el periple dels seus pares i altres companys argentins, els quals, enduts per l’ideal revolucionari, van viatjar a Cuba per unir-se al Che i la revolució. Sota l’aspecte d’una investigació que duu a terme l’autora, preguntant als seus pares i als supervivents, i recreant brillantment l’experiència guerrillera dels protagonistes i l’ambient intel·lectual revolucionari, Els passatgers de l’Anna C. és una novel·la escrita amb tant de reconeixement com de distanciat i amable escepticisme, una novel·la feta de petits moments reveladors i escenes on conviuen les il·lusions invencibles de la joventut amb el trencament -pot ser inevitable- que experimenten els somnis en contacte amb la realitat.

Elsie and Mairi Go to War: Two Extraordinary Women on the Western Front

by Diane Atkinson

The incredible story of two courageous and spirited women who were the only female participants to serve on the western front during World War I. When they met at a motorcycle club in 1912, Elsie Knocker was a thirty year-old motorcycling divorcee dressed in bottle-green Dunhill leathers, and Mairi Chisholm was a brilliant eighteen-year old mechanic, living at home borrowing tools from her brother. Little did they know, theirs was to become one of the most extraordinary stories of World War I. In 1914, they roared off to London 'to do their bit,' and within a month they were in the thick of things in Belgium driving ambulances to distant military hospitals. Frustrated by the number of men dying of shock in the back of their vehicles, they set up their own first-aid post on the front line in the village of Pervyse, near Ypres, risking their lives working under sniper fire and heavy bombardment for months at a time. As news of their courage and expertise spread, the 'Angels of Pervyse' became celebrities, visited by journalists and photographers as well as royals and VIPs. Glamorous and influential, they were having the time of their lives, and for four years Elsie and Mairi and stayed in Pervyse until they were nearly killed by arsenic gas in the spring of 1918. But returning home and adjusting to peacetime life--and the role of women in British society--was to prove more challenging than even the war itself.

Elsie's Troubled Times (Book Six of the Elsie Dinsmore: A Life of Faith Series)

by Martha Finley Mission City Press

"But the newspapers say it cannot last long, Papa, three months at most," Elsie interjected. "The newspapers are wrong," Horace replied forcefully. "This is American against American, and neither side will be easily defeated," Edward said. Sadly, Horace added, "We must prepare ourselves to wait out a long and bitter conflict. When we next see our homeland, all will be changed forever." Elsie's life seems nearly perfect when she returns home from her honeymoon. But not even the true love of husband and family can shelter her from the great upheaval that lies ahead. They are soon caught up in the bitter struggles between North and South. When the nation is torn apart, how will Elsie and her loved ones deal with its tragedies? Who will survive? "Elsie's Troubled Times", the sixth book of the "Elsie Dinsmore: A Life of Faith" series, takes its heroine into one of the darkest periods of American history, the Civil War. As the war pits brother against brother on the battlefields, Elsie's ideals, loyalties, and even her Christian faith are threatened. "Elsie's Troubled Times", adapted from the 19th century novels written by Martha Finley, is a life-and-death story sure to grip the heart of every reader.

Elusive Alliance: The German Occupation of Poland in World War I

by Jesse Kauffman

Jesse Kauffman explains why Germany's ambitious attempt at nation-building in Poland during WWI failed. The educational and political institutions Germany built for its satellite state could not alleviate Poland's hostility to the plundering of its resources to fuel Germany's war effort.

The Elusive Enemy

by Douglas Ford

In this exploration of U.S. naval operations and intelligence-gathering efforts, Douglas Ford introduces a new perspective on the clash between the United States and Japan in the Pacific. At the outset of the war, the U.S. Navy could not accurately determine the fighting efficiency of Japan's Imperial Navy and land-based fighting forces. As the capabilities designed to improve intelligence gathering evolved, technology, ingenuity, and sheer luck often combined to produce useful, but incomplete, information. Only through combat over an extended period of time, Ford demonstrates, did the U.S. Navy actually identify the capabilities of its adversary. The intense combat produced a trove of information obtained from prisoners, captured weapons, and documents, and firsthand accounts of American naval personnel often provided some the most actionable intelligence of the war.In recent years, a large number of documents related to intelligence activities during World War II has been declassified and made available in U.S. and British archives. As a result, a steady flow of work on the subject has emerged. However, much of the work on intelligence has focused on signals decrypts and clandestine operations. The subject of qualitative intelligence about the performance and fighting capabilities of the Imperial Japanese Navy has remained largely unexplored. The Elusive Enemy fills that void. As a historical case study, it demonstrates how intelligence plays a critical role in influencing the conduct of warfare and the manner in which threat perceptions influence international relations. It also serves as an explanation of cultural factors and their subsequent influence on U.S. and Japanese military practices. Finally, it is an innovative explanation of American perceptions regarding the Japanese during a critical period of history. Such a comprehensive examination of the impact of intelligence on the conduct of various campaigns is without parallel.

Elusive Liberty: The Woman Who Inspired the Statue

by Glen Davies

The woman immortalized as the Statue of Liberty comes to life in this “refreshingly different and well researched” novel of nineteenth century France (Beryl Bainbridge, author of The Dressmaker). France, 1867. The elite of the world have come to Paris for the Great Exhibition, where they can enjoy the sophistication of the French Empire of Napoleon III. At the Imperial court, young Jeanne-Emilie de Lamont meets the man who will change her life: Frederic Bartholdi, the Republican sculptor who finds in her the inspiration for his greatest creation. When France and Prussia go to war, Emilie’s world is thrown into turmoil. As Bismarck’s army surrounds Paris, she sees a side of the city—and of herself—she never before imagined. While Paris reels under the twin blows of war and revolution, Frederic’s hopes for his Statue of Liberty are under threat. It will take a new continent, and an old dream, to save it. But can he save the girl who was Liberty? A sweeping historical epic, Elusive Liberty takes the reader from the splendor of the Great Paris Exhibition to the Pyramids of Egypt, from the Franco-Prussian War to Philadelphia’s Centennial Exhibition in 1876. “An exciting talent.” —Beryl Bainbridge, author of Master Georgie

Elusive Pirates, Pervasive Smugglers

by Robert J. Antony

Piracy and smuggling remain as great a problem today as they were several hundreds of years ago, and just as vital to understanding maritime security, global trade and national sovereignty issues. As in the past, the greatest number of pirates and highest

Elusive Salvation (Star Trek: The Original Series)

by Dayton Ward

An all-new Star Trek adventure across time—the latest of the acclaimed Original Series novels!The Arctic Circle, 1845: Escaping the tyranny under which their people have lived for generations, aliens from a distant planet crash land on Earth’s inhospitable frozen wastes. Surviving the harsh conditions will pose a challenge, but over time the aliens will migrate to more populated areas, with decades passing as they work to conceal their presence from their former oppressors, who continue to hunt them at any cost. San Francisco, 2283: When a mysterious craft is detected entering the solar system, Admiral James Kirk is dispatched by Starfleet to confront the vessel. He meets with an emissary from the Iramahl, a previously unknown alien race who have come in search of their brothers and sisters thought to have gone missing in this area of space centuries earlier. Having recently thrown off the last chains of subjugation by another species, the Ptaen, they now believe their lost people hold the key to saving their entire race from eventual extinction. New York, 1970: Roberta Lincoln, young protégé of the mysterious agent Gary Seven, is shocked when she receives the oddest request for help—from the future… ™, ®, & © 2016 CBS Studios, Inc. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Elvis’s Army

by Brian Mcallister Linn

When the Army drafted Elvis in 1958, it set about transforming the King of Rock and Roll from a rebellious teen idol into a clean-cut GI trained for nuclear warfare. Brian Linn traces the origins, evolution, and ultimate failure of the army's attempt to reinvent itself for the Atomic Age, and reveals the experiences of its forgotten soldiers.


by Kim Thúy

LONGLISTED FOR THE 2021 SCOTIABANK GILLER PRIZE Kim Thúy's Em is a virtuosic novel of profound power and sen­sitivity, and an enduring affirmation of the greatest act of resistance: love.In the midst of war, an ordinary miracle: an abandoned baby tenderly cared for by a young boy living on the streets of Saigon. The boy is Louis, the child of a long-gone American soldier. Louis calls the baby em Hồng, em meaning "little sister," or "beloved." Even though her cradle is nothing more than a cardboard box, em Hồng's life holds every possibility. Through the linked destinies of a family of characters, the novel takes its inspiration from historical events, including Operation Babylift, which evacuated thousands of biracial orphans from Saigon in April 1975, and the remarkable growth of the nail salon industry, dominated by Vietnamese expatriates all over the world. From the rubber plantations of Indochina to the massacre at My Lai, Kim Thúy sifts through the layers of pain and trauma in stories we thought we knew, revealing transcendent moments of grace, and the invincibility of the human spirit.

The Embarkation

by Murray Gitlin

What makes a Jew a Jew? This question is often heard among young American Jews who have not been brought up to understand the spiritual values which the Jews gave to the world. “The Embarkation,” Murray Gitlin’s emotional novel, first published in 1950, gives to a certain extent a psychological answer to this question.The central figure in the novel, Martin Tester, is an American soldier who is forced to become a deserter due to the anti-Semitism of his commander. He wanders around for two years in Italy, knowing that a court martial awaits him if he ever returns to the United States. An American who works for British Intelligence in Italy discovers him and guarantees that everything will be forgiven and forgotten, provided he spies on ships carrying “illegal” Jewish immigrants from Italy to Palestine. Having no choice, he accepts the offer. However, coming face to face with the first transport of Jewish refugees, he decides to help rather than denounce them to the British agents. He is helped in this by an Italian girl who falls in love with him and by other Italians of good will, who ask no questions…“The book is very well-written and makes absorbing reading.”—The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle

The Embassy House: The Explosive Eyewitness Account of the Libyan Embassy Siege by the Soldier Who Was There

by Morgan Jones

An explosive eyewitness account of the 2012 attack on the American Embassy in Benghazi--told by the army veteran who risked his life to help American citizens and who found and identified the body of Ambassador Christopher Stevens. After the tragic siege on the US Embassy mission in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, Americans were left angry and confused, wondering: How could this have happened? So many questions were left unanswered by the Obama administration about that night in Benghazi...until now. Sergeant Morgan Jones, writing under a pseudonym for security purposes, is a twelve-year veteran of the British army who was the Project Manager for the security of the US Embassy in Benghazi. In The Embassy House, he delivers a riveting first-hand narrative of how the first American ambassador to die in a hostile act for over thirty years was killed and of the men who fought and died in an effort to save him. Reminiscent of the harrowing stories in military accounts like No Easy Day and American Sniper, The Embassy House is the gripping tale of a bloody, dark and desperate night. *Sergeant Jones's name and the names of others mentioned in The Embassy House have been changed for their security.

Embattled Capital: A Guide to Richmond During the Civil War (Emerging Civil War Series)

by Robert M. Dunkerly Doug Crenshaw

A guide to the former Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia, with “a good deal of historical information, much of it neglected in histories of the war” (The NYMAS Review).“On To Richmond!” cried editors for the New York Tribune in the spring of 1861. Thereafter, that call became the rallying cry for the North’s eastern armies as they marched, maneuvered, and fought their way toward the capital of the Confederacy.Just 100 miles from Washington, DC, Richmond served as a symbol of the rebellion itself. It was home to the Confederate Congress, cabinet, president, and military leadership. And it housed not only the Confederate government but also some of the Confederacy’s most important industry and infrastructure. The city was filled with prisons, hospitals, factories, training camps, and government offices.Through four years of war, armies battled at its doorsteps—and even penetrated its defenses. Civilians felt the impact of war in many ways: food shortages, rising inflation, a bread riot, industrial accidents, and eventually, military occupation. To this day, the war’s legacy remains deeply written into the city and its history.This book tells the story of the Confederate capital before, during, and after the Civil War, and serves as a guidebook including a comprehensive list of places to visit: the battlefields around the city, museums, historic sites, monuments, cemeteries, historical preservation groups, and more.

Embattled Courage: The Experience of Combat in the American Civil War

by Gerald F. Linderman

Linderman traces each soldier's path from the exhilaration of enlistment to the disillusionment of battle to postwar alienation. He provides a rare glimpse of the personal battle that raged within soldiers then and now.

Embattled Ecumenism: The National Council of Churches, the Vietnam War, and the Trials of the Protestant Left

by Jill K. Gill

The Vietnam War and its polarizing era challenged, splintered, and changed The National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U. S. A. (NCC), which was motivated by its ecumenical Christian vision to oppose that war and unify people. The NCC's efforts on the war exposed its strengths and imploded its weaknesses in ways instructive for religious institutions that bring their faith into politics. Embattled Ecumenism explores the ecumenical vision, anti-Vietnam War efforts, and legacy of the NCC. Gill's monumental study serves as a window into the mainline Protestant manner of engaging political issues at a unique time of national crisis and religious transformation. In vibrant prose, Gill illuminates an ecumenical institution, vision, and movement that has been largely misrepresented by the religious right, dismissed by the secular left, misunderstood by laity, and ignored by scholars outside of ecumenical circles. At a time when the majority of scholarly work is committed to looking at the religious right, Gill's groundbreaking study of the Protestant Left is a welcome addition. Embattled Ecumenism will appeal to scholars of U. S. religion, politics, and culture, as well as historians of evangelicalism and general readers interested in U. S. history and religion.

The Embattled General: Sir Richard Turner and the First World War

by William F. Stewart

Lieutenant-General Sir Richard Turner (1871-1961) was a capable but controversial Canadian general who played a critical role in the development of the Canadian Corps up to 1917 and contributed significantly to its success thereafter. Despite his many accomplishments (including being awarded the Victoria Cross), Turner is often portrayed as a political appointee and repeated failure - representations that ignore, minimize, or misconstrue his successes as a combat commander and head of Canadian forces in England. In The Embattled General, William Stewart reveals Turner's tactical, operational, and administrative contributions to the Canadian war effort. Uniquely, Turner held senior commands in both combat arms and administration. Stewart narrates and analyzes Turner's successes and failures in the Boer War and the First World War's battles of Ypres, Festubert, St Eloi, and the Somme. He also studies Turner's career after his transfer to command Canadian forces in England in December 1916, where Turner reformed an administration in chaos. After the war, Turner post-war played a key role in the formation of the Royal Canadian Legion. Based on exhaustive research from over 1,200 volumes of material, including many previously untouched sources, The Embattled General provides a balanced and just re-evaluation of Turner, identifying his merits as well as his flaws.

The Embattled General: Sir Richard Turner and the First World War

by William F. Stewart

Lieutenant-General Sir Richard Turner (1871-1961) was a capable but controversial Canadian general who played a critical role in the development of the Canadian Corps up to 1917 and contributed significantly to its success thereafter. Despite his many accomplishments (including being awarded the Victoria Cross), Turner is often portrayed as a political appointee and repeated failure - representations that ignore, minimize, or misconstrue his successes as a combat commander and head of Canadian forces in England. In The Embattled General, William Stewart reveals Turner's tactical, operational, and administrative contributions to the Canadian war effort. Uniquely, Turner held senior commands in both combat arms and administration. Stewart narrates and analyzes Turner's successes and failures in the Boer War and the First World War's battles of Ypres, Festubert, St Eloi, and the Somme. He also studies Turner's career after his transfer to command Canadian forces in England in December 1916, where Turner reformed an administration in chaos. After the war, Turner post-war played a key role in the formation of the Royal Canadian Legion. Based on exhaustive research from over 1,200 volumes of material, including many previously untouched sources, The Embattled General provides a balanced and just re-evaluation of Turner, identifying his merits as well as his flaws.

The Embattled Past: Reflections on Military History

by Edward M. Coffman

Internationally recognized for having reinvigorated and redefined his field, distinguished military historian Edward M. Coffman is a dedicated and much-admired teacher and mentor. In The Embattled Past, several of his most important essays have been assem

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